Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 22, 1883, Image 1

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3Pi" iiaxe.ii EIoveltic in praUjr A tiling, Mats, Caps, White Shirts, OTica, 4c, gro to EILSaMtf the only one JLVIco Oodhier, anl Naw iiac
12.00 PEU ANNUM. V
- I,
X f f
L .
Stutm 1 il tctory.
I". II. V.N iVYCIC. I'. S. Senator. Neb. f 'lly.
A I. V IN K." li:!:rs n. m. wciiumr. oinnliii.
K, K. V A I I 1 I . K, Kepreseiilal e. Went i'olnt
IAMKS W. OVWIl.S, lioveriior. Lincoln.
K. I'. IK'tloKN. M'eietary ol Male.
I )HN WAI.I.H ll.s. Auditor, l.lneoln.
f. It. SirnUKVAM, Tieiuiunr, Llm-oiu.
.V W . I ) its. hum. 1'n lit lu I untrue lion.
A.i.H'C V.'-Al.l., I.rikI oimiii1kIiiiit.
IrlAAC I-" .VhlJS. .In., Attorney Oem ral.
C. ,1. NOI1I. Warden. .f Penitentiary
fit. II. 1". MA I "I iiKSV'MI.V, Mijil. Il,.si.l'l
..he I lit .nr.
A jurrme Court.
MAXV. i::.!., Chli l Juitleo, r-'ieiiiont.
.:;: u. laui-., m.;tiu.
AM ASA LOH!, l.iurolii.
." tv, ro( Jutticial Virfrirt
N it. I IT A I .1 II 1 1 1'l Lincoln
. ii. s no . 'K. rrnii-i'iitiiiir-Ai t'v.
W. C. SHOW A t. I'l-.U. Clerk Di.tiiet Court.
r City TJirerforr.
TpsT''!! V. l".( KHACII. Ma;.'
is or.
ii . . v .1 il l n . riiin.
1 usurer.
.1. I. SI All .-.on. ii v Clerk.
w i i.i.i rr ! ii r.Mii-'K. i-i.'it'i Jmiijc.
31. A. II ii i lO.W. 1 llv Allorm-y.
1-. lv i. i.ii i im-i . i i i. i. .-.
I'. Ml.'l II. ni' r rirl tn-ft .
. I.O.M K .'. ( i: ..I I"ir.- lu i'i.
JOS1.1U Ii llAl.l , li'n M.iaitl ill lleallh.
on Ni I i.ji i:s.
Is' . l anl -.I. M. L, Iiiiu rmi-lier. Wn.. Ilor'-ll.
ii.! mil .leny i ;.r: in. in, I. .. I'.i; hti'ii .
Ar.l W iii.- I . i i f . :i I! M:i jliy.
;:: . ti. . .iM-.'n e. I, i liah 'lT.
MCIKIOI. I'.llAltll.
J1..--SV. I'.. SI l.'dKK. .1 . IIAItNKS.
V. V. I.KON .Itl), Will. WI N TKliSJ KKN.
rJmatrr-JSO. W. M V1JSI1ALU
Cuuniv 7i'rmrtrr
Y'. II. SKWKI.I.. oiiiiiy rrf:iHri'r.
.1 W. JKNMNtiS, County Clerk.
J. W. .M l I so N . County Juilite.
It. W. II V Kits. Slu-rin.
l YKl!S AI ION. sup't or Tub. Init motion.
;. W. KAI itKI I'.l.l. County Sui Vfyor. .
I. I. liAS'.. Coroiiei-.
f A MK8 Cl V WJ"OHI. South RkiiiI I'reclnct.
A M1. i:iC:iAl:lM)N. Alt. I'li'itHiinl l'leuUict
A. I'.. TOKH, riiittsinimtli
1-HtlteH h ,vitip lnmin" witii the Countj
I'l l. :lnl r"i:. V. w III tlnd tliom ill KfMSlou the
i itsi Aloti'lny anU Tuesday of ttacb uioiith.
. o
I'.OAItll OK Tit APR.
FitANK CAUUUni. ITexiili-iil.
J. A. COX N OK, IlKNIlY ll.KCK. YlCd-rieKl-
tV'.l. S, WHS, Scfii-laiy.
I i;t-J. llOuPKIt, Tri'.-isuror.
rsul:ir in otlii(r of llio Hoard at the Court
ll-.ui.ic.ltie B.!"t l umday cv.-nuii; u r.icli nimilU
l la(lMiuJit:iCi t'i'ilioiie Kxehangc.
Yo.liilJ, re.,ldi't:e.
I'.rnnft: & is, stoie.
iV, K. mi iliy & Co , "
liolillfl- t.ltl'ri.
coiiniy' i'Ii I'k's -MTU'i-.
K. H. I.l'vl, li'hl.M'C.
.1. V. N 1 1 kli.ii'li. clour.
WrtiTii I'nio i Ti':i'i;isi:h o!ll(.'i
H. II. W lii'fli I'. rr-.iiii iii'i-.
IU l. A. Cniii;li II,
14 K. 11. iiiduam,
13 J J". W aymaii.
Id J. W. .l.'iiu.iii.'-.
17 V. rt ottii'u.
is Muni ' Hi' ol:"i'i",
l! W It. Cai li-r. toiv.
itl . W I iiIK l.i, ivfiilrr.iv. .
21 M. 11 .Mni'.hy.
1. II. NYliiM-'.tT & ' , office.
13 J. 1". Taylor. r.":!oi.c.
'H 1 - ii t . Xaiiiiiial Hank.
M .1. 1". Yoiiiiu, fiitiv.
M 1 erKiui ilwiM'.
K. W. llv.'i' . irei-.l.-iiee.
31 .lo.irnal oliii'i-.
Si 11kiiai.ii t i n. Co olVu-e.
35 J. N.Wi-o, iisulf nee.
3rt 'S. -M. I. luiimiau, "
37 V. I), li.ue. "
A. N . iii - Vi. :i,
II. I-:, rainier,
W. II. 1-clilloKuei'M, ofliie.
Sulliv:iu ',Vuo ey,
A. W. .VicLauuliliii. rldenee.'
A. I'att-irsou, livery.
C. M. lli.linei. "
1.. 1. Ili-anett, residence.
.iniill!, elace.
47 U A. M .ore, !ljr st.
4'.l .1. W. 11 irui'M, resl.'.eneo.
5t K. I'. I.i'iinituii, oiiice,
3i; J. V. Weck:'.U'i, rivi.lence.
l Chaplaia nu'lil.
310 W. 11. rcl:i ;Xni clit "
3ir. (ien. S fiiiii ii.
3M It. ii. I.ivii; ;'i''.i. " "
31" C. C. llallaiii.
The n.i;e!i !i'.i.i:l e Kiin-ctr l';iu:a v.i:li
AmIiIuiiJ. Arliaplon. I'.lair, C.i uicii Mull-. Kit'
inoiy l.iaciilu, Oaiaiia ami l-a I'.i-n a.-italion.
7..i j. m. i
9.:-. a. n.
fi.i"i a. m. t
f.yj. p. in. i
l.-. a in
: I'.l.
I . A a in.
p. in
I. "o p. Ili
i l.ii j.'.
iiee 17. l
I 'J.vo a. in.
) :..! p. ill.
I ii.oii a. in.
ii. or. p. m.
4... p. in
:.!. a. in
) S.J.". a. m.
4. -.' p. in.
5. 'V a. ir.; p. Ill
WES 1 Xf.S.
.Nuin u ir::'.
sol i u;.t:.
V.'Krll'lN.t vvaTki:.
ai ::;: v ii.i..
