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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1883)
..-4- an J ilvMi ull kinds of TURE, ETALS, IRON, v HAGS AND FURS kv ill advance money on all LABLE GOODS, on lower Main strcfft. iit The Old Dnkt puildlng. timoutli. Feb. lt. 188;J 46t.f. iecnre Yourself a O JVL E ! ly Acre laid off in City Lota, Palmer's Addition, ADJOIMKU Till & .V. RAILROAD SIOPS, it-iiJi) the City limits, ami not auli j -t to ci(y Txe. K UKS1DENT LOTS i shop man, or auy other wan, rap J i iliiim r uailcr Iiimowu rooiiin'i "t rui'l Kruu from a dinner pail iit tin-dusty, Mnoky shops, .y three to tea uiinutca' walk front hi work. Call on J AS, 3. MATHEWS, t'y at Law aad Rvml Elt.e Agnt. tk(r'torefwill make terms to tutt s from. $40 to SSO c.or for Cab,to men that will build Vo Lots fur Speculators I HKNKY BChCK oka lick in vl rni turc. SAFES, CHAIRS, eto.,xt.,bto.. Of All DejcHptlcmt. f ALLIC BURIAL CASES zci. ready made and sold cheap for t&xh. MY FIN U HEARSB H NOW BEADY FOB SERVICE. vtny thanks for past patronage. Tio call and examine my LAKuE STUCK. OF FllKKTI'HB AMI TOKFI!VM NEW rniturE Stori RRIS & UNRUH; DEALEES8IX RNITURE $ COFFINS, I all Muds of Roods usually kept In a i verv complete stock of Funeral Goods. Ilic&WooflenCofflES.CasietSjRolie!-, EMHkCms, mo. New and elegant hearse Is always In readiness. mtwr the pUce, in UNION LOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank, v.. a m. he found nizbt or day. IrRIS & UNRUH. FLATTSMUU lxi. MB. )3ERT DONNELLY'S AVD BLACKSMITH SHOP, bn. Buggy, Machins and Plow re pairing, ana general jooomg ,nw prepared to do all Kinas oi repairm farm and other machinery, as there is a good lathe la my shop. PETER RAO EN, old Reliable Waon Maker s well Known as a NO. t WORKMAN. orfos "d Bw.;xte s4e tt Order. . 3 AT1SF ACTION QCARASTKKP. aSON STREIGHT, .' Miller.) MAXCFACrmiR or HEAVY HARNESS. i Bridles; Collars, Mps ic, J "i . always la stock. 'ring qallklnOf neatly aons r sort ruutce. twttween Fonrth and Fifth, STBEIGHT. Business Manager. ore Uv gw p 14 b I 222 rr -J WILL J.-w DRUGGIST, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND 4 COMPLETE STOCK OF PORE I1B0GS, CHEMICALS AND MEDICINES, Glass, Paints, Oils, Lamps, &c., &c. THE CIIEAFEST l'LACE IN THE CITY TO IIUV Boos and Stationery, Closing out Stock of Cigars at Cost t CALL AND LOOK THROUGH MY CIRCULATING LIBRARY. A. W. ATWOOD, of Chicago, Prescription Clerk. The FLATTSMOUTII II Kit A LI) every facility JOB W O 3R, K! t ' In every department. Catalogues and. In eveiy department. Papers and materials is Large quality and assortmint. Our Stock of Blank ORDERS BY RAIL SOLICITED. Piattsmouth Herald Pub. Go. SO HAVE WE MOVED ! ! AND YOU WILL FIND US IN THE LEHIVHOFF BUiLDIfJC, Opposite AVm. Ilerold'H. with a full line of J. G. CHAMBERS & SON. ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, FHE LEADING GROCERS Come to the front with Staple and Fancy Groceries FKESII AND NICE. AVe always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee evervthin p elect. We are sole agents in this town for the sale of ' PERFECTION" GROUND SPICES, AND THE CELEBRATED 'BAT A VI A" CANNED GOODS, i Nothing finer in the market. Tlatt's "Tiger brpnd of Baltimore Oysters lways on hand. Come and see us. We il 1 make you glad. CUJ&. PIEAMIL & 7tSi ST., Dealers in all kinds of JHJMJIO, MIXE FAIMT, v . , I . t . , I &sUWlS . 'Ill NF,. 