Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 28, 1882, Image 3

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Uur ( lu'.lilii- l.Nt lssj.
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Dr. A. Salisbury hi Omaha Monday
of till work.
Mis OlivoGass visited Willi friends
in tile n wood. Iowa, during tin.- holidays
Mr. ami Mrs. McLaughlin celebrated
Christmas w till relatives hi Lincoln
Miss M hiii in Daughe i ty, of Brown
ville. is in t he city, tin- gue,t of the
Misses O'Keefe.
Miss Xellie Bell, of Ashland, passed
Christmas in lliis i t y with , relative
iitlil acquaintances.
Ceo. Mutt ison, df South Bend, spent
Iat niht in Plattamouth, enrotite to
his old home in Vermont.
Miss SaraWorden of the city schools,
is parsing the Imliil ijs with her I. roth
er, at Superior, XVbr.iHkn.
Misses May and Anna Maihlox, of
1". ills City, ti.isseil ('Uriel mas in this
city. Mcnls at .1. W. I! ii ne'
Ceii'l .loi:n M. Tli.ij er, of Grand It
l-t i
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ni'iiit Ii .:
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passul 'i i istnias night in this
The gllest of Dr. II. I!. Livillgi-
Ian. I
" fit?.
the present lo"-
ixt'a copies j Miss Allien 1'olioek. who is Htteinl-
in sehool, at I'arson's colleije Fair-
f.e'il. Iowii, ii passing; the holiiU.VH ul
Inline tlii.s city.
I'rti iii-
sainple i
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iit the
s, ..I l.oiii-villr, i- now in
i.f the 1 1 ki:a i.i I'tiMi-h-iv,
ailil any . tm n"-- h'.'
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ilJl! in t. H-. lis OM filllltll
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1 1 ..ilic, the
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lnil iven I'V the
w Vc:!is!.
A M.
avt'iiti'- is ajjain open for
new calveit being lilleJ
-i.nicicnL for the crossing of teams.
i liu tire i'u'Iuu tincnt are Laving
their ii'-w eoiiilittitioii' ami by-laws
pr;n'cil, a.i.l the IlLitA'.n will lo the
wi.i k .
'I'iie Hi t: vi. Is report of Christmas
day in the churches in this city, gives
its complete lettiiiis as it was possi
l,l - to o!
I l.e aii.i Ma-iiiiie li was
held on W eihiesiiuy evening at their
ball, and supper w:t- ji-rved at the
l'i ikins 11 in-..
A party tin; ouug people in this
city 'ave a (surprise parly lo Miss
lunula '.lei old last fNitujd.iy evciiiii";
nud a plea -ant time is reported.
Airs. .1. X. Wise, Mrs. V. J. White,
Miss Alice l'ollock nml Miss Kvelyn
Wise will receive cilia New Yens at
-Mrs. J. N. Wise's from t to S p. in.
A heavy fall of snow has mado a
few days good sleighing which has
been fully utilized by young and i Id
w ho seldom lind its t any winter.
Deputy Cleik Liiown was out at
Weeping Water ami other parts of
the county Sunday and Christinas
reluming to his ollicial duties Tues
day. The in w store room to bo occupied
by Smith A. Ulaek Uros., is nearly
ready for occupancy, ami no handsom
er furnished room will ne found in the
Mr. lles-er brought the IIkkald a
large bunch of evergreens, a portion of
which the forcm m (.whose better half
was away from home) took and deco
rated the power press with, and in its
shadow had a quiet and lonesome
Chi istmas.
Among the Christina reunions was
the one of the children of Lake Wiles.
The reunioa being held at Thomas
.ts', whei-iS eig..t of the children
f ... IV.. .... I 1. .m.l . ...1 ...
II Ibii viii... .......... r. - - -'
brated ChiutiiKis; but one of the num
ber was absent, and such complete re
unions are of rare occurrence. The
IIiiKALi) wishes that reunion, and all
others among oar lvaders. many repe
titions in the future.
