PLATiSMODTB HERM Onr Clubbing I-M for Issj. The IImuld uftVrs the following clubbing ite to its patrons for the following vein Tmk 1 1 K it ...iuiii Mortli Amrr. Ki-vli'w . . . ..'i.75 IVi.-i -iin's Muuuine .. a. 30 " " Our ('.niMiirnl w'kly rritiri ruriurr Hiilunliiv .Ms lit ,Np uik 'linn's. , 4. l 8. 14 4.1 1M 1.60 I to a ao a : 66 Trlmine Cll'-:iiii Trilmue.. I linm . . . Wli'i u . . . r Vol k w rl.l . . i'Im.-I muni Vulkslilalt. i.M t I111..I1.1 I.k tlll iu. -1 84 OiiihIi.i Kr. " 1 8.UO lur innKm IliWKryf ... s.isi Inter Ureaii Viimt Aurli'llllurist. . t TS too IS 00 4.H5 ft uu 9 CO 4.1ft ft.UO " Atlnli' M until I v 1 1, u !' Monthly Weekly ... . IlitKiir i i-.u'H MuHthlr thvti.iiMr. . Siimluv Mnitazin I TS Irl-h Win 1.1 3VO N- Vni'K Ij-iIkit WcKly 4 10 lltadr 3 00 i h. -hi:. i Weekly Nw.. I. icuiiuy Mi.galus ft. Hi. .Mcliula 4.SS Other ..ii.lK will 1h added to 1'e list in 'iitllli. Kxtnt Copies. VYitl: e:t:i iaiiie iluruitf the present in ntli a Irur mi tuber of rxl- copies ilu Mkkai.w will lie Issued. Frm ! in ill I'liuiity send for sample li.pieH. !! n:d-t:i desiring copies -t r . itt it i 1 i vr . obtain them at the t Us'iifSi oll'xv (if till M. 11. t' Louisville. U now iu the einplov of the IIkkai.h Pnblish iuir" Com any, mul any business ho n.u trutisiM-t in its behalf will be fully l oiii.eil. ANNUAL STATEMENT I UKArsl'htrt OF CASS COUNT V, NEB, t.r Hie Term beglnuiu-r January S, ISS, uiiJ ending Sept 30, 1HS2. HI.KW WITH lOUM V CI.KKK, Dec. . 188i. .1. V. .1 k.n.n l.N )9. County l':erk. Ilv Vm. 1.. lUtowN. Deputy. Ill K STATU K NKBRASKA. IflllJTV liK.fASM, u. To The Honorable, the County Com tniwiontrs of Cass County, Neb. I have tin honor to submit for your examl iiniliiii'tne following taleinant of lUe rfrelpts iinil lislniri:iTils ut tlie Treasurer's office of 'as county, Nelirimka, for the term eonuiienc Uutiary ftth. 1. aud ending: Senteiuber Dili. tYM. U. NKWELL, Treasurer. II. .i. if. Xtitvll, Trtntartr Com County, Neb. lit n.wunl U'iln Suiulry J'uucis. STAfK tJEJfEHAf. Fl'NP. Dr. T mount ll:iluiie on hnutl Jan. D. To uni t bin. for year 44 1KKI lOl.ltf 61 J.00 (j j IMTd 1X7 1(177 1M7 17.1 1M74 187.1 IH7-J l7l I ft TO IHC4I I WIS iw,7 lMi4 IMIkI is.a luterext 43 26 4lt l 'i -'7 73 14 M 1 7 2 KM ID 71 V 7a ft iii 4 l 'i 3 M 17 l U 177 18 f HO.itf 4S . .. .i iwai J " 1861 " " " " -jwu " " IMI " " IUMI " " lua M Interest UmlemiNliim ' AlKamenU ........ Kent .Sundry Item! MUkliiK fund Keen a r fve book ' ou.tat cullect'11 " eouiily " la etee4 of arlr of Tiea. and I'ep'y Vr. 1K78 4 -J l7! 17 1.1 1171 ' U IH70 34 I . II 04 10 M :tt I iki ftl 7ft xt s Vl W 114 71 ! 1 74.1 iitt wv 11 Ml IVJi 73 II. M 2J.7U4 Hy uiu I wurraiit rector tax $ l.r. 70 lald la eunli h im hi pitrtlal pay'mt rec'pt 4 mi rrg'ed warrfnU p . 4 . 6." " warraubt received aa let from J. It. lull, -rtiunty Clerk . ... (MO 60 " I re an. Ie ou W,I1 70 47i XI salary 1. (loo no depuly'a salary ba oil Bui auee 4 ftuv 29.713 4 ININ H.M.. Dr. To am'l col. for year lOJ 4 :il M luteieat . . li.7 l.7 i; in .4 ll.'.t l71 IH70 1MUO I MR Bitot latkl 11 Li 14 OH 14 3i 2 UJ 1 07 S 'l 2 OU 4 U 1 4 no & Vy Am'l trausf'd to gen. fund iil itt ItBKaHAI. ROAD rVNO. Dr. To ani l bal on haud Jan. ft. las'-' $ I 6J4 40 ' rl milled on acc t uou local lou road ' road tax col. for lit M Interest. U.ilauce IMI B IH7ft IM7 1871 1870 iHIM 1808 1IW7 18X4 Cr. lly ain't Traa. fee on $.i3M,00 bupervCra rocputn for property tax. ... S ol M.'iftl 70 caib to umtrlets " Warrants redeemed. 