8C. B. PARKER & CO., -j i Llj COLN AND PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, - f AND .. Granite'Monumeiits, Headstones, Tablets, Mantles," &c First P-.naiams Awarded Work at Four State Fairal Shop next to Sur- v yor fJeraJ'a Office. , . . y-m , - A. V.T(BES. Foreman. i QT&imwir CjT nivtn Mlf.LER. Traveling feali8mau.l FiiAildHW WARRICK ramtag ? PUBLISHING COMPANY for first-class . has Pamphlet lfkf9ork, and complete in a complete took of And Tinners' Stoclt OFALL KINDS FOR SALE BY flxcelsior ST.LOUIS.MO bale by J. S Duke. PLATTSMODTH HERALD. FCBLISUED EVEHY THVKSDAY Tte Flattsmontii Herald YMilw Co. LOCAL NEWS. A large number of tanners vUItcd tlie city Saturday and business was lively. The nost teams were visible on the streets that day of auy day in the last mouth. An accident, to a freight train at Ashland last Friday, caused a delay to all trains; No. 2 coming east, arriving hers lit 11 p. tn.. six hours late. The accident was an engine off the track, which was no easy job to overcome. The train from the west comes now at 6:10 p. in. instead of 5 o'clock and the changes made iu the ruuuiug of theK C. trains through this city brings the one from the south earlier mornings, aud the one (rom the ooith earlier at night. " Tlie IIehald ofllce is prepared to furnish all who may wish blank deeds, chattel mortgages, quit claim deeds, mor'gage deed-, &e. We are printing to keep in stock a very large line of these blanks of ctaudard forms. Or ders from attorneys, justices and no taries throughout the county solici ted. The citizens meeting held in the op era house hist Thursday night for tlie consideration of manufacturing inter ests, whs vei y well attended by citi zens, some three hundred being pres ent at the opening of the meeting. Mr, Wtckhacli was called upou to preside, Mr. Sherman acted as secretary, and S. P. Vannatta made the address of the evening, his remarks occupying about an hour and thirty minute Other parties expressed their desire to see manufacturing institutions estat lished and encouraged ; and good will undoubtedly result from the meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETINU Of the Cass County Agricultural Sod ety. The members of the Cass County Azricultural society are called to meet at the court house in this city on the first Saturday in March (the 3d) at 1 o'clock p. in. A full attendance is desired, as at this meeting all ac counts of the society will be settled, the date of the next fair will be desig nated and officers elected for the en suing year. The press throughout the state speak in the highest terms of Dr. Fishblatt, who is to make a visit to Piattsmouth Friday, Feb. 24th. The following is from the Fremont Trib une: Dr. A. S. Fishblatt, of the Des Moines Medical Dispensary, will be in Fremont again on Sunday, the 12th inst., to remain two days at s ho tel. It is hardly necessary for the Tribune to introduce the eminent doctor to its readers, as he is already so well known throughout ' the west and north-west. However it will suf fice to say that he has established his enviable reputation by virtue of his acknowledged skill as a physician and for many years past his name has been familiar to the suffering public of half dozen states. As will be seen by advertisement published elsewhere, Dr. Fishblatt has many strong testi monials of his efficiency, in sous cases working almost miraculous cures. These, coming as they do from good responsible and reliable parties, are a sufficient guarantee that he is a man worthy of his high calling as an alle viator of pain, and entitled to the pat ronage and confidence of the people of this county." The appearance of Charley Gard- ne-, liO.vevrr, was the signal lor loua and prolonged applause. Charley is tlie refined artist as of old; graceful, a thorough appreciatioj of the ludic rous, while his voice ia, if possible. sweeter thau when he first appeared here. No oni can eing these sweet melodies like Charley Gardner, aud in connection with his distinct de livery is his channiug and graceful ac'.iug. Eviiusville Argus. The lied Cloud Chi ef gives the fol lowing, and the supposition is that his schedule of prices is made up from ex perience: "We learn from an exchange that hugging parties for the benefit of churches are all the rage in some parts of the state. Now why wouldn't t be a good idea to do away with the