Infercn Ik. Kev. C tlio Concord to Stove Creek. Fed. Rer. Lani- rF. L. Swan to F. W. Scott to at 8 a. in. short neiu at tnn i ho, body ol their fuoll. The services Rev. J. T. Baird, au church, utter was takeu . to the liere to St. Joscpl A sympathizing friends rvfecs at the house. Irinjr tho.quesiion pro- e rhiladf lphia Press as it costs to treat drunk- Omaha Republican sa llies to know whether fjf tlic Peace take beer or flattsmoiuh is a little in- tliid question, bat it arises Put .form, our Justices are Lit applies to another court, leetiou is, how much docs it 'P drunk all the time? Sutton,, "a little town about the size of Plattsmouth, they mized a creamery association 'com menaced 'the erection of i Why can't, we have 5ii" a joint stock com- in capital now lying lcows run around on reCvi -W day to furnish milk of orch Iry capacity. r "Wheeler has been, the past L f, sending out crop circulars lied by parties over the county, statistics of all kinds ' of crops, bes, the product of the last year. mint on hand. 'arid tlmnrnsnpnls As'J'Biei inain. etc. This is the a series of circulars that will ed inontblj, and the returns, as ut, be forwarded to the depart- Lf agriculture, at "Washington I A. O. .II. ball Tuesday eve. was Jbplete success in every seuse. en sixty and seventy tickebs I old and the dancers just com- 4b!y CiMl the hall.' The supper at iurphy's popular restaurant was in keeping with the rest of the pro gramme, and the dancing and eating ere kept up until from sheer exnans- tion they had to stop. ; The "A. O. II. are t be congratulated upon the suc cess of their first entertainment. ' Bennett & Lewis have recently Qtted up their store room in nice style, giv ing it a coat of paint inside and out, lid putting an attractive gold leai 1 job of lettering on the windows tl t be equalled in the city. Tue iwd a 3,000 pound safe, his labors at Li'.'!'.jhi aiut Friday inoruinsr. . Dr. G. II. Ebuk, who accompanied Mr. Thompson to Chicago, writes homo that they are meeting with ilat teriiig endorsements from all who ex amine their tire escape. KKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. As repoi ted from the Clerk's office cacli day: Robert E. Moore and wf to Hattie Droet, ul sJa' sw4 17-11-14, w d,$3j0. Hyers and .Sullivan to (eo. W. Stam baugh, nej 2 3-1 0-D, w d, S-i730. "W. Cutforlh and wf to Goo. Laverty e2' lot aC5 and und U Pt l"ts 293 and 2Uu. Louisville, w d, 3250. Samuel Draper and wf to II. ilor row, 9). se'j 0-11-13, w d, $2300. Dist Court Cass Co., Neb., t Sam'l Eikenbary. iiw.j4' 8 w4 00-12-14, Dwcree ilagdalena Stoll to August Stoll, pt nw,1 sw'4 ;50-lS-i3, w d, $373. Frank Buache to A II Gillett. e'4's ne'i 12-1 1-12. xv d. $1000. Ceo.O'Neil and wf to I,afe O'Neil, undig luts in 19-12-14. ig " 5 blk 47 Platts., W d, $850. T M Coo ley to J. A. Mick, wjs' nw'4' 28-11 9, 81S00. U. S. to T F Ferguson, e4' se 0 12 13. John Toman and wf to Joseph Votes hink, lot 12-1 2-1 3-1 S, w d, '.). . Heed & Bellows to Clutzer & Hull, lot 6, blk G7 Weeping Water; w d $300. Heed & Bellows to F S Clutzer, lot 3 blk 69 Weeping Water w d $700. I' S Barnes a: d wife to S A Uipley, -i lot blk GO Weeping. Water v d $625. A W Clark and wife to T K Clark, u xv 12-10-11 w d $1,000. C li & Q R II Co. to Sullivan and Ilycrs n e 25-10-9 final receipt $077. CO. T WhaUn to F Campbell, lots 3 and blk 166 Fl itts.n u!i w J -?i. S E Green-date and wf to Sallie Greenslate, w,V ne 32-11-10, w d, $1,600. " Peter Peterson and wf to Peter Thorn, lot 9 and pt lot IS blk 4, Stadeiman's add. to Plattsmouth, w d, $15. Allie V. Roberts to W. N. Latham, lot 3 blk 3, Donelan's add. to Plaits mouth, w d, $50 Jany -O'Neil and wf to John Bow er, ptuw nw snd pt se nwj 22-12-11, q c d, $C0. State of Nebraska to' Lorenzo Ahl, u w 12-11-10 d- $324. Iade and wife to A. E. Lake, '-21-10 xv d $1,500. Mason and husband to jj l"ts 9 and 10, block (th, w d- cloar and cold water like the great lakes. This consignments sent to Nebras ka purely as an expeiinieivt and to see if the white ti.-di will thrive in our wa ters. They mature slowly, being about three years in attaining their growth, while the carp will reach a weight of three to live pounds in a year and will live in any sort of water, from a lake to a mud puddle. In fact the carp is the hog of its species, but like the ge nius hog is very good for all that. Superintendent Moore has also for the Nebraska commission ten "Golden Ideas," a very beautiful fish, pomewhut like the -gold fish, and Ave -'tench." They started with a can of gold fish but they have been ruislaid in some way and yesterday could r.ot be found. Since starting on the trip two little lonesome salmon, about a week old have been discovered lost babies and strangers to the half million littla or phans who accomdany them. All