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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1883)
r - f y"' i ri ii ant t TfSUODfll HERALD" Oar dabbing List for , Tht II Kit A LD offers tht following lubbiug rates to its patrons for tbe jllowlng year; . iUiim nainl North Amrr.IUvlew. " Patn-aoa'a Uiln " " Our 'uuf local r'kl. " lralrt. farmer " HalurdMjr Nlvbt . - tw Vurk'llnii.... .,.... iriouus... " ' Chicago Tritiuna Tim " Weatera Rural N.w fork World - ' " I'lnrlnnattt Volktblatt. 1 I 1 I a I 1 I I I so . 4. wo . .I4 . .! . 2.AO , ISO , S.LO . 3 fto . x: , S.M a.M Omaha tin with ram.. 1.U Otnalia Itep. " g. ' Darlington llawk.jr .. 4.00 luler Oeaa s 76 Amer. Acrlculturtst I N Atlaiillr Monthly 4 00 Urir' Monthly 4. J rky B.W Bazaar. $io Leslie's Monthly...,... 4.1 Naaiiir 4. 00 Hundaj MagHZlti J 75 World 0 New York ledger 4.10 WeaSlt 4.10 Toledo ttlad. 3 0 Clil.aico Weekly Nes.. i 2 Onlury Mnituzlaa 5.M I. Nl. holm... 4.S4 Uher bubllcatlous will bo added to Hut In future. ; - - i. D. Polk, of Louisville, is uow iu employ of the lliKALi) Publish- louitminr, nud iuv oust nous ne . . . . 1 I 'mm til 1 y liau.iici iu ii ui'uaii win l iuhj uled. Attention Farmers. eutv thousand dollar to loati ou M laud at 9 per cent. atraight. Tnla money ia private funds aud yiy will do well to cull and seo inc. if -u waul iiioocr. No red tape aud i dela) a. iSind W. S. Whk, Uuiou Block Delayed. Owing to tbe breaking of im portant ft-sting iu our ower pie tb that or the week tins isue has ln'ffx unavoidably delayed. The age wad suppIsnteJ witu a new meting mi l tbe forms sent to press jiift a sp'edily as possible. Tbe de U hat occurred beiotj unavoid- bb - 4. SalLbury, lleutlat. Miirts tnitde to order at tbe O. II. C. Additional locals will be found on in 4tb page. - Frank Crtrruth received twenty Da ii tewing machines and w organs f.r his trade this week. I a the opera house tbe". 22d, Haver ly'i operatic company will appear for -l first time Before a PlatUrnoutti au- iliftuce. . Tbe Cits Conn y Iron Work are biuy at present and have been all winter, with th exception of a 'very Alex. Mclntoab'i acbool closed last - i . . t . it era, uui l lie uuhiu nut iu wen pieusru wiiii n is iracuinx mnt tney have continued tbe scltool. another month. Tut mild we:tthur Ibis wek is uiov lug away tbe snow and ice gradually, nt.Linriir m.r 'a -rv j milvt .inin win atraa iiai nfftirra ffum ta fliuul . ; . A In the trial of tbe South Bend cases KanefT Jos. Sharp and Dr. Stewart ire bound over to answer to tbe mil' riN ui o i r a a uu . ucauaa lub iir al and jury. " itrict Clerk ybowalter baa moved hi tittles this week to the Kockwood blork, where eourt will bercafter be held. Walter Whita moved the clerks 4(w to its new quartcis Moudar of this week. . v Thomiwir- 'wnneily with A. of Omaha, 'succeeds J. C. Grass ex Dress offlca luuslc store. Mr. says be has come here to slay. rust he may And our city both aniiii am ii u iiiini l.iliib. .ii i is7 rn lployer, A. Iloape, Jr. i ue sevi cui T ui .ue iHura The following arc anion tho pcr aonal movements to and from thU city during the past week: J C Donnell, Lincoln, in the city Tuesday. ...R It AVindhaui at Nth. City Friday last left L Stone, of Sutton, in IMattsmonth Saturday.... II II Alder:, of the railway mail service In the city Friday.... Mr and Mrs I A Campliell in Omaha Sunday last Mr and Mrs Geo S Smith at South Jtend Monday F Carruth in O-naba Monday J IC Morrison in South Bend Monday... W II Newell and U U Windham at Louisville Tuesday Senator Bumgardner, of Ited Willow Co.. in the city this week.... Mis Dr Tefft nee Miss Belle Marquette and Miss Hattie Marquftte, of Lincoln, were In the city M.mday p. m , at Mis C II Smith's Surveyor Fairfield and Deputy Clerk Browne in Weeping Water Monday Dr Stewart. South Bend, in the city Tuesday .. . Stephen Wheeliss, of Dubuque, la., a relative of J WBaines. is visiting in the city . . . F K White aud A W McLaughlin were Id Weeping Water Tuesday Rev R Cooley was In Plattstuouth over last Sabbath. ... E S Greusel baa been en joying a visit from bis father whose home Is in Mt Pleasant. Ia F M McDonagh. the warbler of the Watch man, visited our boudoir Monday .... Mis P E Ruffuer visits friends in Lin coin this week CP Olson, iu charge of the Platte river bridge work, came down from Lincoln yesterday J N Wise was a Lincoln pasaxuger this a. in Elder J GMiller, of Lincoln. iu Plattsmouth to-day. Ciraud Success ef "Merry War." Yesterday, at the matinee, and also ut night, Strauss' charming and melo