old time church festival and adopt the new project, and let the price rate as follows and be given to the church fund. Girls under fifteen years of age 25 ct? for each hug of two minutes; from sixteen to twenty, 50 cts; from twenty to'twenty-five, 1"i cts; another man's wits. Si ; widows according to looks, from 10 cts to $3; grass widows,' few offered, but in active demand; old maids, threa cents apiece or two for a nickel, and no limit to time. In Demorest's Monthly Magazine for Ma'cb we find a great variety of inter esting articles. Among these are "Life in the Black Forest, "Henry Regnault," "Gastronomic Gossip," "An tique Gems, "Traveling and Other Matters," and "The Groduer Valley." Jenny June continues her pleasant ar ticles, "How We Live in New York," and Carlotia Perry furnishes an excel lent stery, "How I Found My Free dom.". Mrs. Alexander's serial, "The Admiral's Ward," keeps up its inter est; and "Current Topics" is both en tertaining and instructive. Every de partment is repleffl with useful and entertaining reading, and the illustra lions are remarkably good, the frontis piece being a fine steel engraving after the much admired painting "Willing," 'by the artist Metzmacher. As a fami ly magazine, Demorest's fulfills every requirement. . , , ' . Many of the flae points of "lvarl" were seen, tu better advantage, and Mr. Gardner's play was pronounced a positive success. Mr. Gardner is get ting iu better voice nightly, and his specialties arj,euco're'd.; fo. the echo, while his acting is rc;d!y great. His most ardent admirer, ot whom he has a host here, did not deem him capable of such splendid work. lie is a very serious and dangerous rival of Em- net. Evanarille Courier. ' Jap Smith will leave with his family in a few days for Piattsmouth, where he has a position as Yurveyor. Hast- 65.jing Petpocrat. - :. , ; "Got any vascliue," said the bad boy to the grocery man, as ho ' went luto the atoro one cold inoruiug, leav ing the door open, and picked up c cigar stub that had been thrown down by the stove and, legan to smoke it. "Shut the door, dum you. "A'as you brought up iu a saw mill? You'll freeze every potato in the house. No, I have't got vast-lino. What do you waut of vaseUuv?" said the gro cery mail as he set the svrup keg on a chair by I ha stove where it would thaw out. 'Waut to rub it n pa's legfaid the boy as he tried to draw afjoke through the cigar stub. "Why what is the matter with your pa's legs? llhcumatiz?" "Wuss nor rheumatiz," said the' boy, an he threw away the cigar stub and drew some cider in a broken tea cup. "Pa has got the worn t looking hind legs you ever saw. You see, since there has been so many fires pa ha got oflul scared, uud he hai bought three tire escape, made out of rope wilh knots iu thoin, aud he has been telling us every day how he could rescue the w hole family iu cube ot fire. He told in to be cool, what ever happeued. ami io rely on him. If the house got on fire we were all to runh for pa, aud he would save us. Well, last uighl ma had to go to one of the neighbors, where they were go lug to have twins, and we did'ut sleep much, cause ma hnd to come home twice iu the night to get saffron, and an oui n.unel .petticoat that I broke in when I wasa wld, ciuse the people where ina weut dki not know as twins was on tho bill of fare, and they had oniy nannei petticoats for one.' ' Pa' was cross at being kept awake, and he told ma he hoped when all the children in Milwaukee were born, aud got grown up, she would take iu her sign and not go around nights oc ting as usher to babr matinee. Pa says there ought to be a law ihal ba lues should arrive on the regular day train--, aud not wait for the midnight express, vv ell pa lie got asleep, and he slept till about eight o'clock iu tho morning, and the blinds were closed and it was dark iu his room, and I had waited for my breakfast till I was hungry as a wolf, and the girl ..