Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 08, 1883, Image 1
CONSOLIDATION OF THE NEBRASKA HERALD AND PLATTSMOUTH ENTERPRISE. T $2.00 PEIi ANNUM. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1883. VOLT -IAL DIRECTORY. ,S)alt Dirtclory. II. VAN WYC'K. IT. S. Senator. Neb. Cltv. Al.V IN S U NUKUS l 8. Heiiator. Otnaha. .. K. V A I K II . K, Ururesentai e, West Point. .1 . M ! H W . i V V li.s. Governor, Lincoln. . V. Ki Mil. K, Secretary ul .Slate. Hl.M W A (.l.irll.S. Auditor. Lincoln. . IV D. STl ull'. ANT. Treasurer. Lincoln. . v. ' I.S. Kill. Public Instruction, li t'! ;..l.l.. Lund Commissioner. lis a AT .v 'Kits. Jh.. Attorney i-Bral. j. S"iir., wnrnen, or renilentlary . II. r. A. I I HKH90.N, Hllpt. HuUI Tef .In- ins.inr. XWl'.l.l., Chief Justice, Fremont. Ji. JLJii K, omulia. Ill, I.ttlOJlln. O ' on, I Jmtieial Viitrlct- . .1 utk;. Lincoln. K, rroseeiitmic-Att'y,, VIM wsirui court. lOlllll. v . Vr Ttirecorr. KCKMACIl, Mayor. Jl sliiNi;. Treasurer. y clerk. i; Kit. 1'ulloe Judne. city Attorney, i-f of Police. ,-yrr ol -ireets . flif fir If lli'n 1 Jtoil: yiie ba lioaru ai Meaitii. bacher. Win. Hemld. (.j-iiiiiin. J. M. Paitersou. rrew, M. U. Murphy. Jmool hoard. ' "!:. .1. Vt. HARNKS. P. win. v lis i titsi c.. 'V ISAAC W ILK jN'O. W. 11 A Kill ALU I o- . inAAl' IT 1 lMI, I t'ounlv TJirmctorr. .1.1.. County TreA Jrr. S.i.H. County Clerks o.. County Judue. . slieiitl. 1 1 N. nniW yt lustmctlon. "1 K.l.r. count) -Hdrveyor. l.ol'oiier. . mi coMisiiioica. - f. W K1;. 8iit.h Jlend Precluet. ,ut, I'lvasaut i teriaei. ltl.NIHlUtll 'ni: iiui.iie.s. wun tua usiistj "is.wllltlud them in session tbe and Tueiulay of rh mouth. t iioarii or TRAD. 'Vliiai lll. President. UtM(V B.KCK. Vite-rresl. . LSI-.. Secietary. 4 j,ol)EK.. Treasurer. . l ir m"eW(s of the Hoard at the Court i itiun lueniiay eveuingoi eacumooiu. ttsmonth Telepliooe Exchanx; ll. Younic, residence. i Limrtt & i-r Is. store. H .Murphy Si Co., . iter .siaiues. ity elf i k s ofiu-e. . ; Lewi", reiUKice. rfkhiith, "tore, - rn l iiiiin XHri!rph office. Teaiileuctfr pbcll. Iiiuiii, l aymaii,' tlo-itiitut;. " 1 e. oiure. I Iter, "lore. M tti'lti. riidenei. K lly. 1 1. .A-eler o . office. It'. Taylor, residence. ; list NntKiuul liauk. fi. Younir .tore. rkliis lluu'ie. W. II V'.-rs. residence. .'iruiil oillce. kAi.i fi ii. C onu-e. , W I e, resilience. M. CliHimaii, " l. loues. '" N Nullivn. , K. 1'aliner. " . II. ficniiiiKnecni, oiuce. Illivan Wooiey, I W . uini'on, re.Miieuce. ruifoTson. livery. IM. Holmes. " I, l.i inn tl, residence. !Mnan. oillce. V Moore, nor st. i'. It;irus. resilience. . V.. l.lvliiK-ton, oftlce. V frk i:u'li. riiilKiice. I, Mi l . I Wlil'lll - tT. il. M-lii Ikuecht " . , S ."Siumi. ' " l.iviuyolim. A 1. AMI UKrA KTUKB WV I'r-SlOtlTII MAILS. DltrARTS. J .oo a. m. I 3.00 p. m. n .oo a. iu. I 6.65 p. m. 4.26 p. m . .oo a. ra j 8.ZS a. m. 4.2S p. ES. a.oo a. m l.oo p. m WKHTKllX. NltlllUKKN. -SOUtHKUK. OMAHA. ' WKKPINI1 WATER, KACTOKVV1LA.B. MO 10 cents - - 15 oents 20ceuts - - 25 cents Include any y dollar, but art of a ceut- r V4 ounce. 2 els per lb. per and I oani per ounce. ARURALL, P. M. trt'i-rir-r '& M. R. K. Tune-Tafiler Taking Efwt July,i 1881. Oil OilAIIA FROM PLATTSMOUTH. I aes S :V a. m. Arrtvea 0 a. m. 4 :35 p. Di. 5 : p. m. 8 as a. iu. - ---: a. ni. K. C. AXD ST.JOR. :33 a. in. " 9 -.30 a. im. 6 :M p. in. " M p. m. "UOM OMAHA FOR PLaTTSMOCTH. I aves 8 :15 a. m. Arnvee -J5 a. m. 7 ;0t p. iu. " p. 6 :35 p. in. " T OS P. IU. K. O. AND ST. JOB. 8 ;25 a in. T : p. ni " -M p. im. FOR THE WEST. f tattsjnouth .-00 a. m. Arrives Lin- i.u m. ; lti.tiiis :3lfcp. in. ; jsclook iteuver :'.t a. in. p. ia ; arrive Lincoln I -Jo p. m. 3 :.v a. iu. : Arrives Liuroln 4 :10pm :)0 u. m. ; Arrives ul Ltocuia i i :." a. III. L" aJ i. in. j Arrives at Lincoln k , ijs ;JO a. in. : 31cc-ook :ov s.wi . in. - FROM TIIK WKST. :r Ht 8 p. m. : Arrives at Me. : ILtMiugs la :'M a. m. : Lincoln Vlsmoiilh 5 .