31 ou 8.-JUI 70 1 0 84 41 M 1 UU t na 1 iu 10 . 7 " 74 44 43 47 79 7.)0 T9 107 12 1.102 90 2.1M 35 4.104 Vi T.ftOO 7l VISTHICT ROAD VURU. .iw an mi 00 : 96 13 (.002 11 5 74 2.0M 0 M 00 To aut't bal. on hand Jan. ft. .ml " from gen road lund.. " poll tax collected.... In-.ercM IV. By ain't Trea. f e 3,'27 13 poll tax rec.pts red'd warrants for errone ous noil tax Dt. road warrants redeemed 2.IH2 76 " partial pavin t rec'pts 3 W Halauce .l3 t M ooi 11 BHlDOIt ruxD. in. To am't bal. on haud Jan. ft. 1K1 collected for year 1881 1880 " 1879 187s 1877 1876 " 1874 " 1873 . 1872 1771 , I8M Interest Cr. B am't Treasurer's fee 9 165 75 ' warrants rec. for tax 134 17 ' registered warrautt receives for tax T6 SI - registered warrants paid in casn o.noi 9 231 71 7.813 MI 200 02 78 00 SI M 2 3 10 bi 3 51 a 21 67 3 1 S 00 118 21 98,5 19 13 Balance 1.1B2 30 9810 13 poob rrci. Mr. ou hand Jan 5, lly ain't il Mate TreainriT a per vouclieis 110.56 "2 Ballauce 44 . BTVTK HINKIXil Kl'Mll. in. To anioUDl balance on liun.l llo. .-hi 81 Jar. To i;.'t col. lor year il IHM) l!7'l 178 177 1K7U 187.1 IH74 ls73 1872 1871 1870 IKtitl IrtbH 1S07 ISiU 1802 lutereit. 21 i7rt s4 62 51 13 12 ft M 8 67 S l: 87 74 I 07 4 20 J Vi 1 03 2 0.1 1 84 14 4i 30 32 91.1: :i ;hj Cr. .. .. . . Iuterest... By am'l pd State Treasurer a per voiiclier- Balance tr.iTK hoi. n u, Dr. unt balance on nana Jan. ft To am't col. for year il 9 I2l a 2 1 l.Ul t 1K7-J I878 I877 1876 I87S l74 I87.t IS72 l(7l ii:o ii 1. 1802 32 2 H SI 100 Ol 21 00 I I 32 II Vi 7 11 3 50 1 ;ni 2 14 8 a 7 82 4 11 :i 07 2 7S 14 OH 8 4 .11 02 82.844 80 l m am't bal. 1H82 collected for year 187 1878 IS77 I87 1875 174 1873 1872 1871 1871 Interest Cr. By aui't Treasurer's fee Balance imu n M). Mr. T am't baJ.ou haud Jan. ft, 1882 9 collected for year 1877 187 1875 ib;4 .. 1871 1870 Interest 17 7 10 30 87 8 75 3 5U 1 7S A 1 07 8 57 3 92 2 08 17 46 9 I 27 SO 40 39 08 4 -i 2 00 3 00 ft 00 7 00 5 00 i oo 12 64. 9 81 67 81 7 73 72 By am't Treasurer's fee .... 73 Balance 71 9! TKACAKR'l rVXO. Mr. Ta hid'1 bal. on hand Jan. S. 1882 9 " appor'ineut for J sue, 182 Dues, lcenses and re cogn zances forfeln. Cr. By am't pd dls as per Toucher 9-OCO SO balance DIHTBICT SCHOOL FUI. Mr. To am't bal. on band Jan. 8, 1852 9 T.529 81 " transferred from bond fund dlst. No. 82 " collected for year ishi 188U 75 71 8.64 03 S 637 IS 295 29114.849 07 14.949 07 Cr. By am't pa Slate Treasurer a- per voucher Balance 8TATK IMVf KSIIV Mr. To amount balance on hand Jau 5 1H2 S To am t col. for year lssi 1H.S 17 1S78 1877 1870 17 174 IS73 1872 1870 ;S9 2.841 51 32 2 844 86 2 976 M :t7 .10 7 87 4 21 4 ili I 78 89 17 Interest. 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 18&I ISO 7 1864 1863 1862 18.M 1868 226 47 19.230 73 974 00 10.1 83 23 53 12 ftft 28 29 3 6 6 26 20 ft 96 1 60 1 9 1 06 14 9 8 42 39 25 243 18 927.998 62 Cr. Interest Cr. By ain't pd State Treasurer a per voucher Ij055 88 Balance TTi PKNITiiNTIARr FI ND. Mr. j Bv am't transfred to schocl ! house fund by order comnitssilners 74.1 6 I " apportioned to dial. by order com'rs 1.332 56 Treasurers fee 202 40 ' " pd dis as per voucher 15.732 02 j Balance 9.863 66 ik iijol hocii rcxi. I Dr. in . i T() am., from dut fund i " col. for year 1879 1878 1 (Si 2 06 ! 