Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 21, 1882, Image 2

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, 1
:vr.KY mi i:siay
ft'.li Herald PiiilisliiBZ Co.
"IiUn $1 no
rear "J no
nroi.llii; ( npiM-u, time ami
'known on application,
tin- 'ol nil'irc, flaltNiiiuiilii,
nl i'la 111:1 1 1 r.
itSMOUTH. 1)1".C.-I, IMS.
"How wo apples Bwim." Nothing
conns to tin nnfaiv in a uiMU cutli
ring them iIhjh ami tlisMtrti itttelf
with "mil HaUttfartion to itcelf and
annoyanoo to tlio jiulilio. as tin una
lulterat'lw lftiiaKiKiii', lit is always
then', swimming nw ny, iiunniniiig In
That gri'iit party of reform, I)euii
cratic in n;imc, ia alrtaJy in a pickle
In the If. 8. Semite at the hist session
Mr. IVmlletoii of Ohio introduced hid
civil servici reform hill that uYmoc
i;icv lainlcil to tin skit s as a ticcessary
and whnlettoiiit iiieHsuie. With the
in hooka w ere opi-ni tl ; and tui
i L was opi mil which purports
tcstinmny uccivftl lictoio
I .Jury, which that prodigy of
f.Vlr. N. W. Sum' Is took dur-
ssiViiis, and which our hilious
tin: ).... ilia llciald ll i 1 1 k ll)
ns the effort, and proh
Rliatrt.t nf hid life. hili f
nt: th lilt of a Hill ! r. Jt is
it. ;ii ray if cvi.Icnc', ami we
U what we said two weeks
it f.uli utterly, and is powei
s i ti one i ai l npuii
yi.r ( I i.eial's oiHre or I lie
ii-neral. Thue is not out
i f vidi'tici tl;at the
li r i ui ej ing wdi! not lut
; to law ; there is not an iota
co to show i hat the work wan
and well ilui.e; i'.i:. :;t llm
d hy (hi,! I nil. i-;:t, :i. it has
Inii !!; II :i' is i p t a
of i : e l .-lioiv ll;.' the
l h i:i i .1 i vi-r I ai.dli il :i iloi-
i:: pp.i y ; I nt. I l in- eon1 rar;
. 1 . t ..1 V lili'lll'i' l.i.VS tllli lie
I ; i ill ! Ci I III I her !! n us
i t I : i " ,t'p'- i-.t.iti I t ., o
I , .it M I . l'.'i l !''. 1 t U I he
, I ...a hv I pi'; :l aci cj ted it,
i i , . u.:iv .i;. 1 p. lid All", l-'.iii-l
!! u . l !. :::;d I hat .i r. !.ii
1 : p i p ... on t h it v. o: l . j
, ; 1 t li made In re loleiv on
. ... .' I lli.1'. li' dispoi p ol
, .i . I:.- : a w li! . W il lio'.li. I iov-
t,.il.ei H' a ih.ll i'l'lie
..... to Mr. J i 111 ami
... p. u.i auhd Mr. F.ui licld
i iii-, h iiiiii, ih.i Mr. Fail-
I . : l li 1 1.- ui l!n- pi olits, .iini
1 I 1 . ! . I ' )i 1 1' n t 1 1 i.
ill id iPiM i. Ller irauvict ion
i ili'i-li i'liV itf eli lens i'l'.iT
..e il h l I'uUilleil his contract.
.s.t' ll'.ic'.o-y, heen d ;;i il
Vi .i:h a ui p ml off The s u ! -
V 'M' 'crn'rv of tl c pusilaiiiniou-i
.ipli.i'iii'C aroand ttic Oiiia'na
was !i "V. i" lu tter i.lustiatcd
this; and ili' ir puhlicatio-i of
pimniy piove-i j;i.L cxa'-;ly Ihe
i -.Jt-t .is it pioi-d il to theiaa.l
r. Miller r.i.j st inl u; and iie
ice oi the testimony just .is
lie wi.-dtcs; he c:ui never make
i c i I mp-i'. anything hat a vin
i.)', iiviyor Itcncral's of
l I'.p.- I'.i'.t ever proven t It.: t .Mr.
v. i ..tepii.-.l otiisidc law
n:.' 1 hy ;ovi'Miiucnt : he can
' e a'i 1 iii.-.;.-. t i i i. iii i' ;ii
. it -ol iiiui.i uiitii il i a
.i i'j i:n 1 si II", a: d l!l it
it n ci inie it j ' i i no ii.aii. (tar
to Miili-r is. to c.)i:tii!ue
; hii.i-iclf until he i:- i id id s. a.
p. I with which he s- enis ovet-
'.. I L : s ::!1 i:i the it. ten -t of
icy. all a pas t of that ht i.iiant
.an', for deiii. ici at ic capita!, and
.r.d i i y of "sleililiLr i m the
aci;," ma ic for ix months,
taNe ii the I'. S. r.uiil j I r
)te.i n . . i .1 . io; six in cutis more
it s iiiic witli yood pio, iicty.
1 1 p '. i .-.i!i i'i . s of t Ic td ate have
Ki:i4 i n tin' O.naha Herald to
it tin-i- iili I'.ce v, l.ich has he n
I i . ; ..; o:i its t-tomach ; eve: y-
in .-'.-e it and none ic.piv
in- iv !e sp evi.hnee i : is. How
: n:-iV Ipc ilisl Tied we are n :
vi; ! ill on- refereiice is ni.i.le
i-videi r', is liie
p -;j...1 e of the to t i inony .
v...l settlccacTit of the '.
iff -;. :ii i's wi.h th Trcasnn r oo-
aiiic'; id 1 1 n i" spaee this wi'ek,
III ;:.i.i is la l to lav hei'.-n
!c! -i t! is coa:ph-tc lin.nii' X
if ! a- C'.iunly's t'oi.iiiee. iir
; t'ounty Tieasiirer i!i will hs
u i. d and ihe pcop'c cf the eouii-
e er.itii'itte themselves up.m
. i'.. t iheco!in:y turn;:; :uc in
.: p i' Mr. Xcwell ar..i ' as
..tai .oniers iln.i aa.l t'..' .tat-:-i'.ovs
?nt a iH-cici i-iey :!' a
; h- :n 1 ia l!ie se. 1 1 -ment. I'he
it iil n pe.l iisheil is the work,
oti:-:.l.;:ici. of tieputy tieasarer
'., who has thlo:i;!i ihe last
moi st! a'e.l his titne.-s and eflie
ia liai oiiiic. Tit is particular
w is Ions and exacting and it was
' .e.i without a i !-rial irror.