-00 p. lu. ra 7 a, m ; arrives riaxismouto FRiriCHT oln at 11 :4 a. ul ; Ar.ives S -.Supra mc's 7 :4S t. in. : Arrives Lincoln f iaitMiioiitL nvf r ti ml :i. in. : Arrived McCoOK flastiii-.'s :Jo p. iu. ; Lincoln ;4S a. loiitn iu. iu. COING RA8T. leave Plattsmouth at 7 00 a. I 10 p in. and arrive at Pacific a. in.. 9 jo a. m. ana-o s p. hi. . r. and sr. joi$. in. ARil e uA-p. III. ; iiir L it 9 ::5 a. Si. and 9 :15 p. m. . EAST. f'aciBc Jauctlon at 13 wl arrive at f'latls- ii!L aiiU 10 30 a. m. 1st. jot I. , r k -in a. m. and s :ii rand i :53 p. m. iDIX Railroad. Freight leaves going SOl'TU. I i Hi I r 1 7 i jr. tress I Reaves I King I (Ol'TH. I 1 m. I J 2.0O p. I 3.06 " 0 " SM "sl PROFESSIONAL CARDS. tfMITIl & I1KI0, ATTOHNBVS AT LAW. 'Till practice In all the Court In the state. Offlreover First Na tional liHiik. 4yl n.At rMoi:ru - Nenmr-kA. IiU. A. MALIS1H ICV, DB1TTIST. JfUce over Hinltb. Black Co's. Druit Store. Hot clam deulistry at reasonable prices, ?3)y U V. I'LUTTKB. DBNTIS T. riattKMOoth. Krbrmikv Ofllre oo Ualn Btrtt over Solomon Mt Na ban's Htor. 341 y UK. II. HEAifE, rHTHK'I VN SI KdEON. Oillce uli Milla Street, brtwrea mi i III and Soveiilli, south side Office ppen duy aud dliebt ( s rv riivsn iAK. flpeeial atteutltic given to dlseusus of women and children. Ullf It. M. LIVISiUHTUV. M. v rUTSIClAX A ll'KUtON. OF KICK HOUKS, from 10 a. ni., to S p. m. BxauilulcK Surseon for U. 8. 1'enslon. 1R. H. KILLKU, PHYSICIAN AND HUKOKON. Can be found by calling at bin office, corner 7th and Mala streets. In J. H. Waterman's bouse. rLATTSMUTH. BBKA8KA. J AH. H. 1IATIIKWH ATTORN KV AT LAW. Ufllre over Baker A Atwood's store, south side of Main brlwreu 611) and 6lli streets. 21 tf J. U. NTKOIIK. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Will practice iu all the Courts iu the Male. DiiUrict Attorney and Xuiaru I'ubUe. WILL St. WIMK. CLi. A'CTHMTit A fSCI.H. LT1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Kstate. Kir In surance aud Collection Agency. Ottlce Union block, rlaltsmoaui, Nebraska. 2in3 U. It. WIHUiLEB s. CO. UW OFFICE. Real Kstat. Fire and Life la turance Agents. Ilallsntoutb. Nebraska. Col letra, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract f titles. Buy and Mil real etUtfe, negotiate plans, BC. 10 j i JAMK8 K. JIOIRIHON, Notary rubllc. ATTORNEY AT L 'v7. Will practice in Cass aa aajoining counties ; gives specta: attention to collections and abstract of title. Office In Fitzgerald Block, ftattsinouth, Nebraska. WTl S. C. XEWBEHRY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Has Ills o.Tlce In the front part of his residence on Chicago Avenue, where he may be found In readiness to attend to the duties of the of fice. s7lf. ItOBKUT B. WIXIfKASf. Notary Public,, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Curruth's Jewelry Sioie. Plattsmouth. - - - . - Nebraska. M. A. HARTICAN, Ta A;W Y E It. KlTZOKH VLll'tt bUH'K. l'l.A T I'HMOU TH XKH I'rompt nnd cnri-ful aticntiiHi to a ki-o Law Practice. A. N. Sn.LIYAX. E II. Woolly SULLIVAN & WOOLEY. Attorneys and Counsolors-at-Law. 0FFICK-In tae Union 111 ck, front rooms, eeend story, sou. i. Prompt uttenlion given to U business . mirii PAKLOll lLVUJiEll SliOr , ' - , a quiet place fur a All work GUARANJEED ihst cla-s- the place, up stairs, south aide of Alaii: treet, opposite Peter Merges. .ty J. C BOONE, Prop'r. ATTS MOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOCTH, NEB. . C. IIEISEL., 1 - Proprietor. Flour, Corn Meal ti Feed Always on hand and for sale at lowest cash prices. The highest prices paid for Wheat and Corn. Particular attention Oven custom work. SAGE'S ADDITION TlTTHK CITY of PLATTSMOUTH Valuable outlots fur residence pur poses. Sage's addition lies south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on . E. SAGE, Prop'r. AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE, Plattsmouth, Neb. Consumption POSITIVELY CURED. AH sufferer from tins disease that are anx ious to " cured shimid try Or. K issuer's Cele brated ion 1'owiier's. Tuew Powd ers are the oulv rep;intti- kiwi n tat wH cure Consumption and lld:se.sef IlieThroat and Limps iuil'-.t!. to is i:iir failh iu them, an i wis t-i convince u tliai t'ney are nsi humbug, we will forward to ever' sufferer, by mail. p.t paid, a Free I ril !!. We don't want vour money until you are per fectly sati-fled of their curative power. If ?iur life in worth saving, don't delay in eivlnu bene Powders a trial, as they wUl surely cure '"price, for larae Box. 3 00. or 4 Boxes f.