Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, January 04, 1883, Image 1
f CONSOLIDATION OF THE NEBRASKA HERALD AND PLATTSMOUTH ENTERPRISE. s."t WAl A XX I'M. PLATTSMOUTH, XKHKASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 188:). VOLUME XVIII. NUMHER 42. J r - I w If OFMSUL DIDECTOhY, IHrecturr I II. W i . 1'. S S-ti .f ir, Ni-1.. l ily. A I V I i N lo-.lis. r s. Senator, nmaba. I. K U.I I I N K. Ii. -sen i at . est point Al.':l' m t '. I . i i :ui . Lincoln. .1. A I I . V 1 H If , ! nl Muli'. .M I 1 1 W I I . U 1 1 s ;. I , I . . I .ll'i'i.l I.. ; m i! i i i- i i . i . .-.l ,-n -1. i in. -nil. V. M .' ! . . i'uoilc I ll-l i'ui-1 Inn. .; i.i . .in 1 1--1. 1 iK-r. f ; ni mi. .ti. i s ';. K I : V . . K!!S. I h ii!.,iii .. penitentiary. till. II. P. M 1 rilKrtSdN. ",",it. Il...i.'i-l ..r .in- In-... i.-. ti .Vl'f 14 0 . p. t "v V. h C f .1 ;i .Hi-,., I fl-ni. ul. I.. I. A I'. .n il'd k I . 1 ( l .'.. I., nr. Mil. -v. .tt'l.r,.,l llittriel P If . ' .Iicl.te. Lincoln. W A isu, ;- ufy, Neb. City. ,Mli '. I.IKI;. .-rk District Court. t , I ..ill-., nil Ii 11 - t'iii 'Irrrctttrr, 1I H I " K I; II. M;im.i I't ll'.ll .lllMi. I I. .IMIII I . I vll vly ( in rirl K i.l.!-.l I 'III Mill!. p.i'lcc'ie. i I i ; niv it.ii i-v . . . : - . .1 . ii.- i i i n I.--. k l l '. t : i i I r.-i-ls . - ' I' i l 1 ! ! ,.f ll i- l.-lil -::i'il ll : ..I.. I:'.. I..... 1. 1 ot lll-.lltll. -. . t N i II M N . ir 'I i. S : -r. Win. Her. I I. . i ; v r'l'i .1. . I'; . i I - r,.l ll M.ii.liy ' ri , i' i , i.. ii iii n. si'llonl. It.i.l:l. -i-: ii -itupK. -i v . ha ii m-:s. .'. I.KOv in. Wl M r.K.S IKKN. til;'. I.. liAAl ttll.KS. t.'m,..t,i .IX I . W. M ILS1IAI.1.. V. II. KVi:i.l.. Coiiutv Trc:iur-r. J W. .IKN n I MiS. Ctiuii'ty I li-rk. A. A. I.AVHtl V. County Jmle. It. W. HVKU-t. Slirrifl. :Ylil'S Al.ttN.Siiri of Pub. Instnii'tlon. li. W. KAlKKIKI.Ii.Ciiuiily Siirvt-ynr. P. I. (i.SS. Col'lllltT. till' MTV fl M M HMOS KRM. ISAAC WII.Km. I'l:lltnn.iiilli I'rffliift. JAMK.H rKAWKlllill. South IU-imI Prerlnct. SAM'l. HlC'l(AHlSON. Ml. Pleanant Ptecluct. PartlPH liiivtnic busliifio with the County Ciuniiii'HloiiM. w ill fliitl llinii In s-islon the ! list Monil.iy mill Tm'sd iy of t-aoh month. hllAKIl I if Trtll'K. A. "V. M.'l. vriilll.IN. I'n-ililiiil. KiUVK l.VKItll lll. .1. V. WKCKBACII. : f l l.--lil. lll-. .1. II SI'KiiKk. Si'i-i I'tjirv. KKI.Ii. liniaM K, I it-;isiiri r. I'i li.-of Hit- r.o::nI at thi' Court II ni -if. t lit' first ''u.'"il,iy t'Vi-cii'u of fiirli mouth. I'latlH tiiilh 4 limcli Iiiieciory. PKK.SBY f KKl.W. M.i'.n Si rct. Krv. J.T. BalrJ im-tor. M.irnin - j. i. in.. Sun.tay Srii i, 11 a. m., eieninic, H I at '.' a. id., '1 ti,.. Pullook, milioriuti.-11'li.'Ul. METHODIST K lsiMi I.. Sitili Street. Re s. 4. liriiu, p.i-L r. M'lrulu Hi-rvici', 11 a m. evt-'niu, i" I', ir Sua lav Si-li. ml at (:.tll 11. HI W..l.iniii. S:n tii, iii-rinu-n iiiil - El't OOP Al.. (St. .nlii;'-)-'.".iruer nl' Vine sii.l .1.1 ireetsi, Knv. il. I!. 11 iri n.. rcoior. .Murn ini: wrvifr. nl 11. t't-vuin Sun lay .School m , Wulior V hiU'. Siipi. BA rUOI.10. 1 ak iiirccl, btuwc-on .Vh an.l fah. Kev. P. Lyrii'li, M.irninti f rviors a; ami lihju, uvuiiiut:. Suii lny ..-li.iul, J:.'.u p ui. CI lit 1ST I AN. I'lirniT Mh au.l clui stroot.-, i.ev. 1 1 :r. a 'liei . p i-lnr, inoriiiu iiui vi.-t.-t 1 1 A. M., cvi-iiiu t-rvi'-o H r. M. f-aiiilay chuoi at l:4-r a lu.. J. 13. Sir.i.lo, S.ipl. AiiiuvAi. .m ni:rAiiiiiii; vv. rrs mtf ni mailm. ot AIIIMVKS. T.Mt p. III. I .:m a. 111. 1 U.iki a. 111. i 6.Jtl i. ill. t 1 1. mi a 111 T.i p. III. ! . o a 111. 1 t.J p. in. ) -l.iio p. in. It. nu a 111. UK I' A UTS I !. a. 111 I J on p. III. 1 v.uu a. in. I ti.Di p. 111. -. -'.'. p. UI 9 Ml a. 11, ) S.'J.'i a. in 4.'J."i p. In f.nti a. 11 1.IKI p. 11 JIO KY r. - iui.v. w rxii'.HS. Noll I'll h UN. SI1 I 11 l.ll.N. OMAHA WK.KI'I.Ml WATKi;. ll'IIV VII.I.K. ll.-c. 17. I ,vri:M i u i;i i i on Ottl f it. tMt 1 orilera not P.'i'.'.Iiti : u - - in pent- 1 ft Cl'lll. '.ti cent J5 cent tiver !!." ami not t'ei'e,liirj t - - A ulnli' MoiU'V tlnlrr m iy tiu'lnile an aim rut tiMin nut' cent to til . y Inllnr-'. bu must Lot contain a Ii;irilin;i! part ot a cent. Katkh rort ftsr.r.K. It cl;wi niatt.T (li'tteri 1 I't'ut-i per 'i ounce vj Ptilili-liiT H r.itet) .' ot.H per lb Sil " " (TruiiKient i..papors am bokj ,me 1111 jt-r tliif cia) I cent pel 2 IIUIU'CM. 41ti . uierchanili'e) I cent per ounce. J . W. MAK.SHAU. P. M. B. & M. R. RTniie Table. Taking Eftct July, 3 1831. rOK OMAHA FlOM PLATTSMOUTH. leaves 3 :." a. 111. Arrives 6 :00 a. m. -I :-J5 p. ill. " :5 P- 8 5 a. 111. " :W - '" K. C AND 8T..Ior. 6 :3s a. m. " 9 6 :W p. 111. " I'- THIOM OMAHA FOIt PLaTTSMOCTH. Leaves :15 a. m. Arrives 9 :3'. . m. " 7 ;W p. in. " : P- " 6 :35 p. III. " ' J5 P-,n' K. C. ASI sr. JOK. 8 ;25 a 111. " :M m. 7 :43 p. in " :-"0 p. 111, fOK T11K VVKST. Leaves Plattsmmitli n :"0 a. 111. Arrives Lin eolil. II :45 a. 111. ; tlatiui 4 :J0 p. 111. ; McCook 10 avi p. n. ! lieuver 8 :20 a.' 111. Leave. 