Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 08, 1883, Image 3
r jL.: Alien ntlon Farmers. I'wcutv thousand dollar to loan ou i-iu html at 9 per cent. traijrht. TiiU money It private funds anil u will do well to call and ace me. if rm irnnl monev fin Tail f n , in, (ot'.elm. ' V. 9. Wiie, 43ue Union Block - LAdtlltio ial locals will b found on Iio 4th p.'ge. . T j Too col, I for mud heaa yet. Y. K. I Jmo V, lw 'go. I W.I4 til hut swung out a nice uioitt popular party among I ill tlx; er Peter, t rs Mister are out of bondage ppear Kt the .opera house y the 14th. U March came iu like lunih to ahow evidence of a wolf clothing. t-gular meeting of the board tl rcurt tomorrow uight and Ib- 5 will be au important one. ivmiilea were out acrenading I evtmiug and did aome pwtty ying for beginner. 5-:ii'C a little boy, to spinning kl one vr the large panes .oi J. I. Yixmg'a front store win- "igjob work of any kip. I lotice will bp acconro- 'his Ottire. Telrpkoc cou:ity I'tiiiiuiiasioiicr are iu t$ I' i iy, mi l parties having luin tli. tu will flntt tlicut in-- tcmpu ft tomorrow. fiotioed a carload of Wler plows track this inorniug for 1.-K. 'fliey will probably be (or fb i for cash. V ; , bpauy has visited this city tui year wim a nigner citws AouittU than those pretented 1 1 vera sisters. ? f is & Unruh are receiving and a larga amount Of furniture day a prcpuintorj for the spring ula-Tger is a happy man today i ' i l -. ....... ut.. ; -. puuiiu uuj ittq jjuusc viiia lie is aupplying the cigars to fend over the pleasant event. job woik iu quality of material i workmanship equal to any pro- In ilie state, lea to your orders I hi office. ... SI 1 hnaha Irishmen .celebrated Eiu- j-tuiay yesterdsV In that city lh au extensive procrraniine and a jgely attended gathering. t. ,Hje work In the County Clerk's of i has largely increased .lately, 'and fj real estate transfers show a good V nt of property changing hand. Antill has arisen from the ashes Wtabbshed a restaurant and pon Iery on lower Main street, that yunt his former place by a big mi- ity. . v Llr. M. Fortune, the lunty representa- u oi itutnsi'v a uuen coinmissiuu Ufe, Chirao, is iu the city todays and i a ph-Hsunt caller at tiie IIkkalp of- ; . ; ' isVhen sportsmen are preparing to forth after ducks they are cordially irited to come over and inspect a liuple of pictures that decorate the pcretary'a office. u. M. Holmes has ab extensive ule of stock and farming implements, A his farm, seven miles south of vlattsmoiith, on the telegraph road' UayluriStfr. No serious dam ige has - resulted as in the breading up of. the l'lattc. id the Hkrild'b special repoi ters at uth Uend and Louisville, report the t'lose peiuls all right to P. Sessions, formerly of the a. x . . 4. i. ' i ...u I,;., nrLW city aua winuiis nu "- " n lor a long time very sick at his Lne in Miclugan again well and hearty. intends remaining in this city which 1 the Herald i s to chronicle. from Mr. Beeson we lcZrn that Mttorneva . fov th-Allt ia led in ob- sentiice in the mandate will be )C'.l the stten- tle advertue- se Mr he re pu li ttle avencv ompaaies and a from dear ex fashionable west end are the seqsors of the nrsi compietcu ldincr of the new vear. It is said I' I IS utr Bohemian church, but we Urn it will be used to promote so- ia.) intercourse rather than reliirious devotions. .South Bend has the floor iu this issue f the Herald and the management is in under many obligations for the com plete report we are enabled to present to our readers which report comprises the testimony and the verdict of the coro ner's jury ia full. D. II. Wheeler informs us that his trip to Chicago, in the interest of the . a . a?., i . .k tu j a i rtAAaa Fill Alt A hat ha succeeded in eujoying a of fivers for the speed ring, un wuicii is a nan sisier to i- . . a.stA.B r.r, wito a recora oi s:io. i. Clark has opened again in the ery business, in the tiartman khng, next to the tity uoiei. iur. passed through the late hre, ff the heaviest losers, and with licndable energy he has com- fd business again. The Ueu- vuespeaks for him a generous Ai on age. iDavId. Ilovle. representing a Jersey liy law book Arm, was a pleasant 'lr at lhe Herald fflce today, re- -4,vinsr former acauamtance. air, vle. while temporarily seated in the Vxial chair, contributed a poem of excellent merit, which elsewhere apiaceiu our coiumua n V.T- innrn than rtaccilicr notice. rninir hist week asoue of on lunif men was oursnin toe . .of las . iv alone v asitioiiion uddeoly coufrouted by i n person who lemandei a iiuns man reached for his wl drew out a lug store key . Lanns and ordered tiie un Iv to liiM-re, whit-It order 'with, the other party prec luding the howitzer wa loaded. I" mill baa" nof been in