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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1883)
j I, It i iiimmclnir to lltrt Ijidlct t niut vli i.iiiv Mint ne i few dxv open her il Drcssma.iiij Parlors. fV8'-srAiiis. .-Ill Km i, !,,,. I tit Blum fa New. Kt A tTir.-iiile tt Stock of lioml. tuall- kind Viuik A.RANTEED. itt T0 RF?ff nSiiOIITH HERALD. rVhivthS"'- I M L Urt l LI U 1 1 I O I U M Li rv,,iS,IEKVKK, ynoulh, Kept. 2. t3 -2MH3. leeura Yaursclf a LO M "JE ! j Acre laid ,(r iu City Lois, Palmer's Addition, jj AUIOl.NIXO THK U M. RAILROAD .SHOW, 1 pMde the City limits, and not sub ject to city Tsr. : ItKSIDliNT LOTS lion niiiri. or anv oilier man, can i ilinner under hiaown roof nnd cold irrub from a dinner piiil :i tiir dusty, smoky sho. Jljrco to ten imcuu'H win 1 'feiii hU work. Cull on JAS. S. MATHEWS, af Law nntl Ileal Estate Ajjeut. j. i V Siorr.ttill in iikc term to suit from $-0 to $50 i i.rC:ih,to men thnt will build L"t fvr Speculator I iKNRY BGFOK DEALER IS x rniturc. SAFES, CHAIRS, IT, .Tt, TC, t if A 11 Tai sW rt try HP 'iLLICBURIALCASES iQDEN" COFFHSTS s.rcn.ljr made and Hold cheap fur fifth, SI i" rj A'TT EA RS B 3. 5 OW Ki:.I)Y KOU SKKVICE. iiif'TintTilisltir past putroniii;e. 1 1 call uim examine my l.AIUiK STOCK OF ttT('Hll ASH (!lirFIH EI In ?. M 3 n 33 A" 9 IT 73 w 3 .3 b 4 o o CO 3 C3 14 drj on 0 g x " C3 Cxi f H 0 Lark Jr. & Co. M ''Host'fiiliai I Cotton, ; world, for sale at alo and Retail II Y n & Nathan, JUTII. NEBRASKA. DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Zlachitw and Plow re- id general jobbing t.i do all kiniis of repairing -r machinery, as war laihe in mj' saop. :iz RAiiEy, Ible WaAon Maker cc of Ihe ion sUup. as m WOSKMAX. Ortlrr. OX GUARANTEED. STREIGHT, trefsht A Miller.) AcTtia or m W HARNESS. i dollars, TOiips. &c, . in stock. V- tnds neatly daju notice. n Fourth od Fifill, FullLineGeneralEVlerGliandise Full Lino General Merchandise, At Bottom Prices for Cash. At Bottom Prices for Cash JOS. V. WECKBACH. SO HAVE WE MOVED ! AND YOU WILL TIM) US IN' TIIK LEHNHOFF BUILDING, Oppositi Win. llt iolilV, witti ;i full line of J. G. CHAMBERS & SON. nv- Tbe PlatlsmoDlli Herald PclilisbinzCo. LOCAL NEWS. WILL J. WARRICK PRACTICAL DRUGGIST, si rsoir to o. r. jom.vsa.y. PURE DRUGS, S on., I'AlNi S AXf AHM 1 s. (LASS. I'l'TTYX- DYE FINK SOAPS. I'EHFUifnin' AN - ItKUxHHS, LA31l'S AN l LAM' FIXTURES, I STUFFS, OOKS,MaiSO 1 I-4? ttti 3 Uln 2 sa if Paper Aiul all :titii-lts usiiailj k'it ly Dm-gists. Physicians Prcscr'nttioiis Carefully Compounded. IMatt.-'iiioulh, Xovnnlier -M, issi. l-'t:;n. ALWAYS BENNETT THE LEADI! AHEAD ! & LEWIS, Como to the front ilh ;i piniiIt'te ytuck of Staple and Fancy Groceries FKKSH AND NICK. We always buy the List goods in the niaiket, ami guarantee -vi thing select. We at e sole agents in this town for the sale of " PERFECTION" (JROUNI) SPICES. ANI THE CEf.iniRATEI) " B ATA VI A" CANNED GOODS, Nothing liner in the market. I'latt's always on hand. Come and see us. We Tiger" hrrnd of H.tltiinnre Oysters make you glad. JU lul JML JS Jen Jdl lEneflney IBiloD) CK. PEARL & 7th ST., Oenlers in all kinds of KSil9 lEIP ?AJSXrE!