Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 15, 1883, Image 2

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P1 to its
Yt review
1 A Xo-
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'1 he
1 inroad
uent ccntur, 11' ing to a
cl8, ha developed sotno very extraor
dinary men for (lie direetiou and fiiaD
acnicnt f puMio affair in Europe.
Among tho pretrt of these were
UcncoDHfield, Uioinark nnd ClorfchakotT.
of tho three, thu ilianecllnr of thi-Gt-r-
nian e mpire alone survives t jtiuy, "weary
aim M wit'i tlie service."
j nnineu ucrmuny, rusced In its
strength, couM not today, uor will not
In history, ho thought of without Prim
Kismark standing out as the great central
iljruro. ,
The eastern policy of Great Britian
her possession- of the Nile nud the laoi
of the Pharaohs, holdiug an an insur
uiouutaoiu bar nor tlie Dardanelles and
tho Bosphorous between the aggressive
power ot the Kussiaa empire and her In
dian possessions, will bo but a portion of
the biography of hvr world renowned
diplomat, Disraer.
The triumph of tho Husian empire,
mr nwnm ifnit - r
.... mm, i'jniu-n ui a c'.'niury are
inseparably Dlemied with tin name and
lame oi Alexander Oorti-hakoff, who
passed away yesterday, at Hadtn Hadeu
It is not our purpose in this mentiou to
write a biographical notice of this great
man. We only say, he sirred his coun
try iuiuauy foreign courts, uln ays with
oisliiictiou.lie was privy councillor, vice
chancellor.chancellor.aud finally received
the marked honor of having the emperor
confer upon him the "Dignity of Serene
ilighne:s ' on account of his diplomatic
triumphs. His ideas of statesmanship
were broad ami liberal. It was mainly
through his influence, the Russian em
pire has been liberalized and especially
towards its subject, diflcrin iu their
faith from the Greek church; iu fine, the
Russian empire in its every progressive
feature today bears the impress of this
man's character and genius.
All can remember the picture of the
wonderful trio, Hismark, Disraeli and
Gortchakolf in the Congress ol natives at
Ueriln at the close of (he late bloody
struggle between the Ottoman and Rus
sian powers where tho peace of Europe
waf guaranteed. There is no American
today, loving his country as hn ou'ht
and remembering the attitude of the
three greatest nations (at that time) oi
Europe towards this country, after the
outbreak of the rebellion, but could
wish toc:it a t Ken of low nnd grati
t.nli: nn l!ie grave ol Uu- num. He
was u friend and .-m admirer of Ameri
can institutions, n:: i idth .ugh entreated,
he refused to permit Russia to assume
an uulrieudly attitude towards our coun
try during our ciyil war, although both
England and France hud assumed such
an attitude toward us. and
liplomiicy required that Ru.-via should
at that time maintain the closest friend
ly relations with those er-at powers.
All Iium.r tn th- niiii- i f GoiU hakil
Hll lus
tl "19 in
month h
nud that t
bs foisted
'or, w "-tt " i '
uuiiced all ins Miiuitlv crank v. bold Rsser-
jree:utln? tho wralhpr for
J vatice. a financial acln-ine;
ancUl schetue is u Wiggins
Thla Almanac is now to
pon the public' who Is al
ways the willing victim of veij gen
uinely, transparent humbug agoin".
Witfitms is're!i'e;uuv'!j t liiu-d in hi.
d. Mi'iia ti.ou tLu. public. He trcs
himself; for Uu.: j.i all i, i.tect.
sary In bcIii-uki of tho kind
The newspaper aid hhn. the scieii
title men.the Chaldeans of the weather
bureau, and the soothsayers of Ven
nonsin and Ticeism.hold their breaths
oo uuoiousiy on; the ijreat
monopoly of telegraphy lies down at
his fret, and all say directly or indi
rectly, as the c.ise in ty be, -Great is
Wiggins! Grandeloqueutly Wiggins
warns the President of the United
States, the sea dogs of our navy, the
heads of the Marine Service, aud hn
"tells it to the marines" themselves
they ull take it in, and give it official
notice.and in a mouient,"in the twink
ling of an eye, Wiggius has become
Of course, after all this is accom
plished. Wiggins' Almanac will sell
Who of us could help buying out
when he or she knows it was prepared
invented by Wiyyinst
The wag tint invented the machine
that ground out the Mother Shiplon
doggeirel, nevcY dared let his name be
come known to the world. Yet wise
acres, scientists, evolutionists and
theologists, all paused, investigated,
and Btudied the wonderful prophesies
of this ridiculously mythical person
age. until the year 'M had come aud
Tyudal and a Huxley may evolve
the wave theory of sound; a Wilford
Hall may spend years of toil demon
strating its fallacy; an Edison may
discover the key that unlocks the mys
tic door of tho hitherto unknown
yet seen-uuiverse, where lies hidden
some wonderful secret that is here
after to redound to the benefit and
convenience of mankind ; yet not any
discoveries of this kind in the ideal
istic or physical world will attract the
attention, nor humor the fancy nor
tickle tho buury paia'.e o:" a humbug-lvin-
pj::ihc.. liku:.i? b-.ld deccp-
oi 1 '.:.:. id, uii v.-., i.uiuig li.wi :
like Wi'tiins
iplrltel Address to (he ;rnnd
Army ofllie ICepubllc.