operate u da vs owing to tae nece.ary boilej. . It seenis that of "the boTer it wa VearJy the entire distauoe wonder is that ithaj ies from J rge a'al theyLtve -and are now en the boiler together will resume work. au informs us. -.Herald's i7 S T 1 i r 1 OF TIIE SOUTH BEND AC CIDENTAL SHOOTING. FIIO.M OL'R SPECIAL. UCl'OK TCK. South Bend, Mouday March S, 'Hi. The inquest held over th body of John Johnson met at the boarding house ot J. Ij. Lansing last nltflit ai 10 o'clock p. in. The jurors after be ing duly sworn, examined the corpse ttteu the witnesses being sworn testi fied as follows: A. WillUie. I in South Bend Cass Co., Nebraska. I was iu company with deceused today, March ih. We weut up to San tee lakes, in Sarpy Co., Neb- The deceased got out of the buggy and atarttdidl with Harry Jor dan. Jordan returned where 1 was and the in xt I knew of deceased, Jor-, '1 1 went. slouch with the tuiira to j;-t di t.'asi ! .'I!' iroui a pbco he i-oul ! Uit from wiilioni p'tlllltf hl.S :eL "ft. Arttl p-ltillsi t.iul e lrof :in.iiinl lii-.-iout !i tml i.r tilt; l.;k-, to t'l w'St -mW of 'ilii-'. t" ?(t 4 duik 'ir li'ul si'.'t ;tid it Hud tloatcd to lli ii i -.v.- l.-tt the Mid Wi lli li; ti.t- ),Ui ! H illr J't!:''!'. lint tli'' il'.l 1 ditcli ;t:id -.-liiir:.ii ;,i i:t- WHgoil, .Vr. Joiili.-toli, till: il.-t-;;.i'.c.l, was at. thi.-i timi- ti:'!iui. a-Jine v.:li p,s watching for :i tl ..!' ducks i l a: were; lining ovi.-r. il rK'U'iu.-.l to tiio wagon, leaned his baf.v against t, Willi his face to Hm east, lit: m sttiiding with the stuck of his gun realm in the ground, in trout ot liiui. ins liainin crossed ovt'r the muzzle :nd his chiu resting on his hands. 1 was standing with my back to the deceas ed, alumi 20 or 30 feet away, when the gun was discharged; I turned in stantly around and deseased was etill leaning against the wagon, and as he staggered from it, JorJen jumped up and caught him and eas ed him to the ground. He died, 1 think in ten minute. 1 think his death was caused by the accidental discharge of his gun in his own bands. , I do not know how the gun was discharged, but think, thaf it was left cocked, and by some unac countable w ay it was discharged. Mr. Jordan - was sitting within about ten feet" of diseased, when -the gun went off. No gun was near Jpr den. He (Jorden) was engaged in wringing out Iris socks that he. had got wet wading in the lake. I no not think it would have beu possible for any other per son to have shot and mangled the de ceased, in manner that be was The charge passed througq both hands tearing away the greater part of them, then entered the neck under i ha chin, some of the shot passing out the back of the head. Deceased never spoke after he was shot. After the deceased died, I had fonr persons, residents of Sarpy coun tv, who personally knew of the acci deut subscribe to a paper that I had drawn up, Matiug that the knew that deceased lying dead Iwfore us, came bis death lv accidentally himself. Signed A. It. Morrison, C. H. Templetou, J. Morrison and James McAffee. Then then the body was loaded into a wagon and taken to South Bend. Harry Jordan, Clin. Dill and .WiU McAfee wore sworn sud testified nearly the sa-ne as the proceeding. THK VERDICT. We, tln jurors upon our oath do say that the said John Johnson, diseased, came to his death ou the 4th day ef March 18S3 by a gunshot wound, in flicted by his own gun while resting with his hands ou tho muzzle of the same. Iu testimony wiiereef the said jurors have hereunto sirt their hand th'? day ami year. aforesaid. " 'P. P. Gass, Coroner Cus Co. X -i). Sam Loni;, Geo. II. McC.un, C. L. ii-.'i.I.KS, J. W. C'oox. SoLOii tx Yans. Tiiad. A. STi::i'iii. Tiie Co9Co. Agricultural Socie'y, its meeting Saturday, elected the l'oiln-.v ing officers for the ensuii:; year: President J. C. Gil more. Vice-president J. C. dimming. Secretary Al'ui. S. Wise. Trcasurer-Fred Gordcr. Superintendent J. 11. V-d'crv. . Assistaut Supt. B. MeUioger. Chief of Police -it. W. Hyers. The date of the annua! meeting w as also changed from the first Saturday in March to tha, first Saturday in Decem ber. "7 A board of of iect6fAconsisting of D. II.. Wheeler, JVallcryAr-. E. . Todd, I- G. Todd, Levi Uliurcliilivft-U. Johnson and Samuel Richardson, were chosen. AIo a committee on premium list composed of C. W. Sherman, J. Val lery, Sr. and II. Hester. Some other bus iness was transacted aud the meeting ad journed. The rejiort of the meeting, in full, was unavoidably crowded out, at the lime it should have I wen published, butaday or so will hare no serious effect in this instance. Weather Report. Fcbruarv, 133; mean temperature, 17.7. Ksinfa!), or rather melted snow, J. Lowest mean temperature on the 4th, 19 below, a the 2Jth, f3, high