Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 29, 1883, Image 2

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it to
it an
us I'1V
1'iotiaU'i unit (lon lj iri.t'i Aiih'I'
cull i'j!liluli.HH, than tin: too ta'.lil
"uinltllt; iI.iks ' tt Inch uiont of Hi
belong; and nny organ or jmrtv,
which pt-jjoiiHi'rf th i.tntx, hiul hobbicn
of ihedajr, at vnriuiicc wilti tin net
1 1 1 jirovjriy of AiiKiicati Iiiiltif
Iric-H, net-it in, I exjuit to train the
conliilciicc mi l mimmiI of the um-
inoii iH-niil'-. That I here ia a tort tied
ami ili-cj --teati-il dUtnut cxisiinir t
twi'i u tliu liibor'nur mid jiio'lucin
ihixsea of thU roil u try. mid cijiial.
iiiunt bo ui'mllted bv curv oliM-rv-
lnl out wtli, a chapter '. thoughtful Undent of evcuU; a
luirtHkes of Mum settled tcelin of discontent au I uu-
onhlueuP, Jijih Una been fclcwly but
surely lakli nwtsUx of the mus
es; this feeling, or iinjiidicc, dnill
yo call it? ii iln 1 1 v lokn for an nu
y(M!cl; jt js HjjrtMMve iu its very
Qui lire; it (jut., and it beholda ai
lal raji'idly u'-nuMiil'in in the li.uul
of the lew.
Thl Is a nation of sonic jlfiy mil
lions of tin ma ii beings, nil cnaetl in
solving the reat jiroblem of bread
and butter. This new eontineut with
its jraiid lakes unl rivers, it fertile
alteo, lis ltiouiiain rut-yes, rich
with ores ami inccM' imfals, has
opened tip a wonderful lield for thp
achieveint-iit of every ambition which
tjlko tiosejjsii)u of the soul of the in
dividual iu the life race; the individ
ual taking ml vantage of ibis Held,
ti nils the only limit to what be in.iy
accomplish, in that w hich the Creator
Inn plao'd upon him in the bestow
iiient of .nental and physical power;
bauJii; 1J bi energies iu a given di
rection, lie 1 ti-ca I stripping the
inn-ece, ami otaiKliug upon ttio ou.y
heights of power, which t . the plod
der beueat h hi feet, is beyond the
very cloud. l.s rtitiljy tp those, am
bilious to iinini-s preat wealth, doe
this country fumis'i botiudlM facili
ties; our mountain rauxvs teeming
with precious metals accessible only
to I he capitalist; bur system ol Amer
ican railways and telegraph liurs,
with their laud gram, u,,i pi.'-Hiiies,
have been seized upou
by the shrewd, unscrupulous specu
lator, aiiti. money kin,r. whereby fab
ulous uud eoiosal toriU!C8, have been
ill a moment, as it were, amassed, and
thereby a few individuals enabled to
place the hand of freed upon the
jvery throat of American hid list ties.
"lie niHsae turning, their peril, are ajri
. . r , . . .
iiuey u-ariuuii; ii cofi!;!j,'ji tu-cioac!ii.-
uti ol capital, btcnjiijiy lak.
injf advange of its every oppoi Umi
ty, is attracting the iitlcutiwu of the
ablest writers tipou qunsliqus of po
litical economy, the '-Papers" of Mr.
Ik-ury (li'd'V, Trof. Sumner and
otheiis, are . ..n? the Jcrut contri-butio-o
!: iiii.- topicv i,ftt thu
(i-e:ii;j; oi oiiiu-l n the part- of la
bor to.vard eap'iai can ever be e.-aiil
eaii-d . 'is liiiiiia!i nat tin cx ifts,
ii mie rt ii: .:! ii'lid, i i t this ir-
ri pf'.-s.-ilili1 i- ili'-i el iirc'l l;i ijlld
cai iini 'lofseMs: j.i i.ii h :,:ii a.idlio-
t .... l!i.-r. I ,iH...,j .,. ia. j, (s ,I,tIlv
! iiirref-i.i i.i tun at. jsin j ropi-r
: i.i.:is, no ,.!; rii'i lieu-.. Tiie leMiedv
1.- :" r t-f .ii vrlj I i'o-; i lie InlJo! is llie-
j .' Iv lii'.:;!!- .;lliiil li.e J.T..-J1 i! I he
i:iu id-!.. i I. ir iiis pro! e-ion: .i lid tiiat
l.iC ' ai e fni n am! niixi('iily
St ckii.t Mi!' i lit Illi-: mean of eer-
WI1IT IK t''.'l t.r- i. fl ll.lill
iiniii i'.-! nod; h-'W i ttt;r j!, i ij
"I an tji.l r-i I'.ll Wiiicll may .
