Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 11, 1883, Image 4

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Our dabbing l.M fur 18S3.
Toe IIkhald offers the following
ulubbing rates to its patrons for the
following 3 rut:
Th'k Uai.rn. North Anirr. He vie t'l.Tl
' rtitiin' MKaliie J '."O
" Our Coiitiunta w'klv 4.10
' ' Prairie Farmer 3.14
MitimlHY NIclil 4.1
' " New lurk Thuea..i. ... 'i f
Irliiuue -10
" " Clilasgo TriliiiD
" " ' I line 2
Western Kural .:
New koik WcrUI ..'.
" Clii'-iuiiMfll ilktblnlt
" inialii He Willi prem.. us
Omaha Kep. ' 00
UurltiiKlou llawkajre... 4 oo
" ' " Inter tH-can 1 74
" AUier. Aurloulturlit
" ' Alhllillo Nl.uiltily 60
" Harper' Monthly 4.KA
. " Week?; 6 00
" Huaal A to
l.ellv'a Monthly 4 14
" Newspaper 4.oo
'' " ' ttiindu) Magazine S 74
Irlli Wmld 3 WO
.. Nw Voik Ledger....... 410
Weekly 4.10
' " Vulertti Illade J oo
CI'.Ii-hku yVeekly Nem.. -2 yft
" " Century MiiKailu
" it. -Mrliola 4 -i
Other publications will be added to
the list in future.
M.l). I'wlk.ol Louisville, is now- in
i Ik employ ol tho Hkrai.1i Publish
ing Company, and any tusinc lie
may Irou-m-l in it bt-half wi'l b fully
I fi'Ogllizcd.
i It'll t i o n l'a r in crs.
Twenty 1hniiTif doliura to Iohu on
lrtu lautls at S per cout. sl ratxht.
This money 1 private funds Mini
ou will do well to call ami see mo. if
you want iiioufv. .So red lap and
u . delays. VV. S. .Whk,
48uitJ I'uiun Block
A. Kullbur, U'iitit.
Additional locals will be found
lh 4tl) page.
. Schb-jtel lifts sold bis l.nrnt
! .irkev Creek, to .Iohu Howard,
1 wa.
I'll member orthe 1:. & M. band
ill elect their otlloers for the current
ye r this evening.
The Co. Commissioner yesterday
leased the Rock wood hall fur .a court
loom the ensuing year.
Will S. Wise ha arrangements made
for negotiating loans on Real Estate.
See his IccaI notice elsewhere.
The Fiist National bank hold iliai.
ual meeting Tuesday of this wetk and
re-elected all its officers of the last
The Lcavilts Gigantic minstrel trutip
will be in Plattsmouth next Wednes
day at which lime u crowded house
will no doubt greet them.
The approaching masquerade ball
on next Tuesday evening is engrossing
the attention of the ladies of St. Lukes
who are instrumental In its prepara
tion. Our Cedir Creek correspondent
lapse iut.i poetry and soars for Cedar
Creek. All the IIehald's corrof poud
eut aro widi awaku th"? d tys, ns
our coltint tt testif y.
Th ladies of the Kpiscoptl church
will give a grand masquerade Ixtll on ;
next '1 uesdav ertuing at h itz 'eraid
hall. That the occasion will be a very
pleasant one none will doubt. !
Geo. P. Weidmann. cu his farm 10
miles went of P'mtt smooth, sells on
tlie lPtli lust- at -Auction sale, a large
lot of stock, farm machi.iery etc., to
Ar-artieg wlahiug to invest, ;he chance
T a gootl one.
The W. C I . I': will hold a bu-i-ijtiB
meeting at the Presby teriau
.e .... v
t-nurcu on v etsnr-s,iuy anernoou Jan
uary 17th at two o'clock; the presi
dent, Mrs. Cooiey, will be present
and a full attendance is desired
Every troupe visit. this eity
areojl in praise of the Waterman
outside of lloyd's Opera House, Omaha,
the very best Iu the state. Lincoln
and Nebraska City papers copy.
JohnsoA Bros, have moved
their j
hardware storo in their nf w room m
the Rock wood Block. The firm have
now one of the very best store rooms
in the city In an exceptionally good
location, where they will be pleased
to see their customers.
The Edwin Clifford Dramatic Co.
ppear to-morroyv night, Saturday af
teruoou matinee aud Saturday evening
in this cfty. The company ia not a
now one to this city, and those who
remember their former visit here will
attend their coming entertainments.
The Agues Villa troupe, - which
played here on Saturday, Monday and
Tuesday eveuinas, 4oseSi,d several
features of merit, aud the one of es
pecial merit is Samuel B. Villa, who,
as a female impersonator is without
parallel. He brought down the house
at every appearance.
The Lietlerkrauz society iu this
city hold a grand masquer ide ball in
Fitzgerald's hall on the eveinug of
Fvbruaiy Oil.: ai which time and j
place, the society propose to have
one of the tiuer-t masquerades known '
to thin city. A largo assortment of
masks and costumes will be procured i
iii Omaha for the occasion.
Tho dispatches announce this morn
ing the burning of the Xewall hotel
at Milwavkee last night. Seventy-five
persons are supposed to have perished
in the flames. Tlus building was a
lar six story brick structure with
none of the modern appliances for fire
escape. The tio'se coutaiued 350
guests ou the night of the fire.
The new list of telephone exchanges j
at Omaha, Lincoln, Plaitsmouth Fre-;
mont, Council Bluffs. Blair and Ash
land is at hand with five minuets rate
for conversation with any of the points,
the list is in pamphlet form and a re
vised list of the Plattf mouth exchange
is found therein which will suppiant
the old local lists. The following is
the schedule of prices between Platts
niouth and other points for live min
uets conversation:
Ashland 35 cts. Blair 40 cts. Council
Bluffs 80 cts, Fremont 40 cts. Lincoln
40 cts, Omaha 25 cts.
