Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 25, 1883, Image 2

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    r t
Usmontb Herald PublistLins: Co
Copy, tlx inonttit 91 "0
Copy, on yar 3 on
rrtWIng rtr aecnrdleti to mca, time aod
Hon niiiila known on t pplli-atlon.
irn-d at tb I'ott OfUce, riatuoioutli.
aa Mecond Claa matter.
M. Haaharll.
LATT8MOUT1I.' JAN.8S, 1883
(Thk editor of the Tekamah Hurtn
i is either a fool or a knave or both
( Is the father of one of the, most
seless and contemptable articles
t ever disgraced Nebraska Journal
iv which appears in his last issue.
I which had for its subject Mr. Nye
the Omaha Ilepubllcan. The peo-
' of the atata - recogniti Mr. Nye
nn of the brightest and irt:u ,
...litnt-u flti'if r.tfAt liktr Iiiq H:itiip I
u rin.isKii jiMimaiisis ami a tu.i' j
ilijiit h.i a thinker and oiittiual a-t ;
iter. Th maudlin attempt of ll.. ,
1 1 on L.t u to decry him throuu a
1 of i l i jus 1hI.k Iio.kIh is to be run
ueil and thin paper Would feel itaeli
eltci in iluty if it did not dei.r.ui.c.
J ulitical mniiuictiank w ho, by hi:
u word of iiiuull), shows the di
ten he is to tin' pi oU bsioo.
Sx:.NAT01t 1U'NI1IY, in Ihe state seli-
, ha-t muodin cd a hill pvovidim
tl-.e t t:l licainoi of the laws p;issei
the U iml iture, i'i mm newxpuper ii.
Ii oi.n: y . 1 l.e hi;i lms passed it
1 . I .....1 ij ...... i ir. r..
I itl.i II .111:' .11.11 la lliiv l.i ..
I ml., el' ;i.e i-.liiliiit lee on plintiiiK
l.ir4:i' liUtuli.t i oft states luvo theii
. M t'niiii ki-ai.kti f it uei. ill IimHi isllMli .
c h York huh inn the number, aud not
yla'.e. t li ti has this system has ever
bolUhcd it. This fact alouo is a guar
.ite i.o I lie I.-tiislatuie that the pub
".ili.iti of i!ih laws of a slate us pass
i from tune to time is a wise meas
re, and oiio thai the people eudoiae.
xi'.oi ance of law to reading Litn b -ines,
hv tliiJ, almost inipos-iihle, ami
ki'owi. U:i' of new laws and chaiii,'
.H Ihey hilt.' place, is plnced lnfi i- I',.
ople lo h 'th tlecie.ise legislntiuu am
lace the Knowledge i if I ore tin lu v. i '
Ci lnpcliillfi iheui to puicl,;;se i
rmijji LonsuKalioii. It is to In liopc
iul ii, n attcntioti ol the senate u-.
ouet in.yy he gleu this measure, ain.
lio liu-UALD tiopt-s Iho Cass county
eu-gittiou w ill oee their way clear li
t- auppoi l.
It is an clil taxing tlmt iuifortuuee
ever tome fdng.y, and it seems to be
ill v proren h t he recsrds ol calami-
i-i the worhl over, which have oc-
urrid the present mouth. The burn
ir of Ihe New hall house, Milwaukee,
itli it 1 rightful loss of life, the vie
tits litimbetiu some eighty, waa
Homely t'ollowctl by the aunoimce-
ictit of thu Uu-aian holaeu'-t iu a
real circus, wherein two hundred
I'tishttl in tin? flames. Later we
hvc the announcement of the rail
ad catastrophe on the Southern Pa
ne, iu which an express I rain at Ihe
p ol a radc hroko loose trom the
ne, nud ran backward at alright-
TicVTl niiii. ivwreeked itscil; t ve
i.u lies t't intr heapt-tl Up together ami
iiueil lo ettitlers nearly thirty pi r
s pi-rihiiig in toe wni:. .niu
un' lii.u.'s. On the saint- day t i .
y o cum 1:0111 Ciermaiiy ot the t i-
-ifti ol tie t .niliria lHi ttie -:e:ii:i
on. tin. Le l.iiiiijii.i bi-.Kiiig iiiuo:-! y 1 i li ll U L II till 1 1 u ?....
i lu...rJ, ovt-c l'oar huuiiicdot '. lioai a u.ileiy grate Asnlo trum
cat gre.i: u.isioi'tulit-s hct-u ll.i
u.ii iii.:i;Lfr oi niiuor act iotnl- aiiU
,us.iop:.ts t:ironh ii.e monili all oi
h.Cil .t alilUUi U lip, WOUlli lllHivi
inotitii i iC-Cofd ol Violent tit-ulo;
;. ujiaiiiu, and tiuo which ha
l bet ii eqii.tiieii lot" years
.V Ft:-:.
Ue Ifi
V oy u.tiU" of Siiei iuaii
Luitoia to tlis Pialls
o'.Lu j jriia! to iay
"ilvea Mi. .Niiitioii tcit constrained
i.i:.):j t. i' tin- iltiaia's couise, in
a p.-( In- coiiieleiikC."
ino u.lo'.v Mieimuii is undoubtedly
....1. :Ii, Morton never apologizes
r liu- Ilet aliJ. lie has no occasion
apoiogii- tor the Herald. Mr. Mor
11 is n-.-t in any way respousiole lor
.tat the Herald says. The Platts-
tuia fellow lies. Mr. Morton has
ver ln-eii "ooiisiraiutd to aiwionize
r tlie Herald, -in a public conier
ce," or elsewhere. Not un!il Mr.
orton himself shall say that no eei
suited the lleruld by apoloiznitf foi
will we believe that he ever did any
ing of tiw kind. Omaha H raid.
To this have wc come that our
es etinuJ contemporary who voice
r. Mill'-i's falsehood for six months. publicity to all his rckles
atements iiv that fraud hunt, is now
turti denounced as a lia- and de-
aned with the sobnVjuet of -fellow.
:e would judge from a casual glanco
tha above that there wasn t oy re-
arkable amount of love lost between
twoiusiat the present writing.
id that all the taffy exchanged here-
for was a sort of blind pool to ae-
1 vo the public. The old sa mg umw
... .a A. IAt
Vhen rogues fall out nones u"
Pir dues." cemes very Tivtdly u
in t and if our two esteemed aud al-
ctionate brethern continue this with
ch spirit and unction and do not ex
cise more judgment ana less tempo..
ey will tell too much plain "utu
out each other which will snow ui
at side of them which they have
pt turned from the public, and some
. 1 . A ll .Ir ahliaA will
popie who navo bm -
exonerated out of their own moutns.
our democratic friends aud neigh
rs have any regard for their records
oy will at once swallow their wrath
.d embrace ag3in.
AN important section has bcn in-
;rporatt-d in tho new tariff Mil
e avs and mean committee, i i-
ding for the iLJ.t of appeal from do-
! the stcreiarj 01 tne u""ij
,urt ot claims. This wiii change me
itticrat of ihe custom house from
of Uiai resort to a depart-
fiiit i.filccr liere h belongs.
t . - l.aftlf
TUB Air'"''"1" iStr iie.i eJi"
r Jitorials frm its txchanec-s with-
it aiiv si,:n of credit. It U a reckless
ihit ttiiit will i.ecesaarily have to p
r.d?d before propr:e:ors of sucn
.,ei a fjn ;tail":e tue tine 01
acquire tho dignity worthy tne pro-
-:- -
TT-of S.tli:ie couuty's legislailve
'.-.g.iit-n .Vr former residents of Cas
:i.ri.ave g.)i3 west and gro"wa up
Tnn state senate ban befu wreaUlntt
vatllantly, the greater rarf. of tin time
Utrly, with the tiueilfoiL of voting
ilicintelvft a dozen or to I newspapers
daily and wo believe have, succeoditl In
adopting such measure, tho house
having done the tame during the coru
mencenient days of the session, The
Herald believes that time worn ques
tion and practise is a fourth rate pet it
i i and any wuy, one Hint does not pre
ut isuiQcaiioe enough to b ilenoui
mated a fraud, but wliicli possesses all
he qualities that g to make up such
institutions. One of the urguuienu
made in advocating this measure wa.n
that it gave members papers to send
to their constituents, and through
which medium they would know what
whs being done. The absurdity of this
plea is very apparent. .Venalois lepie
senttng a conf lituency of fifteen to
twenty thousand can furnish a very
valuable amount of infounation to
their constituency through five r ten
papers a day. The proposition itsIi
ta jm)t.Pt.