Let Every Old Soldier Read and Heed.
t':i'i.l ily, Mel . A.iii i:, i.-. " j
Coraniucfi: Uti ing iveent ly tft n
aj pointed by th.? dop irttueu'v com
mauJi rof the (ln.i l Aimy of He Re
public of Nebraska. Assistant Adju
.. i in t-.
tain, general, it necouii'3 my duty to
address the ex-soldiers of the state
on the Importance of organizing for
mutual advantages, self-protection
and social Intercourse. In this day of
secret organizations, wo have almost
everything in the vay of societies.
wuicn in their purpose are very
good: but the organization of the
Grand Army of the Reoublic fioes
further than any of them; for while
other societies pay marked itttontinn
to their membership living, in eood
sianmng, the Grand Army of the Rt
public does not forget its dead com
rades; for on each recurring "Memo
rial day." (May 20 the survivors of
the blooey strife assemble throughout
the length and breadth of our beloved
cour.try.and visit the graves of our de
parted comrades, and with fitting cere
monies bedeck the soldiers' graves
with flowers and bedew them with
tears, the world shall know that (he
humblest of our slain comrades has a
crown of remembrance brighter and
more enduring than the diadem of a
I venture the assertion, without
fear of successful contradiction, that
every measure, either local, statu or
national, having for its purpose the
amelioration of the condition of our
late comrades in arms, had its oriirin
in me urana Army of the Republic
i ms organization was instituted in
the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, No
vember 20, ISGG, to supplement, solid
ify and parpetuate the results of the
mo icueuion. i; or six
teen years the order has been working
uiuigenwy ana increasing in numbers
and power. It is now composed tf a
nation d encampment, thirty state or
uHp;trimeiii -:u i.rr.pments ami
rom us like a river, to Ideas aud beue-
thii whole broad l.i:id of ours. :
vV post may b; organized with as
f-w as ten cliaiter members, but
should have sufficient charter strength
for a promising beginning. On request
of any honorably discharged soldier or
sailor, the assistant adjutant general
will forward a blank application for
charter, with copy of rules and regula
tions fully setting forth the organiza
tion. Tho i1 wii' :!!! Itn'.e the char-I
1 1 " s
Lonlsrille Local.
Wlgln talieil to connect here, failed
to "catch on,"as It wtro. March came In
as brave a a little sheep, and may it so
We are growing some. Three bust
nes houses are in course of construction
and two or three dwellings.
Geo. Lwrty went to Chicago Sun
ter members wd! yigh the application j
aid :u;eM: thtiui- lv t-:i i j ; i
fn' cliui'tei. L'pon receipt of the ap
plication atid the moiirty by the assist
ant adjutant general, a deta'l will be
made to muster the Post and install
the otlicers, who should be elected or
agreed upon p: ior to the date desired
for organization, which, to save time,
should be fixed in forwarding the ap
plication ; if not agreeable to the de
partment, prompt notice will be given.
Ex-soldiers receiving this circular
directly from this ufllce, will be re
minded that an fforl. has been made
to find those of our late comrades-in-
arms who would take an interest in
the work, and they have been recom
mended. Now, if it is not convenient
for them to give the matter prompt
attention, please see that other com
rades will, and let a post be organized
if sufficient material can be found.
We have about one hundred posts
in Nebraska. Now let the reserve ral
ly to the work, and next January.
when we assemble at Lincoln, we will
roll up two hundred posts, made up of
good and true men. Let the work be
done. Very resucctfullv.
Rradkord P. Cook,
Assistant Adjutant General, Depart
ment of Nebraska, G. A. !t., David
City. Neb.
Estray Notice.
Tskrn op by the uhrllir at hl pine In tho
ciijr n TiiiuMiMiu on mo jin uajr or n-uru-,vy
ISpJ our. hrfhl lirimii nir iii(ttit to bt
14 it m jrr ui, nax cuimr innm. I ownrr
U herutiy noiin-d to cull, prove prupvrty, pay
O. B. MlTLt.l.
ruttimotitti. Keb. iTth lsss. . W-f,t
one b.w cuter
' , rb l-::h !e !
ie r;;ee f. r
11 .ipiVui-tKS
Surely, we !! siiouid
Wiocixs' tempest and Mr. Rose wa
ter's "political cyclone" were two of a
ameui ,
ihkee executions on the gallows
occurred on last Friday, two in New
York and a negro in Alabama. All
died protesting innocence and profes
sing religion.
J. he iaubury Gazette publishes
Representative Hall's bill for prohibit
ing cattle with infectious diseases run
ning at large, in full, and evidently
consiuers it a good bill.
The floods in the Lower Mississippi
country are slowly abating, and while
much suffering has been occasioned the
loss of life and property has been
much less than expected.
OrnJ Army of the Republic.
The Grand Army of the Republic bus
become quite a feature in Nebraska, and
it is with pleasure we read the spirited
address of Bradford P. Cook, A. A. G. of
the department of Nebraska. Every
old soldier, or comrade should procure
this address, which we publish in toinor
' 1 1 r'.RAt.n.rn fiie i i.j.-. u i-fthe org-tn-iza
l--'i n,c wry r'.iv.ibiy st-t ,.,ut Wit-rein;
also it contains v.'.linble st-iiiit:,-i
Although ;ii or.t ri'ccj Vear. !'.a
now eiapsed since the war closed, this
organization embraces over one hundred
thousand members living. It also bears
upon its muster roles sleeping tlie
long, long sleep, on fames eternal
camping ground--hundreds of th usand
of dead comrades, whose memori s, it
is the object and aim of this organ iza
tion to ever keep fresh and green. Very
soon meimrisl day w ill be here, when it
should be the great pleasure of our citi
zens, aud all tf them, to close their bus
iness and go willi the old soldiers to our
cemetery, there to laurel the graves of
our dead. It is a beautiful aud sacred
service, and the resting places of our
dead should be generously aud tenderly
remembered on that occasion.
uiojsar.a subordi'iate posts, erubrae
i:.g -Kiii-M en) otateui d territory of
t. .
i.Aws.uuiia is opeH to receive
manufacturing industries; it invites
the world at large, to view the prom
ises aud possibilities of this citv ior
the investment of capital iu
branch of industry.
