!tle vk Df ib J. r e comuiaudry iu e display. There on prcseilt and the iresslve. Kev liur uent address dwel- ipon the iuAucnccs u every clime sod ts defenders who ons wielded the u 1 who today are teeuth century- as y did during- the ersecutiou. At the e Sir Knights re- ew.y B. eoii, , w ho rc- laiti)crihii ill the now then tun al'i's lliek in ex-I'i'iii'-ik'li'd l In; :. il nil ri.t iu " i the ' frjHi room ih ie i rotJIil tin? iriiiuu(Mts- libra niiil u . t-xtcu- IV 111- -fll." The oliiiuo !i..iis well IIS til! qUal'trr us .young girl tle- 'lirst kiss as being swimming in hou- 1 1 imLr-iiml borne. ral little Cupids. hadel by lioin-v hole f.i;tad with u woou'ei- all I: i sd towards Nebriis iith Journal. a lour dollar dog been down to see tr this -i ; y and just lit: vcr juLilam s-vapping. A vl). riijlit oil', wo wili to, , the world that Tatter the same . 1 11? at iuc lllOliTt T r. a Fire 1 lire Friday, a'toul k, caused a grand wet end of Main there it was aseei- blaze had started ' restaurant 'and fire was between pst story and floor where a stove-pipe Steve- Davis first yean, i I had no Dr. Livingston. N. Wise hope oE. his Will Wise, P. STWise and J brought him into the house." ' Mrs. Wright testified that she had known Mr. Buell for eighteen or nine teen years; that ha has not been right' iahis inind since he has been here. and that he was worse yesterday. She first discovered him about the ' tfme the train came in, between seven and eight o'clock. Didu' know that he ever threatened to take his own life. lie was 44 or 45 years of age, 'Dr. Livingston examined the de ceased, and says that death was caused by a 8tuali pistol ball entering the brain about one rueii- below the oecipi tal. ranging Torwaid and upward, and that tii wound could have been pro duced by Ui ca.sed's own hand. . lie found 1:1. ii i; tin) w.U.'r closet lyinou bis i..o aim tiiv r-i.-iol mg at his feel. In i'o:if (;'! " ki:h Chaplain Wrijjil he 4:.ili-ii on Dr. Liv ingston I. is l - .Sunday, and has c.iilrd luiiv Mnce. Deceased Wi.s troubled '.iali t.il.urli and he LolJ Cti.i l uil ijilit I vv.u;il g.j 'i.s.tni and tlnraci ii. i to l.tne lis o.vu lite. Ii asked Di . lii vingsLou if anything else ailed hiiu, and the.doctor told him "No," whereupon lie replied that if he couldn't get well he would rather be dead. Dr. Hall eoiioboialfd the testimony of Dr. I.ivUigstun in "regard to. the wound. . " - The testimony of Will Wise. 1.- L. Vle and J. -V. Wise as to finding the body is i.i auu.i.a:ice tlie same s thai given by Chapiuio Wuhi. xXhe following leun wits found iu MivlJ.uelt's pass book: March. 3 18$::. The asUuiti or the grave the latter will tie bet for my lamily. May God ioigivc .Ned, be good and remember the instructions iu n book I sent you while ai jL&a inuce. - -Little ignorant boys acquire habits sometimes tjiat uiaRe their lives nliserable. Maud, 1 have been iu good health most of our married life, for which 1 thank God, and hope you may be Uap- py. ' . - , It is better, in my judgment to die than be a dependent on our friends, J specially when they are not able to are for us: lt does not seem right to live to c:use the suffering of others. iod forgive me, I know my mind is fast going. t, hope my dear family that you will remember some kind things of me, for 1 haVe worked hard a good many years and Tried to be an honorable man. limit's Uieui uj?iirTTTT73!!!7!Su!T?S?" rncuce by putting on flannel shirts, and theu gets on nu old pair of pants that he can tuck into a pair of rubber boots that come up to his hips. Then he puts ou a coat that has seen service and h got grease enough on it to make soap, and blood enough for a dozen Virginia duels, and a coat of a drab or gray color. On his head he puts the worst looking old bat or cap he can find. His main idea is to look, if on land, as much like an old stump as possible, and if he is in a boat he dresses to resemble a muskrat house. We have seen men from the city dretsed so that they could go to a uiiisijuerade ball disguised as a mukkr.