There in still
anolhcr i
if tson v. hy pi'.pei.-i are vnteil
lavish i
. .. . . ...... I .... .i I v tl. iiii.ii 1 i..r
tt vvjt;, no
that we mention It : I
i h:it lea mi m t!i.t
,,;, thrown t.i .li
4 a i oi ouaiiiv ,
neyiiaitis tla m-'
elVes. The stale p IVS for tie- pape.S ;
' ..Kt-n and it isKi.M-t.d by some j
I, ,.o .. ii. r .. t.. 1I..111
' I'tiris ua n iiiituit ...i ...... . 1
I ... v 1 1,. ,.. ;Mar.. 1
i no eoi ,4:111.1 .ii 1 1 1 hi 1.1 hi tii'i.-i. (
uon of thia. that pajer s;at. t!:.yi ,
over one h.mditd e-opi.s of :t weie ;
' I
aken 111 the house: nil speaKln:
nil speakim; ot I
it gai 1 uioiibly, jtiiU w itii miii h jjusto. ;
iVtiy was theie suc.'i a deui.inl lor .
ihat papui Had iho memln-IS just
,U,niv,,,l l!,,v e.o.Iil not eat
thi.e meals adav at.d kh-cl a United '
States seii.itof ith ;ut it ? Not at all ;
Llie meuihei'b ha.l simply Vu'.t 'l them
.elves ;t lot of ti.ntei -1 ll..v ilhi i.ot Want
and for which they hail no use and to !
ibey filled out t':e !is:, and hohoecr j
Wanted tl e piiiaiiee t( droppings bad
d so
enough to tolirit mi-uilLis to take
their paper t..ui-.l tlie in ynuiuut
trouble. This paper builds up its bub
s ription list tluough 110 such "dim
dam" process as that. The Hebalp is
printed lor ils suh.-ciibeis w'10 waul
u and pay f'.r it and not to scure any
, ..l ion large 01 Email of a voted list
ir m ihe legiskituie and the pt-iquisile
,-ulueut llu icli iv. i papers can
...opt '.heir own comse. but lis for US.
. e L-elleVU the Hyali-lU till the prtlt of
.:ie legislature is pernicious; we con
demned it two jtars ago, we condemn
1 . now, and we shall tlo the aautc two
ytais in the future. ft
How gieat an influence one man can
nave over the life aud destinies ot a
lation is illustrated iu the death of M.
Jambetta. Th master mind of the
present third republic in Frauce.Gam
jetta, ever since he proclaimed the re
public in the days of war and siege in
Paris in 1871 has been prominent 111
the nation's politics, and the man who
has held the sea of French politics
from storm and turmoil, and built the
republic iu its strength and stableness.
Others have held the foremost po
sitions in the French republic in name,
but it was Gambetta who named
Thiers, and it was Gambetta who said
to Mc Mahon, "This do or resign." aud
the followers of Gambetta placed M.
Grevy in his present position. So thor
oughly republican and progressive has
France been in the last ten years that
Americans have, many concluded, that
ilie Fiench republic was so thinly, ts
.iioiishcd so much loved by the
I'reiifh people thei.i.iflvcs that danger
trom Impel iaiinm, An.wciiy , Commuu
. j in unit dit-scnttniia was far removed
i he simple Tact oi the tic.uli of one
.iiaii hliuMS the people diUVrenil.
tiamhetta was scaifelv in iiis lasi
.esli.-ig place bei'oie scores of the
ii -ljapaiia issued manifesto' tleclai-
mg the republic a faiiiiio. An
organization iiuiuhe: in many thous
ands is discovered iu the tveat of
Prance having lor its purpose, the
overthrow of the lepuniic, aud Xi
ii ilia: circles .ne found in open ses
sion in Palij. A changeable people
susceptible to punlic clamor may pos
sess the necessary .stability to coeice
the attempt at tin. life of the present
French government, and France and
the republic may have leaders who
can secure and laid the confidence of
the people, and weather the cloudy
days that follow the dea'.h of their
greatest leader. This country above
all others will hope this may be the
The Omaha l'.ce cays that "Joe
Millard is bu.-y ai work buying hi
way toward tht L'niied states seuate."
He evidently has not purchased th
editor ot the Pee, and that he. has not
done eo is j retiy good e-idence lhar
ho has not purchased anybody . The
hue aud cry that we always hear
against every public man who does
lot bow te the dictation of Hosewa
ter has lor.g .since lost its terrors. In
fact it has got so that a man is looked
upou with suspicion who lias his
friendship. Dakota City Eagle.
ItPHESEjtTATiVE Hall's bill which
makes it a crime and m'sdemenor for
any man to let cattle having infectious
diseases ri a at large, iu the state, pass
ed its second reading hist Saturday
and was rcommsnded to pass. The
bill will receive no opposition In the
The lo jby at Liucoin should .turn
their att ntion to Governor Dawes
aud solit t the appointment of their
favorite audidate, as the legislature
baa made progress backward aud has
no visible appearance of ever dec-
The date senate has a committee,
the member tif which arc etruiuij
their thicc collars a day by investi
gation .nid i liquid' is iatc tLc salaries I
of privttc ciiii.'us. n i a mighty
aoodti. iig tl.ui the tool killer is wide-
ly dUtr.buied ii. g winter.
The inhibitory law iu Ioy a was de
clared i ucoUffUiuiioua , bat tin.-
jority that ptsscd the mea-sure
uof one it up or elect a Democratic
govern" over
it They are made of j j,ii3t week caused by the influx of lob- i
terthenver th.tii lbebvist3 who hj4Ve foumi ,i!fir Ha J
. :
sterm r iufl'ov
average K..usas mau
Tin: II tKALD wishes
ihe Iujter Oce:n. Juhu
Tha ver
soldiivautt statesman.
ThI Nebraska 1'rtss orl.tio,,
iucusiu ciucoiu to-cay, ana me ca j
paoity of Lincoln taverns receives ai
cu-tl tat.
Th-Cobdeu ciub is tiili for Mr.
A Kirk StateHiuMH. - i
Wn herewith acini our tcinlereM
feelings of sympnihy lu the i. k -luir- j
mnu of Arbor LotUe.OtiM rntuily Ne
braska We are sorry for Mr. Morion.
The result of yesterday' bnllot for
United State senator develop ihe
fact that his boom and Unit of our
friend Gei. O'itiicii were twins.
They begat) I i e together, and they re
pose in the silent pare nide by side.
They were little fellow. They did
not have long to t. There i uot
breath enough in the world for them, trying to do for the coun'ry and what
They have yode whire the hoomcr ! they would do if they had an oppoitu
gatliereth hi own boom to him snd j nity. The clamor helped t hem some
U coureut. and Mr. rendition thought l.e had the
The nnti-Morton inoveincnt mining entire democratic party to assist liim
the democrats of the legislature Is j lu passing the bill and carrying out
about hs mean, (.tieHkiiig aud ungrate-j the reform : people even went h- fur
tul an ntTair an ha- er been exhibit- , as to name Mr. Pendleton as the niod
el in Nebraeka If it had not been j ern democrat ami the only reform cart-
for Mortou snd ihe rampaigu he
made, there would not probably have
been enough dwni"ra'- in the legis
lature to hold 't exuciii To bejfiu
with, i.e "t Prot. I'iti v to come to
with, l.e t t'rot. I eny to come to
Nebrft-k.t. Th. proj. r U an tin-.
niitiuied old liar, but Ik- came, and i
I ... 1 ... .U .1-
X" " n " .!" i.. u ui-io--
- " " i 'r. - e."-
convention loetin.r, made the
no-.pre;,,,. am. .t-awu.
'leniocriilio plaih.rrii :! at was ever
eiiuiieiated, find was nominated tor
L'lin'rimr lie rondiirted what wc
en-assured w at. ex. client cam- j
" ' '' s,l"l- Ho told I'mf.