&9 OM, CEMEjST FLAKES, IIAOS, BUILDOO PAPE1R, LOWEST PBICES9 l'zjyM Tinners' Stoci OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY- The T A. M. club deni'Ue the cold weather held their eini-uoontl.Iy dance ia Kockwoik hall on last Friday night. Lent fall very curly this year and in couiiC(ucuce auiiincinetitii will be come tardy soon with lentnl obser ver. A Urge number of coinincrciul men were orm bound iu thi city during Ui.t Thu:day mid Kridny'n storm. Trouble wan experienced in crossing the river at Nebraska city during the storm period of last week, which caus ed a number of commercial men to re main several days in IMattsmouth. If many of our Mib.cribcr at .post ollices in the county off the milrouds liud the IIkkai.D badly belated this week, Ihey must remember that it was hard limes for mail carriers to gei through their routes The man who shovels off his side walk when the thei tuouietir is twenty 1 below, is deserving of the thanks of pe destrians i ho arc forced out iu cold weather and who appieeiate a pla to stand and walk with surety. With the bitter cold weather comes much tardiueas in U.e cit schools and muh of it caused from the fact that there is ulttuis -i doubt existing as to whether the school rooms will bo half wanned if the children g. Ice men have all of llul commodity that heart c ubl wish, and the pros pects are that the in m useful factor for ice cr -am will b. plenty iu the market next year. The price of ice cream, however, will remain fixed. In. Uoot, who l.iHt summer leceived the appointment of Receiver iu the Lincoln laud iitice, has moved his family to thai ii: and is no longer a ivfidt-nt -f I'ass countv. The Irt' n wood Kagle expresses legiels on (he j pari of lliat place in parting with ti,et Dr.'n people. Max M-yers chief musical man was in the city several days last week, and was viewing the ii"ld with the object iu vie-.v of establishing an agency and rooms for the sale of pianos, organs and other musical Instruments. Mr. Shaw is now traveling for May Meyer and was in the citv at the same time. Gen. Howard, who came down from Omaha last Thursday and was at the union meeting Thursday night, epoko for nearly an hour to the audience which on account of the very bad night was r.oi as large as it should be. Those w ho where fortunate enough to be present, however, enjoyed the ser vices fully, and all would be glad to greet the .eneral in I'lattsmouth again. The large number of tenant houses built iu this cilv during the last two yean has had the good effect of plac ing some of the old miserable struc- tuies formerly occupied by tenauts at a discount, so much Bo, thai a number of thoe old houses of bygone days are empty and practically wortuless; what riattMiioiilh has needed above everything else has been comfortable houses for renters, and the improve ment iu this line is verv discernable. It is not loo early to agitate city improvements for the ';oming year, and when it is borne in mind that the much ueeded improvement at Maii: and Filth streets, the uecI of which has been a damage to the city and property holders thousand of dollar?, has been under consideration for a twelve nioiMh and absolutely nothing aceoinpli.-hed, il looks as though there couldn't be any tint much agitation 011 anv subject; mid that ste s cannot be taken iiiiy ikomm n i: miv work is o bi Jon-: 1 tin coming jear. Frank Carruth, who represented the I'lattsmouth stock holders iu the Tib bies sewing machine at the annual meeting 1.1 that company in Jlurling ton, Iowa, last week, was eieeted one of the five directors who have the management of the company in charge. Mr. Tibbies, the inventor of the ma chine, is the president of the company and oue of the d hectors, two of the re maining directors are from Durlington, one i rom les Moines and Mr. Carruth from this city. T.e prospects of tiie company their machine are very flattering. Capt. Marshall U taking order for otic tf the most wonderful