in all, the cargo as well a3 the car is' curious and interesting. The superintendent says ttiat the tish are in the finest shape of any they ever delivered to any state, and the los3 on the journey will not exceed one per cent, while often on such trips the mortality runs up into tens ol thous-auds. Workmen's Benevolent and Belief Sc clety. The Herald is glad to endorse an organization which has recently been formed in this city, and which is en titled as above. The organization is cpmposod of those working at manual labor or skilled labor, and has for its object mutual aid; not a secret socie ty, or a society for the purpose of agi tation in labor circles or unions, but rather an organization to aid each other In sickness, extend aid to the family of any member in the event of the members death, and for self-improvement among themselves. The organization now numbers fii'ty mem bers, who are in earnest in their work, and who all are a guarantee of the sta bility and good faith of the organiza tion. They meet each week and hav.j their organizition complete, an 1 have adopted their Constitution and By Laws, which .'.hey propose having printed for their tse. Th8 officers of Cje society are : Master AVoiJ-mnn- W B Short. Chief ClerkT Vvilliams. Ass'tClerkl mith. Paymaster I ITuttbury. Time Keei I Ramsey- Gate Keen IVayman The Swe tained theiil iilly su3 blame, and Ii Vl hKDUNK. j .UARHIEll LKYDA MOS1.K V. At t lie rexltli'iice of tlio bl iile's f;tllier. Ijy Kill. Cyrim Alton, on 201 Ii. Mr. Jamks K. I.kdaih Mm L. -Momli-.v. All u( C'ass cuuuty. March Ma it ik Farmers! Hold up, stop a little; fanners don't buy a stalk cutter until you call and see oue made at the Cuss County Iron Works; til so call mid see the new sulky plow at tachnieut made by us. 50ml Wayman & Kihjiy. The only first class barber shop and bath rooms in the city at Joe Fords, iiuder Carruth block. d&wtf Landretli's and Others Garden Seed. A tine Hue of bulk seeds comprising all kiuds of garden seeds, the lurgest line eyer before kept wc have in the mar ket this spring. Before buying vegeta ble seeds of any kiud, call and sec us. w2t&d 2t a w U. V. Mathews. -. "Art is nature passed through the Alembaic of man." Emerson. Geo. Graybill, teacher ot a thor ough and practical system of physi cal and vocal culture, and expr' ssion by voice and action. Children's classes, advanced class es, Spakespeare or Milton classes, private classes, public and parlor readings at reasonable rates. Ollicn at the Perkins house. TELEGRAPHY. Full eoiirnp in Telegraph", Railroad and Express Hook Keeping. 1-or terms, ailtlrep.t, C. F. SbBKlNti, Avoca, Cuss County, Neb. Inclose stamp to Insure answer. l-xi Just received a large lot of new goods in the boot ami shoe line at lttibt' Sherwood's, iu the Rock wood block. 51wtf A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 23 cents and lodging at same reasonable lates. Farmers aud Commercial, Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtf m urn ' For Sale. ' A deairahle Iiouse and lot wlth'n three blocks of buinefc9. Very cheap. En quire of Sullivan Aj Wooley. a22-lw - Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablet3. Beauti fy 1 Cleanse! Preserve 1 tf Wall Paper. New stock of wall paper at Roberts'i Pharmacy. olwltno Joy, Joy to the World. If you meet a man who looks as If he had lost all his friends, had hJis house burned down aud ousiness ate- stroyed, just make up your mind he. .either has dyspej jvfi of order. T! I for such a wJ ' " l'ai Clio kuow in id to me, will p!;i' March jLIi, and sold my goods I w accounts at once. Fi Cedar Creek, Ne At Sehlegel's ei be found the very inc and chewing t ket. Fortunes for Farm Thousands of do uy using proper ju care of the Ik faniilv. If vou al low complexion, and depressed s debilitated, d. i but go at olice ntnt ofthoxe woudertul which never fail to the trifiinic sum cf uue. Sold at ltobei li Manufacturing ,r Sherwod's, in Ki1.., Manufactui '. tl and neat, at Merges John Blake keeus a full line of fine Whiskies. Au A. Salisbury, Iet' "We challenge any ( of Nebraska to produ for purity and quality as is used in the mat t lor de l'ennei ben' ani JULIt'S I Tha Doctor's Labt I recently had a ver of consumption. I lri most scieutllic manne to no-effect; patient . worse. Rather than . a last resort, I decided rav wishes, to use a i cured one of my fr Greatly to my surpri began to gain, anl in tunc than I d it red this r-iarkable rcme. New Discovery for C now use it altogether Leading M. D. Evan Trial bottles free at R V. Large size $1.00. tftat ' For Sal Fortv acres of lam from Plattsmouth, sa in whole or in lots to Inauire of Wheelk 37tf Bucklen's Am The best salve In tl bruises, sores., ulcers, sores, tetter, Jhapped corns and a skin r Pilules. 1 ood shape to tn siug busir