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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1883)
i. . tn nnnniinrlii t th Ladle nioullt mi. I vlcl.illy Hint alio .il in fow ciny vpou her j and Dressmaking Parlors. ODD'S 1J LOUS', UP-STAIllS. win ! p' nwil to ho.- New, F. .1.11 l'(nipl MUCK 01 UUVUt. MUftif WILL J. DRUGG WARRICK IS T V ( mi U ft oi k VRANTEED. OUth, Sept. 8, IBM 28m.L -.cure Yourself a OME! y Acres laid off In City Lot, Palmer's Addition, ADJOIKIXO THE k jV. RAILROAD SHOPS, tsido the City limits, and not sub- ject to city Taxes. RESIDENT LOTS . thon man. or any other man, can U dinner under his own roof and (t cold grub from a dinner pail in the dusty, smoky shops. three to ten minutes' waiic from his work. Call on J AS. S. MATHEWS, t'y at Law and Real Estate- Agent. uker's Store.will make terms to snlt from $40 to $50 e,or men that will build No Lot for Sueeulatvr I KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A COMPLETE STOCK OF PORE DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND Glass, Paints, Oils, Lamps, &c, &e. . - THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO BUY Stationery Closing but Stock of Cigars at Cost CALL AND LOOK THROUGH MY CIRCULATING LIBRARY. A. W. ATWOOD, of Chicago, Prescription Clerk. PLATTSnOUTH HERALD. I't'WllJilED EVERY Tnt'RSDAT -sir- Tiie PlattsmontH Herald PniilisEiBZ Co. HENRY BCFCK CKALEK IN SAFES, CHAIRS, ETC.. ETC., ETC., Of All Descriptions. f ALLIC BURIAL CASES poiorrcasr coffiists f 9, ready made And sold cheap for cash., MTt FINE HEARSE THE DAYLIGHT STORE. FullLin86eneralMerchandis8 ' Pull Line General Merchandise, At Bottom Prices for Cash At Bottom Prices for Cash JOS. V. WECKBACH. rUttmoHth Telephone Exchange, 1 J. P. Young-, renldencs. a U.nnvtt & Lewis, lor. a M. H. Murphy Co.. - t Buuntr btables. ft fouuiy -'lrk'sffle. S B. H. Uwli, resident-.. 7 J. V. Weckbach, lore. S Western L'nlou Telegraph oQlee. t 1. H. Wheeler, residence. 10 1 1. A. Campbell, " 14 R. R. Wludnam, " . 15 J so. Waymau. 1 J. W. JeiiulUK. IT W. 8. WIm, vlllce. 19 W K. Carter. store. au O. W. Fairfield, residence. VI M. B Murphy. " rt 1). II. Wheeler Co . offlce. iu J. F. Taylor, reildenoe, W4 first Nation ill Bank. it; J. I. Yuuug. tor. ub t'erklu liuus. tt K. w. lyr. r-Iuue. SI Journal onies. I lllHALU Fl. Co oHlce. 36 J. Wise, residence. 34 M. M. Chapman, " 37 W. I. Jones. " 99 A. '. Sullivan, " II. K. I'almer. " 40 W. II. Hchlldknecht, ufnee. 41 Sullivan & Wooiey. 42 J. W. Johnson, re.sldeuce. i A. Fuiterson, livery, 44 U.M"HplUiaS, ' 45 L. D. Bennett, residence-. 44 Ueo. S. Smith. ofllee. 47 L. A. Moore, flor t. 4 J. W. Barnes, residence. AO K. K. Livingston, ofllee. 7 J. V. Weekbaeli, residence. is ww&. ;: SIS Geo. .Smith. J0 K. K, LiviuHton. - " LOCAL NEWS. Sec wm rUk1' rolnini). H NOW HEADY FUK SEBVICK. many tbanks for post patronage. 11 to call, ami examine my LAKCE STOCK OF KUKVTI MK AXIS t'OKl'ISH SO HAVE W MOVED (4 P5i i p R 1 w S or AND YOU WILL FIND U.-? IN THE LEHSVHOFF BUILDING, Opposite Win. IlerokTd, with a full line of J. G. CHAMBERS & SON. 0 b S3 as w 43 to J3 H CO CO H (!) ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, THE LEADING GROCERS Come to the front with a complete stock of o.Clark Jr. & Co. Staple and Fancy Groceries FKESII AND NICE. "We always buy the best goods in the market, and guarantee everything select. We are sole agents in this town for the sale of " PERFECTION" GROUND SPICKS, AND THE CELIlBHATED (if "BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Tlatt's "TiKer" brand of ISaltimura Oysters always on baud. Come and see us. We make you glad. Best aid Most pool Cotton, T WOT. to) iPm IkfllUJ IvJliDSlLaM in the world, atj Wholesale and Retail DK. PIEAIB1L & 7th 'ST., Dealers in all kinds of KMrai, MIISIO IPlICMTS, PSICE, BT ATTS3X0UTn. NEBRASKA. C. E. Wcscott will occupy the re iiuiulSf f "'' 1" t,ia Uockivotxl block preferri-jf his old location to hi presen! i.laco lurlher downtown. This hits been a gie;it winter for rabbit hunters and the amount brought Pv'tT from the Iowa bottom by nim rods in tins oiiy w(HlM (lSSSAie sev eral hundred in round number, si sji - Morrlsey Bros, have now large and commodious olllce quarters in the Drew- Week bach block over Wescotfs atot, 'i ha mJJU'P Is Ultlch moie con" venient to their etovaiUr uiiti the Ifje; graph oilici?. We nuileistuud tliat a new photog riiplier ni m-cured rooms iu the Hock wood bWL, ud lie has nurchased t'nrrut irallerv tlxtures He will ien up bhortly for a ihare o the public patrouue. Notwithstanding the falling off P work in the 15. & M. shops on account of the stoppage of construction and the small oulside damages, over three hundred and fifty men are now on the pay roll in their fehopg here, and near ly all at inside work. The T. A. M. Club held their last pat ty in Rock wood hall on last Friday evening, and during the evening i number of thoss present gathered to gather and organized a card circle to while awav occasional evenings the coming forty days. A new tnusi'?, picture and frame store has been opened in this city the last week in the buildui" with Mr. Simptoii and the American & Wells, Farffo Express company's office. The new fiuu were engaged last week iu morixi in. and arrraoging their goods. The people of Plattsinouth could make the telephone exchange much more effective and of much more val ue to the citizens and its patrons by a more liheral support to the institution. We believe also that if the telephone company would work their business up here and lav its advantages more fully before the people that it would pay them. -f y you leave hero mighty Quick." made to so the error of our wavs. aid the grocery man to the bad boy, when ho b.gan to hitch aboit, and he its h came In, with his arm iu a sling, opened one eye and looked id rue, and I lwoked us pious as a boy' onu look when he knows the pancakes are get ting cold, and pa he kind of sighed said "Amen, sort or snappish, and be got up and told ma he didn't feel well, and she w'ould have to take Lis place and pass around the sassidge and po tatoes, and lie looked kinder scart and went out with bis hand on his hip pocket, as though he would like to shoot, and in a got up and went around and sat in pa's chair. The sponge didn't hold more than half a pail full of water, and I didn't want to play no joke on ma, 'cause the cats nearly bioke her up, but she sat down, and was just going to help me, when she wrung the bell and called the hired girl, and said she felt as though her neuralgia was coming on. and she would go to her room. " and told the hired girl to sit down and help Hen nery. The girl sat down and poured me some coffee, and then she said, Holy Saint Patrick, but I blave those pancakes are burning,' and then she went out in the kitchen. I drank my coifee and then took the big sponge out of the chair and put the cushion cikI bacileu up ugaiust the coal stove to get warm. -"Everything hfcs gone wrong since you got to coming here, and 1 think you are n regular Jonah. I rind sand in my sugar, kerosene in the butter, the codfish is alt picked on, and there Is something wrong every time you arc hero. Now you leaTe." "I alu't no Joner," said the boy, as he wiped his nose on his coat sleeve, and reaching into a brrrel for a snow apple. "I