ktlenlific books f the day. The book is a nmr vcl in i way, mid one that cannot fail to inlcr-M the !iidcnl. Xoiivc ore published tlscwhrre for the annual meeting, of the 11. & M. It. II. iu Neb. nml the Omaha k Southwestern It. IJ. in this city next month, at which time the directors of the roads will be named. The "Q- trains east and west to and from the Junction these stormy tidies are pulled by two and three locomo tives, and a locomotive and snow plow ahead stormy days; with all this effort It Is hard to make regular running times. Jubt bear in mind wheu you real ize that busiuces is du!l, that the crop of last year is still 11 u sold, und thai the prices on all are gradually grow ing better. Men hauls ud o' hers who are doing little now, w ill make up for it in the near future. Fremont, Ileatrico and other points in the state are making due efforts to secure the next (J. A. It. reunion. Ev idently if the post iu this city ever entertained any serious views of ob taining the reunion for I'lattsmouth they ha e been abandoned. Sunday night w as one of the pene trating culd nivhls, and many arosi I., il : ... 1 .1 r " , 1 u 1 iiu wuniiii 10 iiihi ineir nouse- plants that had survived all the w in tor. weather heretofore, nipped w ill the trust l.i oinl recovery. The tlu-r-iiioine'er on that night reached '?o degrees ltdov with very little effort "imraubie ol ih erec above Mentioned . btlil- The reason w hy l'l iltsmouth stock men are paxjng more than any of the neighboring l ilies fur live hogs, from tno fact that buyers were never running the markets so close before, and working on such small margins No town in southern Nebraska is n better hog market than 11 iltsnioiiil.- I he .Missouri J'acitic express, w hich left Omaha for St. Louis on lastThurr 11a evening, jjoi. siilCK in a ing snow hank live miles south of I'apillnni, from which it was unable to extricate itself as four engines "died" trying to get it out, and the passengers were obliged to return in sleighs to l'api lion, an t there take n I mon Pacific train from Lincoln at A p. in , back Oma!;:i. 1 rank I,. uayle, formerly of the 1:. & M. conductors list, now running a train on the northern Pacific, came down to visit old acquaintances in I'lattsmoulh last week. lie reports a country up north abounding in cold weather; tlm mercury falling to 35 and 40 degrees below, and the Wind blow ing and snow flying at the same time. We are not anxious for such weather for it hasappioximated closely enough toward it here during the last week. inhdiis are Hying thick with tec illustrious five these days, last Satur day the "O'.h being the thirty-liith birthday of F. K. White. As prescrib ed by the by laws nml rules of the order ot the illustrious live, the other four assembled themselves together to help the fifth 'celebrate, and to Mr. White the other four prcseutid an elegant silver tea set of live pieces appropriately engraved, the donor being Messrs. Livingston. Smith, Mc Laughlin, Strode. fered inducements tail ho board t'j do o, ami one of the iniucetnents prob ably whs (he lion of. the diugn. Our icprcseijtativej were au thorized to do certain thing with this end in view, and Ihey are to be congratulated upon their mici-css. That their promise to the board will be promptly and faithfully carried out ou the part of the citizens of Omaha is a selded fact The board of manager of I lie State fair will hold a business meeting in this city m the 2Uth of January. Omaha Kepubli cm. Proceedings of the Slate Hoard of Ag ricultare. At a meeting of the state