Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 29, 1883, Image 6

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    v.i?, of Ulioil
ii iui.iaie.l by tho In-
IV of tint Stala for
ivt-Mi.n- Stir.igue, at one
'l tlio aristocratic wealth
frfuo family, had some 11a-
f.t.itiim; but far as his
'I any tn.ii.'.i t laaiiliood,
Mi-Vi-l ii.cii inf.iriiwil
.ii.i of tlie 1-oautiful ami
'rll O i:nr, -S.l'mon Cliaae'a
."i.iMei. - w J : i 1 o a member
''.ted SStatej Senate from
ft-'. ....I .1.- :.. i . .
Mt , im m.ii rmo. ner no
f icially ! .hank heavily
'v'liI .vitli liU vile -ho made
L(ir I j ubiii: atitl notorious as
'My ciiij he li.u never boen
ktril, so l',u ;is e know, oven
lhes: li, from the charge of
on.i abuse towj.rd his wife
Inily he has recently married
Iki 1 vr ssjjm-.isy tho hull-iien-
Ii ty of Kho-de IjIukI, has taken
liirai t of vindicating him, by
him chief executive of Little
We think any party ought to
Full' and wonderfully inde-
tuat will take up a man like
ivernor Sprang, of lihode Island
standard bearer. lias no means d i li
lts render:", as yet, vli:it will be
der of .ilViirs in the surveyor
llico, wlieu. (Jen. Stc(.liciiM)n
next ni :i . 1 having been
ft en by nuinSors if our i;,-
ure interested iu I: no wing
gentlemen who now adniut
liii c :n clerks, druiilitMii'ii,
o bou in . d or not, we ran t ly
1 UHsured that the otfiVe will
Itered on the strict basis and
liforiuitv witli the principles
ice reform, aud if umler that
Inch under the new order of
.n w nothing these very -l
liemancanbe rct-iiue.l. Tito
litli the well di-iposed . 1 1 i 1 1
unity will le higlily i-
I Watek is to have a creain-
Iforinaut says it will coataiu
lUlost approved machinery
i for handling and taking
Ik and cream, aud will be
. - i i. .
I l l UH .1UI U glOU III.Olv.UI.
milk within a radius of
,'les of the town of Weep-
.Ue almost every other id-
boosted thnt live town
find Hon. E. L. Reed
fildcr to the wheel, r.f a
this concern. A few
in a place who can elevate
ve the per cent, nu butter
pay froine. iit-
kth of their
1 price.
Vfnce a
w;ia counted in, and nnuL
Washington to represent the people.
by exactly tho same men, who now
count him out and count in his riva',
Gen. Manning.
liallot boxes in this Mississ;ppi dis
trict have been blown up, burned up
and ravished, in every conceivable w ay,
to enthrone democracy in power; but
let it bo shown that the republican
national committee have in rated a
little wealth down there to enable a
man of nerve, lik Gen. Chulmeis. to
hire a band and make a can vass among
the colored population, and at once
the hightoned sensibilities of the de
mocracy are allocked and outraged.
The IIkualu pares nothing for states
men ofth calibre of Clialtne rs. it is
the welfare of ttie Mannings we are
concerned about.
Tjik interview we published Mon
day from the Pes Moines Uegitster,
in which Mr. (i. F. Wooltdou, the
manager of the Diagonal road, states
clearly tli inteutioiis of tho par
ties building the same, i. e., to build
nouth-webt from Dca Moines through
this section of country; oue other fact
is alo established by this interview,
aud that is, that as yet, no definite
route has been agreed upon from Dcs
Moiues south-west, but that its final
location will depend altogether u)f:i
the encouragement tli" vo id r-ccies
from the people mid roinuiunilies
through which its line will puss.