6 :55 p. ill : arrive Lincoln 9 -30 p. 111. I UKltJH r Ij.ati.s at 9 a. in. : Arrives Lincoln 4 :lpm Leaves at 8 :10 p. in. ; Arrive at Liucolu 2 :o0 tn IliiKiiiifcrs 5 a. ill. Leaves at 2 :00 ,. 111. ; Arrives at Lincoln 6 :3o p. 111 ; Hastings a :M a. ni. .in;i oor :oo a. 111 i Uenver I :vX) p. 111. FROM THK WEST. Leave Drnver :it S :W p. tn. : Arrive, at Mc Cook 4 :5oa. m. : H.istini: In :2t a. in. : Lincoln :on p. 111. : P attsmouth 5 too p. ni. Leaves Lincoln 7 a. m ; arrive Plattumouth b ;.) a. 111. KKKIl'.HT Leaves Lincoln at it :4a. ni ; Ar.ives.l :30pm Leave? Hasting' '- !' In- i Arrives l.lucolo 9 ;:;! p. in. ; PlaHMiuuii i. 2 a. in. Leaes Oeiiver i. :ii a. 111. : Arrives McCook 5 :ii a. in. ; .11-- ' I'. m. ; Liucolu ii ;4o a. 111. ; Piuttsuiouth i :-".i: -1 in. nOlNti KAST. P:ifiser tr ilm leavr ri:itisiiioiu'. a! 7 Ci a. in.. ! 0" a 111.. 5 l 111. ami arrni at PuciSic JuiK-tion at 7 !'.' a- in.. : :i. m. aiul .' M p. 111. K. !'. AN' l I'- -oi:. I.erivo at ;i :-H a. 111 ami :"" c. 1.1. : Arrive at Paciltc .IniH-iion at ! a. 111. ai.U : :1S p. in. FKOM T11C E VST. Pa-Kensr.T trains leave Paciflcluuction at 8 1? a. tn..i :Ju p. in., li a. ui. ami arriv at Plalts iiiouiU at 8 40 a. 111.. 6 p. 1.1. and 10 30 a. 111. K. r ax ii sr. 10F.. Leave Pacific .linicuon at t? :til a. m. ami 5 :J0 p. 111. ; Arrive 0 :i" a. iu ami 5 :55 p. in. ESI J. F. BAUMEISTER FurnisV.i Fresh. Pure Milk m;ts i4iiv. Sjieci.J call atieinted to. ana Kreh Milk from same cow funii-lied when wanted. 4lv Lewis C. Erven, UEAI.FK IN- CLOCKS ."Watches and Jewelry. EA1LY AXDrROMriLY DONE ITISF.41TIOX IAHATEED. PLATTSMOUTH. N KB E. SAGF. Successor to Sack Brothkbs. Dealer Id sa?ov.H3s, TINWARE. SHEET IR0X. Z12r :o: At the old Stand opposite the new HsUi PUMPS, GAS-FITTING, ALSO Hakin & ReT;aiino, Done. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IK. t.NALIHIlKY, DEHTIST. flic nyi-i Sinhh. P.lack A fir. Drug 8 1. ire. I- lrl class ili-iil lit ry al reasonable price., XUj I. W. I'LI TTKH. DEMT IS T . I'lmllKiuooth. XrbrMkk. llli--mi Main Street over Suloiiinii Sa turn's Store. 4y it. ii. n:uiK, I IIVMt l V ami Sl'ltt;KON.inii-f in Klti Tiilil Hum k , Ii ii Ii III t'-rn or ulKlil. M. II. i,i i.ituv n. rii Hit 'I a x a niMI'K lltil'UH. from ton. in., to t p. m.- KX.4111111I1 v nint-'u for I . S. lri.iUiu. I IMI. V.. V.. It KV4I.II, j CHVSIflAN AM) SI KtiKON. (all. priiliit I lv iill.-nil.'.i to il:iy iii.'lil. ICH-k lUufl.. N. ! Iil.i-k;l lllf j IMC M. Ml I.I.Kit, 111 v s ir 1 a x a x i s i; kiikon, ' t In- I 1. in. I imIIuih' ll III" mil'-.-. S.H11I1 si, In j nl M.iiii mi 1 . I.i-lw.-ru ninth ami S.-v.-nlli 1 S HI voiilini-Iiiiiim-II niort-"iM'i'luily In tnwu I r.i-tl.- 4Jly l-I.Al IMIl'l I'll. Mtl'.KAHKA. . K. H. Mil I I II. ATTOKXKY AT I. V .V. Com ! ill lllf Malf. W. ll .-iUM- ii H. . II tUTMift. A'ITMtXKV ASH S'M.ICI TOK Will iirae tlff lu thr Stair aiul l-'fili-r.-il Courts, lti'miif lire a.'ly I'l.AI IfMul III. Nth. " JAN. m. MATIIKWM ATTOB.VKV AT LAW, OnVe over Baker Atwotitl'a store, south side of Main bt-twt-eu Mil ami oth street. ?ltf J. It. HTKOUE. ATTOKXKY AT I..WV. Will irartlce In all me Courts hi the State. IMntriel Att'irwu ami Xutaru Public. WIMi f. WIHK. COLLECTO.YH M .SfSCIALTl . ATTtHt.NKY AT I.AW. Keal Kstale. Fire In "urauee and Colli'fliou AKeuey. tllllie L'nlon block, Platl.siiioulh, NVbiaaka. 22mJ I. II. Wll Ill-il.KIt A CO. LAW fiFFICH Keal ltate. Fire and Life I n--11 ranee AKenls, Plattsiiiuulii. Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payer. Have a complete abstract of titles, liny and sell real e-late, neKitlate plaus, &c l&yt JA1IKS K. IIOKI(lU, Notary Public. A ITOKNKYAT LAW. W ill pra.'lice lu Cass mid adjoining Counties ; lves specia: atteution 0 collections unit alistracis of title. Dltlce Id Fitzgerald lllock, PlattNinuutU, Nebraska. 17V I ( IIAPJIAM A IIKKNON. TTORXKYS AT LAW and SOLICITORS IS CUANC'KRY. Office in Fiugerald's block, 'radices in the '. nite.l. States Circuit s nil District Jourt.i an.l in the Supreme Court .f the State cir ri ipecial attention. KOIti-iKT II. IVIVIIIIAH, Notary Public. ATTOKSUV AT I.AW. H.lliv .. I'lattMiioutli ver Carruth's Jewelry Store. Nebraska. t. I. VASATTA, ATTi IK X KV AT LAW. Platt-mouth, Neb., will nr. nil. 't- in all of the couals In the Slate. A iucci-s-ful piacl ice of 2." years warrants me in .is-uriui! my patron, that all business entru.t-'-I 10 my euie shall he well and promptly at-1'inli-il to. otlli e with 1). II. Wheeler. 3Stf M. A. HARTICAN, JL. ,V IV V B . Fitzgkr i.n's Bi.ocit. Plat tsmouth New Prompt ami careful altcntion to it general 1 .aw Practice. A. X. Sl'l.l.lVAN. K. II. NVooi.ey SULLIVAN & WOOLEY. Attorneys and Counselors-at-aw. OFFICE-In 't8 Vavtn Ul ck. front rooms, w-iind -lory, ;.)ti . Prompt siiention given to ill buiiiiesi . mirii SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of lLATTS3I0UTH Valuable out lots for result-nee pur poses. SHge' addition lies south-west of I he city, and all lots are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Prop'iy AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE. riattsmouth. Neb. INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN R. S. BAILEY'S New ComiMatioa System, By which any one in a short time wlil un-tier.