board of agriculture at Liucolu, the follow ing otlk-ers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Ll Mclntyre: first vice president, J. 11. Dinsmore ; second vice Daniels; treasurer, Chris, Msitman ; secretary, Daniel II. Wheel er. On motion the president was ap pointed a delegate to attend th na tional agricultural convention to be held in Washington iu February next and it was ordered thai the board of agriculture nay Lis expenses there at. A proposition to locat the fair at Omaha for the coming two vears was submitted. Mr. Dunham offered a resolution to memoraliH the legislature to amend lite act incorporating the hoaru so aa to locate the fair lor a period of live years at oue place, which was agreed to. An amendment to lie by-laws re quires all entries to be made bv the first day of the fair. Instead of the Island cattle being di vided into one lot they were subdivid ed into A ldtrneys, Jerseys, Guernseys, and the polled cattle into ;hree lots to wit: Galloways, Polled Angus and Ab- 1 rdee?.s. The premium offered for gradeiwethers and ewes was struck out. J he premium heietofo;-e otiereu on pigs over two and under six months old was struck oui. It was ordered thot the society woulu only pay m) per cent on all pre miums offeieJ of more than two dol lars: uudei that sum tin t'nii amount would be paid. Mr. Kent moved that a cnuiiittte of three be appointed o:i spue.l, with instructions to appropriate a sum not to exceed 5,0011 foi purses Mr. Jensen moved to amn.d il by striking out 65,000 and inserting o,,o. Mr. Ilai tmau moved a substitute to refer tlm whole matter to the board of inana&ers with instructions to appro priate a sum not to exceed l,0o). Mr. Jensen moved to amend it by striking out i?l,00o and inserting 000. Mr. Dunham asked for an amount sufficient to insure a chariot race. Mr. Ilartman moved to amend by striking out $"3,500 and inserting 85,- 0 )0 and to instruct the board of man agers to secure a chariot race, which was agreed to. Slate Journal. 1. Is there an ordinance or is their not which requires all s'ock owners kep their cattle and horses from run ning at huge, 'f there is why isn't enforced, and if there isn't .vhy isn there one passed bv the cily. It is not very pleasant for a farmer who doe not feel able to put bis team in a liv ery stable and buy feed for them, to- come to town and bring his hay a corn in the bottom of his s'eigh, for noon's feed, and have a half dozen hungry cows following him fiom hitching post to post and eating the feed from the sled before he has uu hitched his team. It is gelling so man cannot hi:ch his team in town without there is some live or six hun cry cows eating whatever they can liuu around and it doe.s not make farmer feel any the best to feed town stock every time he come3 to town. In villages and small . tow ns people ex pect such a loose state of affairs but net iu a city the size of I'lattsmouth The storm of last Thursday and Friday was the most severe of this winter by far, and it effectually closed up business in this cify, and blockaded roads in every t'irection in the country. I Ou the railroad, trains were hindered and some were temporarily abandoned. until the storm abated. Four engines and snow plsws were put out at once to keep the track clear, ana in j ami t. followjmf from consequence both days of the storm j champion explains it: the mails arrived from both directions and communications v. ilh the outside world were not cut off. The trains from the noilh and south were not bad ly detained at any time by the storm The