On last Saturday Geo. S. Smith
reached hi. 87th bi.Uiday andanorder
known as tlie illustrious five, who ate
associated together and who have it in
their creed, so Ion as they live in this
city, to celebrate each other's birth
days, met to spend the evening in cel
ebiatlon with Mr. Smith. The four
presented the fifth memoer wnose
birthday they were celebrating, witn
a beautiful Malteese Cross masonic
watch charm on which was engraved
it. Initios of the donors. F. t. bite,
U. U. Livingston. A. W. McLaughlin,
and J. B. Strode. .The prfsent was an
el?gaut one and tSv-v!p!-nt exhibits
The following u n- uinoii the jier
konitl uiovrinents to and from this
city during (he ul week:
K C Ciiru, of SewMnl, t iu the
cily Ttnmbiy. . . .Menir. rntierHon,
Neville iiml Draper rctnrmd to Liu-L
coin .Mouiliiv . . . . it rum, oi JMm
woid In town 1 tit dny . . . . Uev. K A
Ituruell U in riattHuiouth this wet k
. . . . W L llrownc in Nebraska City
Saturday liml . ..I- W Seymour sud
K V Warrcu. ittlorneys ttl law, N'ebrns
ka City, nt the IVrkinw houe Mou
tlsy. . . .County clerk Jennings nt the
mate mpitol Tucstlay.l. (Jeorge s
Smiih is , bpectstor ur Lincoln this
week '...EH Woolcy nt Dcs Moines
Ia Saturday lut Dr A Sal
isbury at Spriiifffield, Sr.rpy oouuty,
Sunday ... II L 2'altncr. in Kun-a
I lii -i wcik Mrs l!j run Clark re
turned to l'n illiuit Tuesday. . . .Co.
surveyor Patterson, of Sarpy county,
was In MatlMiiotith Monday H K
rish, of lh- l-'dwlu Clitlbrd company,
in the i-ity the lir.t ol this week. . . .S
M Chapman 1 In Lincoln thi w -ck
Mtrie Nri lKlii ami I r:i Vc lH.
of South Ilciid. were in I'iut tkiiiouth
over .Sunday ... M r II Coo'ey, o Me
I'leussint, was in the city Tuesday.
l.lot of l-4-Uer.
I. i-il of letters remaining tiiiclaiiucU
in the offlce at I'lattsinouth. Cass j
County, Xeb.. Jan. 1 1. KSn3
Arden S
1 terry T W
Buike John
lirinkiuan Frank
Hates Mrs C C
Caldwell J S
Comely Chas
Cole A M
Lmery Maud :
Axline Uelle
llutler Marl
llogus John
Hrown Kd
Conger Willis J.
Curtis Charlie
Collins Alice
Dewey J 1)
(J irk Fred .J
(Joodheait Mrs C COurrell Mrs Ada
(iiahain A A
Hicks W A 11
Happy Elder
Johnson Itelliu
KuU.s A
Keunard Jennie
Ljtle Thus
Leist F K
Metier Saiu 1
MutzO W
Meger Cm is
Obeinalty iinon
lthelhuck J W
lloab Peter
ISoot James
Gamble A II
Humphry lo
lohuson Elizabeth
Koke C
Kuutson I
b inders 0 W 'i
I.) nu Geo II
McXiuiin T M 3
Mil! on J W
Moiiisey Kd '
Moors Alice
O'lirien Miss M.
J'arish K G
Keed Marthie
Ripple Joe
shermerhorn L A
Smith Wni
Svenson Karolinei Sjoberg J
Sjobeig Adoph Timm Peter
Tyler A V Westlake W II
Wroth Monroe Wilson J II
Wallick Miss K
Persons calling for the above
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. P. M
T. A. M Club Kesolntious.
Whereas; The Daily J urual of Jau
uary lOtli published a letter from cer
tain members of the Qui Vivo Club of
Gleuwood, la., iu which they cast a
reflection on the aoi-iul standing of
the citizen aud members of the T. A.
M. Cluli ot IMaitsmouih;
Resolved, Thai while the article
ptu.iisiieci in me ukkaj.d oi January
4th was true, it w as unauthorized
...( .. .1 I I ..... T ...
a U dicpiy repretteu ty tlie duo;
Resolved,, Thai the Club consider
their ungentle:!, mil attack as uncal
led for and unwarranted by the fact
in the rase
Resolved. Thttt we consider the
member of the T. A. M. Club who j
was biacL-bailed by the Qui tve
Club the peer oi any member of their ;
'uu ;
Resolved. That we regret the un-
pleasautuess between the two club,
and hereby extend' our sympathy to
the other members of the Qui Vive
Club who are compelled to assume a j
responsibility for the action of cer-;
tain members whose language ami i
total disregard for the truth, stamps i
them as anythiug but gentleman.
Unsolved, That thes resolutions be
published tn the Daily Journal and :
I'lattpiuoulh Herald.
W. 11. Ki-ixk,
Wl 1.1. CilAMKKKs.
Jas. Pattk-rson Jk,
Com. ou Resolutions.
there is a family living in the third
.... , . B , .1 x he coming amusement event prom
ward that have been in want and suf-1 . . ? .... ,
M , I ie. to bo Leavitt'a minstrels, tor
fering for some tune, a number of the i . f. , , .
.... ' , , Plattsiiioutli lores min- relsv.
children being sick :n bed. esterday ! ... 1
two gentleiueu in the city took the j Jim Woodson is busy today moving
matter in charge ami collected twenty- into the store roon vacated by Smith
nine dollars and some cents in cash J & Black Bros.
and groceries, a load of wood, and a
load of co'os, all of which was douated
by citizens for the relief of the family.
Tue collectors and the donors" have
done no better work in this new year!
than that. ;
The meetings ;;t the M. E. church,
. . . . - a a
eacn evening mis weeK, are reponeu
as full of interest and they will
continued by the pastor. Rev S. P.
