f L I READ, T lx aiimniMfiii tr tlic IjiIiv n'.! mi. Mn.uiv lh:ith i in I ! iia) s opru tier uA MimYw Parlors, ; IlT.O(?. Ul'-STAI US. Ml il-V'-.l t. 'lu.h Nisv, Yt- I l . Ml 1. r iI.h k ..I ;HlH. , l;tl- HANTEED. ll. fc ft. ltiJ --j.i3. rc Yourself a O 'NL JB ! i.niti i") lit i.ny i-m, rimer's Addition, aujoimmj tuk RAILROAD SHOPS, i the City limits, anl not sub i cl to city Tnxc. ! IKS I PENT LOTS , mini, or any other man, can m i): r under hi own roof nn J r;rut ironi h dinner jmii "c ilMsty, nmoky hIioih. :re ti ton minutea' walk n l.li work. Cull on JAB. S. MATHEWS, : Luw and Real Estate Ar;eut. ' -" Store, will make tcrm to suit ;vom $LO to $50 "tor for Ciiili.to uicn that will Imild ' Lot fur SptculuU-r I NRY BCPCK DKALER IN kfc'ES, CHAIRS. tc, rre., ktc. All Descriptions. LICBTOIALCASE? uly made miiI sold cheap for cash. FINK HEARSE THE -'' V. i' ?Ss t.- m r it- t..v . - -a c. . r i :n.t v ron sr.uvicK. tl::iukx for past p;-vtiinn s;e. - -IT ::iii examine my !.a:::k STOCK of r3 Hi (4 r 0 .Sis fib I DAYLIGHT STORE. RillLineGajieiaiKerGiiiinriise Pull Lino General Merchandise, At Bottom Prices for Cash At.Bottom Prices for Cash JOS. V. WECKBACH. SO HAVE WE MOVED ! .VXD YOU WILL FIND US IN Till: LEHfUHOFF BUILDING, Oiito Win. I lerold's, with a full line of J. G. CHAMBERS & SON. PLATTSnODTII HERALD. iM'nt.fHHKDEVEUY THfRSPAV liV Tbe Plattsmonth Herald Pablisiini Co. LOCAL NEWS. J. Newberry, the new jutlc In the thlnl ward, is having lota of busi ness these cold days, having tried three cases last week and begun 5 ;uany wore. WILL J. fjf WARRICK PRACTICAL DRUGGIST, Sl'CCESSOIt TO O. F. JOIIXSOX, PURE DRUGS, CHBHIGALS AND MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS AXD V A I.'.X IS II fCS, (LASS. PUTTY tf- DYE STUFFS, FINK SOAPS. PFRFUMKUY AN IS HUSH ICS, LAMPS AND LAMP FIA TUHFS, Books, Stationery 5 Wall Paper This is an unhealthy town for dogs, it's a stormy day that two or three re not sent to the "happy hunting grounds" by our wide awake chief of police. The ice harvest still continues with unabated vigor. AVe opine there will ba u dullness in the ice cream maiket next summer that will make every ed itor in Nebraska smile with satisfac tion born of long years of privation. John It. Cox, one of our bout hard ware men, lrw removed "tKk into a larger room, the one bidoiijflujj to Win. H iro'.d formerly occupied by the Monarch I'.illiard hall. May hi trade continue t- iiiT'uc Ih0 w ish of the JIkicai.i. Several accidents have occurred tliH week Irom Hie c.utlcsnt of the coaiteiK, n lio i;:ny In found o'.i every licit that is fleep enough t fclide down up -m: luckily t nn t!m tar Iihvc '.(C.n 'iiiini', bul if tlm-il n:i chorit'n.'H ' not put a stop to sou.c of it vc vcntiiio the yucn tli-i i he iv wilt be broken limbs to -n Iff f ore tie ivc.fi. i over if nothir. worse. ODicial returns show I'Mc'itg.) rlcvatois contain 5,41,755 bushels of w heat. ,f3,4,- bushels of corn, 1.537, buahcis of oats, 4077 busi.ela of rye, ami aiO.i'SO bushels of barley, making u grand total of 10,5'.,3,5(8 bushels, against 10,4CS,:;01 bushels a week atto.und i0.djii,'.'44 biialicld at il.ii period lust year. Vessels in the hai bor are ladened with "i-0,800 busliels of wheat and 174,00 bushels of corn. V. Crawford, K. II. KlmbaP, etc. Tl.e number contains 2H quarto payt, niul over ton eiubcllihmcnts, and the price fur u copy is only ''.) cevt or f;$ u year, (Mit-tpaid. Mr Frank LclIo, rub!isli-r, M. M nnd (,7 Vnrk ria.o, Ximv York. I. O. U. T. Stieoud Day's l'roceedlufs. form, And all articles usually kept by Druggists Physicians Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. riattsiuoutli, November 2d, lSSJ. 4Jt;)m. ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, LEAD G f Conn- to the front with a complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries FRESH AND NICK. AVe always buy the best poods in the market, and guarantic select. We are sole agents in this town for the sale ot 'V-rvthiiig l'ElU-KOTlON" (iliOUNI) SI'ICES, "Clark Jr. & Co. AND T1IK CKLKRIi.VTKH 1 1 MfiiJTnT vjjg Most Reliaols III Cttn vrrM, fr al? at Isale and Retail DY & Nathan, o MOUTH. NEBRASKA. :.;T DONNELLY'S A2ID -j il.LAC'KSillTII. ' ' SHOP, ; ;yy, ilathine ami Plow re- .7, ctai general Jobbing . i-:irvt tn io all kitiits of repairing ...ui iii.T machinery, xs ih. re u good laliic in my shop. PETER RAUEN, Reliable Wason Maker a choree of the wasuc shop, aownaa 1 WOUKJti'K. ;-,; nod Baxsi made t y Order. ?ACT10X OCAP.ANTKED. JN STREIGHT, Vr-r to Ntrelsht A. Hlller.) ITACTTB 1KB OF . The fciipieme eouil of Iowa has fin ally settled the question about suing parties over theni ft ho leside in Ne braska in favor of the plaintiffs. Tl:ai means if on have a ch.i.n aj;;iiist ;i man in thf shops here you can g.u nishce lh'. etuuptin V ut I'aoiilc J UUw tiou and tak his wr.ges entire, he be ing allowed no exemption oyer there; this will help sum j of our business men out h re, but it is hard on the fellows that dead beat their way under cover of our Nebraska exemption laws. How is this from the Kearney coun ty Gazette of last week : One of our citizens, W. II. Green, while drawing a pail of water frO'S a well owned by Mr. Thorn, discovered yellow particles in the sand at the bottom of the bucket and upon exam ination, and upon examination it was found that :he sand was full of it. It has since been tested by the best of our experts who pronounce it gold, ilr. Green lias forwarded a sample of it to Lincoln where a thorough test will be ruado, and should it prove true a company will be formed at once to sink a shaft and the boom of Minden will be great. it BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing liner in the maiket. I'l.ift's "Tipei" bifiul of K.titinjr.re Oysters always on hand. Come and see us. We -vilS make you glad. F3 kT?3I . MOHMXO SUSP ION. Orand Lodjfe opened iu dne V, C. T. Miuick iu the chair. Minutes of first day's afternoon sefcsiou read and improved. The auditing committee's report showed the gross receipt for the pat year were l,C'Jt!.81. One year ago tiio iadebledueas waj soinethlng over 1,400; this year the entire indebtedness is $501.83, which will soon be paid off. The finance commit tee recom mend ed that all warrants be paid accord ing to their uiimbeis, the lowest numbered to bo paid tirt Adopted. The olllce of . W. C T wa made honorary. The sairy t thu ti. W. scvrelary ws.8 ltxed at 17A for the coming year. The psr capita tax a lixeil at fif teen cents per year. The following ,y.a duly eiei tod lor ilio ensuing year: CJ. W. C. T.. F. J. Sibley, Lincoln; (J. W. C, .1. K Morrison, Pl.itts mouth; (i. Y. V. T., Anna (. Sun llrrs, Syrituituej W. S , M. Weaver ling, Ileal ritv; G. W. T , J K ilop pcr, Faiili -I.i; Gun'l bu;.t. Baud of Hope, ltc v. co Scott, ion; repre sentatives 'o l. Y, (j.Sj.J. 11. KnioS, ICov. (j. u, Sou; alternates, . II. M. McCartnoy, L. II. Talnir; appointed ofliccrs, 5,W, C. L. IJ. Palm -r, G AV. M., (). J. IJ.icou; (;. V. D. M., X'ellie White; (i. W. A. 6., John .Maxw ell; U CJ , John Devius. At 12m., recess till l;S0p. in. AITEH.NdOX PKSSIOX. At 1:30 p. m. t lie and lodge open ed iu tl ue form, (i. W, C. T. .Minick in 1 he chair, I l:e bouils ol i lie (i. . nuil (1. ' W. T. in the Kiiiii of. 1:1,000 each were! approved, alter which the foiljwinjt officers were iiuly inslallcdj J (, W. C. T., K," J. Sibley, Lincoln; G. W. C. T., J. K. Morrison, n.