-taiul it. aud cuts to perfection ladie anil children' WAISTS, ISASyKS. SACyi'ES and PATTEKXS. A Model Riven with instructions. MRS. PAULINE KESSLER. On Main St. one door eat of Gorder's. upstairs TTTT3TT PT"DTC3 To learn PRESS 1H.LVD.LI UlitLlO MAK.IXC. - Plattsmouts. Xel O-t. 12. 1.S2. 30ni2. PLATTSMOUTH MILLS. PLATTSMOCTH, NEB. C. IIEISKI., - Froprletor. Flour, Corn Meal tf- Feed Always on band and for sale at lowest cash prices. The Inchest prices paid tor Wheat aud Corn. Particular attention iciven custom work. WILLIAM flEROLD. dealer in DRY GOODS. CLOTns, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, FURNISHING GOODS' GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS Large stock of BOOTS and 'SHOES CLOSED OUT AT COST. . :o: Notions, Queensware, and In fact everything yon can call for li the line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOK IIIDKS AND FrK8. All kinds ot country oroduee taker n change tor goods. ' WKKPINO WATER. The follow iiio if. iiiiinii'.' ihc K'ntl-j iu ltmti-B Ii i.ii. -: Fit-in I us At Itatr, Dry (JikhIs mi'l -n-r:l Meri'limnli-t-, .irK-eTU'i mi'l C'riM-kt-ry. j llt-artlnly Iiai, ! . I.uinbi-r, I.atli, DiMirs, lliiii'is aud Win dows, lliniiii.iii timliers in nil si.".. II. A. I !., Atiorney-ut I. aw, Keal Estate Cnllee tinns and .Moin-v to Loan. lr. . I. Iiltbuii, Physician ami Surgeon. Calls prompt ly attended. roiiian. , Moodard, Livery, Sale ami Feed Stable, rigs of eTiry description, at all times. Iteetl Hro., Dealers in (Jeneral Merchandise, Mer- .flu. Pacific Hold, P. U. Timiii'K. Propr., central location. Utmrders taken ly the tlav or week. LuUISVILLIv Tlu fol low iii": :ro anions ihc leatl- 1 tlf bilsim-ss hiise: Win. H. Slirjck. Drujrist nod Stationer. All article, usually kept iu a first class drujf-store at- a bottom prices. 11. ti. Hoot er. Dealer iu all kinds oi agricultural implcinenu. The Ruckeye anil Marsh twine binders for 1H83, a specialty. City Hotel. No pnin will be spared lor ll o comfort of quests. Boarding by the day or wei k. .lonn Cam,, I'rop'r. II. i:. I'ankonln. keeps the celebrated Canton plows; also n geueralliue of the bust agri cultural iiiipleiiients tnauufacturcd. J. 91. Waul &. Co. Hardware, stoves ami tin-wnrc. Headquarters for the noted Charier Oak cook stoves. SOUTH BEND. The following are anion"; the lend ing business houses: i:. K. Day, Dealer lu iruncral merchandise. Highest prices paid for grain. American Himisp. Commercial MenV Home. Special aitenti'in ojveii to transient custom fiK.o. II. McCain, Prop'r. II. J. Klielfflit, Dealer in grain, coal, aud jreneial merchandise; tlry tiuod. srroeenes, botts. shoes etc. J. ti. $Iiarp. Denier in tli uy;s, toile. articles, ci gars and loliiit-eo. paint-, oils and window j;la.-s. iiro. A. Hay & Co. Hardware sportino- goods and a g-eueral line tf . agricultural implc meuts; Heatbi'iarterx tor the celebra ted Abbott bnggios. OR KENWOOD. A. i:. A'ritleiitleii. Complete stock of hardwure, al.o a line assort inent of Afrrieullral Im pl"ineuis. I be Deer goods a specially. CEDAR uREEK. Vco. t:. aylea. Cetieral an! ware and Coal. Highest Cah price paid for grain. A Common-Sense Remedy. SALIGYLiCA. o more Rheumatism, Gout or euralslu. lmmeaiate Relief Warranted. Permanent C&re Guaranteed. Filt war etahlirltet and nrrrr fcneivi In fail in a trinylr eane. arutr or chntnic. Krlrr to all prominent physician t'tfl tinajit fur thr etandint f Saiicylica. SEBBET 1 THE ONLY DISSOI.VER OF THE POISON Ol S VKIC ACID WHICH EXISTS IN THE BLOOD OF KHKVM.vTlC AND liOUi Y FA TIEN rs. SAI.ICYI.ICA is known as a common etie reinedv. because it strikes directly at the cause of Kheuiiiiitislii. limit antl Neuralgia, while s.1 many so-cajleil specirlcs aud mppoed paliaceasonly treat liK'ally the ettecis. II has been conceded by 111. inent scientists outward annlications. such as rulibina w ith oils, ointments, linime Is. and soothing lotions will not eradicate these iiise-.ises winch are the result of the poisouit.c of the blood with I'ric Acid. NALH'YMCA works with mnrvelous ef fect on this acid and o lenitives the disorder. It is mi exclusively u-ed by all celebrated physicians of America antl Europe. Highest Medical Academy ol Pun reports trt per cent cure, tn three days. REMEMBER that WAa.ICYl.ICA is a certain cure for KliKI MATts.M. not i ami .vr.riiALiiiA I 'T 1 .'..