Couueii Ihull's, as' will bo remi':i.
bcred by our readers by i ai'ing Ihe
proceediiiirs of a public meeting !
her prominent business men, pub-li.-h
d in the Hehai.D -a couple of
days ago. a!read taken steps to
bring ihe Diagonal In l!i-.;t ciij; a id
il is high liui. our people wn:ill
home expression ot 'public opinion and
resort to some concert of action in
regard to ihe matter. 'I 'm; Hkuai.u
has endeavored to do its duty, by cal-
line the attention of ihe public to the i
Diagonal in time for our people
secure its presence here among u. i!
they so will it; there is no reason why
the towns ou the line of thU propose I
road south-west from Plattsinouth,
should not wake up aud lake hold of
this enterprise; couc rt ot ucnou.
gentlemen, is what boosts along great
enterprises lil'e Ibis oue.
I'rank Leslie's l'opular Al.iaihljr.
The April uum'oer is already out tiled
with delightful reading aud elegant em
bellishments. The chronio presented
with it, "A Basket of Flowers," is a
ge:n. "The Aiehitecturul Progress of
Xow York City," the cpening article.has
twelve illustrations of pioi-.iiucut new
public aud private buildings. "The De
scent of the lintl -li Crowu,'' bv A. II.
Gueiiisey; -Edinburgh,'' by Xoel Ruth
ven. "Leon Ganihetta," ''Aucieat La bor
eis and Princes of Grand C'hiuiu and
New Granada," etc., etc., are exceedingly
interesting and profusely illustrated.
The serial, "The licautitul Couutes of
Clairville," is continued, ami there are
uduiitable short stories, sketches, adveu-
lutes, etc., by popular writers. Geo.
idith. Geo. WeaUicrly, etc.. contiili-
soine exccl.eut poeuis, a:ul lue mis-
articles, paragraphs, etc.,
with eutertaiument and iit'oi uia-
ire US pages quarto, and
lellisbuicnts iu each number
inagizine; the price of a
cents only, f3. a year,
ss. Mrs. Fra k Leslie,
1 57 Turk Place. New
ate iuttiview.
vthe Llmdon
ii ...
V lrfl2Ul S
pOf e
This is r
joke to see the democratic party
tackle this question in congress, where
its record cannot be disputed alter it
is made. It docs very well to play
free trade lor a decoy during a popu
lar campaign, where the degree of the
doctrine advocated cau be adjusted to
suit the climate aud condition of tho
natives; but when it couios down to
tho t-riuarc test of attempting to make
a national issue against the protec
tion of American industries from
abroad, we imagine we can see the
little row that jvill be kicked up iu
the democratic Sanhedrim, w hen the
free trade wing -f that party attempt
to place such a plank iujtheir uutioa
al plot lorm for 1884.
Mr. l'-audall, and democrats of his
stump, who have attempted to learu
something by studying the causes of
the people's distrust for the demo
cratic party, see very plainly that
the further agitation of this taritl
q lies! ion at the present time, will be
both impolitic aud unwise; that the
commercial iutercsts of the country
require and will demand ret and
quiet. A revision of the tanfi has
itist been had. -ver the effects of
which, t here is
o pinion, i hut ii
mici a diver.-iiv. of
i.s practical working
e cs!ed. lie Sort! tie: pub
Will have l:
lie lvi;l bo to set it aside,
'i'hebi: gent;e;iieii lepi-cscnt u section
of the Aieric:ii' L'nio:'. who..- ma
terial interest they dare liol disre
gard, titid any political paity wr-:en
requires a saerilh:e of tl.oe intese.-t.s
at tl'.c iia:ll!s ot Its loi to Wei's oouini
to tail.
Mi:.:.i.i: lias pu'.!i-.!i.-o :i ii.-v.h-
mi in Ne'n -r.kl.u f r i-.i-.uiy eis, an! 1ms
do::.- ii!!'! :- iid iniiliV liieim tilings w iif.ii
he hiis ai'lurvtrds inoiiifi.-d and eoireci-
cd.:.:i i while we have no p iticuhr in
l: in liit- li 'hi now w.iiiir uihin the
ranks of his pnriy in Oiiiahn, e think
;!.! f. Ihnvs who :.tti :i)it to put down the
lb i all or binish t'.ie Do.-tor from the
councils of the. democrat!-! party in this
state, haie an ;dl suinuiel'.s job on their
hand .
