Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, March 01, 1883, Image 3

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Attention Farmers.
Twenty thounaud dollars to loau oa
trin l ifil at 9 wr crnt. Mralirlit.
' Till Inoliev it tirlvato fiiml nml
ou will do well to cull and ace me. If
you waul money. Mo red tape and
fcu uem . v. . wilt,
t I lllnu llnUn !
A, Hal In bury, Dcntlftt.
Additional locals will be found on
the 4th page.
The mini still mitddcu
isn't ll ncariv time for the bane bull
racket to belu
rt A new boy babv lias arrived at the
ret id cure of W. IJ. Drown,
Ask Sum Shoemaker if he wits at
the other end of the telephone.
Married, Monday, by Judge Johuon
Mr. Kugeue MidJU toil to Miss Laura
IMIe Hut.
The Journal is today engaged in
i moving from their present quarters
into the second story of the Cuthman
W. Nmdy, Tuesday, shipped to A.
i huinas, llillndal, la., two thorough-
led I'oltud China hogs, which 'were
ii ones.
Where is the street commissionej
t.d hi little hoe, that the. gutters oti
h !de of Main street are not
(( j" . .
u crowd collected ul tne coun
cil Imler Monday in expectancy
,fjteaiin something staitlintr coti-
t.ti led iwiili the complaint against the
..ijit ma churiau.
li. tinctt is once more able to be
u tou. an J Lis hots ol lrituds are
i j.iit ed i,icr ttiut fact and the prospect
speedy rextorativu to complete
jibe, presbytei iuu church eervi
ill bo held each evening this
lyted ly the Paster Kev.
Afji wliicii meeting the
nml i ally invited.
mured that 1 .tzerald has
a still greater interest in the
l;it ly burned out, and will, dur
lie com iiij; season, erect good
k buildings thereon.
'he item in Monday's IltRALD
ig to Mr. 1 'otter's experience In
XL storehouse, it should have
r. Dawson, Instead or Air.
wiihiuy to subscribe lor tho
11 lrald can subscribe through
Jicrs, by dropping a card in
t office or by leaving their
t-t-heTeOitoriol rooms at this
lino' her column will be found the
nb contributed by Plattsmouth
ass county toward the aid of the
era by the floods in Germany.
iliowiuj; is u good one, of which
in justly boast.
fio fa stent lime made in Platts-
i.h latch' was made today by the
'who jumped into his wagon and
'el oil' without untieing his team
the hitching mat. 1 he pot
nlMarthts is a happy .man now;
ten pound boy arriving at his
Tuesday, lie has every rea
i be proud of the acquisition to
niily and this paper proffers con
Cutter MaiUd enst Tuesday to
fyhasc a complete supply of dental
l-.truuicuts and supply for his new of-
iu Fitzgerald's block. The Dr. has
hociuted with him in busings, Dr. C.
Marshall, an accomplished dentist
fum Burlington, Iowa, who will have
fmrgc of t lie new firm in the absence
If Dr. Clutter.
A lively discussion took place this
'''( iliJT enf 11M uf Glh au a
rcets 'hit ween representive
lull and L. G. Todd, regarding
'ropriation for the feeble mind-
The crowd wnicn assemoiea
do credit to a ward caucus.
3 had his hands full in handling
Ilall and his raulcS tco.
Says the Inter Ocean, Emery A. Storrs
ii not aloue in the belief that the great
lever of journali-m is the interview.
This may be if Mr. Storrs means that
kiad of interview n-hcrc the newspaper
lia v Vue aggressor slid haw it all hi
w: ayt but we have known of inter-
viewswherc the newspaper business
ould have been healthier wilh the
. lever conspicuously absent.
ITon. James Hall dropped in on the
flEBALD Tuesday to say he was awful
fiad he was this far on his way home.
Mr. Hall also handed us tne genuine,
simon pure report of the special rail
road committee, which we shall here
after take occasion to notice. Messrs.
Hall and Wolfe, our republican mem
n have proved themselves faithful
-diinstaking and influential members,
Lid more extended mention shall be
made hereafter of our entire d.iega
tloiu Messrs. Weltencamp and O'Xeil are
..uVhinff the work of excavating and
leaning up preparatory to the erec
tion of brick bailding in the place of
the old frame one, so recently des
troyed by fire.
