Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 22, 1883, Image 3

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it tentlou Farmers.
ily tliounitml dolmrn to lonti ou
at 9 per cent. atmiiflit.
j money la private ftiuiU and
an io wen 10 cull ii nu ace me, II
fciti . inonov. No rrd titiie and
ija. W. 8. Wik,
litj Union Hluik.
Umuiitli muHt Iiave the dlHgon
t: vp mid it in rur business.
i .td we wi'rn Kolntf to have
ik'iMunt weather now, riebt
It mow such thing.
Kirtco(rtl chnrnli society in con
X i lie )HMHilility of grnnd fii-
im-nt to lo c I ven after K;ister.
Ik'.iai.d nnilprstnniU tliut V. V.
! will tai ninon" tli one who will
ir ru Mcnru llie minium miin-
. I', railroml an' K"'"K t1
; tt ou the t'ikiiii of (.'. (J. Titlior,
look Ht tlit) display in:ide in
,wliidowa of the opera lions
ore. It ia only a sumple of
ii ty dork is iniikin' yood
villi hi nsHt-Hbor'n booka,
if tin could work on Sunday
ild yooti hve them completed.
J.i.irn il oiliru is iinlulrii)i in a
icw a"'ii on tlio wtut sule ol t lie
liiuai u buildin, llu-ir prcaciit
pi dc ol
Th3 art loan which will positively bo
peneu ou the Utli liaa every pro mi ho ol
'ins an en tiro fcuccei and the ludics
have secured a great variety of leautiful
and antique urticle for exhibition. They
wi.l have it bible 150 years old, aonie
genuine lurf from Ireland und any
amount of curiosities.
Jjjfrphone exchange ought to
uhle its preicnt number of exchange
thin city. There are very few In the
y who luive given a telephone more
hi a itturvatiou trial that would do
liout oik- and If the number in the
y weredoublad tin ir value to all would
much greater.
Isn't it ;ibout time the people of
ittainoutb were waking up to the
ict that city election id almost at
and; and does it not behove them to
i'm to it that the grand farce thai our
olice olFuora have been enacting for
V uie lime paat is brought to a close
Selection day ?
Ve desire to call attentiiu of the
Vlers of the Herald to the adver-
JTinnJls contained thereiu. The cu
riae displayed by the business
h In the manner of advertising and
jgoods they advertise Bpe.vk for
f-uaelves. Head over the advertise
Jits and see who the live and suc
fsful biisiiie-Mi men are.
Iht-ritT liver Saturday received I he
eliience that u ruriiae uud sp;iu
.orS!shil bie.i at :! in Moux
y, Iowa, uUo a lirt and burjry
til a livery 8taiu in at. J" .no.,
il to be ou the look out for them
itthi Miuiinary justice, dealt out
the ol 1 anti-horse thief associa-
niilit be el'-
II. L. li Lincoln, yu pdiKouo at
ricasaut II ill, came iu to paa Sunday
at hmo in lMaltsinoulh.
Win. Stunlej , from the iouth-wcat
corner of C'hkh, called at tlio IIkuald
ofllco and renewed uruuiutauce.
J. A, MacMurphy U home from his
work In Omaha; Fred Nye having re
turned from his Wnshihtftoti trip.
Shtriff Ilyeis was in Omaha last
night in search of the Weeping Water
safe ci ackers. No clue as yet.
Mis. E. F. (Jrlmi h, of I'.icilic Junc
tion, came over lod.iy, and will re
main over visiting friends.
Frank Davix, formerly with Fred
Herrmann this city, started this moru
ind for a week's visit ut Denver, Col
orado. It. W. Welboru. who moved last
winter to (J rerii w-od eouily, Kan
sas, isiu .own on a viit to bis old
A. C Aldrii li, one of the popular
li. & M. men, is blinking anin mi
tlie main line pa.scnjjer between Jliis
cily and lfed Cloud.
Ilev. Fallier Knylish accompanied
the Omaha delegation lu t : i i city,
and the JIkuai.h was jflifl to
make the acquaintance of the rever
end tfenth'iii.'ii .
A. II. Keller, the down town druir
gist came down from Oim.ha S itiii'lny
and remained over Sun. lay. Mr.
Keller has been, the last two years, a
student in the Omaha medical college,
and after graduating will enter prac
tice iu this city.
C. H. Minor, one of t he jjood boys
of Omaha, is In the clly tor a few
Miss Nellie Gerrans and Mrs. Ed
Oerrans (nee Mattio Cooper) came
down from Lincoln yesterday to spend
a few days in the city.
Johnny Sexton, an old time l'latts
moutli boy, now of Mi.oiiri Valley is
ou a visit lo his home in this city.
W. X. IJuel), of St. Joseph, Mo., of
the Uuell manufacturing company,
son in-law of Chaplain Wright, is in
tlie city for consultation with Dr.