llie bUMites! heir's t ' (juuil. It j not
coiiiini'uifin, nor scialisiii. to call af
tenl to recg'"'-e. " to acknowl-
ea.yAWe presence of this grave perd,
aud to warn the country of the up
proachln-r danger to our social ami
commercial prosperity; unless it is
arrested and averted; aid the mission
to lay of true, patriotic statestii -.tiuliip
: to point out a remedy, fair aud s-ife,
both lo .he ajij-YcKated capital of the
eountrv and !ier t i i i ti -r in ii--e.
ie 1 lot), at
oiindlrsH met aphysieal
id tt niiieh to explorej
to which he professes to
evf littl; instantly
his, feet deluging the
prisoners, at d audience
of iuditisiiit protests,
ilobttt'iews of the jlldic-
'eing V.pffed to Ids cll
J. iNIerrk, for tliu
plied, saying the re-
leteenth otittiry need-
4hw ftvets and ex-
ti i lie Mirpi ise of ev-
Wj lie f.nb.l to adjourn
M day lo f all V diKt
decided as the law
mi it right to go upon
1 and "a pUlu unvur-
id," the coHrt in thia
idiaiuister the law as
not decide the theo
utWfHii I'ope Bob and
couiint-.u;jd thus has
unity been friUeio.l
a "luestiou of a p. r-
ial'y passed upon. .
niment i not paying
't'tit)' fees for any
't's show, and the
lit to expect an enter-
rsv.trate with the
s the Hut!, the treat
n nnmb'T of iwihII
L-ouId put
fiza very
lea, and
, Mr.
aii'; it u
i'Hljr tlltvdlsj
icticalle auo in' i
,,!.es iti tiYtclc i' iVe
el:c d foliloqur;; which
our iree trade read-
world cf parcticnl
d of iiiiiertaiuty and
. .i u .o. at al. Jt;u-
brilli .nl f r'!"'r'.
I s b fore i In- (I tin-:
deil by iiimeessMiy
the bom d tlii-
hl the election of k
Iient next year.a.l'-i
un, win t!?i P'
oiiiie-i. - tie y :ir
ier trouli?"- ii fa
' v wi ; It I Jv resit. -ii -
terin t!i. nl! .o
rv. w l eu i I j,?
d iih ;i At i'is
cliimt ii believi'
ihl show very
to t l.e 1 1 tin' i-in'
ierie .il ill 111 -f tries
V but one obj.n-t to
Ylhier, nnd tliat is,
end at the ttui.e
, , -"'r"1"' city gov
etoment. If the JIkuai.u was published
with no higher ambition than to ee it
party to which it belongs, secure tho
control of this little city coveninieut,
where every man who servos it i ndcri
JUlntj just much of hi time for ihe
pu'ilie gool, it would not "consider its
mifcSuiu f ufik-:ent iinjM.i (auee lo war
rant it in holding itwlf out im a news
jiaper. Our government iu this city
comes hoiuc very close'y ti every "man's
property and home and th eniltinc n
trusted by the public with its adminis
tration must he held .responsible br ii
niaiiHreinent and the administration of
city affairs. The measures they adoi,
the uim.ner i which they expend the
city' mean... the appoint meats tliey
m ike are ail arjuiuent eiih-r fur or
aHiu-t their l ule. The people of this
c-lty are law abiding citizens; tin y have
to settle tliU nutter; tl--y laV -vll'-ther
the present government ha been ad they
oujht to hare- :t that rhtttsinoiith
t lexer Cea. They know whether the police
force appointed by Maynf Wei kbiieii
have been meu tit for sacli pi'sitio is or
not'aud whether they want a contiiiuat'oti
of such appointment; the IIkiialm is
K'U to leave it to the people uinl only
waqts i go I, sip.iar -ity govern uiuut
lor our entcrprisi-g e:ty, iiol it wou.d
be in its duty a au enterprising
Journal did it not insist Uji 'l this luu.-'u.
A ew tt
Mr. Krl'nk K - IlartiJv
the law vlliei' with his lV
Ifartlg'tn. and the leal est
lection department w.ll be con
by ILtrtigiti J3roa. Mr.Tr.uik ir.srtl-.
gau is a i linlijrtd lous gentleman, v ho
will give his attentio'i to the
colllection and real estattvand M. A.
Uartigan will, as berctoioie, give his
undivid"' attent'on to bis law prac
tice. The tinn litme ileservimr. suc
cess, which th'.y will reap in due .inn.