06 37.996 52 1 I OK 06 ! To ain't col. . lor year 1870 S 1S75 174 187J Interest 7 14 1 57 33 94 7 . $ Cr. Bv am't pd State Treasurer as j voacuer STATE UK LI KK Kt:XI. Mr. To am't col. lor year 1876 l.l 13 19 13 19 13 Interest. 1876 187ft 1874 :! 1870 1864 1863 1862 713 86 1 66 1 70 36 2 82 5 02 . 3 37 5 SO 40 62 10 42 9 "19 Cr. Interest 9 1 74 Cr. Cy :tnt d State Treasurer as er voucner 1 74 IIOOL UNO. 1 74 1 91 I 93 7 OO 2 N! 2 !2 3 83 1 no II 6 71 ; 11 88 12 22 1 99 1 93 24 10 24 10 STATIC 50HM.U Mr. To am't col. for year 1871 Cr. By am't pJ Slate Treasurer s pe voucher STATE INSANK 1 ISO. Mr. To .im't col. f r jeur IS79 I878 177 1876 187.. l74 luteret tY. By am't pd State Treasiirtr a per voucUer - B.ilauce.. school i.avd rfjro rRISClPAL. Mr. To ain't col. from Jan. 5, to Sept.SJth. 1S62 9i924 00 92.821 80 Cr. By am't pd State Treasurer as per vouc.i.r 2.C24 00 3 824 09 SCHOOMt LAND KC.N D IS TKUKST. Mr. To ami col. from Jan. i..te Sept. 30th, 182 46 93.85 46 Cr. Re am't nd State Treasurer as per voucher 1865 46 SCHOOL LAND KCSD LJtASK. Mr. To im't col. from Jan. 5, to ept. 3oth, 1652 9 Cr. By am't nd State Treasurer as per voucher 721 COUNTY FUNDS. CKNKBAL KL.VD. Mr. mt tiMi An nana Jan. b ... L J ill Iiom LIDrary ruiiu.. " PeualtV r una.. collected for year lfl i860 By am't overpaid Jau. 5,1882 " pd diet, as per voucher Treasurer's fee Balance PRKOIXCT ItOXO YVSD. Dr. To am't col. for year 1873 7872 Interest CY. To am't overpaid Jan.8.1882 Treasurer's lee Balance ADVFRTISISti H Jil Mr. To am't col. f jt year 1877 9 " " 1876 745 86 1 81 26 24 02 771 98 1 10 4 31 3 i: 9 3 64 17 4 77 958 9 98 8.885 46 721 86 9 86 76 721 86 Interest Balance overpaid. 1875 1874 1873 1872 1871 1870 1S6SI 186S 1867 I8M 1863 13 90 8 40 X 61 9 10 30 80 30 39 10 10 20 20 14 66 29 96 9 Cr. By ain't bal. overpaid Jau.S. 1882 " Ireasurer's fee 8C.NPBIKA. Mr. TO am't Fines received 9 Licenses .... " Recognizance forfeit 'd Cr. By ain't bid. averd'd Jan. ft, 182 " reported and trans feree lur appott'u't 1 reasurer's ire Balance WE CM NO WATKaA TVXD Dr. To am't bal. on hand Jan. 5. 188 coUected for year 181 " Interest Cr. By ami Treasurer's fee.. 3 45 - paid as per voucher 60 00 Balance 24 Mr. To sm.t Bal. on hand Jan, 8 .. IS.... 9 1546 89 ' collected for. year 161 15.627 1 1 - ' I860 300 S3 " 1879 84 0 " 187 45.36 138 85 16 HO 121 96 9 1 12 2S3 29 2 71 11 69 3 06 121 91 80 9 68 26 68 36 276 81 TO 81 124 79 124 7 Cr. By am't Int. coupons paid as per vouchsr 91 000 oo I reus. 4-eo 8J6BJ - Balance 7961 1 17888 (4 PENALTY VVtllK Dr. To am't' hal. on hand Jan. 8, 182 9 ' 84 9 8S Cr. By am't tram-ferred to genl fund by order eui'n 4 53 4 53 COl'NTV L1HHAUV Fl'MD. Mr. 1 am't bal.on hand Jam. ft. IIW2 9 06 9 09 Cr. By am'l transferred to gen 'I I uud by older cuw'n ol tv.i i umn. iiikiuu T uitsv riu, Dr To am't bal. oa hand Jau. ft. 1S2 9 1.58 vu " collected tor year 1M8I 686 62 . .. .. 7J ,j. 187i 8 li Interest 11 66 " Itoiu Trea.dist.Ho.69 11 65 9A.179 23 Y. By aiu'i trails! 'd front dikt. fuiid 4 'it 41 T leisure r' tees 7 tit Paid as er Votctiel 2w o " uJuce l.sttui li t '.1 B H. B ATOM J U DOM a NT. Dr. To a'U'l bal. uu baud Jau. 5, 188 9 42 02 " ewlleeled for year UT'J 7 00 lulriest 1 40 9 56 43 i-V. By am't p d S. K Katoa per widerdist Clerk ... 410 T reasurer'e lee 1." Balance 8 24 50 43 IXSTMl'TK LNU. Mr. To am'i bal. on haud Jau. ft, 1K82 8 41 20 " Keni'd Iroai Co. 8up t 79 00 9 124 20 CY. By ain't Treasurer's fee 1 50 - raid as per toucher ljo ue " Balance . 