Livingston. He ia suffering from
chronic catarrh and olh-'r difficulties.
Solomon Si Nathan wish to intro
duce to the ladies of Haitsmouth and
Its (lYIobratlon la This
City, a (Jala
Early this morning' all preparations
seetiu'd completed lor the rand celc
brallou ot it. Patrick's day, that had
been looked torwaril to with so much
expectancy by the Irish-American
citizens of I'latiHiiionth. Merchants
opened their stores, and breathing
the inspiration of Hie day, proceeded
ut once lo decorate their buildioga,
utitl before ii i lie o'clock. Main street
presented a Fourth of July appear
iiucc, neatly every business houe in
the cily having flags uud bunliug tiy
ing to the breeze. No belter day
could have been mailu to order lor a
grand celebration, and those directly
intercfted were more than pleased at
the auspicious day. At .30 a. ru..
the IS & M bund, of which nil IMul:
iiioiii is proud, its iippeuriiiii e
on I he si reel". I In- members thiui:i,
in t liei r u ui foi ins and tlie.r iiiA'.ru
me.ils ;'iitcnini; iu the sunlight. Up
on the hill in the Fourth ward, Hur
vey Sage, (.'hurley U'.uck and Charley
Skililier t-lood bfliin.l the old tilhlion
ready lo halulc tlie guests of the day
upon I heir arrival, whilclhe iiieiubers
of the A. (). II. iu their new re:dia,
marched down M reet to tlie depot.
Along t he linn of march, i he flags
waved and ever and anon a bit of
irecn would b: seen flying from some
si ore room of some who were pos
sessed of more thau passing interest
in the djy. At the depot tlie A. O.
II. society was joined by a body of
men, members ol the (J. A. II. Post,
this i ily, who with their guns, with
fixed bayonets added to the parade.
Upon tlie arrival of tlie traiu from
Omaha, the It. & M. baud opened
the ball with music, while fully oue
hundred Irishmen iu ftiM regalia,
sicppcd 1 ro in in? train ami torined in
line. The line baud composed of the
members of the A. O. II. of Omaha,
responded with music, uud the li. &
M. baud then played the "Irish Wash
erwoman white the Iiik; ot march
was taken up iu the following ol
Omaha band.
Omaha delegaliou Ancient Or
Ilibernians. Ii. & M. band l'lattsmouth.
McConihie Fust G. A. it.
l'lattsmouth delegation
The Helo tv Des
Moines Still Undecided.
It Will Depend Upon What
the People Will Do.
Full Particulars of the IUat.
The Art Loan.
Mrs. S. P. Wilson, president; Miss
Lue Shannon, secretary; Mr. Alva
Drew, treasurer.
Mesdatues C. 1). Irwin, S. 1. Holla
way, M. B. Murphy. Wash Smith.
Mesdames M, It. Murphy, It. Peter
son ; Win. Torter; Misses Ella Kennedy,
Leila Thomas, Lizzie Schildknec'nt.
Carrie Ilollaway; Messrs. Pcteison, W.
Tatctam, J. E. Leesley, U. Gienger.
Bros. St. John, C!iaui'-,'i s, Newell,
8piirlck, Aithur, Davis, Itinck and
The Ukuai-U is very much in earnest 1 Messrs. It. Is. indham, H. Newel',
in regard to the diagonal roa.l. and the Sumner Hall, Sam Mathews. Ii. Spur-
der of
CUi. Citizens on foot and in car-
vicinity Miss Florence Brooks who is cieut Order of Hibernians.
a milliner of eastern experience and
will hereafter have charge of that de
partment in their store. Miss Brooks
will be pleased to rae?t the ladies and
show them the many new styles for
the spring season.
The line of match as
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at l'lattsmouth, Cass
County. Neb., M uch 1(5. 1.SS3.
The citv at nresent is full of roughs
and roustabouts, who have no money
and won't work, so of course must re---ftjrt
Vodfd Uiaf are dark and tricks
that are vain" to keep them alive.
Look out for sand-baggers and thieves.
As the warm weather approaches the
number Increasas. Get new locks on
the back doors, and turn the dog loose
in the yard.