dious opera. "The Merry War," .was most artistically rendered by J. II. llaverly's opera company at English' opera bouse, and reflect ed the greatest possible credit upon tbe company aud management, and we feel sure that the most gratifying results will follow. Tbe bouse, both at matinee aud even ing was crowded. The opera was su perbly mounted, and the rich costumes worn by tbe company were simply graud, and when the calcium lights were brought to bear upon them there was such a barmonions blending , of colors, as to make the light dazzling in tbe extreme. We have oothing ' but praise to bestow upon tbe company, which, as a whole, is tbe best that ev er visited Indianapolis for a long time, and in many instances surpassed the Germany company who- were lately among us. Judging from the constant roars of laughter and unlimited -applause, we are safe in saying that it has been a long time since a better pleased and -delighted aud ie nee has left tbe opera house. "Em-ores were In great demand and must generously compiled with. The ensemble was perfect, and at tbe end of the second act the curtain w.-w wrutivr up three times Ix-foie t!m audience was fully ; satisfied. The plot of the opera affords ample opportunities for the display of laughable sit uatioi. Indianapolis j StMiiiix-t. ' Monday, tho r'u- I' of police oo a 1 dog killing tour, Miot one in trout of K..K. Kubcrt' residence on Sixth atreetoppositc Neville's block, many of the shot striking the house. Mr. Roberts issued forth and told the city's most exemplary cbiet of police that it was the second time be bad shot into his house, aud that it had got to be stopped, or be would take a hirud in the shooting business him self. Meanwhile the dog, shot, but not dead, lay there in its miseiy un til A boy came along with an ax who was humano euoush to put it out of its misery. If this is to continue to be the motto of enforcing the dog ord: nance, isn't it about time it wa.4 rt pealed? C hurch Service. Tbe Rev. E. Powell, Unitarian mis sionary far Nebraska, wi'l preach in of I Rock wood hall morning and evening, ade is. in correspondence with sev Sunday, Feb. 25th. Everybody cor al parlies who have this state aud tiially invited. U. A. U. I Xctonlhle I'oxt Holds Public Uitala tlon, lias aa Oyter Supper and a Grand Time. - Tuesday evening, as per announce ment, McConlbie Post O. A R. No. 48 assembled at Rock wood ball for public instalation of their oilicers for the en suing year. Adjudaut General J. C. Bonuell, of the National G. A. R. and of General Vandervoorfa staff, was piesent from Lincolu and installed the new officers of the post, a very good attendance of members or the post their wives and citizens neutrally beiti present. The following officers were duly installed for the coming year : ' Commander J. B. Strode. Atljutant-S. P. VanatU Senior Vieu Com mander Wm. Haya Junior " - s p 1Iol. loway. Officer of tbe day-C. J. Hoffman. " guard Geo. Poisall. Quartermaster J. W. Thomas. Ass't - p. Merges. Chaplain Thos. Wiles. The installation cereiuouies weie quite impressive and were couducted by Mr. Bounell. The B. & M. band ere present and furnished music both before and after the installation cere monies, aud also Mrs. Harris favored the post with a song, the rest of the vocalists not being present on accouut of the stormy night. Commander Strode, following the luusicinlroductd the adjutant of the post. S. P Vauatta who responded to the toast "The Grand Army of the Republic," and who stated in a ten minutes' speech the origin of the organization, its ob jects and aims, its success in numbers aud influence, and who paid a glowing tribute to the honor and integrity of the old soldiers as evinced in their walks through life, whether in public office or private occupation, his speech was listened to attentively and warm ly applauded. Loud cries for General Livingston then went, up from all parts of the ball and he advanced to the rostrum responding by referring to the' difference . between these days and the days of '60 and 'Cl when ora tory and enthusiasm ran high and tbe patriotic impulses were stirred for war and battles and the country's pro tection at tbe one time and now after twenty years it was the recollections of those days, the tryjng times and or deals passed through.' The Geueral re marked that the ambling 'ucidents of days were always pleasant rec colleciions and he proceeded to relate two or thieo aneedotv lhat warmed up the audience and the laugh went round. Hon. S. M. Chapman was next called for, and