-.! ..... . . torn um io wHK pit up. so i went up stuirs, and I don't know what made me think of it, but I had some of this powder they make red tire within the theatre, that me and in y. chum had i he 4th of July, and I put it in a wash dish iu the bath room, and I touched it off and hollered fire. I was going to wake pa up and teli him it was all right and then laugh at him. I guess there was too much fire or I yelled to loud, cause pa jumped out of bed and grabbed a rope and rushed through the hall toward the back win low, that goes out on a shed. I tried to sny something, but pa ran over me and told me to save myself, and I got to the back window to tell him there was no tire just as ho let himself out the window. He had one end of the rope tied to the leg of the wash stand and he was climbing down the back side of the shed by ths kitchen, with nothing on but his night shirt and he was the horriblest looking object ever was, with his legs flyiug and trying to stick his toe nails into the ro,ie and the side of the house. I don't think a man looks well in society with nothing on but his night shirt. I didn't blame the hired girls for being scared wheu they saw pa and his legs coming down outside the window, and when thev yelled I went d)wu to the kitchen, and they said a crazy man with no clothes but a pil low case arouud his neck was trying to kick the window iu, aud they run into the parlor, aud I opened the. do r aud let pa in tl.e kiicaen. He asked me if anybody else was faved, aud then lull him there was no tir-, and he mutt have c'reanie 1 he was in bell, or somewhere. We'.l pa was as- touished, and said he must be wrong iu the head, and I left him thawing himself out by the slove while I went after his Dauts. and . his legs were badly chilled but I guess nothiu' was froze. He lays it all to ma, and iave if she weuld sta at home and let people run their owu baby shows, there wouid be more comlort in the house. Ma came iu with a shawl over her head, aud a bowl full of somethiug thut smelled fro way, and after she had told us what the result of her visit wa, she sent me after vaseline to rub pa's leg. Pa says that he has demonstrated that if a roan was tool in 1 collected, iu case of fire, and goes deliberately at work to save himself, he will come out all right." Well, you are .the mranest boy 1 ever heard of." said the grocery man. "But what about vour pa's dancing a clog dauce iu church Sunday. The minister's hired girl wa in here af ter some codfish yesterday morning, aud-he said the minister said vour pa had scandalized, the church the worst way." - "O, he didu't dance in churcli. He was a little excited that's all. Yon see, pa chews tobacco, and it is pretty hard on him to set all through the scrmou without taking a chew, aud he gets nervous. He always reaches arouud in his pistol potketj wbeu they stand up to sing the last time, aud feels in his tobacco box and gets out a chew aud puts h in his mouth wheu tin niiuisier prououuees the benedictiou, aud then wheu they get out doors he is ail ready to pit. He always does that. Well, my chum bad a present, on Christmas, of a mu sic box, just about as big as pa's . to-, ba'-io box, and all you have to do is to touch i spring and it plays, "She's a Daisv.'s a Dumpling.' I bor- it and put iu pu's pistol pocket, where he keeps his tobacco box, aud'wiieu the choir got most through singing pa reached his hand iu Ins pvcktt and b iran to lumDie arounu ior & coew. He touched the spring, and just as ev erybadr bowed their heads to receive the bcuediction, and it was so str.l you could hear a gum drop,' the mu sic box began to play, and inthe still ness it sounded as Ioudas a- church orgau. . Well, I thought "ma woufd sink. The minister heard it . and he looked toward p, and everybody looked at pat too, and'- pa turned iecl, and the music box np '.'She' a Daisy,'! and the minister, looked mad aud said "A men," aud. people begnu to put on their coats, ' aiid ther 'mtuis told tho deaeou to nuht'up. the source of that worldly mtuic, aud they took pa into the room back cf the pulpit aud searched him, aud ana, says, pa will have to be churched; Theykepti the niufdc box. aud I .have got to carry in coal to get money enough to buy my chum a new iiuuic box. Wall, I shall have to go and get that vaseliue or pa's legs will ewiTer. Good da.y. Peck's Sun..." ' . Ji-i mum ' Dr. Fishblatt. Council Bluff Nooparftll. The celebrated Dr. Fishblatt, of the Des Moines Dispensary, will be in Council Bluffs Saturday, stopping at the Ogden house. The Dr. has an im mense riictic In this slate, and is well known iu every section of It. He is known to many of our people, who will, no doubt, take advantage of his visit here, to visit him. Many ieople have wrong impressions about Dr. Fishblatt, and suppose, him to be a quack doctor. He is a graduate of one f of the most eminent medical colleges in the United States, and can show his diploma to any doubting Thomas. To still further dispose of the belief of some in bis unworthiness he publishes certificates from men whose character can not be gainsaid, and who would not bolster up a quack anywhere. In the late Issue and present number of the Nonpareil, can bo found testimo nial from Addison Oliver, Mrs. P. Lattig, of Anita, aud Daniel Hyde, of Ft. Dodffe. Mr. Oliver was a member of Congress from the "big ninth" and is a gentleman who commands the re spect and confidence of all the people in this neighborhood. He writes un der date of March 6, 1882, that Mrs. Oliver, who had been under the care of Dr. Fishblatt, was having much Improvement, and again April 14th, that she had experienced remarkable improvement. The testimonials are different from those usually published. Generally they are dated from Smith ville, Georgia, or Jones ville, Aikansas, and signed John Smith or 'William Smith, and dated 1862, and 1S0D. The greatest 'argument in favor of Dr. Fishblatt is that he publishes live tes timonials from live known people, on late dates. If auQne wishes to know whether Mr. Oliver wrote the testimo nials accredited to 'iim, let them drop a postal card to that gentleman, and they can find out to their own satis. faction. If you are in need of the services of a physician, give the Dr. a call. Dr. Fishblatt w ill visit Piattsmouth bitmdaj, t eb. V4lh, and remain one !ay at the Perkins House. Mr. Gardner is a very line comedian is the possessor of a marvelously sweet voice, and "Karl" at his ham s canuot fail to be a most complete mic coss. To those who iu past seasons, have seen Mr. Gard ner, it is not necessary to extol h:s merits; but we can assure those who havfc not had the pleasure of seeing him, thit he is a fine comedian,, and will please all. lie is, iu our opinion, in every respect the equal of Joe Em met. Evausvillc Argus. S. II. Atwood, of Plittsmouth, was here last week and sold John Kricg leslcin a fine full blood Jersey heifer. He has teu grades ( to lo-16ih) that he will dispose of at from $50 to $65. A good opportunity tor anyone wish ing a good butter cow. Ashland Ga zette. IMPORTANT TO BRASS BANDS OR New Beginners in Brass Music. The B. & M. Band, at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, has for sale a complete set of Silver Helicon Horns, manufactur ed by J. Slater, New York, in good condition mostly, and used only three years. Parlies desiring such instru ments will be able to procure a good set, at a very low priee. Address J. F. JOHNSON. 47t4. Business Manager. Bucklen's Arnica Salrc. The best' salve In the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- tiurded. Price 3o cents per box. t oi sale at Roberts' Pharmacy. 