:i Ait:a.i ion
On onl.'i s nut c v:o - i i - j 5 is - -Oi'Hi
SlA ai:d nut rnvisliLi; a - -
lit c.-'.lls
!:") o n'
J e.-n'.-
A shiir! Money Ord.-r may
ioi-lofl -
.iriouul li'tiei ee i-eni to liny .i
SST-trut eo!il..i:i a Iiacil.-iiai pun "l
.1 eonl.
liATEH KOtt I'llsIAOK.
li-l class niatl.T di'tteri") i cents per S ounce,
ill i I'tiuiisher'n rales) 2 cts per
Sd " ('1 ransient ' Xews-papei-s atul
book come uaier this c! 1 cent per
eai'li 2 ouuci's.
4lb da inie:aa'idif ; 1 cent per ounce.
.1. V. MlltsllALL V. M.
Tukinj Gflrt July. 2 1Mb
tV.: 1-MAltA r';:OM I'LA TiSMOl 1 H.
:.;'. -s A :-!5 a. .'a A i r:Vin 6 :0i a. 11'.
I u".'. P- 3 :' .''
ii : iC a. a,
lv I . AN .!. ..
i. :'i
0 : -
:'. a
u .lAi: ' HHi I l.A ri'.-.'.liii"; il.
I.- a. .a. Alfivpi .1 :avA h. mi
;iJ ' :W '- ''
a. i . i- . " 5 P- "l.
K e. ami s r. Jo it
i ill. " " -
.W!. Ill " s:rj;i. in.
.l ;. Ill
. , . i -.-k ii
riili THK WEST.
uvea Hal tsaioutli :'0 a. in. Arrives I-in-
roln. 11 -.15 a. t.i. ; lla-tnis 4 :ao p. m. ; aiclinik
le p. ie. ! Oenver S a. in.
l.fivc 6 :50 p. iii : arrives Laicoia 9 :30 p. in.
' l-jreat9 a- ::. : Arrive laacntn t :Ii"i;m
Lvaves at p. : Arrives a; l.iiieeiii 2 :'xi
p. l.A ; ii.isu-ms i :i a. in.
Lvav.-s ai 2 : ,. m. ; ArriTe at I.i:.e.:ni i.
li. in ; ilastias t :j-ii- la. : -l-:Cook i : od a. in ;
bf.ivei' I :C-j p. m.
KU.Cl TilK WKmT.
avt-s r savor at 8 :as p. m. ; Arr.ves at Me-
k 4 :oo i. in. ; Ii.isiiiis ;o :2J a. ta. : laauuin
.) p. in. ; i a. t s.nwui.1 i ..
ave, L.H.CDIU . a, in ; na-n"
a. i a.
aVes i,, .a il :4.ti. in ; Ar.lves 5 :3l'i-ni
envi' i -1 1 :t p. ..i. i -tni'" .........
p. la. !.-.l'iiilL. ----- a.
.ins IViiiiT ii :"w a. m. ; Arrives McCnok
a in. ; ilas'iaa S :30 p. ui. ; Lincoln 5 a.
. I'iaU'.a.iiHl! ! A-
....... i-..t i .tf.ti. I. -it . i.i
I arse.';); l . ...v ... .
u, yo,ji.m 5 nip m. nod snive at faciac at 7 2j a. m 2 a. ni. and i X p. ui.
s. c. Asa r. jok.
at 9 a. tl. a-'-t I'- n'- : Arrive a:
ruriiie Juccuua ut tf a. n. aaU J i:i p. ai.
Vs.fre;;;r tiaii.i i'oave ro J".e Junction X ! j
a. uv p. in.. a- n. !id arrive .i t auis m o 40 m. iu.. 6 -tO t. in. ar- : J 3 . ta.
K. c. as:t. J"-I-avi!
Pacific Juuctiou a' ' :I0 a. m. and 5 :4
p. iu. ; Arrive 6 :.j a. m :id 5 :55 p. in.
UiiiMini i I'acific Kail road.
I I'-.u'r ' leaves
' -.laji ! suing
I Ul'l il. ! Sot til.
Osnu.-i. - i T tip ii
hi;.;.....-.'.- -s.(7 "
i cta.M2 So a. m.
-.iu p. iti.
SpriaiS -hi : 42 "
b, i!lf i S i. "
9.(11 "
U. '
im -
7 ? p. lit.
3 iVi
6 l
Av il '' if : "
J.:-.T a in
ii i!i, ii i": ,ni
Akiii. Miiau. j KiH. . I ":": " i',:l J"!
XlMiHii,1 V"" , i-is.s'i;'-' 1
i' CA..IJ
mu t u a- Hf:s:s.,
ITtliiM: Y.-S AT I. V. ill ira'"-e In ,if
he CourtH In th.- M;i:c. orieeon-r I'n-t Xa
loiu.l Hank. 4 !
I'l.Airnionii - ni:iih-k.
in;, t. MAi.tsist':: v,
Hlln'i.rcrsiiil'.h, Hl.i''! ,V Co'i lrn" S'.nn
v 11 si el, i s ilf.ili..lry ill ir.i-oii:i!i: - -- . '.
i:. 31 If A I: 1 . 51. I'..
I'll VSK'I VN and rtCI:C l.i IN. O'Uee ..n M -
Htrrri ii.-t ;-t ii .s.xili and .vn.-ii'h, soiiili ( !
ifl'Hv njii :i day mill il'Klii
I 'M N I I'll VIII I l N
S.'ii 'il .: I'litiae KlVrii In di-"'a-"'" of w.
mil c'.iti lii'a 'Jl I '
M. OVlONUliO?.
ATllliiM'V A I' I. AW. I-'. ! .' i -1 -. . .1 i J.l-i.'k.
I'l.A I T M il I it - Mlli: Al..l.
V k " t nr S'.l.':'ii.--liiii iii ''. .ind from KMr-iji'
It. It. 1.1 IM.VJ'in. '1. r
I :i . ? I- i i.n i
I'iHI K llwl'I'.S. Ii-ilii in... i i . ! i 2 p. n:.
-..'.ii, :it;i ili;.i-i.l. l.'l I . v I i " .
ni: h. nii.j.s m,
1' !l V S I I 1 '. '. i) i . i. 1(1 X .
I.. I M.i.i. I I ' : .. . .. - :.n... .
I'l.A I lM..i l.i '. i ' . i ' . ...
.l l- i-. J i I '.' T. X
Office over Hakrr.v. Atwood'n stnri', Miuth si.-
ol Main lift ecu f 1 1 1 and lilli sliri-i-.
J It i'i
.iih:m:y ai law. i.ia ..inin, 1.1 i
ti:e Com is in I lie male.
OMrirl Atturuty till Vo.'uri '.li'Ur.
1VTI.I. . it - : ..
COLl,ECTo.y W .'i .v'ii j.hj j .
ATTOltXKY AT LAW. Ileal Estate. Km- I
-uraiici- and Collection An'U0j. O-itue I i .
Oloek, i'laitMiiouiii. Nroiartit.t. . ir:.
I. II. tV tiKl .ij&.4t a tf.
I.1W llh't'll'l I'm.) li.iuiu I. i. .....I I i ! , -
Hurauee Ai'iiis. I'laltsmouta, AcoriLsKa. ' -Im-tors,
tax -payer-. Have . oniitcu- .ib trai l
ol lltus. liny ana ell real e-lair, ne i.ia.e
plans, &c. l
J.d.llKS I-.. il)Ii(thO.
Nnlaiy I'ulilie.
A riOKXKYAT I.AW. W ill pi a: iu I
Hid adjoining t onnlii'S; i;ives speeia: .iltention
o eolU'i'lintis and atmiraei ol title, oiiae in
I'lUaerald Muck, I'latlMuuulli,
Has hi o'iue in the front pall of Iiih resideucft
mi Chicago ' line, wlicre Ho ni. ty be found in
leadlut'os U' all-'ii l . tne d.ilu'.s of tile of
. 47tf.