11 t. 1; ...I ... ;....o ....I
1 rrJ " ' "' ..........",
u'-Mir'd every bo. ly that .iriou iiem- :
erratic candidriti-H would be counted
in whether thev were elected or not,
1 After the iletli.ui Mortou sliil !
lier me t.eiii.M. A..M.UU
"i'k-. Appoinu-d foreman of the
U S. grand jury, le- tiled to turn that i:. 10 a di m'( ralic reliirn
board lie o'K ;.e Pic inont ller-
arl I J ;ii l t.-i i''i'r'".ii i '-i no j'ny.
and 1 In (m:i hi lleiiiid i iiuuie I lie i 1 4t ions ;is u-Mia! Jast evening no for
otlieial organ for the publication of j trial caucus hart yet been in-M - niul the
s cret testimony , democratic lies told usual result as teaehed, nothing
iu ihe jury-room, etc. The govern- whatever being accomplished,
muut footed the bills, after having se- j At the republi -a i heatiii iarlers the
cured tha iiifoi'ination that Valeutine Mili.u d men were ready to go into
was oiecied iu the Third dUtrirl bhU ; f;iieus and this course was strongly
that surveyor general Geo. S. ftmitii ; nr!(ed by ipeakei jLimp.'ery and otlu
had nhvay s ben a repumble ofl'ner. ers;but the other candidates were
somo time alter the adjournment j avetsed to this course, and it was im-
of the grand jury, Morton went to
the farmer's convention at Chicago
and tlclivcrcil his Mump speech in fa
vor ot Irif trade.
Now, alter all thla, to ee llie deroo
crals turn urouud aud vote for a inuu
like ltoyd. who never was a states
man iu all his life, almost breaks our
heart. Talk about Ihe ingratitude of
republics! tiio ingratitude of demo
crats beats Ihe devil. The mail who
smitis the hand that feeds him is a
paragon of gratefulness compared
w ith the Nebraska democrat. If we
were Morton we would wwear oft' be
ing a democratic leader. We wiuld
let somebody elne write the platform,
make the speeches and run the grand
jtirius and tho newspapers. 'Wc would
stay at h.irjir ami raise hogs ship them
to Omaha and trada thet;i to mayor
Doyd for nothing. O. Hcpnblican-
The Senatorial Contest
Friday's ballot last week in the sen
atonal contest remained poetically
the same as Thursday's and on Satur
day the ballot was noted chiefly for
the democratic abandonment of J. Ster
lin Morton. Saturday's ballot resulted
as follows:
The joint convention convened at 12
noon, took one ballot and then ad
journed until Monday at 12. The
house also ad jourtu d to meet at the
same time. Tlie vole vv-w as fu'loivs;
Mi 1 ton .1, Miiiard 15. Maudcrson ?,Con
iht o, Cii.unse 2, Cowni pt, Iirown 10,
.Saunders 12, SticLle ii. Savage o. Lake
j, ltoyd 3, Ashby 13. Thayer 15. Dorsey
2, Livingston 4, Piaite 1, Viftjuin 1,
Weaver 1, Xorlh 1, Munger I, Kenhfdy
1. Ewii.g 1. j
Tlie vole 011 Monday for Senator !
showed but little change from Salur-j
cay', and showed that over Sunday i
no arrangements had been made for a
coming together of the beiigJis;it5(
The vote showed simply concent rut ion
ou tlie part ot me Anu-monopeiisis
and Deuiociats upon their fa. oiitrs:
htickel 19, IJoyd 19. Miilaid 10.
Thayer 16. Sauuth is IS, Cow in 12,
Mmdeisoii 8, Drown 5. Morton 4, Con
nor 3, Baker 3, Savage 2, Dorsey 2,
Crounse 2, Lake 2, Praper 2. Weaver.
Muuger, Ilollman. Michael, 1 each.
The second ballot resulted as fol
lows: Millard 10, Thayer lC.Saunders
10, Cowin 11. Mauderson 8. Weaver 1,
Lake 3. Dorsey 2, Michael 1. Bovd Id.
Brown 5, Savage 2, Morton 4. Draper
2, Hunger 1, llollmau 1, Barker 8,
.Stickel 19, Connor 3, Crounse 3.
Tuesday's ballot Boyd 32, Counor
23, Millard 16, Thayer 14, Saunders 13,
Cowin 13, Manderson 8, Dorsev 2.
Crouuse 2, Lake 2, Morton 4, Weaver
1, Dye 1, atickel 1, Savage 1132
Eveky day of late bcfoie the joint
ballot has been taken in the legislature.
some member has offered resolutions
of an amuseing nature. D.S. Diaper.
of thi9 county, offered one of the best
ones yet, which was as follows:
Whereas, The election of a U, S.
senator is progressing as rapidly as
possible, and
. -. . i . i
WHEREAS. 11 I' naa UOl oeeu iui
their presence w bt.ouM have decided ing very strong, and the humorous rei
this matter long ago, therefore be it j olutions introduced in the senate dai
Kesolved, That the rsyenue collec- j , directe,i at the lo,,,v evInce a rei!
tors, po3luia.t, ,: r
omcers, poiiomee inic-viui. -
shals. and all other lobyists bedismiss -
ed until it become necessary to elect
the next U. S. senator.
The resolution was discussed anljnops xnd wavtring republicans weie
ruled out of order.
1'i.attsmovth wants milling inter, i
esls. additional manufacturing insti.
unions, gas ror iiiumiutioo, um-
er improvements of note that will
never be secured without the asking.
Trie thermometer marked rixtetn ;
j bfiw hvst .Sa'.urday and Mr. Mor- j
j toH-6 jj(K,m ,0, tMe Tniied Staus sen- j
I ator Ctll.ip(itd, hhi total Vole t.eing j
' eve. Il was a very cold day.
There has leen a steady increase
in the nrovision trade in this city the
Lome from Lincoln.
The I'latl-mou'h Jouinitl khutjld
roiuiblUh the Omaha Herald' mrs-
a .... :,;.,ii- ,,..
"SJ .
1 ,ui ICI11.11AH ; t . 'j u uci i, o uc n
I ' ' .
i years story. It very iuteresuuo;
rodiug, you know
" Du. LfViSTOS'3 senatorial boom
was a hearty oue ou the part of his
1 supporters and the General ha a host
! of friends in ruttftoouiu bo en -
'doiseU ft-
Mil. 1'knui.KTON. of Ohio, U a dem-
ocrat, and he lias taken hit party.
which has been clamoring, ever shut'
It was popular to clamor for civil ser
vice reform, at Its word, and a year
ago introduced his civil service re
form bill. Before the election, -and
when the average democrat thought
the bill would never pass anyway, the
whole party clamored for civil service
reform and pointed to Mr. lVndleton
and his bill as an illustration of their
earnest ues, mid what the party was
didattj for IHM. However, with i!.r
assembling of coiign ss, a change in
sentiment was apparent. The demo
cratic leaders were n t at much for re-
form as they had appeared to be, and
when Mr. Pendl. Ion's i! i i h -
form bill came ip for passage, it
di IU. rials lilttinjr it, spe.,kiii) a:tii l I
it. iiimI imiiin cvi iv 1 1T.1t t i:i their now- !
- - - - . - - --- 1
er to (iff I,: tit. Tlie republican paily
quietly came to the rescue of Mr. Pen
dleton, and pushed the bill, and now
Mr. Pindleten is ugaided as a trai. ot
to ut i..' pi ii.ciplesi. and h
char.ei'S for the d-'liluCiil ii! lioniit.a
tion in 14 has vairsiieil from silit.
nd 'i.'i! it is a wonder that he is !
lowed to remain i t t!:e party lines .-it
all, for the modern democrat has pinv
en lie lu no love f'jr a civil seivice
rilol U:er (Veil
froai a liellioii ntir
Tiie -.i; iia' ion as ii. appeared !o a
""date Journal lejau ter oil Wedut :
1 ne iioee pai in 3 neiu ineir COIISUI-
possible to get .1 majority of the two
houses into caucus. The evening
was consumed 111 fruitless discussion.