est temperature. The warmest aud pleasantcU day of the mouth aud ot the winter. No times mean temperature below, zero 4- Heaviest storm aud blizzard on the 2d. February ''came in like a lion aud went out like a lamb;" but that signi fies nothing. - It matters not how it came in. The weather will be such as it will, in spite ot all the supersti tious notions ol anyone. Meau temperatnre for the wiuter months, 17.4. Rainfall, including melteisuow, 2. Lowest tempera ture on the 21st of Jan., 25 below. G. T. She NeTer Tola Her Love Bat He DiJ. Pacific JcscTrox, 18S3. Dear Friend Mary: Mj charming little gtrl may I call you. I with pleas ure. answer the letter I received from you on the 27th, and a charming letter it was, to. The only truhle it was too small. I dont see why you cant write a little longer letters. 1 am liure you are not half ?o hussy as I am truhle. I have bivn helped scl?ce the last letter I w rot yo.;. 1 have now got charge of a pony iiilrs. I u p; se ya know whnt a Kny .tell 1 wi.i tell you, i. : ; s'.ich R tiiinjr us went ovtr inc at Free-; port. 'A-ii Ma'ry 1 ' wUb you were) hcare I woutd iiU.: to see you ee i .o inueJi. liet I do i:ot tl.Mlk that I il;td j better leave a .ifef) 0 ) iol . r month job I iust no.v liiAiiu. I i-h I were there. I If 1 L-.w.- tl.."il -xllnt T .'io now Vt'u ll- t 1 ; would havecoi le btrry I a ti i;oi t'.iuk IWJ-rrrrriratir 1 left tmme i .r. ...,:.. w-,,- v.-,ii lint I .lid not think I loved you so ciut h as I tiiu. 1 do- not kiio'.v whether vuu iowd me or not Marry. ' But I uiways hopctlyoudid How acarc .iiitry.w - X. . v X. - VnOiial. Mr. Ii. Spurlock ha, urrived home frt' Missouri la improved health. C E.' Wilcox, ones of .1. P. Young's force, left for Camden, Ohio, Fri day morning. - - A. Clark, notwithstanding bis loss by the fire, la again on deck, with " a large stock of groceries and may. be found ready to meet the wants of his old customer1, and any new ones who will give hlui a call, in the room re cently vacated by Grace & Thelroff. Mrs. Sullivan, mother of Judge Sul livan, Miss Addle Gibbon, a niece, and John R. Gibbon, brother-in-law of Mr. Sullivan, arrived from WU-hita, Kan sas, to visit friends in thii city. Dr. A. I j. Child is up from his new Kansas City home for a few days v is it in this city, where everyone will be more than pleased to see hiui. It. A. Ilawley, of .Sutton, a pioiuinent gnin man. sjent Sunday in the city. Alex Schlegel started Sunday for Deliver for a week's liu!!ies i here via. (m In. r.i i' I'.lo. i r. : II..- r ti.i U.S. ei'V Wv, ,. i i IejUt tings, ot L'. M.i::i!i:iii A. i'. IL:-:. Llueoln, p.i.'.de.i li.liu.'n ii city this Omaha. morning on ids ujv t.j Geo. 1). Maltison, of South Umtl, is sojourning in the city today. Henry Iuhelder and a small dele gation from Cedar Creek are spending tho day in the city. Hon . A. G. Kendall, Commissioner of Public Lands aud Jtuildings, of Lincoln, came down this morning. Mr. Spangler, living south of to.s n, came in this morning to meet his brother and family from Ohio, who will occupy the Clark farm. The train for the west whs late again, today, but it is not to he wondered at, as it consisted oi twelve cars, seven of which were passenger coaches filled almost to overlie wing. The rush for the west continues un abated. The members of thn O. A. 1?. are ar ranging tor a special meeting at which they are aiming to secure Geul. Paul Vamlervoort. ot Omaha, to he with them. Henry Mcfacken and S. P. Hoi loway were skirmishing around town to day making tho necessary arrangements. The gifted fabricator of the Lincoln Journal, who says ducks are plenty in the lake at Ashland, ought to be com pelled to stand in that lake like some certain nimrods from Plattsmouth, til the ice froze thick enough to bear his weight out: our man didn't stand there that long because he weighs over two hundred, and from noon yes terday until sundown, it did not have time to get quite strong enough to hold him up. U. V. M. , District Attorney Strode enjoys the distinction ot trying the first cas. in the .i V. S I li'-y , i . It.-sl Stat: a 1... a ii v!:k:i t tic o(i" IU- mo: th . The State :V i f Ml . Li! a -id i:at: .-. .i - !r. . Jotivnal ;eiji("ii! r" ' . , f i i ; I i.rt.- T r;' i: i (;. ?:: I of-'. If, r.i. -V iilU C: .-.per. :ry. tthnn livi : i '(.' rtil; d ;u '..: ii:r t'-is fi"Mt i .eiuiini.-ieriiig t! hi: -.tCiMised. I':.-.! ! ,1 !:..-; is j.-i iltv lie I A paily of gentlemen of leisure !:.''; i this town yesterday tor tho putpo.