Thk subject of divorce is to be treated
in tho April number of the North Anier
ican Review by Judge Jaiueson.the well
known divorce judge of Chicago, and
the Uev. Dr. Theodore D Woolsey, the
Ule-long opponeut of divorce.
The Plattsmouth Board of Trade
has a work to do that demands both
its immediate and united attention.
The work is to take the diagonal road
and lead it by certain lines to its pro
per western terminus in this city.
A .system of city improvements
should be outrioed early iu the sea-
sou, and followed to completion the
comiug summer. No man not pos
sessed with a desire to use all possible
means to increase the vulue of prop
erty oy increasing the surroundings
should be elected to a ci v office.
Jimtowx is the hits s; in Col.)
rauo K '.-ie cr.izv ,n a i.i : i:.c 1 .
weeks ago Jimiown was noti ing, and
now Jimtown has two thousand peo
ple; Jimtown lota are selling at five
hundred dollars each; suckers are flee
ing to Jimtown, and Jimtown is car
ing for the suckers. Long live Jimtown.
The Herald to allay certain rumors
in effect that the temperance depart
ment in the Hekald is to be discontin
ued, wishes to announce that such is not
the case, but that it will appear each
week in the weekly and in Saturday's
daily and will be conducted by Mrs. J.
N. Wise who has so acceptably tilled the
position beretoforo.
As CITY elections occur each spriDg,
the results are chronicled more and
more each year as victories for and
against the prohibitory question. The
town of Osage, Iowa, which for twelve
years has had absolute prohibition
adds to its record by continuing the
same policy, and prohibition is such
! success, there that out of 400 votes cast,
1 the opposition strength only mustered
Vi..f "thiii a.-nrtino rtf nrrttiiKttirni
iiav - - t " f ....w.w.
ill not be found in the associate
a dispatches.
While the iron trade in other cities
is depressed and uncertain, that inter
est in St. Louis is not only prosperous,
but is advancing as to capital and con
trol of territory. An evidence of these
facts is the recent purchase by Messrs
L. L. fcsouther & Bio. of the entire
stock of merchant, bar, plate and sheet
iron held by the Chouteau, Harrison
and Valle Iron Company. The stock
is estimated to amount to about 1,500
tons, but may exceed that amount.and
the transaction involves very nearly
$100,000, as a considerable portion of
the stock- was of the highest grade of
iron. The Messrs. Souther Lave also
rented the buildhn;s,933 and 941 North
Second street, in which the stock is
located, and will occupy them until
their new buildings. 832, 034 and 936
on the same street, are completed. The
Chouteau, Harrison and Valle Iron
Company will devote its attention to
their extensive Laclede Rolling Mills,
Southers Bros, established theii- house
iu 1SG6. and since then have added va
rious departments, and, with their
late acquisition, carry, perhaps the
i i : ..flr, ircn .auu p-.ct j
Ji,;:: .lN-s. i iv. S a:; , sl-ei" n.
cuiiulry. l.en io tln-i is added their
factory for coirugated iron roofing,
siding and ceiling, and Climax roofing,
the capacity of the new building will
be fully tested. Globe-Democrat.
me iima,., n, ,t Da an eroiied
im-mbership f Ver one hundred
thousand gopd and true men, some of
whom occupy high positions of trust
and emolument in the councils of the
nation and state.
It is sufficient to affirm that by an
organic element in our existing laws,
no political question can be presented
or discussed. No man's political views
or tendencies are ever questioned. It
" fr!" nece.jwi.ry tht he should i,v
MTV.-t! the country f.iiiLfully whtn i our
m serv:ci-s, and rec.-iv- ::
ed a:, i :.iorab!e dis jh.ire. and that
hn r.ow affirm his loyalty to the flag,
the constitution nnd the laws
In the same manner, and with equal
vigor, are ail questions of a religious
nature eschewed, only reserving belief
in and reverence for the great God
who made all tho world and the price
less golden rule.
Our work is truly social, humanita
nan and military. The objects, as set
forth in the rules and regulations, are
as follows:
1. To preserve and strengthen those
kind and fraternal feelings which bind
together tho soldiers, sailors and ma
rines who united to suppress the late
rebellion, and to perpetuate the me
mory and hrstery of the dead
xo assist such former comrades
in arms as need help and protection:
ana to extend needful aid to the wid
ows and orphans of thoae who have
to maintain true allegiance to
the united fetates of America, based
upon a paramount respect for and
fidelity to the national constitution
and laws, to discountenance whatever
tends to weaken loyalty, incites insur
rection, treason or rebellion, or iu any
manner impairs the ttflcieney and per
manency of our free institutions; and
to encourage the speed of uuiversal
liberty, equal rights, and justice to all
Soldiers and sailors of the United
States army, navy or marine corps,
who served during the- late rebellion.
and those having been honorably dis
charged therefrom after such service
shall be eligible to membership of the
Grand Army of the Republic, No per
son shall be eligible to membership
who has at auy time borne arms against
the Uniu.l States."
We are io favor of the diagonal
road; let every obstructionist, every
person who is opposed to it. hold up
their hands; especially the "af eared
fellows." This is the plan of the, di
agonal, take your maps (it won't be
too expensive; stick pin first at Dea
Moines, Iowa, then one at Plattsmouth
on the Missouri river, then one at Wy
more, or at Red Cloud, or some point
between Wymore and Red Cloud, ei
ther in Nebraska or Kansas, and then
stretch a thread digonally across the
country to Wymore, or Red Cloud, or
your selected point still south in Kan-
as, and see if you have not the argu
ment right there before you, for the
r.. i , . .
-ijr iuiu- iiuu geiiiieinen, here is
something practical, ihis railroad will
pass in sight of you, it can't help it;
geographically this is the point for it.
why not have it? Cost too much! who
.ays it will cost too much to have a
railroad cutting througu this fat coun
try from the north-east to the uouth
west making Plat t:-mouth its crossing
the Missouri? Co t too much!