. our
i'rtuik White mi 1 L". V. ..N.i.ttiie .v are
skirmis'iing aromVI thepla t- t- d .v rivei
for leathers. Their plin Is to scare the
due.ks until their feathers von. e in;t, tlo u
end the tlogn ul'ier the (outliers.
WiLLAiit) X. ItrKLL, son-in-law ot
our esteemcl fellow-citien. Chaplain
Wright, committed suicide at the resi
dence of Mr. Wiigii.oii last Thursday
evening. A full ropurt of the circum
stances are given in detail in the re-
poif of pie coroner's inquest.
Mr. Huell to yisit bis wife's
people here o last Saturday, leaving
JlSs family at Blue Ilapids. Kansas.
wherein was ej;aacd a Rm;;er of
the Blue Hapids wooleu mills.
Mr. Buell was born in Ojjdetisburg,
St. Lawrence couyy, X. Y. and com
ing wet to Milwaukee Wis., in the
year lSUJ, there made the acquaintance
of Chaplain Wright's second daughter.
Amanda Jujjet, and married her in
Mil waukee during that yeai'. About
the year 1S63 Mr. Uuell and family
cajne to St. Joseph, Mo., where be was
for a time engaged in the dry goods
trade, and about the year 18G7 engaged
in the manufacture of woolen goods
at that place. The business prosper
ing pome two or three years, the firm
of which Milton Tootle, of St. Joseph,
waj a JaTgf- stockholder, purchased ttio
large tnanufacuttiiig jt"r.'.;?Qt Ij'ue
Rapids, Kansas, where Mr. lSuell bas
since been engaged as manager. Mr.
luell has been in failing health for
sou.ti fa- ypars I'ak, caused by too
clse application to hi- businegS; ajj.d
but recently was compelled to stop for
a rest. lie came to l'iattsinoulh in a
xlespondent frame of mind to consult
l)r. Jdyingston, and his knowledge
that recovery iij his piiselwas hopeless,
so preyed upou bis iiijid II; at in . a
temporary fit of Insanity tim dreadful
deed was committed. I lis wife and
family are at their home in Kansas.
Mr. Duell has a beautiful borne in
lia! and was a man of large means
and leave iiu b:jsj;ess in . perfect
rhape. He was n man ot ejiceiiniit
haVits and fine social qualities, but too
close at lent ion to business sapped his
coiutiiiiiion, ai d ere he was aware the
machinery was so nearly .worn out
thai recovery Wrjs h'pvlesa. He leaves
Mrs Huell i)d iwyo ai4lifinp seven
teei: ;i:id i iia eleven years Cf jljitt to
im.u.:i hi loss. Oliaplaiii a.ud Mrs,
Wii.-'i! in- ov'-rwhvlmed wllh the
s'lauiie rti-d tf-ni! !,. ealauiHy which
such a sad e'id'iV-' aiwayx brings to who lov.-d and chei ishert the un
fortunate victim.
" Legal H)tice.
i Hie iilstru t c-'iirt of i'h rtmntv Nttl.raska.
!: 'iff H'Mt't r ! lUt- u(.tt:li' o. M il y Shuri
:i-tiliiia-.rJil:u t l- mi:i Aiulitiw
SlUll. I. Oi'iVf l', fill I'.t't'll't llllllt.
O i f-.lini; tin- IIII-..U it( At.irv Mlirtrp, ail
nili.lir.iU IX nl I in- esta;e v( Amliew ti-ti, tlo
pi-i'im. lejtiev lull a Bimai ll.r lliiua.-. iln.i
llie ciiiil itri-::-.'i; leil r,. il i.i . rli.ii.i im!
eslTe.l herein aii.ri'1 ii'cb. .iu-i .Ii . il is l-i-. i k
sary ! sIl t!.--'.ire ii. i-. tl.e .n.. il m.ih:
it-.tftl . sin. jM'u lii T.-r i:i'i:. In n, M
-H'MC j au.l II .m-i.i-.mi 1.1 h -..lll li:.t ii If,
ueu-iv-arjf li.s-M sal I r."il t-si-ile f.-r liii.i.
lH"-n, W n unleimS JUiii .U'! u !i. le luard 11. m. il. Itji.:il. ( M i- .l.-:iu-j
iHiuit'ti, ami . tr tl.e ii!ii'.) hi i-.t-i. it.iui.f.