rumor was afloat arouad llii city bist week that conductor Keagy wl.o runs a ii issenger 011 the A. & N t.ivisiou, und wli'j has many friend in this ci:y, had put a man off his train who had died from the injuries received in being put off. Dut vcrv little credence w as given to the story the Atchison On Saturday night a section fore- man named Ivelley of the B. & M road w hs put off the passenger train at Fanning station because he had licit her money nor pas, and the i:exi In this city the cold w as somew hat in- mori.iiiir his bodv wa. found a short tense, falling Thursday night to from j distance lrom w here he a" nut of) 15 to 0 degrees beiow .-to, Fridav nigt t from .0 to unit on ! ,md prrihlv man-iled. I ou lucloi . . - uelow. i kc:iL'. l the uassenger train was Snow was piled high along the walks 1 snii.iiioued to U.stilv at the coroner . - and the tiaveler along the street w bo iuquc.-t, am! ou bis arrival at Fan did not protect his face and eais found himself frostbitten ere he liavt-ltd ST.LQU1S,MQ Fi 1 Mile by J. S Duke. C. B. PARKER &C0., LINCOLNfAND PLATTSMOUTH.fNEB., MAN l" KACTt'iSEIJS OK AND DEALERS IX AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, AND Granite Monuments, Headstones, Tablets, Mantles, &c First Premiums Awarded Work at Four State Fairs. Shop next to Sar veyor General's Office. . far. one. Thestoim.was a very sea n- To w York Soldiers in Nehru-ska. Comrades:-The roster of ihcs New York soldiers in attendance at the last reunion at Grand Island,, is now published and will be mailed to each one therein named as rapidly as possible. Five hundred copies have been printed and after all in Hie roster have been supplied, any one else can have a copy by enclosing a three cent stamp with name and post-office ad dress to the undersigned. There will be some over 100 copies to be distiib uted in this way. It is important that every New York soldiet now living in Nebraska, should have a copy of this roster. Siate papers are n quested to pub lish this notice. J. U. DAvrs. Pret't N. Y. Vet. st-aociatiou in Ne- Was-k. -Nation, el. J u nz found a large crowd, wh threat ened lnl tu li him, limit it w as cx pltiiln-u that Kelly had been put l wiihoa. v. leuee. '1 h- i n v reiitle cd a vTi!ict of i:( cideiita death. Tli- State b ard o'. agrictiltu re has Licated the Slate lair tor two years more at Omaha, w hich is a gratifying piece of news to our citizens. Dur in'' the three vcars that the fair lias bee-i held at Omaha it has proved more of u success than at Lincoln, ow ing 10 1 tie fact 1 hat we have afforded better accommodations and offered all ructions that drew the crowd. The board oif inauager w ill ak the citizen of Omaha to-erect a perma nent diuiug ball, and another exposit ion building of the :iuie size as the tiue art building which wa put up last vear. The representatives of Omaha who were preseut at the board of agricultu-e meeting and suc ceeded in iuducing t lie board to con tinue the fair at Oiusba, do doubt, ot How the Iowa commissioners rail road law works is illustrated by the following: N. J. Bond, a grain buyer at Minne- ola station, on the AVabas'i road, brought the Wabash before the rail road commissioners a few days ago, charging: 1. That the company had induced him to make investments iu grain at Minneola, and afterward refused to cany the grain. 