Among the Christmas doings of note
were the seranades given by the 1. &
M. band between VI in. and 2 a. m.
Christmas morning. Tne band boys
serenaded among others Koadmaster j
Taylor and Master Mechanic Hawks-worth-
Mr. Taylor opened up his
house and served oysters to Uia sera
nadeis. and Mr. Ilawksworth handed
them out a box of cigars, w hen they
visited hiic.
The roller skates are having their
day in this city, and Hock wood hall is
transformed into a rink which is tilled
with skaters by night and day; so far
but one accident of a serious nature
has happened, that falling to Conduc
tor Barron, of the main line, w ho fell
breaking one arm near the wrist. It
is reported that the rink was running
last Sunday and the otlicers will watch
that it does not occur again.
The Har Association.
On Saturday last, tho a meet
ing of the Attorneys in this city was
hel.l for the purpose of organizing a
bar association. Mr. Heeson was
made- temporary chairman, and A.
W. Crites temporary secretary. The
ob'iect of the meeting was stated as
fur the purpose of organizing a bar
association of the city of riattsn.oith
and on motion of Mv. Strode the
meeting was so constituted.
On motion Messrs. Ilartigan, Mor
lis.v.i an I Sullivan were appointed ft
rommiitee to prepare constitution
and by law s.
On motion Messrs. Chapman,
Smith and Wooley were named as a
committee to prepare minimum
schedule of foes after which the
meeting adjourned subject to call of
the chairman.
Those present were Messrs. Whee
ler. Hartigan, Crites. Heeson, Morri
son, Sullivan Wooley, O'Donohoe,
Mathews, Strode and Vanatta.
' Mr. and Mrs. Duke. Mrs. Cooper,
' Mrs ("apt. D. Myers. Mr. and Mn.
j CeiT.ins, of Lincoln, passed tbCluist
! in. is holiday in Omaha.
j .1. K. Strode vikitcd Lincoln this
j wet k, making arrang ineiits to enter
i upon his duties as prosecuting atttor
! ney with the coming year.
.John A. Templeton, private secre
tary of .lohn Fitzgerald, and Kd. Cag-
m y. of the 1st National bank, Lincoln,
passed Christinas day in I'lattsmouMi.
The Louisville Robberies.
For the past three months the I. &
M. I!. It. company have been
goods in small quantities between Pa
cific . I unction and Lincoln, until the
amount we learn, re tched in the neigh
borhood of S3,0(o. It seems the lirst
intimation the company had that Lou
isviile was the rendezvous of the
thieves, was caused by the finding of
several caddies of tobacco hid in the
brush near the- track, which proved to
hive been lost the night before; aev times, lucky finds of goods have
be.ui made; at one time three caddies
of tobacco were found under the llap
tlst church, but no suspicion could be
fastened upon anyone, until it leaked
out that some parties had bought to
bacco at the tin store of Frank Greek
at 40 cts per pound, which was worth
0') cents at wholesale; this needed
3me explanation, which was given
by the arrest of Frank Greek, Friday
night last on the charge of burglary;
his tin store was searched and some
of tin stolen property recovered.
He was taken before '."'quire 'leg
horn and released on f .lOt) bail.
The parties who made th arrest,
went out. to Mrs. King, the mother of
Creek, a few miles in the country, and
found m re of the goods; she explain
ed that they were given her by a
Mrs. Ingram living east of Louisville
Some highly sensational tleyelopruents
may beioked for, as it is known that
Adam and James Ingram and Wir.
Greek have been with Frank Greek in
Lis speculations, and others of good
reputation heretofore, are suspected.
The aforesaid Digrams and Win
Greek it seems got wind of the arrest
of their pal and sk ipped for parts un
known before the officers could get
sight of them.
Later Since writing the above, wn
learn that .las. Ingrain and Wm. Greek
have been arrested and had their pre
liminary examination before 'Squire
Cleghorn and were both held for their
appearance at the next term of the
district court.
iiitisiMAH in riiAivsHorru.
Christ ii!4 Tree nd ( liurt h SorTir.