Urn i4 iil.-c'. ik i.f .ie Hi-ir iH i -t. ,:i ii...
eity of "lt;, in I u- c.i. l.l v nl I a-. iiii.i
ule ul .'Nel.ra'Ka. !it one i'!i'K i. hi. ..ii tuc
ls ,V .Viil.V InS. II I- 1 'II ! il;T .1,'tll-li'il tii:u
Hit urilei lm .a?UMlie4 at I. ,i. l.mi c
Wfl'lis l.en.lf I liny llx.. ..- IhmI'lii; a:
I.eilll.lll. Ill 111" illlll'llill llKKAI.O, II IVI.. K-
ly iieHi;in-r I'liiilishril at ri:illiniiiil It In .tajd
eiiiinty el I'.vs. VV il. i.i am l,t ?S ,k..
HiiIIIvilii Win.liy, .1 u.lirv rri'Ml-lui;
.ll.iri:ey tor I'etll ioneiN, mm4
Wiggins' Storm
idal Wave" in Prices
That we will quote in it lew ilavs mi
Proposuli for Military Sui
IT-KI.C.IITKI(S ht.k-' C OF Til :'. I'l.ATl K.
".-'- ' lifi .ii:iil,iuia?fi.iji-Mmifi-.
Oh-ha, Nml, Muipli .ill. iml
?o .11.(11 i i:tMM..-..s. in iriie;Ue. s.i ji ri iu
I r." iii- nMi.ii ri'im ii iini. hi nr iirmm fc
f::i iiliiuii mil ii 1J ii'i Itii'k J.. ei Weii.ei-ii;kv .
i. IM4.I, n- I l.'it: hjiiiii' linir Cihu.nna I
tiie .'liM'! 'a !!" ai Iib oliiire.s , iiu
I 'il. in. i.;.ii. ir ;; ! li" toinw ii. . i : ir I -tat 'i
ill I. ti ll .lll-t fi .1 ijif Iliry Wl i In- iijii-lir.1
i:i It.-. ..n-i'i.iv fl Ii ililt-is, lm 11.,- mi in-liii.i;
;.i.c! li;ciy ,.f Mi ii;,ry Siiinili,-, liunez tile
..! .;i'ii nii-liL'.ny July 1st. lf.s.1, mi. i t i
.1 Nut Jkll 11. l -lKl. hm folliiMr i W'liii.t llav illlll
Ci.tieoM.. er iii Ii ol said .supplies tu.. .v
ifl-.iiri-.l at linui.iii li .i., Kuil liiuiil u. 'i nn
..l.f.Oil. I".l 1 -illlH-. llnvci ).i.i.i till
lai-i !!. Full rileuie, horl 1 ;n;u!;t' . I . lli
. ii. Hull r.u.iier. K..II LaiBiiiU-. l-t.ll .V.vKllr-u.-y.'iit
UiiMiakI .ii. il i-'oit I Ii in I uiuli
I'I.m inr I lie c!i livciy ai Korl '1 lioi i.tii,r-i ...
lens r.l l oal ot sj-iii puiiiuls tu the ion.
i win ai.Mi lip rei . ued al Ihi.s .i.i.-e
up to the iliiy ami liiuir above naliu it. lor (lie
il.-llvt'ry on the cars at llie point nearest lo I: e
iiinW.-H oi tiie li:e of thy (.1:11.1) i'u. ijie Itailunv.
ol pi .III tlniUKi.;.; liijit i.j'l'oMl,. of .i";n.i;i:,'i,
! '!! !:. .!--i li'l lieinti j';H i .i.i.imi 1.. ;.. ,
ur -...ite'iiil 01. ;ii: n.ain in.v i.j if.r ft.101. i ,.
eiiiu l5.-i way from Kearney Juiielion. .
i. iii'liim: .iiiiu.; nil n. and one urn i...
;.u....s o U. ilnls for : ia:n .slioitM .siaie lm
r.u (i ! la i I'n, -ii. t jj.t inula'.
l'l iM).'-aN fm ei;liiM -cl:i U I lie Ktor. nicn
Ui.iirii. o; l. r iiii.niiui- . ss tlian tin- wn.,:
i.i i:-.l ui:i im- aivliM, ri;:ell piopo.sal
nil. ei.l tie in tripileate. h i-auaik kou kacii
Ail l'l! I K AT KA. II 11 .1 rlliN . Ml. I Inllst lm lie-
i leil In- a iiond in iii rum ot live liuml-i-ii
dollars ( bno en-cU.-il ftrirlly in i.ecord
aaec Willi :l.e printed iiiKtrirt tiniis. mid upon
in-hhink oi in iiuulid umlerlliis ailvei tls-i:-i-ti
tfiar.H.ti;ma'!atl!l party inaiiliii: the
!i.owo.:l .i.ri:! n-.i iv:i iidt-u-i in. m-iih, .-iiiin.