7'he anti monops consulted at lied
Ribbon hall. They are pretty will
united, as their vote, for &t;ckel ami
Connor would indicate, and are simply
waiting events, They deciceJ on no
definite course Inst night. If they can
induce the democrats to combine with
Uiem for the election of an anti-monopoly
oandidato, they will make, suclf
a combination. If they fail to do this
the course advocated by their leaders
is to hold together and turn the scale
in favor of that republican candidate
whom they deem the least objectiona
ble. The democrats have 110 hopes of
! electing a democrat and are passing
their votes around from one democrat
to another as a sort of counterfeit of
the reality giving them, qs it were, a
sniff of the public crib from which
1 hey aie destined :iever to feed. They
unite very well on a complimentary
vote, but they will iut hold together
when tlie decisive ballot comes. There
is no probability of a
The anti uioiioj s will not vote for a
democrat, and Ike dt motrats wiii not
unite oil sui anti-monnp.
"Who is the Si run Hey t an! i-ll)r-::'i
c.-iuuidate '?" asked a r p n ier of a le.-td-injr
atiti-tuoiiop hiei nil.t.
-We could probably iirnte bes. on
Connor. He w-itsld draw four or live
republican votes, to., if !;j had a
chance of election."
''(.'an a dcaji'crai get any strength
fioui the anti-iiioiitipb '("
"No. We are nearly u!l republ icans.
aiid would not vote for a democrat.''
"Who is the strongest of the repub
lican candidates among your men?"'
Mandersoli. Miilaid has r.o folin'.v-
i UIR. rij.leri bt C(,.A in h;ui
a good following."
The rcpoiter then turned his Lattey
of inlei legation poin upou a promin
ent democratic member of the house.
"How does Gen. Connor stand with
the democrats?"
"lie stands well, lie is liked because
he is an able man and an anti, and l.e
is popular with western menthols on
account of his location."
"Could the democratic fotce be
thrown to him f"
"No. Many democrats would not
vote for him under any consideration.
When there comes a break the demo
cratic votes will scatter."
'Who is the choice of the democra.s
1 among tt publican Candida! as ?'
J -Cowin seems to ha- e thi most
j frauds."
-1 lhink it is time," said the same
,nember to unite on some man and
sUy wR!i ulm ()r else bleak up aUll go
; , tdease. I am in favor of the
former, 'fa republican is elected he
will probably be a slick, and 1 want
the republicans to take all the respon
sibility." This feeling of impatience is grow
Irritation at the obstinacv
of that im -
1 portant body of citizens.
j There is a general desire to see a
I break of some kind. Certain anti mo-
in close consultation last night, and it
i will not be surprising if there are
i some iinortant changes in the ballot
; tmnoriow at the latest
t wvanwBH
; The capitol appropriation bill has
i,t.n introduced in the IIcusc, the
iriHeedin-t giving the followino;
iiit-utiou of it:
Mr. Field tti-uay introduced II. II.
Xo. 18?, which provides for the c-rec-iiou
of ti e center poriioii of tho new
capilol. The bill cails tur a levy of
one mill ou. the doiiur to create a fui:d
for lids purpose. Wiihia tea t'avi.
nlicr the approval ol the act, adver
tiscmeu'.s are to be inserted in thre
e'rraa papeis tor mxiv day s, f,,r
Jdd.s to reinovc the old uud
lor the sale ot tue old material. 1 he
b ard shall then advertise iu three
! Nebraska, or.c ChicafT'o and one fst.
Joseph paper-, tor the purpose nf sp-
cunno; huts tor construction mule
.1... .. .... ., ....
inu !-ft-iucuit..! iiijcuiit urniii n
i li i.-'i ti i o - , .
I . II. H llcos. I lie Inn provides tor
. he cv ,.,Il.,ioa ot- Uie ,u,;ui:i-' hv
December l.-t, IS-??.
- The sei.atoiiai fihl in Colorado is
purely financial; it is the millions of
one against the millions of another
J and the cupidity of the average leff
istator is th eiemcut of most roterest.
S'.ink in the )eenu. i
The as ei:ito peis l'p.lli !ie jjive
tin oVm I i pi ioll .f the los of , the
kii'Siiit r i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i oil tha f.eruibii
coRht, a follows:
Details of the fimbria dintcr
show that the losi of lifo inut have
beeu fiurfu1. A dipiitth from Ham
burg say ko far lilty-s'x persoiis
trom Ihe C iml-rla have been lauded
A number if tluiu arc at Iho Weser
lighthpu-ie. The name-i are not yet as
certained. The C'imbi i i li ft Ilambiiiy: Thurx
d.iy , wil It 8 "til pti!.seii;(-r8 and a i-rew
numbering. 110. She ran aground be
fore leaving Iho Ml bo, but oi oil"
with the Hood tide, with the
unco of Iho ateaiin:!- IIauu, - without
damage, nud she put to sea at '2:. 10 iu
the afleruooti. l-'riduy morning she
enmo into eol!isin during a I Lick
fog ofl' Uorkiim, with the cloanier
Sultan. The Cimbria tank in a sliort
lime. When a bo-tt uiili yj p:i-st'ii-get-J
arrived, t l.e oouipiny sent out
Ihe te.tni. f llMi-a njiil i.iur o! tin-l:ir-e-l
:i :i i '. .!.;. 1 1 - a! I'nvlri-
Vei: li -e:in Ii tur I I I ! i r
ir I... a!-, oi
'''' ltl.'H"ia a
I h.' U e.-I i:, !,;i -team
loll etirini: tl,u nio;,t
w. tli n i-iii.ii ir i. ri. J l.i- MraiiH i
nltaii. y hith siiHVi i il !., .i y .iuma
Ue. in the 1 oil: -luii. i,a- i 1 i 1 1 1 1 in the
lie- llaitibt:t - erii an emu jiali
iiae l.i 1 li ely totulolii m
I. urinal!. ill eoli.i 1 iiiuo i , i iti;l,ti.i
i i,-,i e;'. I;. ?. lie- "J; siirii.ts at
t. e;i an ! 17 ;:t ihe Wt-i r
io ht him.. , :ii.., I in r '. 1 .-t.i la ll-led 11.
but the i::ii::i - 01 il.i ne ;iiL- liol l l ;s-
11 1 '''" " 1 he ihiihIm r ot
u tK-.iinuu-il ui tully $00. '1 lie puaaeli
gers itte iiu.,ily eiuioriilils trom
Eait Piu-sia. A in jig 1 hem were
six American Indians who hud boen
011 exiiihiiion iulierliu.
A rcceut lecturer ou Abe Lincoln
was iuiioduced to his auilit-nee by
Po-b lliger.-oll, liecoltipauied wish the
following remark.-:
Ltidicfc and (icutlemcn: - We a:e to
hear a lecture about Abo Lincoln.
Xot Lincoln the President, Liiu'oln
the liberuh r uln Ihe alati'fciiiiiii,
but Lincoln the lawyer. Something
about him when he fell heir to agony
uud to fame, Mimclhing about his
mode of life, his habits, his thoughts,
his works that is to say, his daily
life because such peculiarities iu
their character are omitted by biog
raphers. Xcaily every great charac
ter of history is a kind of a great mob-
slroshy. Wo know nothing about
Washington. He is a steel ongraviug.
No dirt of humanity clings to his
roots. Wc will hear about Lincoln,
Who lived where liien were tree imd
ciiial, and was ncijuainted w ith peo
ple, not much with books. Lvcry
man is some sort ol a book. He lived,
the ptKiu ol the year iu the fields,
the woods, the blessed country. To
him every landscape was a teacher,
every ll w er a les.-ou, every grove a
fairyland. A country li io is iu its-It"
1111 iduca'iou. It gives a man the k'.ca
of home lie hears Ihe rain 011 the
foul", the rustle of ihe breeze, the mu
sic of nature's fulitt-t choral. You
have no idea how many :neu ei.uca
tion spoils. Colleges arc where brick
huts are polished and diamonds dini
ined. If Shakspcare had graduated
at Oxford ho .vpuld probably have
become a petl i fogging attorney or a jc;tl p:irsop. Lincoln's cda
ctttiou was deriveil from ineu and
thit'os. hein-e la- had
a c.iuuee lo
f-iii'd mail,
ifisis. ile
develop. lie was a many
lie . -oii i-i :.i well as
I yt lit ! lo sim k lor
1. he ji-o it not. t hen a mail is
iC Inn!
too tlignitied io a?k he cfisos to learu.
i.iiit-C'lu w :i u logician, Logic is e.t
patity. I is the el.iid ol a j;ot)..t head
;. nil it good l'.o;.r.. ii was :il ways j
litinc-t w iih hiiiiM'li'. II" was un or- j
ito.- tl::!t iv. he vas 1J;'.; ural. jl y-u; '
wi.-!i lo be -;;lilii.' yon liiti-u be el-.e i
lo ihe gras; y,m mua sit el.isely 10 j
Ihe he; rih t;t human 1 xperiente. j
A'boVt- ihC cloud.) t is ion COid. 1 iiC j
dili'iri.' iee between tin; orator una
the mere e.oetl'ioois
IS - (i y- hi-re ! ie t -
. i .