Concord News.
Coxconn, Neb., Dee. i2d, 'S2
Kunoit ok IIerai.i: This place,
while not often noticed, is still a
point of n smalt importance. The
people here are happy, prosperous
and. during these long winter even
ings, are giving their time to mental
cult u. e. The evidence of their finan
cial condition about this place is that
A.T.. Sibert and Jacob Sihert have
each erected a nice and comfortable
farm house the past summer; while
Mr. l.eavtr has the lower story,
erected of stone, of a double decked
The farmers in this neighborhood
are preparing to turn their attention
to the culture ef small fruit, and in a
year or two will be prepared to sup
ply in part the home demand for ber
ries and gra.ies.
In mental affairs they are taking
advancej grounds. In their schorl
they have an efficient teacher who is
esrnestly and honestly striving to
advance his pupils. In addition to
this they have a literary society and
as it is conducted is well calculated
to incite the young men and ladies
to think, read and post tip upon the
issues of the day and age. Of course
in this same community there are
those who con see no use of such ef
forts and who think such things are
the w orks of the devil and an inno
vation of the father of liars to lead
the youth io perdition; old fogies
who if they went hunting for squir
rels would go where they saw- the
same twenty years ago, and shoot
an I Jdiea swear because they missed.
Such persons live for some wise pur
pose, but it is beyond human ken to
guess for what piirjMise.
Ok the Wins.
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at Plattsmouf h, Cass
r.-.imtv. Neb.. Dec. '2?, 1SS2.
Able, A II
Adams. A
Dove, L
Ilowers. Jobu
Hatch. Henry
Conrad. Fraaz
Cole, Miss A
Clute. Andrew
Curiau. A
Fohz, Mrs Joe
CI rimes. J S
Gallop. Wm
Garek, II L'
Geerkc, Fred J
Hicks, 1 N
Hicks, HuldA
Hicks, Nellie
llousak, John
Hoft, Jerrv
Home, iJenj
Hann, Alice
Hougti. Anna
Kennedy, Mar
Juranik, John
Lougrcen, August
Mack, Mrs S II
Mead. K II
Mitchell. Elmer
Kouick, Emma
lwood, Gust
Schneider, Charles
Moddard, C
Shepard. C C 2
Taylor, Sallie
Voodry, J W 2
Wood, James
Webb James
Wheeler, Joe Mav
Tyler; Mrs W
for the above will
The X Koad.
Mi's X Hoaps, Dec. '2'tlh,
Deai: Herald: We shake from
the fringe of our organs of sight a
sympathetic dew drop to mingle w ith
the briny cti'osions of that keeping
editor, and his mourning friends, but
please excuse us from sharing with
him the warmth of that hot place.
School dist. -IS has at last found a
teacher in the person of T. Zink.
T. G. Taylor has fully recovered
and is teaching at Dimitts.
G. T. Rttchey is away on a visit to
Mack Dowler and McCrary are
afflicted with horse trading.
We wonder if that South Bend cor
respondent saw anything of our Joe
McCaig Christmas.
James McMahan has rented the
place he sold McCarty for one year.
Ri sti Ci ss.
Hood, Edwin
Tersons calling
please say "Advertised."
j. W. Marshall.
Board of Trade meeting next Tues
day evening in annual session. There
ought to be a full attendance ef the
members and some efficient work done.
At thrt 1'ie-jbjterlaii church on Sat
urday evening the puitday mIiooI lud
two beautiful ChriatniHS trees loaded
with preenti, m.iiiy of thm very
txMutlful and valuable; lfnie thedis
trlbutionjof the preweius, the superin
tendent, Mr. Wise, lead a Hhort pro
gramme befitting the ix-eatiuu, prayer
by the pastor, remaiLs to the children
by Chaplain Wright and ret ita ions
from httl folk a, t-itt i-h-ismI with
soiis and ant hems. I tie chinch whs
crowded to its full capacity, and many
were the hearts made happy by the le
ceptioii of gifts bestowed. On Sunday
inoiniiig the paUor, It -v. .1. T. HaiiJ.
preached a rv ititei ! irig sermou
fan fit M.lhe.v IJ-tM. a ;noiiiiat lo
the day, and a'ih !i w .t ii.-teiifii lo !
a large aa l a,i,i. ".. a f- i i li-.i..