: (.;:i ih.i Herald uhlirlicd the
l.n-n lit the time of th (Jn.nd
t.ial Messrs. Uu.-hn.l; ; lul Mc-
in. two iaifo, t.:nt witnesses,
in aw e.v t avoid 1 1 .-lif imr. Il
magnificent i'.ode to ive color
ir scheme of maniifactiu inct d :u-
tap'ual; hu: now, bv the piihli-
i of the evidence in full, it is
i that the evidence if ho! h was
'-rraav.i' to the issue sufficient tJ
rtii preservation. We are aware
: heiv was nothinj; verv rxhiiiar-
in our testimony for the po'.iti-
anaers; it w;u short and sweet.
e can furnish it tu Hr. Mi'.ler at
line if he desires it to complete
:i; Iek.m.I) is requested ly the l
, . t r : . i pi 1 . ..
nl oriK e at i.iuuipui lu u.iii ioc tit-
n of those who have not received
, -.'.tents on their land, to send
filial receipt io the Lincoln land
I- and have their indents sent to
address or to the county clerk.
tre intorinea iu;r. me ouiuc w
filled up with patents, many of
h h ve hi cm there for a nuiuher
i, some hack as for of l.i-00.
he laud tlice have not the address
parties to whom they helong
arc ohiijed to let them remain m
jffiee. -
AllU'CS N'ODl-S has m ule an etlic-
maii a: t!ie head of t!ie state peii-
tiary and the IIekalp trusts thnt
rtftonointiDeiit may he made early
H sessetii nd coniirmetl without
' tion.
Qjimcijjs t,i,i Covernor
is an iron clad with ii ri nintihle onl-i opening of t lie pri sent nhsion it -was
nance ami ii. vulm tin ret; w hile, out of the first meiisniis on the calen.
in fact, lie is tin most ej-ol is'.ical shain j ler to ci iuh up for heni in, and Mr.
that flouts; universally tlo.itinu tho j IVnillim in a hini' en h laid it be
Hoiled under iruo nls of M ine hi i H j fore the senate; the republicans in the
popular plijioliee ns a pn. limit, and j fip-uate said. 'I I is a tood ill and we
llrin;; his self-made pop yiiii I ioiii the ill pass il." Imi the democrats
pooi ilei k. us the ei.iunihiiid of puhlie IhronliMr. Uiow n of (Jeoria, and
opinion 1 Mr. Vnm hees f I imIihiih, Hrime at once
In. illustration of thif picture, our , and me waning a w arm opposition to
readcis have I ut to pel use in Ihe l.i- it. It was just the thin,' for tlm dem
ta'o ii.ipers of the 1 i ll inst. the pro- ocratii; parly to m ixpi -rade hefore the
ceedins of the national a.-i iciill ural p ople l n. hut w hen it came to the
association, to hiuii what a commo- 1 p.. hit of n forming ihe civil service in
dious frutnl our late dou'ile hai rt h- l, j ea si, or usin the hill for any other
as-me!re. nr.n.d jury Mulling ileum- ; parp s else tli m t. er ito p irty caj
cratic candidate of this state, m.nle of ' it il with, the Im.vl of o;in isition urosn
himself at I hat association meeting in
Chicago. That eiiiiiient a;rirultui ist
and listi ixuish. il fraud, apo'-nred he
fore that hody, ami lmun ih.itely pro
ceeded to apply ll.i' totch and lire him
self oil in a Ihiil free trinle speech;
this, too, in the presence
f honest.
earnest azi ieultui alists, who knew
more in a minute ahout our comui'-i-cial
relations, our national metis,
wants and dangers, than this corpoia
tion scion could iosihly learn, hy the
closest application, in a lifetime.
following this, gentlemen like Mr
Stevens, of Ohio, Mr. Hintou, of Wn
consin and Mr. Slay ton, of New Hamp
shire, proceeded lo puncture (his in
ll ited g;n barf in a manner w hich, if
he has any sham.', he will lone; le'iiem
her. It is sullicient to say that Mr. Mor
ton received some facts and lirfures on
tin-tariff ppi.-stion, till', if propel ly
inn till', d. will he of much hen- til to
him i:i the future, when his Ko;ism j
proiii. t-i hi in to make a m -ynilicent j
fool of h msi If.
(tut- ;u. vice ti) Mr. .Iinj l ine Mor
ton, is to leturn to ; he sh.-ltei iiirf care
of Mr. '. K. IVrkins, of the C. I'.. A
There to insert his .syphon in the pap
dep Ul melit of this colpola'.e mother
and hiiiernate, at least until he is
thiiineh teelhiii,'.
' at once. The fact of the whole matter
I is the extent of the civil service re -
J form that the democratic party desires
! is simply that reform ition that kicks
! i i 'publicans oat of icli ; a nl seats dein
I 1
i ocra's in their pi. i Ii .i the old An
I di ew .acWs-m deni cra! ic idea of ro
' form an 1 tin party is too Jacksonian
ami too hungry to aid a:.y other meas
ure. In conseipi ence oi tins I ty are
cornere I in their own trap. Mr. I'eii-
lletou proposes to pass the bill and it
w ill he done hy a solid republican vole
It will bs a loiirf step toward civil ser
vice reform ami the whole democratic
party are now kickinrf thems-d vesover
O. 1'. Irish sends us the statistics of
lie Ihneau of rnrfiavi 'rf and printing
and In thu quality and amount of sta
tistics it is the 1 i' p-sl .stock, rfovern
nicnt has exhib'ted this seisin.
Ah hot w een David Ihiiler, ('apt.
Ashhy, A. II. Connor, and John II
Pierce for the United S ales Senate the
II KHALI) is for thu dark horse and the
darker the better.