371y Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an interna-! remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true. medical virtue than an 3 other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of oils and liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Wrater,Neb. 8tf Money to loan; easy terms on im proved lands. Sullivan & Wooley, 5lf at Union Bloch John Blake keeps constantly on hand a full line- of fine Irish and Scotel Whiskies. Aug.l7.18S2 22yl For Sale. Fortv acres of land one half mile from Piattsmouth, same will be sold in whole or in lots to suit purchasers, Inquire of heeler & Bennett 37tf Fresh Oysters. Direct from the sea shore, constant ly on hand, at the Central Restaur ant. 22m3 1,000 Cords of Wood for Ride by W.S. Wise. 38-tt ; A. Salisbury, Dentist. 13tf Manufacturing and Repairing, good and neat, at Merges . otf '-The be6t goods for the least at William Herolds'. money 43tf 5.000 fence posts for sale, ior address 36tf P. L. (Jail on Wise. Wm. Herold's old established dry goods and grocery house for bargains 43tl Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Piattsmouth, Neb. 5tGcc It will pav you to read Wise's' col 11 in u iu this paper, you may find ' just what vou want. 39tf Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of long experience, - Best of Reference. Residence. Picnic Hill. Piattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 31. ,S2 3m Schlegel'a special brands of home manufactured cigars are the leaders in the market and are made from the best quality of tobacco. 30tf Farmers and others desiring a gen teel, lucrative agency . business, . by Which 85 to 8-0 a day can be earned. send addres at once, on. postal, to II C. Wrlkinson & Co., 195 and 197 Ful ton St. New York; 40t(5m Citizens of Piattsmouth -and vicini tj: We have requested J.. W. Mar shall Esq- of your city to fake orders for us for ihe greatest scientific book ot'thc last two centdrie.. -Christians, infidels and all are alike in giving it a warm welcony?. Gait on Mr M. and eefc'Mf.' Price - moderate. Room 18, Tribun.' Building, Chicago; Ills. 44-ruo 2 . R, H. Wisdom & Co. .- J.-IJ. Strode, attorney at law, office in Rock wood block. Deeds and oth- ers instrummts made ont and ac knowledged. 46f4 MIKE SCIINELLBACHER, lifjlCKSJTITIl itui:si snoiUNr, & WACON KKPAIKlNCi. )- All Kinds or Farm implements Mended with Keatii'sa and lMnpiltrli. Horse, Mule Ac Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoo anything that hlir four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. -XSTZElTW" shop n Kit III St. between Main aai Vine Streets. ut Heron At; corner from tba Nw I1KUAL C-rriCK. ioy . CALL AT THE Old Reliable H.1 & Wholesale and Keluil Dealer In PINK LUMBER SHINULIX LATH, sash, noons, 11 LINUS, &., Four! U Mi !, in 1 cur of Opera Mouse. PLATTSMOUTH, - NKI3RA8KA. Is Ibc Old Kuvonta u i I?rtirJCX37A.Ij 3jI3XT23 t-rom Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St. Joseph, V OI. CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston! And All Paints EAST and SOUTHEAST. THE LINE tOMIMUSES Ncnrtv 4. Oft! ntih'a. Solid Smooth Sto- Truck. A con muttons :tr m:i1? in r.NIO.N DKP'VI'S. It hufl ft NitlKHtrtl K;hi;:itioii bi'iitte I'll K l.l'.KAT '1 II lUH ii i I Al! I,IK. :in! In iTnirorsnllv conct'dod ti bt'TIIK Ki.Mr l't,CI IMKi H;tlliaU iu tU orli .r cl;is -i of navi l. rv 11. antl vu will Ihul truvc Inir a luxurr inntcud tn :i (iiM'oiiii'tri. l'tirumrh I K kcts vt:t tnt i e!.-br:.: od Line loraulo ai nil oirtiV'S id tin vt .;. Ail liiIiit ni:iti"Ti mIm.hi i:ato of r are. SleoDina r luily ivcii by ttpplymu to v(H-oiiiMioiuu ions, 1 uitt iuu;p, sc., win uti ciieer- T. J. POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. 31 Vkr Pri 1 lc (Jt'ii I M.n:fr. tivn 1 P&Skv'UST AgtM Chic.ifio, His. Chicago UlV SSZaZs "PISE! w - KEN DALLAS) cov:rea as it is ceitain in iis elli-fl and lo. not lilinter; Alff) excellent for human DeeU. KEAU I'lUMf 11ELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER YoungKtowu. Ohio, May loth, 180. 