2 7U 14 20 PLATTkklOCTH CITY I-US US Mr. lo am't bal. on haud Jan. 5. 1882 9 9U3 7 " collected for year IhsI 6 jio 4 " 1880 6 6 " " 1876 181 4ft 1878 . 171 20 " " 1S77 271 41 " " 1876 219 19 " " " 1878 114 14 " 1874 171 9 ' - 1873 109 21 ' " " 1872 116 77 1871 118 28 " 176 7 70 Interest for 1S60&1681 52 42 Hedeuipt'u from city purchases 96 66 98 143 33 Cr. By am't l"d City Treasurer as per vouchers. ... 9 671 43 Treasurer's fee 142 99 Balauce 1.026 W 9 8.143 82 SCHOOL DISTKICT BONDS, lUBTKIOT 0. 9. Mr. To m't col, for year 166 9 ml 43 " Intercut I ift 9 193 88 Cr. By ain't p'd lut, coupons. .. 35 oo Treasu era's lee 1 9 Balauce 115 6 9 192 88 IITKICT N0422. Mr. To am't bal ou hand Jan. ft, 1882 9 525 97 " collected for year 1881 37115 " " ' i860 21 89 " " " 1879 1 42 " Interest 3 0 9 826 33 tY. By aw't Treasurer's fee 3 00 Balance 823 32 826 32 Disi iin no. 69. Mr. T aut't bal. ou hand Jau. 6, ' 1882 9 140 21 collected fur year i860 12 IS " Iuterest 1 06 9 U3 42 Cr. Treasurer' fee 13 " Balance 153 29 153 42 OISTUICT 0 61. Mr. To am't bal. ou haud Jan. 8, 1882 9 3 34 9 3 34 Cr. By am't Balance 3 31 1 54 IHSTKIlT XO. C2. Ml". To am't bal. on hand Jan. 8, 1802 9 2 83 9 2 88 Cr. By am i Bulanoe 2 88 3 86 UISTBlCT mo. C7. Dr. To am't bal.jii band Jan. 8, 1882 9 as 66 ' colieot'd for year 1680 I 16 Iuterest 10 8 93 97 Cr, J Treasuier's fee 91 ' Balance 93 96 93 97 DI-TUICT k'O 69. Me. To am't bal. on hand Jan, 5, 1882 9 16 50 9 18 80 Cr. By am't Balance 10 90 16 8 DISTRICT NO. 70. Mr. To am't bal. on band Jan. 8, 1683 9 1 62 9 1 62 CY. By aaw't Balance 1 62 1 63 district no, 71. Dr. To am't bal. on hand Jan. 5. 18S2 9 77 00 collected for year 1881 52 71 ' - ' I860 4 73 Interest 73 9 135 17 Cr. By am't Treasurer's fee .... 58 " Bi-lance 13t 89 135 17 DISTRICT MO. 75. Mr. TO am't bal. on hand Jau. 5, 1862 9 328 13 - collided for year 1861 114 35 ' 1860 4.30 " 1879 3 70 Interest 1 U 452 28 CY. By am't Coupons paid 169 00 Treasurer's fee 1 34 - Balance 391 04 452 28 DISTRICT MO. 80. Mr. To anit hand Jan, 5, 1682 9 17 44 " from dlst. Treasurer 11165 " collecl'd for year 1880 12 80 ' Interest 1 12 9 43 01 Cr. By am't p'd bal. BondJNo. 3 prtuclpal and Infest 41 57 Treasurer's fee 14 Balance 1 30 43 01 DISTBICT MO, 81. Mr. To am't bal, ou hand Jau. 5, 1882 9 3 85 9 9 3 8.1 CY. -' Balance 3 81 1 85 DISTRICT MO. 83. Mr. To am't bal. on band Jan. 5, 1882 9 47 collected lor year 188 3 61 Interest 32 9 10 39 CY. By ain't trausfered ta dlst. fund by Old. eern'M. 226 47 " Treasurer's fee 04 Balauce 3 86 23o"39 DISTRICT MO. S3. Dr. To am'l balauce overpaid . . 9 2 88 9 3 88 Cr. By am't bal. overpaid J an. 8, 1882 2 88 2 88 DISTRICT MO. 87. Dr. To am't bal. on hand Jan. 5, 1862 9 131 75 ' collected for year 1861 46 52 - " " 168 10 srt - Interest 1 23 9 190 42 Cr. By am't paid int. coupons.. 9 3150 Treasurer's fee 59 - Balance 158 33 VJO 42 TKEASLKKK'S fee bill. STATR FL'MDS. State Geu. Fund 91 1.656 62 - Siukmg I.I21 69 " feoit'u'y " 19 13 - Insane 11 88 - Belief " 1 74 " Normal ' 1 95 913213 41 3 uuo m at 16 per cent 9300 00 9.212 4t 3.000 OO " 4 - 80 06 8.212 51 --.-J ' 144 23 824 25 - School " 2.844 84 Culv'rslty UKs 86 3.900 42 - 39 00 School Land Fund 92.524 60 - Int'r't 3.6s 46 -s ' Lease 721 86 7.131 32 at S of 1 p e 95 63 9598 90 Co Ge...F uud 923.611 70 at 2 pr eU'Tl 38 )n. lload n-356 60 at 3 107 12 1UI ' 1 at 3 " 65 74 Bridge ' " 287 42 at 3 165 76 I 63 70 at 3 M 1 37 " 36 64 at 3 73 Ulsl. 8chool " 30240 34 at 1 - 202 4 School h'se - 26 12 at 1 " 36 ITea'l bond - 8 58 at 3 - 17 Advertising" 42 28 at 3 - 85 hundF-sL-s" 3.6 81 at 3- 3 71 . Weeping V - 123 71 at 3 - 3 45 -B iVboud 14V341 49 at 3 . 