This reminds of a railroad
' Vie!i:l. M:. '.!!e-s.
.......1:1.... : . - . 1
: U . : II ii'll'l.Si. :i. t, C.l.-h v.
f .. 1 I v.V .
iui uu.iii.vtt:;a;ie points. We Were
answering the arguments of croakers
who thought this B. & M. would "cost
too much ;" Mr. Graves arose just be
fore the meeting adj-jurned aud said
"Gentlemen, I want to say a word
some 01 you nave been saying this
road will prove "too expensive."
nave a nine nouse and lot on Main
street, and if you will get this railroad
I will give you just one-half of the
whole affair; if you fail now. to get
tne road, why, 30U can just have the
whole of it;" this brought down the
house, everybody saw the point.
Gentlemen of progressive Platts
mouth, let us say in sonorous tnes,
we will take the diagonal.
A yi 1 i.
a iuitu 1. 1, 1.
Walter Cm forth will put another
st..ry to his building for the use of 1 ho
Odd Fellows.
We me getting the daily IIkuai.u by
carrier. We feel big now, and can sym
pathize with Weeping Water aud other
small tow 11s who have in i
pos-t ofliec.
It is generally understood Kd
lleitr.hausen. a dashiu:; young i-lerk at
the post ciikc, will '1 ki- unto hliux it u I
partner. It is piling coiiiiig:,.im this
Capt. Hoover sent to C. riuuny f, ,r
sugar maple nr.d evc-rgreeu wd. M-vcri.l
species ot pun-, wnn li he hus sown in
his woodland.
11. ..v ,-....1 .. ..:..i 1... . 1
oMuuii o'ii nas m.-iue a new
"mash," and (Jco. piueth
.Mrs. ll. lrceki-nlcld nas gone (. Ku
rope ior a siiui iiei s vi-.t i, tlie father
land. Hans will ncnoinptny his brother
Claus, to th! Loup eouutry. We will
miss the boys, tint still we wish them
. A. JMilgriui has purchased a farm
near uivenon and will move thither
A 1 - 1 . . .
a mi aw inu inane its appearance
Tuesday, but will probably soon be
checked by an Arctic current. .ucicy soi.i :i i,g .ts Wcek
for $223. Let's go into tie p, k busi
ness. lie sim mie a mi'ot.'i aro for
Clarence .tlayhenl mil f.tmily have
moved onto their farm east oi town
I hi: M. P. company furnished a special
car tor the Cedar Creek purty to Oreo 11
The party -numbered tweuty-two, aud
started luesday morning. Skekunk.
- Legal' .Notice.
In the district court of Ck-hm county, Kebrtuks.
iu mc uiauri ui iiiv njiutiel lull ot annul K.
Tuckvr aoit Albert K. l'ueker. siliiilniumtors
of ttm eilnti) v( JiiniFS it. 'I'uokcr, at'centad,
fur lleeiiiu to x'll limii.
Oa re:nlhii; tlin iirtillou of Snrali It.
ut.l . ' ...I ...... I. .
1 ntii. v. Mnri,uiiiiuilini-.,i(j.g
r Uif iU .I..11IC.1 II. 1 Hi ker. ili-i-e.iM-i . leli'iiMit
I n.-' iiiiiokj: ulhi-r lliiiif" lliat He-na.U Jl-i-i-,i,i.-
uii'U. U.U 11 celt. mi trt;ati Hint-ill ill
serlbeil, huiI tluil It is liece-iuiv In Hell tlin
same to puy tlie ii-lt ui sulU ui-r.iM-d ; nud
praylutf fur a I Ice n to to tl tlin s.niif ; aud U
aiieiiilug Ui tlie court tlial it Is tiri-osm y to
rll iiuid icitl pxtalrf for Una iurpuse, 1 1 ..4 or
dered tlinl said uvtitmn ! hear.i 1.111... ..n',-..
of Uif elerk nl tli (INiiln 01. 11 11 tn tu-- cuy ut
Lincoln, liuoiiMier oounly .Ni-hinkn, ul iiiip
i eloi k p. iu. 011 tin' lilli ilar uf April lssi. 11
Is further ordered tliut tln order u iil.iishni
at )est lour huiwmuvh werka before .-.ll lUy
Fixed fur li aniiK ol saiil petition In tlio
liioulli liKHAl.ii. a weekly iieHspaper. pul
lislicdHt riultaiuoiitli in mid eiuiiiiv ol (.:.
S. It. i'01 nu,
Sullivan 3t Wooley Jiuljie.
Ail'ys lvr IVlilionpr.1 4uH
and Elega
Legal Notice.
Avai! voi.twlf of tht
luarkct ami iaspd o
lev stock
In I lie Dixuiel I'oiirt of l':i t'ne.uty, Nebraska
in 1 no nniltei 01 uii up; lientiun ol ( limit's 11,
I'lll. KUunliuu ol (U.a M. Ilelidrix. lor Hh to 3.-11 jud convey Ills Interest In real
ln reading tlie petition, duly verified, of
marie 11. Din, Kinirillau ol Hw M. Ilendrix.
icti r.-i-iiniii; iiiihhi einri l iiiiiuh lllal ni mini
wind in seized of uu undivided one-liflli part
m Miieiesi ni aiiH u r-riaiu leal e-uue, ilii-relu
deseribed. mid that ll is neeessarv Mini iii.p.