The choir, in .uldit i.ii to ;i.- issii.t'
opening aulheui a i I i.vui'is. s:imm:
BaiUVs "Kejoiee, 'o plo-i i!s
solo duo ai.d cui'ius ; M A!'-' I'-d-lock, ; Mis. I. N " i-e. so
piano; Mrs. D. A. " impY-ll. ai.o; Mr.
W. .1. W arrick, b .ism.. Mr. II. .M. linah
nell, t nor.
Kit M 4 N I' It i:sll YTKK I A N lllIHII.
t)u Monda; . t Clu ist mas ) evening
tho German Presbyterian Sunday
school in the Liederkr uiz hall, had a
t-ry beautiful Christmas tre.i loaded
with present?. Mr. Gorder, tho super
intendent of the schol mid othei
members of the church, worked early
and late, and it was a very pleasant
entertainment for all. Chaplain Wright
made an appropriate address, and rec
itations and sons wre g;ven with
much spirit by the school, all of
which was appreciated by the large
number of friends and church mem
bers who were in attendance.
)n Saturday evening the members
of the Catholic church hail a largr and
beaut'ful Christmas tree for the child
ren, which was very beautifully deco
rated and well loaded with gifts for
all ; services appropriate to the occa
sion were held.
On Monday (Christmas dav) all the
sr vices of the day were very largely
attended. At 7:30 a. in. and H:A0 a. m.
low mass ws solemnized, and at 10:30
high mass was celebrated; the attend
ance at that time being very large;
the choir rendering Knitzy's mass pas
torale in "G," Miss Hannah McEntee,
organist; Miss Mary Murphy, solo so
prano; Misses Henrietta Schuloff and
Louisa Ilemple, sopranos ; Miss Kate
llemple, alto; A. II. Weckbach, tenor;
John Lutz and Win. Guthman, bassos;
II. Schuloff, director.
During the mass at the offertory,
Lambilotte's "Memorare" was rendered
with striking effect. After mass, Fa
ther Lynch read a short scripture les
son from Titus and also from Math
ews, follow ing with remarks to his
people upon the birth of Christ and
mans duty toward him. The services
or she day closed with the benedic
Oil Sunday evening the LUndrkranz
society held in their hall, song service,
and had a very tine tree irmu which
some three bundle I presents were
distributed. The song service was
well reiiJ-red, Miss Weiduian presi
ding at the organ.
On Sunday evening, notwithstand
ing the inclemency of the weather, a
goodly number assembled at St. Lukes
church to-listen to the children's carol
service. The church was illuminated,
and beautifully decorated with ever
gieet'.s Texts and emblems suitable
to the season were emblazoned on the
walls. It was a pretty sighr, and one
to touch the hearts of parents present,
to see those dear little ones, with hap
j py lootuug lac.M ana near mem sutg
: iin? with .'ill their hearts and voices to
the Babe of Bethlahem.
Miss Ilattio Fulmer presided ai the
organ, an.l Mr. Gallagher kindly acted
as leader. Great praise is due Miss
Fulmer, who by her i ntiring tffoits
and kiiultuss in teaching the children
the carols, certainly deserves it. The
rector delivered a brief and interest
ing address lo the lutlo ones, after
which the choir, with Miss Living
ston as organist, sang a Christmas an
them; the services closed with the
carol Wonderful Night by the child
ren, the rector pronouncing the bene
diction. On Chriotm is morning at the early
liuur of six o'clock, services were also
held at St. Luke's church. Although
so early, the church was well heated,
and brilliantly illuminated and the
services were most interesting.