Tin: has waited 1 n;
i-xi rcis.-d m uch patience, in tin
iope I he .Journal would do its duty
ami Miu'e.-t Ihe name of lho. Diaper
lis the democratic ..I'
. i aki i il the 1 Kill it- dui ilirf the inlii
iiirf sessian. Why so much moth sty
at this late day is not apparent. Mr.
Draper is a democrat, i,o i lie iloabts
i. ; he is i.lso an arti-nioi opolist. ami
none who heard his s-p th at the rati
tica! i:in Uii-e! iiirf after ehction would
e;aiiisi'.y it. Heme, we rise to do that
which should have been done h'Piie;o
su-is't t the ei'ininrf hi st, Mr
Hr ip- r. as tin elirfihle man fur their
caiahdate. The day is a cold one when
we ia .'h i t democracy entiiely; and
while this boom may swell into obliv
ion, it .shows that there's nothing
mean about us.
Till-; repulilio.tns in con rf less have
taken the democrat ic party at their
word, that they are in fur lefoian and
industry ; to prove this tlu-y are hold
in:: the democrats in session Saturday
and over the holidays and though there
is much kicking over the medicine,
the democrats swallow and keep pas
sahly silent.
Tin: 1'awiiee llepullica-i claims for
tin new opera house in that place as
he best in the state outside of Omaha
and Lincoln. If Pawnee city will
send a delegation t i this city we will
show them an opera house built t a
cit three times as gre it i:s theirs and
vol respond ingly finer.
Turin: is a lack of lite trade limn
del in the democratic papers of late,
which transit ion. to l irvt i:s iiople, is
almost startlinj.', o'.ning suddenly.
Kven New York Mm editorials have
t x p i it r. i'i il a s-ui'dt n fidlii g clT in 1 ho
columns of otir poor, tuit honest cou
l; aipjrary.
'iiu-: public must possess itself with
patience until it is determined whether
Mr. H.indaM, of Penns' Ivania, or Mr.
r.n lvle, of Kent u eky. be t'le next
speaker of the house; when that pies
tion is settled we shall know whether
the democratic pu ty is still free trade
or whether it is protection.
LXATOii Van W)'.1!; being now
chairman of the Mississippi, Missouri,
et al river improvem at committee,
'night shed some light as to the rea
son of the aha'i Lmment, of the river
wo: k at i.r. tsmoulh. and its coiitinu
a:ie. at Nebrcska City.
Mi:s. .Ikssk Jaii:s his oidned a
t loiisaml dollar in, eminent for Jesses
grave, and announces that there will
be an unveiling to whi.-h all his tdd
friends will be invited. All Missouri
sh ml 1 "stun I from tin ier" when that
gathering breaks up.
Tut: trial of ."-immeiunun, the Min
den niurderf r, oi cuj ieJ just one day;
the jury occupied jus: thiity niinutes
in reaching a verdict, after winch
Judge (tasliti seutvr.ced hin to be
hanged April 21st.
Wk would like to see the chump
w ho believes J. Sterling Morton is an
anti monopolist. Falls City .Journal.
This is a modest mpiest and lro.
Sherman might at least send one of
his profiles.
THE Journal continues to air its
la.e campaigu thunder entiieiy un
niitidfu'.thp fact that Mr. Morton
and his gi. . 1 jury have had a sitting
and prove ! the Journal's stutements
Thk II!UALr in common with very
many in the state mourns the death of
Judge Clinton Ilriggs who has heen
much to Nebraska ami one of her
most honored and highly frpteemetl
BKO. Shickman being opposed to tl e
iniquitous tariff on cotton and woolen
goods has no stocking to hang in thp
chimne.f', we tduill send our Christmas
gift to fia in a drav.
THE Journal magnifies the wealth
of the ftEEALD and deplores its ow n
poverhmV'd it moves us to sympathy ;
s poor once oursolf.
Ti lor neauii w itu a merry
as and a happy New Year last-
vear aroun f.
ii;g uimiv.i
' (uxo of Nebi uis!ijCir. they
'eiil'k i " 1 'ifie I
W. C. Curtis, from back in Michi
gan, is looking over our city and coun
ty. Mr. Curtis is a brothei-in-law of
Judge Newell.
List Friday at the spelling contest
in the high school, Evelyn Wise was
thu Miecessful one ; spi 1! iug the school
down, and w inning the prize-a picto
rial, aeedemie dictionary.
The annual meeting of the Nebras
ka Chapter 11. A. M.. has been in es
sion in this city this week. The at
tendance being unite large and repre
senting all parts of the state.
Ileir.einber the Agues Villa compa
ny ;.t ih- opera house the ':h and Sth
of January ; one of the linesl compa
nies oti i he road, imw ti! iinj a week's
engagement at Des Moines.
Head the change in Fred Herrmann'
ad.; l-.e is selling a very desirable line
of select goods appropiiale for the hol
idays, and his store room is one of Ihe
elegant places in display in the city.
The Masons of this city a?e making
due arrangi meiits for a grand social
ami festival on the night nl il.t -JTih
their anniveisary day. A mine
for the enti 1 taintut nt is in prep;' ra
tion. This week the district court is sit
ting in session, taking up Ihe equity
docket. Judge Pound and court re
porter Million coming down from Lin
coln Tuesday a. m.. opening the ses
sion. The Ih.iiALl) will give a re
sume id Ihe session next week.
The following well-kn wn NeVu as
kant arc alt lnling the meeting of the
Ncbra.-ku Chapter H. A. M. Win. H.
M ungcr. H. 15. Nicodemus, II. N. 1'dake
J. W. D.-weese. Hon. A. S. Baldwin,
Arthur V.akeh, M.S. Hull, of the Ed
gar Review. J. A. Tulieys J. P., Dins
more and W. 15. Bowi n.
Little .) nnie McKlwain, last Satur
day afternoon .gave a biith day party
w hich was attended by Ho of her little
friends, she is only six years old but
she entertained her young guests with
the dignity and grace of a sweet sister
She received . i large number of pus
en's. The opening of Messrs. J. P. Young
and S. & C. Mayer on Tuesday even
ing in their new store roome, was an
entire success, and not less than six
or eight hundred people visited them.