326 S3 cUT Bond - 778 58 at 1 J I T Katoal'd't 444tr . 17- InVtUuie . - 79 00 at 3 1 80 II Ails C y 7.149 54 S4 3 142 M 91.500 90 ini as per Fee book .-73 9J Total. ....4 ........ . ............. .92173 39 STAT an KMT Or I'XPAID TAXRS. Jkmtof Amt PtrVt 1 Tax Dtko if ipd CoU'd 1831.." . 9 127.453 7 . Amrcoil'd to date .9X651 36 98 802 49 73.49 248 47 09 4 83 3TK1K IB 000 16 .. W 187 loft 01 I - .. , " 1878 WW - f - i-jj - 1.71 1877 93 96 - . "fj - 1676 35 SO - V - . 1370 3 U !SI2 Sc? iLterestJ ; M so f 17 88 U luo SOtMh 13 Anil col 6 iu date w 9.14 zt 187 8l.4lK'A Asnt coll'd todat 69.461 I 11.99 01 88 31 1878... 1... 475.214 a Ami eoll'd lo dale 73.142 60 1071 tt) 97.24 1877 73.51 43 Amt eoll'd to date 76 6V4 2 3.837 21 98.07 1876..... 7 00 87 Anil eoll'd to date IxaH 40 3.478 ,7 9V48 187S 7SOB18T Anil eoll'd to dale 71.843 ftl 1 827 16 97.62 1874 135.68 63 Amt eoll'd to dale 131.683 69 4.002 84 97.05 173 S4.7S1 IT Amt eoll'd to date K2.6I4 66 3.130 M 81.46 THE STATE OK NEBRASKA COM NTY OK CAMS i We, tlie'uudcikigiivd ctiiiimissiourrs of the couuly of Cass, Mreald. d lirrebylrerilly that e iivf t arelully romMired the Ion going statement of W. II eil. cuui.ty treasurer of salil county, with the Ixi .ks aud vouchers of the treasurer's i.rilce. and Biul the said state ment ol the receipts and disbursements fur the term couiuieuclug Jauuaiy ftth. 1882, and eudlug September 3n, 1882. correct and satisfac tory. Iu witness whereof. we:)ieieuuto set our hands uud cause our seal to bo affixed tbis itth day of December. 182. ISA c W ll.KS. SKAUI jAMkSCKAWP.lBU CO. Collll'S. Sam cm. bkmiarulon Alllesl:.) W.JkNMMis. Cuuly Clerk I Co. Co A. .sutll)iir, liiitl)f. Addiiional laicals 011 fourth page. K. of II. At the un'isiiiif of the Kuiglns of Honor lHlge in thin city on Tuesday tvening the folloiniui; oiUcft were elected for the ensuing year: Dictator-II M lJushiitll.' Vice Dictator A Schlegel. Ass't. Dictator O K I'ronger Reporter II C .Schmidt. Financial Reporter- I P Gasa. Treasurer J W Marshall. Chaplain S P Wilson. Guide A I) Desi'ain. Guardian J (i Chaiubers. Sentinel J E Morrison. Representatives to the Grand Lodge J. E. Morrison and P. B. Murphy. A p, Jt A. BI, Monday nitfht Pluttsmouth Lodge No. 0, A. F. & A. M.t elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: V V Leonard W. M. J F Johnson H. W. A "iv White- J. W A W Ciites Sec. L D Bennett Treas. A Salisbuiy S. D. W II Baker 5. S. W W Drummond J. S. 1 Wiles Chaplain. Thomas Dabb T. Please Take Notice. The undersigned merchants will not open their business houses on Christmas: E G Dovey & Sons, .1 V Weckbach, F Herrmann. P Merges, Wm Herold. F McCourt, M B Murphy & Co., P J Hansen, Henry Boeck A B Todd, A Clark, Harris & Unruh, J M Woodson, and F S White. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Wilson, of Den ver are in the c-ity to spend the holidays. MKD. MARSHALL -At Avoea, Sunday ev eniDg, Dec. 17. 1882, of membranous croup; Ray E.' twin son of A. L. and Li. I. Marshall, aged 2 irs. und 10 months. Ice. Parties wanting ice delivered next season will lintl it to their inlercfct to consult Joseph II Fairfield now. By makin? your contracts with him now von will s ive money. 