Commander Strode stat ed that much of the woik of the G. A. II. was in eating for and remembering the dead soldiers, and he' thought at that time remarks upon that part of the G. A. R work would be most ap propriate and he railed upon Mr. Chap man to respond to the topic "Our fal len Heroes. Mr. Chapman's remarks were earnest and thought ful. not a passionate appeal to the deeds aud val or of the fallen but rather the story ot their work the results uud the har monies that now existed, and the en during reccollections that the G. A. R. always cherished for fallen comrades. Mr. Chapmau closed his temarks with the very Appropriate suggestion that this post should do as hundreds of others in the land were doing, and that was, erect iu tbe cemetry a mon ument upon which should be placed tbe name of every old soldiar who was buried there, i This suggestion was warmly received and it will no doubt be acte 1 upon in the near future. Sup per was then announced, and the ad joining room was speedily tilled, the sociability of the evening commenced and was continued up to a late hour the boys of the post having a mock court martial scene, a burial.and druni- ing a man out of camp. Financially and in every way the public installa tion was a success. DR. riSHBLATT. Pbyilclaa U Tbe Removal or Noted Omaha. Communications. IV vity u u: us a proper- iiiacc tu fike cood investments. Tbe Board and good results are certain to ioi- Jw Let there be due preparations made for protection against water; a heavy rain falling upon the seven hills ot. this city with tbe ground fri zen and the gutters full cf ice would make a -flood thit would -cause many cellars, to suffer. ... The chapter from a very old bible, and of very ancitnt translation, which was published last week with tbe re quest for souse one to read it, was sue ceasfully interpreted by Mr. Marsland, and tbe answer sent in, tbe one bund red lb Psalm, which is correct. Rev. S. P. Wilson, pastor of the M. E. church, returned from Hastings the first of tbe week, at which place be filled bis last promised place away from home and be hopes to be able to meet bis people here regularly each Sabbath hereafter. Regular morning and evening services Sunday next. A sad case of poisoning came from South Betid; while Dr. Stewart was in this city Tuesday his wife took a pow erful dose of morphine and also admin istered the drug to her little child. For tunately medical aid was summoned before it was too late, and tbe latest reports were that both mother and child would recover. -Her husbaud's j troubles are ascribed as tho cause of i O. II. Goodwin, living seven or tight j miles west of this . city, has . a larg ! aale of stock, implements etc on the) 3Cd, which will be well worth attend . laircTh stock part of the sale will be large, and there will be good oppor tunities for iuvestmeut. Messrs. Wheeler and Bennett are having the second story of tbe Len hofl building fitted up in the very best manner, which place they will occupy as their. Real Estate and . Insurance rooms; it will also be Major Wheeler's law office and his office as secretary ot the state board 6f agriculture. ; CoL R. C Gushing." accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Ed.' Moriarity. r one of the leading business men of Ot tuniwa. Iowa. started for the .Pacific slope yesterday. Tbey intend seeing for themselves whether tbe reports re ceived from that flowery region are true, aud expect to be gone six weeks. State Journal; - j ; Tbe mayor of Pacific Junction baa had uother trial iu bis court and comes out of the trial aud its 1 antece dents with a black eyt. The ease this time was for druukeuness and disorderly ,cuduct; tbe diguitr of tbit law being maintained by a fine of ten JsturaThe nue for adultery yof's eouri, however, re gains tha same two uouara. A dashing young man who is known tare a Prof' Prescott, a dancing mas ter, barber ana bill jumper lert for goine new deld Tuesday, aad forgetting if usual to aettle any billa. He ia re x-ted to nave bled Syracuse, i.t:ers i i "in1 litre from a Ilast- Jvhere they would 17 Lm ping bis board bill; nd Joe Ford and other tJbiia for various sums Friu the Omaha Herald Iee. 311. Dr. A. S. Fishblatt, who baa for sev eral years been a prominent physician and public spirited citizen - of Dta Moines, has removed to this city. About a year aud a half ago be began bi-monthly viaits to this city and And ing that his practice was growing so large that bis visits could not do justice to it he determined to remove to this city. IU