Eschewing polities, everybody who
has lived in Nebraska long enough to
become dry behind the enra and who
tun ami has read the newspapers of I he
state, must admit that tho Omaha licr ild
has been a champion f Ixrbraska inter
ests, atl.l one ot tin: foremost agencies
this side the big Mu ldy, in giving our
yourg commonwealth .1 healthy respect
able reputation al-ioad. We should re
gret to see any calamity happen !o either
the veteran editor of the Omaha Ileraid
or to that great journal itself. Thai's
the kin.! of a lvp-.-blican we me.
We notice Omaha is being oVei.Ma
with thieves and b'tr ;' irs in such an ex
tent th'it her citizens are beginning to
t.tik about rg inizin a vigilance com
mittee. If her lsw aud order citizens
will do their duty aud come to the frout
in municipal affairs and see that the
rii'hfc kiiid of'a citv trovernnieat is
elected at the coining election ,nti-.- which
will have roganl euough for their own
rcpu'a'ious, and respect enough for their
neiglilior's properly, to organize aud
maintain tho right kind of a po.icc f rce
these 8;iud-b.iggers will Very soon disap
pear, otherwise your city government
is as goo ! as you deserve.
Mk. Jno. A. MacMcktbv is home
once more from his few weeks hard
work on the Omaha Republican whose
editorial page he burnished up iu food
style during Mr. Nye's araencc. Wo
regrel to learn of Mrs. MacMurphy's
ill health, aad hope the returning 6priu
mav "acrain restore the roses of health
tcu mil, uro auu iiu
j. t.. t
thejr will there understand the
a jitizen of this government can
be put upon his trial for constructive
treason; they cau there learn how citi
zens of Great Britain were tried, con
victed and murdered without a parti
cle of legal evidence being adduced
against them.
The trial and conviction of Sir Wal
ter Raleigh 1003-i notably a case in
point where the vituperative elo
quence, 'the rancorous abuse," of at
toruey general C ke destroyed that
good and useful man.
The guilt or innocence of these men
on trial can have nothing to do with
this branch of the case; they should
be fairly tried aud the greater the
offense, or the more distinguished the
individual is. the more careful the
government and her tribunals cf jus
tice should be to see that the constitu
tional liberties of" the a i re
neither weakened n r iuipcrt'. d.
t;ik ukFvJK'i .s; ;itib
l.'H'atiou f the ..New DuiMitis I he
31 nil aye in s'li!- U Iscclly nci;as
Hon.'E. 1'. Uoggei!, etc:ci.::rv 'f
.Stale, icturnctl i':!iiay (Voiii Kearney
wheie the lo:uil ot plibiic iaiKioallil
buildings v.ciii u t. the reform
school anil s.-iect a Mte ior ihe in-
huildinir. The other memoersot the
board, Attorney tlei era I Powers,
Treasurer Sturde vaut and "lr. Iven
dall, president of the board, went
from Kearney to their homes at Da
kola City, Geneva, ami M. I an I re
The site selected tor ttie new
building is within 150 feet of that of
the building occupied at present.
The present building will be convert
ed into work shops, for the training
of the inmates of the school. .
Mr. lioggea says that there aie
not nearly sullicient accommodations
at present to satisfy the demands for
admission for children. He does not
doubt that if there were sufiieient ac
commodations there would bo 100
inmates within three months. lie
believes that this will become a very
important and useful institution and
will have live hundred iumates with
in the next live years. Ttie board
design putting up a barn at once, an
appropriation having been made lor
that purpose, and this can be util
ized lor a time for sleeping apart
ments. The hoard will advertise on
the Orst of June for plan3, and on
the first of July for bids under the
Tho boanl were well pleased with
the matiasreinenl of tho institution.