40 tf Complete stock of choice meats of all kinds, fresh fish, oysters, turkeys and chickens at Lafe O'Neii's. If you want good mince meat call on J. M. Woodson. To the People of Cass County. When you come to Plattsmouth, call at the Cential Restaurant under the post office, and you will find the most comfortable dining room ia the city. Seating room for all who wish te give us a trial. Meals promptly ready at usual hours. Oysters, coffee, sardiues, pigs feet, pigs calves, and warm and cold meals served to order. Call in and I will guarantee satisfaction. 40t3 P. B, Mcepiit. Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me, aie requested to call at once and make settlement as old accounts must be settled up by the first of the year. Please give this your attention. 2t40 W. II. Baker, J. M.Woodson keeps the best Christ mas candy in town. You will find the largest stock of candies of all kinds at J. P. Younp's. Take Notice. Quick time, with comfort and safety. If you want to go east or youth, don't forget to take the Missouri Pacific Railway and the .Southern route. No danger of snow blockades and delays that so frequently occur on the north ern rontes. This is one of the best and most elegantly equipped in the west, and runs 4 solid passen ger trains daily between Omaha and St. Louis. Tickets to nearly any point in the United States may be procured over this line. Winter Tourist's tick ets to all the prominent winter resorts in Florida. Louisiana and Hxas are also on sale at a low figure. For full information call on or address the un dersigned. J. P. Ellis. Local T'k't Ag't M. P. R'y. 2t40 Louisville, Neb. J. M. Woodson sells groceries cheap er than the cheapest if you don't be lieve it call and see. In buying presents, remember at L. A. Moore's you can get cut flowers in abundance. M. B. Murphy & Co. soils the best fresh oysters cheaper than they lie quoted in Omaha. J. M. Woodson sells canned fiuits at cost and dried the same. Large line of slads at J. P. Young's; also hobby horses, toy chairs, bensteads etc. Agents Wanted to sell on commission our new book American Etiquette or rules of politeness. A new book, handsomely finished and always salable. Partita desiring winter employment can make money selling this work. See circu lars at this office, or write to 2t40 H. E. Bsiaos, Omaha,. Neb. Agents w ah ted in town and county. J. M. Woodson will sell for eost for the next S9 days. Flower baskets and boquets always an appropriate gift. Secure them at L.A. Moore's. Found. A saddle, the owner can hay the same by proving property and paying costs. - David Line. 40tf . .. Louisville, Neb. J. M. Woodson keeps maple syrup and buckwheat flour. We challenge any dealer in the state of Nebraska to produce as fine a cigar for purity and quality of the tobacco as is used in the manufacture of the Flur de Peppei berg and Bocky grade. ' ' 4 TLIC9 PEFFERBERU, Manufactur ALWAYS AHEAD! BENNETT & LEWIS, THE LEADING GROCERS ! Come to the front with a complete stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries - FRESH AND NICK. -- We always buy Ihe best poods in the market, and guarantee cvt i vihing we select. We are sole Hgt-nts in this town for tlie sale u. ' im:kff(TION" (.hound spiriis. - AND THE CKI.lTtl' TM " BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS, Nothing finer in the market. Piatt's "TiKei" 1-iMid f Ihtltinmre Oyster, always on hand. Come and see us. We ill make you glad. GREAT SLAUGHTER -OP BOOKS ! Frc-ui'iitly U'ii,- asked ln.w 1 can sell Sl'ANDAIiD IJOOKS SO CHEAP, I woul.l s:tv, that ly buying the liel Lion Store Stuck very cliea and liavini' imlseiiieiit lv iuKIetl a large stuck, at ingly Low Prices, I am en aliletl to sell at about ONE HALF the usual juice, until January 1st. Avlien I will le eniiie!.