JCow U the time the citizens see
the necessity for good side walks
capacious gutters and elevated street
crossings, 'in good weather we don't
ed these conveniences nearly so
as we do in a tune use tne
The Arkansas man aidn t
roof when it was not rain-
backed bv a mau oiled up
rfltow srroasc, engaged iu a per-
iTi.r. mi the street crossings Wed-
Ikv. u'i n wholesome sight, and
fur't that will be appreciated by
folrians gcnsrslly.
who will build the com-
eiuou is Mr. Neville who will build
.nself a resideuce in the west part of
citv jast beyond the residence oi r .
Jhite. The business pan oi uie tiiT
iin.each year closer upon n is
Vomc place which necessitates
, more roomy location-
is fast becoming noted
;ck, Mr. Xeela noted
pgi, out
... :.w
. I'ersonal.
Uef. JoUu Gallagher aud wife, of
Fall. City, were in Plat turnout li I lie
last week visiting old friends and
Win. Nevillo Sundnyed over with
his family in this city.
. J.Murtln, ot Nebraska City
passed Sunday in this place and
noted the progress of the third city
in the state.
J. H. Strode went to Lincoln yes
to, day. He enters upou the discharge
of his duties as district attorney to
day at that city.
II. Y. Hriggs, of South Heud is in
the city.
S. Johuon, a d inocratlc war liore
of liOuUville, is dowu getting inspir
ation doubtless from the pilots of the
Mr. Limbleu a schoool "inirin"
from out iu the couuty visits the city
today on legal business.
C. 11. Smith, ol the Western Union
offices of this city, was iu Omaha
over Sunday mopping at the Metri
politau. I'. II. Swift, the mogul throttle pul
ler, of l'luttsiaoutli. and Churles Ku
reka Duke, of the Mime burg, spent
the day in Omaha, enjoying one ot
tho ''sacred concerts" .'or which the
town is becoming fatuous. The charms
of music and ot Ik r thin" in-i; ti i ! t
the time away, so much so that they
got left for ilio K. (J. train and wen-
forced lo reiuuin over liilit. )in:il,.i
J. P. Morgan, of Chicago, sui t. f
telegraph over the C 15. & Q.. fi n'
Sunday in i'lattsmoutli.
Martin Dunham, of the State houid
of agriculture and a prominent eiuzi ii
of Omaha, visited I'lattsmouih tol.iy.
F. P. Knep, foreman ot the l-nd ,;n
between table Hock ami J louver, is
nursui-r a mablieU t liimi l and takiuir u
lay off with old friends in this city.
Mrs. Jeuu Lewis and bnby left for L
Porte, IndM Saturday, to spend a month
among relatives and friends.
Abe Constable, of Fort Collins, Col.,
foreman of Stout's Htoue quarry arrived
in the city this morning.
Hon. James Hall was a caller at
these headquarters today returning
home from the session of the legis
lature. W.H. Stout, of the DeWitt Times,
visited friends in this city today..
C. S. Smith took a trip into the
country today, but if you want to
know where he went, you'll have to
ask him.
J. M. Barr, general purchasing agent
of the B. & M. came down from Oma
h this morning
C. S. Dawson, returned last evening
from Denver.
K. A. Kirkpati ick and J. II. 1 1 aide
man, of Weeping Water, were in the
city today and made, the Heuald of
fice a pleasant call.
Mike Cavity of Kim wood precinct
was iu the city monday and called
at the Herald othYc.
Mrs. J no. Ossenkop, of Louisville, is
lu the city Wednesday.
II. K Briggs, representing the Law
yers Co-operative Publishing Com
pany, of Newark, N. Y. is iu the city.
M. M. Curran, who has been poor
ly all winter suffering with neuralgia,
is reported on the mend.
J. E. Morrisou was in South Bend
Tuesday on legal business.
Conductor Euglish, of the B. & M.,
is taking a lay-off for a few Says on
account of sickness.
Sam Long and Joe Sharp come in
this morning on the Lincoln train.
Jacob Schueider. of Cedar Creek,
and Ilenry Inhelder, ihe tax collector
for Louisville and Eight Mile dove
precinct', came in from the went this
Dr. John Black left for 'own this
morning to visit his fciter.
It. B. Windh im went to Glen wood
today on legal business.
Gad Slaughter, E. C. Carnes and
wife, and W. II. B. Stout were visitors
in the city a while waiting for the
Denver train.
Abe Constable passed through on
the Denver train bound for Ft. Col
lins. John Lewis, after a sojourn cf a few
days in the city, left for home this
Theodore Heim, a prosperous farm
er from hear Louisville, is seeing
friends here today.