Uit-ut iltat the Fame be sold lor the purpose of
mw nei;eui y euueaiio'i anil cioiiiuiu ol alf!
ward, us well a to promote Ills uiatoiial inter
est : It isordered that said peliliou be heard
ai me oiueo 1.1 ine l. leiK oi me uistnel Court,
iij ... ..liii-inti, in uif uuuiy 01
-mirr, oi .seorat-Ka, ui one o ilnek p. in
out Ho (Hli uiv of A mil. A. I), issa. It 1. r-'
ther ortleied that notiee be Klveu to the next
in kiii aim iieirs, ajiareui or presumptive, of
the naid ward by putilieatioii of tlit order at
least lour .sucet-ssive weeks lieloie tliudny of
c-ui.ii ncai iiik 111 inc I lail Slllillll 11 IIKHAIO. H
"eeiviv nesiaper, iuouiiieil at the City of
I'latlrmonth, 111 the I'ounty of l'u. Slate of
.. .nasKa. aim uiso oy serloe ol 11 copy of this
"" pcii-miany uii an persoiiH inieieoteil In
1 ne esiaie hi icasi iwentv ilavs itermo t in l..v
n...i ... .1... 1 i ....1 . r. ...j " v
" -i-v .ui 1 iic uciu ik vi siliil peliliou.
H1 M, Juilce.
Hi-LiavAK & Wooi.kv, Atfys for petitioner.
Notice to Teachers.
I will l)ft at mv of11r In I'l itium.intb ti... n
Kritliiy ititd hat urvt;iv. anil at Klintvfiiijl tin.
second nud fourth Friday uud Saturday, aud ut
.-imiiK nn-i me 1 mm isuiuruay ol each
month to attend to imv sell 111 kl l.llllll.-U III-,.
...uj i..-(ji vsilliuu II.K I VBIK AI.TIIH.
Legal Notice.
Notice ii hereby clven. that the following
w itness fees have, been renorteil 1,1 1 '..,,.,n ......
iiilssioneiH. as rcmainlm? in ihe Iiml.u ,,r v -
8ho alter. Clerk of the Iiistrii f ( 'lllll t lllinull.
fid for up U January jt
Koihu-y Ainh-ews witness In lower Com t 5 ! no
mtwns en
Wt- claim (his
the best and
usual price.
your purchases shall S?C
every time. We have
goads; and malic prices
Wb notice Prince Gortchakoff. or
Gortschakoff, aa most of this nanera
inell it. is mentioned generally by the
press aa being eighty three years of
age; the Chicago papers fixing bis
birth in the year 179S. We gave his
age yesterday at ninety-four, which
wouiu piace ins birthday about the
year 178". The American Cyclopae
dia gives the date of his birth, July
10, no, wnicu we are inclined to
think, ia a mistake. We think it
should be July 16. 1798.
Dr. Mn.iiEK, of the onlv genuinely
religiaus paper iu Omaha, Is out in an
open letter in todax's Herald, which
contains some condensed nitro-glyc-
enue in larsre packages for ti.
Creightou's and other democratic
Lillipuis of Douglas county. When
it conies to readiu old war horses
out of the democratic Guild, you may
look for a general tumbling of thu
temple, and a wholesale slaughter of
the worshippers. "We are "or the
under dog."
Cedar Creek Letter.
Cedai: Ckkek, March. 13, 1883.
Ji-D. Hekald : "Good-bye, lirother
Watkins ah." The Schneiders start
t,. ,! r.f tl... T..:i! . .
iiFiiuj nu inn l iiciipj coast, i ney go
by the way of the Southern l'acilic,
and will not reach their destination in
less than ten days. They will atop at
Portland, Oregon, while seeking a per
manent location. Last night was the
final dance and beer drin-k in which
they participate among the host of
friends left behind. 15ut why did that
young lady come from the south to
bid a last farewell 'i
Mr. and Mrs Mumm.of Plat'smouth
vi-ited friends Sabbath.
Mis3 Cooley, having closed a success
ful t-rri'i of sci; .:-!. is nf ivin" wiMi hfr
L . li. qu iri r; ! ir.i i-ri ;;i i.iendule.
last week.
John Aniick draws a good class of
customers, and vice versa. He don't
bet mules.
Geo. Sayles, our efficient postmaster,
is cultivating a large boil. It grows
well, and George labors night on ac
count of it.
Chris. Metzger is auaiu treasurer of
school district 31. lie lias, iu tlie past,
proven to be a go id ofli er, hence tlie
same is given him again.
J. Lily will move to 0 iii'.ha in a few
J- Schluntz h as removed to Ashland.
S. Dewey is now running his mill.
More Axov.
r.di;ar Matzlc r. m .tnesM in li.urr I' i
fieorj,'? WriKlit, witnens in lower court.
H. . Hoover, witness
1. V. (iluv.r. witiictis
Walter Cntfortlt. witness
William Carlvslp. w-iiiieus
1. W. C'unniiih.Mii. witness.
Win. Carlvsle. vt i'nes.
i. Metzeer, witness lower court ....
L- I rw.l. ... I l.. i -
-lllir.-). 111 IUHKI I'UUa . . . . ,
H. (iittel. witnebsin lower eourt
r. retzer. Interinetpr limei-eni.i t
John Hons, witness in lower court. . .. !.'
eo e minium, witnenB
M. H. Cutler, witness
I. II. Allisun, wiiness
Newion ilowlaml. wiiness
John Mac.tlaeken, witness ..'
Marion Armstrong, witness "
ieonre Meirirs wftnesH
I. 1. Simpson, witness "
S. Hrantncr, witness ""'
C. II. Weaver, witness ! '
Wyatt irave, witness
W. K. Dvkes. wirness
Will, (itithinatiti. wltiii.s
M. Si'liiielhacher. witness!... . "
I'eter Itaten. wiinemi
John iMoh.s, witness . .
If the above be not Called for on or hefii- ulv
mo.itl.s after l-'ebniary 21-t, lss;, the name will
be nal.1 into tlie selioul fun. I of ( ass eouuty.
Attest : J. w. JKXMMis,
IllilllitL- I 'lurb
riallHinoiith, March 6, 18;3. st'. s
4, SO
2, no
Black, Colored and Sum!
silk: j2tjd wooe
mi Ik. sm m h m 3 s. -W
goods than ever -hefoi
eonvinee yon unit we
mf yoaa oiy the
Unvarnished 11
Facts Worth Remember! n;.