Mr. Young had his immense stock of
holiday goods well displayed, and the
Mayers had a very tasty airangemeiit
of their specialties. The li. & M.bantl
discoursed sweet music, and in Mr,
Young's, vocal and instrumental mu
sic was dispensed to the listener?. Mr.
Young handed a box of cigars to the
band boys, who appreciated ids re
membrance, and over 300 gifts weie
given to the ladies, S.AiC. Maxer al
so presented each lady with a souve
nir of Ihe event, and it was a complete
sue rss all around.
II. E. l!i legi, of Omaha, representing
K ind, MjN'ally ,v, Co's subscription
hok publications, was in Plattsinouth
Monday. "
Mr. ami Mrs. Ceo. Smith were in
Kansas City lat week ; visiting while
there. Prof, ami Mrs. Wise and Miss
Flora Wise, coming home very much
pleased w ith their visit.
Mr. and Mrs. It. It. Pitney left Lou
isville Monday, to spend the winter
with their children iu St. Louis.
Theodore lleim and wife, living
near Louisville have returned from a
trip through Wisconsin and Michigan
to their old home near La Crosse.
David Dudley, of Weeping Wuter,
in.nU the IIkkai.u a pleasant call Fri
day. Frank Maldaner, of Kansas City,
passed Monday in Plattsmouth shak
ing the hands of numerous old friends
and acquaintances.
It. C. Cushing stopped over in (his
city Tuesday, going eat at 5 p. iu. to
PhtUsuioiith City Markets.
Ili'l.p.iti-il liy M. 11. Murphy & t'o.
Flour 53,
( llipiK'il Feed
live Flimr
liraliinii Flour
I'lieese (part rkiin)
Ciieene (full i'Ii-hiii)
Sueur Cured Hums.
MlOlllptf I'M
iMiril Href
1 oultiy i!.7! ( i.
i 'ilMiHie .
Clioiiv I'otiitiKi-s
Apples (winter.
("al Pear
Sweet Cider
Oysters, telecr
' Common
Odl 4. imi w
S'-'.no "
ho c "
Uopi', els per tJ
l.i "
in " '
lx -
17 "
is "
Mi per doz.
'f. ;to c.
. . . f.
4V.V..M) et. per lu.
1 so
75rts "
-.- elH "
r;. si. (HI
5 G. $1 OO "
$ IK) "
3 .v per liii
(He per I1)
. . . . l"e per :ul
5.Vij) per ihu
(AND) --
Law and collection business promp
tly altcnded to at this olliee and pro
ceeds remitted without delay.
Notarial work, conveyancing and
abstracting attended to on short no
tice and .salishiflion guaranteed. .
If there is any thing wo do make a
specially of, il is city and suburban
real estate. Several line farms and
some wild land at hargains. Laboring
men can get a home by prying month
ly what they new pay lor house rent.
Space forbids giving but a small
pereeni age of the bargains now on ihe
hooks at this agency; we name the
Six choice hull' acre lots, 8 minutes
from I.'. h'. simps, at from 80 to .$l.r0
cat-h, ami on terms that would make
a man ashamed to say he did not own
a house. Come ami ?ee, you are not
compelled to buy and we wout give
these lots away, but you can gel them
so I hey will absolutely cost you uoth
iug. Five acre lot A mile from city lor
ijiSoO part on time.
Eleven acre lot mile from eily
for !K1 this is extra line.
I have three pieces of outside prop
erly which 1 can sell and under
take to furnish purchaser work
enough Io pay for lliein, now I will
furnish ihe ground and you Ihe work,
work is what hurls me. It you will
do the w ork at a fair price I will give
y ou a clear deed for the land; if you
can't do the work come and see me, 1
may find some one who will do it tor
Ten acres for $ .VJO 00
" 600 00
' " 750 00
" -jooo oo
Several small tracts well improved
and adjoining the city, for sale at
reasonable rales.
40 acres, wild UlM 00
- 80 " improv'd ltJH) 0(1
l .'O " " 1'UOO 00
it;o " ' .-ooo oo
200 ' (j-00 00
-'0 ' ' (J(NX) 00
Finest Hock farm in Cass county
sltioOO, long lime and low rate ol in.
H i t St.
160 acres, wild
80 " "
80 " "
ItiO acres, wild, lie). V'y (cash, SIOOO
Cor. lot 8 bl'ks from shops (cheap. 100
1 ' a 17o
3 cor
3 cor
17 o
The bar of Cass comity, on last
Wednesday, presented to Judge s. li
Pound a b-jautiful gold headed cane in
testimony of tluir esteem for the fair
and universally impartial rrvmner in
which he has presided over the Dis
trict Court of this county. Hon. D
II. Wheeler made the presentation
speech in a very appropriate style. The
Judge hesitated about accepting the
gift last it might be wrong for him to
do so. liut after the views of a num
ber of the lawyers present assuring
him that there could be no impropriety
in his accepting in as much as the gift
was made in open court and by the
whole bar; he accepted it and appro
pr.ately thanked the donors for it.
List cr Letters.,
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass
C-uiity, Neb.. Dec. 21.
Atwood Mary A Fimple Van
Adams Emma
Heason Ephria n
Beason Silas
Bishop Gakly
CofXnan Sar.-.h K
Carnes itobt
Con ant Lin a
Carmady Kate
Can oil Barnard
Cox B A
Dalgsty Alex
Draper fcam
DawacnHosen i
Emery ljd
7 "Wright Jh
PersJns calli ig ftr tl
Fieidman J
Hallam W W
Ilouska Wajk
Helms Minnie
Karnes l'olly
Livingood Frank
Miller AY" A
Osborne A W
Uced Henry
Simniins J W
Schubert Henry
E TruJ
' X. Gth nt reel (hue)
' Picnic Hill
Washington avc"
" " 1 bl'k from Main st extra 100
Improved city real estate in iibun
da i i. I rail iintl w hat you want in
:!iU line il'yoii will call ami see me
Liusiness houses and lots for sale
at much lower figures thau w ill be
asked six months heme.
Stores and dwellings rcu ed end for
rent, n nts promptly collected.