Capt. II. E. Palmer left by this
morning's train to visit Texas, New
Mexico, Arizona and Colorado in the
interests of his insurance bureau. The
Captain i an example of what a man
can do by faithful application to bis
business interests. He is one of the
first insurance men of the west.
Messrs. Parmele and Agnew, have a
large herd of native cattle of good
grade, in Saunders county, which they
intend shipping over the U. P. to Cus
ter county, where they own a laige
cattle ranch.
Miss Liliie Pollock and Miss Carrie
Isham called on the IIkkald office to
day. Mr. l. B. Ba:;vi, father of our fel
low townsman and merchant, W. II.
Baker, is in the city stopping with his
son. Mr. Baker, has been ror sometime
past iu poor health, but is now im
proving rapidly.
Mr.Sam. Atwood. who is engaged
iu handling fine stock, is now absent,
in Illinois, and will shortly return to
Cass county with five tine through
bred, white faced registered Holstein
cows, which we understand, will cost
hira the neat little sum of $2,100. This
Is what 'he IIeralb calls enterprise.
Nebraska needs nothing more than
just such men as Sain. Atwood, with
nerve and enterprise enough to intro
duce thoroughbred stock into our fer- j
tile p;istnres. Success to Sam. At-j
We learn just on going' to ptss of
Meeting of the City Council
City rouncll m6t Mo d iy night iu
regular session. Present: the mayor
Councilmcn Schnellbacher, llerold.
Ilartinnn, Murphy, Lehnhoff aud
Dnwftou. The minutes of the last
meeting rctul and approved.
TI.e petition of Mr. McLaughlin,
relative to some grading on Oak
street, between Fourth mid Fifth,
wlih a view toward the improve
ment of his property tl ere, was read,
aud referred to the commit tee on
streets, alleys and bridges.
Pctitiou ol Mrs. Finney fordamages
by water, occasioned by defective
drainage on the iart of the city, was
read aud referred to the committee
on claims.
The clerk's report, concerning
moneys received for cemetery pur
purposes, was rece ived and placed on
tile. Cemetery mutters being prop
erly before the board, the committee
were nu I empowered to
procure three new plats of the ceme
tery, lo replace the old one, recently
destroyed by the lire.
Councilman Dawson moved that
the mayor appoint a committee of two
to act in conjunction with the ceine-t.-iry
cummittec, in the purchase ot
ten acres mljoiuin: Oak Hill ceme
tery ou, tlx; west, tor ccmctary pur
poses, which motion pievailed
'1 I.c li.naiii-c coiiniiillee reported as
follow, which report was received.
aud claim allowed:
Harvey Sngr, -Vr
.1 . 1 ) . S i 1 1 1 J i ' 1 1 1 . .
1'YciI Jordei'. co
( i in h :ti:: ,. K
dead "i ii
K S. While.
.j. V. We. !!. ;.
lliiu'l. Kin;:-., itiirs
W. II. ( u-i,iii" .-
w M l.
i t '
liva-nr r
The claim of ir, Hull
up, and utter some Iiv
.iy di.-cu-.sion
the bill was allowed, :ip'n the compro
mise a agreed belwe n the parties
City Attorney Windham was pres
ent, and taugibly presented to the
board the status of the case of Fitz
gerald against the city iu relation to
the payment of taxes on certain prop
erty owned by Fitzgerald iu the city.
Mr. Fitzgerald has offered to pay the
amount of the taxes without interest,
aud the costs of the suit, that hac
already accured. The matter was r -ferred
to the finance commiitce for
further investigation, to report at the
next meeting. Attorney Vaunatta,
on behalf of Mr. (Jonler, urged the
council to instruct the city clerk to
deliver to the sheriff a warrant drawn
in favor of City Eugiueer Fairfield,
which he, Vanalla, desired the pos
session of, under attachment proceed
ings, against the lity engineer. The
board, however, concluded they had
no power to act and the matter was
The matter of the expediency of
narrowing some of the streetiwas
brought up by Councilman Daivsou,
who, iu an eloquent plea, in behalf of
the property owners ou Wiuterstien
hill, asked the board to narrow the
streets to fifty feet, ami give them au
opportunity to beautify and improve
their property, intimating that the
property owners desired to fix up the
stieet and would do so provided their
request was granted. They were
there in force, but a motion to lay
the w hole matter on tlte table uutil
the next tneeetiug, quickly put an end
to all speculation as to the result of
the petition.
Aldermau Mtfrphy offered Ihe fol
lowing resolution, which was adopted.