-r $10. Sent to any part of the t'uited States oi Cana da, by mail, uu receipt of price. Address ASH A BOBBINS. 3tVj Fulrou rt Brooklyn. X. . Dec. th. tiwC iltly. LYON&HEALY State 4 Moaree Sta.. Chicago. WBIWSI lllWlTtJ!! BAND CATALOGUE, f at Salb, Cp BrM. AT JOE McVEY'S rSamRooms 3 1 s f iiMli.i a.niV mmm&fl'Vmm43i Mllw "llS fcilftind the Finest imporxeu ' '-". T. In w ci.-um 1 r iue..,. . reocb Brand v. ChamDaizn. and other I tneD, by p 'TTi-s vsictan 0 te uc Wines, Pure Kentucky Whistles. W RSm i ivnJS'tl ral of the beet and most popular oo7kuoMedge thouaw.i- ,wt P1 I .and. of BUTTLE BEER. Fresh Jr3S8!riC "J V. -aiwsya on araugui uu j. 1 , v vi.r,t 1 2tf. T 3 AVHHPIX( WATKU. Tin lollowiii nrc ninimjr tin- h ud ing busiucbs 1iiU'-ib: rie.niui; Aw IJactj, Dry UihxU stud (icm-ntl n li:iiiilis., GriK'i-rii.'s ul ('nirkm-y. lU-ai.I-J j A, l;tvi-., Luinlwr, Lil!i, Dm its. liiiniU mii; Vi:i dows, dliiu'lisimi lini'.i l.-i in ': I si, . il. A.' (.ibson, Attoiney-at Law, Real E-.(afe t'ollcc tions aud Money to I.ohii. Dr. V. 1. Uibboii, l'liysiciau ami Surgeon. Culls proaipt ly atten!ed. Iterd Ilros., Dealers in General Merchandise, Mer chant Tailorinj;, Roots and Shoes. Mo. Pacific Hotel, P. Ij. Tiioiipk, Propr., central location. IioHrilets taken I y the day or week. LOUISVILLE- Tha following are among tho lead ing business Ihiiisk-s: iu. II. Shr oik, DrutriKt and - StaiioiiL-r. All arliclfs 'jsiiHlty kvpt in a lin,t t:las.s drn-storn it b'lliinu prict'8. II. U. Hoot er. Dealer iu all kiuils o! n.'ri ultural impleuieiits. The ISticki-y u and Marsh twine binders lor 1883, a f-pecialty. City ISoffl. No pains will be spared lor llie comfort f gueuti. Boiirdiiijj by the day or week. Joiin CaiL, . l'rop'r. II. i:. I'ankoiiin. keeps the celebrated ('union plows; aluo a tfeii'iral line of Ihe bt.-it agri cultural iiupienieiits iiniiuluci ured. 1.91. Ward &. to. Hardware, stoves and tin-wnre. IlesdquarterN for llie noted Charter Oak cook stoves. SOUTH HKM). The followin": arc among' the lead ing business houses: E. U. Iay. Dealer iu reucral merchandise. Highest prices paid for grain. Ameiltiiti BIomkc. Coiiiinorciai lien's Home. Special ni lent given to traiisienL cnsloin. (i ko. II- McCain, Prop'r. II. J. Mreiglit, Dealt r iu grnin, ron!, and gencial int-rchandise; dry jroudi "TocerieR. boots, shoes etc. J. H. Sliarp. Dealer iu drtifrs, toilev articles, ci gar and lobueuo, j:iiut-, oils and window ji1ais. tiro. 1. Hay & Co. Hardware (sporting goods and n general line of Hgrioiiltiiral - imple ments; lleadtjiiitrti'iK lor 'lie celebra ted A bllt buggies-." ' AVOCJA- The following arc anioug the lead ing busiuess houses: I.agi angre A- C o. General Merchandise. Drugs aud Groceries," Pumps, Windmill Stone, Well Tubing &c. A.. Jtlarsliall, Dealer in Drugs; Painls, Oils and Varnishes; also Rooks and rtlationerv. GREENWOOD. A.E Crittenden. Complete stock of-har-lvi-ar'), also a fiaa assortmentif Agricursjal 1m plements. The Deer goods a 6ifccialt3'. CEDAR uli EEK. Ceo. E. Sayles. General Merchandise. I lard ware and Coal. Highest Cash price paid lor grain. A Common-Sense Remedy.. SALICYLIGA. So more Rlieuniaf !..m, Gout or Aeuralgiit.' Iunediate Relief Warratefl. Fermaneal-Care Guaranteed. Fire ytart zttahlUhed and i- rrr iknoicn to fall in a mingU tare, acute or rhm..te. Itrfer to all premium. physicianM and drmgiU for the sfendtntf of balicylica. SEBRET! THE ONLY TUSSOI.VFK OF TIIK POISON OUS UKie ACID WHICH KXlSTS IN TIIK BLOOD OF KHEU.MATIC AND GOU1Y PA TIENTS. HALICYLfCA is ktinsn as a common -sense remedy, because it strides directly at the cause of Kheumatism. tiout and Neuralgia, while so many so-called specifiejvand suppoMed panaceas only treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outw:ird ai. lie ill. such as rubbing with oil. oii't'i eutM. limine ti. and soothina lotions wii! nut eradicate tin--.