The popularity of tire 15. & M. rail-
i J 1 . a C I. au iilunfil v
flH't UIIU lifl VUiV.o" . . -
-I'd Ptre"g-of its business. The
present regular express and passenger
trains are not sufficient to do the bus
iness that Is really detoauded, and tho
company have decided to run Hi?
trains known as N-"' d 4. which
nA onlT re- Tom n.ismo,ta and
nmJ to Lincoln and return, cir
through to ueti ioua, mamng iwo
trains each way daily, on the main
line as far as Red Cloud. It will not
be long until through trains in the
same way will be required. .
t The horse th'tif has been getting in
his work again in the vicinity of South
Bend. Poor judgment was used
though, as it is doubtful if the ani
mals taken would sell for the amount
which is offered as a reward for their
capture. The following is the descrip
tion of the horses and reward offered:
Stoles. From George Schroeder,
on Sunday night, March 18th, 1883,
oue cream-colored or almost white
mare, weight about 00 pounds, blind
In one ey?, lump size of hen's egg on
left side of neck. Also, on the same
night, from South Bend, two sotrel
horses, weight nine hundred and fifty
to one thousand pounds; one white
auou auu oue cnppieu oeninu. w in
pay aau rewaru ror capture ana con-
rtv - w (ivvnc MMonfT
Flattsmouth, Neb., March 19, 1133.
ue irost is now aoout out oi iue
manent gutters on Main street and
widen the sideu alks if that is to be
done. It is due the o.vnert of property
-nn Main ttrect that their property be
protected from surface water drainage.
It is also due to the city that our author
ities adopt wi-e precautions to protect
private property and thus avoid claims
and suits for damages by the owners of
this property against the city. The cit
izen who iuvei-ts his means upon Main
street in valuable improvements, and
navs his proportion of the expenses of
- .
maintaining our city government, is en
titled to protcct'on, and the eity author!
ties are bouud to exercise due diligence
in the care aud uianaeemeni- of its
streets and water courses to the end that
the private citizan may not suffer by
reason of the want of dne diligence or
ordinary care on the part of those in
charge of . ur municipal affairs.
A City ia .Ashes.
Under this heading the .Black Hills
Index, published a Central City gives
the following account of the fire: it
Shows how news will increase iu vol
uiiio when it leaves borne:
- Under date of 17th instant the tele-
irraub trivea information of the total
destruction of the business portion of
Plattsinoatri Nebraska, bv nre. as
many old residents of Plattsuiouth
are now living iu this county, this
will be read with regret. It is terri
ble to contemplate a busy little city
lu flames, with no power to clieck
them, but to sit and watch the crn nib-
ling of tine business bouses,- erected
. rt great Cxpeuse. oue by one, aud
tby--cracfcliug- fire lick up home us
nome. yve preaici mai upoiv-
Anderson Fred
Anderson N l
Iteasoii Ephraim
B lies Jacob
Boyd Wilber
Coiinely Chus
Clifford K.
Clemuions N
Coi ke ('lein sy
Day Lavoiia
Dull W E
Emery Wm
Fast John
Goodman C E
Auk .1 V
Anderson S II
Brown Frank P
Bennett Polly V
Brady Miss
Courtney Ellelia
Cloidt John
Campbell II L
Dotielson Amos
Dickinson Sherman
Kliingtlon Jo-ephina 2
Everett Mr.
Fry James
Grace J M
Gillsou Miss Lillie Howard Etta
Hogeboom E P
Huntly P F
Jones Geo
Kapeibafor D F
Latta W E
Lee Lucy A
McCord B A
Maurer John
Ness C M
O'Donnell J C
Perry Mrs M
Ryan John
Smith Crit
Stem E i
Thacker John
Walker C W
VittJJ3 II L
Harris Lew
Harris W L
Ki unison Orin
Kaesor W P
Leming Charley
McCracken Bert
2 Moore G L
Patton Mitchell
Noi res J II
O'Breeu Mrs Susan
Phillips M
Shaw Jack
Smith Harrison
Snyder J A
Stephen Geo
Yanborn Maggie
WPWums Frank '
Walker Philip
Persons calling for the above
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. P. M
laid out,
heretofore published, was taken
the procession at the end of the parade
filing into FLzgerald's hall, which was
soon tilled with the visitor?, home
members ef the order and citizens.
M. J. O'lleilly presided during the
exercises in tlie hall, which opened
with music by the bands. The presi
dent then introduced Mr. Ilai tig.m,
who in a warm speech, welcomed the
guests to the city, an 1 who spoke of
the day, the occasion aud the old na
tive Isle, which they all so much
revered. Following this speech,
which .was very warmly applauded,
Ilev. Father English spoke most elo
quently giviug a history of" the patron
saint of the Irish of the day they were
celebrating, of tlw wrorig and sufferings
ot the Irish people and closing with one
of the grandest preoratious it has !e ;n
our pleasure to listen to in many days
It is seldom one liMcus to a more elo
quent speech than that delivered by Fa
ther English aud one breathing more
patriotism and love of home anil country
than bis oration. It was the event of the
day. Following this a vote of thanks
was given the speakers aud tlie members
of the G. A. H. for their attendance afur
whieli all nartook of lhc refreshments in
the hail which the ladies had cupplied in
bounteous quantities. Tlie hall was
beautifully decorated with fi:igs,biiiiuers,
and pictures aud the green was conspic
uously displayed. This afternoon lias
h;en passed in a general review of the
citv, tuuiiv carriages having been ob
tained for the accomodation of the
guests, who took their departure at 4:20
highly gratified with their visit and cele
bration in this city.