?r . ; .it y i'ulilie.
a : s a': i. v. .
i ol e.
l':a;:.r..iui .
fil l, li.4i'l IVi.l.rj
jIa Vi Ji ill Li .
1' 1 1 iti i; . l.f. V lit..
'.' i. a ! i 'i' ii X i:n
' A ;ej.e:'al
I'ro.ap: ; r- !'i.
Law I'l-.iri :
A. X. l'l. l.. . AN. V;. II. WlUll.l-.V
Li. G i'Sl 'S J ij J 4 . i! . ii30 OJ'ii"
()CV iCli In I'nio i bl r';, tnit roms.
5-in.t t'ry. r.'M.,t. .itnTuii-ju uvmi to
all b iir.t'-iss . unrlj
h (jiiU't pi ii'i. ii.i' a
Aiiv.'oik (il'AilAX i 'KM I) iit C'.;.-s-
the pliUV, Hp S.Ailh, Slliiill Mil'' ol" A! .lit
Stlti'i, ii:iio.-ile IV i l' .! .......
4,i:v J. C hij Oil ill. i'iUpl'.
a Am v I -.iifi L : i. 4 a l
Fiti'ir, C-'i u J-.-.;-'
A'" a'..: :: '; ! -...:.
C'uii. 1 ariii-uiar iii.c.ii. a-1. n..-
-i a--.-. 1
to iii;
5 5 1 ri ;. ' Lj A i Ci .'i v' i. i -i
Vina c.i'.' u:rl.'ls i- i r i'i'!i.'i: p:r-
p '.SC-.
5.l -r's :: : . ;"! !: f. 'i! ::-A'--:-! of
; li ii i ; i .:: . .-. - : i i a., oi j
! niTHns, !n''i ar'i' sili i . . i
j' r-l ; .1. :.'..- ..- LA-: -:. !
i !
Iiatt.s:;ji)utli. Neb.
I'Os'r T i V ELY fl" : I E O.
.ii s!i:Ter-rs ir 'n tins iK.i'ani- t'.i o :-re rinx
ii.e.s to in i-ureil siieut.l Iry oi' K issuer's Cell
iTiJi'd .:iiniftnni I'mvilnr's. i l'o'.v.l-i-n
ai f : ! e o'.iH prep'irati n kin lit at wiil
4 car.- i'oiiimp:5'n ami an mseas : i f ' i "
al.t Li i's 1 n. f-o -iron:: is mir mnu hi
theia. ;iue a's t i convince ni liiii thev are
ii-i iiiiir-br.;:, " ' n'H f"r:inl t'le-.eir si-.rlfier
liv ii.a!'.. .i: .l na.'i. a l'.. e I rial i...
" d e't ;:! ! yor n:ey tii'tii yon are per
fectly sii-r.od i": i : ci -.-.'.::: i - jfrs . i.
v. i i-'l iV I- r:!i -;ivLi.;o. i r.'i '.v it- i- vim
Mf'se ir. .',.-rn -i ri-il, a- i:i.y --ii: .-nr-iy i-ur-e
I'i ;:'.'. tiT r.o !'' ?:'.-" i:r 4 : f -r Am.
Sent Ij ai.y p .: t ef the i'l.ite.l .'ai-s " Cua
Ci. on teeeljii of : i :eo. Ai'.ilr. ss
A.sil Jt l-.'ii'.i INS.
Knl'C'i St.. i'.r It a "".."i.
Dee. Ct:. !ss2i;;:v.
. -fi i vr ?j r. -r a i v
K 1 e's A fMir.-,( r.'..Cl.Ir2-3. Cr,
j i .n. vrsv IP-.-. - -. ' 7 ..en
:rl l 1S5-. ..SI -n. .r.-:-. . '
i-1 i,.!ra.-: U .s-ii. . . . rw.M. -.
.ifla. fcrajiu. Cir rf. . . . .
ers- for Ait':
l CkAto luiHi Sum
Sample Rooms
Yon w ill tPi'l .1'.! Fiof-st I m; '. r.'eii i
Fremdi Uiafid-. , 'H!jjiv,-.i. .ind or In r
Fin--Vi'm.'s, l'uie Kei:';i. ;-: V'h'-iR:e.-:. j
sevr-ral ir tbe ln-sr and m.w jinpn'ar
brands of UoTTI.E. l'.EKli. fresh j
IJetr alway .ir; dtnitifH. ti". Kin C- i
" - - s -.;:'' i
r'i-.t. F i IO
WKKi'lM, WAil'i:.
I l.e I iil i.vni;f n:i' :i!iiu ll;i' leail
i 1ii i n-i iinti'-':
"1 C in Is an I tii-ni r;;! Mel eiiiiitiii-o .
l '.M-- l- M ll I
i".i 1 1:
.y i i-,
; ...!. l; : .i- '
liiui '.si. . ; .'
. 1 . : '
' i - . i . . i
15. .1.
-at Li
' Iimh v
u 1 1 di
ii . ui. trill . ;.;,
:ili'i . . i r : i i' ( ':il s el
Hull i- in ( i I i ' :l "'I' 1 '
eiiaiit 'I .i J ;!! c. I ;! a" :
VSia. i."..i i .'i r Z '
I i r. Jim t ,i, t ' It.- J . v
L )i;iSVl !.!,!:
. i It ;
:i - I - lr.
iiu : '
ii iii-r,
i :i
. I ill':.:
Mai .- Ii
. i-l
i .ii- li; ii.
! I ; l.v
ii;' In' tin'
L All.,
i l ;Ji"r.
I'l'li II I I 1 1' I 1 I
ll.iV !' U'l '
is', il. :;:-.:;::.
Wcij)1 l he toli'lii'ic t il C.utf.'U iinv.:
alsn a i'ii-'i .: uiii: Ui - li-st :ij;'i i
eulltunl iiiiili;a)iiit.- niAii .il'act i; rod.
I . "!. l aid X. 4 .
Hani wur- stovis nml lin-Wiirt'.
Ile.iii(uiirl: rs lor ilio nuieil ( "hurU'r
( :ik cm ik sin ves.
SOUTil IJliM).
The follow ill"; are among' I lie leatl
ni liu-iuess lions.
e:. t:. tii.v.
i )i ali r In "if-neral iniT'eliaiidiMC.
II iniii prut'- p.iiil l-ir raiii.
i :jt. iv.i i j
..iii iu Tel tl .-I
Ivi.'i !;'! a. Ii'llll i.l tl V
C.l:iu:il lil.ii.
II r- I . OillC.
ii t if 1 1 1 -1 o : 1 1
I. .l.l'i AIN,
I ' r j i 'r.
r in u in ii. ( 'in . :. ik !
1 it ii-H i i r.
rM-i a I
if.-:.! r in 1 1 it 1;.-. 1 1. : .". i: i
yar- :n.d Miii i-io, pa;:;!.
H iml'iw :. i i-x
, icii J -
:.!'li!i ;' -
1 a
a 11
! Hi
i r.-
- 11:11 .1
1 imi-l.-;
c o-i.r I
in.' i :
ted AM.
.11' .'1' ajil'H'tl:
'.-.d( .11 le: -. lo:
I hll: :" s.
'(): A.
1' iii.
r. li.e
s- I.Oi,
;i 1 re!
1 1 ', i s
s and
1 , 1,
! "Tl
1 V
!' I. .;!' e. ir
A i- :.: ui':
0-; sUit -j::-'
:i'l .
Ih- !