Wilson, the coming vreek. On Sunday
evening tho pnstor will discourse upon
Orthodoxy, what it is and what it
means, and to Sabb.ith service and the
evening meetings all art) cordially in-
Smith & Black Bros., the druggists,
have moved aud now occupy their
new room in lhe Rock wood building.
The 'helving iu the ueyv room is elab
orate, new in detfgu and very hand
somely fiuished under the artistic
hand of C. K. skinner, tin painter:
The firm now have one of most com-
j niodious and attractive room iu the
! .-itv.
P. B. Muiphy assumes his duties at ;
the legislature this week ... A. X. Sul
livan was ia Glen wood yesterday, on
legal business ...S. P. Vanatta was i
called to Louisville Tuesday on legal
The room lately vacated bv the
j Moiiarcn Billiard Hall is being en
i tirelv re-tltted and when completed
it will be occupied ly Juo. 11. Cox
i with his hardware store.
Attention is called to the new ad
vertisement of W. II. Baker wl.uli
! appears in issue. ...r. Baker oi-
j ters - -"thr
; ot cons deration.
; " ' " " " .
U' J'.U "nek uh. commei.dablo
enterprise, Jas opened out a cireula-1
liug library which, we learn. i very
liberally patronized.
The Monarch Billiard Ha'l has becu
removed to the room iu Cm; Herold
Todd b5ock .MeF vacated bv C. C.
. Herold & Co
-r. ..,.1 11.. , ...
, " "lu" "
;. ont au ilibm.uated Billiard sigu be-
their B.ll'srd Hall which I
' ttaito
attractive. ---
TliellKKAt.n kiirred .Mp thje ul
Vlvu (Inuring club of (Jlcnwood
somowhat, by some remarks made iu
its column Inst week. A number of
llio T. A. .Si. club informed lis of llic
way tlie lakt visltorx was received in
Hint place, and we said no Tlntts
mouth boys should be treated in that
way unnoticed, nnd so wo spoke,
without consultation with the T. A.
M. club, or the lormer residents of
G Ion wood in the Journal orlicc; if the
latter tVd grieved over our "attack"
upon their former associates and iuti
mate friends we ure indeed sorry.
There is but litlic to answer in that
remarkable letter from the ui Vive
club; they say they nt tended the T. A.
il. Thunki-i;iviii bull l.erc, where
the crowd was tint select, miisii', etc.,
miseruble, aud hall iliil and du-ty.
Thi is indeed a sore urievun-'e; over
iu (fleiiwood, or that parlot the Is.wn
that has not burned op or f.oh-ii dow n
they never :nisc thedil-.!; they )ll
fcitler no Kin cuuine, except tlie
Aikiinu Tr.T t-ler. :in.l n. i ruw.i c-
leet cxecpt u
i Ci'line(-ld with the
I'ccble .Mill. led. localed
Homo f-.r tlx
ou :i hill south ol their town. I he
state of Iowa i- vcrv lender to its
chihlreit, aud that stale keeps it- in-!
lilutioti i,i (ilcnv.oo'l in perfect .eon- '
dilion. and hence ai ii s ih.- n-ilii-ti-!
ril, ol u orad.,au ulm have
found membership ill the Qui Vive
club. Their nerves never will hcjvcry
stron-f and tlie T. A. M. club should
not expe.t it. The (ileuwnod boy a
aie flrgricvcd further on account of
the fact that when the T. A. M. boys
visited (ileuwood. the younf lad'.es
there deserted their childlike compu
ny huiI dauced too often with the T,
A. M. quests: hcn-e linn h ancr wns
aroused in the minds of the Qui Vive.
Finally, the rumor conies over the
j ic; that the Qui Vive club is broken,
I disbanded and a linaucial wreck; iu
which event lh.;y will find thai chari
ty in the T. A. M c.nb which will
loan them money lor another party
without interest or security, and the
Qui Vive's should srattier in the op
portunity. Mr. Il.isson. who hml his hand and
arm mangled in the wood work shops
and which accident ne etsitatr d am
putation, is doing as well as could be
expected. Yesteidav some of the
shop men started out among the work
men to raise lnm a purse and last night
140.00 had been subscribed and prob
ably by tonight the amount will reach
8200.00. Mr. Hasson, while suffering
much, will recover, but it will be sev
eral weeks time at best.
The business men of this city are
now experiencing tlie quiet days sue
eerdi" the holiday trade; but they
can rest assured that lively times will
come, for never before have farmers
held so much of their stock aud crops
back from the markets.
Some boys on a sled today in coast
ing down the high school hill ran into
some teams and narrowly escaped
with their lives. As it is two of them
were badly kicked and cut about the
head and face.
h New window curtains are adorning
the window of a numbi-i- of oar bus
iness houses, adding much to the ap-pciu-nnce
of the fronts. They are tbo
work of Henry Lehman, Omaha.
1!a,,bil ,iuntin!r is the pnl r 0, xXw
dav uo an(, ftmo,01,r ,llIlltr,.a tro,;
;u(, (h(l Jowji ,)oUon s ftm, g,ay l)i(i)n
in anv quantity desired.
The new roller skate rink ol Joseph
Ford'f", is located iu the basement of
the block, yvhere each evening lively
sport is tn order.
Remember the minstrels at the op
ra home Jan. 17th. Tr.v sale of seat s
will bc;in on Monday morning, Jan.
R. 15 Windham started forth this
morning for Lincolu, w here he will
take in the legislature for a few days.
Remember the Board of Trade meet
t ing tomorroyv night at the court room
and help to make a full attendance.
Leayitt's Gigantic minstrels
i bo here the evening of ihc 17th.
Legislative Recommendations,
The nasty fumes in. II. It. smoking
cars is sufficient proof that most ci
gars are a!uiterateu wnti injurious
drugs, such as opium, St. Jacob's oil,
or any other stufl- ,hst diabolical
geu;Us can devise. We therefore, and
! in coiiforrriitv of Prof. Aligner's re-
port, recommend the public to use
Pcpperberg's cigars which are not
alone of finest quality, t also strict
ly pure; legislators nuA others will
provide themselves with these cigars
during the scssiuu und preserve a
clear mind for business.
