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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1883)
V JALD. Ablng LUtfor 18S3. -1ld offer the following Vatea to lta patrons for the s-J. year: ,l A i.l aul North Amrr. KevUw. . . . SVT& I fiction's Mni;a7lii .. i ei Our Coin lurnl w'klt ... 4.M0 1'ralrle Kurm.r in Mmurduy Night 4.10 Jsw YotkTlms i.M " " Trlbuue Culcsfo Tribuue .m " Tlmra a.fto WMtrrn Kural . N.w Vork WcrlU a M Ctnrhiuitttl VnlliililMtt . 3.40 linh with lrui.. Omiiliit Ite llnrlliiirtou P. Uiirli lute Hawkey. a.oo 4.00 5 79 if.H 6 Ml r Orean A1111T. Agriculturist. . Hurt hly tfcty Atlantla Month!) Hal per' Monthly 4.iur . Weekly ft. 00 " ltazaitr S K Ialle't Monthly 4.15 reapaiMir o.uo " Hiindar Magazlue 3.T& IrUU World 3 so New York Led"' .i0 Weakly 4.iu Toledo Blad 3.00 ChtrnKO Weekly Newt.. .8 Ceutury Muitaztue ft.31 at. Nicholas .M itber publications will be added to ilist In future. 1 D. Polk, of Louisville, is now iu tmploy of the IIkkai-d Publish KJoiupany, and hhv uuxineHH n ' traunH lu it behalf will bo fully lulled. Attention Farmers. iVweuty thousauu dollars to louu ou ""u lauds at 9 per cent. straight. tiU uiwuey It private fuuds aud ill ilo.wfcll to call and aeo me. u want iiiooet. No red taoe aud lelaj. W. b. Wisk. intt Union Block A. Salisbury, Dentist. (Additional locals will be fouud on Mth page. IV . D. Jones has goue fast after a I'-'ir load of horses. Public meeting iu the Opera Huuto evening. Kreryoue reiickted to As iirosuut.' ' There will be no services in the Vltolic tiburch Sunday, as services bo held in Louisville. lie members of the legislature who home through the vacation all rued to Lincoln the first of the nry and J. C. Eikeabary have entertaining Iowa trienda who beeu visiting; them the last 1 . eral parties In town are thinking tting in gasolene light In their bnces both for improved light and rfeW. C. T.U. will meet in the L'sbvteriau church, on the afternoon February 14th, at two o'clock. Mrs. fill preside. erold has been busy moving Ik, and ha hopes to be in ship tn new goods and all settled Iw room. itu are enjjriiged on the va- tit rooiiis in tno. l story nt the atkwoo'l block, tilting them up for totograhic r oms. It is difficult to tell how mean a ,mta Jay Gould would have bceu iu e eyes f the Omaha Bee if thnt r IiaU never beeu paid. Yjung has swung out his ruam- tb. nrw wire sigu in frout of his P. (0. news t.epot. It is the largest sign au -the city by a large majority. The county commissioners have .ecu in session tne last lew days. ujsauUwtMiie usual routine of bus- laeas. Proceedings next week. The very best sleighing, of the win- r, is with us yet,, and the ice bridge over the river ts stronger than ever before; both are appreciated and uti lized. The Baptist's, of .Weeping Water, ""it"' Isfi" raisetWfcen yauuCru uoiiaii luwmu inu vuuuanuu r . 1 l . 1 11.. ...:M requiieu vu uuiiu cuuicu tut cvuiikk summer. Tb6- Knights of Pythias lodge iu lug at uieir vtatit inn vu aiunuaj & . 1 y-. . . .1 T1..11 r j evening, rue urana .;uunceuor 01 ine State visiting them at that time. One of the tilings that must be done . A. .... 1 . 1... . .. . . . . . . .1 capitalists is to unite their forces in securing manufacturing interests for isxixt; in this above anything else, mil business interest centre. Yesterday was the first day for a week that farmers came into town in mUj BUUIUQIl AUU (.uuacucuvi wai tress was lively, and the blockade that -.the merchants have been resting, under was raised for a day at least. Andy Tutt mourns the loss of sOnie ef his finest Plymouth Rock chickens, for which he would not have taken $3 apiece; some one must be very hungry or very reckless to prowl around through the snow these nights on er J . t " I M ' V --V - ' 1 r J 1 J r u orkia rands like the above. The Tost office at Pacific Junction, was burglarized one day last week. The thieves gelling away with some - twenty dollars. The work was un doubtedly done by professionals as the i safe was drilled, 311. d and blown open Trr-approved style, and no trace of the ojerators left behjrul. - - - . T . Public meeting to-ir;Vit iu the opera house, let everyone attend aud any ' good movement that comes in view lend it a helping hand. It is not nec essary or in order to usw up the entire meeting in speech making, back v speeche up with something more sub Siahtial.for moTiey talks. . : . Dr. -V. L. Child, who fur su long has beeu ajresident of Cass county, known and esteemed by all. has moved to Kausas City, where he will make it his home with his son there. The death of Mrs. Child has broken up his home here, aud be has desided best to move to Kansas City. He will be very much inissed. from Plattsmouth. - Simeon D. Mayer starts east tomor row, for a six week's stay at bis borne in Xew York, wTiere he will pjrebase rtitpTni2-attd summer stock of goods, and if appearances are no very de ceitful return to PUttsmoulh4n coui pauy with the lady of bis choice; we trust that we ara not deceived n ap- f-pearuncea. - - - '- -' .. S. L. Furlong, of Hock muffs, re- uorled the weather ' down there as reaching S vs below zero liuvg Mr. Furlong bas the' weather for be - pronounces February Ibis