never swallowed no whale Say, do you believe that story about Joner being in the whale's belly all night? I dou't. The minister was tel ling about it at Suaday school last Sunday, aud asked me what I thought Joner was doing while Jie was in there, and I told him I interpreted the story this way, that the whale was fixed up Inside with upper and lower berths, like a slsepiug car, and Joner hpd a lower berth, aud the porter mae'e up the berth a. a soon as Joner came in with his satchel, aud Joner pnlloil off his boots and gave them to the porter to black, and put his watch under his pillow aud turned in. Tho boys in tlie Sunday fcinool all laugh- Jluckln's Arnica fialrc. The bt'st salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sore?, ukvrs.salt rheum, fever suits, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains coma nnd all skin eruption, and posi tively cures piles. It i srnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re- iiinueu. i-ric V3 cents per box. For sale at UoberU' rharimicv. . :(7ir ... irE StorE ut. mac s ttheumatic Cure is an. internal rvineuy una is pronounced by ...I.. I....... . . . ... . nun unve iiaau li 10 Contain more true medical virtue than anj other kind thrown upon the market In , tne snapo or oils and liniments. It is warrantod. Smith, lilack Co.. pro- I'neiura. cum uy r. . names and A. D.Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. tf Xhtney to loan; easy terms on iui- proven lauus. M'i.i.ivan & Wooi.ey. 5tf at Union Block John Hlake keens constantly on hand a full line of line Irish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug.l7.i8S2 '22y 1. CALL AT TIIE . Old Reliable LUMBERYARD 1 v HARRIS tSc UNRUH, -''1 I)KAI.BIIS1N PUE1TITURE $ COFFINS, arf nil klaili of tooJs usually kept In a ? f s, t J a . an . iis'i V .""Lct i , riUM t cumn rntMTi'itr. htokk Alo. n very complete mock of Funrrul luoili. Metalllc&WooflenCofflns.CasAets.RoLes e.l. and the minister said I was a big- in the place of it. and then I put the Work iu the B. & M. shops is quita light at present comparatively, for no construction work is done on the road this winter and outside demands upon the shops are lightened thai much. The It. & M. has becu very brtunatc in not meeting any large accidents this winter, and that al- wavs causes a light demand on the epair forco. Lait Saturday two drummers who were storm bound here, secured a sleigh and a driver, mid started over he .iver to CJlenwood, preferring hat way of traveling to waiting' lor tin? traiu whieh was badly delayed. We opine that two ubt)t g nearly rozcu persons as tavel, lauded at Glen wood lrom that sleigh, for tho day wns a terror. OBERT DONNELLY'S SHOP, ion. Buggy, Machine and Plow re- I pairing, and general jobbing now prepared to do all kinds of repairing . Is a good lathe in tuy shop. PETER RAUEIt, e old Reliable Wagon Maker has taken charge of the wagon shop. is well known as a NCh 1 WOEKMAX. Wageas sad Bajtriea mad to And Tinners stack. TOFALL KINDS 1 - wner. sati4faction gcaraxtked. r jUN STREIGHT, ieeear Strlcht A Xlller.) XAxcrAcrraaa or FOR SALE BV Kicelsior The Lingards had iu all probability very interesting play, but the way they slaughtered it here a week ago never was equalled. That part of it that was presented was quite warmly applauded, and the company had a rood and appreciative audience, one !liat deserved better treatment from hands than they received. When the Liugards return to Plattsmouth again. if they ever do, they will ke treated with the contempt that empty seats express. " Last Friday night was another Cf the very told aud stormy nights of this particular cold aud stormy