.(.-, seei liiau HI lap !- .ei eiH.'s hi j.iii-
.eeelics oi l.m-
cola and Everett at Gettysburg. One
e.-uno from the heart; th-- oilier was
born ouly ot the voice. Lineoln's
speech will be remembered forever;
Kveivtt's no man will rind. If you
want to find out what a : ai: is to the
bottom, yive him power. Every man
can i-tand adversitv; otilv a ureal man I innate relation between the police and joy . . o(-00
prosperity. Il llie slorv" .f Lin- l!lfi ,cri,ni"f, co,lrts ,wilho,lt l''e .int"' 16 '; ' :.0U0 Wi
',-,,, " , 1 venlion of the grand jury, and it is cer- o,io -. i '00 01
coin that he had power and never j ,alI ,H,lhil,K, Would ,,e loAl ,,y U,ut 7 .. .. M
liiiescd it except ou the side of nu-rcy. j means. It ".vould shut cil ninth con- i-inest iitoek lann iu Cass count t
lie will b.' l;:.ow as the gruile amj ! nivance and fraud, for charg,s that are !jlfiyO'. loi.r; lime and low rate of ia
ooii : made in the dark security of a secret i tercsl.
..' ; j ..... i . k i i inquiry are not alway deiim d to ! iijt) acres, wild $2A0O
SknaTok Van WyckIkis presented ' promoto tin? best interes's of llie com-! 6u ' ' VHiA)
n hill for iho . reetinit of ti n(lv,rn. ! in"IHVril!tl!, XtliriUiia IGUV Set a -)od j 80 " " 1200
mcnt buildinp r.t Xebiaska Ci y . Mr.
Van Wyck bavii'g sat ijuieily by and
witnessed, if not assisted, the rc-ntov
nl ot all river work lrom Uns poiui to ' - .z
Nebraska City, can very appropriate-!. Attachment NOtiCB.
ly concentrate his energies ftr olherj IVier Meiers Vf. .Ir.lm I". Inilied.s-
. ..,,.. ...,,. ... , ,., ,,!.,,., ti,
"Ul i lill.r.i . ll IA ll i. IIIUI '.ll. 4 111
Ili-UAI.l) bus suorgesfcd
that Ihe Statu fence in Otuf county
r . . .-l i i 1....1 l.,.
tor cci;ii ii n nej;c!., nan u t.L - i -
ter be tlotie at once, else so many ma
rine hospitals, government buildings
ct. al. will be erected there that they
will be jicroachiujl on outside terri
lorv for foiitiil.iiioii room.
Miu Moftox finds thhu.a very t:n-
! r.hnriiHblc worhl after denoiiiiciini ccr-
iwrations through a long and heated
campaign to be repudiated by tlie an'i
ruonopolUts as a corporative capper.
Ik the legislature was cotnposed of
such specimens as jumping jack Rey
nolds, of Butler, it would be in order
to label it the school for cranks and
continue its sessions indefinitely.
Tiik rietjro:i Advocate, ihe n:oi
rampnit communistic hcet iu t!.e
ftte, ha iiivd a IJ ;i ! i 1 1 :. i dc::iii; tlie
lo-ce-siiy for it birili never existed.
fir.d its death as en!
time wiihgiegicts from
i liiatir-r
(j 2
T;ie dtsult.irv 'manner iu which the
j leijisiature has elected a fT. S. senator
this week may b? attributed to
fact that the P.dice" force from"
citv is i.ot Iobbvlr.g at tna slate epi-
- 1
t'o.vr. dealer" are 1-nppy:
inoiiieter slaiulinir at twenty.
Menu biisinesia.
lidoiv ScsfnTOk Saryirtti 'villus, from
Cii.-i are yivon him for his aid ii) se
curiui; fin approprlaMou for Plane
uioiiih in Uie river work.
4 -
Ir satisfactory j-b work of every
distTiotion call And oee samples at
; lit- office, gel, prises and leave your
(itcs'l. I.xn.A.N. in'hia great speech
on Ihe Fi:r John Pprter case, refered
to Several Ij -ilt leu in the w ir fought
w ithout orders, (ien'l Stone, i-f Iowa,
in A letter to the Chicago Tribune des
criptive of one of these battles fought
by IJen'l Log to himself, 'sums up as
follows :
Contrast this conduct of J.ogan with
that of Tilz John Porter during thorn
three- dark days of (Jen Pope.
I do not aiee with Logan political.
Iv, and kno.s, by repute at least, the
uiaguiiiiMir. military tepul-itioii of
lien. Porter, aad believe ho Wan Letter
qii ilill. d to nave ."iipreme coir.uiand
during those three days tlian lien.
Pope, and J da not think ho ever had a
disloyal thought or did a disloyal aet.
lint this only counts the more
against him. "To whom much is giv
en much shall he lequired," and al
though the supei ior of (Jt'ii. Pope in
! all the essoiiiial requisite for a (!ui.-
nl-in Chief it was his duty as a sol.. iff
to as cli.'i'i fuilv liiye hiai !;:s nin.-t e.n
'! mi;'J-oi t as tiie mos' s -i I 01 ti i ite
t H i . --r pi t !. :; .1 .i . !l 1 10 i'. i.:s
stip.'fioi il t , ;:'ui !ol that ' I : .:i f i i!.-'!'
, 1. u-o:i ii uh- up has mind ! so net that
1 P.i;e Wni. I 1 be shelved as .soon as pes-
; s:u;.'.
I His letters to fii ;i. Piiinsid" show
I this. ConsidiT tho animus bre thing
; thr. noli all .4' th. ai.
C ;. i'i. IVi-i'-' !. ;'.ei to Gen. Pur
le, although intei'ei.tlal cviilence,
piov. s pi..ineL liiau any eiicuuistaulial
! r prma tacic evidence on lecoid his
j fi'iil;, and to me is proof positive 'hat
1 Gen. Poller had ih-iilifl ately made up
! uis mind to sacrilkv Gen. Pope. Ttieie-
iu.e, witti mi, "tue iiU'iins 01 in-court-martial
are approved." My po
sition may appear inconsistent iu this;
I uphold Gen. Logan, aud he disobeyed
orders, or fought w ithout orders; but
reflect on the difference iu war of re
fusing to light-when ordered light
when ordered or fighting when not or.
! To reinstate Gen. P.u'.tT would seri-
otisfy damage i!ii c.-.i.-t du corps of
j the aiinv, but it will be grander if ihe
i rindings of the court te:naiiied un
ehani;i d.
It w ii! .show that the AltideS ot are not a dead let'er.
T!;at an ollieer, no matter how high
in ran!;, er how brilliant his reputa
tion may be, must obey them in lettu
and spirit, the same as each and every
one under h.m. Gi:o. A.Stone,
Ex-IJrig.-G.en. if. S. V., Sd P.rig. 1st
Div. late A. C
Miall We Abolish the Uraud Jury I
The legislature of Xebraska is seri
ously considering a proposition to
abolish the grand jury sy stem from
that state, on the ground that its ef
fects are more pernicious than benefic
ial to the administration of law, and
many good lawyeis of Cook county be
lieve the s;, stem here to be hurtful
and dangerous, ("rand juries are gov
erned entirely by expiai te evidence,
and though the law allows them en
tire discretion in detei mining what
offenses should and what should not
warrant an indictment, it is neverthe
less true that these arbitrary tribunals
are very frequently made the instru
ment to can v out the alms of malice,
revenge and dishonesty. Of the gieat i
num'jer of com plaints and chargts
made before one of iIum- si ciet h:ui- j
si ion.s, two-thirds are f, :m ,ivi
thrown out ;;s L-fiiit; i;;i .voi I h y of
si.leiation. ui" the b-danci, that
conveitil by Vihat an; caileij
b.l ' a g I; Ii ii 'ii r Il-e e! of-i
.liter into c-iurr than tl.c docket.
ij i.oht.'il b; :.n:s' of i Her, il.t-niii'
l Vi'ielil'e, ' r ai e no' M.slained i)i:e
i'i II
are , 1 lie
!' . : 1-
it is nueiiy irupoasii-le to open court
to make tod tiie a.'h-j; li:iiis.