Whereas, the time ol this body is
occupied by citizens in presenting
matters that are personal; therefore,
be it
Besolwl, that all matters, that are
to be presented to this body, concern
ing the publ'r good, lin presented by
a iiieiniM r ot the council, nnd shall be I
iu ritirg, a -i rcferi--.! t- the pro-
per commiiteti. !
The city engineer made a niaVment
as to the erudition of the culrert on !
C hicago avenue and the ij::ifd order- i
ed tin' .-.aine completed. The contract
was awarded to Mr. Worrtd, the dirt
to bo moed !'oi '20c per y.:rd, the
in ariircmriii tu he niu-le iu the e.a.
M". Worrell w.-ie allowed -flO for ex
penses incurred in the '.vnrii ni ready
done. The OiYt Jo bo used, to be
taken from the cut ou Main street.
The street commissioner was ordered
to notify the properly o wners on Vine
street west of Third to repair their
sidewalks also on Second street be
tween Main, and Granite street be
tween Second and Third aud further
that the tddewalk ou the north side
of Chicago avenue be cleaned off.
The complaint against the night
watch" for ueglect of duty ou the
night cf the lire was considered and
Councilman Murphy moved that a
committee of three b appointed to
investigate the charges and icport at
the next meeting. Tin motion pre
vailed Hid the mayor :;piointcd as
such committee Coui'viluien Murphy,
Dawson-aud llerold.
Board adjourned.
AM for German Sufferers Iu Klaud.
The following is the amount raised in
this city and county, up to date, for the
sufferers in inundated districts of Ger
many: Plattsmouth city and vicii.ity. . 25
B. & M. It. R. shops of Platts
mouth SO 00
South Bend and Precinct, col
lected by Fred Lan, 33 00
Pleasant Ridge, coll. by Baltz
.Meisinger It 73
Elmwood precinct, coil, l.y Peter
Nickel 4G
Weeping Water preciurf. coll.
by Andrew Sturm
Avoca aud preciuct, coll. I y Mar-
qaarf Bros
Cedar Creek, coll. by Chr. Mt-tz-
49 75
20 00
Total 400 30
Greenwood, yet lo hear from.
The money will now be sert to Mr.
Vou Levetrow, president of the lieich
stag to apply w here reed is the greatest.
To a!!, including many non-Germane,
who were conCibut ivc ia raakidg
uj this handsome suai which speaks so
well for the geneiositj of the people of
Plattstuout'n the icoii e.v, the relief
committee exS' m.v , . . i., Kv nr-
h-r f ihe Executive
i.i: lit lee. "
17;!.. 18
jToTirht, warm ,
-fi ft . of sitow- j ok of street
The prospects are that the-' force at
tho B. & hi shops at tU p act w ill
shortly be Increased in all the depart
II. II. Klrby, the near partner "of
John Wajnian. removed to this city
yesterday and is living in the Stadel-
maun house.
C. E Wescott, Ihe clothier, is mov.
ing his stock ot goods into the Rock
wood block. Kobert Sherwood will
also occupy j art ot the same room
with bis stock of boots aud shoes.
The pictures of the . leading charac
ters uf the. Jolly Pathiinders which
stood iu front of J. P. Young's,
attracted considerable attention on
Charles J. Pcltee, of this city, who
has been at work tor the Lincoln Jour
nal this winter, will be with Itmdi
Iellows at Auburu. the coming
The shriek of the fife and the roll of
the drum eel oed through the streets
Tuesday night recalling to mindbygone
days of the wide-awakes. It vai tha
regular meeting night of the G. A.
it , and some of the boys had to be
drummed up.
Tin street comiuUsivucr is busi
ly engaged in laying & temporary
t-iile w alk across the utterly impassible
sewer at the intersection of Seventh
btreets and Chicago aveuue. The muck
ia that vicinilv is like the Hoosier
woman's mud a foot deep on the
level aud badly drifted.
.Ou Tuesday the i?Gih a number of
the chili! reii and friends met at the
1 1 V.demv ol .Mr. .Io)iU II. Bower to
eoii:i-itul ..i- :lr-. How er ou the aun:-vcr-:in
l her si xfict h birthday..
Among ih- in in it Mr Geo. Ih-rgi r
n :i J wiie, Mrs. .1. 1). IV ;usoii, Mr.