-il to advance my prices. Coino Now and Secure Bargains. When out looking for Holiday (Jood. doiit fail to come and see what I have for Presents. One und all are invited to look at our guilds, whether tJiey want to buy or not. I will sell Vasea., Toilet ets5 Cups and Saucers., f&c.)cl&eaper titan you can buy tliena any where. A large stock of straw baskets, dried natural Flowers, and col ored Grasses, which I am selling very Cheap, Maving added a large stocEt of Combs, ISfi'ssslies. IFif ic &oaps and Perfumery 9 I am prepar ed to please all. Marie Twain's Scrap Hooks, all sizes and prices Beautiful 1 'hristmas Rooks for the children. Hand Mirrors at prices that beat them all. Large Family Bihles at remark ably low prices. TOjULET SETS at all FBIE. 3L. S. Myers and !&obt. Vass, invite their friends to call and examine our Moliday &-!oods. WILL J. WARRICK, IRL TLX G3- GS- IE H?, SUCCESSOR TO 0. F. JOHNSON. Buckwhtst Day. We will grind buckwheat, commenc ing January 2d, lt8:5. This will be the last chauce this winter. KlRKPATRICK & CltlPPEN, 40t Valley Mills, Weeping Water. In buying your holiday presents, don't forget a boquet of beautiful cut floweis; obtained at L. A. Moore's. , .. Attention ! Again Santa Claus has left a large supply of Christmas goods at the Union Bakery in the Perkins block. They will be disposed of at prices to suit the times. Everyone who calls there will be convinced that that is the cheapest and best place in this city to buy presents,. for Christmas gifts. Go and examine the enormous stock there on exhibition and for sale. 08t3 ! Griggs' Glycerine Salve. The best on earth can truely be said ( ef Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a I sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds, ! burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all skin eruption;. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Only 25c. for sale by Smith & Black Bros. 29-1 ly Try those "Tip Top" 3 for 10 cent Tobies at Warrick's, they beat any 5 ct. segar in the city. im:ls Oysters and Celery every day at J. D. Simpson's; none but Booth's special brands of choicest oysters, handled ; dealers supplied. 32tf Go to the Parlor Restaurant for the best meals in town, for 25 cts. Meals at all hours. Day board at SI 00 per week. Arctic Soda Water alw ays on draught. 22tf M. M. CURi'AN. Settle Up. John R. Cox desires to yet his hooks and accounts all straightcucd up be fore the 1st ot the New Year. He re spectfully and earnestly reque? ts all parties knowing themselves to be in debted to him, to call at hisstore and settle all accounts. ZS-ti Go to Henry Boenk's for willow and camp chairs in a great yari"ty of styles. . 3St4 Toys and holiday goods, the bst and cheapest in the city at L. C Er ven's. 39t3 Doo't fail to rail and examine our elegant stock of organs one hundred styles to select from. Low prices for cash or easy pavineuts. Opera house block. James Pet tec. G.