win ter; nearly every train, was abandon ed and even in the yards here, the night men found it difficult to keep out. Saturday, the trains in every directiou were badly delayed aud the snow flew during the day, making the work of clearing tracks tedious and slow. Up aud down the river the r-ouds of flying snow made the old Muddy look unjjbjug but inviting. ST.LOUIS.MO Fnr f flic by J. S Duke. ', C. B. PARKER & CO., LINCOLN AMD PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., MiNUFACTUBEBS OF AND DEALERS IV HE iHEAYY HARNESS. American and Italian marble, - 1. ":3 Eriilss, Cellars, Wkijs. 1 . .' . : tay to stock. -firing o.aZL hinds neatly dons on . -'toft notice. .. jitret,toetwn Fourta aod Filth, n. M. 3XKE1GET. Bminets Manager. r , . - -y . AND Granite - Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Mantles, to j fr-rmimft Awarded Work at VoaT tate Fairs, bhopt to &ur veyor General's Office. A S. FORBES, Foreman. DjiVID MILLER, Traveling Salesman. D R Uigelow, living some four miles north of Juniata is troubled by rats. Jt seius they recently im migrated to his premises eumasbC, lrom some other point 6B4 ere Miak- iug a savage raid upon his stoU, Strange as it inay seem they have at tacked his cattle. Two of bis calves have died from the eflects of their work. They ate off their ear and horns. They have eaten as much as two inches off the horns of the larger cattle. - m Ho is unable , to kill thei latsas lie has so much stock about thai lis U afraid to put out strychnine, ao4 Hey w oa' eat 'Ilic 'RoueUod Uafs." He is engage4 now In catching I hew wiljl traps, but that is slow work. To 'shoot them is dangerous because of the danger of fire. TLe- are so nudierous that, go Pft ut wUU'aTanlern at night,' and 'suddeofV iwa:p-4tjc-tloors, Tatrcan j ie sees scampcrius an ; f.m-y.'z tbrougu tne stalls sua over ine- eauis which may bo lying xiowp. I is lings ger fool than pa was, aud that was uscles. If you go back on me now, I won't bsYO ft frii-nJ, except mv phuiu aid n dog, and I swear, by my l 1 .t.r uniiuom, inai i iiover put uo sand in your sugnr, or knrosene in your but a.. ' .1. Il 1. I I. I ipp. i aoinu me uckiug on 01 your codrish, but yon cau charge it to pa, the sum" us you d.d those. egj that I piloted my I'lmm over Into last sum mer, lliough you did wrong in charge ing l hrictmas prices for dog davs eggs. Wheu my chum's ma scraped his pants he aid there was not an egg represented on there that wnsless than two years old. The Sunday school folks have all gone bark op me Muce put kyaue pepper on the tove. wheu they were singing LIt tie Drops of Water." nu t they al had to go out doors and air them selves, but I didn't mean to let the pepper drop on the stove. I wnsjw.-i iioiauii it over i lie stove 10 wuin it. when my chum hit the funny b;ue o! my cibow. J a says i am a terror to cats. Every lime pa says anything it inves me a new idea. I te'l von pa Hi's brains, but sometimes he don't have it with him. When he said I was a terror to cats I thought what J'un there was in cats, aud me and my ohum went to stealing cats right oil, and before night we had eleven eatg caged. We had one iu a cauary bird cage, three in pa's old lim boxes, three in ma's bandboxes, four iu valices, tWP iP il trunk, und the balance iu a cl set up stairs 't hat night pu said he wanted me to stay at home, bi cause the committee that is going, to get up au oyster supper in the church was go jug- to meet at our house, and they might want to srnd me on er rands. I asked him if my chum couldn't stay too, because he is the healthiest infant to inn after errands that ever was, and pa said he could stay. but