(Irand juries .-tre expensive luxuiit j
to tie oo Ui le thai: ths j for tiie t-ja:.-
try, and are bt-ncus ..ii'i.elioiis wi-euieriy whieh I i-an .-ell and tnuler
t l.i v 'ii-e !: .. -I is I lo ni.:..,,s e.f vi t.l .r- take to l iii lii-i! I, n I': ::iuf'f oi k
,ev arc
n;o j.i l v ate i. :.u; i . im or Uiiteivneea tiiat ,
v.ill i:;.t sstitnu tin tit i-.i light of a court I
invest 'm.-i'iion. Wi iie it i.s true that!
uiaiiy ci iuit'o aud misauiui-auoi j come
lo junlice through this ch,ii:;:i ! lii.u
I wi.ii. i .hoc ic uutui ci evi, 1 1. io i . e
i lf;4 trill 1 lif vten i n raltr ot
, - "
eiude law, au outgrowth of fcudalibiu
that does nut risbtlv be!on: to this
day' of advanced methods in ev.-ry oth-
er methods in every other science, or j
to the improvements made in oti.ei
and perhaps less important branches
ot it'o;al practice aud legislation. Uus
j iness miht be expedited by a more in-
example inai oiner siate.-i wiii iimi it
piotilable to follow. Inter Ocean.
liift emi t of l :iss euuiiiy, -Nei.r:ilii... Notice
ID liou-resiilpia (lt'ientliiiit.
I .lolm K. Karnes, nuii-rosiilent deiYii.liiiit. w ill
t.kf. Hntii-e tlmt nn fli. l,T il:.v if I Ii'i-ci.i 'i.t a.
i 1. is;. J-eter .Merise. tlainttft herein, tiled his
J periliun ju the (listiii-t t-onit ol Citss co
itsa roui.ty.
j ;eui:isk. almost snid .J
oii:i K, Harnes. lictorid-
i'lit. the iitijt-et and prus er of nnii-li are l. re-
tfver the sum of is 10 ; un mi acioitnt lor goods
sold and delivered to the said .lohn K. I. arnes
by tiie i-al.l plailit'IT. t'etiT Menses, at his in
quest, and that on said d:iy of iJecrmuer ls2,
an unler of attuchiiietit was Issued hy iheeii'ik
oi fitid court against said iltiendaut, and
int--ty roiisislfn ef re'il estatd war a! tai-lit'.t
u:iiii;i-aiid by virtue ol said older, lu-sll :
l-oli one i i i. two iiii and three iii). in l.lot-i.
four (4 1. in Town-end's iKlon t.j lh-eii of
i'Ullsinuiah : root UiJt tllp s;. Ill John fc. Haines
is lmtili. d thai, he is rvsair.-.l t.'i aopotir and
ausv.i-r said peilrioii in i.- t.-f.-u' the .".lit day of
March. 1S:J. or Miia it-iaion w ill lie taken" as
true, and said .io.titi n M hi: sold In s.lIilJ
fcaid flaini.
rcTHi: MEi;r.s.
Ey J. II. Mo:.l-on, iiis Atl'v.
I'iatt-niolilh, Nrli., y L'3. l-s3 l!tl.
AUachmeiit Notice.
lu the distiitt curt r.f i'i,! i"
l-iei!ciick 1). l.enliof .. .loiui
o!ii-e In lion resident !W!i';:Uit
llie v;.iii nf f,-i;il;itit .h)l 'I li. i'.;n:
M. ic ef i f Ne'.r .si. :.. .
t:i- lii.t ,i i n;ai::ti'I I i.-.i.i i ,
d d ca ii.? lull d;-y of I ir.-.i.-iry. .'.
liis r. Iiii..i. i.i : 'i e.i-ti i.jt eonri. :
i h- s:t.
tieieii'!;.!!.. ) i. i;. i'.ain. sp:::t fy.'.i ii.
a'.J ct'f.-i:i!.iii: is iiel.'i.r' ii r--s:-i-i
Hi'- s;::.i i.l f.u- :,: : - .!.; r.i..i ; .
Mitd di leiidaur at b n-.i;ii';t. :.i-.a .r.. ::
jj jiutr.t against a'..i delemi.ii:: li r .- ;
.I and luHi oil il.e ii:,i nay ot .lan-cn;.
Is.-iJ. an '.rjci- oi ai:a.-i:m?'it i-'.:l ..:.t i:
s-.iiU i-'j-i:-', a.ul Ih- o:ii..' in r-.- I e-l:it: of s;ii'
Jolui . Il.iriit-s, i,a i,--n aua.-i.--il u
i r:.-ri-l a--.: v;aiiti.t lo-v..: ; J...: l ,.c:-is i
I b.ot'k 4. 1 o i '..m i e n addition to the i-..y
; Pl.t: isl-io;,: 1;. i ,'ss i:oi.i.;y, y.:r..;.t,:. a:: ; :i -;
id'iiiey now d ue !::U pnya.ite t t.'.. A '. : f-...t
I I,.- rlt. il . ', I I.- v. i -
j ka. J:a :;.. t.Vi'luri, l!- . '.:. ..efedat.
i iit-!!.' not .liii lo aj.p.-ar a-i-i '. ,'.ve;- s .1
l-eiu.ou or t.efore :i,e . -, ii d.yof Mar li is-.
i -"' u: ''.i te .
I i.ii:t i.i,l,i..."l riri't,r.i.- r'-.-
KKKDJiUr. i. i i:x;inpr.
B . I. K. M'srrisoti, i-laietiff.
: Af.y f.:i-rt .i'iii.T.
I4.t:iiKi;rtti. 44U. w6; u. ir- :li. . .
Notice ef Probate of Will.
Iu the niatior ef the list ivi'.! i.;,d :-.;.ni:e.i t f I
Setli li. Korkwt'il, lin e ruct Itiemii ly court. I
frtss eoiti. ly. .si-'iraKa.
Nnt:oe is liirehy trivpn, thai r.n ti e ?;It l:iv
ot fchruary. A. U, liv'l. at t ie county .In.ii-'
i. llie, in l't.ittsMio;:ih. 'a-s county. S'ehr irka.
at el.e o'l'iock ill the fiern-;Mi. the lol.owi
inaticr will le heird ami cm Mered :
1 The- afinrTcation f A Oram Y. Wondard to
flilmi: to nrulij.:? tiie las wiii and testt'nent of
Ketb B. Hockc l.laterf snid rnuuty. tlrceased,
and for loiters- ftameutary to j;etUltmer.
15y trder of the court.
.llin M. Ii.k
i.k.' iiliiiiiliff. m John K llirnita
il.-tfiilMiil. In llm ditrlil rnurt of ' '.
Nntli'i. lit li.iii r.'lrt-nl i'li nilonl. John R.
llanir.. in. ilclouilnnt, will Ixkt- no
tlce on III vsili iiHV 1. 1 Nonlirr. Iwti.
Jolui h. Dnkr, iliiUitin lirreiii, Oleit III twlillon
In tin lirtrlct eoun or i'n coil ly, Nehraska,
imin-f nalil adruiiaut i the ol'Jei t ami raer
ntwlileh ntf to -t'co rr the Hum of i;. tor
Hint nirri'humlUi il.l in. .l.-livrird to lU lr
femliiiii. I.y the lUaliitltT. at hla r.U.'t ; unit
lUr. l.hinl It finthrr niilint'il Hint tin oli lW ot
nlil roni t In a.l 'nni Ixueil un r o( at
tio'lnunut nitalnit Kld ilt'lt-iiilaul anil that rt-at
fililo low It : l.ti our. two uuil lloea In I.I.m k
tour. In ToMiMrnil' nil.lllliui to the city of
rinlti-niotilli, i'ie Htl:irhrl miller mil. I unler,
un.l the sal. I .toll n K. H inn I- liolirli'.l thai
he In re.uu e.l In ii.i. iir ami uniwer Mlil ie
t II Ion. on ol'lieloie (he Mil .l ay of M irrh. Im.1 ;
oi - -h;i ll pi'lltlon will te tak i n :iInu. ami alj
p-oi.ivly will lie villi tu HiilUly alil elauii.