jing day"!iu t twelve." She Stoop to t'onuutr. tie of the larcpfct uulii,i.f ba? ever assembled in opiu house. Was present Monday evening to wit ness the leiiUilioii of 1)1. Geldamith'a famous comedy, "She Stoops to Con quer" by the home talent, who fer several month's pant, have had the drama in preparation. The II. & M. band were present, and the large audi ft ence was scarcely assembled, ere t curtain rose and the plat opened. T acting was exceptionally good, all bad their lines readily committed, and the play passed off with all the appearance of being in the hands of an old troupe, instead of ameteurs. The cast, with one or two exceptions, was exception ally well selected, all having an excel lent conceptions of their parts and en tered into the portrayal with the cor rect spirit. The only exception that can be made, would be with - the out side assistance secured. which detracted rather than added to the successful in terpretation of the play. Mrs. Uoyey was as all expected, excellent in her role, and a decided success. Mrs. Liv ingston and Miss IUbbington also car ried their lines successfully. Among the gentlemen, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Drum inond ?ud Mr. Bourne were all well prepared aud rendered their parts ex ceptionally well. In any traveling troupe one seldom sees a more perfect bit of acting, than the ale house scene, in which Mr. llourue received particu lar applause In his comedy acts, aud as a singer he is among the best. Mr. Dawson as Tony Lumpkin, was in ev ery particular, a decided success. The costumes of the ladies were both rich and elegant, and a number of the gen tlemeu had - carefully prepared suita. iu kcepiug with the characters they represented. The large audience gave good attention thioughout, and all seemed well pleased "with the enter tainment, which wil net the Guild a handsome sum of money, many esti mating the house as the largest of the season. Mr. Clarke, who had- the scenes and fixtures under his care, did much to make all p:tss off smoothly, and showed himself a capable man in that work. Mrs. Poland, of IJellevue, came down at her own expense to as sist thorn in the play, and to her much of the credit is due for the successful rendition. It is due to Mr, Goss to say, that be had no opportunities for rehertals, antfwas obliged to with less preparations. The costumes were largely the suggestions of Mr. Taite, and that branch was very suc cessfully placed in his charge. It is finally very gratifying to announce that nearly one hundred dollars will be realized clear for benefit of St. Lukes Guild and the Herald congrat ulates all taking part, upon the entire success of the comedy. List of Letter. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nab., Feb. 8. 183. Anderson Fred. Adams Wm. Box Chester Carroll Barnard Conway Clark Connelly .! (J Manly Ella -McDonald Maria O'Halloran John Peterson Dora Handle Dick 2 Hicliards David Dickinson Miss II Stephens A W Dearing Curtis Stark Josephina Fielding G W Simpson L A Fossl.eig Cora Stewart L li Guthman Rudolph Tate D Ii Jones C B Turner F B Lamson Alice Turner W 3 Mayer Cuaa 2 Wert Wm Moosberg C E Wenz Louis Persons calling for the above will please say "Advertised." J. W. Marshall. P. M. Grand Rally Of the citizens of Plattsmouth at the opera house Thursday evening Feb. 8, 1SS3. Every man and woman in the city is requested to attend and take part ) a the meeting. . Good speakers will b in attendance and everyone will leain something directiv affecting their interests and lof vital importance to our city. The business men are requested to close their houses tud -let "alt attend the in- meeting and give one hour to the terest of our city. Ad mis? ion free aud a reserved seats for every one who comes. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock, the trouble commences at 8. By order of BOAKD OK TltADK. The Mask Ball. The grand masquerade ball given by the Plattsmouth Liederkranz at Fitzgerald hall ou Tuesday evening was an entire success and the best at tended of any entertainment held in the citv the piestnt seasou. Fully seventy-five couple were present mask ed, and the costumes and characters were especially fine, the suits many of them new and unique. Those having the ball in charge have labored hard for its success and they have made it such and netted a good sum for their society. Attention, li. A. U t A special meeting of McConilile post G. A. R. is called for Friday night, at the court house, to which all mem bers of the order are earnestly invited, whether in good standing or not, to arranee for a public installation of officers on Tuesday the 13th inst. J C. Bonnell, assistant adjutant of the United States, has promised to be pres ent. and a full representation is de sired. - J. B. Strode, Post Commander. The settlement of the IVter Val hrv estate in which attorney Salo mon appears for the widow of Peter Vallery, and Geo. S. Smith for the administrator, has occupied the, at tention ot the county court for -the last few days. - . On the night of the 22 ud the people of Eisrht Milo Grove are to give an entertainment in the church followed by a grand supper in the li. - A, R. li.ii. A