2. That for thirty days he tried to ship 7,000 bushel- of corn, but the agents on I lie road refused to furnish ear?, while cais wire furnisliMl at the same lime to o.her shippers. ::. That he ottered to procure cars fi cm other roads at his own cost and pay truckage, but the Wabash refus d to permit it. 4. That be was charged different rates from those given to other ship pers. 5. That he shipped four cars of corn which were detained on a sidetrack three weeks, and the corn heated and spoiled. The board, after hearing the evidence decided that all the complaints were sustained except the fourth, and that the company had violated section 10 chapter 77, Acts of the Seventeenth General Assembly, the penalty for which is a forfeiture of "three limes the tictual damages ustaim. d, together j with costs of suit and a reasonable at- i torney's fee. ar.d a fun her attorney's , fee if an appeal of the case is had. ! ' i ------ j Itiicklcn's Arnica Salve- j The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sore?, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains j corns and all skin eruptions, and posi- ! tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale at Roberts Pharmacy. :;71y Jt'ST TIIK THING. Mmi-kITh Uohten CousN t!al-nm Tk Mutter Willi U10 Pooplo Than Any Oilier. . mioii nine ago i purchased a bottle of your Golden llalsam and found it j'istthe thing for a Cough. Hair n Dome cured me. K.W. Lew is. Ottawa, Kans. Your Golden. Dal.sam is certainly me oesi v ougn reineuy 1 have ever sold. It takes belter with tlm people than any other I have." K. K. Hall. Hall's tutnmit, Kans. " Your Gulden llalsam is truly a val uable medicine. It has done wonders for me. Simeon Fawcett, Kans. Citv, Mo. Maisnu's Goi.pi-n I. I.sam is for sale by Smith Si lllack Urn's, drug gists. Large bol ties 50 cents and 61. Trial size 10 cents. l llui. For Sale. Forty acres of laud one hajf mile from I'lattsmouth, same w ill be sold in whole or in lots to suit purchasers. Inquire of Wiu:ki,i:k it 15knm:tt. a:tf J. Levy Has resumed business again, w ill buy and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also buys I ron, Metals and ltags. I advance money on ell kinds of goods. Jacou Levy. Plattsmouth. Neb. Oct. 14, ls-.'-tf. Fresh Oysters. Direct from the sea shore, constant ly on band, at the Central Restaur ant. l".'ni:;. John Blake keens constantly on hand a full line of fine Irish and Scotch Whiskies. Aug.I7,18si -jy 1 . 1,000 Cords of Wood for sale by W. S. Wise. :IS It Manufael in ingand Repairing, good and neat, at Merges'. 5tf o.OOO fence posts for or address .St;tf sale P. (all Wlsl A. Salisbury, Dentist. I.Hf v-ji --v' gssw.vrtg0?-'--" "- .--'- I'RI XxTOX X"rVXji NEW FurniturE StorE HARRIS & UNRUH, lit: A I. Kits' IN - PUHNITURE t COFFINS, nail all klml' of kiuhIh imiiilly kept In n 1 V ' .Vs.- KUtSi ( I.ASh it iti rt hi: HTOItl Alio., i-ry ctnili'le Iorl. "I Pu1.11 11 1 I ineil.-i, Mclallic&WooJcnCoffliis.Gr.sktls.Rctcs, EMBLEMS, Ao. Our c anil eli'i'anl lii'iusr l atwayn In rrinllni'S'i. Remember the place, iu FN ION ;i:i.OCK. ou Sixth Street, TWO Doors south of Cass Coun ty Hank. W lit-ar i' iiimv le fnuiiil nielil 01 il'iy. HARRIS & UNRUH, VII l:i I t. ATTSMOl Til. M il. MIKE "SCIINELLUACHERr iUjiVKX.,; !TII lllK SMlUTNC ,t H'ACIIS lIKIWIIMMi. All Kinds 0! Farm implements Mendel wiu Neati!isH anil I MsimtiTi. Is the OKI l:ivanio uu l . pnou Omaha. Kansas City. Atchison zn-J St. Joseph, p o it CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston! And All Points CAST and SOUTHEAST. Horse, MulciV OxSIiocins;, In short, we'll shoe anything that liar four leet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JtTJiTW SHOP j I) Kill li S I, -a Main nuJ Vine streets ' e r illl.