-- ,, -, 1 tiJ wnTuarnTeM'erma"eut ,n eve7 case, oaTetund you all money expended. All sttfier-ef- should give these Powder, an early trial, and ol their curative power.. lrice for large Boxe, 53 Oo. tr 4 Boxes tor $1e. Sent by mall to anv part of the I nited Stales, or Canada, on receipt of price-, or by express, C. O. D. Address. ASH & KOBBINS. Fulton St.. P.rooklya. S. Y. lec. th. 1J my. - Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cure is an internal remedy and is pronounced by hundreds who have used it to contain- ; more true inetlicai virtue mno auj 1 . . .. v;n.i iiirnwn iinmi the market in. the shape ol 011s ami iiiinuruis. warranted. Smith, Bla'k A Co.. pro prietors. Sold by P. S. Htvues and A. D Marshall, Wfiinff Wa.t-r.Neh. fltf Opera House Wc still have Winter ("lothinu on hand, which ML our L.MUii: PKIF.G STOCK, we have Cut Down Mnis 1D ver coats, IKoys 0 ver coat h9 Youths Overcoats, (Cliildreus Overcats9 WIETTEK AND Heavy Underwear. Not one Heavy Overcoat or heavy Winter Suit to be carried over, If LOW PRICES will close them. We have sold a good many of these goads this winter, and can affoid to GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF OCH iM Call in antl examine them. Call in and get our low prices. Call in and cloth yourselves. With good Winter Clothing, at nominal prices, while? thv Great Clearance Sale Lasts DON'T , S.,& PONG E l 49pcra Mouse Clothiers. 5T. B. A few more of the $2,00 overcoats left. Call in and see. BANKS. John Frrztir.KAi.D, A. W. McLai ;ii.iM, President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL EC ! OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and Local Securities Bought and Sola, leposits receiv ed aud interest allowed on time Certln oates. Draft drawn, available lu any part of the United States and ail the principal towns of Europe. Coler-tious mad" & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid fur County War rants, state Ld County Bond. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. E. Touzalln, John K. Clara. K. C. Cushing. Geo. E. Dover. V. K. White, A. W. Mcl aughlin. Bank-Cass County Cotncr Matii and Sixth Streets, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB JOHN BLACK. President. I iJ. M. PATTERSON. Cashier, j Transacts a General Bantu? Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE aid Jor Conrtty and City Warranta. cot.i.K:noH st AUK id iiininptly remitted for. uismToiis : lin Black. J. M. Patterson. C. II. Parruele, F. R. tiu'hniann. J. Morrissey, A. B. Smith. Fred Gorder. SIIt WEEPING WATER WEE PI NO WATER, - NEB. la. REED. President. K A. GIBSON. Vice-President. U. ii. WILKINSON. Casliier. A General Baiting Busies Tnssactsl I) k rtm ITS Received, and Interest allowed on Time Corti Beater. DRAm Disss available ia any part ul the l-ultad States and all the priacipat itisot Kwp. o A grit'- fur the celebrated' Mm Line of StEicsrs. Clothing Store. a good stock ofj Sl SKLL. In order to tn tke room rm therefore decided to the Prices, ON C. MAYER. MISC LLAN'OUS. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three -tory brick struct ure. 011 lower Maid street, ha just been flnlshi-d and fitted up for the accoinuiotlai ton of TRA NSIENT CUSTOM AMI REGULAR DOARDERs, EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN 1 i A Good Bar in connection with the House. 27tf. FRED GOOS, Fiopr. COTOACTOR F0RBEICK0RFT7c DAVID O'BRIEN Will contract for Brick Work. Stone Flittering, &c. He. Chimneys and Cistern a Spm ialty. For orders call at bouse 011 Washington Ave., Between Till and Eighth St's, Or address P. . Box 5-Mi. - Plattsmomh. Neb. JOIUH BATES & K(T!IIXIvE, CONTRACTORS f BUILDERS. Shop on Tth St., between Mail, aud Pearl. All kind of Bnih'iing and Repairing Done 5tf 5-! r- a. oft CP Ot W4 jr. N sV cS u. i-H I ;i sr f- -1 5 SiCS Is. 7 - - 1 1 - o 3 : is M f illi I 1 .c 1 1 1- 00 o P3 3, X 5 CD - i J 5 J C B " c3 HZ pi i 9 St sJ CS es TENDERLOIN Meal Market, LAFE &NEIL, Protfr. M Mutton Port Yeal CMtos.&c, C-on.tantly on hand. Also. all kinds of 1A9K in season, and ev erything kept In a first-class meat .shop? At lowest possible rates. North Side Main SU Ut. 4th and 5th, WJy FLATTSMOCTH. NEHfi SUITS Temperance Department t'niler ihe auspices of the I'lallsumulli W. C. T. C. -t'ltMltn iill BV MRS. . N. lsr. - To whom all communications for this depart ment should be addressed. Hereditary Druukeness Illustrated. Not more pitiful are 1 he approaches of madness, than are ihe well-under Mood symptoms which l"itif in the hereditary drunkard the hour of his inherited paiou. "I knew iu Texa," my a corres pondent, " a yoiinjj man who was heir to such a woeful heritage. H. w i physically, one of Die handsomest if nu'ii, and pt SifjiM'd of yrcat and var ied talents, which h hud (.:irefti!lv cultivated; mureovwr. h hi-l sered his country with distiiiuisiiftl l v ery ami was th .-n hot lin a Uih po i-ilion of honor nud li n.l. Rut with a resridar'.iy that" wai. ler rihlc, there cum- In him, no niitttcr wlicre he a-, e.- his le.lts.-i, in ihe. chundi. h the m id' th wo n m In; loved, a envina: f-r brandy tlmt p.js. sessi'd him like a demo i. and drove liim forth from aniony; hi fellows. With set lips ami a despairing face, h" would iJclivcr to a friend the keys to hU office, and betake him.