maintains hit dispensary at Des Moines, and visits there on Fri day and Saturday of each week. Two competent assistants remain in charge of his business at Des Moines in bis absence, aud two are engaged in bis office iu this city, oiih being alreuify here aud the other on the way tn-iu New York. Dr. Fithblatt has rented au elegant suite of five rooms in the Omaha National Bank building. The centre room on the first floor over the bank is bis own office, while that on tbe north is the reception room for gentlemen, and that on the south for the ladies. The rooms are luxuriously furnished, dacorated with oil paintings, are rather parlors than the usual style of a phy sician's office. Tbey are free from the odor of drugs aud the suggestions of suigery, these features being confined to the labrutory and , general room above. The Dr. comes with endorsements from the press of Des Moines and Io wa as the subjoined will show. The Daily Register, of Sunday, tbe 20th ult , under the hcad.iug. "To Di vide His Time Dr. Fishblatt to Open a Branch Office iu Omalra." has the fol lowing: '-The Omaha Republican of a recent date says: 'Dr. Fishblatt has determ ined to remove his residence from Des Moines to Omaha, and will open his office in the new Millard Bank build ing about tlie first of January next, where be will remiiu until he can procure a suitable lot centrally located, and erect thereon a building suitable for his business. Dr. Fishblatt has re sided iu Des Moines several years, and we can per-onally bear witness to tbe high reputation he holds iu that city where he is looked upou as a leading citizen, ready to uphold with bis abundant meass every public enter prise. The coming of 9ti-b a mau to Omaha means good to this city iu many ways, not only iu restoration of health to the sick who have" vainly sought re lief iu other directions, htw als-t com mercially, for the doctor is a man of means, and he will assist iu huildim; up Omaha iu tbe future as be Las Des Moines in the past. " "With one exception the above ia true. Dr. Fishblatt will not locate peimaneutly in Omaha. He will, bow ever, open a branch office there Jan. 1, and will devote half his time to tbe large practice be has: built up there. He will not leave Des Moines, but will divide his time atad ability as a special ist between this city and Omaha. Dr. Fishblatt has been in this city for sev eral j eais and in the very, larxe and re munerative practice he now enjoys we can see the evidence that bis abilities are appreciated, and it is certainly to his interest to remain here, though his practice iu Omaha aiid other points is quite large. Omaha is to be congratu lated that he is to give bis practice there more attention." Naturally the Register does not like to acknowledge that the Omaha dis pensary is to be the headquarters, but such is the fact. Dr. Fishblatt has made arrangements to bring bis fine stable of horses here and proposes to build in tbe spring. He has a con stantly growing practice, with patients from almost every county In the state. Dr. Fishfilatt says Jthat he has come to stay, be believes for bis ow n good as well as for that of the people of Omaha and Nebraska, Louisville Locals. Shaggy weather has thrown her mantle, aud gentle spring sc-emeth to peep therefrom. The only "too much aud to spare'- article we' have hut now is ice. Capt. Hooyc-I ahipped aeveral biada of fireclay to Omuhi las; week. Mr. Ruby bat purchs'-d a bouse aud two lots from Mr. 8tau.r, and will make hi home with ua in future. Henrv Schroeder has finished his new house and Will move In th'a week. Lute Boedeker has bought a lot on Mala street and will build thereon im mediately and go into the m at Hum ness. Chaa. Uabel has deede.l a quarter sec tion of land three miles south of town, to his youngest son. The land is worth about f 5,000 and tives the boy a good start in the world. Some depraved and hungry fellow has bct-n atonling meat from Uncle Liv ingston's cellar. Philip Huber has the contract for put ting up Mr. Hocdcker's tiuildinir. Fred R ouue paid for the smoke St urday. A brau new hoy ;it his hotiie was the wherefoie. Lew Livingston is our master mechau ic. Lust summer he inad- au engine and boix-r complete, nn I they are a success. He now has a locomotive nearly com pleted with tender attached, which will outrun anything of its s;.e iu the state. His tools are a razor blwle, a soldcriujr iron and three tiles. W. W. Rhodes hits severed his cou uectlou with the U. & M. to take position on the Missouri Pacific with inrrensed