4S-tf JcLirs Pepi-khbkko,
Manufacturer, Plattsmouth. Xeb
Circulating Library.
To the citizens of Plattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that 1
have opened a circulating library and
am commencing witft ? i volumes to
which will be made constant addi
tions. The books are iu part Histories,
Biographies, noted woiks of fiction,
Lrte novels and an assortment of books
for the young fo.ks. Ierni3; Ten
Cents a week, payable in advance.
Call and see my catalogue.
W.J. Warrick.
Settle l'p.
j Johu R Cox desires to gel his books
j aud accounts all straightened up bc
I fore the 1st of February lie rc- tfullv and earnest !v requests all
. I - - !
parties kuow-ug them -Ives lo be in-
j debted to him, to call sn his store and
' " wo"1'
4A ;4
; Sain J. ina, manager or tne uia
; j I)ecker & s,.s e3Ublijm.
j njent used in the opera L.mse on their
j rec)nt vUU uUtaU elegitnt. rf8Cl
ciinches this statement bv order-
! in one for his home at Kidgeway.
Xow Jersy. Samples can be seen at
the Opera House music store. 43t2
Mason & Hamlin organs in a great
variety of styles, first-class iu eveiy
particular. Low for cash 'or on easy
payments call and examine for your
selves. Rented until rent pays for or-
' can. Opera House musle store, James
! pettee. GeuT Agent.
! First-class. Pianos from several of
the best makers'at Opera TTooso music
store. ' V
Complimentary JSeaeflL
TheAgrTei VilU troiip on .Satur
day and ilonday evening were, on ac
count of the severe weather nd the
fact that they wete visiting v this city
for the first time, given very light
audiences. Those who attsuded spoke
very highly of theeuterUiniutnts frwin
which came the following request:
"We the undersigned citins Lav
ing witnessed the 4-xceJent antertain
meuts given by the Agnes Villa com
pany the last two evenings, being de
sirous of showing our appreciation of
the effoita of the entire combination
to phase their audiences, hereby beg
leave to tender a benettt to them to
take place on this, the last appearance
or the company. On wkich. oco-aslon
we hope the amusement lo7tBg people
will unite in making the taudince
worthy the talent of the above aamed
artists. Signed,
I. 1'. Voting
Jas. Peltte
G. A. Ashmtin
M. l;. Murphy
G. W. Fairfield
I). A. Campliell
11. XI. Dustmen
.1. W. Marshall
SmIoiuoq A Nathan
W. 1. Hro'wu
J. W. Jennings
I'. V. Mathews
Frank Ca rutb
and many others." ,
The result of the above effort of
the citizens had the good result of
gis ing the troup a very good house
and those vh were both critical and
competent to judge of the ability of
the trouoe; and to say that all wra
pleased iu every respect woold bo a
perfectly safe statement and the
troupe were deserving the recognation.
The W. C. T. I held a delightful
meeting last Tuesday afternoon at the
Presbyterian church. It was opeued
with remarks by the president, Mrs.
Cooiey. and 1 would hk to say right
here, that if our friends yvho are not
members of the temperance causo
would come to our meetings and hear
Mrs. Cooiey talk it would do them
good; she is an earnest, thoughtful,
cultivated speaker; her remarks are
always to t he point, and as a presid
ing oflicer I have never seen her equal.
She wa followed by Rev. Mr. Ilaird
in a tew earnest words urging the ne
cessity of prayer aud more thorough
consccratiou to God u the part of
thoie engaged in the temperance
work. Mr. Cornell, of Chicago, then
spoke of the necessity of temperance
workers encouraging by palrourge
those men engaged iu buisness, of
known temperance principles aud re
fusing to trade with, or couuteuauce,
men who dealt iu or encouraged the
sale of intoxicating liquors" Rev.
Mr. Wilson then made au euergetic
aud stirring appeal to the ladies for
more activity aud energy in their
work; followed by Chaplain Wright
who adrisrd those engaged in the
temperance work not to ' switch off"
on side issues but keep steadily in
mind that prayer was the one thing
needful and that if a mau was conver
ted to God, conversion to the temper
auco cause wauld surely follow, for
where would you find a genuine
christian that wa not a temperance
Mrs. Cooiey then appointed a com
mittee of three, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs.
Dake and Mrs. Wise to solicit new
members for the Union; several names
of those proposed were enrolled, aud
i afier a few inor remarks' from the
I pretidoct. singing of a hymn aud
J prayer by Chaplain Wrighi. the trroeU
j inff adjourud. . .
' Mrs. J. N. Wi.?E.
Professor Tice the distinguished me
teorologist and weathei prophet of St.
Louis, has issued his annual national
weather forecasts for 1883, in which,
besides foretelling the, weather
for every day in the year, and . clearly
explaining the theory on . which his
predictions are based, he gives much
other information concernig atmos
pheric phenomenon the whole de
signed not only to give the facts as to
the weather, but to teach the masses
the facts determining weather chang
es. In the present number the pro
fessor has'a timely article on Comets,
and also on electricity as the Fuel of
the Future. In view of the terrible
storms of last summer, his "Notions
about Tornadoes" are specially inter
esting, and his directions for guarding
against their destructive effects posess
rare practical value. The pages of
the Almanac for 1885, are further en
riched by a variety of fresh, popular
and instructive matter relating to
fascinating science of meteorology
the whole making the most complete
and useful annual for the farm, the
household aud the shop ever published.
For sample copy and terms to the
trade and to agents, send 20 cents to
Thompson, Tice & Lillingston of St.
Louis, Mo.
Economy of the City Bads.