. : d -v m re an
. i id for
V- " S "- --
--. -- '
:: a! r.i
Hr d "s earo m
S. le
i.yuJ or !
iJlali ..mIu
0 : ifu-'jii
1 il
ur-'.r ' -'tnl 7;htd .' I .; ai" .'. noirti fail
in a car. at ut. ir c.hro.:!.. r f.i nil
jitii ni.ii af j..')iaii :n:i and n ritggUiU for the
rtiimii. J i'f Salicii: a M.
iit'S CtriC A(TI WHIi II KX:s.'S! IN THK
TIEMS. ii.i' YI.IC4 known as a eotnmon
sene r-iMt d . because ii stiiki-s directly at tin?
cause of i:lii-i.inati-"iii. Jour and Nt-iiralttia,
v. liiif s.niusiiv so-e illi-d -iM-i-ifn-s and supposed
paiianais on ir.'i-t loe . ly lln-ellfi-t".
i Si.i- !- a 'r.fei'd bv eminent scientists
;'. '.: ..!,Ta..rl H'a;':iiiili--!:s. such a ruhhiiiic
-.. i laa-iits. I i i i ot- ts and simHIiiiik
w i!i ! i -t e. ...neat an'-i' diseases w hich
i I
-.ii'-i '' r "'.: -l' i;:e pi-:-.t.i.i.:i: i-f Ihe bloj
v. : t a I i ie A .'ui.'V!. I mir)'.' with niiirvr loi: ef-j
f-'.'l o:i".' d o.ii so lives the 1 -.-rder. .
1; i i xein ve'v ii l bv a'l cel' hratd
r.ii-.s:.-i ia-oi a i l ion sM-d Kurope. H'L'hest
v.... v.-,. v of i'ai ! reports 93 per cent
e n.-- j-i tar- ' js. i
thn t.H- I.J'A is a citlii'.n cure for
: ; : ; ; . v' - lir.A.. i;.l i ana -r.i ualIiia
1 i.e 'in -.' ' ti-.
-i 11,. . i V .
on- ar:1 suotiiieu aiuiosi iu- j
: aiuimi.te d oi money
...i .' : .! ia 'I":i-
ri .j ii-:-i
r : --I .
l a 1
Scat I" ' :-v a ,:
a.s;; vof
i kI" ni.-:' i"' -u
' put :i '.mt be de i:
ir si:l n - s'
n 1!
il r.-.-o:
,1.. i.
:n.i a lull'
e ; l- d as
..- i "i t
iiy .
. e.o
ist I ' '
:,,s, ti I"
l,:... 1 AMI '"
I liu it is - .,..r-o ;-'
i-:ai..i .lie. -oi : (!.- '
Mtf' a--4 1 Ei.f ill1...
s. i:J to C'.
27 5". c: a - v. av. Oi r
,ei l.
,:.e 1.
. J'.V Y'Ji
. "mi
!l.'- '
:.--ai i
!-..-- i
I'.l . '
irl - f.
I-.'. P -iv.a'.
l'mi-1-.'M .-'.I .
-B'i I!:' "' I-.
As ?-A C-fi-ni-
si If J-l.l
.11 '-;
--a:. - u r, . i i f ,m
:'i .il. ji : e-jiw; s.
f :'."vTTJ
fll IIS flJlftt
si'II sny large st.urk of
12 ji
O 2: ONL "ST 2
xH I must close them out. This is
a rare chance for bargains, as I
mean what I say. and will prove
it to you on trial. Call early and
secure choice bargains, as I do not
intend to re-stock in those lines.
Mean time will sell groceries at
rock bottom prices,
At Wholesale and
paid for all kinds of country
uce. Call and see me
1. I f lit
ill Old
Jpposltc thirst
W. M l.A 1,
I a.-iin 1.
iZT a.jbt -JL-s!
)' I'LA rrsMOlTH. XEHltASKA.
!ie very best faciU'.ies fertile prompt
tr.'.r..-.i'--li'. n el legitimate
:aKING business.
;fi ads, il.i'.d. Oovfiniufiit and Local i . '.lal'.: .!:! Mild. Ivpi'slls reeeiv
....I iiitt ie.' t ari'r.v.'d on lime (.Vriiii -'-.
iali-iiiaiMi. available in any
pari ! l!ie I'liiie.i State H'lil all
i1..' principal tonua oi
Colhctluns made J promptly remitted.
iliirhis: market price paid for County War
rants, htate atatl County Bond.
Ji-'in Fif.'irerald
,!e!.n K. ClarK.
tit-o. E. lAovey,
A. W
A. E. Touzallu.
R. C. CuKliicg,
F. K. "White,
Bank Cass County
Corner Main and Sixth Streets.
I JOHN PI.ACK. President, I
) J. M. TATTElttON, Cashier.!
Tnnscts a General lulin Business.
1' a hi Jrr County and City Warrants.
and pioiiip'ily remitted for.
l.a I'.l.ick. .1. M. Patfrson. C. H. l'armele.
r K. i .ui i:ii!.i'.::i. J. Morriesey, A. B.
.SiiiitU. Fi'iii Uor-Jer.' 61!y
li'EErFX far' TER,
Ri:i:i), President. -.
A. HI HSON". Vice-rre?i(lent.
I. .v. WILKIXisOK. CaeLier.
iktil Eiiri'BasistssTKisictel
and Interest allowifij on Tltoe Certl
. neat ms.
- NEB.
5 aii.iljl?--! a. any part of the TTnitcd
nd all the principal cities of Kurope.
AtAtji fur the celebrant
. ...
1 . .- s -i
i TTJii7 li. j j'3 i:- u
IS?--.'. PaIi.?.f VJ!r triV.-S v:? u
lllUlil CICKSjMl 0331
3 ( .
a E5 &
14fV 6aVJ
N 1
677 rw -suua Kav
i 'ash
4 '
National Il-ank.
i k s
ft --:
This It--;ti(t ifnl tliive story hriek -auoti :'
l-.-.v,-!' M.ii.l stree'. h.'. iu! la'ea Tlnislied
. i''i
fined up for lli- aijcorniaoiiaaoa of
- AN I"
A Good Bar
in coiiiiee'ion with the
ts 5
S &.
K .
C2s 5
gs 2
3 -5
" a 5
n a S:
S .2 .
?! u o
1. 3 a
MaJs cS
"3 S
ts S C
r 0 ff
3fS o
I I t-
" fen S
s C m 3
1 .-n
Q 6
i a
a v.
r- 0
1 S
a.- . ts -
Oi 5- SJ
d.1 Wtfli tlOl
LAFE O' NEIL, Pixp'r,
Beef Men-Fori Veal Cliiciens. &c,
' Coii-iaiitlV-on hand.
Al.sO,li kinds of UAalK ta s?ai"oa.' aid ev
erything kept in a
FlStST-CLASH .lli;ir !IOP?
-At lowest possible mfes.
.Ycrii Side JIuin St btt. 4th and 5th,
521y ' TI-ATlSMOUTn. .'EBa
tt Xfi
'iiii ..
i be m-iosi nit to ail an ac ante, and u cr
toraernof irtvr itio'itorTlnii?it. Itooctaia
about lT6pa'fi. e-'sfiliu-traumi. price. aocnn:e
iiecrir':Jonii' an Lvfloa&o dijvetiocs lor piant'p?
tbM vanotia r-tiif .o and Flower Soed,
Pl.irrtA. Frn-t TrVstc lovaicable t.i ad, upec-lalij-
to . ortfit Oarttrarrs. fc-nj for it I
U.M.-trini U6TRgiT TJl'ni.
kfire j-nni-sr crrnr
"t'r.' u., .iJ
David Davis will no kMitfer lmvp ;n
exclusive niottoii)!y of lln' i, tlni'l
party in America:! politics, lit) lias ;
part Her now.