pay. Cupid bus beeu throwing his arrows eudways around Lure vf lute, aud "love laughs at disappoint hh ii to" aud cross dogs. Prof. Ziuk it; ettiug to be a proficient iano tuuer. C'ourad .Schlater says he will be responsible fortius item. Grsud Prairie pupils made a visit to to our schools Friday, It is well; it creates enthusias in school work, and gives the girls a sicigh ride. Put the last clause in parenthesis. If we wire not a truthful chronicler, wc wouldn't ssy that they heat us ou an arithmetical contest. Svv.nk. her rash act that so nearly terminated fatally. ine UKKAt.D i K'Kl to auuouuce the new firm f Grace fc ThierofT, who have opened their grocery and provision store in Hartmau's building next to the City hotel. The firm have put in an entirely new stock of fresh groceries aud are now opened out ia business. After March 1st tbey will move to the Drew building at which time they take Mr. J. V. Wcckbach's stock of groceries from him. Messrs. Grace & Thierofl have secured Mr. A. Tutt as their assistant, who is a capa ble btiMuess man and salesman. -. . Much auxicty is felt bv interested parties over the result of hiirh water davs and its especial effect lupo a the Platte river bridge. The ice is re ported not as heavy as two year ago, but tbe prosjK?ct tor a floed arc equal ly good. The Nebraska State teacher's As sociation will hold its next meeting at Columbus, on the 27th, 28th aad 29th of March. Preparations are be- inr made by tbe citizens of Colum bus for a large attendance. C- E. Wescott is making all prepara tions for moving to his new room in tbe Rockwoou block just as soon as. the shelving is finished and the paint dry. He will have a good location. v The crow have been very silent the last two months but the warm weather has brought them out again Like tbe absence of the ground bog's shadow they speak of spring " Rev. Powell, the TJailari Mission arv for this state, preachetfin this city Timm tru months asro and iia discours es were conimended 'fry -highly. The citizens of Plattsmouth have the opportunity of witnessing one of the most entertaining of plays in the Opera House Monday evening. The occasion being the first appearance of Charles A. Gaidner in tMs city, at which time he appears as "Karl" sup ported by Miss Patti Rosa one of tbe most accomplished singers that ever visited this city. One particular feature of the entertainment will be the superb music by the orchestra which is one of the very best. The following choice selections will be rendered under the direction of Philio Perez. D. C. Smith and Chas. F. Riggs, cornet duetists and soloists: Overture. ?Baaditentreiche ; Sup pe. Cornet Duette RoaJ.i. -Cheerfulness;" Gumbert- Messrs' D. C. Smith and Chas. F. Riggs. Cornet waltz. "Chimes of Normandy;" Planquette. Cornet solo, "Surf Polka;" Sttinhau- r. A red he;.dei individual hailing from the ch:ssic prtcincts or num Hollow "beyond tha river' createa quite a commotion on Main street yes terday." It seems ha had ca.led upon the family of a Norwegian living on the outskirts of tbe city, in the capac ity of an apple vender. Mr. Norway ieino- at home, he insulted the madam, and skipped for town. On bering the facts from bis wife, Mr. Norway organized bims If into a po lice force and hastened down town where he spied his msn ; be made bis charges 1-u 1 and imphatic, halted the team and was about to levy on tne personalty of the Plum Hollow fellow to carry him to the calaboose, wuen tbe team got away, with the aggriev ed gentlemen in full pursuit, they rushed for the river making a fine run down Main street; but the Iowa man came out ahead and d tbe ice in safety. List of Letters. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Neb., Feb. 8, 1883. Allen J C Bony R II Boye Lykke C E Breunew Jonas B.xley James Barton Isaac Boethel Claus Cook Mrs M Cole L F Coffmann Dick Dalin Matilda Estell W Eemerv J E Fabula John Fahm Hans Furnam Emily Frank Emma J Klaurens Pete Kohrall Martin Kloidt Johann Laird John McCullock J M Manley Mrs Ellen Moon Mrs E E Moosburg O E McCarty Mr Palmer Geo W Persons calling Parish Monterville Purcey Geo Peck W H Pierce Wm Robinson W P Ripple Joseph Rohla Frank Sampson Thos Skinner Park Smith P G Stoll Mattdelaua Smith Leonard Smith John Sundbuim Johanna Shannen Franky Svatek Anton Sogbert Miss Annie Turner t is Tall ev Miss A W Weir Michael Williams Jonas Wilson Edward Weavei Ella Wright Chas Willenmeyer Ann Wiley A G Wingard Alfred for the above wil Three Uroves News. Thrkk Grovls, Feb. 12th l8o. The sleighing litis