- iiwea-oe which are the rt suit t f the po!so;i. ii; of the blood with Trie Acid. HAMCYLir.t v.:,:-ka w- . n!:;rr-lmii Pf-, feet on tui.s Hci'i nnrl sit rw.?- tin- 1;i'r(lt r. It i-i iio' exelinl-eiv ui--l : !! !"!':: ifii T'.' " Ainerlea mid Kurt-ix'. f!ii;Vi-l leli-ai Aca:ci:iv of i n.jiori.1 !0 e.jr cent cures lu iitivi? Gayi. BEMEMEER that MA 1.1 f 11.11' V is :. cert.iin cure for KHKUMaHSV. C.OVT a il NLCKALGIA. The most intense pain are ;.;jdued almost In- ftantly. Give it a trial. Kelicf 1,-1. uted or money refunded. riioin-and of testimonials .-nt on applica tion. Si a box. s iioxe- ; ir -s' Sent free by mail on receijit ...f money, ASK YOl'K DnVGlils 1 FOB IT. ButSBt be d-lmled into t :' i' r Ic-Ttatinns er substitutes, or soiuethinir ...ended as "Jusl as irood : Insist on t'-c i.- with the name of WASHBURN K & .. on each box. which Is pnaraoteed cbeuiiallv-pure ade'raur suceefs iu tne treatment. Taive no wiher, r send to us. - Wsabnxiie tt Co.. Proprietors. -287 Broadwav. cot: Seade St.. NKWYORK. Fits, . E pile p s y; OK FALLING SICKNESS, Pennautly Cured No Humb,' -bTone - I . I "7."- , " t -nnvlaee uu VA I Wu?To) u mm From this date until closed out sell my large stock of DET GOODS NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, DEE3S GOODS, THIMMIKGS, AC, AT FIRST as I must close them out. This is a rare ehance for bargains, as I mean what I say. and will prove it to you on trial. Call early and secure choice bargains, as I do not intend to re-stock in those lines. Mean time will sell groceries at rock bottom prices, W. H. BAKER. F3LOUK, AX At Wholesale and Retail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me Opposite First National Bank. 3obx FITZGKBAL.D, President. W. McLlUGHLIM, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BA1TEZ OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold. Government and Local Securities Bought and Sola, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on lime Certifi cate. Draft drawn, available iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns ot Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest'market prices paid for County War rants, State ai.d County Bonds. DIRKCTORS x John Fttzarerald John K. Clark. Geo. E. Dovey. E. T.nzalla, C. Cushlsg, E. Whit. K. F. W. McLaughlin. Bank! Cass County Cotner Maid and Sixth Street. PLATTSMOUTH, JOHN BLACK. President, I l J. M. PATTERSON. Cashier, f Transacts a General Banting Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE P'.iid jvr Ctj'mty tmJ City Warrant. ( OLI.KCTIOS 31 Alr. ixd utomptly remitted for. - MRECCTOK3 : John Black. J. M. Patterson. C. 11. Pannele. F. It. Gutaiiiann. J. Morrinsey, A. B. Kiiiiilu Fred Goriier. 611y WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A.. GIBSOX, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSOX. Cashier. A Geaeral Baiilig Bislisss Iraactet ; DEPOSITS ived. and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. . DRAFTs Available la any part of tte Called an- koal cities OLpe. saBlBawa 'i jarVav - Jk. TT".W W -J I COST FOR fee; D MISCELLANEOUS. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on lower Maid street, has just been finished and fitted up for the accommodation of . TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. REGULAR BOARDERS, EYERT THING NEW AND CLEAN A Good Bar ,B contous,!:ith lhe 2Ttf. FRED COOS, Tropr. J. F. BAUMEISTER Furnishes Fresh, Pure Milk DELIVERED DAILY. Bpeclal calls attended to, aud Freeh Milk from same oow furnUued when wanted. 41v i c . a. j3 o ; fci S 2 ii o! S .2 . l. Sl e a. 3 4 JS 35 S-1 t. s 2 . CO r rt pi M 25 6. a, I 1" a a o o c3 5- b 5 35 c .T3 a. m x t . - C X 3 5 P TENDERLOIN Meat Market, - LAFE (NEIL. Prop'r. Beef Mutton Port Veal:CMGlens.