To P. It. Murnhv. Johu Blake. M. J.
IIkkai.i) is glad this evening to lay be
fure its reader complete tact regarding
!n-ru i 1. it-t lin( aud its wolk fir
tin- ye ir. To secure the.-c facts i he
1 1 wrote lo Mr. Clarkson, of th
Des Moines Blister, receiving t ir fol
lowing reply :
Dfc.s MolNKs, March 13, 187:1.
II. M. Bt siiNELi.. Dear Sir: .
We have a good deal of faith in the
Diagonal. Mr. G. F. Woolxton. the man-agi-r,
has shown wonderful push and
n:ip, and the sy u.licute behind him are
K. T. Wilson Si Cik. New York, one of
whom wan here a few days ago. I judge
at li H-t i hundred miles will be built
and operated this year. I scud two in
terviews that tell tiie whole story. Mr.
WooUton's addrcrs is Marahalltowu.
Yours truly, J. S. Claiikson.
From the two interviews mentioned in
the letter ami published in the Register,
we take the fol'owlng, all of which is of
direct iuterest and shows conclusively
that the road is not yet located west of
Des Moines, and that Mr. Woolston,
manager of the road, is in waiting to see
what the people will do.
Kritiii Die Iowa State Register ot March 4th.
We have for the people of Des Moines
the good news this morning that the
necessary money to secure the Diagoual
road has been raised or secured, and for
the people of Iowa, along the route from
McGregor through Des Moines to south
western Iowa, and also Council Bluffs,
the good news that this great trunk road
is sure to be built, and the greater part
of it this ye:tr. Below is the story in de
tail :
A llegister reporter noticed consider
able low talk and serious gesturing in
the Aboru house last night among the
Diagonal committee and in which Mr.
Woolston seemed the central figure.
Later in the evening he interviewed Mr.
Woolstou, aud with the following grati
fying result of important news to the
people of Des Moines and of Iowa:
'How has Des Moines used your com
pany?" asked the reporter.
''1 am glad to le aide to report that
your city has finally raided the required
amount," said Mr. Woolston. "That is,
they have come within fifteen hundred
dollars of it, and on the promises of a
half dozen prominent men that they
would see the full amount raised, ray
company has decided to locate into Des
Moines, which we shall do at once."
"Are yon in a hurry to locate iuto
Des Moiuefr?''
'Yes, sir, we are, for the reason
that we expect to' build two hundred
miles of road this year, and we must
know nl once where we are going to
build il.''
"l) you usk the communities
through which you pass anything iu
advance to pay "for your surveys?"
"No, sir, we do not ask one dollar
until we give them the railroad. We
are working iu good faith to build a
lirst-class road- We expect it. to ben
efit the country through which ve
pass, but we do not wish them to
pay uuiil we give them the road."
"When do you expect to complete
I he road to Des Moines?"
"As quickly as is possible to build
it. By the terms of subscription we
are to'h.iye it beie by January 1st,
lt84. We own now staudaru steel
rails for one hundred miles of road
und we arc iu the market lor another
hundred miles. We are making con
tracts lor ties, bridge material, etc.,
lor two hundred miles of road. The
facts are we have one of the best syn
dicates bsck ol the scheme that ever
started out to build one thousand
lock, Mrs. It. Peterson, Miss Alice
KN T SillT l NM i;.TS
Messrs. Windham. CIiiiuIjcis, Siuii'i,
Black, Spurlock, il.s 1 1.
u.uaaii t;o.M mi it i;i:.
Mrs. Alex. Schlegul, chairman; Mes
dames Frank Johnson; Misses Clara
Babbington. S. Wordcn; Messrs. Sum
ner Hal!, Frank D.ivis.
Misses S. Wordcn, Annie Murphy,
Nettia Smith, Elsio Smith, Cm in M.ude Porter; Mesire. Suiii:i r
Hall, Will Sampson. Fr.uiii .Mu.-gm.
Meadaines S. 1'. Wilson, A. Drew, S.
P. Ilolloway, Wash Smith, E. l)avis,M.
Wayliright, Mole, U. lVteison, (;. II. Ir
win, Win. Porter, M. B. Murphy, Ste
phen Davis, J. W. Barnes, E. Allice, C.
L. Harris, li. Newell, (J. Jones, Misses
Ella Kctiucdy, Liz.!c Schildknccht, Le-
lia Thomas. Liie Shannon, Alpha Conn.
Messrs. Tateman. li. Peterson, A S.
At wood, W, Allice, It. Geinger.
li. U. Wiudhmii.
Mrs. It. Newell, chairman; Mes
dames F. Khroeler, li. Kennedy, G.