been peterioe out in th last three or four .lavs. Edward Phipps whiie rlinppin wood for Mr. Noah Glemmons last week ft 1 a tree ou himself aud sprain! his ankle. He is tihioi; crutches. Willie Kirkpatrick and liis i--ero Sue aiil Kittie.t'rom Mt.Ph hf ut,rM.ia slr-igh ride into our i!eirbl-rhoti on Sundav 4 last. Twa Ellington wss out here a few- days ago. He madu the reinaik that Big Sis must of bad the Woupping cough or tuth ache l-ist mt, he diiin't though. The Campbell it" foiks on R-K-k Creek are going to have a sipjier u Tuesday evening at Mr. F. M Yontur", Sr . to aid in Kettiuu t'r is for jMisnionary purpose. The mail carrier tois-ed nw mail day last, week aud iu order to get started on schedule time again had to go down to the city on Saturday and hck na Sunday. Mrs. F. M. Youn.', Sr., ha a brother and sister up, visiting for a few days, from Missouri. They will return this week. Bad colds are quite prevalent through out the neighborhood among the inhabitants. Our Sunday school superintendent came over one day last week aud rep Ti ed our school house in a very bud con dition aud liable to fall down, aud nt t'.i same time removed some of th- pul!ic furniture that had been let"; :!u-re lor tin present. If our school house is iu u bad condition it seems the matter ought to be investigated. ".. The public highway between J. C. Oldham and L. II. Young was block aded with a suow drift the first storm so that the travel has been stopped all this time. Those fellows that have to haul wood from way out west, and the neigh borhood travel arc compelled to make u circuit of two miles aud a half iu order to make oue-half mile. The gap is only about s'xty rods aud could be opened out in a day an- so with a few hands, but what is everybody's business is nobody's business, is the ireueral opinion. It seems that there ought to be a law pro viding for such cases, if not there ought to be one made right off, for the people want that lane opened out, some say that the road supervisor should take the mat ter in hand, but Mr. Patterson, the one elected last fall, says he has not received the necessary papers quallifying him to act as road supervisor. Iiro Sis. The Keystone r Health. How can you expect to feel well, or even enjoy life, when you go about with a harkina cough The fool, in his wisdom, says there is no cure for it. but the wise man hies him to Smith & Black Bro.'s drug store, and gets a bottle of Dr Blgelow's Positive Cure, and at once gets wclL A trial bottle coats nolhing. Oct2Mwly. Removal. Jn... H Cox has moved his hard ware slora two doors east of bis form er location where he has room aud to spare, fall aud see blni; no trouble to fin j bitu. St Ice. Panics wautiug ice delivered next season will Had it to their Interest to consult Joseph II Fairfield now. By making your contracts with him now vou will sive mouey. .' 40 tf The "East Saginaw Fire Kiudler" is the boss, Bennett & Lewis nreagenls. And don't yiu"fo7get"it."Plil Young will sell you the best 5c cigar in the city. nf Pou't .'orget to give Phil Young a call for anything iu hie line anil you will save money. tf Now is your time to subscribe for the Omaha Bee ana Republican, to get a chance in the annual .distribu tions. J. r Young Is me regular u thorized agent for viciuitv. Flatlfcinouth and tf Remember Hatt A choicest line of meats the city. Co. carry the to be found in 47t2 J. C. Newberry has a few short nosed, mire Poland China Shoats. (mosty males.) for sale at his residence on Chicago Avenue, Plattsmouth. Ne braska. 4 II. Fortunes for Farmer uid Mchnica. Thousands of dollars can be saved bv using proper judgment in taking care of the health ot yourself and family. If you are billions, have sal low complexion, poor appetite, low and depressed spirits, aud generally debilitated, da not delay a moment, but go at ouce and procure a bottle of of those wonderful Electrio Bitters, which never fail lo cure, and that for the trifling sum cf fifty cents Trib une. Sold at Roberts' Pharmacy. 42c6wly Oysters and Celery every day at J. D. Simpson's; none but Booth's special brands of choicest oysters, bandied ; dealers supplied, aatf For Sale. A new frame bouse with stone base ment, containing 5 rooms; convenient to the R. R. Shops. For price and terms, apply to Albert Calkins, or Wheeler & Bennett. ttf. Tha Doctor's Iatst Happy Reaort I recently had a very difficult case ot consumption. I treated it in the most scientific mauner possible, but to no effect; patient grew gradually worse. ICalher than give up, aud as a lust resort, I decided much agai t my wishes, to use a remedy that h.ul cured one of my former patients. Greatly to my surprise, the patient began to gain, and in a much .shorter time ihau I dared to ever expect, she was completely- cured. The name of this remarkable remedy is lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. I now use it altogether in my practice. Leading M. I). Evansville, Indiana. Trial bottles free at Roberts' Pbartn cy. I.arge isce $1.00. 