&c, Constantly on band. Also, all kinds of UAXE is season, and ev- - erything kept In a FIRST-CLASS MEAT SHOP! At lowest possible rates. . North Side Main St bet. 4th and Sth. Say FfcATTSMOUTH. NEB3 " The Grand Central I' AT aOCTJI BEXD. NEB S-3T X)S. ZKTXT? '-0m newly trted 0 tisr Waterworks for Plattstuou Thk Des Moines Leader is for ab solute free trade, und Dr. Miller calls the Leader cranky. Thkkk prerus to be a lively prospect. this coining season, that Plntsmouth will enjoy .1 social building Ikkuii iu the line of elegant residences; already several of this city's most, substantial nii'ii iiave am h arrangements complet ed. I ti i f was one hundred and twenty -four babis on tho west liotind train yestenlay, and we noticed among iheni (Jovemor Carnes. There was, notiiing remarkable about (iovernor Carnes beinir uiiou an excursion of this kind. Tiiii Lincoln Journal says Chauncy Wilse. having returned to Omaha to live, that enterprising city is talking of runuing him for mayor. If Chaun cy will make Plattsmouth his head quarters, the Herald will rise right up and nominate him, and his hosts of old friends here would elect him loo. Would it not be a wise act upon the part of our city authorities to widnn the sidewalks upon Main street, and put in gutters of sufficient capaci ty to carry oil all surplus water. The Herald would suggest that the gut ters be not put in above the curb stones ; it is not elevated gutters, but old fashioned gutters with a hollow in them that we need. I.v the Omaha judicial district forme I ou.t of tiiu cjaiitiw-3 .' Douglas, Sarpy,' Wajluugtn.i an I But it is announced that Judge Wakely y co:ll:ll:)ll Cltlserit ii t nil! ol Lie two judges. This is as it ought to lie. Any judicial district iu this state, or any other for tiiat matter, that can scciuv I lie si-rvict-H ot an upriglit man ami uolc J 11 1 iot tike Hon. E. Wakely is to be con gratulated. Senatok Van Wyck lias again been rnising the wind iu the U. S. Senate He objects to large attorney's fees be ing paid the assistant government counsel iu the star re ute cases. He intima'.es in that delicate manner, pe-. culiir to senators,. that instead of these additional attorneys with their large pay bringing the routers to tummary justice, it i.-i making an all summer's job of it. . ,t? ' (iov. Alex Stevens, of Ceorgia, is very ill. Tills has been the condition of this remarkably specinir-u of the Southern statesman of ante-bellum days for rl.past twelve years. Al exander Stevens was :t remarkable man in his day, but his (fay was more than a quarter of a century ago. of the best evidences of tin- fjilur- ot tlu- southern selection ot our union to k.-ep step to the progress ;f this .la' tei'ipor tion of the niuetet.-iitli c.-nt ury is tin selection as leaders a id its kf. pmg in high pi aces of authority such prehes ... tone statesman as Alxander Me von they cling to their idols. I UK .Nebraska delegation 111 congress seems to have come down to business in tho matter of distributing patronage, and us '.he Hekald predicted some days ago, business will be business when our Ajax from the first and James Fitz James iroiu the second districts address themselves to their congressional duties. From the appointments already made one cau see the young blood of our con gressional delegation most unmistakably showing itself. The appointments so far, seem to be very commendable, although it may be claimed by some people, that in all cases, that strict fidel ity to the principles of civil service which would cause 'the admirers of that principal to rejoice and grow patriotic kas not been observed. Tint third annual report of the board of fish commissioners was handed us last evening by Gen. R. R. Livingston (one of the commission erg) it being the report of that board, for the .two year8 ending Dec. 31 1883. It appears from the report ot the. board that during the years 1879, '80, '81 and '82, alout eleven million of California salmon have been received for the state of Nebraska, of which, some 885,000 have been success fully hatched