If you don't see what you want in
this column come and ask for it. I'v
probably missed just w hat you wan' -OlhVe
opc-n nearly every cveuing from
6 to 8
Union Block.
''DELltiH I FFL.'
No Medicine Can be Compared to
.Marsh's (johlcu Balsam for the
Throat and Lnngs.
"Last month 1 took a severe cold.
I coughed terriblj and could not sleep
at night. I had a druggist prepare me
some cough syrup, but it did me no
good. I then tried Maksh's Golden
Halsam and wits cured at once. It is
a delightful remedy." Henry L. Cool
Sedalia, Mo.
I have used many cough Femedits in
my family, but none that could possi
bly compare with Maksu's Golden
Balsam. F. E. Anderson. St. Joseph
Maksu's Golden Halsam Lj foi
sale hy Smith & Black Bros." drug
;ists. Iarge bottles, 50 cents and St.
Trial size, 10 cents.
ine Phjsicians Outdone. . "
It is generally considered a pretty
difficult task to outdo a physician, but
the following will conclusively prove
where ning physicians are completely
outdone. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, 831;
Dayton St., Chicago, 111., was treated
for consumption by nine physicians,
and all pronounced her case incurable.
Seven bottles of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption completely
cured her. Doubting ones please drop
her a postal tnd convince yourselves.
Tr'al bottles free at Roberls' Ptiarna-
ill r ay yt u to. rei l . Wi-c's col-
iius pa er, yoM may mm mst
Attachment Notice. .
IVter Mi-Dfi. v JdIiu K, Itui-iim, In llat? ills
trlrt ruurt ! l'u enuiily. .Nrliraska-
Motirr to uuii-rrxlileiil tlrli'iiilmil," '
Joliu K. IlariK'", DDii-ieiliU iil il.-ictitlant,
take in pile Unit ou ilia irl itnv iI lcrnilwr A.
D. II"--. I'rter .Mericen. iiUinlilf lien-ln. llloU In
pnttliou Ul I lie itirlrU'l court nl Cum county, '
bra-skit, tiilui-t altl Julm K. Km urn, tt-futiil!tnt
the olijfi't unit piuytr of w liieli r lt rvonvrr
the fiiiiii of 4o ; ou an nivoiiut for kdoiU itiltl
and tlelivvrrd to the nalil John K. harnrs bv
the n.ilil ila litltT, l'eler Mermen, ut It In reiuent,
anil that ou Halt tl.iy of DeeeiiihiT lis, an or
der Of ltoi linieiit i lisueil ly the elt ik of
nulii court Multilist i-rtiil tlelruilaiil, and tlial
iliiperl) I'oii-lMlnn oi real i slnle was allilt'lleii
uiutrr and by virtue of nalil order to-w it :
IaH uue (I ) two U) and tUree (il) In blin k four
it) In Towunriid'o adiluloii li the trtly of I'latis
iiiinith ; and that raid John K. liiirurs Is imll
Uud Uiit Uu liei4UUcd to aopuar and uuwcr
tutld iH'tillou on or befoie lliu ImI day of Jaliu
ury. Iss-t, or ;tid elltlon will lie taken as true,
aud said prooeiiy will be told to nalisfy valtl
claim. I'ktkk Mkkukn.
IIv J . K. M.illlsoii. bis Att'y.
l'lottliiouth. Neb., Dee Till, Issii-JsU.
Administrator's Sale.
Ily virtue mid in pursuance of tin order of the
dlflilct court of Ihe 1'nil JuilicUl illstiu t. with
in and for Oloe I'uiuily.Miile of Nebraska, dat
ed the Mil day of December, A. P., liwi!. I
will offer lor salt at I'ublle aiit liou on the 8Ui
day of January. A D. I km. at 2 o'clock . 111. of
saitl day ; at the front door of thu biiildiut;
where the la"! term of tin ditiict court wa
livid ol said ClHtilct, In (he city of I'lal IxinoalU
l it-n county, Nebnuka, the following described
real estate, tJ-w it :
Tin iiorth-eat quarter of the north-east
iiartir of section Number eielit, and the norlli
one-half, of the iioilh-wesl iiiatier. and the
north-west quarter, of the uoiih-eat quarter
of seclioa Number nine, in towiiilup uiuuber
eleven, Iu rane number eleven. eat of the
sixth principal meridian, lying ami beiiiK Iu
the county of t.'ass in the state of Nebraska.
Terms of sale : 1'ash at the time of tiale. or
(at the iliscicttoii of the uiluiliili-tiatoi) one
third of the purchase money of Hie said real
estate lo be paid ut the tune of :ile ; oiie-tltli'd
to oe paid In one year ; one -third to be paid iu
two years, from ilate of halt ; to be fccurcd by
a moitnane on the property at ten per cent In
teret iroiu date of sale unlil paid, imcrett pay
able auuiiallv.
Dated. Nebraska Citv, Nfbr.iSka, t Ills 5tli
day of December, A. D." ltv2.
C. W. SKV-MOl'lt,"
Ailmiiiistrntiir unit Kxecutor of the cr-t.tietif
John SV. Seymoui, iloceascil. liMS
Attachment Notice.
John S. Duke plaintiff, vs .lulin IC. llarni'H ite
fi'iidaiit. In the Distiii l cotiriof L'ss eoiuilv
Notice to lion-reslileut iletemlaiit. John K.
Karnes, lion resiiivnt ilefciidaul. w ill take no
tice that on Hie -.'Sill day of November, lss-j,
John .s. Duke plainlitl ht-reiii. liletl In- petition
ill the district com J of Cans county, Nebraska,
itgaiin't said defendant ; the object and prayer
ol which are to recover the p-uin ol !Ji:.for goods
and meivhautiise sold and tli.'!ivcii"t to the de
livered lo the defendant, by the plain t ill . at his
icqiiest ; autl said iielentlaiit I? luitlier nolllled
thai the clerk ! said couit ill said cause ii-Miett
an oi'tler of allai'hineiit agaiiiHL said ileft'iutant
and that real ci-lalc lo-it ; one. two and
thri'e iu block lour, in Totviisi'iiil's addition to
tin' ily of I'lattsiiioiitti, were attached under
said order, and I lie said .lolin K llariics. Is nii
lilip'il thai lie is rcqiwcti to appear and missive!-said
petition, on or before the lt day il
January , lss.1 ; or said pctilit.u will be taken as
true, ami said property will be sold to saliily
said claim.