-itls-motilh ; (i. W. V. T., Anna M. oan dcr, Unadillai (i W. S., M. Weavcr linii, Ui-.-it rice; . T , .J. h". I Io -per, Fairfield; Jeul Supt. I'.un l ol (lope, Rev. (J. W. Scott, ytitlou; (i. V. C, J. ii- I'alui-r; (i. V M., ). .J. I5a on; (j. W. D. M., Nellie AVhiie, Auburn;. (J. W. I. S., John Maxwell, Auburn? (J. W. I. (J., .John Do-ins, O.oe, (5. W; (). G.. Gcorgi' W. Porter, Table llo.k, T.ic bafci-i of n presoii'.vioii.-; was cliauo-od soar to read, one represeut alive tor lorty members or fraction thereof. F. W. Keens, R. W. G. .s., reported the following- resolution: That the O. Y. C. T. be refused to commission deputies from among I ho Scandina vian population with the view of spreading Good Tcinplarisui in the State ol Nebraska, and tlio same was adopted. An impromptu collection amount ing to $10 was taken tip for the pur pose of purchasing Richardson's Temperance lesson book, with a view of introducing thorn into the public schools of the State. Hell. G. Bigelow offered the follow ing preamble and resolution which was unanimously adopted : Wherea?, It has pleased our Father in lleaveti to remove from time to eternity, Sister Kitnn i Pardee 'Smith, who died ot consumption Sept. (!th 18.SJ, ut her home iu St. Kdwards, Nebraska, and Whereas, As Sister Smith was a member ot this Grand Lodge, a sister ' iu the early morning of life lu pa- cd to that temple above. Therefore be it Resolved, That we as i body ex press by a rising vote our sorrow for i the I iss of a worthy mem'ier of our I order, one that was ahvaj 8 a rertdy liflho cause of leccivhii: tl.eir HiiiKi: .! f f,ivo- onu 'j it,. . . . . . . i KIT CO-t. J; IH'i l.lfl. to m.tkti heroes oiityf- Ax tlfinon ,t at inn, and :;ny d.'siiw brtck-hMrtd, bloody-hnudtd vili;uia. V if Mr, James is seut for by the governor of Minnesota with an invitation iu the form of a requisition upon the govern or of Missouri for his pieious body, he may not expect the same gonial hospitality that he has experienced iu the neighborhood where he has been recently abiding. Inter Ocean. J 1ST THE THIMJ M.rli- Coldnn Cough lUhom Tulieo f!i!i Willi iho I'ecpla Thnn Any Other REAL ESTATE -(AND)- ltMOO)0a FEAML a Till Dealers in all kinds of T., m BS-MTBS, MIXEB PAIWTS, And Tinner s' StocTi OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY V ., ,,.. v vA If it j flicelsior ftte New Yorkjs indulging in a sort of highland fling ecstasy over the bril liant business prospects shining before trade in. the coming inonths. A review declares that money is llowing in from every direction, and any one holding the scoop-shovel of tact, and industry can make a good harvest of silver dol lars. Ex. If the wise financiers iu New York city can see such glowing indications of prosperity for the coining month-', and are already feeling the effect of it to such an extent as to maXe it not a prophesy, but a fact, our merchants litre should certainly be encouraged at the outlook ; as the pulsations at the iraue centers are soon icit, in nusiness j HU ,i u jij,.,r mivoeaii elides throughout the country . j leiiinerancc. Resolved th;il a page be sel apart in our journal appropriately decr.i lep, and these resolutions in- i-ngros COLLECTION AGENCY. Law and collection business promp tly attended to at thisllice