verv uleasaut time may be expected and n doubt will be en joy ed by all who attend. ' (- . Yesterday Mr.. Wiu btadlea au'a littlo irirl. Ora. acd 4 years died at their home iu Liu coin of scarlet f ver after an illness of ouly"U4 hours. the mauv frieuds of Mr. Stadleiuau's will sympathize deeply with thein in their Iof. " " - Flattimouth has bc&u very forlu-, Ufcte the i veeut winter, tho 'ity by lug aluvjt euiircly free of - sickness while other Nebraska towns, have rtirfhria. scarlet fever" and even r mail pox ju ihcir ruidst,? ," - ' AKoclal Event. ' " The party rIvkh by Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Carruth, on Tuesday evealnc. was a social event it no mall magni tude iu thia city, ami was very large ly attended; the regrets received be ing lew In number, uml tnose present numbering one hundred and fifty peo- pie, an repreieutiiiiMlie elite ef the city and making one of the brightest and most pleasant asemblagea that have xftthfred toi'etlier in iM.ti.. tuoiith lor some lime. The entire building was utilized iu furnishing accoinmodallona for the guests; ho gallery below and tho store room fur nishing room for dancing, which was Utilized by both young and old. All orchestra secured for I ho occasion, occupyiug the reception reom aud furnishing the music through the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carruth were everywhere through The evenlugmak iug all at home aud it pleasant for their many lrieuds who were with them. Elegant refreshments were served and it was the early hours of me morning cro th quests departed. and the farewells with host aud hos tews were all pokeu. This very pleasant event will be lousr remem bered by those who were present. Board of Trade. STANDING COMMITTEKS KOIt 1S83. On live stock. A. W. MeLa tuli I in W. I). Jones. A. It. T1.1 On transportation. F. K. White. V. Carruth, A. W. McLaughlin. On arbitratien. J. W. Marshall. -T W. Johnson. L. I). Itonnolr On manulactures. J. V. Weckbacb J. M. Schuellbachcr, Jno. Wayman. ' r.. r-.. ..... . . . . J vass county lainu and lots, W S. Wise, L. D Bennett, Geo. W. Fair field. On memorials, C. W. Sherman. J. P. You u jr. W. Ilerold. On motion board recommended that Kcv. II. B. Burgess lo admitted as honorary member. Meteorology, II. B. Bimress. 1). II. Wheeler, II. M. Bushnell. Ou elections, II. Ikeck. U. V. Ma thews, F. D. Lenhotr. On railroads, R. R. Livingston. G. S. Smith. D. II. Wheeler. On appeals, A. N. Sullivan, S. P. Vanuatta, F. Ii. Guthman. J. N. Wise, F. Herrmann. On city improvements, F. Carinth W. Neville. F. S White. On river improvements, Jos. A. Connor, Jno. Waterman, George K. Dovey. The following are among the per the soual movements to ind from city during the past week: Congressman Laird iu the city Monday.... O. A. Million, Lincoln, iu the city this week... S. L. Kelley, Hastings, visited Plattsmouth Mon day.... J. G. Jones, of Tectunseh, Grand Chancellor of the K. of P. for Nebraska, visited Plattsmouth Lodge Monday' evening Jno. R. Clark, Mrs. Clark and Mrt. l'lummer, of Lincolo, were visiting Plattsmouth this week.... Mrs. Geo. Foster, of Lincoln, was a visitor iu Plattsmouth the first of the week. . . .Mrs. Poland, of Bellevue, was in the city Monday and Tuesday V II Dyer of Lincoln, in the city, yesterday ... ..T E Calvert aud wife, of Omaha, were in Platts mouth Monday night witnessing "She Stoops to Conquer.". . . ,C W Seymour, of Nebraska City, was , registered at the Perkins house Tuesday.... J E Morrison was in South Bend Tuesday prosecuting the case against Kaneff there. ; . .County Commissioner Craw ford is in the city this week attending the session of the board. .. .Joseph Ford returned from Hastings Tuesday ...J A Connor in Ashland Monday attending their masquerade B S Ramsey returned to his duties at Lin coln Tuesday. ikoceedim;s. MEKTING TO SECURE AID FOR GERMAN SCKFKREHS FROM TIIK VLOODS. Meeting called to order at 8:30 p. in. President J. V. wecKoacn. sec retary Ihrnian Schmidt. Committee en contributions repor ted a collection to date of $122.00. Liederkranz, $25.00 total $117. Treasurer elect,-Frank Guthman. Committee appointed in each pre cinct to solicit contribution. Also in each ward for same purpose. 1st Ward Chr. Wohtfahrt; 2ud Ward W. II. Schmidt; 3d Ward- John Baur; 4th Ward C. Chassot aud Fred Lehnhofl. Contributions to be forwarded to the treasurer by Feb. 17tli 1883. Meeting adjourned until Feb. 18th at 3 p. in. Andy Tutt. the other day, handed us the following copy taken from an cient printed Bible that lie has in his possession. It is a chapter in the Bi ble of a very ancient tia-islation. Will some one tell us where to find it? Mirthea to God al esthe that es Serves to louerd in f nines In go yhe al in bis si!;t In gladnes that is so hriht Whites that louerd God is he thus Hs us made and our self noht us His foke and shep of his fode In yos his zhates that are gode In schrift his worches believe In zmpnes to bin abe sefcrive Herzhes his name for louerde honde In al his merci do in strende strende his and Card of Thanks The committee on coutriDutious for the relief of the sufferers from floods in Germany desires to express thanks to tbe members ot thetJe-mau