we must remember that there wasn't to be no monkey business go ing on. I told him theie shouldn't be no monkey business but I d.d'n prom- is nothin' about cats. Wen. sir, you'u unto. Tlie com mittee was in thp lijjrnry. by tjie back stairs, and me and my chum got the cailboxes all together, at tho top ot the stairs, and we took them all out and put them In a clothes buskel, and jqst (is Le minister was speakiug, aud teJlli-g what a great good was dene by these oyster socials in briuiug the young people together, aud taking their minds from the wickedness of l he world, and turning their thoughts in a different channel, one of the bid torn eal in li.ti basket gaye a "permeou" that oi'udcil like the vil uf u ' lost soul, or a challenge to battle. I told my chum that we couldn't hold the bread board over tho clothes basket III null Jouer, whiin tVQ or throe cats begun to howl, ait., llio ijiinjiU'i- stoo ped talking, aud pu oi i nut to tiju-u the stair door and teil the hired girl see what was the matter up there. SJic thought that our cat had goi shut up ill t,u tjie storm door, and lic opened the stair door to fell the gir!, and l hen I pushed the clothes basket, cats and all, down- the buck s'nirs. Welt, sir, I 'spose uo committee for an oyster supper was ever more astonish ed. I heard ma full over a willow rockjug Ijajf aud say, 'scat,'.-and 1 heard pa say, "Well, i'm rfjiis'd and a girl that siugs iu the choir ay..iJIo4V- ius, I'm stabued,' then my eliuiu and me ran to the front of thu houe aud ptt'lie dowu tne front stairs looking ns innocent as could 'oe, uud went iu the library, aud I was just gon Jo tell pa if there was any errand ho wanted run, my chum aud I was ju3t aching then, when a young cat with out any tail wus walking over tne niiBisittfrj and pa was throwing a sock at two cats that were flawing each other over the piano, and ma was try iug to get her frizzes back on her j;cad, aud the choir girl was standing lu lUo loupgg ytb her dress pulled up, trying to scare the (.a 1 3 wjth, her striped slocking, and the minister was holding his hands up, uud I guess he was asking a blessing on the ci2, and my chum opened the front door aud all the cats went out. Pa aud ma looked at me, and I said it wasn't me, and th minister wanted to know how so much oat hair got on my paat r-d veat, aud i said a cat met tne in tij hall and kicked me, and mi crlsd "aud pa said, 'that boy beats hell,' and the minister said I would be ail right if 1 nJ bet;) properly brought up, and j then ma was mod, nnd committee broke up. Well,, to tell tn0 honest truth, pa basted me, and yanked mo around until l naa to nive my arm 111 & gjing, bui what is the ue of having such iua USut a few cats Ma said sbe never wanted to have ffiore company again, 'cause I spoiled every thing. But I got even with pa for baaMug 'rne this morning, and I dasseut go home. You see 3)4 'has got a great big bath syonge, as "big as a chair curb ing, and this morning I took the sponge and" filled it with warm water, and to jk tLe feather cushion out of f.Ue phjiir Pfits in at the table and pyt the sponge in" jtf plajic, and cover ed Jt oyer wth theushiyn ppyef, an.4 wheu W all got fiet dawn to tia tabje pa camo id Hud tduwa on it., to ask a blessing. He -started Jo,: by ceasing his eyes aud placing his haud&n front of him like the letter Vi tHL, then be brgWlc vlzz t!?t tbe food.jwe were to ptrtake Sf m i't&Sea'k JMh.'4iA. b? was going-to ask that.; alj- oi'ia be" ! H. A. WATERMAN HON, "Wholesale and Hetalt Dealer Iu sponge iu the bath room, and went up to ma and pa a room, and asked them if I slioulJ go for a doctor, and pa had changed his clothes and got on his Sun day pants, aud he said, 'Xever mind tin- doctor. I fiifsq n-n will null through,' and for me to get out and go PINK LUMBER to the devel, and I came over here. Say. there is no harm in a little warm SHINGLES, LATH, water, is meter wen. i u line to know what pa and ma aud the hired , girl thought. I an the only real heal thy one there is in our family."