I : K l.k-jK . ... I Ii -z at eh en
uineer, lias eomiin ni'eil work oil !ti
latest .iroj -el, W i t'ii to UV.iU ol
the ile-iert ..f ili.ira, a ureal inl iinl
Kx-tJov. :,i. .MMiAutrt: lias lieoii
noaiinatcil lor rovt'rinr of Hliodo ir
lai:.I; tip' report that ex -Senator Conk
linir will as-isl iu tli; canvass, l h
fa'irieat :uu out ofu t . p' cloth.
Tin: W'iscoii i i, Iowa ami Nebras
ka railroad, the dinoti-il rou'e, i
workin a heavy fniee in e.i-lern
Iowa, ami a priliiniti:iry survey is
now t.ei:i;r n'i.'iilo lietwi cu l)es M iitic -
i.n : conn.-; i r.i.itrx
Thk 1o',h lirewcrs were in conven
tion at Couni-il 151 n Us Tlnisrl.'i :
'I'luic is a florin brewing in the; pro
liiijition ran Us in that si,, to, that wi:
asioiiish the Iowa beer ni.innlaetn
rers at an carlv il.iv.
Now ik the lime to take steps t vhl i.
the si lewaiUs upon Main street, an-l pnl
ill pullers that will jiroteet the citiz?
i r iji- rty. N uv let it be iliseusse l ami
settled or.e vvav oi- the other. The Hku-
Al.I ii for extended sidewalks nml de
I'i nt ii'.ittei'.s.
Is it not time otir peopu: were pnying
soine attention to Ihe coming city eltc-
tliinf We want active, business men at
tin: head of alfairs; much that effuclsllie
future of Plattsmoutli djpnnls upon
tiiis. Aain lie; IIerai.u calls on our
business men to not ihirk tlieir duty in
this matter.
Ever mih: Mr. Folger has been
eeerutary of the treasury, rumors
have been rife of his resignation at
oft recurring intervals The last ru
mor is now declared off, and Mr. Fol
gor assures the public that he will
continue lo hold that position.
This best stitfirestion for the. nation
al republican ticket uext year iu
print is 11s lollows: For president,
Gl.'o. F. K.'iniimls of; Vermont; lor
vice-prt sidcut, Benjamin II irris )ii,rol
Indiana. Two of the nhl .st iiii'l lii-t
iu.j:i in iho Uniicil .Stales of Amer
ica. Tot: s:ain;iii-' rotin I of
:! modern
I'll! I 11' Up
si ttesnrip, O.d'i, is just ei.'.v w
nil .':i:cl!i r 1 l.-i :;n:i, and the po itn -iai:.-
ii'oiii thf nispafchrs have not v t
decide.1 b'.-S what the h.iiv.s; shall be;
whether it will bo whisky t might or
whisky n:i.''.i Uh a slight tax. - Whin
this cam 1 il'n mus 01 r1 hot, i; v,'d
be in order for the fanatical tein iKTiinee
)c:ly of tli.a; M ite t .i.-cerliiin as sj.ccd
il v as p.'-sihlf . a Inch j-.arty holds ti.e ad
vanced views on i!i- 1: s:'nii of restrain
ing the evil, r.nd . h;:i I !p the other
piirty into power, he ai is " t!:e o::e in ad
vance does not co.n.' r i ' ir u; t.i tin: pro
hibition standard. There is a beaniifu:
logie about this ma i;ier of ; t lorm n
the world which only the modern pro
hibitionist understand and apjireci
:Ue. '
The dcieii 'i: in ihe star ro-.ce casea
are just now interesting the country
by puttinif Mr. Ready on the Miami as
a witness. was Second Assist
ant I'liatm isnir from July,
1S76 to April, 1-'Sl, and it was duriim
ins tenure of olliee thi.t the atovc-i n-
tnent is said to have been victimiz -d
by the proll.gat-i and criminal expendi-
ture3 of lare sums of inoruy, for
needles and mythical mail routes.
Witness Brady stalls out at a rattling
pace, giving the testimony of wit
nesses AVal.-:h and Rordell, the lie
direct. Brady is a man of large brains,
and great experh noe in public affairs,
and the country will feel relieved to
know that these prominentdefeiidants
are going upon the 3: and, to subject
themselves to the critical examination
they will certainly receive. The truth
will be known when this trial is over,
and congress can then try the court
and officers that tried these men, and
then perhaps even handed justice
wili be had. On with the dance.
T11 r; ii-p isit'on of the rail ways of
the couutiv to avoid all reasonable
resti int by leishition or otherwise is
daily evidenced by the disposition to
contest ev'ii attempt at restraining
them witiim what the people consider
reasonable grounds, as well be noticed
by tne following announ -lament
through the associated press dispatches.
Tho C. R. st (J. have 'carried the Illi
nois iaw before the, U. S. Supreme
Co;:rt, whete that corporation not only
hoptsio avoid the operations of the
stale iaw but seeks furtlicr warrant to
to crack its irre-at whip omnipotently
over the le-:s.s) lines of tha" great cor
poral ion :
V.'Aiinxr.TON, D. "., llaich 12.
1 he 1.1-0 .'1 li.e Chicago, Burlii:gton &
tuincy roiid is still in argument in
il.e Uoiltd .y..tlt h Sil,.l( me Court. ... r.
Biitlett, of Boston, ttxiay following
rt"irt Uexter in snpp-nt of the road. It
ihe company wins this case it will en
abk; it lo. piactically determine iu
own Tdtes of fare, not only upon the
main system of ths Chicago, Burling
ton & Qiiincy real,- bat upon all the
lines which have bcs:i consolidated
with it. That, at Imtst, is the claim ot
tile lawyers who say that, under the
Illinois law, the parent company
can-extend to all the lines which
have beeti consol'id itexl with it
whale vrr rights and franchises it may
have. The ilist of the pending case is
the claim of the company to demand
a 'higher r.tte of fare, by reason of a
sp-c'mI stalnte, that js permitted by
thegential hiws of IDiiifis.
t'iago.P.a!. - .
Do 'not loi ihe ili.igon il efcape your
attirifion; ifontlei'iH'n; it is ru the oth
er side ot t'le river, and oniy aw.dti
vi. .-.r em ciurri-'f nnj't .nml invilation
Tlli'.te ijr i, :i s.i Me:u. like t e rail
way S).St-Ul Ol' I he ei iilil I V, has I..
Cinu- U'l a ill l ii m.i-.t' r, v , i n. vo
II U'Uelies Ihe com nn IV la I oprl.l lu;
of tli-' dill ieic i.n .1 i.--1 : . : : aec. 101..1
our c j'.inti y ;' 1 cl n r or I . ! r a i 11.
cdy 1 m t. be nii.lil. T'lie il 111 ",
ty a.i 1 t.i .'.....'.t-i- li .'!. th.'M ti.
ncti-y, is, t !i it t ii 1 1 :utc of i It'" con:
try i .: ih'i 1 .1 t 1 l.une I'Xicio
npo 1 tin in ; H' A .I .;. s,i.)h di.stuiice
we are nut sn m iu mile."., Iut mi man
lioiiiri 1' 11.. livi-t. In the i -III.?
t :d',i ;:;-ii 110 111 an ci nmi
jiiJm.'iib iVii.iU d-.rt 0 1 1110 om
iiiiukP's lieie ;.n I buy r lie stcrk d'e
pioilK'- i'f Neb! ;,'.:..:. vvi'.it'dit his Wn
const. iiitly wi.l.m ". .ir sln.L" il'il..