Lieder kranz for their kind contribution of $20 to' tve relief fund. J. V. Weckbacit, Hkxry BEcr, Committee. The; entertainment at the opera hous has been so highly commended by all that we hope' the participants may be inclined to arrange for auoth er ere long, tor they certainly will be giyen a full house. Tiie comments heard are especially complimentary to Dr. and Mrs. Livingston, Mr. Daw -ou and Mrs. Dovey. The public sale of J. R. Campbell occurs at his place six. miles south of this city on Thursday, the 22d, at which place his stock, machinery, household furniture etc., will be sold. i ; The Herald has heard that the proprietors of the Perkins house have made arrangements to light their house with gas, the pipes all-having been laid when the buiding was. erscted.. The ruq je good w. ' . .' : JoL i Murom and Miss Lusie Levi, both ell known in this city, were quiet V married on Monday". Their : fiieu j wish 1 men j in me city wu.- j w oc for tba. " ':'''. . V'e are inftrtnii tli.t a has been largely circulated requesting general mass meeting of all citrens interested In Hiding aud developing manufacturing Interests lu this city which meeting la to be held this even ing lnthe opera house the use of which on that eyeulug Mr. Waterman has kindly donated to the. public. The special object in the meeting is to get all business men together and discuss I in particular, the present opportunities that are offered Plattsmeuth to secure a furniture factory, the matter having been heretofore laid before the Board of Trade and received their unqualified endorsement. The Board realize that in such business improvements the united aid aud support of all business men and citizens is necessary to insure success, and hence they take this op portunity to place it befure the people, so thaf all may know the benefits to arise aud the exact work to be done to secure it. The Hkra'ld hopes that there may be a full atleudauce of citi zens present who will mean business and that something more than talk may result from the ceming together. At least there is thousands in it. A pretty good atory is told on one of Ashland's young men. It is au actual fact and happened only a few weeks ago. The young in.iii referred to had been quite anxious to find some young lady to take out sleigh riditig. aud as there had beeu so much talk about it the boys concluded to put up a job on the young man. Accordingly an en gagement was made between tke boys and a certain gentleman, who comes to Ashland frequently, and puts up at the exchange, that he should dress in female attire, and should accompany the anxious young uiau for a sleigh ride iu the evening. I The arrange ments had all beeu made, and at the appointed time the young man drove up to the hotel. The young lady took her place in the cutter and away they went riding for au hour or more en joying the company of each other ex ceedingly. Before returning his prec ious one to the hotel the young man, of course, received the consent of .the fair damsel to be allowed to call oc casionally, expressing .- a wish that something more thau a mere acquain tance might be the tesult of this de lightful ride. The young man docs not comprehend tho situation yet, aud the misterious part of the affair is that he has never been able to see the young lady since and cannot learn of her whereabouts. Ashland Gazette. The Omaha Republican of last Friday gives the following ao-ouut of a fire in a mail car: "The mail car, which came in last evening with the Missouri Pacific express train from St. Louis, had a very narrow escape from tire. Be tween Louisville and Springfield one of the lamps broke in the car and set fire to it, and the flamea, spreading rapidly, threatened to destroy the mail as well as the car. The clerk, who was alone, endeavored to stamp out the fire by throwing leather mail basrs on it and jumping on them. The noise that he thus made was for tunately heard by Couductor Dolby in the next car, who rushed iu to 6ee what was the matter. Conductor Dolby took iu the situation at a glance and assisted the clerk in the fight with the fire, which after a few minutes lively struggle was extin guished, but not before the two men had received slight burns on tho hands aud fingers. Dolby who also got oil all over his clothe", is meeting with extremes in his railroad experi ence. It was only a short time ago that he had several fingers frozen, aud last night he had them thawed out with fire. It was a cloiu call for the mail car, all the satue. None of the mail was d S,'aud none of the passengers knew anything about the occurrence, as the train proceeded on its way without interruption." 