The music, consisting of the"Venije
Exultimus Domino." -Te Deiun Lau
damus," "Jubilate Deo," -Gloria IV
tria," "Kviie Eleison," Christmas
hymns and a Christmas anthem, wpre
all well rendered by the choir under
the leadership of Mr. Pettce, Miss An
nie Livingston organist . Rev. II B.
Burgess preached an unusually fine
sermon, taking for his text, fcGlory to
God in the highest, on earth. ieace,
good will to men." When service was
concluded every one went froui the
churc'i. feeling with the I'saliuist,
that -It is a good thing to give, th inks
uuto the Lord" -to tell of his loving
kindness early in th morning, as well"1
as of His truth in the night season."
The Herald h-js heard many words
of praiae for' the decorations in the
church. wh:.-h work was done by Mrs.
W. J. White assistel oy Mr. Galla
gher. The teaeliers of the Sunday school
assisted by some of the ladies of the
parish w ill entertain the children on
1 hursd.-.y evening next (Holy Inno
cents Dit) in the basement of the
methodist eiimeii.
Two large trees were loaded with
gifts on Satiuday evenifg, and the
Sund.e school and choir rendered a
nrotrramme of unusual llenee.
I c-
S'ln.l.iv morning, the j. tstor preaehed
a g m l sermon, and in ihe evening
took tor his tex, "Good will to man."
. Th IIekald is v.ry s rry that it
has not .mora extended report- .of
the Christmas services -at. that church,
but our special report promised from
there, h is f illed to reach the otnee,
which. must account for it.
Altogether the day li t never been
moie largely commemorated in Platts-tnoiith.
Mr. James Tlttee, daler la pianos
and organs, rd-liiveil this week two
elegant Decker Bros, pianos which
me mi exhibition at his music room
with l'hil Young Oue of the in
atrumenta is an upright elaborately
finished in French walnut and an in
Htrumenl that in style,- finish and
quality of tone cannot be excelled;
it is by far the handsotnest piano
ever exhibited in the city. The oth
er piano is a square grand in Rose
wood case and a very fine instrument
The Dei kcr Bioh. pianos td.and the highest in quality in the
nun k. l. and tuos- who contemplate
pin chasing should not fail tw set
.Mr. I 'it tee's ouiiiplea which he has
on exhibition. Mr. I'eltee has also
ordered a Henry F Miller grand
square piano for the Waterman opera
house, which is now enrotite ami will
be placed in t!:c opera bouse on ar
riving. It is one of the best pianos
inside : nd till! Imte no superior in
I he . ...ii. i rv .
1 The T. A. M. club give a grand
ball in il.eoj.eia house on New Years
! night ami aic making diliigent prep
I aiatiou for a grmd time. Their in-
vitatn ns are out anil are a good
sample of the woik done in the lira
ai.o otlice, which cannot be excelled
in the state.
k. r r.
On Tuesday evening the K. of 1.
Lodge this city elected the following
officers for the ensuing term: J. W.
Jennings, C. C; It. O'Neil. V. C; II
M. Bons, Prelate; W. L. Dykeo, K. of
It. an 1 S.; M. Schlegel. M. of F.; Wm.
Webber. M of E.
deuce of the bride's father, in Col
bus, Neb., at U a. in., Christmas
morning, Mr. Basil S. Ramsey, of Miss Lihhik Crites,
of Columbus. Rev. Mr. Gray officiating.
PERRLV OMAN At the home of
the bride's father, in Mt Pleasant,
Neb., on Dec. 24th. U83, Mr. Dkl
I'HOS B. l'EKiti.v, of Vichigan, and
Miss Alice Oman. Iisv. It. Cooley
He soon takes his bride to tea farm
home in Michigan.
BUSIINELL At Wiliiston, Ver
mont, on the morning ot December
21st, Hiram Bcsuxei.l, in the 8ath
year of his age.
A ear load of line mares, botli heavy
farm horses aad driving teams, re
ceived this week and can be seen now
at the Bonner stables. This is one of
the finest cars of horses ever brought
to the city anil any lineiutig pur
chasing should call early anil select.
Two good mule teams for sale.
Jonks & An new.