There aie thirty bovs aud eleven
girls in the school, and the discipline
among the inmates is said to be
wonderful. Thev are trained like
soldiers, and they are conti oiled in
their movements by a simple move
ment of the hand ot the superintend
Th-j .superintendent believes iu
moral suasion, and docs not admin
ister corporal punishment of any
kind. Tbero are. certain privcleges
which' the inmates hav and they for
feit these by an infraction ot these
1 rules.. This is generally all toe pun
ishmeut that is required. A citizen
of Browuuille took his son to the
school some time ago, and be assur
ed Dr. Colling thai no moral suasion
would have any affect upon the boy,
that he would have to whip him. The
doctor said that he would do nothing
of ihe kind, and has been as good as
his wor-dv The boy is obedieut and
trustworthy",' nd is frequently sent
up town with sumsrinoney to make
other a ay that il
ror tne paper, mat ne wouiei -rarc-quite
a library of I ooks before long,
besides getting the paper to read ' to
Rill Case and his lady made a bri-ef
call at our place of business one day
last week. .
Dee Shrader's horse got loose from
him Sunday night some where over
north, be wouldn't tell where, but we
guessel. Il was around early before
sunrise Monday morning looking for
him, and jusi in time to get this item
in this week's Herald.
We heard th remark made some
time ago by a friend, that it would be
an excellent idea for some fellow to
hunt up tind find out who "Big Sis'
is. with a view to matrimony, especi
ally such cold winters as the present
has been. We wouldn't care very
much if the fellow was a nice, gentl
young man, who owned a goo 1 farm,
and a nic bugsv to ridn around in,
and keeps !ii. bair pai ted iri the inid
dl", wi'h his boots and moustache
Hacked up every Sunday, and Ids side
'urtis shaved off close, who don't
drink (they would be hard to fin-1
though around Three Groves,) nor
chew tobacco; such onus might have a
itiuht chance; old bachelors had bet
ter keep at a s-fe distance if they
lon't want a nice job of sewing
buttons on their e-oats and trousers.
Rut winter hi passed and warm
weather is coin in? and . I5ig Sis will
have to be summered over until uext
The IIi:i:af.i made a mistake last
week in printing the names of church
trustees, where it read John Alb n, it
should li'ive read .lohniiv Allison.
Illll Sis.
Proposals for Military Sup-
IlKAiQi;AiirKits.7Ke'r oy run 1'i.a iv.:.
lulef lin.uteiiaasiei's uiace,
OMAHA, NKli., il.llell Till, ISSii.
r-p.Ai.Ki i'iuini6.vis, i.i tr.p.icate. subject t
the l lie usual eoiuln lull;-, will be- received a
lair iinoo. uiili! 1 1 ii cl'Klc M . ou w eu nehdaj
April is. U83. ur.t. the urn- hour (allowing to
tne ulilerence In time.) at lue oAlccs ot th.
Oaarterniastcrs at the fullo'.viKC named station
at which places and t mo ihty wi:l be opeaeel
Hi tile presence 01 oiuuers, 101 ine iuiuitiiiu
and delivery of .Mi'it.iiy Supplies duriiiK the
vear coiiiiucucing J ulv lt, li-W, aud end m J
Jiiue30ih, lssl. aa (.iMo : Wood. Hay and
Charcoal, or Mich of said suMilies aa nii.v bi
reuiiired ul Oiualia I)eix.t. tort Omaha. 1'nrt Fort ?iiine,v. Cheyenne ilcpot, Fortl
Kusbtl!. toil 5;eelts rent Ucniglab. f oil Itoia.-
BOil.riTl liiiii;ei, Ktie i.iil'litiir, rvik JW
ney. tort WaMiuhic, ai.n toil in r'
ati-l l-i' ihe i 1 1 v - al luit i lioiIiLiUlt;U
luii.s -.1 Coal of ettuudH t- the Um.