-Peck's Sun. Our New Kiul ol.iuniit lu-nrg UuUayilu 1 vtHiiurnn, Remember the place. In UNION (BLOCK, on Sixth Mreet, TWO Doors south of Cnss Coun ty Hank. Wliear we may lie found night onlay, HARRIS & UNRUH, 24tl3 l'LATTSMOUTIl. NKII. llikESCHNELLBACHER7 H IJl CKSJ9II Til HOliSK KHOKINO it WACON 1! Kl'A 1 111 Nil. All Kinds of ram implements Mendel with NratnusB and I Xxpiiti-h. SASH, DOOHS, BLINDS, &c, From Out West. Arapauqp, Net)., Jau. 31. '83. Kt. Heuald: Arapnhoo is not dead, but slcnpeih, and iu her sleep does lulk of devc-loptncuts ami im provements in the near future that will be a surprise to ninny. Our late improvements are two fine churches, Christian and Baptist, 3045 30x50 iu size; an extensive hotel audit ion, that or room, finish aud conveniences couiparci well with ho els in large cities; several new residences, besides ndditiufjs tt Utile. ; U Ibis in the lat Uv part of IX ('reparations tre now being made for more resiliences. Towu property is advancing iu value aid iq dcmuiid- G. W. Colvlo, formerly of Platts mouth, has added a very fine tract o Arapahoe, kno a n as Colvin's Addi- i.n, aud is selling portions thereof to actual builders. Tjie graded schpols o the towu pre a success, and nre conducted about 10 months of each year. Farmeis are encouraged over crop prospects which are brightened by the large amount of suow we hnvp had. and are having, as it snowing now. More Anor, E. S Child. Fourth Street, in reur of Opera House. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. mm .Tho Plattr. Pf e r n r The Largest. Oldest and lisst County Paper, See our clubblug list this weez. t' arrange to secure your winter's i!' ing at .. LOW R ATP' and any publication in tho .list aU a small advance over tho cost of on. PLATTSMOUTH II Kit A LI) PUBLISHING COMPANY Horso, Milled Ox Shoeing, In short, we'll shoe anything that t four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JTsTIKlW SHOP D Filth St between .Main riU Vine NMvets unt aero v corner fioni llw xkwIIKUAI l OKCKK )yi Jobn It. Cox thaliardwara uaB, kaa our m. finNltii TINNER, Clt for prloa am mil kind of tla work.. J3tr 3,OOU TO I.OA OM FAUN I.AMk.H. rF.ItfflM KAN Y. tf HM.I.1VAIV K HOOI.El. Patents Obtained, and nil oi)ierbTiiiiein Iu the 11. S. I'Mtenl otllee uttcndetl iu ru MODKRATK FKKS. Our olllce I oppohile Ihn IT. fcj pa. nt otllee, and we (Mil obtiiiu imiei i. in less i in- limn thoDe remote lrom WASH I Ni; I OX. Send MODKL or DKAWIMJ. V iiiIvIkc us to at(!iiliihii;i v freu ol ilinrgc; uinl wu in like NO CIlAUtlr.1 UXLUSS WK OBTAIN PATKNT. - We reler. here. t tho Postmaster. thuSupt. of Money Order dlv., and Ike oll'u iul of the l. S. I'alent olllcS. For circular, advice, term, and refer eneeK to actual cllrnlw in your vwli state or coiintv, addn.'xN V. A. SNOW .t CO.. 1 Opposite 1.C. I'alent OHIer. Wiikhln;t 37tf THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BYi Win .iiiiinifi,Mn Traveling troupes have to learn one thing, and that is to cense the habit of mutilating their plays when they have small audiences, or the public will ceaie giving them an audience at all. It may be well for the managers of the opera house to make a special con tract to this effept with t!r advance agents, for people are beginning to enter their