At the Bonner stables. Platts
mouth. Neb.
Geo. ft. Sales,ol Cedar Creek, hopes
to get his books and accounts all
straightened up by the 6th of Jan
nary, at the very latest. He earnestly
requests all parties knowing them
selves indebted to him to call at his
store aud fix up their accounts in
some shape by that time. -t.
Los r a davbook, on the road between
U. B. Church and Jacob Grassmau's
containing 1r20 in cash, and some pa
pers. $o,uo will be paid for return
of the property. Inquire at IIkkai.o
office or ot Jacob Jtcif. 4lt
School Books at Warrick's.
December 27th. 1882.
I w ill give a Cash discount of 10 per
cent on till Dry Goods, purchased of
me in the next SO days, as I wish to
reduce my stock before February 1st
to save invoicing. I mean business.
W. IL Bakkic.
December 2Slh, 1S82 41tf.
Holiday goods at your own prices at
4 ltf Wakrick s
lioiug to liis rave.
l here he goes again uirect io sa
loon and pours down unotner heavv
draught of strong drink, not so much
because he demands it, but for the
artificial buoyancy it produces the
after effects of which leave him more
miserable thuu before; it is this dread
lul practice that is daily sending
thousands to their graves. A remedy
for all this is found in the true friend
of temperance the best and purest of
all medicines J-.tectnc Hitters. Sola
by Roberts' Pharmacy at 50 cents
Water White Coal Oil. at
4ltf Warrick's.
Are you disturbed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with the excruciating puni of cut
ting teeth ( If so. go at once and get t
liUSlltll-. It will relieve the poor
little sunerci immediate! v depend upon
it; there is no mistake about it. There is
not a mother on earth who has ever used
it, who will not tell vou at ouce that it
will regulate the bowels, and give rest to
the mother, and relief and health to the
child, operating like magic. It is per
fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleas
ant to the taste, and is the' prescription
ot one ol the oldest and best female puy
sicians and nurses in the United States.
Sold everywhere. 2.'i cents a liottle.
Go to Warrick's
School Books.
store tor
41 tf
Come lo lli fruul w llli :i rninplt t- clock I
Staple and Fancy Groceries
lllF.sH AND Nici:.
We always buy the bent Koods in the uiaiket, and guarantee eM i vthin we
select. We are side agents in this town for tm sate o.
ami Tin: CKt.Kiti:.Ti:i)
Nothing finer in the inaiket. l'latt s "
always on hand. Come and see us. We
Tiei" blend of H.ill ini -re Oyster
ill make you glad.
FreiiU'-ntlv lein
ak.-l In.w I can cll STANDARD HOOKS
I would mv, that l Inlying tlic lied I.ioti
Stock wrv cheap, and huviii"; iileiuent -
iull il
in -I
a larirt' btocK, ttr
v la.w I'rlce.-. I
aided to sell at .about
I .T miliary 1st. wIkmi I will ho compelled to
:tni cn-
tlie usual irici'.
advance inv price
nut i
Conic Now and Secure
When oiii lookitii;' lor Holiday iool
pet' what l nave for i iv.-onts.
dotit fail to come .
One ami
want to buv
art! invifi'd
to look at our ool. wlietlior tjiev
raicrer:. H$ztn't sail io vnH assd ttev
bsm ssg my siavls laas dnWiT rfl5) GSfli
eSJsasaeisary Isi, yon a :a bssiaiiBB
JL will well Vases. ToISet seis,
Cups and ai&eess9 .eSaeaper
tlian yosa eaia l$iy iSiei&a any
A Iarc stock of straw baskets,
dried natural Flowers, and col
ored Grasses, wbieli 1 am selling
very Cheap,
llavifia' added a large slock
ol' Combs, lri3siaes9 ine Noaps
and H?erfuinery9 H aiaa prepar
ed to please all.
Mark Twain's crap Books,1
all sizes -and nriees.
15eautiiul C'firislaias IBooks for
the ehildren.
If anil 51irroas at praees tisat
heat tlaena all.