s.xiy livVAii-uiii tnedali; aiiiiniiiiueU lor oner
tin-in ; ai.ii supjili k ' bid ' lor. awarded
Miereiiiuii r. ne wiii. i ii inn teu iluys alter lie
1114 n.liill d of tiie aw.,Ml. lllo liied sllell noil i;;p lie inaiii: n iliijn llio tixiy days anove
mi .mi u: i-.i;u:in pi n.ii siiintt aim iiirnisii nmn
ana -iiliLi. .il sin i tt-. at unite, for tile luithftii
ieiKirinani'e nl llie cuntraet. llie CiiiveiiiineM
. se.V. li.e ili.t to lt-jeet any or all propo
s:i;. p will be gjveli toaitii lec ol
uoiarfilij prminctnui.
I I ink !io..s,4 am. (iriir.od i lun:rs. htat
il if. ll:e 1-llii. ; l.ll tlllialed HUH 1 1: leu Ol
W. tt'il. liay and I li'ili;ied at eaeil fla-li.iri-.uii
jiivii's lull ii siiiirlii.iiH us lo the
.na-iliM' jl iii.'.ii.iK.ioinlliioi-s to he nbserved
i'ijV'.,:'- :'i"i u Has ol contract, etc , will lie
fmiiikhi .1 "'i.' iiiij ijfiUv or to tiie
WiiaiS. n-.a-Ieis at. ihe vaooas stalljin ii.iuied.
h!ivt li;.es eontaiiiinj; ( loposais . niiontd le
in n -hX'sx : -t' it-r at
mill HJiressei In tin: ninier: jgiii-d i.rln tiie le
n eiirli- I'ost and Ht-nol tjnai leriiiasters.
:f ,l')i;. v. i Ul.i:v. l a.'taiii.
-i. ;'M tj. S. A., in eliiire oi r. ,V!' of-
-: xstftri: r if,- i.
::Nt;tlce Cf Appacation.
NoViei' is lit; eliy jrivt.ii Vi:!ia:.i Tnjiji
wlll.lrtlie api.liei.t.wii l.eloie tl.e Ci.imlv Com
iin4iPe!s ol ( m-s coi.nty Xeliraskx. at I heir
iieXiv-uuUr i!uet.i: at l'iaitsr.i..iu ii, lm
ijcel.-ii Lis: j! N;,,iir.i.:ij and viau.i- liqn r at
!? Rrapi' ul 'biinjiif;ss. iu ,tait. Vans eountv
.'Ut-l'INi.l, . H;t;,
jl iU.ii tuny ai(l ' Jui n.fij (Hoods,
II::s jtiat lvttirni'il l'roiii New Ynrk where lie has secured rare li:i!'r:iiii3
wliich will oil"; r il 1 otii- patrons. '- will :uhl tliat we are
llie i.i.I;. linn in lMattsnioutli tliat buy our oods
Direcliy and Exclusively in New York.
Thf.rehv ttHviiii; in -oi the "rults id' jobbers," which you are ei'in-
lielkil tii pay tp nthei- dealers who buy their niHls in OlJKiha
and Cuniiejl Hluil's, We iniunuitre tu you tVelu
Seasonable anf Sm
irni iuiiw
yc yijy mm &;vvr -'mum
Avail J4)arh?ir oi t v.
market acid insixH i om-in;
1 . .:
urn mm m
n a
a? -sortm 'Ai
Wu claim tfsis
tin; hvM and Iarrr'h:
usual price. Pat ; -oaie J us. h:1
. r ..... . B . . B S
A 7
every time. We .: have ?5f Hie
loods; aad make prieew Gnv.
Black, Colored and
Ton to 25 per Cent, on all Purchases.
iiia IVach 1
ijie-Kfv :.s' ll renci. I
In ,ii di.'i .-: ....tin, in tiie. second judicial
itiMlTif, in alii: :-u e.i.-e l o'.niy, ebraska.