St Louis Olobe-Hemocrat.
There are only tour nations in the
world today that are paying their
way. England generally manages
to make er.ds meet and show
a trifling surplus of two or three mil
lions to lie applied to the reduction of
its enormous national debt; the United
Stales, in spite of congressional ex
travagance, puts by every year nearly
fifty times as much, and Holland and
Belgium both keep about even. With
these exceptions every nation in the
civilized world shows an annual deficit
or more or less millions
Notice to Physicians.
Ni;l'C is !;, i, li,;. M,;., -viu 1jo
rteetveil ai I lie . of tile v t le; k. no to
noon ..I the i-il tl.-,-. ,.t April, u.!. for Hie med
ical attendance ami Iiii-uinli im i, iiiRdieiiien
for county cliarire and inmate of eoiintv
I oor Umi.-'e and Jail fur one vear 'liie C. m
jnission. is re-crve the tilil to reji ct a-.v u'rall
bldn. Jiy order of County ( 'oiiuiiissii i,, -r
Wifnesf my hand and oliii-ial seal, lim Tii,
day of March, Issi J. . .Iknnim;s.
"51 13 Cuuni) Clci k.
Ida Anna Teach 1
vs. J.
t;ustavo:-.s II l'eaeh.
iu i uu oisinet court, in the yeeonil judicial
"""" 1,1 "" ' w eoiiiiiy, ivebiasKa.
fo Uustavous H. I'e.ieh .1
femianl : Ton are hereby m, tilled that on the uay oi Aiarcu, issa. Ma Anna I'eaeli liled
a iieiitiou against you ill the distriet court of
Cass county, Nebraska, the object and prayei
of w hich are to obtain a divorce from you on
the ground that you have willfully abandoned
the plauitiiT without good cause for the teim
of two years last past ; and also for the care
and oustody of the children
Von are required to answer siii.l i.iitir,
or before the Urst dav of .Uay 1SS3.
By Smith and Bweson LcrlAAttonieys'KACH'
arc wsxwvMiMwl
ill aiid test tSae I
m k. w mm
1 inr
One Boor Easi First National
Road Notice:
The public schools of this city, de
serve the highest commendation, and
. 1 I T . 1 1 . .
I'm iilkau) uouuis ii r.iorc success
ful schools arc in sessiou iu the 6tate,
Time Given.
Our old friend, Johnny Vallerv, who
Iaieiy came to Ins senses and chose him
f: a-iioiiir t!; dau'Itti-rs of iiK'ii,
u us a Ooltle of native wine, the other
;j-.v. r-.::;r.: ' in view of ttn.
i'i'n, ii-.i yc.ii I'ui Hunk, (.bat tveiy lioiit !
orably disicnared ex-sold ter. of eood i
character, should belong to our noble I "a ma'Je at his's, Uncle Jacob
Valiery Sr. s, farm an.i from the choicest
of his viniage. The w ine is delicious,
To All whom it may fimrrrn:
Notice is herebj eiven that I have (liven my
con. Charles 1U1. hm tin:e on and after this
date, during the remainder f his minority, and
further that lie has had his time during the
last year past. This in tu give notiee that the
ui deruigued makes no claims to the work ami
wanes of saiil C'hatles Dill, either in future or
in the year uat. aud that I will not be respon
sible for any debts he may have contracted du
ring that time, or inav contract during re
mainder of his minority. C.H
.south Ilend. Neb.. Feb. 17. 1883.
To all whom it may concern :
The commissioners appointed to locate a road
beginning at a point 50 links north m eiii-i.-r i..
secliusll, 15, Zi and U3. town ll N range 10
eaiit ; thence wfi-i 40 lo-ioo chaius io a point
SO liuk N, of tlie - tec. corner on tn nnih
Ideot sec. 15 : tiien.-e ivet .(., . .i...
N.5t west 8 chains : tiienc smith V-o..- vv
5 tfcl-100 cliains : thence sunt li ius w i .iu
Chains; thence north 71 V W (iSO-lcoclialns ;
thence south SO (j- 4 chains; thenee "JUili
w;oicnaiiistoaioiiitaolir.K, north
ot s fc, corner ot nee. bi ; tiiuiice wet 4o lo-Uvj
chains to a point .'50 links of the U see. cor
ner ou south side of ec. Hi ; ttience aorth so
cliaius to a point s link west of -i sec corner
inn in Bine oi nee. in, an 111 town 12. range 10
and iu favor of vacating road running diato
ually acroon sec ljan.IN. E. U "I e lo T
12, K. 10. has reported in fav..r of the -cation
tliereof.aud all objections thereto or ei.iVms fur
damaires. must be liled in the nmniv vu- v
oftiee, on or before noon on the lGih djv i f
iiay a. j if.i, ur nocn road wlil he lucato;
auu vacaieu wuiiout reierenca thereto.
MW J. IV. .IffNMXg
County Cle.k.
v-r-f t.-i-A--.ay-t 's'-''- i - -
iv J ' ' s j'r .-i : '
Legal Notice.
I: several millions of the new
rhad been coined the cry was
jthat the word "cunts" not being
in.-ciade it easy to coanter-
n a plating of gold it would
yke a five dollar gold piece.
C shoved" upon people UBac
with that cofn- The Secre
e TrfN'irY has now ordered
ts" placed upon the
.1 anger that newspaper
nacquainted with gold
'sfeing will be remoy-
ty, was iu the city yesterday the
steady-going democrat who never
loses his head, or gets off the track, in
a storm. Mr. Patterson enjoys the
honorable . distinction of voting
against the second installment of
capitol steal. Our unfortun ite friend
Draper seems (o hare fallen by the
wavsid.; on the i.oiie, after bavin"
been strongly opposed to the meas
ure, which is bad lor our unfortunate
friend Draper. Omaha Herald.