15. .1. Kendull & Co., CrnH : I had a very val uable ainuit-toiiian colt liich I prized very bi'Uiy, he had a larpe bone Fi)aviu in one Joint and a Kiiiall one on the otiier. which made him very l.une ; 1 had him under the charge of two veterinary surgeon" who laneu in cuit him. I wax one day reading tlie advertiwjmeiit Keiulall's Saviu Cine in the Chicago Kx ureMt. I di-teainiued at once to try it. and our It driiKirUt" here xent Ior it. they oraereu tnree iM.tilrs. I took them all and thought I would give it a thorough trial, I usedjt according todi-le.-ti' and Hie fourth day the eolt ceaMd to telaiiie. and the Jiniipx nau usa.reareu. i used out one bottle and the colts lnnbare aa free from lumps and a Hinootll aany horse in the Mate. He i-entirely enreo. iiiecurc ai remarkable that I let two ot my neiRlibor. have the reinainii:S two bottle wuo are now usinij it. . Very KesjMfctfuliy, U T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin. Cure OX HUMAN FLESH. Patten'i-Mil!. N. Y.. Feb. 81. irrs. n j Vvvnn r. r.entj : The wart Sca lar case on which I osed your Kendall Rpavln Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen mouth standing. I had tried many thingt, but Ui vain. Your feoavln Cure put the tool to the ground aeain. and for the fin-t time ine hurt. in a natural pooitlon. For a family liniment It excella an) thing we ever used. . . Your truly. ' EEV. M. P. BEIX X ' T f umd dre.. fr Illustrated Circilr, t. M'i 1 we think elves positive proof of it Virtue' I I . . . . ui. . in- r ii Finn . n .Tr" iuer.e8, to our knowledge, for beast am Biaa. J . renieuv una em un i "ii" ' - i -. - i rrfe 11. per Bottle, or eix Domes tor -A- rn-t'L-ixt!i have k or can cet it for o. " I. 'jl be vent to al afcy address on receipt of bv the nronileton. UK. B. J. KKSDiL-l-3 CO. toourg rails, . Vt JU ..Ik T ''JM Si LUMBERYARD PORT," BUT T O uu ois Wit . iK. team &t x. SOLD DIM " " TOM 11 Blake's Building, up Stairs, Where they are dally receiving a complete Una of all kinds of PIECIJ GOODS V SUITINGS, W aU' wish to inform the citizen of Platttiuoulh tht wn have mud Mrriineiueiits for Dying,Cleaning."u Repairing On short 'notice, and warrant ! infliction. HASG-OHSHEK BROS. (Dm wir of tlie old stand you will find v rvi 1 U i ON II 111 READY for Na trouble to liud us. Come and nco us. THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BY fe JOHITSOIT DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The hrat and most complete uttsortment in the city. In the ROCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carrulhs. JUivery and ;V ------ -: -.HjiNNERfABlJ .- . -' -:. I .. - - - in - -- '.-i. 1 - - "'ICS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. EVERYTIIINO IS FIRST-CLASS SINGLE AN It DOUBLE CARRIAGES. TRA VELERS WILL FIND COUPLE VINE AND FOURTH STS. The Finest Pressed Brick IIT TS23 SI 1 lrFATIJKED RY jr. Orders received and filled in a satisfactory manner; Those contemplating to build should examine quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of iJonncr Stable, Piattsmouth, Nebraska. Cass County JOHN WAYMAN, Proprieton ; o PlaJttsmo-atli. N"e"b. 3IANUFACTURKRH OF BOILERS, IRON FRONTS, . HOUSE COLUMNS. AND CASTINGS. Our faciliticb for beavy wurk in Coluuiti Kt iupHiied iu the Ste. - MACHINE REPAIRING of all kind f, .11 ' iliiuui. ,r .'fir lr tn tmn an cnusi'H ti win k id ima. ' ' Putrnno. V d.rfi.Vu maiinfAr'turlnfp w - .. rrr'ght and Hi ic. - rartius builJiBK iu ny Vnt of otate C0XJ2TTT Qpr"". DLJ D UICIU U I UdM BUSINESS. Call ani ee u. bale btable. THR REST TEAMS If TliE CITY- LE OUTFIT) Ii Y C AILING AT THE Julvltf. PLATTSMOUTH NEB. STATE, for any quantity our work, the Iron Works engines; aoJ Casting for Bus! new lioutet , . ". ....' . - our Mactiue SLop U fully should write for our J jn. . IIIOI7 V7P r r VN'-Jwj4tr3I all eaaterti pruJ t