John s. Dckk,
r. his att'y J. E. .Morrison.
1'iatis utli. Neb. Dee. 7th. 1SS2-3SI4
Dissolution Notice.
Noli.-c is lit-icby given, that the partnership
liei fti.tiue exisiing between jco. fj. tSuiiUi autl
J. I!. Mi iitle, itniii'i I lie tii'ui name and style of
Spiuilli A; Strode, attorneys at law, wi.lhe dis
solved on tlie Ul day of January, lnsa. All
parties ha iug claims against I hi? said firm will
pit-M-iit the same befoie said lirst day ci Jan
uary, and all parlies indebted lo the same will
call and make seillciueiit.
;ko. s. smith.
riatismoutli. Neb. Dtc.Vth, lss-j ;ist.
Proposals for Grain.
Plat i u
C hiel Uiiai teniiastor's Olliee.
Omaha. Nebraska. November, aa.
Sealed pioposals, in tiiplieate, subject to the
usual comlilh'iis. will be jeeeived at this ohice
until 12 o'clock; noon, on Wednesday, Decem
ber jnth, 18'2. al which time and place they will
be opened iu presence of bidders, fur furnishing
and delivery in quai. lilies as required, up to
JiuielSiith. ism, at Omaha depot. Nehr'atka, air
Ut stations on lilt I nion TacUic Itailloati, east
of K-.-:iniey J unci ion, of I.imi.wo poiiiaU L'OJiX
mel 'J.impo.ikhi puttiids OATS.
Proposal . lor quant II ies !es than Ihe w hole
will be received. Delivery of the cram will, if
required, eoiiiuieuce January 1. ISM. 1'refer
eiice wail be given to aVIiclcs oi domestic pro
dui.'lioii, conditio:! of pi ice aim quantity, be
ing equal, iilid such prefere nc will be given to
Htticlesof Ainei'ican proiliict ion produced ou
the i'aeitie coast to the extent of tin cousiiiiip
tion requiretl by the public service there.- lie
government reserves the eight to reject any or"
nil proposals, llitls shoultl slate the rate per
InO pouiiils, (not per bu-heh stint the envelopes
containing t hem shliiilil be endorsed "Kids lor
tiraiii.' and iuMn ssetl to the iiiidcrsigiied.
ladders are rcqiii'.sicil to submit proposuls for
the delivery ol the t orn iu new resewed gunny
sacks of lim pouiuts eacli and for the delivery
of the Oats iu new lvsewed burlap sacks of M)
pounds each, llids will be received for corn
grown in the years 1SS1. antl lss'2, and bidders
should Ipc particular in stating the year in
w hich the corn proposed to be fui'Disl.ed was
Copies of tins advertisement and of the cir
cular of instruction to bidders can be obtained
on appiic alioH-to -lib ofllce. and out copy each
of saiii advertisement and circular should be
:vttached to i r accompany .each proposal and
form a part thereof.
John V. Fi'kkv.
Capt. and A; (Jin. In charge.
. Chief Oanulel masti'i's Olliee.
Notice for Bids .
Notice Is hereby given, t hat bids will be re
ceived at the olliee of. .the County Clerk, up to
noon of the 1st day of Jnliuarv, lsat for the
following. bunks, blanks and stationery, requir
etl for the use 'of 'tlie "Ceunt y Ollicers during
the year l-.S.'l.
llids must be made on each class scperately.
anil speci y character and quality of work.
Tw o Deed llect it's, quires plain.
One " " ' printed
One Moltgiiee Itei'iii'd, S (;ii:ie plain, '" . . .
One " ' pridted
Clue (ieneral Illile.v, Deed's.
One ' Mortgages."
One Squire Criminal Docket. (County. Judge )
One " Civil ' "
One Court Journal, for District Court,
1II.ANKS. - - ...
.Ton Oflicial lionds,
."pud Certificates of Election.
i.o Iioan 1'etiribni.
am.Overscers Settlement Hlanks. ' ,i
4.bhi Tin Keceipts ami
4'6!0 " -' Au.plic.iitc,.
'."mi Court Calaiuiers, (.loo each'teriii.)
1i(p0 Sii)iieuas.
luon Summons.
"uo Orders of Attachment.
0 Do: en Wooden Ten Holders,
t Cross fiillott's Tens 3n.l.
1 " 1 i. Icon " (Ksterbrooks.)
1 Dozen Ki Hies of Mucilage.,
(.Miarts i;, dltrk.
dross l.'i.l.lier Hands. inch.
rt Dozen Lend I'encils, Faber's assorted sizrs
iinm Letter Heads.
:ki.) Kuveh j.s, (Nos. C. 0 mid fo. as desired.)
Vitness my li.iml aiid oflicial seal, this 1st
tlav of I i centoer. lsn!.
Dec. Till. LW2-3St4. '. r- Count V Clerk.
Notice' to. Teachers.
I ill be at my office in PlatUmnutti the Cnt
Frulav uihI s-aturday, and at Kliuwood the
seeond ainl fourth Friday and Saturday, and at
Wet-ping Water the third Saturday of each
month to attend -to aov ucliool. busiuess that
iniiy be presented tflKi CVRisALToy.
.. Superiult uilenf.
License Notice.
fo W HOM IT Jl AY OXl'EltV :
Notice is hereuy given Hint
John Osstnkop
has nia.le application io the Hoard of trustees
ol the viil-ige of Louisville. Ciiss county NtD..
io sel. ina t, spiriTttis and vinous liquors in
building on lot -G' in said village. -
fitted this lStinlay of Pec. A. D.1SS2.-
. It A
i irir t
. t C"erk'.
John CS!-enkop, A pplicant.f-40t2
; Probate Notice.
lathe matter of tlie Estate of Teter Vallery
deceased, in the County Court of Cass Co..