complaints concerning the way troupes treat their patrons" here., The last two troupes have taken es pecial pains to curtail their entertain ments; in eaph nst:!i(;e, parties liave attended the B;ina entertainments in Lincoln and this city, and the gross injustice the troupes did this city was very apparent. Is the Okl Kuvorue aal rRoi-t Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St- iasepi.. FOR CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, detroit, niagara falls, New York, Boston! And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST. THE L1XE COMPRISES Ncnrtv 4.00 nillos. Solid Smooth Seed Truck. AS jfeiniHM-ltima nr. inn1t in TNION J.KI'OTS. It has n .utionai loninaTioii n Di'itilc I M r; .i;r; A li '1 HUOl oii I'AI'. LINK, unci Is umvriliv f.i Ijo THH KINfiST "Kgi'lPPKH Kuliri'md ia ilia orla lor U cJusscm i.i iriivtl. Try it, untl you will fl:i'l iruve'lnK rrrrm ..,,.;..., , ,..,. i ii.i..n) h I Hyj'il ' ' i IN I i JOH2TS03 DEALERS OI it discomfort. ThroiiKh Tickets via lliin At nil (meet in the w . All hiformution uhout FHtn AccTnimo'ltion, Tiiiii1 'i a.blt. luiiyKiveu uy atppiymic to f. J. POTTER, fr-ttCVAL tOWtLL, Chicago, Ills. Chicago, Ultv uuvc'inK a luxury Instead l touted I. Ire fonale f Karo. ShM'pinc Vnr VIII iHi tluer- T T O a . 1 r-r-i riciruwaru, oiuves ana unware.' Tho bwt and moKt complete assortment in the city. In the ROCKWOOD BLOCK, two doors west of Carruths. - CALL anu hkk us. Easter, oiioii, too, lii (Is apu year on the 25th of March. This is as early by t .veuty-four hours as this day cau take place. The old men, men of age and experience, say spring cannot come and stay until easier is past, Juituow, we remember that for the past fjw years the moon has so uisported itself that this ' day has tardily put in its appearance iu April this putting back, the .spring work sadly, end niakiug the- grazing for caltle short even in May. This year the young folks can select the ground and the May queen, assured that the flowers will be on hand for the crown and wreaths. .that day of eggs and colored UMT YfJ O f O T 9 J , puts in is appearance this l jL fftf 1 V J ' li ngj 0 li i I y .V.-uIv?-l ok O O 2H F f3J T 3 The news comes up from Wymoro lliut Audi' I'Prrl? ' Is rejoicing these days over an addition Ig" hu li'nily. His friends in this city will proffer- him congratulations.- Fer Sale. Forty acre3 or laid one a!f mile from Plattsmouth, same will"' he sold in whole Iocs to suit pdrehasers Inquire of Wheeler & Benkett. 37tf Fresh Oysters. Pjrect from the sea shore, constant ly on hand, at the central ltestaur ant. 2sm3. 1,000 Cords of Wood for sale bv W. S. Wise. S&-H -A. Salisbury i Peptist. IStf Mangfacluringand Repairing, good and neat, at Merges'. 5tf The best gord. for the lea3t at William Herolds. 4 monev 43tf ' .Call on AVise. 5.000 fence posts for sale. r address 36lf P. L. Wra. Harold's phi psfaidliPi? i)lY good aud grocery housp for Jjargams . 3if Crites and Ramsey, attorney and Notary Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth. .Neb. 5t0m col- jUS, Jt will .iy f en tp rca.l WiseV uiuu iu this I'ni'er, you iav ind what vou waul. . ilitif J 1 li 1 SI KENDALL'S; 3T- Livery -and- Sale Stable. IGS. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. EVFRYTIIING IS FIRST-CLASS TIIE BKST TEAMS ' iK f"TVr 8INGLE AM) DOUBLE CARRIAGES. - Tit A V EL EltS WILL FIND COMPLELE OUTFITS UY C ALIA NO AT TIM - m VINE AND FQURTH STS. Julyltf. PLATTHMOVTII NEB. SB5 Mrs, M. 'A. Buler,. Ladies Nurse, of long experience.