-l I111III III nkh' 1 1 1 11C A I I 0 mm La Tlm Largest. Oldest and Unit Couniy Paper1. See our dubbing list thin week, and arrange to necure your wlntei's rend ing at LOW RATES THE HERALD and any publication in the .list at. ft small advance ovur the coit of one.' PLATTSMOl'TJI IIKKAI.D IHULISIIING X COM PAN V usl acros. K II John U. Cox tl hrdwr mmAm now Cr.l-olo.. TINNER. Coaaalt for prico on mil kind of tin work. 23tt .. OOO TO I.O N I 411 Iff it Niu.ivAiv a. nooi.r.v, Patents nlitained, nnd all oilier businrs iu the l . S. Pull lit ollii e attended to for MODF.KATK KKKS Ulir oflb-e i- ol-lmsile llio I I, S. Pttl- eul ollii-e. aiid wi'inii obtain Dated in IcsKiiine thim those remote from WASHINGTON. Send MiII:L or DMAWING. W advise us to initentubii:t v free ol uirge: nin) we make No ( IIAItGKS I'NLLSS WK OHI AIN PATKNT. We icier, here. In the I'oHt master. the Supl. of Money Order div., autl the olli. ial ol the I'. S. Pulent utile. For : ireular. advice, terms, and refer. eiices to actual clients In your owb Mat.' er conulv, iiihlress "C. A. SNOW ,t- CO., Opposite Patent Oflice. Wlishluglon, ' DC. 7tf THIS CELEBRATED AX FOR SALE BY ' 4 A.-. ' I - v.-1-. . V I.-' 1 l 1 j; W. '. . . : v'-r-.'i'U'y r.-.--f- Y'--1iHIT-i Win 'in il 'llflliill ' ' 1 :k ? '" V N-'iirly oijiiK 1 ti N::i;m! I'ltlKil TIIK 1.1 :i itiii.'st. S. s. IMMlf-' It il1 !: (HI Ml ! l'l lit A!, J M1 Tlltl MNKST IX'I ll'I'KH W.iii.l i-.r nil i-::i mj ti tv. 1 1 rv it. aiul v (Hi wi) lin-I it ;i vt 'iti-' ttf it if II; f' rt. 1 lir. .11 :li t ii K-t -i vt;i tiii t .-. I;r:-. nt !l iitiM---. in luf u , Alt lIll'TtlUttloi! iil.--i:f Atr iiinitliitii.i-'. 'I i:ic 'iabit'-. lull" - iv ii Ly upplyi. .i t 1: VMTIIIKS . t.1 Sn-.M'th Si-'e l Truck. AH ti I NK N It ha Usitiiz TIIK (illKAT D.I i- iifuvir:i liv f'MiicitD'd Hui.iotiil in 1 ho 1' ;i luxury instead r:-.f- 1 )." f 1 t fsUlO DEALERS IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. HOCK WOOD The best, and must coin BLOCK, I'vn doors west. !e:e assort men', 1.11 the city. In the f t'arni'.hs. Cam. am skk i s. T. J. rnTTEtl PERCEVAL LOWELL. ic3"0. !: s a-r. l..-n 1 I 11 r A,-l.. ! Chicano, IU- j IM.'MIIIMI1 jam ilm.. 1 11 'NEWPORT," O-ES j M ! fclill ! 1 1 Kill. :Mmmmm COMP L E T E Livery and Sale Stable. Ib OF EVERY DESCRIP-'ilLN DAY OR WGHTir TIiK CITY K F.UVTH ING IS FIKST-CLASS TIIF: Iil':ST. TKAMS IN SINGLE AND DOLIJLi; CAIIKIAGF.S. 77.M V EI. E .'. WILL FIND COMPLELE OUTFITS UY CALLING AT TIIK VINE AND rOL'HTII bTS Julyltf. PLATTSMOUTH NKB. Dr. Black's Itl eumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain more true medical virtue than an other kind thrown upon the market in the shape of o;l3 a,nd liniments. It is warranted. Smith, Biack & Co., pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Barnes and A. D. Marshall. Weeping Water, Neb. tf t'iti:ens of I'lattsmouth nnd vicini ty: We have requested J. V. Mar shall K-j . of your city to take orders ibr its lor the greatest scientilic book I the I-st t wo centuries. Christians, infid -ls and ail arc alike iu giving' it a warm we'eome. Gallon Mr M. and see it. rncc moderate, icooui i, ribun - Buildiiij.', Cbicajro; Ills. 41 m:!-.' R. II. Wisuy.M .V: C. KENDALLS --('rites and Bamsev, attorneys and Notary Public, second door east of 'ii:rl House. Plattsinoulh. Neb. St 6 a; I. will pny you to read Wis-j's col umn in tins paper, vou may hud lust what vou want. S'Jif Money to loan; easy terms on im proved lands. Sullivan &, 5tf at Union Block Snhlacei's special brands of home manufactured cigars are the leaders in the market and are made from the best quality of tobacco. :;0lf Mrs. M. ABuler, Ladies Nurse, of loug experience. Best of Reference. Residence, Picnic Hill. Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 31. ,.S2 3m. Farmers and others desiring a gen teel, lucrative ageucy business, by. which Si to iO a day can be earned. send address at once, on postal, to II- w llklnson & Co l'J.j an.l VJ. Fid ton St., New York. -lintim Don't forget that "Baiavi.i'" canned goo Is are the best and "arc sold only bv Benuttt 4; lewia. 4Jt? Iuk.Ucjst sjcccKssKri. Kemkdv ver u s i-ov?rel as it in certain in ils ettePl and iloeh cot Mirit-r: AI- ex.'lleni for Ijiiman lii!i. kkau rnoof uelow. FROM COL. L. T. FOSTER Vmmgstowii. Oliio, May loth, isso. It. .1. KciKlatl S: Co., Gents : I had a very val isaii'.e aiiiu'.i-luiiian colt wliii.-li I juizea very liiulily, lie iiaii a laii-'e limit? iiavin in oce joii.l and a small one mi t lie oilier. liii-li matie li i in ery lame ; I hail hun under tiie charge of two vetenuury surgeons who lailfil to cure him. I wit one day reading tiie advertisement o Jvi-inlall's sioaviaCiiie In the Chicago Kx-Drt--s. I deteaiiiine tl at once to try it. ami our drni-ts here sent for it. tiiey ordered tliree iM'lilrs. 1 tooK Inf ill ail and tliouplir 1 would giv,- i: a tlioionh trial. t used'lt aecordiiip to ili-rei-ti".is Mid the fourth day the eolt ceased to te lame, ai.d the lump had disappeared. I used hut one I'otile and the c(ts liuihn are a. free from liiii'im ad a cinoolh as any horse in the Mute, lie i entirely cured. The cure wa' e remark.iUle that I let two ot my neighbor" have t hf ri-malnin two bottles who are now using it. Very Ituspectfully, U T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure ON HUMAN FLESH. Patten'f Mill. N. Y.. Feb. 21. ls:g. E. J. K rxDAP.L & l'o.. fti-nts : The nanicu lar ca on w hirh I used your Kendall'" Spat ill Cure was a malignant ankle strain of sixteen month-standing. I had tried many tiling, but in vain. Your hnaviu me put tiie foot to the pionnu azain. ana lor ! nc urM time since hury , u d ti.ii til .,1 nf!(iin. ,1 idllliiy llDIIIieilL exeeiis anyiuin we eyer usea. Yours tnilv, REV. M. I. BELL. Faster of M. E. Church, Tattens Mf.l. N. Y Send addres for Illustrated Circulal wlih ti we think give positive proof of lt virlnei. a remedy has ever met with Mich ur.itiaiint-i uccetn, to our hnovileiirie. for beat as well as mac. j Frice SI. per bottle, or nix boi Druk'Xifts liave it or can tet it for vou, or U( will be sent to any address on receipt of price j uy me proprietors. UK. n. J. HLMiAIJ. 6i CU. Enohburs Falls. Vt. 3-ly SOLD DT ALL. DUlGfilSTS The Finest Pressed Srick ew a i-Tis i A IV IJ F A 1 : T SI 'K E5 15 Y Orders vvxviwA for any quantity and IIHed in a satisfactory manner. TIkjsc contemplating to build should examine our work, the quality of our bricks and prices. Yard, in rear of Bonner Stable, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ntt Cass County Iron Works JOHN WAYMAN, Proprietor. 3Pla.ttsino-Q.tli- TSTeto. JBOIL.EltS9 M AN U FACTE HE IIS OF ENGINES, IRON FIIONTS, HOUSE COLUMNS, AND CASTINGS. Our facilities for heavy work in Columns and Calling for Bn'inesn Hoieii mr not eurpassed in the Stafe.- MACHINE REI'AIRING r.f ail kio.l-. Oui MacLiae Shop is fu.lf i-piipp.I for all classes of work in irou. Patronize A brasna mauuiafiiir-.s.i.-. e oudi. ate ait extern i nee, mioi ! fmt.h Ar.l tin .1 f..r S-. All I V.f- Parties builfjing in any part of the ."state hoiiM write for ur run of eattiny Mercli Htb, 1 - i PL lTtiIOUTii, NK'i 1 1 .- 1 r 1 1 1 - - m oil