Notice is hereby given that -Jacob artery,
iuimiiiistrati-r of the said I'eter Vallery, tic
ceased. 1ms made application lor fiual settle
ment, and Itial said cause is set for hearing at
mv otlictsiit- rkittsinouth. ou the.. Mh day of
Januarv. A. 1 lss3. at 1 o'clock e. in., ut aid
dav ; ai w liieli tiiiio and place, all ueasons in
terested inav be present and examine aiC uc
counts; " JOHNSON.
County Judge.
riattsmouth, Dee. Gth, 18S2 .
Chattel Mortgage Sale.
Notice is hereby given that-by virtue " or a
Chattel moitgage diitetl ou the 3th nay of June
issi. and duly tiled ia the oftice of the County
clerk of t'a.s county. Nebraska an tlie 5th day
of June-is; and txecirted by .-W in. Handle
and John Tohev to Kirward O.iver ; to ecur
the pavuieut of the sum of H0aud upon wlucli
there Is now due the sum ol SM7.oi. Default
havin" been mdin tlu- payment of saitl sum,
thercloiv I wi I sell the property therein de
scribed viz : two "Kochs" barber chairs, ,3
mLrirs. 1 pier glass. 1 looking gin-. 1 clock, 3
lietpfres; li wood-bottom chairs. 1 wsh.stand,
i oil stove. 1 stove. 1 ceutre table. 7 lamps. 1
eirp case. 4 toi'el lacks, 4 spittoons. Jet.-jjer-faine
bottles. -2 barber. contldnation briK-kets,
jind a quantity of towels, at public auction at
the "door, of - the- court Louse In the city
of Fiatt-snioutU, Cat's county, Nebraska, on tlie
st!i day of January. A. D. ls. at I o clock.
'''lViteu'Tbeccml'erEth.l. ' 3Pt4 "
- Edward Oi-ivun. -V.
S. Wise, att'y iorMormaguc lortKagee.
Notice. ,
State of Xebniska, Cass County, . s. . .
Whereas on this dav. "D?'eember 4th. 1S.2.
Sen. llaiu. the father of Jessie Hain. made aUd"
Jlnl iu mv oiflee his sworn stareinent dtilr t
lesied that tie desired to relinquish ail rlgot to
ike custody of and power and coutror over
Jessie H tin, his nine child. aud aU. claim and
interest in and to her service and wages, and
also cuute Pit got t. and matle and Sled
in my olliee. a statement under oath, duty at
tested, thai he uY-siied to. adopt. said Jessie
Hai'i. its bis ovi .ihild. 1
I bare therefir ppolnt43d Friday, Ue. Jnth.
Iss. at one o'clock, p. m., at niyotllce In Plaits -meiitli.
as xhe time and place, where a bear! or
wi lbehadio siiid matter, at which time and
Place all .lerson n interested y ;
Dec. Tlh, 4ziV. County Judg
J ';-- -'. -''v - 'r' . .
- ' st . .
Diamdnds Fine Jewelry
Silver and Silver Plated Ware,
Knives, Forks and Spoons,
Gold and Silver Watches,
Toys and Holiday Goods,
TImc Si-owt sviaia CCIiesagsil in Oty,
xjisi lonsr block:.
A lit.tlc fiairly perhaps, but you
know .
riee Clothier,
f '.-- :"
I 4in:
ovkucoats. rxnKHW kai..
silk irivKT, .irr i-m. Kits
-..' . (iLOVES, rUll CATS.
I&c'mcmbcr we save you per
Cent on all goads bought of us.
ELSOU the Only One Price Clothier
m mmmnlj
rt- -t V.
are Coming
And the largest and most com
.plete stock of goods in the
city, consisting of
Ctap asset auccivs,
Albu iiis.
Wooden .asscl TiUs Toy,
. . ; CIsiEia ami Wax
tjie largest line ever seen in Platts
iiAouth In fact every thing
' v;;;: that you want for the
a mi a i
::at prices to defy competition, at
ILM W III IV! tl -rt-
ti II kl lll X I VI li W. If Ai
Air'''-'-' ""- 1: ; -T'
For Ladies
asad I'irenSaivs, Mu2p5e9
Skirts- a;ad Harked,
&ilk a sa cl WcftiSeza
Miiw, Mid !Soves
iEaflaIkefiaief9 aad IvOcafi!ca-iS9
Ilaif EPoicn Ifa'k'fsin Btn.nj ffZox
Leather and Plush Hand Reticules
and Fancy Baskets a
Large Variety.
W&v HtiBiSEciaaeii
Fancy Suspenders,
Silk and Wool MuiUers,
Sillv and Linen 1 land kerchiefs,
Stressing Raises,
Whisk ISrooni ISohlers,
Hcforc .liirchnsiiiK Hsowlioro Ladies and flcn
llciiKMi should look over our Varied Slock ofoods,
they can liiidCJood Suitable I'lvsciits.
One Door East First National Bank.
of Tin:
ON A( 'CO I 'XT OF Mis
Immense Practice in Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
wii.r, makk ins xi'x r visit ov
Saturday, Feb. 24, 1883,
at Tin:
Ear & Eye, Tint & Lnass, Catarrh, Kidneys
Biad:er and Female Diseases as Well as All
Chronic and Nervous Diseases.
!. lii-k mid limits. Iiivol-
niir. runf pkiijii nliipi. hI(i-
! liiU.
mot tiers,
nil tlm
H;ls ducuvcreil tli Kreulcst .un- in iIih ivi.rlii f,r m..ikni.aa 1,1 ui-i:liiiiH . iiiiMiifui'y, kch'1 ik-i viiisik-., laiiKniir. cimf pkidii i.f nlap.. I
trttlnii ol Ilic liiiit, liiimilly. 1 1 , in I, i i ii iIiiuik-si (it finlit or ( li-fi-i ol tin nose or .klii. iiMt-ct 1,1 tli-iivt-r, iiii.'i;. i-tuinach or tliew trntiie ilioi
aiislut; from nolitiny luiliii) ul junt li -am' ! .i-crri priu-t lr iihiik fatal to tin" vli-liin lliai
nongi ol yrcii to tlie iiiaiim- of I ijf.ji, i.liMiiii; ih it niot ladient lio- r nln-iia
iruiiTipi'ii -... ....... .... i
'I hoe uiai irr Miiii-ritu ironi inn -vil .i.:c!u-f. ui.ii-li Ui-troy llH-ir i.iiu puj-iii
ysteiii, Oiiusniji
The ;. mptoiiis of wliivli ar.; a oiill' Uiiln x.-.l a.inil. wliicli iinfit Hkmii for M-,-; iiiiiii lli-lr im-
iipes aioi o'iai miiii.'. iii iK iiii ijiv iiiarri i -p. i.ii.'r.-.ii. oip.1 it- m ii:ijoii .. . ,-.