-e - f ; a personal cxamioution of the ice pri v - j iieges in tirwWiWtk!fT--rrV'.v re- j ""tliMLCourty, and report Lii-; prospect 'ora fair ice crop ou the Ashland lnds is very brilliant. When they Lext return to Ashland, ty" will go crop. They fand several duck up 'here, but they were all equipped wkh roiler skates and were fleet footed at that, for full information apply to Hon. Woi. Xev ille. - Mr. G. II.ThompBon leaves for Oma ha today, and from thtnea ho goes to Milwaukee taking with him his model of his fire escape. Mr. Thompson dur ing his residence in IMtttsmouth has contributed no small .-. mount to the benefit of the city. As an architect, A be has planned and superiiiteudud the building of some of U.e finest and most expensive blocks in towu, and he has hers perfected sum 1 of bis inven tions which are bouL. 1 to inure to great financial success I r himself in future. He has placed before the city a grand opportunity to ;. furni ture factory, and has fel. -. interest with all in Plattsmovtb. ' ;i i 3 we trust he may yet return hero for future work. rile llig Muddy. From the Nebraska City News of Monday, we learn that the ice has broken loose at that pi. tec. and done considerable damage. A gorge formed just above the city, and on Sunday morning began to mov. The ferry boat, Lizzie Campbell, v.-as caught and completely wrecked. The government tow boat which was o:-. the west bank of the river narrowly escaped being J 1 . crushed, A short time afterward, the river was clear of ice a. id passengers for the K. C. traiq were transferred in skiffs; befoie ni?ht. b. fcver, large cakes of ice bog m fl iti igdown again, ano ine imats m-vie no -:tor i trips until M-r,'Jay. tlote'was still riai:'ii. Tt.t iv? -ti that kf.H. ' TLc K. of I I !- I Ktictt cefcutocies n tiie. i t li'itgi- r'Hun Itt fivnill - tilt! fi t;i.-;r otji-f ;.n eiVSJIIIJ tnu in?'.:.. ecis :.. the f us-iing ,v..". Irrr-t Magriinc, t l .Oim'.: with the lIg;.-. Tii.? f-ii.. t.f Lie cl.ict ra liis.: . Gr:.;i.i r-' . ... l.i v:is I'M l- 1 . , , , , , , fr f ( ci'Or.: H:i. TtUr. .1: s;it tlif t:m null I j with the lodge. . h.; l-nl..-.v.arf C---t j pi...,- , ot.l, st. tLo; :;er.?'Mi - ' TV.-. .11. i, 'nr f Ij, : 11 -v. . I ' . "7 -. ;t XJasi. uitui ""-i- -"-'i. I . i A. Oi of II.. A Cnuiia; t'elcbrrtinu I- fl tt'A'tioBth. The lodge of Ardent tlrder of III- bertiisns in this city, have all arrange inents made for a graud celebration of St. Patrick's day. iu this city, ou Saturday, March 17th, at . which time the members of tho order in Lincoln it ud Omaha will be present; they hav. Ing made arrangement for a Rpccisl train for the oocaaiou. The members will till be clothed tu regalia, aud tho Omaha de'egatiou will bring a very tine band w ith them. The order ol the day will consist of a street pa rade, speeches, and dinner in Fitzger ald's hall. The order ot march agreed upon is as follows; The home lodge will meet the Omaha and Lincoln del ation at the depot, the procession will be formed, and the following line of march followed: l'p Main to tith, up tith to Cak, east ou Oak to Ath, down &th to Vine, east on Vine to 3d, south on 3d to Granite, down Granite io d, north on 2d to Midii and up Main to tLc hall where ti': iereises occur. Au elaborate liini- r !!! ;read for the guests ;.i';: 1 :'!. iir. a-. tiirreiiient " ;. . for ji.i..i ! . I I. .'.a:-. . I .. it . i i 'i I: tt'.M o.N t Uiake, J Ca l)i:c:.iiA l Id.ns. ney, P Shields, P P. Murphy J DhuiImt. t't.M. ON RKFKKSiiUENTS. J Blake. J McVey, It Fitgerald, P MeCann, I' It Murphy. Special Meeting of the City Coiiucil. V special meeting of the city coun cil was called by the mayor Saturday night for the purpose of selecting reg istrars for the coming election. There were present the mayor, couti ciluien Murphy, Schnellbacher, Her old, Hart man. Drew and Lehnholf and city clerk Simpson. On motion of councilman Murphy, II. M, B ind w.'.j. :.ppi!i!td and con firmed as ieisi;tr ill the iiist ward. On i!iotion of e.ounciUuaa ilarluian, John i)r.iiu w.ts apoiiiltd Mid con firmed in the second ward. Councilman Murphy nominated D. Miller and councilman Drew nomina lid J. W. t'ritey for the thini ward. The ri-Milt of the b.dlot was a tie and the mayor decided by casting his vote for D. Miller. Oi. motion ot cour.ciiman Murphy Dr. Wintersiein was appin:ed and coi i lii in ed in the fourth ward. On motion of councilman Murphy the mayor and city clerk were instruc ted to issue a proclamation fur a city election to occur on April 3. The voting places decided upon are at the court honse in the first ward, Cass Co Iron Works in the second ward. P. ' E. ltuffner's agricultural warehouse in the third ward aud Fit ter's shoe store in the fourth ward. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. As reported from the Clerk's offieu each day: J. Ii. Miimtottl and wife to Abra ham Luckv, n A sw and nwj 24 10 w. d." ifUOoO. J. S TewksliciTV to Henrv Klein iv. . A -.w:! 15 1 I 10. w. d., .f!2i(0. J V to Hen- d. lie; 'i r:' i; :!;)j i-Oli, i i '.' : -.