.1 UN M. l KF.
Hy hN aif) .1 I:. Mon !.!)
I t.illsuiiintii. Neli , .l.iii. lhni I .li
Annual Mtrlhii;.
Tlie annua! I., i-elln of I he Sink lint, lit s of
the H.l 1 1 1 1. I un ami .Miiiotiii lill.'i llaliioa.l
('uiiiiiaiiy. In Neliiaskii. III he h -M ii i he l
li ee ol Hie i '.ini.:im . In I'la; I -nioul h. eli , i.n
Ihnr-i'ay. I'. l iiiary .'.it, at l.mYlork a. .n , lor
Ihe el.'. i am .'t Hireeloi -., aiol any ol Ii.t Imi-i-ne
hi. I. may legally et.ine biloli- I lie im-et-
a. ;.
:t - ill 1
S I . N Wt)(i),
Set re I. try.
'.tun. .hiii. 1
3IC4I i ntr.
'Mm- annual int-flii.t; of t!i Stork llnMei'. i.l
1 iiiinl'.:i anil S011111 , ,., rn Uailnmil ( om-
1 ,mi, i.i i... ii.-:.t n! 11 Hi,-,-i.i i in i ...-.
in ll.ill lima u. .N.-li, 1.11 I inn -lUt. Ki'lminiy
. ja. :il Id. In o'.-loi I. .t i , li.i ni' k !'.'! Ion i t
Hinrlor-, anil any 01 lu i lui-. 1 m- 111. Ii n,a
legally eonie I'el.jie Un- tnei iinj...
A. S I'A N WOO!.
1". ten, .Ian. l.wl-iii 1. S.-. tetary.
Notice to 'Jcachers.
I i:l lie at my n'lli-e ill I'l l 1 1 -.Tiiutit ll the lit I
l'lici... anil Sai iitilay, am! at l.linnoo.l Hie
sen. ml uiul loiulii I'll. lav aril Sal 111 ilay . 11 ml al
Wi- jiinj; Water tlie Hunt Saii.r.lay of ia. li
1110.1i li 1,1 alli'inl I. ai.y i.clioi.1 i.uiiii;hs lliat
i.ii'j lit- .i i-si'iueu IL, C'y KL's AI.10N,
Kbtray Kotice-
Suave. 1 finiii my flaimliter Imitse, a :
olil n il ln-iliT. ulee Mini i: in i tlmiK -11
Iia. I
w i ' 1 : e sj.ii-on liirelieail . Vi in iay a!l i-j.i-
an. 1 s. i.ii r,r her, if u! i. I as to h. r Mtir,
JJil I A IT e i 11
Jistimate of Expense.
At a niei-eiiii nf the r.ii.a.l of Cininly l .iiii
inissii lit i s, Ih IiI mi uesiii.y , .1 j :i ll. lb.i,
t in I oil. e. in est i male ot e ieiiHi-. iif t'.i-.i I o.
elii.iska. Kt l lie y t-ai' K-. i. u .u maiie as ii.l
low s :
I'oiui exiii-n-es $7.(.e i oo
sa!iiiy,tr per dieiii count y oiiiii.'m . 1 mi
" Mipei iiilrmlaiit i 1 Seliuuls. . . . mm if.)
Afsesiuir t .utility ami Census return.. oti
lax 1. 1st 7:1 no
lioul.s. blanks ami aiiyeiluhn; uo
Wl'l-liouH l.OtM I HI
Fuel. Court House anil .tail 6uu (MJ
.Jail exiiew-es, inelii.lni;: Jailoi ' f'f .. IH
lutstai.iliiiK warrants ami thmtliij; iu-
I''HS 7.000 00
l!liil(;i s 10.000 00
11. ,'. M 1;. K. lionils. Int. anilt'i luelpal jii.oihi in
Insane 1 0"u 00
I'm. r house exielisri, I ui'l n.i 1 II n 1'liysi-
ehius salary -J .VO 00
lioaiU 12.1 mo no
cum i:s salary io ik
Stall nii'iy 'jno t'
Kxtra v.iirk on assessment Leuks ,-uul
r-'Uit hooks 2e0 W
Attest .
.Ian. !lh. lss.j.
. i7(i,55) no
I oiinty Clerk.
IS s
(AND) -
I. aw and eollei-i ion business promp
llv atletided to at this oiliec and pro
ece is remitted wilhoilt delay.
Notarial work, ennvey aiieino !tiid
abrl raetitio; attended to on short ;o
tiee nnd satisiacl ion o uai anl etil.
If 1 here is :mv tiling we do make a
specially of, it is uity an.! suburban
real e-iate. Several liii.'- l'.irr.i-i and
soi;:e wild land al li:' r; ,;i ii i.alo rili;;
I in-u eau a lioine hy le: i n o mi ml li
ly tvh.'il Ihey IK W pay t !' n::.t. !
imi-i:-.' forbids uivii!:- !:ii a small!
of th'; b:ll
a ills i: o w on I he
, we li line 1 1
bo iks at Mils a-jeii.
ei'i e!i i.e.' hall' ai r.' lots, S mini!..--'.(
Ill I.'. SlH'Jls, al U ji V0 to S;l.'lO
eaeh. :i:id on terms that would make
a man asiiamed m say ho oid nit own
a l.';. ( and si e, oii are not
. ci mpehed to buy and u e wont 'jive
j ti.i si; l.iis a .vay, bat vo-.i c.tti rci thi.-iii
so 'hey will nils, .'nit-ly cost y ou noih-
Fi ve ai-ie lot j mile from city lor
i .S-..0 part n time.
Jilev. n :ii-i-e lot mile from city
I for -Sa'O t'.is is e.Mia tin-'.
i iiave llll t-t pirees n oatsiile iiM.ii-
i il.ti.i !o ::.-, tor lln ill. HOW
tot- Un ill
I will
fe : nish i h-- ii . mi a I :i '.: t
.vi.-r.'. is v ha t hurls m,;.
on I h" work, j
ll .1 i Mill
ee I Mil ! "j,.-,. !
lain!; ii' y oii j
iti'I see in.-. I
j d t';o y oi k at a lair r
l y i it a el- ."i' ileed l' .r l iie
I e-I'l'l ('.' I he V.'.M-',:
lit:: li in i some one V. :
V I :
lo i i i o ;
'i'.-n ai re- !oe
: .,) :
ii.Mi l.'t.
?.''.. do
I'oi.'ij Oi.)
riiei.s wcil i
Several small
in proved
sale at
:ijoil'.ilio th
it v. tor
j rcaiouabjc rate.-.
r. km i.srs!.
i 1(1 'iro-.- Willi r.dil till
M(( .. im.,rav'il !K
i 80 " 3200
; lt!) acres, wild, Ui-p. V'y ( 10UO
j CITY flioJ'RItTV.
1 Cor. lot Id'kn from hopfcheapi$100
I o 175
"J " o " loO
I .1 cor " -2 " " 4?o0
! 1 " -1 " ' " i7f
.1 cor ' " ." l."0
2 " " N. 6th Ktreel (Hue) :100
2 " " Picuie Hill " 200
1 " " Wafchinatou ave" H50
! 1 " 1 bl'k from Maiu ht extra 400
Improved city real estate iu abun
dance. I cm find what you want in
this line if you will call mid m-c nie.
IJtisiiicss houses and lots for sale
at much lower lir:ire than will be
asked mx months hence.
Stores; and dwellings rc-ii'cd n-.d for
ren!, rents promp'.ly c-.Ii.-1 it.-i!.
If you don't cee wh ii y.:i want in
this coiuinu coiiie :i:,.l :i-k fot-ii. I've
probably tjii-sed j wl-.:it y.;ii wsiii.