Mr. Murphy moved that the bill of
Mr. Thielas. for $3, the value of a dog
killed upon which the taxes had been
paid, be allowed and it was s order
ed aud the mayor and clerk instruct
ed to draw a warrant tor the same.
Daily Journal.
1st. They authorize the acting citr
marshal to maltreat and put to death,
dogs, and then for the dog(oned) act,
remunerate the said "acing'' in the
sum of $1 per head, for removing the
said defunct to some rural look out
side the city limits.
id. If at any time the said "actiug"'
lacks a canine to fill out a load, aud
ho the said "acting,"' without due
premeditation, slayeth a pup, which
the dads say, Thou shalt not flay
then the aforesaid dads, pay the 'act
ing'' $1 for violating said law.
Then the Dads pay the said be
reft of the innocent purp, in the sum
of $3.00 out of the consolation fund.
Total result; dozs dead, 1
City Finance depleted, $4 00
On same basis, o00 dogs, H.'XO 00
Taxpayers, what thiuk you?
Notice to Attorneys.
Terms of district court, 2d judicial
district, of Nebraska, for 18S5, are as
Lancaster eonnty, commencing
February 26lh, May ?th and October
Xenicba county, March 27th, and
Otoe county, April 10th, Sept. 25tb
and November 27th.
Cass coiinty. May 1st, October 16th, j Heuali two week ago. He wa sni-e-and
December 11th. ' ly Just thinking about it. Pretty good
j Little Bub, write again and tell the
Wni. !l?rold'i !old established dry ! Herald readers all ationt the other
goads and grocery bouse for bargains
uey !
The best goads for,th?f le Mt
at William Uerrdds.
Cestar Creek Letter.
Cedar Creek, Jan. S,
Ed. Hebali:
Our little burg ia getting ou
At quite a lively pace;
And if jou wish to prosper well
Just settle at our place.
We bail from many different points,
All glad this town we're struck;
English. German, Swiss and Dutch,
And one gallant little Canuik
We all can talk at quit a rate.
And make our little speech ;
But some who live at Cedar Creek
Don t practice what lhy preach.
One oveuing last week.1 Mr. Worley
und wife called at II. luhehWs, and
as they were enjoying a jovial chat,
Joe Wildy rushed in like a whirlwind
aud after dolTlng his hat- and bowing
to the ladits. said that someone was
break iug into Mr. W's house. By tel
ephone the chief of police was called,
and with the strongest posse at hand,
backed by fists' chibs aad revolvers,
Mr. W. aent into his houe a li tie in
advance and soon cried. ."Come on, I've
got him." The peace preservers rushed
in to find the front door open, aud
now Mrs. W. can't see why alie ahitt
the dog iu the house.
There was a ball at J.tliu Amick's
cattle on Thursday. They danced the
German Polka. If lhe Kiht Mile
Grove "Dandy" had Lcen theie he
could have learned it. 'We congratu
late our brother on his high ambition
to learn that polka, as learning it will
no doubt be very remunerative to
A party of our young men were at
the Concord literary the evening of
the 3d, and have nothing to say for it
but words of praise. 'It is doing much
socially and mentally that is accom
plished in no other way.
Chicken pox, which has been raging
tor a few weeks, in slightly abating.
It makes the boys as sick as if they
had been hunting the muzzle loading
shot guns imported from Plattsmouth
on Christmas.
The demands from aome of our
dense population is for a saloon ; from
others, a barber shop, from others a
church ; and some people even wan t a
shoemaker; not because they actually
need these things but merely to help
tho town out. Which wili we have
first? Draw straws for it.
Mokk Axes.
Three U roves News.
Three Groves, Jan. 8.
Ed. Herald: In preparing notes
for you we keep a note book in which
we write down all items that we think
will be of interest as they occur during
th week. In refenng to it at present
we find the following hastily written
The mercury iu our thermometer
started down grade on New Years day
and stopped somewhere, near zero, and
has been there nearly ver since, but
on Friday nd Saturday the weather
changed and has been thawing some.
Shooting matches have been quite
numerous during the holidays at which
the hunters and sportsmen spent their
time and amuniticu to a good advan
tage. Oue at W. 1 . Alle.u's on New
Years day aud also one last - Saturday
were well patronized.
Mr. and Mrs L. II. Young and daugh
ter have been over to Iowa tho past
week visiting friends; during their
rounds they took in G '.en wood and
Council Bluffs. They returned on Sat
urday .
The new Christian church, on Rock
Creek, has been used to a good advan
tage this winter aud seems to be a
credit to that neighborhood. Rev.
Hallum has been conducting the meet
ings there and has awakeued quite an
interest among the church going folks
a large number have been added to the
church, so we learn. While on this
subject we will say that steps ought
to be taken in that diriction in eur
neighborhood toward building a
church, if is something very badly
needed. The people in this vicinity
are probably as able to build as fine a
building as any where iu the county,
outside of the citiM. AH that is need
ed is somebody to take hold of it and
forward it along.
Mr. Silas Crosser has been east visit
ing friends, somewhere in Iowa, for
several days.
They have a singing bee- down on
Rock Creek at the school house con
ducted by Mr. Hart of Elm wood.
Miss Minnie Droste has been sick
for several days with the fever, she is
better aud able to be up now.
One of the twin babies of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Wiley has been quite ill
for some time with the typhoid fever.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Con'.ey. now of
Seward county, formerly of this coun
ty, made a brief call on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nix lost their
little babe (about a month old) a week
ago, by being smothered to death, as it
was supposed, it being found dead in
the bed during the night while sleep
ing with its parents.
They have a newspaper in Rock
Bluffs called the Truth Seeker, Charley
Graves and George Smith are the-editors.
They say it is a spicy interest
ing and newsy sheet. We don't know
the circulation but guess it don't run
up into thousands very far or they
would put the subscription down a lit
tle. It is eight dollars per mouth but
we think it could be got cheaper by
taking a whole years subscription.