Kinser C. Jones, S. Harris, lirantner,
Gienger, Heath, Flemming, Smith, II
Waybright, Mauzee; Misses Emma
Smith. S, Harrison, Mrs. A. Drew, M.
L. White, Dabb, Hadly.
For Sale
Double carriage and harnoss. Terms
iy. wit A. Drew.
New millinery goods just received at
Mrs. Read's in the HcrolJ Todd block. St
Mrs. A. E. Head will giro special at
tention to drcus making.
A Karui For Kent.
Two hundred and forty acres, two
miles south-west of Eight Mile Grove,
highly improved, with good house and
outbuildings. Inquire of
Anduew Keun,
it l'lattsmouth Neb.
Pasta re.
Two large pastures, under fence.
Good grass, plenty of shade, never
failir.g streams, rock bottom. Horses
and cattle received. Call on or address.
w5lU Jno. W. Clahk.
For Male.
A span of 6-year old mares,
horse wagon and harness; also it
earriege ana harness.
woitf A. Drew.
Wants it distinctly un-ler-ito I tint la
has in f-tock the best selected and must
lompleteline of
ever brought to this county, which he is
selling very low. lw-tf
.1.000 fence posts for sale,
or address SCtf P. L.
Call on
Bremner's crackers
l&s 4 w.
at Stndelman's.
'1 he only fu st class barber shop and
bath rooms iu the cily at Joe ho ids,
under Carrulh block. d&wtf
Strictly Pure.
All tobacco used in my factory is uu
adulUratcd aud parlies buying my cigars
will always secure strictly first -class
goods. My special brands are all kuown
for quality aud as reliable cigars.
dwtf Junes Peitkriieuu.
tfcs 4w
crackers at Wcckbach's.
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents aud lodging at Same reasonable
latcs. Farmers anil Commercial Men
will please bear this iu mind. d&wtf
lireiiiuer's crackers at Baker's, t&s 4w
;. a. it.
The attention of ex-soldiers is called
to the fact that not one in ten of them
who reside in the state of Nebraska,
are members ef the Grand Army of
This is not as it should be, for as
soon as the aims and objects of our
order are known, old soldiers having
honorable discharges, seek to join with
us. Instances occur often where
members of the same regiment meet
and know each other within the post
aud at our camp fires, who would nev
er have such privileges granted them
had our order not existed.
I would therefore call on all in our
St.ite who are eligible for membership
to at once join themselves to a post of
possible. If there is no post located
near you, aud there are 20 ex-soldiers
desiring to organize a new one, send
at once the names to either E li. Tay
lor, Cuief Mustering officer, David
City, Nob., or to F. F. Rexford, of
Weeping Water, Neb., who is Muster
ing officer of the district you reside in,
and proper papers will be forwarded
at once. Lit there be a hearty re
sponse to this notice all over our State.
Very Respectfully,
Jno. C. Bonnell,
Dept. Commander, Dept. of Neb,, G.
A. R.
To the owners of Odd Fellows
shares iu the Masonic and Odd Fel
lows block: You are hereby noti
fied to brin"; in your shares to the
undersigned nr.d receive the cash
for the s:itne. S. II. Ilicuuoxu,
difcwiiw Cli'n Board Trustees.
Bremner's crackers at Hansen V. :&s4w
crackers at
Bennett &
t&s 4w
Bremner's crackers at Murphy's. t&s4w
If you have auythiug you want sold
at Miction call on Joe Ford. d&wtf
The World Hants ProeT.
"The proof of the pudding is the
eating there of," and not in chewing
the string which tied the bag. There
fore, take Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonic
It cures all blood disorders, torpid liv
er, sick headache, costiveness, and all
diseases of the urinary organs. 'I he
best appetizer and tonic known. Sold
by Smith & Black Bros. Fifty cents
mr bottle. Oct. 5, 82 e4w.
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house in
he state. 23tf
-Money to loan; easy terms on im
proved lands. Sullivan &; Wooley,
5tf at Union 11 lock
Just received, a large lot of new
goods in the boot and shoe line at
hherwood , Rockwood block.olwlt
It will pav vou to read Wise'" col
timu iu this paper, you may find jus
what vou want. S9U
Card of Thanks.
Iu behalf of McConihie Post G. A. R.
the undersigned desires to return thanks
The best goods for the least money
at William llerolds. 43tf
miles of l)lllro:ld WllllOUt SelllUST a
boud. Thev are a new syndicate lor commissary stores and also for their en
Iowa, aud it properly eucotiraged will I couraging presence at our camp fire on
Manufacturing aud reoairiii"- at
Sherwood's, located now iu t :e Rock-
to the good people of Pluttsmoutli and wood block. alwtf
vicinity for their liberal donations ot
build an extensive svstem ot roads,
one that the state will be proud of
"What are you going to do about the
line southwest ot Des Moines.'