1 Nni Amlrew - and wife, J); . J. M. Wa
i' nu in iiii'l w ife, Mr. Walradt and
wile, Kev B. F. 1itfcubacher aud
I w i.e. ami .Misses .Maifuie aud Lena I
''orneIius. j
Several gifts w ere given and receiv
ed, and a bounteous: repast was pro
vided aud enjoyed. Miss Lena Cor
nelius furnished vocal and instru
mental music, Itcv. Diffeubacher
give some hiinierous rcadiugs, aud all
olliers added to Ihe soeia' enjoyment
of the occasion.
Geo. Wrtlrad', who appreciates a
lauh at amn j one else's expense bet
ter than anyl ody, ia now seeing how
it goes to be the other Wlnw awhile.
It seems the other day he purchased
10 hogs of his neig.ibor, Mr. Burnett,
living two miles south of him. He
called op Mr. 1!., loaded his p irkers in
t lie wagon and started for home. Just
before he got there, he - concluded to
count, and discovered he was one
short, as he could count but nine in
the wagon, he turned around and drove
back to Burnett's a mile and a half
and enquired after his other hog. Mr.
Burnett hadn't seen the truant porker,
but ou counting them, ho made out
the full number, it turned out that
Mr. Walradt had simply driven a mile
and a half to have his hogs counted.
We suggest that George' look after the
quality of the coffee he drinks, as it is
very evident something is wrong.
The Cass Couuty In n works have
just recently put one of their station
ary engines in the Malvern Iowa,
plow factory. Dennis McCunie, the
proprietor of tile works, purchasing
the same of Mr. Wajman. Mr.
Kiikby an experienced machinist
has recently bought into the Cass
County Iron works and the firm
open the spring trade with the
manufacturus f stalk Cutters and
sulky plow attachments. The work
will be run to the full capacity.
We are sorry to learn that A. B.
Smith and family start this week for
Denver, Col., to make that place their
permanent home. Mr. Smith aud his
estituablo lady hae been closely
identified with Plattsmouth city ami
.-urronuding from iis earliest infancy
and will be missed here by their la-ge
eirclo of acquaintances aud trieuds.
Tun Hki;aj.i wishes them a happy
an;! s -r
oeioiis 'ni ure in tiieir new
.V mimi-er f
l'iattclil'illtil havi
lit and relief
the workiumeu of
oreuiiiz-.d a mutual
association composed -uboiiaic
nu u and iueclriui s.
The object of the u.-sociatioii i mutual
improvement and asistance to each oth
iu time of distress. They meet regularly
every week, aud at present h;ive a mem
ber ship of thirty-rive or forty. A mis
understand: ir prevailed in regard to the
meeting last Friday night, in conse
quence of which, none was held. A
meeting will be held iu the court house
Friday night which will be strictly a
business meeting, and all those who are
now members ot the ass Mention are re
quested to be present.
As Joiner, the fellow who manip
lates the ribbons of Patterson's ex
press wagon, was complaisantly driv
ing along Main street, today, with a
load of sample trunks, one of them
took a tumble to itself, aud landed
fiat on its side in the stceet, in the
mud. We weren't near enough to
hear what he said, but know what
we would have thought had we
been similarly situated.
Warranty deeds, Mortgage deeds,
Quit Claim deeds and Chattle Mortga
ges of standard forms for sale singly
or by the hundred at this office.
New Beginners iu Brass Manic.
The B. A M. Band, at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, has for sale a complete .set
of Silver Helicon Horns, manufactur
ed by J. Slater, New York, in good
condition mostly, and used only three
years. Parties desiring such instru
ments will be able to procure a good
set, at a very low prise. Address
47U. Business Manager.
A Gentle Voice.
Our enterprising druggists. Smith &
Black Bios., has secured the agency
for the sale of Dr. Biglow's Positive
Cure, which has no superior for coughs,
colds, consumption, whooping coughs,
ana all throat and lung disease. To
prove to you it has no equal, call at
Smith A Black Bro3 drugstore and
get a bottle free. Oct.l2e4wIy.
New maple sugar fresh aud pure at
the P. O. news depot. d&w
If vou waut a good smoke buy
your cigirs at the P. O. news depot.
dxw -
tt-iggn Glycerine "vaiv.
- Tbf- twit on earth can truly h aaid
af GrPjgs'tBIyerrine Salve, which is a
suie car for cuts, l.ruisos. scalds,
burns. v.Ads, and all other soree.
Will p'Jsit'My cure piles, tetter and
Lvin rV-''Ji!-. Siitifjotion ciar-
South Bead Letter.