, . ji--i ,i. , i-iicri, l.e
lefn'ijtlHV i-f... ... T" i' t-v n t'lleil I;at ea tjie
lail-.-Y'sy in ..i ji'i-ii. ItS t-i.'r.ta .tmia'i eVtiiii tiled
a iicT-i. hi against vm in llie disn irC eo'irt ol
C':is-w li y. eliiit.4Ua. lilt-ol-j. t-t Uli.l .iaei
'.Ci ::e l-j l'.j:i:t i ,iivrco li jin n:i,-"t.ti
:..t- -Tniii,; i-iaf nn.v wi f.;:i al13111t.1r.ftl
, i..- 4.1,1'.: . u'i -,.i , in.- tiie teim
.. I .- Jr:l's j -s: fs, ;.tnd .-isil lor I iu cat e
.1 il'. 1 l-.'.' ... 1 .i.' tu. (i tl
f " ) X' -' Ii':'."- !' 1 :.s.n-r s -.i-i pctitioa on
T -; -i :; !-v!
' ;' ' iiA-Uii l'r.Vi.-n.
; !l;i:i! i..-.- ill ) AU. Ilj. v.s.'
lire i 110 truth in
.-' si (",reat B';
W"et, had taken
i lor the !.t words
lailiei t ! rishinet;
l-.i-iti .r ot' the
eiv 11 ' from Hie
trel :ii-;iori oil
I :wiil elii!ilisl.
r.iit'i li govern
1 no. kit Trl. Hut
1 he ni.-.i.teli is
' of" Minis
:' the l.iii.lish au
. r
Tuk H:-W8jiaier rumors of r. Giad
t' one's reMiiiai.ioii are. or s I'm to be,
uiiio;iiii!f(j. il iw. vei, Mr. (JiaiJ.sione
is j-f man lio iis led a l.nsv inib-
Jed i!li tl:t exriteuient
ideiit to a political career.
expected to long ietain
of 1 he English covern-
niriistration of iiffairs
S powers of Europe
ss'into new hands en-
lgged old emperor of
chancellor are both
t with the constant
lure, and botn in 111
It i:i7gund la an 01a vro-
reigued much looger
1 ruler, aud who can
to leiuiu tbp reins of
ch longer Very soou
lire will pass into the
lown prince, aud the
ient will fall to the
These sovereigns
rall around tuetn new
sellers, and there !.- 110
Uffect this may have upon
Important changes
less follow.
' o'er.iiif e : i; I 1 1 eteal l!ec.ii.
'! l'r -testant ministers of Chicago
i.i .1 i.uee ting .it U-'ffer farwell Ilii'.i
ilocid xNotice:
Slielf-Worn Goobds
rtrc unknown to us, mid we re lust to adverti.-e --i.s once having
hejii (J11 tjijj '.'Oiitran- ojir sJielves ami eiiuntcrs,
als'iiys, and tlii.s season Htore than fn'e-t',
Will Fairly Teem With Novelties
Xc or iiefore slmwn in I'iattsmoutli. Delay vour jturi-liaee?
iiiitil our ;-oods arrive.
SILK! .AlbTID wc
rrTirjms, sir.
4 ""X r "r-V
Slaasa eves' E$efonjCo
S28 yesss mny tlae
Car Load of tioods Expected this Week.
teiS ziiMl tiQsi tin
0:1 iloiiday to 1 oniiler the tetji iei :..?rr;
tj-.iost io.i. Vr. J.ulle was I'alied to Ji.-e-chair.
J)r. Lo: i.n -r :!trt-ii a set .es nt
reaolu ioin, wincu s-i. loitii the i-.ntii-tion-of
Cliicagt, and the duty .i ::w
ministeis in regard tiiereto. Tin p';!i
of the paper was in the n - r n: .1. u
liesolced. That we nio; ' f.n-i i ' I
but .earnestly reqrits!. 11: ,,1 1
tives at tpiiniiliei.i to -.v.. i:.i:u -a....V
attention to the ii:e.m i-r jj.-w o -ii i-
before llteii h'tooi. il-. .-. s.. . 1. leu ,..
poses a tax. the'fi- :;..u -::
shall be S500 ii )e; :. i 1 :.t .. . i.
pl;cs where iot- v.e . i.t' i ijio siix
soid, and that t(.-- t .' e i-to : p ;us
to secure its p::.- te. ii-:.i t: i .i '
the entire coimn-t:. v -.iil'i i. s en e
at least whate.e- ju :iiuiii :.i i w
shall afford.
I-'cvrioiii 11 i.iy iTitiieeni :
7tMtiiiiitix;itfn tin; tt.i.ted to locate a road
Ot-. l.ii-.i.g a. i-t.i. 11 jU -inks nurtli ot corner to
seviiSiiv i 1. .... j :iioi j:i, i. .i.i s ranye 10,
-.'.t. : "' i--i I'1 ii'- i l.aius 10 a point
V ''S -i :-' i'. t on er t j; (i e v.uu,
. 'e-tsc. iiieu.'t eilulns; !.. 11. e
";,-tM li;'!.- : ... 1. .Mtiltl. -
' --.' 1 t'ti - v, .-; ;tj iu.