'Well that is a question we are fully
ready for. We have thought of it and
are oulv wailiuir ail expression from Des I
Moines. Now that your people have done
their part we nre ready to announce that
we nre jro'insr southwest a quickly as
possible, provided the people are ready
lor us. we nave inree corim oi cujji-
Louisrille Locals,
Hon. Orlando Teff t and other parties
from Avoja have been speuding a few
days hereabouts, hunting geese, but the
festive goose '-h-tngs high" yet by sev
eral majority.
Mr. Seever has been visiting iu town
a few days, accompanied by his new
bride. May their lives long continue
to flaw on as peacefully as the laugh
ing waters, is the wisi of "Skcdunk.'
Mr. IT. Herold has got his stock of
clothing in shape, and has sold several
suits already,
Another dance for the beneiit of the
sidewalk fund occurred last Friday
evening. It was a success socially aud
financially, and we shall now walk dry
shod to the depots.
James Drake has been trying all the
toothache cures of late.
Truman nan s team iook a spiu
0"Rielly, James Grace, M O Rourke, J. I uecrs organized aud in that country, and
Khali locate our line and commence grad
ing as soon as the right of way and aid
J. McYet, Win. Neville, P. McC'aun and
many others is the success ot the iay
and I he occasion due.
evening of the 15th inst., and especially
to the ladies for their generous and un
tiring efforts in our behalf.
II. C. McMakix,
Chairman Com, on Arrangements.
A liberal reward will be paid for the
.i v . r. 1
recovery ot a team stolen ironi oouiu
Bend, Neb., March 18th, or for the ap
lirehensiou ot the thief.
The description ot the team is as roi-
lows: 1 sorrel mare wt. 1000 rt with a
Wm. Ilerold's old established dry
foods and grocery house for bargains
Joliimon Itros liave remov
ed lotlicuew Itorkwood block
Call sunt Nee tlieni for hard
ware. If
bunch on left hck. hurt foaling. Also
is in shape. ve expect iu uuuu ""c j 8;) T,.i niare wt. 'JUJ.ius, siripe in iae,
hundred miles of road southwest ot here (iar. . on let t hip
Where Our Editor Came From.
The following notice from the Sij.-
autney, Iowa, Review lias escaped the
notice of the editor and the local gives
it away:
"We are in receipt of the. l'latts
mouth, Nebr iska. Herald, of which
Hon. Sam M. Chapman, o that city,
has recently become the managing ed
itor, Sam is one of the old friends of
our boyhood and we have known him
ever since "Ilec was a pup. Hi3 pa
rents and ours were among the pioneer
settlers of Des Moine3 county. w e
were members of the same Sunday
school clas3 whn we were good little
boys, over thirty-five years ago, and
we have together beguiled the tedium passing from the .Mississippi river to
this vear."
"Have you decided upon the route be
low Des Moines vetr
"No, sir; that will depeud upou what
the neoi.le will do for us. I have met
Delegations from several communities iu
that'direction. Thev have promised me
that thev wm:; I do their full shar . If
liie.v il.'.'it will soon In: located. We
Lelieve cur road will lie of real value
to that region. Firt, it will make them
the shortest possible line out for the east,
thus making them tul stautially a trunk
line east add west. Do vou know that
Des Moines will be twenty-five miles
near Chicago over our road to Marshall-
town than iuto Chicago over the C. & N.
W. than bv anv other line. For Win-
ternet and all the couetry west and
southwest of there, our road will be
much the shortest Chicago road.
AVe cross twentv-three railroads in
Alpii nso Da HUNG,
South Bend, Neb.
Vnli oiinraa lii TcleLT '. ltailroiul anil
Kxvress took Keeping, l-or ternn. nd.lrefs.
r . fiu.DkU.1,
Avoca, Cu.ic Ceunty, Xeb.
Inclose Htampto limine answer. 1-w-l
Bui bon. Ind, says: 'tJoth myself and
wife owe our lives to SAILOII b COrv
ARE YOU MADE misserable by
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shi-
loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure.
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi-
loh's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price 10 cts. 50 cts. and 81.
f n 2,..i.,n I i,.nn.w nrllinflnr aprinnn t!16 AllSSOUn.
""'" " ' " Ul " .- - ... roil oAn artnallv reach everv uart o
A town ou the Diago-
sponsioility. me ouggy got a slight by Aaron ionara m m . ioS t n Then we come directly from
wound, and that's nil. Spring Creek meeting house, .fighting r)C entjre lumber regions, on the
J. V. Glover is re trranging his stock flies on our sore toes", and taking an in- shortest rail line from the Mississippi
r o. olir,- !,! or,-; v..,inrv nf Mm marbles. LsbOoRS: MO- river lo mi una aecuuu ui i.