We wrote the above in our note book
before we saw Little Bub's letter in
last week's Herald, so excuse us for
this time,
James Allison., carries a very sore
and an ugly looking wounded finger
which be hurt, last week, somehow
when he and some other fellow broke
! down their sleigh while sleigh riding,
j The sleighing is very good and would
' be hard to beat anywhere. Those that
haven't got a sled or sleigh are not up
with the times; in theBe points, we
notice several kinds aud varieti s
around the neighborhood within the
last week.
We didn't think that we would wake
up our Rock Bluffs correspondent
quite so soon, when- we wrote that
single seatence' "As Rock Bluffs can't
: afford a correspondent, Ac," in the
; mUe htlyt Ul w 08CS toH. of
: i.-
jo m cny.
Byrou Yoiing while coaxing down
from town cm Vrlda; Wok the Htle ol
a new Schutler wagon square off. The
wagon bad only been ruu about two
months. Kd Ruffner, the agent, re
placed It with a new one.
Bta Sis.
Stove Creek News.
Not having teen Stove Creek uc
ticed in your paper for some time nnd
thinking a few items might not be out
of place, since tohv White has
found a better clime, I undertake the
There is considerable corn yet in
tho field and ia liable to stay there a
while on account of the enow; but it
is an ill wind that blows no one any
good, sad so the rabbit hunters are
reapiug their harvest, that timid little
animal has no hollow trees to run in
for prut M-tion and censeqiiently km to
suffer. .
The two atorea ai Klin wood are do
ing a big hnsinen iu lhe ay of selling
Delhei t Giev.uaUle, Mho h.ia beeu
going to the stale univetsity, in at
home for the present.
Mr. James Williams and wife from
Iowa, are here, the giieats of J. W.
Woodruff, the father of Mr. Williams.
D. Huns has got back from a visit
in Iowa, where he has been to see that
gal he left behind him; but gossip
aye it will not be thus th next time
ha goes to Iowa.
Theie was an oyster supper atS. D.
Ellis last l'l iday night at which time
and plaee ojaters were above par; it
requiring ait expert Usher to catch one
in hi dish.
Theie is a debating society oigan
ized in Stove Creek school house, and
when the talent of Stove Creek divides
on a question, the question is generally
Well demolished ami the opponents
well warmed.
There is a school meet ing called
on the fourth of January, at which
time the wise heads expect to debate
the propriety of adopting a new se
ries of books; this book question has
caused considerable harsh words al
ready and we expect a warm time at
the meet in if, as some'think it a kind
of a bulldozing scheme. .
Corn shelling is the work at present.
There are some shelling and deliver
ing their corn crop, which is good;
but the price is rather low only 28
II. & L. Tyson have a new Sand
wich shelter and they are 'doing boss
The little towns close to Elm wood
such as Weeping Water aud Ashland,
look out, for Frank Foot has gone to
trading horses. t
The cold weather has prevented us
from getting a very big supply of
news this time. . . Brr..
iAinisTille Locals.
Business is decidedly quiet here
just mow, though one grain buyer
bought 43 loads of corn, Saturday. Mr.
Cutforth will ship ten car losdj to
Kansas City this week in order to
empty his crib, this being the second
time ho has filled it this winter. Mr.
Caiue and LA. Connor have done al
most as well. By the way, while
other market are paving 25 cts for
corn, the price here has not fallen be
low :; cenis; showing conclusively to
the croakein that Louisville is, and
will continue to be vastly t'nefited by
the new railroad.
Frank and Wni. Greek, who were
put under bonds to appear at the next
term of district court, have suddenly
disappeared. Their bondsman. Mr.
John King. will, doubtless be made
SIDO wisei as well a poorer. Mr.
King is deserving of sympathy, he
having worked very hard, and secured
himself a neat little home, and can ill
afford in his old age to raise so large a
sum of money
Tho B. & M. folks have put iu a
horse power gearing to run the wind
pump when the gentle zqh' is fail to
Johu Osseukep is filling his Urge
ice house with a fine quality of ie
from the Platte.
Our new paper will be issued as a
six column folio for a while until ev
erything ia fixed up iu good shape,
when it will be enlarged. It has been
christened The Louisville Observer,
and will be out on Friday of this
week it nothing prevents. Gene May
field has charge of the editorial aud
mechanical department, while Mr.
Maj field will look after the outside
business interests. The owu appears
willing to patronize liberally both by
advertising ami subscriptions. We
trust the Observer has come to stay,
as it certainly helps to build up and
improve the town.
CL UTTER At Flatt'motHb. Xebraska, Wed
neaday, January lotli, luu. at 3 :.T0 a. m., (
fneuiiiouia, Folly, infant daughter of ti. W.
and H. A. Clatter, ag?i 2 years, I month and
r, daya.
The funeral will take place from the real
dence. eorner Ninth and (.ranite Streets, to
day, Thursday January lltb, at 3 o'clock r. m.
Friends of the family are invited to attend.
IMatlsiuonth City Markets.
Rei"i iet by M. B. Murphy a Co.
Chopped Keed
Kye Flour
(irauatu Flour
Cheese (part ekim)
Cheene (lull eream)...
Hugar Cured Hams
liried Bef
Cuoi.-e Potatoes
Sweet ' "
Apples (wiuterj
Cal Peai
8cl Cider
ysters. select
l.Mla&.4.0n pel cwt.
S2.' - "
MOc "
l.i'5 '
, 4.1.30
... seat cts per
1 '
la "
... is -
IT '
is "
1? .75 St i.50 per do.
tut e. "
fcVJt SO ct. perbu.
tl.m "
. .... 75et -
TSctf. "
. .ii 1. "
.. .7i 9.- "
S j u "
a SO per bit
ihc per 1
T ISc per gal
Ws uvr can
You can fiud about evervthinir von
waut iu the stationery, confectionery,
tovr, fancy poiiou musical instru-
meets, pocket booKs, aiilO'Tuph ana
pi,otgrp . une you wans ai i mi
oungsat prices to defy rMnpeti-
wans at Phil
Just received, a larai invoice of toy !
suites, dressing cases, tted.. crits lat.lm
chairs. perarabnUtors, slols. etc.