Mlicc :i neurlv rv eti-Siin:: from
l' t n 8.
C'?;;d li"'.-. hoilso ..!,.! I v..) f.riC !.'?.
'.!! ''oc-l . ,c.. ' i...!i ,- ) ;,-.
Old Reliable
?. -., f, i- jt
W !!;
.e ; :i.t l:i! D.-."!f r J:.
BLINDS," &c,
Fourth .Street In rtarcf Ojxra House.
We invoice
i) sluill iimkii a general reduc
tion in price on
oaks and
J a
ladies and
mm i
Our Oress Good Slaughter
will continue until February l8t,
when they will he marked
at their former price.
at prices that will astonish you.
Call Early and Often. ;
One Door East
Immense Practice in
Saturday, Feb. 24, I883r
Ear & Eye, Tlroal k Lugs, Catarrh, Kidneys
Bladoer and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
Has dis.yivrreil tlie i-T.-uiest t'.ire in the worlii for weakiiCHi of the liai It :ml Uiulilio'il
iin'ai y olsel.ari;i'. imiwieui-y, i.-ni-i :J iieL!.it v. i.ei t onsi.e", Ian tour. ioiiI.ibIuii tif iilrw. plii
tation of lli l.eail. 1;.. tidily, tictinjiinu. dinmes.-t ol n)ht or y milium, uiucumts of 1'uk h;im1,
tiiiual, iiose in s.;.n. a!K'r'li..ijs nl thu livt-r, iii:t., slrmiacli or tfowlv tln-se ternll diordr,
arising from bolilat y lisii. its ol .Milfi -an. i 'ei-ret irarpi-a inorr latl lu llie vieilui liiau XUit
Hiinys of .syreun lo toe iii.ine-..f t It ssj., ij-n.n ifi Ir mot rndient nou- or siillidpallob,
rcii tie ring iiiitrri.iice it. pirt-iWc.
1 lior.r tna; a:e .-i .-I.-iii i: 11 '..n It.'' el .1 ai't ie, lili li destiny llielr l.iclital and ibylct
r! stem, l-itll4tlt
TI'.h ynijtfnus of ar a. tia:. ii tst rel ini.i'I, unfit tticui for pi jdruiui thir btl
iijH;? uiul Sofia! ilut !, lu ik'-i ii. l,;i tii.UMi iti lMfll;, (It! I (--let Die rttfiuij ii heiti'f
' L iit:!tL, u;jiititi;r.ii, m in- u.a .tul ttij.'-, ihin Ort:.i.h..lf , juclacui'ly. tir
i t.i.:iy u( a:;-: h ;., p;1; -iuctr to tn: v.vt.i-. Ilin Una t un: .it.uii( i wiiru rc-
' T 1 1 li'jC. SfIlilltul w fi!.iit'.iP, .i-t lil.iloiooti , ; t(ii;e 3t'''..iL 111 t lie 11 1 tiC. UK I V Uut!ft, (rtJlliUllll
. oiiti'-iMii ot 1 lioua: . n it i y a:oi v- - e. u J p;tM,t 01131! pal,;tif puinu'', p.ilu liU can -lt
-!S in I il llli.ij-, f C., ;tit .U U JIiv.ll 11. U l.tiiittOi.iIvl Ut! i'A(.tJl iw jiri ...-t ira.tiu.
; W!m eave lieeotiiK t ;.-iil;i of sol. t..i v n e, t dreadful anu defini-tivi' lui,. t il.i.-ii umiwIIj
sArp-. f., u-r.l.ii.-i 'rav.; iii'ju-ii.els .1 J 1'.:. 1.1; iie-u o rxail.i l.iiret ana Oliliiiiiii jut.-llrt'l
u t.o i..i.;i.-. otni m iii- t-lr.ti.i-e iisi'-i.oi s, i..i;:s iviln trie t ina.l.T- 01 t ;i-.i ci''.ia-iit-i' ,.r aktt
lo ecsla'-. t!le livinj: i- io. ln..y i.. ili:l c
' r.lAHHlAGE.
M;trr;-il ii-r'u 'i you:: .i.ii coiiien.i .alio,; iii.4i.i t. Aie n f" m'uki.cui. Iam4
; tif 4-ri..Tr.iiivc r. iuh If:cv 1 f ii. tdii'i jiua.wail'Mi ,-m u. ic via, livliu
; lilhiM-;; 1 ;;u.-r I i.l l ' c I iJi t .::.'..! . i- i'cliiwiivJ) ;oulnl; iu wi A linu, u4
j Ii:iireiarly curt- A unc vlj iv flrvi. I cl-ttif tiu uXc.ui.. a .cutli-m IXr a hut
i (i'n a:il niitiriiu;e niiJOhsii . i ;i.d.t i;.tu hy liit cl:n iui u.piur i:iutil(toc,
j V uii!i lilili &i c tt il t-j rtjHi tlii xc't'tfet-a fioui iict LifiiiK it iii e ut luts uffaul ui ctt? quelle 4iiik4
! !l::t fit-::. ol W liu lUUl U.l'-f.-t iui' fn lJt--t Uili U -uy Ual ilClca.llu l tot l.inufi
I tlit-sr tailing luto ni j r"V"'r iiiiOiltlli;u; Uy lurr fruunt. lciUct wtturf ut imii the -;
ui ul iitfitliy oii' prUtfc's. tiitr i:.osl m i i u- ftLu oMfti li r t) n.j'U'ii.'- t-i Luilt !muu uu ImmIj
uti-e. liit avkietu 11 fciiut ir:iu;f.U. th iijmcaI ami iiiruirt! pviw-ri- wrj(r ti. J1 ;rorr
' tive jiuwc: ut 1 vui: 111 n;:Uua , tl ij .ia, j-uipitaUoii vi lue tirl. 4ititiwu. i'Hiutu-
;i'0ii d Wiii! v. u ;k.z ci I if Iran., f-uitii coiuiiiiMiimi ami oitl:.
l r.ons!t in liea'.ili by unieamed i-relendei- wlio keeMiiein l. l.iu.. invulli after inokltt
latli-i 1.1-011 jii- hi..: miuilous cmi:-oU'.os. siiuulu :i.ply llnli.i .lirtlil.
1 un. risnDi-Ai 1 ,
! grudii.i'ed at oni" of 'iie most t uil.- eal -olle;e iu Uie l uited fetatto. l.a effc. trd miu.s tif lb
i niiiPt astoiji-iiui t-i.i- mat v,-ir cur Ki.on. .Vii.y (rouulea wuu riiiKiu iu tue i.ra aua
it-;'.ti wt'.eu aslerf... ,re:tt uervoes.-ie.s, oi-mi.-.11
nded ( "lin neiai-Ki-ineiii 11 ii.e i,.:i,a. ncrcrurijil luituraiaiel .
I'r I. sddr--e- ail Ii use i o l.ave Injured tl:eniselv by lniroor liiuuicetiee Killtj
liaLit xliic.i ruin lo.iii mi..d unit boiiv. tliui for hulo. tudy. niely or marrlm.
1 l i-se ;ue no-.: io.- -ad. ir'-l-.ncl.oiy . rjvi! loillt-eii by lli arly i.atu, of youlii vu
Weiiknrtt of Uie kark mi limb. pat Id 111 fct-ad an dliniifM of ulnUt, lu.s of lunaeuiMr' -Ci',
-ilidLuicb uf t . neart. urrvoii irnuu illiy.UerajiKeuieut of dlgcame luuctiju
tiriiiiitv t-oiiaiinit.lioii. -tc.
Eatraase ca Firth Street, Da Moinaa, Zwat.
COSri.TATION I l.EE. Llianfcs modern and wlialn the reat ll of all who need Rclaalifl
Medieal irfittturnt. Tho who reside al a dltinoe and cannot cait will re eve proiuot aiLr.
(km through tbe aiail by tlniplvaeiiding lUelr uipuuii wiutt kmm. r y
Addrwa Lock lk.x 0. Molina. Iowa. .
stott pTl wr 'I'pv uj. The Wcw Aatr.
February 1st, and in
order to
Dolmans !
First National Bank.
fi II ,
T 1 1 K
r ok ms
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
.ro.en at i rriani ouuu. it 11 irrquwut Iduslilous
l w t r -