IK irWV4.t) OV U IkJ 1 1 j g IVIIlVi; vm. v-w.
.... I . i i J t fi i A..' ronon.
goods to advantage. Ken gimici nanuiea. .u . t t, lumbw. off 200
Frank Stauder is putting a neat stone live and receptive pockets. e uave to ;J00 m; je8 higher up than any other
sioAwalk in front of the cloth in or store, hunted sauirrels. fished for niud pouts road reaching this country.
rw. TTawAll an.l Dr ITpm.i.r Un.l skirmished tosether for apples -men i unuerstana, w.r. vtoomton.
I ... I Ikrtt vaii 'i rc raolr trfc crrt BnitthWMI
1 V, .. I r. t K .1.. .-..l or. irolar mp!niH It IS DOW WilDr"""'"" J ""."
ubyo wen cul,clla.uou uj uu - - from here as soon as the people are
colds" for a week, but they have got sincere pleasure we place ine iiekald ready to aid . ou to gjve to Ta
it about all "hawked" up now. on our exchange list, as a means of re- Moines a direct connection with the
A etiAr f'nn1v Ia ltnililintr a. ,mhh I nwiniT the acauaintance, and rekind- rich regions of southwestern Iowa.
little residence oa the east side, but it ling the friendship that we enjoyed so
is big enough for Asher, and he will thoroughly in the never to be forgot
ten days ot our youtn.
J. V. Weckbacli lia just re
ceived a fine line or carpet In
the latent patterns. Call ear
ly. -IStf
Uuse balls and bats at Phil Young's
headquarters for base ball goods, d&wlt
Griggs' Glycerine Salve.
The best on earth can truelv be said
wf Griggs' Gl wine Salve, which is a
sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns, wounds, and all other sores.
Yv ill positively cure piles, tetter and
all skin eruption-. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Only 25c.
for sale by Smith & Black Bros. 29-lly
Girl Wanted
To do general liouseworK, tjood waes
jiaiJ. For particulars apply to Mrs. J.
W. Martins or at Hatt & Co.'s butcher
shop. 4t
Going to his Grave.
.There he goes again direct io sa
loon and pours down another heavv
draught of strong drink, not so much
because he demands it, but for the
artificial buoyancy it produces the
after effects of which leave him more
miserable thau before; i; is this dread
ful practice that is daily sending
thousands to their graves. A re.nedv
for all this is found in the true friend
a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth-
.i. I i .
mswawDM uu,. xur, o teitiper.iu.e-thc best and purest of
35eowly SMITH & BLACK BROS alI lliediciues-Electiie Bitters. Sold
fl 1 tonirvrt by Roberts' Pharmacy at 50 cents.
,. . Vuv" . ... 41c6wly
ed to me. will please call on or before
March 5th, and settle up. Having
sold my goods I wish to square up all
accounts at once.
Frank P. Tkaster.
Cedar Creek, Neb., Feb. 22. '83 49t3
Schlegei's special brands of home
manufactured cigars are the leaders in
the market and are made from the
best quality of tobacco. 30tf
Th World Mill Mores.
Notwithstanding Mother Shipton's
At Schlegei's cigar store may always dire prediction, the world still exists
be found the very best brands of smok- The people will live longer is they use
move to town as soon as it is done.
S. A. Milgrim will not move west as
reported last week, on account of the
ill he ilih of Mrs. M.
The lads and hisses here - have
swapped styles on head rigging. The
demure lass appears now iu a plain
hat, while the hitherto verdant youth
goes, forth gushing and blushing tx
neath a brilliant red bat adorned
with trimming to match
Charley Brown, our lively democrat
from Illinois, is here to dispose of hi
crops,. and will take a lot of seed corn
back with him. He is arranging wjta
the Mo. Pac couipauy to start a towu
midway . between here and Weeping
Va.tfr. The county seat ia to 5e
moved to the new. town in a few
years, and then Weeping "Water and
Louisville will be recorded with lier
culaneum and Pompeii. -v , . '
- mm-
Prof. Drurufnond will please accept
thanks for the kind invitation given
last night. Some day vchen the ap
paratus is to be wound up and touched
off. we will take advantage of the op
portunity to .visit the bast school in
the state -ol Nebraska, .and of which
Plattsuiouth is proud tf lo;jt.
P, E. Ruffner received a car load of
Kelly barb wire the other day at
Weeping Water, it- was intended to
have been shipped here, but through
mistake wont on; Ed will have it
back here or another in its place jn a
few days. -- '
which we are now practically cut off
from T
"Y6S, sir, we are all ready for active
work, and the facts are wearecontem
plating building more road than any
one in this country knows of at pres
"Are vou eolnn . v l ! towns
and eountry soutttii tt soen?