The Ukkald had hoped that no
controversy would arise over the rec
ords of our democratic brethren in
the legislature; but Mr. Patterson's
friends seem la insist upon a compar
ison of sheets, and we shall haye
them in due time from the record.
order? A post department command
er of Ohio once justly and puriotically
remarked that, "The times are ripe for
the perfection of the Grand Army of
the Republic. Xot a military organ
ization, not a political machine, but a
unified, solihed federation of veterans,
whose patriotism moved the armies
ana navies or the uuion and secured
Charles H. W. Kire. of Keokuk county, in
the State of Iowa, will take notice, that Albert
Wel.oB. of the county of Cas. in the State of
Nebnifka, did on the 2SiU day of February 183.
file a motion iu the county court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, for tne revival of a duriuact
, j .. Q, c juujjcii vi i judgment obtained in "aid court by R. K.
the article: as fine as ran lio mail Fa'meron the 4th day of January 1876 for
,,tc "3 can ue maue. siya.saud SI6.00 attorneys fees and t572
"Here's aloul.l.' health to thee." John costs- against the said Charle It. W. King and
I UlUIIItU illtl, WUICll ai(l
and to tldue
iSow is the lime for Plattsmouth,
Weeping Water, Syracuse, Bennett or
T. t. Tr ir 1 -w-,
to the United stiit. . n,i,l,i, f ............, .iiuoreaaunuicott,
J c sud all ambitlims towus on the route
The defense in the star route cases
has the floor now, and all indications
point to. the close of these famous
trials Tery soon, in Judge Wiley's
court; then if conviction follows the
chances are the cases will be carried
to the higher courts, where a reversal
is very apt to follow, on acccouut of
errors committed in the admission of
illegal testimony; when the whole
matter will have to be gone over again.
Thk coming few mouths will show
that Plattsmouth will build aud pros
per this season, equal to any in its
history. .
Mb. Blaixk is busily engaged upon
his book, whicirsTl-b .one "of the j
ablest works upoi American politics
ever placed oerorUe public. ' - . '
Weatkbb- id. bpri""
bin. " '
among the powers of the earth ; a fed
ciAiiouoi veterans, siieiiilliriied iv
conflict, tried by defeat, baptised in
blood, consecrated by tears, aud glori
fied by the immortal radiance of that
victory that crowns tha batallious of
univeisal liberty
Frattrnity. charity and loyalty to
these the Grand Army of the Republic
is consecrated. Let every houorablr
discharged veteran of the United
States army aud navy come and take
his place in the ranks.
Come forward, comrades!
To clasp the fraternal hand around
the camp fire.
To minister to the needy and desti
tute comrade.
To help the widows and orphans of
those-who fell beside you on the field
of battle-
To gather up the fragments of per
sonal heroism, which are fast going
down with the soldier's coffin.
Every day the ranks are thinning,
everyday the solemn kneil3 re sound
ed of some comrade bor
resting place, of one nr
unnumbered grayc
Comrades, come t
For the sake of
ake of the de-"
co mi no-1
. -u-.i .tn oiiuiiiimn tonus on me route ot
i.ic oiac'inai i- id:d their committees
u.1 lay liefore the builders of the new
road, the advantages, inducements, etc.,
for that road to pierce the fat corn, Iioj
and beef region of Nebraska.
We don't thinK Dorsey ever or
hardly ever played cards, at leatt,
judintr from the number of cards he
publishes daily, saying he never lias,
would lead one, haviug impiit con
fidence in Mr. Dorsev's word, to sus
pect he never h-is
TuKc:tyi8 lull ot farmers, with
com, nogs, cattle and geuerul farm
produce, and we can sec a general
business smile , oterspreads our city
once more.
Omaha depends for her Board of
Public Woiks upon the unconstitu
tionality of the late amendment to the
charter of cities of the first-class. -
luuiiuient wan on
the 4th day of Kebruarv liTS, fur a vaLujkbie
coiisideiation assigned to the said Albeit Wel-
ton.and the said Chas. 11. W. King is notified
that he i.- required to appear and liow -tuOlci-
ent cause ou or ue.ore tne iota day 'of April
whv the said ludament fhould not be re.
vived or the same will stand revived.-"
1 iattsniouth, eb l-eh y 2tli lev
. J. W, Jou vsox, "
J. IV Strode. Att'y for Weltoa. sou
Tax Deed 2'otice.
To the unknown o-.vner of milxlivUion 11 21
in sec. 7. Town, li Haue 14 earn in Cass County
Take notice that the undersigned did on th
iltii day of .May. 18S1. purchase the said d-
i-cnoed lot at private sale for the taxes of 1876.
ISTT. 1S78 and 1S79 then delinquent: the ;.i.l
lot lirvlus; been urenouslv odered at nuhlir- tax
!ale for the .aid taxe, aud there being no bid
ders therefor ; that said lot wa assessed lor
taxatiou op the tax books for said years, as be
leni'iijE to au unknown owner or non-re.
of -aid oouuty ; that tin- time cf redemption uf
.uu i e.-tuie iroin aie win expire on lue 1Kb
day of May. and that if not redeemed
prior to a!d last ieutioued date, a deed will
be issaed to the umiemiKned
i- r w IRn On vrtv . v
Flattsmouth, Neb., Feb. 10th. isJ 8t
Administrator's Sale.