-elf to his room; n t as men ;e to a carousal but Ui they g to a tearful reckouin; and for two or three days drink in sullen Mlouer, till the. craving wan appeased. Some om; wa- one day pruisiu., iu his presence, hi? vast toreis of :tc quiretl iiiloriiiation, a'i I hl delieme fancy n an ni-lul. Tet I shall die like h hrut"," h said sadly, and the di'vuiriuj? look ot a hunted animal eatni; int. his .ye as he added: "Aly f ill. or died dmus: my mother, too, (tin I torsive h i !) My grandfather shot !iinit lf i i delirium I remons. Yo.i ktto, boy, how por I'alriek die. I; it will be IV-sat-ue wit.i me;'" his prophecy was I i . soon fulfilled- TheYictidis t xperience. Read th;; h srory nl a doctor' pre scription: ' lp to the time o' my declining healih, no matt ever hail a ;r.ater ab horrence of the drtinknr .!". cup aud the drunkard's curs- tluili I: never Was ardent spirits in any form put into my mouth, ami in no ene had I the .esire for it; but, aid lie, ntter I had been ailing' some time, my physi cian din et.-il me to procure a panic lar kin. I of ardent spirits and laki- u porii a of it every lay. I hesitate i. however, about it, not Irom any par tieiilar f'Hr, but beea'tsc I co'tld imt b-ar lli' taste ol il; b'lt lie iusisteil it would tlo my system good, so wr obtained it, aiul I began to t'rink it. The effect seeine I ben'licial, and my physician told me to continue to take it. The repouiiarH'e I h id to it urad ually wore ofl", aud, tindin it exhil arated me, and made me fee! better. I more and more willingly took "r, and after a time would look forward with pleasure, and even lonjring for the appointed season or hour, for t;ik ing i', aud thus it weut out but. said l.c with an awful p:ue, )tu ) a look of indescribable agony and despair, 'why shall I tell yo'i anv more; you sec tin; beginuiug. and here 1 am a slave to a habit, and a tloo ncl man. I have tried to slop (.), Goil only know how hard I have tried: 'nit I cannot, and must have, it " It was not long afler ibis he died a terrible death a wreck and a ruin. Patent "Hitters" are S Iron a" l.itiiors Drugged. Nearly ad ihe stent ' hitters' are strong liquors drujrgjd and doctored, and labeli d medicine, "for the sake ot those whose a.petites are stronger than theirjtemperunce principles, and who waut their daily drain without being known as even "moderate di inkers." Tne wine bottle of the sideboard, is better than the bitters bottle iu the closet; or, in other words it i better to drink opeulv nl meals. than to drink irregul-irlv and in se- ! crct between meal. It is better to drink honest wine than hypocritical l.ittir. Why Some l.iqtiar Driuker. Hsv LaitsT I.i ve. Certain physical c nsiituii-i is be come trnn irincd in the tuitctioiial coud.lioti of ihe svstc:n. so that thev live on in an abaormil way, enduring j audvo:i enjoying a iioi-iiiuu physi i cal con lit iou. S mif person seem to j enjoy better h.-alth in a uii.!uriou al- mosphcre than oul of it; their bodies j have undergone the trani'rra3tiou j of ''acclimation." In exceptional j cases, such persons may survive, erfii ! to old age. The average, however, U ! in the other direction. No man has I a right o place him-c'f In the small j prospective list ot exception. Patent "Bitter" the Worst r.riu ut Alcohol. If one iiiii-t drink alcoholic i:p,r-. let hitn drink them pure, nut drugged ! with nameless poisons, and passed j off on the community on ta'se pre tenses. Of all teinper-Wi' driuiing, the drinking of bitter, is th most dangerous; and he who gets his pre scription for indigestion from the ad- j vertising ci 1 jiuus of the newspapers, no matter how conclusive the indorse ment?, nor how respectable the j mm ul, may be morally sure that he is getting gin, whisky -r runt, tinder pretense of medicine. , Alcohelic Drinks (ireatlj Sliurteu Life, j A cilebrated French physician, Dr. Everat, ha furnished statistics show ing that the mortality from thi. cause is annually 50,000 iu England; 40.000 iu Germany, 15,00a iu Russia; 4 000 in Bel" iiim; 3,000 in ?spain and 15,000 in France. Notwithstanding the uni versality of this rice imonjf nearly all classisof society, few persons are aware of how materially human life W aid reriated b Ij ue of alcohol. Communications. Ce4ar Creek Letter. Cedar Creek. Jan. 1,1893. Ki. Hr.KALD: Christmas aud Sun in t.'hius ftx e u our full f hare of the ii-ual festivities oft :e occasion. W'rsthiud ihe R. It carpeuter, is iietl Lincoln Mts-r.. Smalley aud Worley, with Ihcir iaiuilleti enjoyed the ho.pitali.v of Chris. Mctzjrcr Miller, Ihe -eeiion bos, was In Plaits mouth The fi iends of Mr. Jacob Suy der. had u f slic party al his house. Oil Tuesday evening, lieo. Sayles and wife utlcnded tlie Louisville ball. Mr. P. U, the IIekai.d man, gaya Cedar Crei k a call iu the in i resls of lii-Jpiipcr. He i in a yood calling, for.the tune ot ihe I'kuald makes a good cilieuship. By the way, sme people shm.l I tiiink a 1 1 1 1 f more uu whntlheipi litii sf n goo cltljteu life. A I laikvn't'i t!.u(i n d uw I'.in in C -dat Crick, are offered tor sale i;'ii-n . I l:e Vicinity tiuurautac pros ;e:ily lo tic i m! iisi i i m nift h Mcct.'ptii the i.ter. TliO Misses Leliuhbtt' autl Ileiti s, from Cie 'ui It y of I.ouUviile, passed Siiiiday at H.C. W.. rlcy,, aud helped us to waltli ll.e New Year come. What Hit: fii-sl week, of 1KM3 brill iai not Isiioun; but Mu - e Ason. So a Hi Hciid Letter. Soi th Bend, Dec. 30th, 1W2. Mr. Woolsey and wife have moved inlo their new house. Mis Whittier, of Red Oak, Iowa, is visiting iu ihe Bend, bein the guest of her csninin, Miss Maggie Streight. Oliver Phelps, of Illinois, is npend ii g the holidays with his brother, the station agent at this place. 