11-ikt.u II U V t--..-li).if!i .in
1 1;
It;'. :
. t.
. :t ...J;
-.!.. -Oil . .1
tt'- 11 ?: r -t
; ; t; -1 1 1 i .,
. i t:ie U hoc." t- 1. -
. u- r t. 1: .,1.1.; IIh-ih u u. trill 80
: si ij.;n . ;t . i f-.i-iH awi a.i mc, pjrner
;- .'' . V (!. '". iti '11 !-. .i. lilttr lo
,,ii . U; . ., -.i- .1; v i :'u id i'.. i n. iiu ilmtiO
i rr; i-t.j -.- i t,.ii-il ". K. '4 of te, lt I'.
! is i'..'.. ii ,- rt:.'i."r i.j mviriil llie mic.iUoh
l..:.'-t :tu: ...l -i;"..'.-. .-.i..- I ilelt-t.t or e;oiiiji t,,f
1 .t. . ; i .t.-. 1 t lite e.ijii'iiy f:erk'r)
.1. -v ... .-i '..--i- i; o;i llie iiiui tlav (
I "j,V. i i.-w. .tr- je.. na,i i.iu be loeiitetl
I il'vlu' .led 11. .... .. -..Ce t.'l .-relo.
! -.- v.. - J l . .1 r.. .N IMIH,
i..-'- tiiiuty tJ:t-ik .
. - i.i. r :
-it -
J all
if ..i.:.
i .:.!.- 1 ol .... .
1 1,. .:-.....!:.! . ..
rai liters.
,...;. Jifot'K t.-rtli!-
.. :ii.i .Tr, .itee
il ., H . t:, t.l llfS
.fill I'l'i-irfl
.li 1:1 N i.KKI.l". V,
Another rrsohr ion
priso at the leolshtlui.
Notice to Teachers..'
I .i!. a; i,ty.o:i)..-e in fi:il Kinoiltb the firl
( Klid.f, :.e.l iii.;;.y. i t IviiijwuoU l!iu
r. lir- 1 --. k: .i-.-l 1..11111. i i i.iuv ..! sniuiUay, niid a.
,- 1.: ... v. ;.!.:- . .
il '1 iJJl'.I- j I, I;, Xtte. it tn i.J.-.
: . u .l.;i .l ti.
II1K VllO ItetltlUIlS. Uli:il
r-Kiiiniiiy wi e.teii
'..t'ol I..I.-IUC.-S lit. 11
V "I Al-i 11.1.
-tu;el iliteitiieot
the best people in all parts of tl.e aiitte ;
in its f ivor. Dr. Lorimer aaid that ti !
present were la favor ot prohib:lion,
but th it in the present emergency he
was fur the next best thinjf. repression.
So also s.iiJ Dr. tiuiuey. Dr. liilfieiu.
Dr. llensoti, Kev. Glen Wood, Uev. E.
li. Davis and others. Dr. llalrield
He did not wiiiit any saloons, but he
did not pro;ose to be like the sulliy
boy who threw away his piece of
bread because it was not so large a
piece as he thought he ought to have.
Dr. Kittredge said:
There was not a man here who
wouid encourage or seem 10 encourage
this traffic. It was nonsense to 8y
that a man nho favored high: license
was iu favor of saloons. They simply
said here was h terrible evil, and they
asied for an increase of the lici-nse.
Xh y were taking step by step, as there
was opportunity, for the abolition of
thi traffic. ,
Dr. Lorimer s;iid:"
A man deserved to be hantid, but
i-auso be could not l hanjjed some
"llie gentlemen Lad such sensitive
. . . ... ... . . t 1 . r ..
nscieiiees iii.ii. tuey uuiy ui. u.r
shut him up ia the peuueniiary-
Ucv. VL, 11. Davis said: '
lt was for prohibit ion-but the tna-
ilV ol tiilliois was liOv in lavor 01
aiid he proined tu take what he
old eet, what lue tnajoiUj oiii
e for. The meeting was not cuo-"i j
discuss pri'lubitioii. llu-re was af
islatuie w Jh a bill tiefoi-e it, una
. 1
'I il!s"'i IjV I'ie :t;it -ei'iltt r .it hi ftliieP til :lie
v!i. .-: . I. t.-r- .'i.t 3 on ly h Tl.i uay tf Kebrt
ai ik.-s .me iilii i,t,t:i 1. s:t:uMid to lie
Vi or 14 ye;;r- oiu. :i,.- eoiiiir in:tr. lie uwur
u lier.-ity iioiiri ! fo i-t:l, .roe jri. erly, j.;iy
expense i:.c-irv.ljii.d trit- itor
t-ir-H. lll.I. .