Large Family libles at remark
ably, low prices.
idm 8. Myers and Hobt. Yass,
invite tlaelr friends to call and
exasaaine oiur IK oliday oods.
a 'mis ABaa!Kaa rwit
ii kaMw 1 ii
man unn
Hoy9 vv esri
30 "O" CS- 3-
!IteBE3kaaa8efi iU Hzvutlten isei We?libsa
Bucltwhehl Day.
We will grind buckwheat, cumiuem:
ing January 2d, 18s:;. This will t:e
the last chance this winter.
40V2 Valley Mills, Water.
Attili(ni !
Again .Santa Cliius has left a large
supply of Christmas gooils at the
Union Bakery in the Perkins block.
They will be disposed of at prices to ,
suit the times. Kveryone who calls I
there will be convinced that that is I
the cheapest and best place in thU city
TEH MS Strictly Cusli. 1M.ATTS.1I0IJT1I
Amuicmtnt lovrng jeople will be
entertained on the Cth and 6th by the
Agues Villa company at Waterman's
opera house, aud the troupe comes
highly commended.
A spleudid run of sleighing for this
climate is l.einjf njoye.l in this rily
ttU week to the full extent.
With the first of the T- ir. Ami Todd
will assume his duties a- '-maty com
niUikmer, Isaac Wi'e retiring
No Medicine Can be Compared to
Marsh's Uoldea Balsam for the
Throat and Lnnirs.
"Last month I took a severe cold
I coughed terribly and could not sleep
at uigbt. I had a druggist prepare me
some cough syrup, but it did me no
good. I then tried Marsh's Golden
Balsam ami was cured at once. It is
a delightful remedy." Henry L. Coot.
sedalia. Mo.
1 have used many cough remedies in
my family, but none that could possi
blv compare with Marsh's Golden
Balsam. F. E. Anderson. St. Joseph
Marsh's Golden Balsam is for
sale by Smith & Black Bros.' drug
gists. Large bottles, 50 cents and 81.
Trial size, 10 cents.
Beware of Them.
A ooJ article that has achieved
micccs", and attained a world-wide
reputation by its true merits and won
derful results, is always imitated.
Such is the case with Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Congbs
and Colds. Already unprincipaled
parties arc endeavoring to delude an
unsuspecting public, by offering inii
tatious of this most fortunate discov
ery. I not be deceived, but insist
on having the true remedy, anil lake
no other. Trial bottles free at liob
erts' Fliamacy. 41eowlr
To the People of Cass County.
When you come to Plattsmouth. call
at the Cential Restaurant under the
post office, and you will find the most
comfortable dininjr room in the city.
Seatiug room for all who wish to give
us a trial. Mcils promptly ready at
usual hours. Oysters, coffee, sardines,
pips feet, pigs calves, ami warm and
cold meals served to order. Call in
and I will guarantee satisfaction. .
40f3 P. B. Mm PUT.
(irises' ;iyccriue Salve. j
The best on earth can truely be said j
wf liriggs' Glycerine .Salve, which is a i
sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds,
burr.s. wounds, and all other sores.
Will positively cure piles, tetter and
a:l skin eruption-. Satisfaction nr
antecd or money refunded. Onlv .'5c. ,
for sale by Smith A Black Bros. --'!-lly
Try those "Tip Top" a for l cent ;
Tobies at Warrick's, tliej beat any
ct. segar in the city. jni::
Oysters ami Olery
to buy presents for Christmas gifts, f ,, '"iw".
Go and examine the enormous stock 1 b,It '"-' of ehoieest :
thereon exhibition and for sale. ::t'5 "vsters, han.lle.1 ; dealers supplied. -V.'tl
intii.x-F 1 i,u to I'-1'!"'' Hestauranl for the i
se"M- ll .... , 1 -wt meals in t.,wn, f.,r -jr, ets. Meals !
John R. Cox desires to rct bis book- at ,, 1S d,iv b.aid at .4 !) per :
and accounts all straigliteucd up be- j week . hi i,-l. Water ... aso,:i
fore the 1st of the New ear. I le re- ; diau-bt. i'.it M I (i i;:: n
spectfully and earnestly requeMs all !