We have mother' barber.
J. W. Coou ba fouud It nccetcary
to build another forge and employ
A sood harness maker would do
well in tha Beud.
Mr. Briuir" has moved into (he
McAfee moves here this week.
T. G. Look hub sold his farm, house
aud lot, and sells his household tllects
the 28th iust. He iutouds moving to
Waihiugtou Territory
Jesse Allaway returned from Iowa
last Thursday with one of the fair
ex w ho will helpbiru over the rough
places in life. Jesse is an Industrious
young man aud we predict for him a
happy future.
Geo. Hay is loading two cars af po
tatoes lor Texas.
Our grain merchants complain of
the scarcity of cars." Their elevators
are- lull of graiu waiting for cars.
Mr. Thingan sells his farming uten
sils aud stock, preparatory to going
to Platte county. H'e aro sorry to
loe him as he ia oue ot our best
farmers and a gentleman.
August Kuhu ittovcb lo 'YalK-y
couut tomorrow. August hue shown
what can be done iu Nebraska by
energy aud pluck. Sex en years ago
he lauded at this p'ace from Germany
w ithout any in-aim, except hi- hands
and industry Xo-v-ln- is ooi .f debt,
owns lt0 acres of impwrd land in
Yalley couuty, has a farming
implements, iiiid some money. He
hn not spent his tifhe in dibcusdii,
the monopoly quettl.on.
since our Inst commuti'icii'. ion, we
have had a marriage iu the B ud. The
contracting parlies weie K. N Moore
and Mis Delia Mattisou. It was
hoped that this occurrence would
have a solulury effect on the old bnc'i
elorf in the Beud hut it seems they
have reached that point where refor
mation is difficult.
Hon. M. Siblev lecture on teuiner -
in ti... l:..iw1 inmnrrnw ,rh i
and the Rev. Merrill on
Wednesday night.
Cedar Creek Letter.
1;E1AK i.KKKK, l-f. V. I
Kt. llfc-KAi.t): 1
Owin-' to matriiuonv,' uii't uoinff to
t. ,r .li.. ..,.n :
l--s.nlel at PlattHiuoutii on Saturday. Money to loan ; easy term on im-Smalh-v
-i-ts bin children over the rwad I proved lands. SfttiVAX A Wooi.KV,
free, lie stand- in witlf the It. R. Iy. 5,r , at Unlon ,51ock
J. H. Wehrlcy say he cau fiirui-h th l John Blake keens constantly on hand
farmers with everv kind of farming im-I fud line of tine Irish and Scotch
,.W-..s tlmv want. Whiskies. Aug.l7.1882-22y 1.
At the next opportunity ndk Oen. Wl
radt how many hogs he bought of Jewe
Burnet. Some say nine, others ay ten.
Frank Fronzon's brother, from Wei-ping
water, gave hiui a visit last week. He
is of the same good untured material as
Frank is, though uot as good a checker
To-day a party cclebr.ited tho 00th
birthday of Mrs. Bowers, near Cedar
Creek. A nicer thus the guests never
had. '
By far the most notable eveut of the
burgh occurred Sun lay. Joe Wildi, a
young ami indmtrio-H wagon m iker, was
joined in wedlock Mian Christina
Muoth. About iifty invited guests were
present, aud Esquire Sintlley officiated
Christian Metzger, the host, did much
to make all happy. Joe aud his wife
will lire ia part of of II. Wihrlej's house
at present, but will iu the future pur
chase property in town. The folio win ir
ara some of the queries propounded since
the event: Why was not J. Kuutzuian
not an artist or a minister? Why was
the doctor 6o bashful: Does Joe al
ways litce chickinleg as he did at the
wedding dinner? Will 'Squire shake
hands with the next couple wheu he
finishes the ceremony
But for a change, Mr. Met.g r drove
to his stuck peus with isoinu of the guests
and showed about 80 hogs in fine con
dition, aud 40 steers averagiug 1400 lbs.
Such a lot of stock has no rival in the
whole country around here. Look for
M ikk Axon.
Three liroves News.
TiniKi; Grovks, Feb. 2Gth 1883.
Mis. Eliaha Carroll has been very
si:k for several da, but glad to learn
bhe is improving.
Mr. Jim Barker and family, a son-in-law
of J. G. Olduam, is in our
neighborhood making a visit.
Edward Wiley is going to Colorado
this spring for his health. He has
l en ted his place to a gentleman from
Virginia. Edward will have a sale
the coming week of his household fur
niture. Dee Shrader has been down to Mis
souri this winter going to school, he
returned last Friday.