- i ' ' '. e t lit; j 1! 1 1 '- i" to S. VI - . p.. ..;. ri Itil , q. . to I'.b-.k-;; '..l- '! 1., at-i--- tt V t!.ll :.'!'!. v.i:'- -; !t:ohfi teiu; lot bi, !.i !k i'i-.t:'! l-'l! Vi ( F 'ixg -t in Mary Mct':iiif;5 acres iu s w i u w J 3,r It 10 q. c. tl. $l-3 J A ileiceu'iach to 11 V Gilbert; lot 7, blk 72, Weeping Water w. d. $150. J E Dealt v and wif-i to Ilicliard E Jones; sin Vi 13-10-13 w. d.-2,- ooo .. Jbhu Abcjdeen aud wife to It D Applomau u ci-28- 11-9 w d $H,200. County Commissioners to Matilda C. Wood, ii wM ei j sw se 33 and ei ne.!4 :i2-10 13, q c d, 5547.50. Matilda C. Wood and lni3. to Aug. F. Ost, nw4' se.( AS 10-1S, w d, $10, OOo. Aug. F. Ost to Wm. Ost, r.ud. nw 4 seX 33 10-13, w d, $5,000. Soutn Platte Land Co. to C. II. Teale lots 39,0,31. 32 and 33, Greenwood, 8175. C. 13. & Q. I?. R. Co. to S. s. Johnson, ei nw. 33-10-10, w ', 8025. C. H. & QK R. Co. to S S. Johnson, t:e 33 10-10, w d, 1,850 Weeping Water Town Lot Co. to Christian Schluntz. wj lot 1 blk70, W?eping Water, q c d, 1. A Thought. Tate holds our lives, and all unseen ot u Guides as with reins, despite our puny strain. To the predestined Ka! ; whe re ganiered hope In plenteous truitiou. all the tweets 01 aspiration followed and fulfilled, Ambitionsjgnitifled. fears turned to joys. Itetiuited love, fame, fortune ! or despair. Or wreck, or lesser (but ills the tame) In aspect multiform our coming greet. Bm goals are startius-polata of new career Each from e:ica differing ; In ascending cftrve Progressing, 'till equated good atd ill Shall haUmce In a vibratory pause And coalesce In mystic union ! And as twin gases, merged, are cry stal dew, They, good and ill, thus encb in each absorbed. Thence form one Infinite Bkxifickxc ! And Fate at length unveiled. Is Love revsaled. D. Hoylx. Opera House ONE '.NIGHT ONLY ! S:if unlay, March 10. Thr Li. ttiksiir j?.;fiTy. ( titt City, v.-ould ro-.."-nt.i v a:,3';::u': "tli'-t iht-y Uav? t-swid t-adt Theater Troupe, nnmrr . f w 4T1UHO, .a...: South It. Mul Letter. Mr. Phili , secretary ot the South Platte Lund Co , was horc today look iug the ground over, preparatory to haviug a net street laid out, aud oth ers graded, to take off tho surplus wa ter, tho latter improvement has long been needed. Ho informs u that the compsny intend :o expend a cou.-id-erable amount here this season, in way of improvements The "classic Platte" i getting on its ear, and promises l tear thiugs; but we do not anticipate any trouble with our bridge, uuless we have a lit tle break at this end, which we think more than probable. C. H. Dill is improviug the house lately occupied by Geo. A. Hay & Co as an implement warehouse, and will fit it up for a boardiug house. For the tirf-t time had a mail pouch on evening's train froai Omaha, last uight, now if we can gel one frovi Plattsmouth we will be fixed. A couple of dead beats traveling through the county last night, stole a part of Mike Cavey's luirtics, mid Mime articles from the housu nf 'A' ill IJtirris. When iu the morning, Mike 'over- .1 hid loss, his Irish arose, i i'i piti.;' i.iu hid horse, he gaxe : tu'iii liv. iy - ii- iir i iian' ii.'i (n l;l ' flawing tliein alb-id 4 1 Wa- : n !(! i. ii . i. of ihcii .i.iiil.:. i. M:s. 10. II. we lerel lo l.-..rn is Ij . 1 1 da sick. Her 111 iti I'liei.tls 1 fie hope that case a n.i s i 'ay, who 'ijtel tmsly .i.ic.ivly )ad as feared. Thos. W. Fountain, our live block man, took a load of hogs to Omaha Saturday. X. W. KanefT carried a high head, and treads lijzht on the ground, thrsc tine days. Cause why: it is a boy. Xate is setting up the ci;:irs, of course Had to say all doing well. Father Ward, our faithful bridge keeper, reports all light :tt the bridge, and the ice is moving out quietly. Xo Plattsmouth dailies today, is again the cry of our P. M., which, the way, is a v;ry frequent remark his; can't this be avoided! Think 0 jf W6 coti'.d have, a pouch from your ci'.y on Xo. it would relieve us. Monday, March :, '8-1 P. P. Gass, of Plattsuit.ulh. is the guest of II J. Streight, today. Mrs. E. E. Day reputed much better this morning, and it is hoped is out of danger. F. E. White. Jacob Vallery and C. M. Holmes are in town today. The body of the unfortunate man, that lost his life yesterday, was taken east today on Xo. 2. Uncle Jason Streight goes to Platts mouth this p. m. to look after his bus iness interest in that citv. Arnpabue News. AnAfAiioE, 3Inrch 2, IbS'.i. A church supper last evening I'm benefit of the Haptist church, netted the society about $70. Tin v have a very fine church i', would be a credit to any city in .Nebraska. Land hunters are on our streets daily, a coloii3- of 40 families of German Lu theran belief are expeetd to settle a few miles north of Arapahoe iu about two weeks. Loss of cattle and sheep proves to bevery light, stock is doingjwell now. Many of our farnu-rs have sown wheat, all have hopes of good crops. Frontier county court house burned lately, with county records; some .tho ! iiio'i.