'ew Bank. Greenwood is finally to have a bank. We were talking with X. II. Meeker yesterday, aud he informed us that all the necessary arrange ments had been made,, a 91800 safe bought and about the first of March Mr. P. P. Johvson and himself would open a bank that would be a credit to any town. They have purchased fhe corner lot, known as the C. II. Teale property, aud intend as soon asapring opens to erect a fine large two story brick thcruou. Until then they will dobusiuu.sin some other building, but just where wc have not learned. These gentlemen are solid men and need no recommendation from us as they are well known all .over the 6tate. Greenwood Eagle. Mills Co., Iowa, Ceru. The Glenwood Gazette has the fol lowing facts on Mills county corn; can our Cass aounty farmers equal it? Tire enterprising firm of D. L. Hein sheiaaer & Bro. as is well known, of fered ten premiums to . the ten farm ers of Mills county, who furnished the best, or heaviest 40 . ears of corn each. There were about 120 entries made. The following named persons received the premiums with tbe weight of the 40 ears of corn placed after their names: 1st, Aaron Everingham 51 lbs., 14 oz. 2d, D. C. Lapham, 51 lbs., S oz. 3d, D. C. Briggs, 50 lbs, 5 oz. . 4th, Butler Scott, 50 lbs. 5th, John McClure, 40 lbs., 13 oz. 6th. James Stout, 43 lbs, 14 oz. 7th, Philip Rowe, 48 lbs, 3 oz. 8th, David Ferryberry 47 lbs, oz. 9th, Andy Dill, 46 lbs, 13 oz. 10th, J. II. Debolt, 46 lbs, 14 oz. Of- all the entries that were made, none fell very far below that of Mr. Debolts in weight. The fields from which this corn was gathered yielded everywhere frem 60 to 115 bushels per acre. Saunders Ceuaty Corn. - jut. Roll Freeman brought in a sample of ine corn laU week, raised on hi place in Center precinct. It was iu the bail belt ' and yet, it is Bomi of the finest com we hare seen bt last year's growth. SeveteJ farm ers have promised us speoaicDS ' of their corn, and we should be pleated. have them, bring it . The corn, raugi by Mr. VB Pripd M VfVg ed 2 pounds to. the df when first picked ie the best we bete had thus far and though each car has loet a few kernels by baudliug, it is very heavy eoru yet. Wauhow Indepen dent. . '' . . . . r--' ' .'' Y CcrTtmuniCutionG. Seat tteuc Utter South Bknd, Nkb., Feb. 3, 1S8U. 'The ground hog failed to" appear Friday, owing te the severity of the weatner, or a miscalculation of the time it would take to get to the sur face. - Our school board have concluded to try new atove In the" principal's room. Geo. Hay A Co. are nicely fixed la their new quartera. We hope their already good trade may Increase. Mrs. H.Kirk has been buying a large amount of wall paper, glass and crock ery ware lately. She now has a splen did assortment of the above articles which she sella at a very low price. Mr. Lazenby has started a paint shop. The livery man started out Monday on a horse speculation. It is never too cold for him to trade. Our grain merchants are still paying 31 cents for corn, notwithstanding the drop ia the Chicago market. The uni formaly high price payed for grain in the Bend, that It is one of the best grain markets on the B. & M. The B -ud has a job printing office. Eddie S.reight and Lewis Sawyer com prise the firm. They turn oat some very artistic work. The last few weeks has been a sad time for the dogs here; many a canine has beeu retired by strychnine, given him by some unscrupulous peison. We should be remiss in duty if we failed to censuro those who indiscrim inately throw poison. The bad dog could be spared but unfortunately many a good dog has been killed. The free liquor question is causing considerable stii in the Beud. A cem plaint has been sworn out before jus tice McFarland against N. W. Kaueff for selling liquor without liceuse. The trial is set for hearing ou Tuesday, the 6th inst. Jas. Morrison, of Platts inouth. appears for tbe prosecution Comment at thia time may seem im proper; yet wo feel like saying, lay on the iasu till no person, in the Bend, can sell the miserable stuff without the sanction of the law. Harold. Loiiisville Locals. We are having a bountiful supply of winter just now. The reads have been nearly Impassable, the farmers stay at home, merchants get a rest, tbe coal dealer smiles, aud the old set tlers remind us that this is nothing to the winter of '56 and '57. The ther mometer has been weather 25 below par cold enough for this registering the of late, which is tender genera- tion. Our building boom is starting. Sayles & Griffin are building a meat shop. Ben Ward is praying for a thaw, so as to begin grading ou his railroad rontiact near Tecumseh. His wife and eldest daughter, Dora, have been quite sick but are getting better. Jno. Ferguson stalled to visit his old home iu Ohio, talurday. It has been twenty-six eara since ho left the old home, and this is the first re turn. He expects to get homesick in about a week. Geo. Laverty is limping of late - an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. L. is away on a visit to her sister in Red Cloud, and George is way down at the heel. Milt Brosins is recovering from a severe sick spell. All who favor some good roads Into Louisville this spring, may rise up. Please stand clear up on tiptoe. Mrs. Cutferth is getting a reputa tion as a trapper. She caught two mink last week that were too fond of her chickens. Geo. Delezene's brothn, i.e of Un cle Sam's regulars, is spending pait of his furlough in Louisville. Ho.v are your potatoes? Ours caught cold.. More Anon, Skedvnk. Stove Creek News. Ed. Herald: That January thaw was a humbug; only a weather breed er, as I think this has been the worst week's storm of the season ; it has beeu so cold that the news of Stove Creek