Cldoiiif.i, or X-.". y..i - ipi )'. t .ion , .1-tlii-y
jii;1sa!..-J .1 i'.i. i;t irii.v li o n l!n
Kl'e.U cuU:r.s ol' trail.'; lil.ii ti'.nl 1
li.e te!e'i.iili i ml iii mm hh- In : hr m, 1
ch lilt a id j -:-)-; ir is I.n m turn o.
Hiforiii.itio.i ; ins ;no ict'
'I'liese iii : ui e-. s, !
their 4; v.i n.', ! hr:;' o
lmp.n lance, h. i:,h, 1
j"Ct S of .-pi Cili.l !!.' t.lp.i
s.ocks have I - . 1 . : . . . i-i :
ni.ukei.s for vintii.'t.iiiii.!
1 1. 1
timii .
" 1 -1
;.-.)! do'VIP;
1 . : i 1 . 1 ol
'.'ili'.r. ihel
tii'.i iu ih
1 (:,ii:ii;!i':j
I ve.i'.;r;i,)ii
faa 1 iialM'l.
1 until to: I tv t.'.;- rail w ty ...i
Btojli of A i! 1 : i ' i.-i 1 '1
of our i 10: ,ii;,iin.
Thia has MiiiiiihU-d the building d
telenip!i 13 well as railroad lines;
and ihe formation of mw com);tnie.
aud corporations, lor pmposes ol
sp culation. These stocks depend to
;t great i stent for their market value
i. e., tie basis of their market value
upon thu net eainints of their opii
nted line;, whether it lie rail a ay 01
telegraph, fif-nrr, anyone cm see how
necessary it is that such stocks sdtouhl
have a go;,l reputation.
Wealtliy men of late, in this conn
try, seem to h .ve a maniA for the sob
ownership oT the stock of our rail win
and telegraph lines ons-'tjuciitlv.
these stocks have naturally llwcd
with the currtnt of trade into tin
hands of the V' ml 1 bills, (loulda, ar.d
Fields the speculating millionaires
of America. Tic1 result has in-en, tha;
as ihes.' stocks :..tve ri avitateii into t!e
hands of thu few, t h m in i. : .'."it e'
these greit i:c. ';t.j !:ive li-e'ii."
more atrl aioi e ;a bitr.iry, and i.':sr
Kuril fill of til' e ill's .t'lil tieee.-an 1
of tho:.- l'-pe:'it'.'!it npo 1 t!iel-i in u
regular c '.- of ! :a le.
Ill: hi ill 1:
over .1-'. :; 1 '
if 1 . i.', "
.in ta'.-i 0
.,! i Ml"
- at ie S . 1 1 , I
.1 :. 1'.
V J a ni' l.i,
;. 1 ! : 1
.: i:i 1 1. r ..:
1.1 i n)., .
'll.. i:i .
a '.ll '1 1 'i .
e 4;'. t 11 ii
a fact . W ii
(i juld
plane ,
a'.t: lo -v
try , ami
had I,h'
ii.-.- a o t!
j Illt'ilL -
a: 1 1;..
I m,..
to th r.i;
1 v:
ich :
1 :
pvon, .!"..' 11 :.:.:
vr., ii- ii -..'.i
'. .1 a, .( Iii; I
I h ni '.Ulj
II and col.1 Vi
ail'!: lines oi
or t w . 1
il ' ii
Co'i .:l i . , ;;e ... n, 11.:
north v. i- ;:. r ' ; 1 ! . ;. a' f
ev oi
; arti
a a i
exi : : ii. -.:;' r;i ' ar,
of i'.'I ; :. 1 ! '. v
' ll-:. ..' . ll :
to, fiiiiai no'- .'.'v
praelicl;." a'.'
Tin" ri it'- ;u
wiil be, iKi'll :
is iii ri ved at
died? I ti.e :
n.ioiioia.1 , :- 1 e:i
ed, and v- l.i
Cotiiiu ;! . ! iii'-.i.
i.'ovel ilio'. '..
taill it s-.'f .i'
1: ::; ."i.i.
: .. j-j.
..' J
1 1
.. .s.'..t
IS !," , . .
r t-' !' '..:
'. s ! "s i
1 :.- :'
.l ' i 1 .' i ved
..: Hi r is, th:it ti.e
:. .ii act ;;;.d in;.:::
si. -in of its own,
mi-, i y,
ov. ui d ijy the
.ind ii.i
the fi
wealthy f.;'.v. We c::n sec tiuch in
this jiroposed solution that recom
mends itself as a remedy. It would
take the ;U'legraih htock of tne
market, and this would stop the ten
dency and .practice, of arbitrarily
raising the tariff rates, and thus tax
ing the cuatoaicr and patron (who, in
the regular course of trade, is com
pelled to patronize) to meet the losses
r'Ublaintri fy the individual. owning
the stocks and Jin:-.. in iiinbiin
spcculat iono in f-l-,. ks which have
piovcd i::s islious ; '.iii the ;i'j vernni'-'iit
vsoiiid winity w'oui-i he a reasonable
ate Kufii lent to ixiaintain the lines
in pu.d rtp'iir ana inak" the sjsieni a
.self aiista:.:iii o..e.
Eve: y ii."!iv i-i;;. I and corp . ration
woiihl be up-sj iii'. equal foot
ing, and wo one ii:a. could monopolize
1 h: se 1:1 e;it
leli.elil'i-, 1
i : -s of trade all I ln-
i'.V.VIa.JII Oi' I'.S CJ..1-
t :.
ti'ot an 1 i t
..- ai- ilt. of cril-
on uvi-r
'.i-ai'ioi;-j ciiy
1 ar
I lit: ,
1 s
. .. . , ,, r, .
1 4 r -1 e ..s on: V
i ." in 'II l h- 1 ai y
M .v 1: I, :lLi. i ll
; ,i of tin- ciiy on the
1 stree:. ami :t- th4
. n il 1: i 1 f -r a
' he b 1 s j . .,
- oi h s: 1 'hi" M
3. Si M
inic'csis lie it
(Jf fOlli a
u- c.iir city i md of ;.s -e.,:s
he Iiii-ing and val.i.ition "of
'or-.i to ji!ite unr vabiations
cannot in ;
property a
Higher t!'--: t!iat p-eed upon iike j-or-jH-i'ty
thr i.L-h i'U thr- sta. if they dal
we would d '- more tint', oar j::l pTo
portion of (ax-'i to ;i- state; hut oar
property i l.the ciry I be valued
fairly, and 1.1
any locality
should be tr
A.-sje.s.-0'.s for
Fi'st V..11
' ui::n or s.'t 01 men l.or
bhoiild be f iVoled, ;.il
lo'ed fX.-..'y ai kc. Tiie
-e arc :
cti w.u;i
:k Cafnith.
Tl.lrl s J T
r.;ckliijr Iu Irrcsts.