JTif , IIakkis A FsKi n.
Masquerade ball next we.-k
Phil Young will have a lull Hit
"For Sale.
' "f
ioo acres one mi.e soutn oi ceaar
... .. .. . .
creeit siaiion, itu acres unaer pww.
New house, barn aud other out build-
lnaa. tino boarins orchard, all in test
j eondttiou. Ioquire or address Alvx-
or Mat. ScBcroec Plattsmouth. No-
ibraskiu 4tf.
Snatched from tho Grave.
Mrs. Helen Pharvlz. No. 821, Dayton
street, Chicago, 111., Is now in her
sixty-eighth year, and . states Hint she
has suffered with consumption for
about ten yearn, was treated by nine
physicians, all of them pronouncing
her case hopeless. Mi had given up
all hopes of ever recovering, seven
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption completely cured her.
Doubting ones, please drop her a jiostal
and satisfy yourselves. Trial bottles
free at Roberts' Pharmacy. Large
sire 8l.0(. a"cJwly
Remember that Phil Young will
have a full line of masks for the mas.
quernde bU next week.
'tursti' Golden Covifih Bulnani Tube
. Pettee with tlie People Than
Any Oilier.
" A short 'hue ago I
bottle of your Golden
purchased a
Balsam and
found it just the thing
Half a bottle cured me."
is. Ottawa, Kans.
for a Cough.
-K.W. Lew-;
" Your Golden Balsam is certainly j
the best Cough remedy I have ever ,
sold. It takes better with the people 1
than any other 1 have."-;'. E. Hall. ,
Hall's Summit, Kans.
" our Golden Balsam is truly a val
a a, a V MO .
is don.o wonders 1
fectt, Kans. Citv, 1
uable medicine. It has
for me. ! Simeon Faw
M.u:ii's GoLi'KN Balsam is for
sale by mitli t Black Bro's , drug
gists. Large bottles 50 cents and ttl.
Trial si.e til cents. 431tu.
houses for sale;.
A car load of line mares, both heavy
farm hoie aid driving teams, re
ceived this week and can bo seen now
at the Bonner stahlcs. This is oue of
the lineal car of horses ever brought
to the city and any intending pur
chasing should call early aud select.
Two g-ii mule teams for sale.
Jonks fc Au.xicw.
At the Bonner ktables, Platts
mouth, Xeb.
Burbon. Intl., says: "Both myself and
wife owe our lives to SAILOH'SCOX
ARE YOC MADE misserable by
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow skin? Shi
loh's Vitalizer is a positive cure.
WHY WILL YOC cough when Shi
loh's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price 10 cts, 50 cts. and 81.
-a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth
eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by
Aud don't forget it, if you want a
good smoke go to Phil Young's for
your cigars
Seek No Further.
it is said an old philosopher sought
an honest man with a lighted lantern,
and humanity has since been seeking
an honest medicine by the light of
knowledge. It has at length found it
in Dr. Jones Red Clover Tonic, which
cures all diseases of the blood, removes
pimples, and acts promptly upon the
liver and urinary organs. Only 50 cts.
a bottle, to be had at Smith A Black
Bros., druggists. Oct.30e4wly.
Itnrliufton and Missouri River If all
Road. Omaha, Xeb., Jan. 1, '8..
On and aftei January 1st, 1883, this
company will sell iOO and 1,000 mile
Passenger tickets good only on its
lines iu Karsas and Nebraska east of
McCook station, at two and one-hslf
cents ppr mile.
These tickets are issued only to bus-
j iness men and their traveling repre
sentatives doing business with our
The) are placed iu the hands of
ticket agents at all our principal Junc
tion Stations, but will be sold only
upon an order from the General
Freight Agent. All parties will there-
tore have to obtain the necessary or
der in advance of any trip.
Mileage tickets are issued in the
name ef one individual only, are not
transferable and are limited in time to
six mouths for "iOOj miles and one year
for 1,000 miles.
Baggage to the amontit of 150 11 3.,
w ill be carried free on these tickets.
Between the Missouri River and
Colorado, and bet ween Junction points
in Xebraska and .Denver, a Commer
cial Rate of Slfl.00 will be made for
the ame class of biiaine-ss men. Or
ders for these tickets chii b obtained
of the Gcuerrl Freight Agent, General
Agents at Missouri river points and iu
the East, of this Company and of the
C. B. Sc Q. It. Ii.. and the K. C. St. Jo.
& C. B. It. R., 150 lbs. of bajfKage being
passed free on these Commercial Tick
ets, and all weight in excess of that
will be charged for at the rate of .i'
per 100 lbs. P. S. Ecstis,
General Ticket Ascent.
Kcnitiiiber that Phil Youug makes
the stationery department a fpecialty
and carries a full line iu stock, and
you will do well to call on him for any
thing iu that line.
Slug, Oh Sing, that Song Again.
How can you when you cough at
every breath ? Why, get a trial bottle
of Dr. Kigelow's Positive Cure, and
you will be answered. It cures colds,
coughs, consumption, whooping cough,
and all diseases of the lungs, and it
will cost you nothing to test it if you
call at Smith & Black Bro.'s drug
store. Oct.S!0e4wly.
Geo. K. Sayles,of Cedar Creek, hopes
to get his books and account all
straightened up by the filh of Jan
uary, at the very latest. He earnestly
requests all parties kuowinv them
selves indebted to him to call at his
store aud fix up their accounts in
some shape by that time. 2t.