-u'i Agt. 36L5 Save money by buying goods at L. C. Erven's. :'St2 Ilcatlqiiarlers for holiday goods at Win. IS. Sliryock'g, Louisville. atao : Mince meat, pure maple syrup, New York buckwheat, apple butter, honey, raisins, currants, citron, lemon peel, shelled almonds and everything nice at Bennct: & Lewis. 2t39 For holiday aruodH call on Wm. II. Mirjock, E.ouisvIIlc. A fine stock of s;lverware at L. C. Erven's. :J9t2 See Warrick's column, the cheapest place. Warrick's is :;t:;8 Dates, figs, grapes, oranges, and lem ons for Christmas at .1. P. Young's. A fine stock of bureaus, raking chairs etc., for holiday presents at II. Boeck's. 38t4 . For Sale. Two fine, well improved farm'. One containing 160 acres situated otr mile south of Cedar Creek station n the B. & M. li. Rn, 340 acres under, plow. Another containing 210 acres mile east of same station, running ' water timber, 140 acres under plow. Both are excellent stock farms. Enquire of Alex or Mat Sc-iilegl, " 'S8tf, . Plal'smouth. reb. Don'c fail to give Phil YounjI a call for candies, toy s etc. . Go to Henry Boeck 's for a good, sen sible and substantial holiday gift for youririends. 38t4 .:. Bremner's crackers at M. F. Mur phy lmo34 Henry Boeck offers special induce ments to reduce his stock of furniture previous to iu roicing the first of the year. 38t4 There is no use talking, the Central Restaurant is the boss eating house in the state. 23tf A. Salisl ury. Dentist. 13tf See Warrick's column. Warrick's is the cheapest place. Ct '.8 W. II. Baker sells Bremner's crack ers. lmo34 See Warrick's column. "Warrick's is the cheapest place. 3t38 The largest stock of chickens, tur keys, meats, sausages, etc, ever seen in Plattsmouth at the old reliable meat market of A. G. Ha t & Co., all for Christmas. How to become an expert judge of fine Hatanna Cigars, smoke the Flor de x'eppercerg and tbe Bocky. J. M. Woodson keeps kraut 25c per gallon, strained or comb honey 20c per pound. Go to. A. G. Uatt & Co. next Satir- urday and &? e their ' fine display of meats, poultry, sausage, etc.. Christmas. . 11883 IS COMING, AND THE US MlijKlE. 3 j To) O DW' ilbtliXJ-il CA? SMOW IITfllrtLT AN PH.Jtf.tE A STttCEd OB1 3HI O ULn II H2 JSL ST O-OOIS S as cam be i'ounal in tUv Wavs. TSae .amsti GOLD WATCHES AND CHAINS, JEWELK, of every dvwvipihm, FINK SILVKlt AND PL.ATI31 WAB6 BO, Preach Clocks. Toilet Sets, Albums, J)ks3m and Saucers. IDon't fsiil fto call aead see ihe s;oim8s. as other business houses are slowly breahen me up, nay stock laas i1(JT rr HfcE S.BED h$ iaiauary Ist9 yon. caaa et a brsrain. Fra,n3k Oarriitla. IF TOU IT la yjs S tT Ml L23 i J l iEISI COME ABSOHIMTO TD iriiiif f i TTiie w EiSSe,59 where withocsvi BilowHEi or iBiisrcpB'cscBBtsUioes, yBB sbbb ,. s sBiarc dcaB. Wull tcSif vcH,yfilBSB' as em9 aimal Weaia TlR. 0 fB A of Usicles9wei ISemember iihe hcatiosi next to Wechbach9f LateNil. Woveliies ebb NeeRweaB jess receaveaa. C. E. WESCOTT, THE ONLY BOSS CLOTHIER." TEKMS Strictly Casli. I'LATTSMOUTII, Mil riiicl WBtll SiCW 00i jui ilBT-; VHBJi.g Ie GAR LOAB LOTS 9 a rfft tf m ii a mail i y far Siee most ImasBBilieeMfift .tock o choice selected ever o2cnen of Plattsmouth and Cass County. We nrosK to Have our siock so complete that bh oth place in the county can duplicate our variety of Cioods, jand the prices i we make Ip you VStC Y4&K W tl1,a11 ynent furtlieiparti.ii!;!.'., li:ill ., wii i.nVc. r-CAU J Cfi sliy that the flace aln-ve all others to vMris at SOLOMON A NATHAN'S1 T8l-' 4Cl4js r A x II 0