il. iirfv-.lon of Mill ItH, t-vu loioltuiloiu i. ronai i.nv. li- .l i. OK-aiio.. n-'lltss l.ltlilp-. ilijfiiimpi. fr-
gi:tliilii'.". iiniiatural ili-wiiari, ..iin In i..i- in.- a i l iii. Miort bri-allinn;. iii-i.-n-holy. tire
t;il.yoil;oiiiji.nijrti,niiacitr,'i-ii.i,-nui-aio.i, ii-i-.nin iuru in,,, ........... -. -
liring. jM-miuar.1 .eukiii'.!ioii!. w hit.- It. tin- hii.j .ii in tlie iiitiif.iirrouiii mi. in nibliui
conliii-ioii of tliongiit. tAatery an.l fW eyi-i. c -ii-,t-ia. ,oa-tiialion, ij:ilfiir-i, iaiu ami Wfak
Uft in l!i' Iniil't. "'-.. ii.oiiiil con'-lilt ion l. ;i. ii. i i -i v ami ! l.-storil lo -rf-'l ncallli.
Wlio have lteco:n victiim. of '.olitary !. tliai ur'-a lfnl ami !.! ru.-! iv.- haliit l.n-li jtnniially
.wreii!. to Uf iiotiiiii-!y nmvf t Iioii-hiiiI- of oiinii Lo ll ol rxiuli"! lait-nt ami Itr.iiiaiil lutrlli't-t
ho in it: lit otiit-i ie'ri.triiri liti-nnik w-i.aiiii'i ai!Ii I In- tawnier of lln n loii.o-ni-e or keu
lo ctiiWI tho ::vin4 lvr. uiav- ill itn -uiiliil-ti; c
MarrU-il iter-ons or younu ;m-ii eoii!'i:iol.i:i:i luarriai. Ii-ar? of physical iHkiifw. Iu
of proi-rralive portt-r. i.iipotif ai-y r aiy oiarr .ii-.iit,aiiln-atioii s.-c-Uily it-li-vt-l. II ' lio pinrtra
luiiisi-lf imiK-r I lie care of Itr t Hlili!.t(i in.iv r-.iiii'.ily conlnii- in kit no. or a." din leniaD, Kud
eoiilideiilly rely upon hi- ;:ill a a pu K-iaii.
Iniinediately cureil and full vlor ret.uei. Th.s liil:iN-,iii atfertiii:i. ,liieh renders lift a bur
deo and marriage imposllih. w Ihe penally .;.ei by tne li liin lor nnpioper inilulKeue.
Voiiii;; men arr apt to eoitnuit exr.e from 1101 .eiux a are of Ilie dreailful roiiseiiiieiit-ei that
may en-me. ' wln mat lln I ! l l i.W lai- Mi:ij.-. t ill deny tiiat proereatlou in i.l mwuer by
thoe fallins mto improper tiiittUx limit by ll;e pi a int. i;.-i.le.H lieinK ileorived of the plean
urei ol lieailhy oHspiiiii:!. Ihe. iimiM .sei I. u i;iiu oe-truclie (.yii.ptolim of bulli mind aud body
arii-e. The nyMlfiu lieeo. ne dera iled . the ami iiiental power weaken. Iist prtrei
UVe powe:-. uelVitllti lmiatltlir.y, dVjH-p.-a. palpltalloll ol li.e heart. Illd Ige.l loll, lollUtlu
tlunal depility. wiustinj: of liie frame, cuutm c.i..-iiiii,.liini and rtealli.
lVr-i:H niii;f in !iuiti iy unlarL l i-rcIiKlfp. u ho k-':. Ihem t rttl iiriith after nioitIi
taktiig (Ki'fitiMirir untl ii.jii ins piiinMUttnjn. Khuulil ;iji)l' Ituiiifii latW) .
trrtii tint d Jit oh lif iitaiKt iulL.lit f4tiii :i lln 1 ct:iti4 f Hi eti! ot
ini.i.t il-LoijL-Ii u' CiiriM I li:it m-rr (-(.ir k!i.rii. M.ui v I n.iiiilil uiih ritiLflnif ill III ur S
l-aii whtfii aHlrrp. git-at utrvoti.ii-.s, iH-inir alarin'Mi ut et-itaiii ouihIh. wuii iifiiiit lluhl
Dr. K. adilree all llue ho have injured themselves by hniioper lodiileeiii e ami "
iioii.h Miic.1 rtiiti imih iitiiiu iiuu omi.. uiiiii.iti im ni lor iiiiHinei. iuuy. poeiei ... .
'I liee ale Inr or t lie ad. meloorlli.l) rftrrlti plcdteed tiv tlie .ally hal..l of o'i
Weaknenil of ihe bat k ami l.lnln. w.ili.t in li.t. Iirad ami illin'tie-K of Miiiit. Io. if loltni
en, palpitui ion of the heart. 1 p--)-ia. iiervoiii- il l itai-lliiy. deranjjenieul ol digestive I
rjehlill J . oitiiiiipuoii. ete.
atrneo on Fifth Street, JJea Moines, Iowa.
( ONSl 1.1 ATIO.N Kl;KE. I'liaiiien inoderale and within the reaill of illl
Me.lieal t ealiuei.l. i hote lin rei.Ie at a c and raniiot call will
in.n throiivli Hir mail l. Ini i; en.i ui 1 1 h. u nipio'n with postnire
Aiinre!, uh'K 1I..X it ..i'miip. i.wu.
please say "Advertised.
-lal for eonv Medleal Ad iier
- want. j -v ; jiii
II o