-it house aiul deceive the olde3t iuhabitaut. They dref iu this manner to deceive the ducks umi make them think it is safe to be around. If the ladies who admire some of otr sporting citizens could nee them out on ihe .mr.rslus, or iu the Uke?, we feur the romance would le ikcn away. They would see wlnit tin y would Like for a lot of truuips or rat trappers. The only thing they would -ee that would be nat ural would be the tv iitil the smile. Tiiey might be f-!i. ked at the sight of the "beste-t," the .a-lie miul t. if .I'.ej come onto hilil ftc ii-i'.!y ti -.r-li, bUt if tlW !;ir!s r.i I : il .; l- H l.l l.'lnll H I'liiicii of gi a- aad - nim v.iU-i a !l k of ducks ap-lO:iciiiiig, and when the game had got about t tie light distance, see the ''muskrat house'Vaise up aud rlrop a daili right aud left iuto the water, and see the look of plea ure, see the eyes sparkle as they had not sparkled since the last meeting, the girli- would forget .the traiupish uppi-aram.-r of the lover aud clap their lirl le ha ids mid S'iy, "'Well, he's the Ikss, and ;n ; you forget it." And then to se- the tired hunter j row up to the cl it louse at uiht, tired -nd hunjiry, u.it et out t -tiii- bt at crampi il. h ii u i f'ri'in (Jem si.-, to Kevel.itious. ei t-ially ab-ut I i:l way between, ami s.-f him jump around to get his legs tiut.ii.'le.i, suid thou go Co the table aud ar.ihz the g. nut supper, or the fesiive painfull of baked beaus, is a sight wortli? witnet-s'.ng 'After the supper comes the pipe, and then all the boys go to the gun loom to clean the guns, tell, their experience of the day, how theyi shots they had, andJ didn't expect to, an! tu early ued time. . city, would-not w;j rain without an u in a rain stos half a day, u onthem, av the best rhere they Ige lies uq io, in the in the go out sat for dry rag than they I Europe. Hi boil Jeny tin Uesidea motive aiyiupti dal bikI mental pov n.ili'.iiatluu of tli i comminution aud dvatlii ARRANT taking poieouoUB and lnjuiloun cniiipouudit. should apply luimediatell un. rionoi-Ai i, graduated nt one of the most eminent colleger In the United Ktaten. I rn.i .i..ni.h,t.. iM.m thai wvre rver known. Jtlanv troubled wltn iiu!ii ivhn i,li.rn tMMt nnvousneu. beiuic alaruifd at cerlaiu ouuil. iiii,i,l.l ouift linen villi demcuement of lUe mind, were cured linmeil TAKE PARTICUAR NOT r v .H,ino oil thn who hava Inlnred themselves by improperl habits 'which ruin both mlud and bodv, unfitting them for business, stueV ti.... ... aiiim ml iiielniH'liolv effects urodtced by the early 1 u'.oi., ,.f iha I, a, it itnri limlis. Daius 111 the bead and dimness of sislit, ! era. palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, del augeuieut debility, consumption, etc. PRIVATE OFFICE. OVER OMAHA NAT' CONSULTATlur rictt. i narges moaeraie ana wiiuiii mo rcan n. an i Medical treatment. Thone who reside at a distance and cannot call will reel .1 .1. ..1. ...nil !.. ultii.ilvuMllflltifr tllfir MVflllltnillK wltll UlHlKtf. : I1UU ILUUUK" l ii t. man " .....j -. . " - "j i - -- Address Lock Box 3d. Uinalia, Neb. Send postal for copy of the Medical Advance. The Finest Pressed 117 THE STATE, JIANUFACT1IKE1) BY Orders received for any quan and filled in a satisfactory many' Those contemniatiiiir to li should examine our work, quality of our bricks and prices Yard, in rear of Koniier Stab! PlattsmoutJi, Nebraska. . AuiMzMT Mers'.'StjOG ALL KIN Ffin fiiie r Pxr,ftlsin' i ST.LOUIS.MO ; ,i, j i i i n -3 .:.. !. jiijit.- COMPLETE LIME y up . thwn from ' 1 wish .1 had always been a christian .m? e. Fortunately man 3 j..iiu,-iui i-Zmav be. and