-v is said io have been biT. ;-. ). :i.'i:i of lir; sn;..'i ted Int t.ot h ;i..tva. 1 i ; , t . oi :;:-. in ! ;! ' :.-. Ri'st'i".-' t ullv. Avnea New Avoca, Cii C. Neb , Mar-:i 5, "!.!. IL--iAU:- f.'.t..t.f-s Hiv bing shippe.1 iii. m this to '..?( -;: marJ.-et .ir.d uu ui-reh:i!tl ai' K.r.intf at i1.' cents a buahei. I lit- di-ui:in-.l is yo.d. Many ha. lost heavily froui freezing fllirlmT tlti It-lt 'jiiilur " -"f "."V.. Our grain merchants are busy day . , , and night, and their warehouses and elevators are full. J. M. Ueardsley, of Weeping Witter, was in town last week. O. T. Rockwell still prolongs Ids visit to Michigan and everybody wotr ders who she is, and is she pret ty ? Dan. L. set up the cigars handsome ly to the boys the other day, on that but we will to s';e him go to housekeeping before we comment further. G. Malcolm's little boy is quite sick again. Dr. Packard is in attendance. "Shep, you may put out the lights tonight, I am going to set up with the sick." Rev. Cooley preached here yester day afternoon aud evening aud wi1 continue protracted meetings this week, with the assistance of .Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton of Avoca. Our merchants report business im proving. AL Marshall is reshelving part of his store building, ready for the spring boom in business, j. J. Y. Gant is buying and shipping hogs again. . Am. Smith is anxious to go ou the turf again; he is quoted as the best ruuner in Kansas, Nebraska and Col orado. II. X. C. Lonisrille Letter. We have had a pleasant taste of spring, and this getting cold again, pinches both men and bugs We ob served a big spider on the sidewalk this morning stretching out bis legs as if begging for St. Jacob's oiL The Platte is sending out her ice in small. quantities, much to the satisfac tion of bridge men. J. At Glover bought out another store over the river and brought the goods to this side last week. Keep it up J. V. till you get all Springfield on tiih side. c. F. Cnuif h:s purchased two car I ioads ef cattlu from Taj lor Welborn, whh'-.n be sr.ips to his frm out west toiiav. .ii -. tv.rao wilt Ha be. thf "cattle kings." i ... - , -SllCl li.l. It CI J .-i'-O .'li U- ir J7l.." limps iittIv. Ve oUPtK.-ie was on a "courtiui:" expedition, vnd aomebod hereabouts will ''tu ?t." WUIIIMIv 1 at J Os:irtiko p hall Friday evening. Tho i pn-cetila z.xv to b' used toward bulld- i'V sitiewalks from Main street to hie itcpois. i ruveiers wju uppiectate me improvement. Wm. Ossenkopp. has bought 40 acres of the Fox estate adjoining towu, aud is building thereon. Slander's mid ISocdekel's buildings will b ready for occupaucy in shout a week ; ulio Mr. Aid's. Mr. Cutforlh'a building is to be hoti clad. The iron is now on the road from Pittsburg. Skedcnk. . The IIkuald takes great pleasure i" mentioning the music class of Mrs. Kate Simpson. Mrs. Simpson has successfully taught music to our young people in Plattsmouth since ISC'!, that being the year sho opened her rooms, and organized her music class. A portion of the time she was assisted by her daughter Lelia, now Mrs. Kalisky, an accomplished musician, who had charge of the ad vaced grades. Mrs. Simpson has some twenty-four pupils in attendance upon her school at the present time, receiv ing instruction in harmony, itstru inental a-id vocal. She ia assisted dm ing the piesent term, by Miss Anna Livingston, in in.-U ruiuet.tal and by Miss Mary Muiphy iu vocal uiusia. Mis. Simpson has been a very careful, i.ig instruct i, . very suc--sl.;l with her pupiis. I i; IJ i.i i i . ...-. tl..- :. i ! fill' a:- : !:. .' : l-'r ;' rv..ili.. tin-- ui til, t heii busin L Ai was t.ik'-n i;p l.i Us i oi der. 1-. W. S:u l oi iii .1 Idrcs.n-.l ). soinc len-'th upon tli.' pr.ip.v II 'in a "tlimiinv" tram to make ! ular i trips between Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction, and said be. had interviewed Supt. Iloldridge in regard lo it.aud that if it would pay expenses the U. & M. ! Company would put on one. The matter of the High School bonds j wits brought up by .1. V. Wcckbach, j and after some discussion, Mr. Weck j bach was instructed to ro to Omaha 1 anil consult with Mr. Webster iu re- I . I ... : . I I' p." r -commend. it ion the Ilev. II. j IJ. Durness w;ss admitted a:i an honor ary meinoer of the lloai-i. The rules were suspended an i M. P. Mtilphy was elected to mem heislil O. Tlio Hoard of Directors submitli-it theipoit of their aunuai meeting, htltl 4t tin4 oUi,,' of SvJC. Wise, ou Feh. ti