- Best of Ttefereoce- evid'eiroe. Picnic Hill. . ' piaft8ii.olh, Jfgb. Aii?. 3f. ,82 3m Schlegei'a' special- brands of borne manufactured cigars are the leaders in the market and are made from the fcesf quality of tobacco. . J50tf Partners and others desiring a Scn" teek lucrative agency buslnecs, ,by which; $5" to 820 a day cap ba earned, send addres at once, on postal, to U C. Wilkinson A" Co.. f5 " and 1ST Tul ton Stn K.ew:. York."- ' ' . 40t6ra . t;liepsTjr Platlsmonj h ad vLioi IkVT(! Ijare reuuestedJW: Mar shall JEsq4r'OUTit?tb3ite 'orders for us toflliE f Ria4sisJttifi(j bk Ot tho last tMCO certuh5Sjr,"iiriiUan. infidels andHUarf fllikariu.'gJtving it a warin welopniof L'all"6ri"irr M." and see it. ' ; Pric-.mofrat.Ulooiii- 18, Tribur.Buildin,-Wiigoill. V"to ... !t-37jf;c3f;Co. Mi un, iij h iitt any ln.ix- ia ...... , .w-... rir - -"j. t - .xr ibn.iiu.-T sucrcssFCi. Kkmkov ever d:s covered as it I" certain la lis Ftteets and duel not blister ; Alo excellent for human flesh. HEAD fKOOK BELOW. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER VoungBtown. Ohio, May 10th, 1880. B. .f. KvinInU Sil'.o., Gents : I had avery val liable i'ainli!eiiir.:i.i' cM )jlik-li I prijpd- ver; liiirhlr lie l'tl :t l:ir'e Iiolie Pbavlll 111 Orih ir.ili anil' it &:n,Hli one on I lip njlier. whl'pU uiaMe linn vtri-y liiine ; i nau iiim iiiiunr me cnr.te of two veterinary surgeon who failed to cure him. I na one day reading the advertixeineut o Kemlai! s Siianu t. ure In the Chicago hx- ores. I deteaniiiied al once to try it. and our ru(nnyt here ?ent lor It. tney ordered three id I lr. I lMk tliem all and thoucht I would give it a tlioioiiiih trial,! useil'l! aocording toili rei t;-):r; 2i:d the fourth day the colt ceased to uej hut oihf buttle anil the uo free from lump and a Miiooth me state, lie if-entirely cored, lliecnrewa 10 remarkable that I let two ot my neighbor nave ine remaining two Dottles who are now using it. - Very Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin ture ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten's Mill. N. Y.. Feb. 21. 1878. B . KKXDAl.L & Co.. dents : The Dartlcu iar c. ud htLi I a;ed VQar Kendall" Spavin Cure was a nialignact aifkle spraiil ot utitej.c'. months srandiuif. I had tried many tliinfc. hut in vain. Tour Spavin Cure put the foot to ilia f rounu stcnin. anil ior tne nrl tune mace nan, n a natural position. For a family liniment it excens nnjining we ever usett. Tours truly, ; ' . KEV. M. F. BELL, Fasior oi 1. p. Church, Fallens illif. V. V rei!d addreus for Illustrated CIrCn an T Btch we think gives positrve prool of ft vjrtu js. No reiuudT has ever met nft' Qu Bilquulifled i4wut to ur knowledge; tor mI 8 wU a iHO. 1 Frlee 1, per bottle, or Ut bottles ir f5. Alt Dnnriileu have it or can net it for you. or It will be !! to any address on reeeu.t ot price by the proprietor. Dii. JJ. J. KJJLL & CO. Enobunf Falls, Vk 4 OL.! BY ALL DUVqisxS The Finest Pressed Bricli X1T TE STATE," A IV IT V. A T IT It E I II Y Orders received for any quantify, X ana niiea in a sansiaciory maijTrwnv jhose contemplating, to build should examine our work, the quality of our h ricks and prices, f Yard, in rear ol Isonner Stahle, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Cass County Iron Works JOHN WAYMAN, Proprietor. a !Pla,ttsino"atli ISTeti.v I ' AfAJfPFAOT-ffJltfJVi BOILERS, IRON FRONTS, ' AND or engines; HOUSE COLUMNS. ,1 CASTINGS. i HUkiuiir IL'Uu ai. Our facilities for heavy work in Culumus aud Castings fur not eurnasser! j.i Hie StHte. ' - K "Jl. UI W Ufl. Patronize Nebraska maonfactorlu. We dajjllcate alt' freight aud tluio. . - l'arties building in any part of thetate aLould write' cacs 00X72 morv March lltb, 1882. 11 tu! r- .1'.' -.-. t:: 5 . " " ' . - ' 1; r ' . .. - w r mill