at their fishery at Sante lake and distributed th-eughout the dif ferent streams of the state. That the board also received during this time some 24,000 brook trout and some 1,500 German carp, the latter of which, have been distributed among individuals, hav ing ponds suitable for raising an j breed ing purposes. The trout being at their fishery yet. The reports from the fry planted throughout the state- are very flattering. The board - of commissioners consist of Gen'i. "It. Ft. Livingston, of Platts mouth, Hon. B. K. IS. Kennedy, of Omaha, aud Hon. Wm . L. May, of Fre mont, Nebraska. These gciitlemu have been untiring 111 J their endeavors tn establish fish culture ! in our state npon a permanent H-Wm aud t from the mesas nlaced in their hands i the legislature having m ide rery meager appropriation to assist them in tics en terprise they have performed wonders in the way of stocking the strofo um-s the state with good fish. They hye pro cured anil lor tne zr fishery at Snte lake oa t!i3 PI it-; river in Sarpy county,' where they have estab lished hatcheries with alt the appliances lor hatching the eggs, and caring f r the yonug fry until distributed in the waters of the state. This fishery has a good dwelling hoi)se for the superintendent and all tbe appliances necessary for a fishery in its infancy. Fish culture: a. very important inter est to N!2i "Vd there is no reaon wbTrfur streams should not abound in rood ira rue fib.zmnz tu a verv necessary fa tide of food, and our legislature should that this interest is fovtered. 'reams of oar state are kept now. Tub selection uf Judge Post 119 sue cessor to Lorenzo Crounse will bo re-, ceived with m iicli favor the titnte over. ?r . . The new river and hat bur bill, innk- ii'Jiie appropriation fur this year, AhA million, has. passed the house; the vote siauding lia for, lt against. T!ir. llKitAI.l) requ. fcts buiriies men and patrons of the wet kty Hkuald lo "bi.u up" the Issue of this week. Il is a fair sample of what it, w ill be in the future. Thk result of the county seat llht in Nemaha county, was hot and excit ed, and resulted in uu easy victory for lirownville. The vote polled was Rrowuville, 1221; Auburn, I'M I, To tal, 2025. Tllii lieaatache is over in the Wol verine state, the deadlock being broken on the eighty-first ballot. This sena torial contest is unprecedented iu Michigan politics. Hon. Thomas W. Palmer, of Detroit, is elected. Hon. S. j. Owkns, of Lincoln, nation al bunk examiner fur Nebraska and MMitlicrn Illinois, was recomniissioiu-d the first of January. Mr. Owens is held in high estimation by the treasury de partment, ami is an excellent Tub appointment ot Hon. O. M. I.aiii bcrtsnn, is a deserved compliment aud endorsement of that eutlcimin ns U. S. District Attorney. Mr. Lninli, I tson is au able lawyer, a strong advocate, and a p'CMsa.'ir, gentlemanly olllcial. Cait. J. W. Maushai.l who succeeds himself in the Plattsmoutli post ollico is the oldest olHcinl in service in the Jntate, and his elHcient services are recognized iu the post ollice department, us well us by the i iti.ens of PJuttimoutli, nimost without except ion. The plattsmouth Hebald will give that live town another boost shortly by establishing a daily. Pawnee En terprise, The boosting process is fairly com menced, and like Hull, in the Hoosier Schoolmaster, when wo take hold, 'heaven and 'yarth can't make us let go." Jcixik. Post for collrrtor. Thr.i takes its Viv surprise nnd who in thi fore-ordinaliou business is to Inke foci's place. Well, the third judiri)1 district looses au able and upright judge in tin? removal of Judge Pom, and til? collectors ollice looses a mighty good friend iu llie dc-i-apiiatiou of Judge Crounse.' sTU,l. the Star uoim- run ol ! with Iiiforiiier lievdell on the ttainl i Man interest ing facts arc leaking ou showing tin- nrci h.ii been piell; largely iu lln- conthd-m e of the gov ernmeilt ncinscl lor a long while. () all tin-, contempt i l . pitiabl' scala wngse.the rss'-'iii thai turns informer