42e6vly C I'.. Wescott will . occupy tbe cik I room of tlitt Hock., wood lllork after -tfarcli 1st; in the meantime lie will sell! c'otliliitf whj down to reduce stock. 47t."i Jouiinoii nroM have remov ed tot lie new Hock wood block Call and see them for hard ware tf F. oft9 hmi Mm Sora aaaaaaaaaaaaK, Oil3 ill a I liaivo another corner at .(ae eoriier of tZtli and Main streets, HIattsii.ioiitEi, and t Hi ere II Iiave a CaDHHMlEm 1DM JL1DV HIlMCJEtt9 on novgj of the following? floods, all lines of JTewelri and especially at the present1, ma Silver Watclis es and a larg;e stock of Spectacles just recciv-l eu. also ag;ciit for tlie i DAVIS SEWING MACHINE, ORGANS, PIANOS and Musical McrtIiaii.lis- OtUiii't linv si striiment until you call and examine niy stoclc ami get my prices. Save Money.. Times are hard and money wo need aud must have it, and all those know ing themselves indebted to mo will pleavc cull aud settle by tlie first of March or else the accounts will be left for collection. Call aud save costs and trouble aud bo friendly. 45-1 m J. M. SCIINKLBACHKR, Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti fy I Cleanse 1 Preserve I tf Griggs Glycerine Salve. The best on earth can truely be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruption. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only 2jc for s.nle by Smith & Black Bros. 29-lly We challenge any dealer in the state of Nebraska to produce as fine a cigar for purity and quality of the tobacco as is used in the. manufacture of the Flor de Peppei berg and Bocky grade. JlTI.irS PKr-PERBKRO, Manufacturer. Joy. Joy to the World. If you meet a man who looks as if l.e had lost all his friends had bis bouse burned down and business de stroyd, just make up your mind that he either has dyspepsia or his liver is out of order. The best thing you can do for such a woe begone individual is lo advise him to go to Smith & Black Bro.'s drug store, and get a bottle of Dr. Jones' Hed Clover Tonic, which will cure him without fail. Also an infalible remedy for pimples and j blotches on the face. Only 50 cents a twit tie. Oct.2ie4wJy. Feuce Posts for Sale. Waterman Opera House, MONDAY" FEB. 19th. The undersigned Bluffs, Cass Co., has for sale. 47t4 living at Rock 1,000 fence posts S. L. Fl hlono. Inaugural Appearance of the Kuoule.t German Dialect Comedian iu the World, CHAS. A GARDNER Who will appear In his Great Characteri zations of a Ukriin moM Fkank-i-out-ojt-thk-Maik, In bis Come dy Drama ot upported by the Bright tit Little Soubrette m tbe Aiuerlcah Stage, MISS PATTI ROSA, Our I'uh rivaled Orchestra and Uniformed Military Brass Band.' Together with GENERAL C. R. . DECKER, The Smallest Man In tbe World POFFLAB PRICKS OK ADStlifSION. Reserved Seat, Admission. 75 et. 50 eta. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure.J We guarantee it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vital izer is guaranteed to cure you. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mis erable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the rpmedy for you. CATARRH CUBED, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by 34eowly SMITH & BLACK BROS. Choice Honey. Choice extracted honey in 31b tin pails at Bennett & Lewis' from the apiarv cf J. M. Young, of Three Groves. This honey is warranted absolutely pure. 47ti Oil Cake. Ground linseed oil cake for stock feeding, the best thing that can be fed to cattle and hogs ; at M. B. Murphy A CoV. 47t4 There is no use talking, tbe Central Restaurant is the boss eating house in the state. 