i'n)p..Hal wi I alio lie leeelved at thfa ifuea
up t" ihe day unit hour xbove named, tor the
delivery on the- cars in tin- point nearest to lue
mine 01 the line of the I'niou Pacific liailway',
ol e itil t !;. .i.:d oiii.- o! Coal,, ot '.'2-!0 poutina
to the ton. Ali-o tor lieliveiy at Oinana l i.t,
o: ht sialionv on the main line of tile Union l'a
citlc lt.ii way eat Ir.nn Ivearuey Juuction, of
two million poun-is Coin, ai-d one lnii.i-ui
pounds O il". i;iiM for v rain sliouhl stale tno
rate per nw ins, not pcrboihcl
I'ropucala lor either claao ol tlie ster- li.tu
tioued. or for quautitiee ls than the tvhole
required wiil be received. Kacli proposal
ahould be in triplicate, i-kcmiath KeK tAcn
AUTli.LK at Kli.'il 8TATION. and must be ac
companied bv a bond in the cum ot five huad
red dollars ($500) executed alrietlyin accord
ance with the pr inied instruction, and upon
the blank form lin-iii-hed undurilns udverlie
uieiit. guaranteeing that the parly making tile
propimal siiail not withdraw tl:e Mame
slxiy dux's from the date announced ior open
ing them; and .supples bid lor, awarded
thereimdei. he wi!i, within ten days after he
lm; uotitl d of the awai.l. iprjvldcd such uoii
li cat ion be made within tho eixly elayt alxive
meiitioued,) accept the same and furniMi tsood
and sutliciciit siireliei-, at once, for ttie lailhful
H.-rt'ormance of the contract. The Government
reserve the liht to reject any or al! piopo
sals. a prelercnce will be given toai ticlef of
doineblic production.
biauK proposals and printed clioii.ars, sti-t-t'ue.
kind, and ' estimated qtiaiiililea of
VVootl. Hay aud Charcoal ruqiuied al each ata
tlon.and lvit,g full initliucliuiis u lo tlie
ina nicr of biddiug, conditions to lie observed
by bidders aud terms ol contract. ic.xWil be
furnished ou application t tbia oCjceor to the
(juarteroiaaters at the various staiiona named.
Kuvelopes contaiuiuK piopo-ais should be
marked : "Proposals ir at ."
and addressed to the undersigned or to the re
spective Fobt and epot Quartermasters.
JOHN V. FUUEY. Captain,
A. Q. M . C. 8. A., tn charge ol C i). ..M' of
fice. Dep't. ol th
Takeu up by
city 01 r laiis
:iry 18n3 one 1
12 or 14 y cart-
is ne.reuy u
oxpeiiHcs la
Seidell N. Mt-rriam, defendant, will take no
tice ttiat od the 1st. day of Mareli ihsj, Juliu
W. Barnes, plalutltl, liwretn tiled hi petltluu
In the district court ot Casa County, -uiaka.
acalien said defendant, the object aud
prayei ot whl. h are to remova the cloud cast
upon plallltilt.t title to the west half of the
northwest quarter of accuou thirteen. In town
ship eleven, range eleven by the tax deed to
said land held by defendant. You are requir
ed to answer said petition on or before the sth
day of April lssa.
IJateil March 1st 1S83.
Johx W. Bakneh.
Bv Sullivan Woolcv. his Att'w. MH3
Notice to Teachers.
I will be at my office In riatUmoiith the Crxt
Friday and Saturday, aud at Klmwoed the
second and fourth Friday and Saturday, aud at
Weeping Water the third Saturday of each
month to atteud to auy school buslneas that
may be presented tlx: l'vKi'8 Altom,
Legal .N'olk'c.