about is all drifted under the snow. If the first three days of fliis mouth i ules the mouth, what are we to do; here is one chap got a farm for sale as it is. Dr. J. A. Kenaston and wife have gone on a visit to Long Pine to see some sons they have there, and the talk is. that the Dr. wants to see what kind of a chance there is in Long Pine for a good doctor. There are some of our neighbors who have had to borrow corn to feed, as the snow is so deep that they can not get through to husk their corn. Those few nice days atarted some renters to places that that they ex pect to work tbe coming year. Alfred Sutherland has moved into Mr. E. Boyle's house, and Chester Og den has moved into Mr. King's house. Elmwood is too large a place not to have an accident . to record in the month of accidents. Last Monday morning the palatial residence of II. Burger was noticed to be on fire, the alarm was given and both the fire companies made their appearance. The hook aud ladder company from the west side had the fire under con trol, before the steam engine from the east side got te .work, but when it turned loose, thft fire was soon extin guished and all that shows that there has been a fire is a patch on tbe roof. Bub. Cedar Creek Letter. Cedar Creek, Feb. 5, 1883. Ed. Herald: Despite cold weather one car loaded with hogs leaves this station this week.; Dep. tax collector IL Inhefder and Esq . Smalley ' were in Plattsmouth Saturday. v Tom Williams still visits our burg. He teems to think it a Saratoga ol eoma other summer resor. The (em) bracing Tehyu and oilier natural at tractions make htm bealthy. J. Weatland. who has been here fo.r gearly: tw veajrn, ha.. gau " ta ftatta DSftqtli, OHO lva wbo deire the street ear line to extend to tbe suburban dis trict of Concord. . Ed. Ingram is home from Iowa, where be was yisiliug relatives. , Nothing tnorebut a promise from ' . .. V . , MOKE AT0i?. - . ... .AUCTION! I 'will oifer for U at Public Auction, for On AWek boginnin IJOHD AY FEBRUARY 121k A Larje Line of General DUY GOODS AND NOTIONS Cloaks, Shawls, Hosiery, Cloves, limit ami Shoes, Hats and Caps etc., ami many" articles too . nu merous to mention; in East room of Iloekwood lilock. Side every afternoon and evening, during the week. W..II. JiAKKK. Wc are sorry to learn that K. II. Rogers, of Fremont, is very ill, and this week telegraphed for lr. Living ston, who weiit up to see- him. The Dr. relumed lust evening. The Herald has recoiled a uumj ber of calls the last two days from friends among the farmers, who en courage us with many remarks of ap proval concerning the IIkkald as a newspaper. A largo number of merchant in the state are visiting Lincoln this week on a lobbying tour to aid in the passage of a new law regard ing the collections of debts. The bill has been pjepared by General Maiulerson. A related (Question, Duhinu the year 1882 thero was sold in the United Slutjs 73,566,036 gallons of distilled spirit, at au av erage price of 1 50 per gallou; 25, 623,071 gallons of wiue at a biiuiUr price; and 527. OM, 23(5 gallons of beer at au average price of 3(1 cents per galiou, or about 600,000,000 .al lou iu all, for which, at a low esti mate, the price paid could not have bceu h:s tliuu $40J,000,000. For what else oS we pay a similar amount of money. Inter Oceau. MAltUIEV. ltKED-CllASli-At the llati.-l vliurcb lu l.iiiculii.oii Tuesday eventug Jau. till, ICev. 1. W. Keetl, ul Oreetit-aWe, Ind , te Miss. ii. Ella C'li:ee. of Llnculu. Many Hkkald readers iu this city are acquainted with the groom, Rev. I. V. Reed, who during the time he was the Baptist State Missionary for Nebraska, visited Plattsmouth on nu merous occasions, making many friends during his visits with us, who will be pleased to hear of this his good fortune,, aud wish Mr. and Mrs. Reed much happiness. The Hebiild. pt-oually speaks its warmest con gratulations lo both Mr. aud Mr6. Reed, sending them . cousinly greet ings and the sincere wish that very much ot the brightness and beauty of Hie may be in store for them in the future. The State Journal in an ex tended notice of the wedding, bus the fol owing personal concerning the happy couple: "The bride, Miss II. Effa Chase, is the step daughter of Rev. S. H. I). Vaughau, of this city. She in recog nized as one of the most popular and highly estoemed young ladies in the city. The .bridegroom Rev. I. W. Reed is paste of the Baptist church at Greenc.islle, Indiana. He is re garded as one of the rising clergymen iu his denomination, and nlre.idy oc cupying a high position." DIK1). RASGORSHEK At riattMiiouth. February-3. ltwa. Fbakkv, son of Mr. Jobn and Airs. Mary ltni;-rliek, aged 3 months. JOHNSON At the residence of tier daughter, iu Kansas City, January 30th, 1883. Mrt, Kliza JonxHOx, wife of Lorenzo Johnson, formerly of this City, aged 77. on the day of her death. Buy your groceries of Reuuett Jk Lewis. l Harris' Moreton Farm Seed Catalogue for 18S3. We arc in receipt of Harris' Moro on Faun Seed Catalogue for 1883. It is hansoinely illustrated and gives full and valuable directions for sow ing aud cultivation, it is scut free to all wanting see. Is. It contains double the amount of pages of previous is sues, and will be I'otiud very interest ing and useful. Mr. Harris says he sent out one hundred thousand copies of his catalogue for 1882. "Iam" he says, a larnicr and live on my faim. The seeds are put up on the farm and mailed directly from the farm to my customers. It" I lived iu the city, I might he able to get up a handsomer catalogue, but I do not think the seed would be any better or be more like ly to give greater satisfaction." We arc sure Mr. Harris need not apoligize for the appearance of his catalogue. It contains more real val uable information than can be fouud in many a dollar book. It will be scut free to every reader of the Her ald. Address, Joseph Harris, More ton Farm, Rochester, N. Y. Best canned goods iu the city at Bennett & Lewis'. 