23tf H. WEHRLY, Warranty deeds. Mortgage deeds, Quit Claim deeds and Chattle Mortga ges of standard forms for sale singly or by the hundred at this onie. such d i ' K eT ven haa opeued "-a UrJ ' ' " gvc-- reytr he I"?" iua of handsome jeweierj m-t . . WiirU rtlectea try pim wi ruoe Ed. Herald: I appreciate your efforts in ventilating tbe policy of the honorable city council and mayor in their appointment of chief of police, as well as ic other matters. The chief shot a dog on Monday of this week on Sxth street between Main and Vine, the dead body still remains there; dur ing the last few warm d ly it was an eyesore to passers-by, to say nothing of people who live in the vicinity. In the name of humanity . and common decency, cant there be a Stop put to oings. or ia it a part of our city f is'ia Wednea evening please say "Advertised." J. W. Marshall. P. M. Weather Report. January 1883; mem temperature- 9.78; melted snow'; no rain. Low- f eat mean temperature on the 20th 16.2 below. Lowest temperature on the 21st 24 below. Highest temper amre on the 12th at 2 p. ni. 45 above. IU zzard on the 7tb, also another ou the 18th. The month ot January is remarka ble foe steady cold weather. The mercury no time rising no higher than 45. Snow storms always so lar this winter set iu first, in the n e and end in with a blizzard, though with some exceptions without a blizzard. In other winters from all quarters, the temparature is as much below zero as above. I have not recorded so lew a mean temperature as 9.78 be fore. Who can say that Venaor's predictions prove true or not. Hasn't he rather not simply hit it. Does he know what an boor may bring forth. But may they not be able to calculate something of storms and cyclones, as well as'of eclipses etc One of the B. & M. civil engineers who is at work on tbe Platte river bridge, was in the city yesterday. He informed a Journal reporter that the company was straining every nerve to Drotect the structure from the general break up that may be ex Dected at any time. . 1 be men are progressing nicely with the work, but it is feared that they- will net get through before the crash conies. ctate Journal. The roads out in the country are re ported as extremely bad and filled with snow and water. io Regular services ia all tha churches tbe dtvbe coming Sabbat b. Buy your clothing House Clothing Store. at the Opera For Lame Back. Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plasters. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump tion cure ia sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consumption. SHILOH'S VITALIZER is what you need for Constipation, L.033 or Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUP. WHOOPING COUGH and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by 34eowly Smith & Black Bros. has just received a large stock of the best AGHICULTUH AL IMPLEMENTS manufactured. In addition to a general line, I keep the celebrated DEERIHG HARVESTERS and CANTON PLOWS. Four kinbs of the best tongue less cultivators, with other stand ard goods. -1 Don't fail to call and see me. CED ill CREEK, NEB. Twenty-five per cent discount on all winter goods at . the Opera House Clothing store. Our buyer is now in New York for spring goods. Legislative Reeouiniettdatioas. Tbe nasty fames in R. R smoking cars ia sufficient proof that most ci gars art .adulterated with injurious drugs, such as opium, St. Jacob's oil, or any other stuff that diabolical genius can devise. We therefore, aud ia conformity of Prof. Anghey'e re port, recommend the-public to use Pcppcrberg'a cigars which are not aloue of finest quality, but alto strict ly pure; legislators and athera Will Srovide themselves with these ; cigar uring the session and preserve . clear mind for business. 43-tf Jcucs Pefpexbebq, .' Manufacturer. Plattsmouth, Neb. - J. T. TTetbaicto bps Jttai re ceives! at Cats Mate arcarBett Us the lateet tterna. Call ear. WM. HER0LD and SON desire to state to the public that they have moved their Dry Cxoods Notions, Boots, and Gent's Fur nishing goods to their store room formerly occupied by J. It. Cox. A full line of , ITAJnCY CIIOCLBIL3 and vill be kept at the old stand. We would be pleased to see all our old - customers arid manyjuv ones. We will keep a BETTEU Hue. of goudf were formerly eu abaed to. i THE DAYLIGHT STORE Full Line General Full L.ine General Merchandise Merchandise Always on Hand, Always on Hand. Uottoui Prices Bottom Prices for 'Cash for Cash JOSEPH V. WECKBAGH THE OHEAPE -A. ir ID Best Selected StockJ O IE1 J . - ..-w-4y-,).X'"" m m IL IT"" ta aa a - .aajt rUKNIoHINu COOUb U'HII A TABLE LINEN & NAPKIN Lace CURTAIN Goods, Toilet & Bridal Quilts, TCDW1EB.-S a snail Carp (DH&ASIB1IES ets, Mattings9 (Ml Clotkd Eftv Etc EiCo nrj FRED. HERRMANN'S One Door East First National Ban! Jo -MrWQOBSOEl HHas opened nit a reflect line' P in 1 1 J . x E3,R. , Canned Goods, rresn rroviaions 01 .rr mt rice that will astonish vou. TWr my wo w m out call and examine for yourself. J fruth SM' cfilala at athit UW rW.'. Old - i P(