Our pcn;;!e th.nil I noil, bu ih' m.Miienl
ive,' ihe iliscuura In" 1 view -i id'in tiiii
r 1
c pitnlistM, in rear I t devi-l-ipi!! a a
p l is p; ititoicst i(tt this point. Had
J ni". K. Hoy il imi'S 'o Mr. Ai.iHiur
when he est.ilijso 1 jij' pfli'kiii f Im'1"
ill Oiliah.l, d i:ihth'4 h- would haw hiCil
'Id that I'i.icao wan tjhu mtlj in iiluT
i tin- world where, cnl'''1' !l" ' o'is
c oil 1 be sn. cetisfnJIy '( nttiied in thai
oai t ienlar branch of tr -yh:. Th 're is no:
si much ia iho argument of Mr. Ai
in ni 1 , an i(. vould hnvd hrl'i've. li
Mi l.' be tine, and d'illb!,lef!itlJ.ei' I!"'
re fii si', Hi,, tiiiuraiiprx, .s'liei afl h.iir nn I
hoof 1 of the can- uth'i'd in
C'iii.'.i;.'; 1, a.i 1 to u iirnui, extent l i i lo to
pay I.n- cji ;: of a 8li'";;bteritl;; esta'i
lishliniil ; hut .ill tlmcn" ult'l In'I'c
an'l l.ic i-.i up. in the 11 1 it ' I " I , not in!
vantage .. .sly, u is Iriifi as il ran be
done in Chicago, bnt it e-111 be do i'', mid
thou o il' nth. r point v'hioh .Mr. Ar
um tr und hi brethreu Hp"ii ihe lnl.r
should not forg'd, it in ahlll:'ii nuit ter of
course, but slid il is fact ( 'hic;u',i
braius should not overl i-n I that is
the h gs, and the cor.' 'bat make tin)
bo-is, in this great prod "'"'J. region nre
raistid right here, nud tl tre can be r o
ijuesti- 11 1 ut I hoy cn'4 be protitnb! y
bIuu :ht( red hi rc lo the great iidvanl
of this lountry. This i-imt nn cxpi ri
incut, not an unsolved problem, but long
a demonstrate I fact. Let not our board
of trade bo discouraged. If Inns can
bo slaughtered iifl they have been, pro
litably, for years 011 Ihe Missouri river,
it can yet be done, atul right here where
they are produced and futted for (he
market is tho pl icc to slaughter them.
The camp-lire held last evening un
der tha auspices of McConihie Post,
was an enjoyable affair, very largely
attended by the people of Plattsmoutli
as well as by the ex-soldier element
throughout tno county ; but the event
of the evening, was the address r.f
Gen'l Paul Vandervoort, of Omaha.
In a talk of about 0110 hour's dura
tion, Mr. Vandervoort held the huge
audience assembled in l.'ockwood ball
spell bound, speaking of the objec's of
the G. A. R.. lie said Cie paramount
-ii 111 of the organizat ion, was to ins il
1 he sent iuient of loyally to Shu old
:1 ig so deeply into the hearis of c mi
ni generations, that the;Hcri.('.s of thu
I 1 e civil war would 1.1 fer again be
'ii'ieied in this count ry ; 1 hat next to
iiis object, it was the it. ' tuition of t he
i. A. Ih. to e :.o oh! :;::!. li-r,
V'.o had dm;.: ii'il l
i 1 il l !:o'.ir of ;iei I
;;lm.. I)'ji.:-.c; l
11 nl i. f .soldier's hollies by rati
O! ! F'-ite ;vvrtliff
A. I"... to ere f jr fh
rip;. led n inn. uits o
v. l.i .lowly p.tssing awii-. ; to
''ii' worthy applicants, .hoa
for pi n.s'on:; weri' sliil 1 a n; i.i
d jiarlinvnt '.nuiii justed, a en- ;ai
upon and ;.!lov.ed.
The c-nti: nil dr;ss aix.und.-d i:i tl
njbieniass of et.titaetit and uevoti
o tbi" c.iiiw" f-.i:d liiari s's 1 f i n
vivors of i!;e Ui:i.,:i -old.eis of I
ar of Uie. ri hi.lli for widen Com
mander Vand'-rviK.rt is so jua'.ly di.i-tiiigiiisbf.-
!; f-;'.-cia!iy a as the closing
portion of Caiiiiii.ii.d 'i Vaii.b'i-viioi t':i
!i'l.!r.-; l' :i II v td-.-iu -lit.
iK'scri'ovd hiii entii.ien: ;t:id fi :l;n.
ifter vihitiug a I'-ml of (I. A. R., a
1 j'.'::-al lii ., t.-olorado. Ills 'sil ly .:.-.::
ed the .ri'aiiiit.'iin i,".'Ti:. wl.iic- t.v
i'-eir fee' pressing the t-verlaa'.ing
biio'.vs, and the ulonds of heaven li;'.!i''
i'lg aboiit them, he contemidatcd the
liipi-lly thiniiir:"; ranks of the old
Grand Army of the Republic, as they
were passing in review to that undis
covered country beyond the snows and
the clouds. We regret very much that
we are unable to give this portion of
the address verbatim; suflice it to Hay,
it established Paul Vandei voorts rep
utation with us, H3 a man of extraord i
nary fcifts a3 an orator.
Wk notice the so-called Slocomb law
of this state. Is attracting universal at
tention throughout the country and it
seems also universal commendation
wherever it ia noticed as a license
law; there is perhaps no better in force
anywhere; but the fact is, in Nebraska,
the only place where the linuor jues
tion gives the citizen any trouble is in
our large centers of population. You
may take the cities of the first ami
second class in Nebraska out of the
consideration of this . qu-!sVio:i. and
you practical;; remove the tcmpi-raiiec
'i'les ion from bjf.jre th-; p.-,;h?. ,Ve
are in favor of ,1 g.JOd stili iii-h lice, is-,
weii enlorced. There is no doubt but
l:eu-this policy is tfrIop:ed the ci:;.
ivlipui a Jo-) 3 It. d.:cn"'.ies the iiumb' 1
of nan sho.;is, whil t'. m 1 - who r
main in the business ar" rf .1 bet;.-:
clas. :oid as a rule, h'lve u 1 i.-.i-; j--K
r I f ! l.-r.v : .d .id,-r. d'.. ";; i
inui'a at s:.i'(.i i!n-iiH,!vs a ad it is :.
their ii' (iiat illj'-iC I 111:1 -si,. i :
'.l ,o:r;'S S...I. ..',, ln.r ;li i... lJ!uir.,..s jrf
icensed a. id tolerated it is to Ihe ir.t-i-eft?
of those who look 111 'iii it v"i:
disfavor, as ni-ich as it is to tii b.tei
e t of t!ie b.iiam.'fj of th coi i muni' ,
to thai the business i.s rui,! in c.i
foin.iiy wiih law.
?:aiKi: alio it Wiggins lro:i
csgo Intcr-'JccHii:
"V,'. W. V.'II.:. XE'R MORE lflOU;,'.'-.
Tie entire f-wlutft of Ni'igirs'
sioriu predieiiction has calle 1 t7,rih
the following tonight from a defc.iicd
randiiiatc f-.r I he !Ioi,e .f Co'iiinons,
siiown as "( deacon;''
Wiggins wanted wind V.'i -i:;.
wj-hei waves. Viggin:; 1
wind v.-ouM wolloi wild. .Wide wast
ing waters wottid wave. WorMs
would -vobbb.. vrncking Vf1)
-wooiu 'vafl with woi'i'l wast
j.. ..- ...:.i s - ...
i im won i-ri't . iVn'ii 11
v itche.l wak-."lu!iy.. With w s waiie.t
'Vit Ue.l v. giils winL-d wiitiij'. 'V:g'
gnis waxea wanton, . w riling .woro ,"
Ie fal the V. i,i!i':.
I. Siioii.d ever d;e in .... .. " I
, , , . ,. , 1 "' I".. .. oil c.l I .V p.. I I
ut I .;: ia ..ll ..,;.- I
-it, find j'h'o bv the . ' , 1
f the old c:!a;d. as . " " . . . I
woros. "v pek.s vitrei Wigoiui' iud j increase 01 wem
wave w atb-wrtnienrCt it nrK, Wrecks tb'y elosi. "j
ViMVi v'1 wcr.vl '" 'Hg. llV'url4a . , n, ...
r.:,, AV''.OI - -Ai-l" vnstii":! Cf V '
M'-l'.n of tt.oV
W.C. T. La
I'lider the im
iio.Mit vi ru ut Men,. 1. n
I o v, i.oin n! roii inanU-iiluiis fur
Ii.i l.t i-llilllld be mlill isseil.