Byron Young makes bis U6ual trips
down to the Weeping Water bottom
this winter especially on Friday and
Sunday evenings. He reports the mud
deeper down there last evening than j
here. j
A new comer made a call a few days i
ago, to the household of Mr. and Mrs. j
Joseph Cole, and called for lodging for
a short time: Mr. and Mrs. Cole con-';
eluded to take him in. Its a fjne boy i
and prospering finely.
A golden wedding on Friday, and a
birthday dinner on Sunday, has been
one of the past events of the week.
The participants probably would have
liked the proceedings sent to the Her
ald, and we would have been glad to
have done so. If they had sent us a
piece of cake or au invitation, but
they failed to do it, and we don't
write anything second handed. '
Mr. Edward Carroll has a stray
horse at his place which came there a
few days ago, with a halter on and
rough shod all around. The horse is
supposed to have been stolen some
place and got loose from his rider. '
Mr. Glaze, who lias been living on
tha Ben Droste place the last winter,
is going up north-west about three
hundred miles to take him a home
stead. He will move or start out in
March. Mr. Rennard will occupy the
place vacated by Mr. Glaze.
Wild geese are beginning to make
their appearance as spring approach
Considerable corn has been
in the last, week or ten days-
Bncklea's Arnica saly
The best salve In the world
braises, gore?, ulcers, salt rbe
aorea, tetter, chapped bands.
ooros and all skin eruption";
lively cures niles.. It la buat;
cure nerfect satisfaction or ti
A Sqnaro Meal
Cau be hid at the City litel for
23 ei-uls mill I'mIl'Hil' al Maine r-asoiutO
lates. r'aitucis and (.oiiiinercial 51
will ilese bcur this iu mind. d&wtf
If you have auythin? you wunt sold
at auction call on Joe Ford. dJbwtf
Farmer and others desiring a gen
teel, lucrative agency buslnets, by
which $5 to 820 a day can be earned
send address at once, on postal, to II
C. Wilkinson A Co.. X9. and 187 Ful
ton St., New York. 40t6ui
5.000 fence posts for sale.
Call on
or address 30 tf P. L.
Hold up, stop a little; farineas don't buy
a stalk cutter until you call and see one
made at the Cass County Iron Works;
also call and sec th new sulky plow at
t .chinent made by us.
tOllll I AYM AN ct DlllBt.
Oil Cake.
Ground linseed oil cake for stock
feeding, the best thing that can be fed
to cattle and hogs; at M. U. .Murphy
A CVs. 47t4
Fresh Oysters.
Direct from the sea shore, constant
ly on hand, at the Central Restaur
ant. 22m3.
At Schlegel's cigar store may always
be found the very best brands of smok-
niij and chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. :',0tf
Choice Honey.
Choice extracted honey iu 81b tin
pails at Bennett & Lewis' from the
apiary it J. ii. 1 ouug, ol Iliree
(roves. This honey is wan uu ted
absolutely pure. 47t4
Fur Hale.
new frame house wit ti stone base
ment, containing 5 rooms; convenient
to the R. R. Shops. For price and
terms, apply to Albert Calkins, or
Wheeler A Bennett. 4itf.
1,000 Curtis of Wood
for sale by W. S. Wise. S-tt
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
Manuiact in ing utiu Kcpuinng, koou I J.KKI"J Kill 1 , made mis
and neat, at Merges. -"itf j erable by that terrible cough, shiloh's
i J no. R. Cox has moved his hard-
i ware s tore t w o doors east of his form-
f or ltru1 inn w!iim Ii a Imu riitn nti.l
j gpure ('nil Miid see him; no trouble
j to tjni him. 3t
The bvi.1 go.ids for the leat
money i
4;;tf "
! at William llerold.'
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house in
the state. i'3tf
It will pay you to read Wise" col
umn in this paper, you may find just
what you want. " 39lf
For Sale.
Forty acres of land one half mile
from Plattsmouth, same will be sold
in whole or in lots to suit purchasers.
Inquire of Wheeler & Bennett.
Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of
long experience. Best of Reference.
Residence, Picnic Hill.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 31. ,83 3m.
Everybody Knows It.
Everybody knows what red clover
is. It has been used many years by
the good old German women and phys
cians for the blood, and is known as
the best blood puritler when properly
prepared. Combined with other medi
cinal herbs and roots, it lorms Dr.