'J. D Mattisoii is visiting bin old Inline in ei tiioni. ."Saiu'l K' ller :.roke his g Sat urday evening, while engaged iu a sci illi? with .lack Davis. The leg is h. nliiig as fast its can be expected, yet it wiil b ,itne time before he can take his place in the store. Ii i Cuss wonders ii we saw Joe McCaig .in the. Betid Christunis. We could satisfy his curiosit' , but as Joe is of ag we shall refer Rust! Cuss to him. A voting in in living near town, while amusing himself iu the saloon hue last Saturday night, suddenly found that his pocket book, containing a few dollar;, hail been stolen. A search warren t, issued by 'Squire McFarland failed to recover the property. The Christmas tree and entertain ment, u party, a dance, sleighing and skating by moonlight, hav been the amusements of the week. ! Geo. Mxttison recently sold a car load of Beikshire hogs to Sam Long that averaged a little over SU0 pounds j they were beauties. Harold. I ! . A Sail Case. those who bap .et.ed to be at the It. A .M. depot y. bterday when the train from Nebiika City arrived, might hsve wilii pitied a ssd sight if I hey had watched 1 1 ise those who ot off tho train. Amoujf the passen gers were a father nud his ten ye-ir old sou. The boy was insane and the nliectioiiale father was takir.g him to to the insane hospital. The poor lit tle fellow seemed to have a perfect mania for biting, aud every effort the father would make to pacify the linle fellow he would respond with a vap like a doy: mre or twice while the man was smoothing the boy's hair ami rubbing his cheek in a fatherly maulier, we thought the litt'e ellow would succeed in getting hie father's fingers befwt', hi teeth. State .Tourna'. 1 1 is reported s.-mtor Ferry, of Michigan, has about given up the canvass for his re-election; it being considered uphill business. We doubt very much if Mich.gau succeeds iu sending a heller man to rcpreseut that state than T. W. Ferry has been; Ability, honesty, aud perfect fitness for an otnee don't seem to have any influence this tall: Hoar, of Massa chusetts, will undoubtedly be suc ceeded by a tnau of iufcrior ability, but if Ihe people want a changa, let 'l.eiii ha-, e it, they won't be able to -tand it ery long. Many of the old reader and almost worshipers, we might say, in aboli tion days, of I he Cincinnatti Gazette will doublh.-s be surpri-d to learn of it consolidation with the Com mercial. Richard Smith, h ho has for more than forty years edited the Gazette and made it a power in Ohio and Indiana, will have Murat Hal- stead associated with him in the edi torial liijiPigement of the new venture It will be called the .'omm'rcisl- (iaiielt,-. C,,,,,!,. N..... ..roe. is-l-lj on. in-orm ill 1 1 i tec I'm uiav n t s witn- sscd many sad sights dur ing hi txpenence tu the saddest of all was P ison lite, but 7 the meeting of Siiiniieruian autl li s parent, a fcw days ago at the peniUutiary. He hopes never to be present at such a meeting strain. S ate Journal. It is st -ii fed the first-class hotels at San Francisco during ' the Kiights Templar conclave, will be able to ac commodate about 6,000 guests, and members, after considering the eapac ity of lodging and priva:e houses, will le comp' lled to abide in tents. The -st. Louis "G lobe-Democrat head su arlicle in its column a f0" lows. 'Great news from Trtss., A hor;e thief who i not a nigger actu ally conv icted." Such, occurrences are so rare dow n there s- lo ' e wor thy of remark. A shock of .earthquake w js felt throughout Rockland. Me- and icin- itv January l fallowed by a storm ; itv January r.f thnr,.- lightning. 1 Winter Care of Llr.-SttK-l., There ar a few gonen l rules for the care st livestock in winter which ure of universal application: 1st. They should lie dry. whether bedded or not. A dry floor is far bet ter than wet bedding. Spar or slat floors, through which urin will quick ly pass and which give the arimals a level standing place, are especially to be advised. A goosl degree of com fort may be had on such floors, but a full supply of litter straw, leaves, swamp hay, etc. certainly makes alr kiuds of stock more comfortable.