-Yes. Bir : we shall wcrk It up at
once. As I said to you. we are ready
for active worlLi
"Do vou still intend to go to Ne
braska City V
"Yes. but the building in the lm
mediate future will be from Des
moines west of southwest and thence
to Council Bluffs. By so doing we
will be able to secure a share of the
transcontinental business fully a
sooner. ' '
ing and chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. 30tr
-HACKMETACK." a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
plaint you have a printed guarrantee
on every bottle of Shilohs Vitalizer.
It never fails to cure.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. For sale by
35eowly Smith & ulacl ukos.
Manufacturing aud repairing at
year Sherwood's, in Rockwood block-Mwtf j
A. lairgc stock of cliflerciitit iiiiuiufnciui'
bom in
iiienls of sill clecrliitious. '
Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, which
subdues and conquers coughs, colds.
consumption, whooping cough, and all
1 diseases of the lungs. For proof call
at Smith & Black Bros, drug store and
get a bottle free. Oct.5,'82 29e4w
Save your teeth by using Dr. CI ut
ters. Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy! Cleanse I Preserve! tf
Wall Paper.
New stock of wall paper at Roberts'
Pharmacy. olwlmo
Beware of Them.
A good article that has achieved
succest, una attaineu a woriu-wiae
reputation by its true merits and won
derful results, is always imitated
Such is the case with Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Cougbs
and Colds. Already unprincipaled
The' Journal office has
ined yet
structed on
. The rraduating exercises of the
Omaha Medical College take place at
BoydVopera bouse next Wednesday.
. Plattyjouth has two - candidates for
a bouncer. J diplc ias, and they will d us p
to 3certainj . Vv' " " lT
... - .1,- fJ. A the meeting of the TSA. M.
'niningjt.r? ou Friday evening. 30, Ljts
Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of tha Platts-
mouth Driving Park association will
be held at the County Judge's office on
on Saturday evening, March 5tb
Election of officers and other busineai
of importance will be transacted. A
full attendance is requested.
' U. "V. MaTiikws,
jrpht. President."
Manufacturing and Repairing, good parties arc endeavoring to delude an
and neat, at Merges. 5tf I nnsuspecting public, by offering imi
tatious of this roost fortunate discov
ery. Do not be deceived, but msist
- ...
on having the true remeay, ana tace
no other, trial botues tree at ltoo
erts Pharnacy. 41e6wly
John Blake keens constantly on hand
a full line of fine Irish and Scotch
Whiskies. Aug.17.1882 22yl,
! lfiOO Cords of Wood
for sale by W. S. Wise. 38-tt
A'. Salisbury, Dentist. . J3tf .
I :
Jusl received a large lot of new
iu tire boot and ' shoe line at
Sherwood's, iu the Rockwood
j goodd
Hold up, stop a little; farmers don't buy
a stalk cutter until you call and see one
made at the Cass County Irou Works
.also call and sec the new sulky plow at
tachnient made by us
Rockwood Block,
Platlsmouth, Nek
and w! can fix you to your satis
faction on
Mil, Hats anil Caps,
Trunks and Va-
lices. Furnishing
wear, 4&c.
Fresh Goods
in every depart
ment of prime
One price and
no monkey husi-
ness. lie mem
ber the place,
Rockwood block
The onlv ''Boss11 Clothier.
The Largest Implement Hou
In Cass Count y
Wakes a Specialty of the Eol lowing
Tli TUiiexcellcd
Deering Twine
All of
Weir Implement
Including The
Weir T4iiBieBLss CJealdivalo
unci "QJl!
Corn Plan ters
BAHHES' Wire Check Ho
Tlie only successful Check Rower in use. Eale, Dav
Xfcbrasku Cfty, and Case' Stirring Plows and Cultiv.i',
bugle Smoothing Harrow-
The Best Wire Made. And the
I Pay special attention to
For Sale !
X E J, Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
SE, Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
S. Y. Sec. 3, T. 12, R. 13.
and X. W. Sec, 10, T. 12, R.
E S. W. Sec. Zi, T. 13, 11. 13
E ,Lot 10, Block 28.
7 & 0,
9. "
Duke's Addition.
The above described farms
for sule on long time, with 7
cent, interest. Apply to
d9tf nattsmouth, .Neb,
.. Public Sale-
Tv'otie Is hereby eiven that 1 will ell kt Dub-
lle uetin,ia fruut ol t be county elerk'a office,
id riiUtsmouth. Ca Co.. Nebraska, at s
nfcliick p. m. oa Saturday, the 31t day of
Marcbi ls83,certaiu personal property ol on
Jbn Johnson. ueceaieu. naia propany con
ol one ht pin. one pistol, one watch
I aal hain, one iiirKjiuie, c.
IP. E.
has just received a larce h
the best ,
manufactured. In addition
general line, I keep the cele
Four kinds of the best
less cultivators, witluoth
1 ard ffoodJ
Don'tVfail to'eaH'an
Ml (