and pro ceeds remitted without delay. Notarial work, conveyancing and abstracting attended to on short no tice und satisfaction guaranteed. If there is any thing we do make a specially of, it is city and suburban rcul estnte. Several fine farms and some wild land at bargains. Laboring uicn cau get a homo by paying month ly what thev new pav tor house rent. Spiice forbids giving but a small percentage ot the bargain now on iie books at this agtuc ; we Utine the following: S:. choice half aero lots, 8 minutes from R. R. shops, at from" $80 to $150 each, ami on terms that would make a man ashamed to fray ho did not own a lioiii.0. Come anil see, you are not compelled lo buy atid wo wont give these lot away, but you eun get them io'tlu-y will absolutely cost yon noth ing. Five acre lot J mile from city or $2o0 part on time. Eleven acre lot J mile from city for sfcooO this is extra line. 1 have three pieces of outside prop erty which I cau sell nud under take to furnish purchaser work enough to pay for them, now I will t'timi'ih the ground :ti'i you the work, wH'k is v !::it hurls me. II yon will ilollie work ui a lair price 1 will give nu :i cliai' ilcct for the land; it j on ciiu'i do the worii coiiie and see me, 1 mav find some one who will do it lor j oll. - Ten acres for :(k) i0 CC0 00 " " " 7;"0 00 2;".00 H Several small tracts well improved .-in. I adjoining the citv, lor sale at re iiiuable rate. I-. i:.m I. .M .''. 4o acres, wild $ Ou.i 00 80 improv"d loGO 00 l-.'O " " I'OOO 00 lilt) ' ' .ri000 00 JuO ' " fi-'OO 00 2!0 4i " C000 00 1- liiest stock liirm in Cass cotiuly s;10u(Xi, long time niul low rate ol rn terest. 160 acres, wild - $2500 160 " -2S00 80 " " 1200 80 " " 3-200 160 acres, wild, II-.: p. V'y (cash) 1000 CITY l'JiOl'KRTY. Cor. lot 3 bl'ks from shops (chcap)$i00 1 " 3 " " l 3 " 3 " " " 150 3 cor " 2 " " " 4r,0 1 " 4 " ' " 175 3 cor '" 2 ' " " 150 2 " " N. Cth street (line) 300 2 " " Picnic Hill " 200 H " " AVashingtou ave4' 350 1 " 1 bl'k from Main st extra 100 Improved city real estato in abun uance. 1 cau unit what vou want in this line if vou will call and see me. Business houses and lots for sale at much lower figures than will be nsked six months hence. Stores and dwellings ren'ed and for rent, rents promptly collected. jr you oon't see what you want in this column come and ask for it. I've probablv misled just what vou wan Office open nearly every evening from 6 'o . purchased a 1 A short time ago I buttle of your Golden Ualsam and found it justtho thing for a Cough. Halt a bottle cured me." K.W. Lew is. Ottawa, Kans. " Your Golden Ralsam is certainly the best Cough remedy I have ever sold. It takes better with thn people than any other 1 have." -F. K. Hall, Hall's Summit, Kans. " Your Golden Ralsam is truly a val uable medicine. It has done wonders for me. Simeon Fawcett, Kans. City, Mo. Maiimi's IIoldkn Hai.sam is for 8;de by Smith & Rlack Jtro's, drug gists. Large bottles 50 cents and SI. Trial size 10 cents. i::ini. For Sale. Forty acres of land one half mile from Plattsmonth, same will be sold in whole or in lots to suit purchasers. Inquire of Whkklkk & Rknnktt. 37tf J, Levy 1 las resumed business again, will buy and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also buys Iron, Metals and Rags. I advance money on all kinds of goods. Jacmii Levy. Plattsmonth, Neb. Oct. 14, 1SS2 tf. Fresh Oysters. Direct from the sea shore, constant ly on hand, at the Central Restaur ant. 22m3. new- FurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, ni:i,iciisfiN FURNITURE t COFFINS, and all kin.N i f (h.hN tutmlly krj t In a 1a- '--'-.i- J f-J'A VSt John Iiiake keens constantly on hand a full line of fine liish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug.l7.18S'2 25yl 1 ,')()!) Cerds nf IVuiiil fur sale bv W. S. V.'ise. 33-11 Manul'iici ur inland Repairing, kooiI and ne;it, at Merges. 