h, hich report was received and atlopted. The bills of W. S. Wise, 3 Hi; C. W. Sherman, 54 5 ); and IIeuald Co.. 1 were reported corfect, and the Secre tary instructed to draw orders on the Treasurer for the same. The subject of the Hoard procuiing a room to be used exclusively for the Hoard was thoroughly discussed and the prevailing sentiment was that they ouuht to. have one It was de cided, however, that the Hoard would, hereafter, meet at the ollice of I). H. Wheeler & Co. until different arrange meir.s for a room could bo made. Mr. Wheeler very generously proposed to let them occupy his ottice free of charge, and hoped that members of the Hoard would evince more interest in the meetings and do something, flood speeches were made by several members, and the ii.iard adjourned. Ofllcers Elect. The Liederkranz society elected the following oflicers for ti e ensuingyeur: President Wm. Webber. Vice President II. M. H ins. Secretary P. J. II uiS'-n l'reasu r--r IV i -i M . in m. A'aiden A. II. W'.-ck bach. st:en e ; - a 're. Legal .Notice. : N()H(.e horijy uivi.D n).lt ,,,,; i vitni-ss f-fs iuve hem ieii.rte.i tot oiiinyt oni- reiii.iiuing in I lie liamls of W. C. Showalter. .'lerk tl the District Court, nn-;ill- j cd for up tn .l;iiin:iry i, ism. i Kodnev Audi ".vs, witness ill lower Ctirt I.W) i Ktl;tr istatzler, witness in lower Court... LTD (;eins Wriirlit, witness in lowi-r ei.tirt 1,70 II. It. Hoover, witness lo.W J. V. tilver, witnex U.uo W:tltei C'utfiiilti. witness 3.M0 William l.'arlvle, witness 4..rJ) R. W. t'liniiinuham. witness. , 3.40 Wni.Callvfle. wilnt'ss 3..Vi (. Meter. tv itn-ss lower coiiTl 1.10 K. Deitri.h. witness in lower i-ourt ... S. Uittel. witness in lower court F. Ket7er, interpreter lower eo;n t l.wi Joint Hons. wUtf-ss in lower court l.ou tieorze Diiiimiit. ..V M. 15. t'litler. witness 5,J0 .1. U. Allison, witness 5.0il New ton How land, witness 2.00 John MiteMaeken, witness 2.0t Alarion ArnistiODg. witness 2.UO George Meirgs. witness, 2,00 J. I). Simpson, witness l.tu S. Brantncr, witness 2,zo V. II. Weaver, witness l,lo Wvatt Orave-, w itness W'.V. Dykes, witness l.lo Wui. CuthmaiMi. w itne-s 1.1 (i M. Sclineibaelier. I. In I'eter Hates, w itnese l.lo John Alos. witness If thf almve he not called for on or r.-foie tix months ;ifier Keliriiary 21i. le3. the mine will be uaid into t!ie school fund ot Cass eo-iniy. Attest: J. W. JENNINGS. County Clerk, rialtsiiimith, March c, l8ft. 8t2. Notice to Physicians. Notice i herehv tiven that huts will bo re- rcceive.i at the olnce ol me t ounty Clerk, up to noon of ihe 2d day of April. 183, lor the mcd ic:ti at emlauce and luiuif ti ng of medicines for county cliarjien and Inmates of county I'oor H;ue anil Jail for one year. The Com missioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. i;v order of County Commutsiouers. Witnei' my hand aud official seal, this 7th day of March, ISiU. J. W. Jinnimis, w5U3 Cuntv Clerk. A Farm For Rent. Two hundred and forty acres, two miles south-west of Eight Mile Grove, highly improved, with good house and outbuildings. Inquire of Andrew Kern, It Plattsmouth Neb. Tasture. Two large pastures, under fence. Good grass, plenty of shade, never failing streams, rock bottom. Horses and cattle received. Call on or address. w.ViU Jno. W. Clakk. For Sale. A span of 6-year old mares, horse wagon and harness; also 3 carrieee and harness. two good w5ltf A. Drew. ' Roberts Pharmacy will be found headquarters for ererythirig in th line of paints, oils varnishes, p. tint Iru9bf, window glass, wail paper, al-ah-istiin. patent medicines, drugs aiil tlrmrcrist's snndrir. Post' tb.i f-xvn- Will alwavs rfaeurv and oods nted. ltf lar-'--.--V to vri. Y. V A' v "Vrepalrinsr at block.51wtf tho i I 1L MJb Eh -for m r-f- t: .Ioli:in (ti'.t i'':iio- s ti ::-Kvj '! ii ! fi'ijl ami --j-t- m.-i-i fti- t.tii.:-V;si-. It It will pay 'ni to read W'i-e's col ii i ii ii iii this paper, you ma)' tiud jus what von want. lllltl Tin! bei-t u'oruls for tin ;l William llerohN. least. iiionc v tlltf ' There is no uso talking, the I'er.tral ltebtaurant is the boss eating hoti.-ii iu the state. L'.'ltf Money to loan; easy tonus on im proved lands. Si I I. ivan tc Wikii.ev, 5tf at I'nioti Hlock John lllake keeps constantly on hand a full liu-J of line Irish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug. 17.13:; -'.,yl. !,');.' fi nis .r M'linil for sale bv V. S. Vv' :.S tl A. Salisbury, Pi'iitist. i:Uf Man u fiit'd ui ing and Kt'iiairin; and neat, at Merles'. , gllO.l fltf At St-ldegefs cijar sture may always le found the very !