. .1 " . . 1 T. 1.
parlies Knowing i nemscives iu uu in- uenry i '.m k nUers .special nilu-e-debted
to him, to call at hi-torc and j ments to red nee !is stoel. . furniiure
settle all accounts. :-S-t l previous to in voicing the lirst of the
m mm, mm
bujtl f mtn ri Til
rsa fez
e8 with iBew gitml Jiaf nr?' vijri
One i s''sl ury. Dentist.
Go to Henry Bocck's for willow and I
camp chairs in a great yanety of
stvles. "St4
. ! the state
For Sale.
Tut, Hiio ue!l i in nrnveil farms
containing 100 acres situated one mile ;
sooth of Cedar Creek station on the
B. & M. B. K., 310 acres under plow. A sa.nile
Another containing 210 acres l mile Si,nif ',v I"
..f t BMivwi ct..tinit rimninT wiltiir I Costs.
timber, 140 acres under plow. Both
are excellent stock farms. Enquire of
Alex or Mat Schlegel,
:;tf Plattsmouth, Xeb.
There is no use talking, the Central
: Restaurant is the boss eating bouse in
i t f
Fou u '.
, the owner can have Ihe
"Villi property and paying
David Line.
Louisville. Neb.
9 mnmn4
Go to Henry Boeck's for a good, sen
sible and substantial holiday gift
your iriends. 38t4 !
Take Notice.
Quick time, with comfort and safety.
If you want to go eat or couth, don't
forget to take the Missouri Pacilic
Railway and the Soutln ! n route. No
danger of snow blockades and delays
that so frequently occur on the north
ern rontes. This is one of the best
and most elegantly equipped lines
in the west, and runs 4 solid passen
ger trains daily between Omaha and
St. Iouis. Tickets to nearly any point
in the United states may be procured
over tins line. Winter Tourist's tick
ets to all the prominent winter resorts
in Florida. Louisiana and Texas are
also on sale at alov figure. For full
information call'on or address the un
dersigned. J-1. Ellis.
Local T'K't Ag't M. V. R'y.
2t40 Louisville, Xeb.
We challenge any dealer in the state
i f Nebraska to produce as lino a cigar
for purity and quality of the tobacco
as is usp.l in tbtj manufacture of tbe
for j Flor ! IV'i.n berg and B-jcky grade.
a ri.irs I EiTEKiiEKi;,
Manufacturer. '
! Agents Wanted
j to sell on commission our new book
! America'! Ktiquette or rules of
' Ii i! i I V iibiv li.-tiib- liQi-wlcrkiiifilv
finished an I always salable. Parties
dr-siring witrer emj lovment can make
money sellin.; this work. See circu
lars at i his ollice, or write to
-"SO II. E.
Omaha, Xeb.
Agents wahted in town ami ei;inty:
the nmst smitznUlveMt sto-d
se2cet-ed iBlf ever np
Partii wauling ice di-Mverea next
'iioa will liH.I it to their intere.-t to
consult Joseph 11 Fairfield now. By
makiii your contracts with biin now
u will Hive inoncv. 40 tf
Collection Notice.
All parties knowing themselves to
be indebted to tie. ate requested to
call at once and make settlement as
old accounts most be settled up by the
first of the year- Please give this your
attention.- 2H0 W. II. Baker,
of JL'lattNiuoiitEa and Caa Voimty. We pre
to have osar hI&vIl .complete iluit no ot
pijssv Asa mmizty eaia tiupiieaie oe
vssiietv cti CcxaA 41 vvi
- -". 111! M K. a v-
we saake to you.
linportant to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 4"tf
F-ii'ptiit I'Jrther particulari
how tJiht hc place
A tine stock of bureaus, rocking
.. We blall juote ju
all oUier to visit, 1
chairs etc.. for holiday presents
Boeck's. :tt4
at H.'
iigiw ass
11 0