5tf 5.000 fence posts for or address 36if all,. Call on P. L. Wish. A. Salisbury, Dentist. 13tf Good llrtW lniil in good location ie and t '.vu fine lots--prlco, i?0. . WISE, Union r-31ock. A'l engineer on the .do. Pan tin at . Weeping Water the other daji, during' I lie snew blockade, got contrary and refused to aiist in clearing the track with the snow plow which was at tached to his cngiue, neither wu!d he allow anyone ebe to drf!, the tel eurajdi uiie being down so that the authorities could i:tt give orders. The Weejiing Water! tes having brrn without mail for four days, wtro wrathy and soon hatched up a scheme that worked all right. A warraut was issued lor the arres of the en gineer for carrying concealed weap ons. Sheriff livers who happened to be in the village served the papers aud took the gentleman up town to the office of the J. P. No ouc appoar td against him aud he was dismiitscd, but on repairing to the depot Uj dis covered his engine had beeu boardad by another engineer a:;d was doubt less pounding snw several mils aAvay.'-Mad no. he wasift mad: he was just a little out ot humor. CALL AT THE Old Reliable 3 t!PBimrru LPifiUL.i I mu A Spangled World. Is the title of the newest issue from the press of Richard K. Fox's Police Gazette Publishing House. It is a brisk and breezy series of sketches of circus life, embodying the romances and realities of that peculiar and fas cinating profession, and tearing the Yeil from many of its piquant myster ies. Next to seeing the circus itself, the "Spangled Woi.l may serve as a mirror in which to view it with re flected biilliancy. The book is tilled with pictures as bright and snappy as the literary matter they illustrate. ed t hereon. Tiiat ths G. W S. bo instructed to forward a copy of this preamble and resolutions to the fami ly ot our deceased sister. A nirnb'jr-of qu-.:tions wcr; asicd an J answered. Anna M. Sanders in a few well chosen words presented Father Yearushaw a purse containing !?20, a a token of aneciion and esteem, to which he feelingly responded. He stated that he had been a member of ibis Grand Lodge tor sixteen years, and this token would brighten the declining years of his life. F. G. Keens, R. W. G. S., exempli fied the unwritten work of the order. Alter the reading of the afternoon journ il the Grand Lodge adjourn .-d sine die, to meet at Crete, Saline county, a.-'aerctofoic ordered. ii. A. WATERMAN & SON, Wl:olf--,i!e and ltetail Pcaler iu ST.LOUIS.MO For Sale by 4. S J)ukc. ? HEAVY HARNESS. A large line of ' i idles, Collars, flaps, k, al ways In stock. of all kind neatly dyne n 1 acft notice. vt. t:-t-eea Fonrtn ani Finn, ritClGHT. BiulaeM Manager. C B. PARKER & CO., LINCOLN AND PLATTSrdOUTH, N.EB., M ISUK.VCTI'KKRS ef AND DEALEKS IN ' A31EBICAN AND ITALIAN JIAltRLEs AND Granittl Monuments, Headstones, TaHets, -Mantles,; Ac Virst rreuXm Awarded Work at Four State Fairs. &IkP oexl-iJo Sur- S c" 0flice : - - v A. s.ForEs. !,BaD:. :"r- dt ATn-crnnr DAVID j1 Traveling !iwu. j . Frank Leslie." Popnlar Monthly. t The number for Fcbruarv is alrcad v on. our table, and it is impossible iu a brief notice to do justice to its abund ant aud varied contents. There are article by popular writers replete with iutercbt