Jones' Red Clover Tonic.which is good
for all blood disorders, torpid liver,
costiveness and sick headach. Sure
cure for pimples. Ask Smith & Black
Bros., druggists, ior it. Only fifty els.
a bottle. Oct.l2e4wly.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
Fence Posts for Sale.
The undersigned living at Rock
Bluffs, Cass Co., has 1,000 fence posts
for sale. 4Tt4 S. L. Furlong.
J. V. Weckbacli Iiaa just re
ceived a. flue line of carpets In
lbe latest patterns. Call ear
ly. 4tf
Having accured the Kule
agency fur Wilson Bros.' fine
Sblrts rr tue city of Platta
moiitu to order. He take
pleasure In Informing the pub
ic that we will take measures
guaranteeing perfect fits and
satisfaction In every way.
Call In and see samples, sixty
different styles to selec from.
S. & C. Mayer,
Opera IIoukc Clothiers.
desire to state to the public that
they have moved their Dry Goods
Notions, Boots, and Gent's Fur
nishing goods to their store room
formerly occupied by J. Ii. Cox.
A full line of
will be kept at the old stand. We
would be pleasedto see all our old
customers and many new ones.
We will keep a BKTTEIi line
abled to.
has just received
the best
manufactured. In addition to a
general line, I keep the celebrated
'Piiiii M im
-o ;
JIs Aent for
. ..
and several ot Biers. Also tlae followiiijij:,v
well known c&r&ans, .
lnees on any Mnsieal liBstrniiient, don't
fail to eall. Enstrnnienls oik iiiand all
the tine9 also tlie celebrated
so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. 'e
guarantee it.
pepsia aud Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's
Vitalier is guaranteed to cure you.
; ( ure is the remedy for you.
CATARRH CI KKD. health ai.d
sweet breath scoured by shiloh's Ca-1
tarrh Iteinedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal j
Injector free. For sale by i
I Parties knowing themselves indebl-
' ed to me. mil please call on or before
I March 'lh, and settle up. Having
! sold my goods I wish to square up all J
accounts at once. (
' Fkank 1'. Thasti.1:. i
Cedar i.ek. Xeb., Feb. - J, '93-4'..t3 I
For Lame Back, Side or
Shiloh's I'oious Piasters.
Chest use
SHILOH'S COl'GII and Consump
tion cure is sold by us on a guarantee.
It cures consumption.
you need for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle.
Bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
34eowly Smitii & Black Bros.
A Word of Caution.
As is usually the case where au
article of true merit has attained a
world-wide reputaliou by its wonder
ful results, as the eelebratel Electric
Bitters have doue, certain unprinci
pled parties have endeavored to imi
tate them, and expect to iuduce au
uusupectiug public to purchase their
fraudulent wares. Ask your druggist
for the genuine Electric Bitters, t lint
are guaranteed to cure, and take no
others. Sold at Roberts' Pharmacy
at 50 cents. OSeOwly
Wm. Ilerold's old established dry
woods and rocerv house for bargains
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy I Cleanse 1 Preserve! tf
J. P
Young sells fresh
eggs (nest
d A w
The Doctor's Secret.
Probably no new development
will more surprise the public, than to
learn the secret of success ot certain
leading phjsicians. When they have
a difficult case o: throat or lung dis
ease that baffles their scientific skill,
they prescribe Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, haying it diegirsed in a pre
scription bottle, with their own di-rt-cl
ions end name attached. The pa
tient 5s cured, mt they g'-t the credit.
Tribune. Trial hot ilv free tit Rob
erts' P;mi.:icy. Large size 1..38eGwly
Johnson Ilros have remov
ed to the new Stock wood block
Call and see them lor hard
ware. It"
than we were formerly en-
a large stock of
the following; staiBiiarcl IPiahc.
A 4 IT
Lace CTJRTAIN Gbods,
Toilet & Bridal M
El Cap
One Door East
HEias openc! out
liar gains
Fresh Provisions of all Kinds, at Prices that will aafonisli you.
my word for it, but call and examine for yourself.
South Side of Main Street, at
- 7
Full Line General Merchandf
Full Line General Merchant
Always on
Always on
. If x m
3 9
ii Clotlis
- ZJL1
First National Banl
Icet lliae
Van n ed Go ods,
Don't t
Smith d- Mack Jlros., Old Stand,
'fcrj ,,-r vey rtftrnUeil. Ocly 25c.
funded, friers S5 cj-u per L
bale at ttobcru trUAnucy.
r t vewf. lJ