to sa vp hi ou 11 neck .1 lhe sacrifice of hi .partners in crime, is the iuch dfcpiaJU,e. -vC Tub Oakland Independent .lf-gtta- tiug hanging for the northern JJjcbraska members of tie legislature, (or support lug the canitoi appropriation, ami ircs tiie profound reason for its faith tint northern Nebraska lias . contributed enough toward building up southeastern Nebraska. Persons who make a sec tional issue of a State capitol, are excu sable fcr such flights. In speaking of the late legislature and its failure to come up to the ex pectations of the public, the Omaha Republican bits the nail on the head, as follows: One thing is certain, that men elect ed on a hobby issue of any sort do not make the best, material for the general good. When we begin to elect men for their general fitness, for the stand ing the? have gained in their several professions, for their thorough rc-lia bility as citizens, then und not till then, way we expect sound and judicious law making. Further comment is un necessary at this time. ' Senatcr "Van Wyck's pension bill lias passed the senate. This measure increases the pensions of soldiers, who have lost a hand or foot in the service, from 318 to $24 a mouth, and those who have lost a leg or arm to 8:30 a month. This increase will be g'ener ally approved. Such disabillity deser ves a liberal pension, as does every genuine disability received in tbe ser vice, lo survivors of actual injuries t be govern meat and the people are not disposed to be stingy. It is only a hrst of fraudulent pensioners' that have made many of our people doubt the wisdom of their past generosity. O. liee. After the smoke had cleared away from the House of commons, and the public h id taken time to breathe, and think twice over the charges made by Mr. I ostpr against Parneil ami hiseol- leagues, th'-general opinion f-eems to lie, that Mr. Parneii's calm demeanor under the ' terrible chatties made against hi:n by the government, was that of a cohsumate lea ;er, and that had he given way under the torrentjf abuse, or lost control. oJLbims-lf in the debate, bis case would have. been seri oufilj imperiled. As it is, no .one scarcely, believes that Mr. Parneil or the land league had anything to do with, or any knowledge of the plot to assassinate the bead official of the gov ernment in Ireland.. A Little Goes a Good Way. Tbe biennial atfipy is over. The legislature has ad jo and the pulse of the state is settli its nor- mal condition. Am' 10! we never could stand annual session .ol such legisla we are bleat with would brea nstitu- f congest st tmion. v s: to tv 1 1 1 V Waterworks. - ' Pour or llvo tjiousaud ilollars outside, will give this city ti of wnlcr works lhat will be ;. lor the llie and protection of lli in is portion of our city. Some -i nee, a cuiiimil tee of our ci: (Uieily iiiadc au iuvestigiiliou ol inaMer, and hud a eurefiil ei made of the co-l of llie eonstru of a good reservoir on high t hill, of sullicieut , ciipncity lo waier enough tu supply the u city, with pipes running down hired, with hydrants uttacheil each cross stn-ct, lobe Mipplied hose to be attached iniiiiedialcl ease of lire. This systeiu of v. works, to be the nest egg for w wrks for our citv iu the future Like the Holly works at Hurling Iowa, this reservoir can bo supp in case the well on high scl hill would not furnish enough wn it is contended by those who proi to know, by pumping from the ri We are very fortunately siiualei a city, in regard to our business rem the business of the city being all rether conlined t Main street. ( tire limits on this street have broiir lit, a class ol business houses u would do credit to any city In I he w The prosperity of this city is conti then oil main sired. Our btisim men deserve protection. At prcoi we are without protection froni I ravages ot lire. We have goi,; ! ' o great expense in regard lo tire gaui.alion, iroidiug cisterns in wells for mo in case of. lire. Wii not go at jt rililr' Put a couple i thousand dollars more into the ii vestment, and