( ' t I anils nf smok ing and chewing tobaccos iu the mar ket, aoif " II ACKMK l'ACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume, l'rice 23 and 50 cents. SlIlLOirsCUIlK WII.Limuieiliate ly le.lit've Croup, V hooping ('ough and Bronchi! is l'OIt DYSI'Kl'SI A and Liver Com plaint you have a printed guarrantee o,i every bottle ol Mnluiia V It never fails to cure. A NASAL 1 N'.J KCTOlt free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh lieme dv. l'rice 00 cent3. For snle by Uoeowly smith & Ulacl linos . Attention. Parties knowing themselves indebt ed to me. will please call on "r before March 3th, and settle up. Having sold my goods I wish to square up till accounts at once. Fkank 1. Tkastkh. Cedar Creek, Xeh., Feb. 'i-'. 'H3 4:t:t TIIE I LEV. ('. Burboii. In.!., says: wife owe our lives. l GUMPTION t T!;K H. Tli All VE.for It invseif and sAii.onscox- ; ., .-. i i. i.- I.-. , ; ; . .ii i - . Mi:- Yt:' 1 .! iyri-st I" L'.ss of A 5c:;'s V-r- v m y i ( i i ' " w 1 : i' snn.o; -a l'"s!li eria and ' :;.uvl v ; : c ; : . : 'in- l .i ' tiiKi-r M-.ul I :MI I'll tV . : . i . : i ,; ih, L.jihili ' r a!e hv ACK I'.UOS A Iteinarkahle K-eape. Mi. Geo. C- Clarke, of Port Ial housie, Ontaiio, gtateo that Mie had been aoiitinetl to her room fo- a loug time with that dreadful disease, 'ou sutnption. The doctors sail -lie could not escape an earlv grave, but fortu uatelv she began taking Dr. Jviiig's New Discovery for Consumption, and in a short time ehc was completely cured. Doubtin'' ones. i.l-a-e write Mr. f'larke and be couvin.-ed. Trial bottles free at Robert' Pharmacy Large size $'1. ;y-cCv-ly Who's ths Ilest riivsiciaii. The one that does most, to iviicve suflering biimauity til'ttie tht.uand and one ills that befall them, is cer tainly the best of :tll phy-iiciuns. Elec tric iiitlers are daily doing tin-, cur ing whet.; all other remedies failed. As a spring tonic and biood puriticr they have no equal. TV; poMtivrly cure liver and kidui-v complaints. In 1 1 .a cl,rin,rfii.. -.I' I lin tfrlll thev ! lii ail n.ini; ui 111 - - , arc the bent aud cheapest phsiciau known. Dailv Timc. Sold by Rob ert's Pharmacy at M ei lit-. S3eGw-ly Legislative RecoaiiiiPiidatlons. i The nasty fumes iu Ii. R smoking j cars is suf'.icient proof that most ci-j gars are adultcatcd with injurioiis j drug3, such as opium, St. Jacob's oil, j or any other tslutf that diabolical genius' cau devi.e. We therefore, and ! in conformity of Prct. Aughey re port, recommend the public to u-c Pepperbcr-i's cigars which are not alone of finest quality, but al-.o strict ly pure; legislators and ot.iers will provide themselves w ith these cigars during the sessiou and preserve a clear mind for business. 43-tf Jclits Pepi'Ebbkko, Manufacturer. I'laUuiouth. Neb. Joy, Joy to the World. If you meet a man who looks as if he had lost all his friends had his house burned down and business de stroyed, just make up your mind that he either has dyspepsia or his liver is out of order.' The best thinz y. tt can do for such a woe begone individual is to advise him to go to smith & Riack Bro.'s drug store, and get a botllo of Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which will cure him without fail. Also an infalible remedy for pimples and blotches ou Ui fnee. Onlv SO eftiis a bottle. Oot.2'e4wly. The Seystine of Health. lb' C!l JO'I fcYp"?i t el We.l. ol even erij..y l:f v. her. v. lo a'"ut with a hacking i-j-i:. 'i lie tKl, in Ills Wisdom. siVS t!iei i;oci;ie lor in, stays inert? i i;n ri.e- ii j 1 wis? man l.i s him to Smith i Pro.' tb i-vf store, and ets a j Dr iiiifehivT Positive Cure,; it. liut the wis & Black I . .t n MOTaaiCT O - cmEaMsv. i ootue oi ir ilie follwiiB?v -mm. mm- rt 'm 45fie iiBai9 mSs tfiie v THE DAYU Full THAnu Cnv Full I.iuc ilv, Alwaiys ot Always oi JOSEPH V. G- SS. 0 Kar gains au Ftf'.k revisions of all KindK, at I' my word for it, but t South Hiiln oT Main Strut, , WM. HER thuy hnvv. movn .silioiis, Hootu. formerly oeeww A I"ul STAPLE, IITQ will be kept at t j would be please customers mid, We aided wil to. J:. j, ii V KiTK 1 1 Mil H. WE lias just receive tin AGRICULTUEi manufactured. general line, I k SANDWICH BINDERS Jt1 our KllHiS OJ less cultivators. ard Don't fail to c CI Sing, Oh Sing, that Song A'ai': How can-yoa h)ii;h you fci:?i- every breath hy, Ret tj- ,1 u of Dr. Rigelow s I'tsitive ( i you will he answered, it curt coughs, 'consumption, whooping ar d all diseases of the lujign, will cost you nothing to Arstit call at Smiiii S- Riats ' liro.'s sore. uct.2'e4w Seek " Furtlicr. It is said an 'hi phL-oplit i an honest man witl- itiid hutiiaiiity has so luilieMt lllei! tcillfl 1 John Ti. ana at once l-ms A trial t.. .,.!, Klltwietie. n nits n been visi.fv "-. :;-4wiy in nr. .lones lieu ' cures all diseases of li t jili "- mmples, and acts I i pois in ; liver and urinary or . - 1 ..ii u f.. I It-iil : . Bros., druggists. f "A Xof new costs nothing. - t r