Ih". )M.
" ' 'III J 111. l ;
record.! of tin' I'tihia .oa.y, M
Kulij.'i t of u-ibi'i- lhjiior iiK-li, i
lew yems ie,'.i I sli-u; :,'i. ;,.
nl'li j;,ii 011 ih;,; j!,,;, j , .j
.I'l f-J l.'ivc co;nj,'i,r.! In Uv-.
hi'n!!h ro!! i of rei;iiu, his w,'.
i',''"" fell!- e I !o ytve. whl-kpy,
of r. ;,iiu,'i,l ; u hen: hi l ey
fie ly, T run k 1 iiopii , ,! lf,r
of ;iiii fr.d.rl,.!i.,,;.l.lJ; ,w ,, .
l-o'.v so m..i,.,' of ,,.,,
throii;;h our vi hi'.::'y ir
them." ' ' "
'lV"'"'!il'i il.,- ;,, i t
lobacco in any fu,t) u, ;j
oi" poi;i :l .1 oiioiiiy.'v.ill Ih,
ai,,i:iio nt iu li.e Mat;..' Jo nj
lore Ihe sfuiite by II,,. M.t.r,:lit
treasury. Tlu ie nn: now V i.l '
I if of disiiCcl aphiu ,, ,,
ih.ii'.js in (his country, on w!
'.1 )(.,()() in iiue has been iiu,
4o,i)00,0tK pou nds of lobucco, ;
8,0)0,000 cimu-a ,! duri'lis
fore if in Ihe inieiiHtK of inlei
inn: reform a bill -nhould be
landing I he luxes already pni
unsold stock, the government w
to I'liy bnek libotlt ?.1a,0()0,(KIO
and icprcfipnt.itives who feel v
toward dealers In thee ware
11 Ibct oer this Item.
Chicago drain shops urn 111.
their accounts for tho year. 1
that the total sales for Iho yi-.u
to .tlO.OOO.O.Od, of whp h I'i.M l
tilths is cleur prolll.. ,S.i, 1 ;, -
sum frciii our tax hill, a ad il v.
hi lit just what the li'j' trail',
city c.sls tin: hard -work i n 4, s..
.-lis. Are ol so bcilev ' 1 ' -1 . 1 4
I us'. in ss nn n of ( 'hicag.
eataiily th:. v into t
saloon-keeper 1 .";,()!,:' 1
chill 1 1 hai 11, a-1 air I ,1
maiiit'.'ii.'iMee o' ih- :
poor i:m! li," hi'lph's . '.
ing yo"r i em I'ai ii ,1
li'iel .ilel - prefer lo 1 ;'ia
si i I mi, e , I, ,-,i, a ,.
Id :ii'.;s no.;"' ex'Ji in i' .
1 oi.iioi.' d il"; : ; 1 '- s 1.1
h li I I'.l.',',;" '.
a '. I :.
.'cii , ni Is ,js ,a..i:,l '.':,..
a can:-" w i'dadi in.i.s ia i: .!
;,iii'di.d with s.i'J.-fa'd ion ; ; 1
I in diminii! ion i:i the l- a;,: :
iaxchefjm r l;om the dtiti :i mi
ieating liijn. ns.'' An cxau.i.'i
the figures in detail shows th
diminution iti principly djetj t
creased consumption of b"( r,
paid to the excise about 'djT ,'
iliirin; the ie:l, vi'.'ir tii-ui in O
!:revioiis. a writer in Maein
Magazine bmnorouly :r,;ue.s tl
Gladstone Itad no rig!it to lock
thin rtsult with d.-tSisfar ti'ji
dilates on the disastern that
overtake the natijii'a finance
.3,000,000 of revenue derive!
the liquor tax were to be lost
people boecoir ma: nober. The
drinker, ar;ii'-- this huni'-rist
great patriot, and has Da ved au-l
pence on the income tar of
"respectable'' people.
Most people will, howevt r.
with Mr. Gladstone that the tic
lion of this particular pait
revenue is a cause for rejoifd:..
b' l'evo that a nation of :' er
v. 01-10 11 :.i.: v. e;:. u i.o
tm-ie i llv tli m a nation ...,
1 1:: pari ot .ru .kard :, :i: ta I.
I e.i.-:'iy to rai by o'.'r r forms o
a.,1,1 11, e r. .e:rie now ij i:i
I toe rail :". ' 1 o..t V.'id lot
' t. I. m-.- i
I : t a r
j ta" e.i-..:,.
j !:::' 1 V.
I I r 1.
i 10.1 a: my ;.
an I tii iiold-
llil'V" 'a'g All '.
clas- i.le : 1
in :ro:;ioi;t,
j thi is 1 1 lie, ;;;, 1 ;t Jan, of t!.- u
j IO ho a'.a.Oi:.".'; for by the j.11
1 tr f :o;al.s,;n. Rat t.ix j er i
j sjiigirf year 1.-, too grcau it t il
! h" cied;idy aaviilna! to
I i.fU'e 'i i'U 1. i.."l' l .llK U.-
fact I I'fiy n .ir!e j-
:;a. i:iS to i.aVC !"'.'
:::';::;, '"i- 1 ' '!' c
'i';,e pasta! ivl?::
ii':"ii.'";" ot y.T. I
jar. .! exh:hit.d ;
nosits t- the,2:
n.rj. To our mi
tween tho incn-.
ecre;ise of beer
- .... I
, i i.i i 1,'iJi o lllon n.y, ; ; 1: ' ',,
on;:! ,. , , I
cer o n :uiii:,,-r .1 .1,. n. .. 1
citv reia-niiv n.r.'ii t,
: 1 -. .do wn, ' , I
"ink'::..'' li.'.i.- i.o-.v ,,!..!.. 1 . I
, . n uii'j'ii si l".ial.iy liiij t, loi.fcia I
1: l'j ll . ' ' I
, . i : Iil.'iml that the'i .:. ...".. 1 I
fl.u:i:'' , I
t" day a: l.a ,. : 1.1a: ; pi.. , J
I I ;.r : 1: .'',.1 ;;l:i 1 .s . ;,: ., ;!,,-, J
lib:: 1 1.I0 (,f I a l.( I; i a '.. I ,;, r, : .
i hi:: i'.iui lie !' m : .-.o .: ..'
oi;.' ila-.on 1 . )a: i ; : 'Ii ,:
1 '
I li.-l I her-, v. 1 e ; ;: :. .1
il: '. too. oil t l.i; 2 - I oi ' :'i
I - i,i ;'; y, ( ;. , ; .. ,
nor S;. John, and tl," 1
j i : ' I roin : ,'o:' :;:'. I a; .-. dd .
I '. i:j:.i".; uv 1.1 1 ;: , . , .
i In Id' . 'a-.' : -:;
pie il;.:dr a:;. :', Mr. (,: I '..:
I t-i- fol!
I of 1
v. cri'i:-;.- i 1 .'
: 1 b 01 i.,;; I., t
1 of I . ..: r, j
in I'..: :-;-c:- of a !.a I
I. .--.Ol: of a.-jim 1 I
is 1 r'i.i i!y v.oi ill i. 1
:rd :c;d,.'mtiv..s !: il
'.' if 1 ,'e.r.-: o I th:- V
.0. g ib,? :.v... Vc.
. .. . r .. . 1 ....
! i.a.'l in'."". I... 1
id ; 1 ! ..v-j a r-.-,.',
: sv'.-i i t . J)..;,'
'."a 'fcrta.iir-'iftv
ooi- Tin-' "'-
- o II. IV
.i t.-i t?i so. sUiii-.- it'. -N''!1
il U'f::fii
IO en I