have iclinlile v,;l ' works. The estimate made sou, (sine ago, showed this limited syslei of water works could be cstablishe lor the small sum of !fi;!,MU'). It is everybody's duly to assist Uu system of water works protect ing I Ii heart the seat af life id" our city. I can be extended us Pluitsmouth fel l able without creating any great i;f dobtedness, until our entire ciii would be snphed with water. Thiuk hrw it would sound gentle men: KciU'Pt how it would advcrliii your city as a point of cnterprii-c nnl business lo have it iro out to I hi wdrhl that Plattsmouth has-a svsicin f w works. My lords and gentlemen what s.i) on? Shall we have water wirktl Tun argument of the fanatical free trailers, oftentimes lead them into ab surd positions iroin which it in dilli cu.t to extricate .one self. One of the most, fanatical of this school, is Pi of. Sunnier, of Yb .friio .'ilnosfc Hhaipioiied hi chair '11 that institution, to ride'tli'5 free trade bob- iV 1 II llllU ftif lllU l.llA li.fl t 1 1 Ctf 4llllU.'l east," 111 order to sustain bis posit ioii.jl that protection degrades labor, r.iiln-r I than protects it, iu the niauiil.ici uring districts; he was led to make thu. statement that Women in tin- V u.i mantic mills get only fifty cents a day. Whereupon the proprietors of lhat in stitution, offered to furnish the leaiiii d diricijde fef the C'obden club together with the faculty and students of Y;ile, a special train and free transportation to their works, with full permission to examine their employes to ascer tain the truth of his statements. Tho truth is, their female employes earn from eight to nine dollais p"r week, aud their male labores from ten to fifteen; also many of these operatives came from English factories and the professor would havo an excellent field in comparing wages. Another venerable fossil' of this school, is congressman' J Ji. Tucker, of Virginia, who has discovered the true democratic argument againsl protec tion, viz., it is unconstitutional. Al though there has never been a ti ine in the history of our government under ail Kinds ot administration when a tariff ha.s not been laid for the pro lection .of certain inddstries, yet here comes an apostle, who in his -zeal to overthrow the doctrine of protec tion, discovers it is unconstitutional; this ought lo end the controversy, and place the democratic party on tlie ever lasting rock of abjolute free trade, there with the white garments of the constitution wrapped around it, that party would be relieved from portray ing to the laboring classes of this coun try, the happy, prosperous condition of England's millions of fat, well paid. happy working men aud women. 'Tucker has struck the key note' for the democratic party foi the coining presidential campaign. I.V speaking or Plattsmouth city. Hon. Isaac Wiles deserVes especially personal mention as a stalwatt fiieml 1 of our city. The captain is an old pioneer in Nebraska, although just now in the noonday of life. He has served bis country honorably and ably three different sessions of the state legislature, and last, but not least, as a a member of the the Ixrard of county commissioners made Cass county one of the liest commissioners she' fas ever badj and especially is this cky tyijer obligations to' Mr. A iles 'for! 'the straightforward manner w'"W'Ci(ni he advocated the claims of I ria'trsmVnlliJ'j 1 of the i'o&ti"f I city for lier judt jireportion money of the county. Oitr ston veit on Chicago avenue, and bridges in this city are evidences this man s hrmness and suu.ireue toward our people. In county a.T we have never bad a county t- r j, sioner who more clearly gra understood the condition of ty affairs, than did Capt. Y upon tbe board. Why one is I haukt. Four hundred and sevens bills were introduced in both I of-the legislature. Sixty wei bv the govwnor and thus madv May were ertlled and but f 1 ' chosen, thank heaven. Y r I 1 t 8' ti. i: g w . fu a 1. Jo hi. tie e'i oi" br J a. Il' tin Ml I'" t!i' ti" i Str j pei?T Ul I then J