1 Valcutines at the 1. O. News De pot, tf i.hi,okt7nFto brass- bands OK Wcw Uegiiiners in Bras Music. The B. & M. Band, at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, has for sale a complete set of Silver Helicon Horns, manufactur ed by J. Slater, New York, in good condition mostly, and used only three years. Parties desiring such instru ments will be able to procure a good set, at a very low prise. Address J. F. JOHNSON. 47t4. Business Manager. Buy "Batavia" cauned goods tt Bennett & Lewis. 1 Remember Plil Young baa a full line of Valentines, i Seeds fer Children's Garden. Last year Mr. Joseph Harris, More ton Farm, Rochester, N. Y., offered to send seeds to children under fifteen years of age. at twenty-five per cent less than catalogue ratea. In his new catalogue for 1S83, he continues 4he same offer. Send for his catalogue and see what he has to say on the sub ject. It is sent free. A ddress. Joseph Harris Moreton Farm, Rochesfer, N. Y. The "East Saginaw Fire Kiudler" is the boss, Bennett & Lewis are agents. And don't you forget it, Plil Young will sell you the best 5c cigar in the city.- 47tf Don't forget to give Phil Young a call for anything in his Hue and you k ill save money, , if . Jfow 1 your time to subscribe for t he Omaha Bee ana Republican, to get a chance in the annual distribu tions. . J. P Young is the regular au thorized agent for Plattsmouth .and vicioUy- . . tf Yaleotiues of all kinds, both comie aud sentimental, at tbe P. O, News Depot. . . . - i C. E. Wegcott will occupy fbc eart Tosm.of tue Slack. weed Block after f itrU sti c?6thu' wavy ddwa t reduce ... ItetnovaL Jno. R. Cox hits moved hit hard ware at ore two doors east of his form cr location where he has room aud to apurv. Cull and nee him: no trouble t.i lln:l liiru. . - 3t . Remember Halt & choicest line of meats the city. f!o. carry the to be found in 4712. Valentines for the inillious! Hit 'em hard, trade comic, sharp darts &c &c. Also an assortment ot aeuti- mcntal valeuiiues at Warrick's Drug fcitore. it J. i Newberry has a few short nosed, pure Poland China Suoats, (mosty males.) for sale at his residence on Chicago Avenue, Plattsmouth. Ne braska. 47tf. Tor Kale. A new frame house with stone base ment, containing " rooms; convenient to the R. R. .shops. For price and terms, apply to Albeit Calkins, or Wheeler it Bennett. 47tf. J. B. Strode, attorney at law, office lu Rock wood block. Deeds and oth ers instruments made out and ac knowledged. 46U - lteware ot Them. A good article that , has achieved succest, aud attained a world-wide renutaiioit by its true merits and won derful resul'tii. is always imitated. Such is the cane with Dr. King's New Discovery for Coiiiumntinn. Coucbs and Colds. Alreadv iiunriucinaled parties are endeavoring to delude au unsuspecting public, by olfering imi tations of this most fortunate discov ery. Do not be deceived, but iusist on having the true rcmcdv, aud take no other. Trlul bottles free at Rob erts' Pharuacy. 41c6wly Fence 1'osts Tor Sale. The undersigned living at Rock Bluffs, Cass Co., has 1,000 fence posts for sale. 47t4 S. L. Furlong. Save Money. Times are hard aud money wo ueed and must have it, and all those know ing themselves indebted to nio will nleiive call aud settle by the first of March or else the accounts iill bo Sett tor collection. Call and save cost aud trouble aud be friendly. 451 111 J. M. RciISELBACHKlt. Uoiug to his Grave. There he goes again direct io sa loon and pours down another lieavv draught of strong drink, not so much because he demands it, but for the artificial buoyancy it produces the after effects of which leave him more miserable thau before; it is this dread ful practice that is dally sending thousands fn their graves. A remedy for all this is found in the true friend of temperance the best and purest of all medicines Electric Bitters. Sold by Roberts' Pharmacy at 50 cents. 41c6wly Ousters aud Celery . every day at J. D. Simpson's; none but Booth's special brands of choicest oysters, handled ; dealers supplied. 