- i!d. Shelter saves fodder, wherever lumber can ba eaiily obtained, to a de gree which few psaeiical men aio n4 ware of. The warmer the ftable'a!e, the better, except pei haps for sheep. But with close, wauu stables, It is es sential that the manure heap should be where it will el contaminate the air, and that there should be perfect ventilation, so urranjeil mh not to cause drafts of air. J)J. Ah to feed. IhU should be given with the utmost regularity and uniformity never more tnun will I e eaten up long before the next feeding time. Then the tiniru.ii h.ive an ap petite for their food, so that' coarse fodder may be flint given, to ie fol lowed with better, and by grain iu some form, if this be a pait of the daily ration. This is no doubt the most economical system, securing theJ least waste and bem digest ion of all kinds of fodder used in the ordinal y way. 4th. Glooming and Ciue of the an imals area Most valuable meant of keeping them in health its well a of saving feed. 1 he skin of an animal in a state of nature is wa.ilud by every shower, brushed and carded by every bush, licked by its mates, rubbed by the ground iu rolling, and in various ways kept fie fiom accumulations of its own exfoliations, from the stoppage of its pores by sweat, ana from its ow n iiiheient dirt. A heal thy skin means life, warmth, health and vigor, other thing being 'ibout l ight, ami we can secure this only by grooming. American Agriculturist. Old lu Crime. A few years since strong pi. tit ton's signed by judges, luwers uml promt neu t citizens of I he state were pre sented tc Gov. Nance, asking lor the pardou of convicts Matthew sou, Max well, aud Smith. Tho petit ion stated that the men hail been led astray, aud if pardoned, would certainly become gootl law abiding citicu. Nowith standing the pressure was very great, th.) Governor refused : exercise his pardoning power, and allowed the to remain in the pen. '1 hey served their times ont and were discharged from prison. Yesterday wc learned from Omaha gentlemen that ull three ol these "good law abiding citim-us" were in a fair way of being returned tothepeti. MatiheWsou is under ar rest tor stealing wheal; Smith for lar ceny aud -Maxwell for cutting a wo man with a kuiie. Mate Journal The Omaha Herald has published the evidence taken before tlie. 1.'. giaud jury, iu the attempt to make political capital for the democrats and and to show the true inwadness of the "Surveyor's ring of Plattsmouth," The evidence simply proven what ha all the time been asserted, that thi alleg ed frauds existed solely in the imagin ation of Dr. Miller. J. Sterling Morton ct al. The atteanpt to show any fraud ot the part of Surveyor Geneial Smith has utterly failed, and he' has been completely vindicated by the men who sought to convich him. It was shown that Fairfield, w ho had large surveying contracts, had paid some money to parties wno aSBi9ted him in getting the contracts aad who went on his bond, but it was also ihown that even of this .uneyor General Sm'th had no knowledge. It is to be hoped that the Herald and Mr. Morton are satisfied with their exploit. Si-ward Reporter. The appraisers are working "U the Otoe Reservation, though the work has Leen somewhat retarded by the cold weather. No values Lave been placed upon lauds at yet, I tit the ap praisers have been busy classifying and arranging the lands.and ascertain ing their value, as compared te other lands. The probabilities are that, the lands will be appraised at a figure too high for speculative purposes, and as the terms ate to be cash, and lo actual settlers in tracts not to exceed 160 acres, there is no paiticular object in home seekers waiting for them to te placed upon tho market when there are plenty of lands now offered for j sale. Beati ice Democrat. Alcohol la Horns aud -vale's. 1 he Journal of Chemistry tells us to satuiate a soft fabric with alcoh I. lay llot lh. it with j cotton or finelj pieked oakum. . t , -'- I " ." , , ur"'1. 1 li fttlOtltsWi It tma. 1.- at I A ... , 7 " "a inougut uiav ! slrnhnl unh iiul rt i ... j m uurn win proouce uiuie rui ; our, lry it. and you will be agreeably surprised to observe how quickly it will allay tne pikia quently disturb the dressing as little as possible; wet the dressing occasion ally with alcohol, and the result you will find better than by any fcther method. Blr Crn-H4 Bushels to the Acre. A Nebraska boy, it vears old. raised none acre eighty-four bushels. It wai planted May 7th; I.e.. husked and measured November 6ib. lesa. This corn was raised on ground tliat had bean under cultivation for ejlarht years, and without manurirfg'lc the'Aaat.' It w&avhusked and measure.1 bv ;Vo dis interested men. under oatlu ill was raised by A. Ellis, of Arl.rvi.l the s w 4 of sec. Tft o-io. iff f.,r,n tiun for a Driie offered by tL iurai Nebraskan of Omaha. - Ila 1' v.. (igs Ne- braakan j Fun ad Drowned. ahe Marches, searches every w line, ' As ore would treasure fliitL-- Old nii.a-, lih the wsiiilrrltif eys And ioni berk lldered linud. 4 - All uu and i'ok a the .TilnltiK ,11 it Willi eager step .he w. " A id mm-hK. lih lienlu.ilof ! . - ' Not kuovi lug frieiul. irom lot . "OU, has you seen int luslly by, .ly lull-Lmliy broil " . Hi left hi in lu nye a h n .lie ilfr-d, A Hit bad lu lie If. Inutllei' "Our mother. hli frowns out t.fhe.tto mi uir, s. once sua sinuen ; .j fk I M .esn lilnn.iJsxiit aud dat I Hill I find bf c'tiud. V' "Tls a few weeks a o"-uias. Hhe ban lol (be count of Vr1 1 "I lld him on the VH y .tifi .