and information; bright torie?, sketches etc.; several merito rious poems; a comprehensive miscel lany, and the pictures and illustra tions arc exceedingly beautiful. -The colored frontispiece "Won't I be a Fright?' is admirable. Ban IVrley i'ooro's Our Veterans, " Mark Patti bon's "Milton,"' F. U. White's "Ant and Their Ways of Life," Robinson's The Loves of Catherine de Rourbou. arc noteworthy and linelv illustrated articles. Caldor continues his serial, A Wliited Sepulchre," and ttere are stories, sketches, poems etc., by W. K. Mct'ann, Syducy Ilerbert, Dante G. Rotetti, Mrs. 31. A. Deuison, G. A. Dar:s, Millie W. Carpeuier, Hsbella What the Iuter Ocean lias predicted ever since Frank James surrendered his pistols to the governor of Mis souri is coming to pass, and it is that this favorito son of Missouri will not be annoyed much - longer by. the. .re straints of the law. It has been dis covered that he is not 'guilty of mur der, and he is officially relieved from the odium of that crime, and held to S3.000 bail for the offense of robbery. It will require but little time and ef fort to vindicate him from this vile slander, aud then he will be "as free as the air he breathes," which is said to be a favorite condition of the bandit. When the authorities of Missouri are through with Mr. James, the authori ties of Minnesota should pay him some attention and probably will. He nev tr visiiitu that state but once, and then under circumstances that somewhat interfered with his enjoyment. He i shot a bana cashier who refused to give up the combination that would open the vault, but aroused a different class of Deonle than those he was ac customed to in Missouri, and had the "closest call" of his life. Two of his I gangAvere killed, three were captured and sent to the penitentiary for life because the law did not tolerate hang ing, and he. with bis brother Jesse, es caped after a desperateflgbt of over 400 "miles through Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska. Mr. James associates in this adventure were easily convict ed and sentenced to the beaviest pen alty known to the statutes of Mtune-j sola. The prosecuting officers or mat state have no pity foj such scoundrels and th iroTernor is not in th habit of PINE LUMBER SHINGLES. -L.VTSI, HASH, HOOKS, 15LLNBS, &c. Fourth .S'tr.-et. in rearcf Opera lluiist. PLATTSMOUTII, - NI'.BRArKA I'licklen's Arnica Salve. The o.'st salve 1:1 the world for cuts, bruises, sores', ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles. It is guarantee ! to snve perfect satisfaction or money re funded. I'l ice 3) cents per box. For s:i!e at Roberts' Pharmacy. :J.71y Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue thin aiij other kind thrown upon the market in the.shape of oils and. liniments.- It is warranted. Smith, Black & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall, Weeping Water, Neb. Stf Monty to loan ; easy terms on im proved lands. Sullivan & Wooley, 5!.f- at Union Block t itizeus of Piattsmouth and vieioi tj: We have requested J. W. Mar shall Esq., of your city lo take crders for us lor the greatest sci.