JToticf l hereby tiven. that ourMiiant t,. u.
order of the cauhir court, oi Cans Cuuntv
. - t tt . T" 1.1 rci i, 1. . 1 1 1 1 . V I. . 1 . ! M n me rt
dav. tlie eth dav of March. 1ks3. ut in
a. iu. on saiu cay, at lue residence of the late
Mrs. Mary Sourer In Mt. Pieman
uwii w.-h j Ticciiiuir n Hit.r in .f.i.-i
s.n.uij, uis ."iiui-mi; personal prpe. ly, viz:
wu. ... 1. 1 t auu LUII. i ril... a IW.I V M '. I-
tet-r. 13 yearlings. 2 beifers. 40 bog. CjO buh-
'im- one wagon ana a lull set Ollariuiug
Iniplements. Tprim. suina nnder tin null n I
aies ver iu. nine moiitus nine with approved
Proposals for Military Sup
Chief Quartermaster's Uflice,, ntH., March 7tli. 1S83.
or.ALKD I'ROPO.SAI s ill trmi ivil . .1,1..... ...
the tile usual conditionH, will be received at
this offlce until li o'clock M., on Wednesday.
Aui'il 18. 1S3. oral IIik aaim. ..Mnl... .1
II,. .( ( I.... , .. . ... . - r .
iu t,inie.7 tt me oinces or the
Wuarfennasters at the following Darned station! uiauea aim LiinR rnev i iia nnanu.i
in the DreseneA nf iiiiiam r..ii,. t fl.... .
and delivery of Military Supplies durlua the
icar ceinnienciiiir .in v it i mm-. ...
.fun., snti. 101 .7"' r"t. '"""S
7.7 : " .w.iwni. . nwm. iiay and
Charcoal, or such of said supplies as may be
riaiiiilrAH al llin.l,. 1 1 . . . . .
. .. urfui, run uniaoa, eort
i,'"""" I- '""ej. i.neyciiiie lepot, fort
Kussell. tort bteele, t ort lusla-. Fort libin-
.. t Jl "ii Brr". . "n '-aramie, Port ilcKIn
ney, tort Wa.hakle. uJ k,t ii,,.h -..V
- . ,7- . uuu3 iu me ton.
s 1,.,, , ,so ue received at this office
p to the day and hour above named, for tie
eliverv on the 1: -,. .-.i.,. 1- :.
.'"f'"'..11'6 "ue.of tt,aynion Pacific Kailway.
"L11.1 V'ou? J "f Coal" l pounds
. . " t " oenvery at umatia IJepot.
".r at stations on the main line of the Union Pa
cific ISai. way east from Kearney Junction, of
V.'.?," Co'"- " ne miiiiou
JTt.r.TJr u. ... ' . AV"n. 8"uia state tne
aw k., nut itrr uuoliPl.
- Proposals for either clans of the stores men
r ,-lVi 11 .uaulllf.less than the whole
. - " r. AISAJ K FUK K it'll
AliflCLK AT KACH STATION, and niUSt Ue ft."
'"r,tu a ""a '" l!lB oi live hun.r
red dollars (sr-jo; executed sinctiy in accord -ance
w,ti. the printed iustructJons! audTnirT
the blank form lurnuhed tinder tlua advertise
meiit. Buaranteeinjf mat the party making the
proposal shall not withdraw uTe wuH it
sixty days froI tiie date announced tor o
mi: iiotiu-dor the a' , ..vs." .?...a."r.r b-
ticatioi, be made within the Hxty days ai.ove
, 1 K. ... ftrtii,- ana iurnisli eood
and -uftici ent sureties, at once, for the faithful
!?J?"r,"!V!ce of ihe ' contract ThJ f Goverliinent
mi. VAi 1 ' 1 an' or all propo-
'.s:? Prfer,en,e Wl11 e Siven to arti-ie. of
Il-iilr ..-...... ..!.. .. tt .
.1 l-'"!"-' a I'fuiitja t-iru ars
KlSgcIei2 ISarbed Vlvc.j
Mitcltell anil Wallne W,
I Sell 'the -Best Stalk Cuttert
I ' : T.:. 7-'- r-M tfcu l lll BO.
U.-.d M... . -i . , ektimaied quantities of
ii..., r .... . ,. - 'eqiiireo at each sta-
,,, , instructions as to tte
ii . . 1 -"uuiiioiii to be observed
by bidder, and terms of contract, f-fc.. will be
furnished on application to this "ofilceor to tbl
yuarternnisters at the various station, named!
lu-TrLo. 1 . .!; : , .8 Proposals should be
- - m-wattia i. ai
UK.I a .4 rl I . . . . I . .
.mi .. m iu
so. ctiv I't.sf an-
to th uaderslEosd or to the re
lilj leptt yviai'.tcmasters.
M ol-
a. . bi . u a. a 10 charge ot C. U.
rice, ix-p't. of tiie Pla; te. 52t4
Democratic Endonement.
The town of Dana, in "Worcester
county, Mass., Las just voted, by 63 to
that no lM-uor shall lie sold there.
u- ' 'that I owe 'Sew. York
1 security
tioe tb
W. Bttl
in the.
prayer o
T.pduI rMntira
Legal Notice.
Ia the district court ol C'ais county N'ebraska.
iu liw of the at plication ol Mary Slioop
aiiiuioislrairix of sue estate of Andrew
, bhoop. deceased, foriieeiiso to sell laad.
Uu readi'ig the petition of Mary Whoop, ad-Mjiiir-r.iiix
of the estate of Andre Mboop. de-
" V ttvln'nlu'Jt anions other things that
t itvJeA" oe"Jibed. and that it i secesJ
V f" uf a"e io pay the debts of rjT
V-d and pray Jug for a license to sell Cip
Xv tl JZtf?'1" to the court that y?
Y .J11 aP real estate for ttiatV
ordered. Pi-rUa-?
Also the Celebrate.! Oliver Chilled
idly East, for the p?t throe years, tL:
to jret them here. I keen
PIov.- ihatV l.M-r
t it 1i:.p lit-c-n alliiost i;
Departure W-origuclcss Vidtivh
ai ni fi&rrn