I'lattsiu. uih. rj-."i Ji !h.s 50 ?.i
Le3i riotice.
In ti e di.striet c..ur- 2-i Jui tuiji distriet, in
lit. l-UU VltUOL.. .-.t il.
I'-avid .1. I'orter i
V9 1 I.egill .Sol See.
Slary .!. f orter.
J o Jlnry J. rutuT. iiou-reaitl-.-irt tl -feinlaiit.
you are hereby n.e.iljea tiiat 1111 tii- -jTtu iiay ol
Marcti. ISKJ. Davtd J. t'.-rier tiled a tiitiiu
arfiii.t you in tneut.lnet ct.iiri of Cuns u .utit,
relrakK, tlio nbj et ami erayer ot liii-U aie
lo ..b a.u a ill vor.v ..n:i y-,q, u uit gi-mwi
lljat Ju.illava wliuajy auauiKiueit i:ai!ilia.
Millioi'l RO-'d ftltar J..r llie terui I t..t ea:
laitt piksi, you are n-.pivo iii fv'.-r atl',tet'
tnt.i 011 ul btrtt re Aiuidi-y, t:.v i,ii: x .y ut Ajy.
1- 8
i).l".'l It .!. !'f l;TI II,
Bj" 83:li ll & liewol! - 'l'tll.
ill Allmt.e' . w.";4
Legal Notice.
were to U
'Dr. Noyt-'
it was-''
help them to decide
, Iu the it:.siii.?t foiul is C.s-: county JTuMaeVs r iison 1- M i
C-Jtii.-jli.e Miisou J-
Ci.tliitiie iJa-ou. ::ot.-r, -rti j;t diTii!ant, ii
liert'by ii.iiiiiea tiiat l;u.-Uartt Mas-fit uid on
sbc iT-ii .iav ot -Vlarra ;sxi, flje liiltH-tit:ou ill
tUt: r.Mc ol tlic n.erji of lite uUiiJj cei.rt ot
Cas t uuuiy, aud tlx; state ot ."cui.Si.a iliaxi;
IUU llie drU-ud:iut v. nil adultery i ;; U unr
. and iiskmg that he 111W be di-
voiccil t.-o: tae said tit feudal t. w!iiV-ii pet'
tio.i wiit Kami lor uealiiijtat the next eun tit
I;y I.i Atioritey. S. E. Morn-ou. rt it'ft
r-im mciitu iwj tti jiiarrn, itssi
e;aii--:;i.ima. .enrai.:i. Mrcii ri-
s -1. 1 i-.".
Auctioii Sa
u Sa:irdrly af Stt'clock,
tlou 011 Mailt H. re t-it a lr.nX
auu sprTu? wa sumTT
OU'R. 3BTJ-ES?: One Boor East First Hational Bank.)
Has Just Returned From FBBD- goedbe,
lw York City, " vP: :.
. Eaviag Purchased tbe Largest wUcKcf Ph TW$
As We Buy In Larcjs uuHntiti! vh
In connection with our ii'ix ot'iyr Ii -cicli stut-o.-!. !ny'--- j , . .... ,t " -
ahle cl'.eapei-, and give cii.-tri!:i:i--; tlic lienefit of'onr '. CuFTi C"C"'S!; - Z'.. i i- C i. 2 ITS:
ml vantage. We ai"-.- tho imlv elothlii. ' ' S i.
liotise in the city wiio hnv tVitin t til
RI ? s ess r , v v 1
lew I one panuiaoiurers; i x
aad v--ws'ars t2io .VJ r HHV! Ml H 'A
E a isivj UUUUI iilLU
- ,. :f . ,
I fL- .''-"i- r.-.. . '-iiv.-r i-t.,. ii I'lo'.r (hat n ! ft-lluif so Vi"x
- ' ,u'.v i--f. i- r j .;:; :lr.:-- i :ha:t 'ii:t Ik-oii jiJuwx-t imieiU .
EJepftrixri' Woitguc&sa Gultivato
- -
low apulas? Prises 'Wepurttzrc Torso
w,x r-isi ;mil Will Siiv You Money.
Iuanvthiiig you may waut iu ftothii tor ine.i,- boy, Htl H jj 1 tt Hj
Working' Jeans goods and gents' t-.inilii.!. )J ilVU.ijT
ses, p' k