32tf Choice Honey. unoioe extracted honey In 3rn tiu pans at Iiennett & Lewis' from the apiary :f J. M. Young, of Three Groves. This honev is warranted absolutely pure. 4714 Sing, Oh Sing, that Son Again. How can you when you cough at every breath t Why, get a trial bottle of Dr. Rigelow'a l'ositive Cure, and you will be answered. It cures colds, coughs, consumption, whooping cough. ana all diseases of the lungs, and it will cost you nothing to test it if you call at Smith & Black Ilro.'s drug Store. Oct.20e4wly. Oil Cake. Ground linseed oil cake for stock feeding, the best thing that ran be fel to cattlo and hogs; at M. 0. Murphy fc CoV. 47t4 Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti fy 1 Cleanse! Preserve! tf Seek No Further. It is said un old philosopher sought an honest man with a lighted lantern, and humanity has since been seeking an honest medicine by the light of knowledge. It has at length found it in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which cures all diseases of the blood, removes pimples, and acts promptly upon the liver and urinary organs. Only 50 cts. a bottle, to be had at Smith & Black Bros., druggists. Oct.20e4wly. At Schlegel's cigar store may always be found the very best brands of smok ing and chewing tobaccos in the mar ket. SOtf ' HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. SHILOH'SCURE WILLimmediate- ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Com plaint you have a priuted guarrantee on every bottle of Shiloh's VitaliEer. It never fails to cure. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme dy. Price 50 cents. For sale by 35eowly Smith & Blacl Bhos. Legislative Recommendations. The nasty fumes in R. R smoking cars is sumcient proot most ci gars are adulterated with injurious drugs, such as opium, St. Jacob's oil. or any other stun that diabolical genius can devise. We therefore, and in conformity of Prof. Aughey's re port, recommend the public to use Pepiierberc's cigars which arc not alone of finest quality, but also strict ly pure; legislators and others will provide themselves with these cigars during the session aud preserve a clear mind for business. 43-tf Julius Pepvebbeko, -Manufacturer, Plattsmouth, Neb. THE REV. GEO. H. TRAHYE,for Burbon. Ind says: "Uoth myself and wife owe our lives to SAILOII'S CON SUMPTION CURE." ARE YOU MADE miaserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shi loh's Vitalizer Is a positive cure. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shi loh's Cure will give immediate relief. I'rice 10 cts. 50 cts. and 31. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by 35eowly SMITH & BLACK BROS. lee. Parties wanting ice delivered next season will lied it to their interest to consult Joseph II Fairfield now. By making your contracts with him now you will sive money. 40 tf Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Griggs' Glycerine Salre. The best on earth can truely be said f Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which ia a eure cure for cuts, bruise9, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar anteed or i oney refunded. Only 25c. for sale by Smith & Black Bros. 29-lly We challenge any dealer in the state of Nebraska to produce as fine a olgar for purity and quality of tbe tobacco as is used in the manufotur of the F lor de Peppei berg and Bocky grade. . J!VMC PEfFERBERO. Manufacturer. ?luaoii-Bros bave reniov- I ed totttxaiaew Hockweed Mock. I Call and We tliem for. nar t ware HKhh opo::6d vfit n kcIcc. lino - J bargains in Fresh Provisions of all Kindt, at 1 rices that will astonish v,i Don't iJ - 4w., , South Xtd of Maitt Streit, al mv wAt.l rs w If l.ot . t a RAS60BSJM Blake's Building, up Stairs Where they are dally receiving PIECE GOODS We ulso wish to Inform the citizens of Plattsmouth that we have imidi arrangements for j DyingjCleaning"1 Repairiru On short notice, and warrant satisfaction. X&iLSG-QlB SISI BROS, m mit JEM of the old stain! yon will find Smith & Black Bros. B5kT Tiff E1IIS I1EW. STIEV' READY for tfo tronblc to lintl n. FLOUR, AND 3P07"IT3rQX3" At Wholesale and lie! ail. Cos paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see ine Opposite First National JJanl ATTENTION, From this date until closed sell my large stock of BUT NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAP DHESS GOOT3S, AT FIRST n tj T miicif vlttui fEMKlJ jb. muni- iwrjiy iiMyiu .rtn ji Jlir a rare chance for mean what I say. it to you on trial. secure .choice bargains, as 1 do intend to re-stock in those lin s Mean time will sell rock bottom prices, J. LEVY, Will BUY and SELL all kinds of FURNITURE, . METALS, . IR01T, RAGS N . AUD FURS, Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, Ojj-jjtJtiU Tht Old Dttke Bdxldtivj. Plattsmouth, Feb. -at . 1st, 4Utf. There is no Reetaaraat is the, state. use talking, the Ceutral tbe boas eating bouse in 23tf i Canned Goods, nnu examine Tor yourxelf. Smith A JlUck 7rov., Old Stand, . " " mm MttVEUI 'HMD a complete line of all kinds of V SUITING!; BUSINESS Come anil svv uh FEEB9 (Mil 9 TMlviaZIlTaS, ftCJ COST FOR us al hargains, and will pro Call early a ' a as -w m groceries GOOBS W. H. BAKER. - J. cv xi:wiii:rry,. JUSTICE OF THE PEACt II ji hi offlM in tbe from part of hi rJ on l bK-agoAvPOtie. where be may bfui . ...... m audita iv w,e iiuiim (if hi LYOM&HEAlW 8tae Mearoe It.. Chicago. JaT far M6 pun, iW i.ufr. .Ml i.n.-.l ". tt. SriuA 1 tm Am PAItLOK IiAIi JJEIt SI -.0' quiet place for a ' Ail work GUARANTEED fir- (I ... .: ' trtet oite Peter Het -. i ,r n . 1 Ci Utr . U fcWXiiVf I Oil IP 'I