(ud ' Asleep aud haftuo rr. - - "1 only went a IL'ile way, ' And Jiat ItflilPlI that s one, - Writlhit to WIPHviu" Hcveify, That Is lo tiid1tsoue. "He wWl cumt back and marry"!!!... He say, in tu vfitrs inure M I shall t.ii-n ln Just iiflilceh, Aud lu sesre tt"ty-f'iiN , ( "Hut can lie marrY in" le "tlilks "Ma IA as liMitired I nh-un " They mould I e banged ll, but peihapi . pvn.ruinij .vim 1.. u ' . t. , . "Aud site SRl.t-wlilil, I do not kliuw 1 llil k 1 slept oi Oietl . , And woke up in a world uf iln srrn loot lioniltlu mid m Id. "I did net kill the toy.', , uX.nt , I only li ft linn here Fuiiii.t him aud the tide flowed In And cliS.-d y ill - uu one, "Not euiiiy f nh. uiv I id my lord, .si, i Kuiiiy : .linn. na Willi ; "1 osily let thein flosl uwav Aud drown my inotlii-iV ehlld I An.l o Iny ipol hei riJ tkmn (liui m tas the prison uoor, s. . "1 IU I was dead ; el now It stem., . , I am alive wio Autre. ' "I v.'alk along the shining sands, I heai his -Lout of Joy ; . I know I'll flllil hlsi vet, siRill. . M)' llllledstllhg boy "t m . H on she goe. wtli cautious lrad. Aud eager eves and Mild ; But never, never UI she llud The I lulu drowned child. - V Dlunh M Slock lluliitn'.'.Murfsiii Ihe Best Practical Art Xagasme., The Art Aul.tUur, for IKsj.'-fudui' from tho publisher's' announceiut-i wll) atqply inaintairj lis high reput tlon as the la-st jractical jut majfazii of the day. To an abundance of fen tiful, full-size working designs 1 painting, -enbrol'lery, wood eai vlt aud other art wk, with copious prn Ileal instructions for all classes of hi ateur artists. It will continue to add profusion of chaimiui illustration porcelain, furniture, r-edlewnik, ai bric-a-brac, together with an,udle supply of entertaining nforui')ifoii A decorative and indus'rinl art. Nuuvf ous artists' sketches will be publish as usual ; the lejdiag exhibi.ious w be largely illustrated and piquam criticised, aud artists of un-ril will blographically noticed. A series beautiful embroidery designs front t South KenMrgton Royal .xliool Art Needlework and a tiutulmr of at cles en chin-, painting by Miss Laughiin of Cincinnati, will be 'pt lished during the yar. It is i.. much to declare, with thn Louo Academy (which places it above a magazine oi the Kind in KhgUii that tho Art Amateur is a tiuiivel variety, beauty and c-he.ttues. TlJ opinion may readily be verified by He; thirty five cents for a specimen 'ct. to Moutague Marks, Publisher, I T . . s- ... .... onion quiire, ew i ot'K. 1 lie t scriplioti price is 94 a yeaV. . The people of Puttsmoulh ought take steps to seceie trbis.boiie conn tions with Omaha and Lincoln. 1 line is completed beiwteu there poi and the Stat,e Joupnal says of it: "The telephone line between Line and Omaha is in werkiug older t ready tor business. As is well kno there is ao more difficulty in couvt tag over the magic wire at a dial a of sixty miles, than when the sjeak are only a few blocks apait. working condition of the line to Ot ha has been fully tested by the Jout and found perfectly satisfactory. The charge for five minutes convj SitUoii, after connections are ft mails, is 40 cents to Omaha and 5 Ashland. This certainly cheap enoi as it gives time for the accomolif nient of almost any ordinary butir.t transactions, and possesses ad rant a ever the telegraph that are appar at a glance." The Washington s-uriday Her says: "Mr. Blaluu related a story otht r dat, saving the geometrical t. of telling secrets. Said he: "If I b a secret that must bo entrusted others it is best to keep the numbed confidants limited. You telj a ct to one man, and that makes one," dtcating the one as he said it by drJ ing his right forefinger across the p. of his left hand, "When you till v secret te the second man," he cocj Untied, drawing down an, itnagin second liar," that makes eleven. The new lOt-tuu ArinstroVig bre loader which was lately ftied' in I' sent out a projectile weighing -2 pounds at nn initial velocity of 1. feet per second. Thjs js about twentieth of the rate of speed at wl a bodv must be projected from earth in ord.-r t send it outside of earth's attraction and make it rtvo around the mi like a planet. S we simll be able to 'nake our o meons and fire tho whole earth art piecemeal,, if we feel like doiDg so. Tho Philadelphia Inquirer preib that the near future will be known history as the "Age i f Steel;" i if all is true that is said of the pr peel of working the metal alum; um at a cheap rate the coming ti will more probably bear the name the "Age of Alumini Jin." N. ' Graphic. Ex Senator Toombs prophesies tl Governor Cleveland, of New Y will be the next President. Toooi prophetic gifts may be estimated the fact that In 1950 be predicted tl. be would some time call the roll V,l. ....- ,.n tlm ,.,. ..f Itnntrce If iH 'P.. maanirsi onrn In m rit nPrt i A 'J sUCCSO'llV mm sb.iavf - s . w , the number of cubic feet the crib c; tains, multiply this number by 13 a dirlde by t, and you have a close i pronmation to the nutabr of 1 :.; ear bnsheU. - -. ..V (111