-iii,ifjc"b-.,ok ol ihe last two centuries. Ciit is'.iaus. infid'-ls and all are aliRe in giving it a warm we'eotne. Call on Mr M. ar?d see it. Price moderate. Room IS, Tribune IJuil :;iig, Chicago; I j Is. 44-mo J R. ii. H ISO .sr & Co. FIKM CIAMM l"l !IITIII!K. MTOIIK Alio, ti very comiiliun tork e( I'liin'riil lim.ilii, HctaHiciWosilciiCOuliis.CaSaClSjRol'CS. EMBLEMS, Ac. Our NVw ami elrR.mt lienit 1 Mlwy in re .ulliie.su. Remember the, place, in UNION illl.OCIC, on Sixth Street. TWO Doors south of Cass Coun ty Bank. V lii-iir vie niiiy lu (imiiiiI night ir tluy. HARRIS & UNRUH, 213 I'LATTSMOL'TII. MCB. M I K E S C H N E L L B A C 1 1 K R , itUflCKSJUTil HOliSK SHOKINU A V.;oX Ki rAIKIMl. All Kinds of rami lmolcmciils Menrted mii Ni-Htri'X anil IMi al. ll. Jlorse, Milled 0Nhociiu;, In short, we'll shoe anything that hv? four feet, from a Zebra to u ;ir:iffe. Come and see us. JCTjSW shop U Filth Ri hrtv civi M-iiii ::..! Vim' Sini lj list :u-ii.s u ei. in. t to in i h ni-.w ill MAI" OKKICK. r . TliB-l'lafbinoiilli Weekly" i L 1L ll ll U U La . The Liirgest, Oldest Hud Rft County Paper. .See our clubbing lint this week, ui arrange to secure your wloUr'a r fad ing at LOW RATES THE HERALD and any publication in the list at a small advance over tl cost of oni. PLATTSMOUTII HERALD Pirni.isniNti COMFANT Juliu K. Cox lh hardwnr uiB,h now u liiit-cl.iM TINNER. (Jomilt far pi-lco on aII Itlntla of tin work. ' ' Si.'Itf !S5(.IM4 T i.im'V o. V .ill tl B. TKIIiflM I'.iKV. II SI MdVAX K UlMMdll. PatellN I ibl ilncl, ..nn) -ill t,tl;er btisiiicH iu ihe 1'. S 1' iicjit i(',;,-i. ui lMi. i. ti Iu fur MOMFRATF I'FKS. '' "Our i 1 1 1 -e is nijm-ile ll.r 11, S. Pu( n! oliii e, mid we enn oOlnlu palcnM nlcsti:ii. Ihaii lli'.s, rctuot) hum WASlllNtilON. Sen 1 MoDHI. or 1;AWLI. W advise as lo ititl en 1 11 li II v free bl Imri'i-, and wo imike .t ClIAIftlKH rLi:ss m: om ai patkxt. We reler. here, to Ilic Post iiiimttir. the Supt. of Monev onler div., anil the ..llb ial of the if. S. Patent olllce. For jin-iilar, advice, term. nud refer ence to ti t iikI clients in your own sinle i-r iMiinlv, address ('.A. SNOW .( CO., Opposite Patent Offnv. Wlishinirtofi, o.c. srtf , In thu oiit Kavoriio ao 1 Frt.xjJcii' ATi XjiXisria rnou Omaha. Kar.sas City, Aichisan and St. Joseph, o n CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, gVHLWAUKEE, detroit, niagara falls, FJev York, Boston! And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST. THE LINK COMPRISES Niarl l.nno miles. Snltrt Smootti Track. AH cilineciions urv tnnil.. .In I'Nli iN lb:lN rry. It hits a Nnti.innl K.-pul:nt!i ns b..'tne TUK GliFAT Tlll:or;il CA! I.IM". .-mil is iinivprsaily mintsliMl to bi" TIIH KI.NKsT l.ll" 1 PI'KO Hul!r.:nl lu the VViu ld for nil clasM's nf inii-t'l. Try it, und you will tiiul liavu'iii!? a luxury liiftood of a (tisrmuf'irt. Tliruunh '1'U-kots vln this Cel Lrutoft Line for sale (It nil office In I lie Wm. All infoniiHimii Mhfiia irntos..f I'uro. Sloeiiinc Cnr Accimim.idnlioni. 'l'iui 'l'ubles, c, Villi Ih ch,llr lully tzivun by applying u T. J. P0TTE3. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Chtcaio, l::s. Chicago, IU THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BV JOHNSON BROS., DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. The hest and most complete assortment in the city. In ihe ROCKWOOI) BLOCK, two doors west of -Carruths. Call. ani skk its. JcKIESSJ, 'NEWPORT," IJ J 2Zj j. O 321 . mm m 53 I :-&-Pii&mm-&.. "rsti--: w I M P L E T E ' Sale StaH; f c o JLiiverv and ms 0; EVERY DESCRIPTION DaY OR iifGrf KVLKYTIIIXC IS Fll.'ST-CLASS-SIXCI.K AND -Tin; hkst t::amh in DOCiiLI-; CA KIM AUKS. Ti.r. TEA V EL EPS- WILL FIND COMPLETE OUTFITS UY C M.LI NO CITV ' J T TUf VINE AND rOUKTII ST.1.'