Notice la hereby h'vcii. that tlie fo!lowiii;
witness fees have been reported to i'ouiil y Com
missionera, as remaining iu ttie hand ol W. V
Miowaller. Clerk of tlie Hi Uilet Court, uncall
ed for up te Jaimary I, ls.
i:odney Andrews, w ilness in lower Court S 1.50
l.daar Slatzier. wUiies.s in lower Court. . . l.Tn
(.eorge W right, wiiuefs in lower court 1,70
It. (1. Hoover, witness lo.oo
.1. V. (iluver, witness
Walter Cutforth. witness a,(!0
William C'urlyale, itne.s 4.:ai
It. W. Cunningham, witness S,4i)
W in. Carlysle, wituesa 3,s.j
(. Mctzger, witnesa lower com t l.ln
F. Deitncli. w itnesa in lower court 1,10
S. Gittel. witneHSin lower coui'tr. t.ld
F. Fetzer, intei pri ler lower i-ourl 1.1KI
.Joliu Kon, witness ill lo-vcr court
:eo-ue Uimmitt, w iliie-k
M. li. Cutler, w itness 6,9.1
.1. 11. Allison, wituess. . b,oi
Newton Howland, witness 2,o.i
John MacMaclicu, witness ... ?.o.,
Marion Arniatrong. w itness 2.0,.
Ceorge Meggs. witnesa i',ii,,
.1. I. riiapsou. witness....
S. Kiantnrr. witness vr,'J.
C. 11. Weaver, witness 1.1 ;
Wyatl liiaves, witness.: l.l,
W. F. lVKe'.s. witness 1.1,
Win. ttuitimaiiii, witiier-s -.In
M. Senuelliachi'r, wilneSs.... l.l,,
l'eler Hates, witnesa l,lu
John Moas, witness .-
If the aliove be not called for On or before -ix
luontr.s after February Jlst, 13, the same will
be paid into the school fund of Cass county.
Attest: J. W. JENNINGS,
County Clerk.
Plattsmeptlu March 6. 1833. 8t2.
Administrator's Sale.
Xotice Is hereby given, that pursuant to an
order of the reuniy court, of Cass County,
Nebraska, 1 will sell at public vendue ou Fri
day, the yth day of March. 1KS3". at 10 o'clock
a. hi. on said day, at the residence of the late
Airs. Mary Sporer in Mt. l'leasant precinct, four
miles northeast of Weeping Water, in said
couuty. the following personal property, viz :
one mare aud colt. 17 cows. 5 two year ofd
Fteern, 13 yearlings. 2 heifers, 40 hogs, Ouo bush
els of Cora, oue wagon and a full set of farming
implements. Terms, sums under ?I0, cash, ail
salee over $10, uine months lime with apt roved
securilv, Chaulks Hknnikom,
00-12" Administrator.
Notice ol Application.
Notice is hereby giv.i mat WiMlaiu Tappa
will make application befoie the Couufy Com
missioners ot Ca-s county. Nebraska, at their
next regular mcetim; at Fiattsmouth, for
license tosjll spirituous and vinous liquora at
his place of business, ia Avoca, Cass county,
Nebraska. 2-t3
Notice to Farmers.
A Brat class Hue of Nursery stocic and or-ia-uieutal
shrubbery, such as fruit trees, grape
viues. cottonwnods. aoft maplea and hedge
plants. For sale at bottom puces.
, JonvtiEtEY.
Tax Deed Notice.
To the unkuowu owner of aubdjwision let 21,
In sec. 7. Town. 12. Uauge U east k Cass couuty
Nebraska. ...
Take notice that the uud' did on the
Uth day of May, 18i I said de-
cribe.l lot atii" x Ues of 18TC
1K77. 1878 t the said
puuuc lax
n g no bid-
easea ior
ars, as be-
'euiution of
on tbe 11th
deed will
f -.;', C.J.--,. Ql
I SrII thp Rfisf flail dittfir Marl
t.. ti..r. ii it: M .:tt...t 7i !... i
iiisu uic. vciciiiaieu xiifi viiuieu low lijui n iii'L'ii sujunp bo
to et them here. I keep
All of the celebrated John D
and Fiirst ife Bradley Goods
In fact we harv'e every thini' ueexJixl on the farm,
taallv defv comnetitiou. I mcMin
- - i
It will pay every farmer in Cass
purchasing elsewJiere.
Four Doors East of
what I eav. and ml
- V
her c heck."
uurchascs. In no clta nas lie railed