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house iu
the state. 23tf
Our old and esteemed butcher friend
A G. Hatt has now retired. Having
sold out to bis son Jonathan Ilatt and
son-in-law J. W. Marthis who here
after will continue the business under
the name and style of Jonathan Halt
& Co., all accounts due the old firto of
A. G. Hatt & Co. will be collected by
the new and all debts contracted by
the old firm wiii be settled by the new
frm ki.- li e mcraased (heir ractl-
itie, for handlins tuats. sausages.
lard poultry, etc.
Thanking' the public for their
liberal Paro""BVJefp.W.,f!
a commute of the same in the f" -
" II ACKMETACK," a lasting aud
fiiiorar.t. terfnrne. I'rise l'l and .V
ct- JL.
j Jy relieve Croup, Whuopinz Cough and
j Jjronchilis. '
FOR DYrEPSIA and Liver Com-!
, - Lave a printed warrantee
: - botUe J Vjt .,,,r .
on every
It nerr t ails to cure.
..nt ! y S.n u & Blacl Br.os.
, prwwu tiiiiii"i i"isvU,
a Idebilitv. divirdcred blood, weak con -
; stit u iou, headache, or any disease of a ;
v H.inpa t... 4ii nrneiii'M a
bottle of Electric Bitter. You will
be surprised to see the rapid improve-
... .i .. m J .11 .n 1 1 tn-
meni mat wm whuh . o " -
' spirea wuu i.ew uic, blichkiu viw
i activity will return; pain aud urswy
' will cease, aud henceforth you will
; rejoice In the praise of Electric Litters,
: Sold atyty ceuts a bottle at Koberts'
' Pbrmiy. . 5Te5w-ly
this date
11 a
mv inrcrt? niock oi
as I must close
a rare phance
mean hat I say. ami will prove
it to you 011 trial. Call early ami
secure choice hargains, as I do ml
intend to 're-stock in those Iines
Mean time will sell
rock hottoin prices,
J. vm
Books,Stationeryi Wall Pap
Aid ail article usually kept by Druggists.
7 1 ' i si r i i , .
iujsi ii ifji s j rrscripnos
I'JaLtriiv.tnth, November
J a Mad V V X a
t ' otur tn ti- Jrm will, it t.i.ip!ctf slocl: ol I
Staple and Fancy Grocery
We al ways buy I h
select. We are sole
nest goods in the
jenis in tins town
Nothing finer in thelnarket. Piatt's
alwavs on hand. Co
ie and see us. We
Take Nlticc.
Ouick time, with cclnfort and safety.
1 1 you want to go eaJ or jouth, don't
fotgetto take the Missouri Pacific !
Railway and the Soutleru route. No!
danger of snow blot-Hades and delays
that so frequently occ ir on the north
ern rontes. This is o(e of the best
and most elegantly (equipped lines
in the west, and runs I solid passen
ger trains daily hetweln Omaha and
St. Louis. Tickets to Nearly any point
in the United States uiay be procured
over this line. Winter Tourist's tick
ets to all the prominent winter resorts
in Florida. Louisiana and Texas are
also on sale at a low fture. For f nil
information call on orTaddress th un
dersigned. .1 P. Ellis,
Local Tk't Ajst M. P. U'y.
2t-!0 Louisville, Xeb.
Grtee'Glyceriie Salve. I
The best on earth can truely be said
of Griggs' Glycerine salve, which is a
6iiro cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, '
burt.s, wounds, and :J1 other sores, j
Will positively cure piles, tetter and j
all skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar- ;
antetsl or money refueled. Only 25c. I
for sale by Smith A Black Lros. 20-ily I
e are making a specialty
of line
' chairs for the holiday traue.
;;Ttf Haukis Sc U.vnt n.
' Al 'W V always ;
1 be round the very bwtlirtindaof niok-!
j.- a..,! 'jifviii9 tol,'f-. in tin- iiinr.
i k.' -of
: attfnti-ik-
December .7th.
I will give a C.tsh discount of iO i er
! cent
! me i
on an wry tjoo-is, purchased ci
in tne iiext "0 days, as I w ish to
reluct my stock l-efore february ni
to savp invoicing. I iuen busim-.
W. II. linn:.
Ie-n,;.ei JSlh, 4 1 1 f .
Waier White Coal
ltf . - W i:i:i k .
Go to Warrick's Drug stoic for
School lKks. ' " t .'i'4tf
4"t t- . ,,.,. v
! . .. "AR,!1k'
C per I
j Z JZ
fivc tiV4. mnnr ,
j rron. my place about ti e
middle of
August. Three red heii'crs. one red
and white heifer aud o'se roan steer.
Address LjuU Eiikb-ff. LouUvillc;
Nebraska. t4-42
Scfcool Books t Warrick's.
until closed out I
j a
thcni out .
for harn
This i
1 111 11s, us I
iuirrft i onito
J& 1 1 JU JTY ;
market, and guarantee ivtlvlhirJ
lor the sale of
"Tiger" brand
Trill mako yon glad
Until Fetors'
a a-? t'
H will sell $?oo
at a discount
' ' m. -mm
mbzu lSlVfjt
o w
tlie time to
in Ufcrasrsa
IPaints, UBott
l'i it'sino.ith, J;.n. ilh, lg
' Vft
( ,-,insult Jo-enh II . Fairlii-hl r.
; making your conl rvrti wft
,-ou T i:l mit moucv.
- .
S Important ti Trare induien;ils are o
try the i.tirlinin route. J
you lo rea l ineir anveru-yii
' foiiud ejsewneie in this ioie
; Oysters sua t flerj
I every d:i) at J. D. SiiApsoi
hut Booth s special br.Uds of
oysters, haudletl ; dealers snpp
Eon nd.
A saddle, the owner can
j same by provitrproperty ai
eotds. - David
40tf ' Iimisvii
We cballcng- urtydealer iii
of Xebraska to prodtictsaaJi.'
for purity and quality of tl j
aa'Ja used iu the mauufactui
1- lor de? Peppui berg and Boc;
; Julius PeppffI
of JJa!tiinti?K
1$ w-i'h mich r.-v r
t v