. Juljltf. plattsmoutj The Finest Pressed Bi I1T THE STATE, . KENDALU3) Crites and Karnsey, attorneys and Xutarv Public, second door east of Court House. Plattsmouth, Xeb. 5t6m It will pav vou to road . Wise's col umn in this paper; you may find just wuat vou want. 39lf Schlegeiu special brands of home manufactured cigars are the leaders in the market and are m.'tde from the best qnalitv of tobacco. ;!0tf Mrs. M. A. Buler, Iadiec Nurse, of long experience. . Best of Reference. Residence. Picnic IIillP- PJattsmouth, Neb. Aupr. 31. ,S2 3m. Farmers and ctheis dpsiring a gen teel, lucrative : agency btisiness, L-y wtich $5 to 20 a dav c;iu ' 1m earr.l. send Hildres at once, on postal, to II C. Willi irtson & Co., 193 ami 1B7 FM ton St., Nevr York. 40lCin . The best to-h1 for the leaat at William Herold. monev 43tf " iiiK.UosT SuccEssFi'L, Ukmmv ever di. covered as it 1b certain ia Its cHefta and die not liiiHti-r ; Alro excellent for human flesn, HEAD tUVOf liELOW. . FKOM COL. L. T. FOSTER YoungBtown. Ohio, May loth, 18S0. B. J. Kendull & Co.. Gents : I had a very val uable i anililetonian colt which I prized very Iiiuhly. he had a larire bone Hpavin In one joint and a mii;i1I one on the ntiier, which miiie him very lame ; I had him under the charge of two veterinary sureoDs who failed to cure him. I was one li.iy reading the advertisement Kendalls Spavin Cur-, in the Chicago tx- ures-s. I deteaiinucd at once to try it. and our armjiseti. here sent !jril. tney oraenu niree t... 'ocU their all and thontht I would tive it a iliOiuzL crial.I nsediit necordine to di rertioas and tlie fourth day ihe colt ceased to te lame, aua the iump nail aisappearea. i used but cine bottle and the coils limbft are as free from lumps aud a smooth as ?ny lmrein the state. H I entirely cured. The cure wa fco remarkable that I let two ot my neighbor have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very Eespectfully. 1.. T. FOSTEK. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. ' Patten's MilKX.Y.. Feb. 21. 1S78. B5. Kzxdall & Co.. Gents : The particu lar case on wn-h I used your Kendall" Spavin l ure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen moulli" standing. . I had tried many tliini'-, hut in vain. Your Soaviu Cure put the foot to tlie f roLiid atraiii. and for the firt time since hurt, u a natural position. For a famiiy liniment it exeells auytiiMiK we ever used. -Your truly, " . '' - - KEV. M. P. nEIX. Tastor ct M. E. Church, r;:ieni Mill. Y Kenti address for llli:stra. i ircnlitr. lii h we think Eivei positive nrjol of lt ii-tu&s. No remedy has ever met with ucl) uaquaiilied succe, u our knowledge, for beait 5 e.l a man. Pr ee St. per bortle. or nix bottles for -SS. Ail nruireleta have it or can cet it for yxia. or it will be kent to anv addntfM nn recelnt of trioe by the proprlrtors. DI.iB. J. KENDALL & CO. Ecoaburg Falls, VL S-ly solii by aud nnrct.ir8 31 A ?t V I" A TUK E I BY 5rs rcc;civi;l for any quantity and filled in a satisfactory manner. Those contemplating to build should examine our . work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of Bonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Cass County Iron Works JOHN WAY31AN, Proprietor. JPlattsiiaontli. jNTefo. If AN UFA CTC'REIIS OF -BOILERS, IRON FRONTS, HOI AND CASTINGS. : ENGINE f JSE COLUMNS, Onr facilities for heavy work in Coin inns and C'-inirs for P.u.-inisn 1 1 ... Kl 4 nor suri s-"el in the fetatc. - r 'iiACHIXE IJEI'AIKI-NU ot all kinds. Ui.r Mttchinc fcliop t fuU o Cias- ii ni u o"- 'itr -li- iitrotiize Nehraaka nd tim Parti nu ........ r ir .i. .ti ' .iriTiuiii uiaiiuiaiuiiu. ia e i u j.tii; i ;if k;i viiiiefo Ti). ,fc t. i time. ' - 1 ilJiDK ia acy part of- that tate should write for uvt t t--.itt: i .ill. PI.ATTc5;..uv 2 J j J I i v.- .' ..... - J 1 " I oil