Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 14, 1882, Image 4

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    AUIOI M N(.
Xrt. A'. I ..'. I
tin- t'llV liMilt-, I
ji ct In ity Tnv .
. I iii-ii!, or .1 ii r i 1 i r
,1. ill I till. Il l ll if I W II II
M ; i u! li.ui, it iliiiix i i .i.i, :H.ok hlioi.H.
: tit ! ! ten niiiiut: s' : i ! k
'm hi Will k. Call nil
ill J.:.w :ml Ii. a! Ei-tatr A "flit .
"'.it'.Nvi;! make trrniB to suit
icm. &LO to $50
I for (':i-h,t.i liit ii tliiil w ill Imilil
MWii i "M wmim
pn-ssinaiiini Farlarc, pv -:v,, . , ..,,..4 . - i
i. ii t.r in 'it i.i'i-. -. gLrji- ...
:;mer s Addmcn. -fif. iFrs ii 3F3R
I AIUOIXIM. TI1K I ir- jl- ' ft! I I j
. 1 . . ir n a . i rsj - a 1 n it 3
LOIS rP?& -
The Plattsmonth Herp PpMisliu Co.
A nljjht yard man in Lincoln lust
I hiit arm y Winjj run over on tiny t
r. Ihown whs in Omaha Mot
tl.iy'Yin liibines coiincctrd with the
K nixliu ( Honor of this cily.
f'k.itiiig and roanting ha.i corumenoed
f.irly lliU yt-nr ini tli juvinilffl in the
t ilv liHVe riijoyed iu advent hujHy.
Thf Chicago Theiitre t'omjiany are
hooked to entertain l'lattmuouth audi-
IM Had Bot in oTf. ' ' X'
Gworge I'esk : Arf you a Cbriitian ?'
asked tli bad toy cf tha grofXTj man
jut that gcntlvinaa u na placing vegeti
Llea cut In front of the grorery one
morning Wdl, 1 hoj i., answered
the grocery man; 1 try to do right,
and hop to wear a jroMen crown when
IU time comes to close my books."
Then haw. is it that you put out it box
of great big sweet potatoes, ami when
we order some and they come to the
table they ure little bits of things, hot
bigger than a radish? Do -vou rxp-ct
to go to heaven on such small potatoes
when you use big ones fur a sign?"
asked the boy, as he took nut a silk
handkerchief and brushed a. kpeck -of
dust off his nicely blacked shoes. The
grocery man blushed and said he did
not mean to take any such advantage
of his customers, he said it must have
noes tonight, tomorrow night and the i a u"aae or me ioy inai aeliv
itfht following. ) groceries. -Then you must hire
Hie ioy lo maKe misiaKes, ror 11 lias
'l I III-.
66 BPsa
ii:ai.i:i: i v
7. V, V
I'B V 1 LI A '
B n r ua nan
been so every time we have had sweet
potatoes for five years, sain the boy;
and about green corn ; you have a few
ears stripped down to show how nice
and plump it is. and it we. order, a
dozen pun there are only two that have
got any corn on at all. and pa and mm
gets them, and the rest of us have, to
chew cobs. Do you hope to wear a
crown of glory on that kind of corn?"
"O, such things will happen," said the
groceryman with a laugh. "But don't
let's talk heaven. Let's about
the other place. How's things over to
your huise? And say, whuts the mat
ter with ytiu'
I T'-., F.I. .,
.1.7 ihsi rift ions.
i i'y in. tilt ;iul Nnlit cli';i fur :ish
1" FlxlF ' HE A lis R
! in.l-
t SToi'K F ;1S. ninl tin- inoi-t cmnjilete
.'ii fiit'iicil f''i' iii-pfft i 1 1 if tin iiiililif.
DIIKSS ;()()I)S.
k- in art ot
The citse of O'Donohoe and Vanatti
vh (Jtildiiiij for attorney's fees occj
I'ifil the attention of Judge Johiiton's
ouit Ixst Momlay inoriilnif.
t Mr. .1. W. t'utright, city editor of
j the Journal, received a silver mustache
, cup and saucer on his birthday, a pres
ent from the Journal force.
Dr. Hall lost one of his valuable
horses last Sunday night, the death re
sulting from injuries received from a
runaway the Thursday night previous.
A number of I'lattsmouth ladies de
fied the elements and witnessed the
Boston Ideal Opera Company at Itoyds
opera house, Omaha, one evening last
Mr. Tewksjberry has sold his half if
his mill properly at Weeping Wi.ter to
U H. Crippen, possession being given
the first of ihe month. The linn now
is Kiikp.itiiek & Crippen.
Smith & Jilaek llros. present their
announcement for the holiday trade
through a Hi:kali extra thir week,
the crowded state of our column?
making an extra a necessity.
The chemistry class in the high
school are very enthusiastic over their
work and Prof. Druniinond is interest
thent with many experiments that aie
instructive as wtll us entertaining.
The (Jalleiy the north and e.iet ' wil1 hr 1 Vat n,.T " nroupd her, and
..f tt. !.... i. iw . ..t ... nonesi it scared me. ii was line wnen
- - nt JH I it Hollar id V lrw ail
fviw, Dec. II.
-ti. . IlKRALiX .how storm on
a r
V ejdncsday, wijf a surprise to
nearly .enreryliMitnirthis locality, it
coming and getting so cold so early, in
IheMttson.' All kinds of woik that
could le done oik the farm rame to a
tudtWn standstill, v If the weather had
held up, for a few days longr. corn
husking would have.. been .nearly, if
not qui'e coropieted.
Coru.iu this locality . is geuerally
gout to take Hit whole ntighboihood
OVwr. The avriMge will uot be far liom
58 bushels per acre. .
On Jr'riday lost. December bth, your
correspoudeut . had . the pleasure, of
attending a , birthday dinner at Mr.
L. .11. Young's. The dinner being
given in honor of Mr. Eddie Young, it
beiuglus 21st birthday. - -
Aiuuug those present, we noticed - a
number from Uock Bluffs and Kock
Creek besides quite a number from
this vicinity, was present. A social
hd)? followed in the evening: every
thing passed oft quietly and everyone
hil a gooM time.' "
... Mr: and Mrs. V. W. AViley re eived
a dispatch from Ottawa, Kansas, stat
ing that their daughter. Miulie, Mis.
Iittldwiu, hus quite ill and uot expect
ed to live. Mr. Wiley left for Ottawa,
immediately on his sitd errand.
''he'r that inv.tations are being
seat out! y, Mr. and Mrs. Alphvinso
Cole, for a wooden wedding, to be held
at Mr. Moses lli.itt's, on next Satur
1 ou are all dressed up ieo.Oi.lli.uu hai been under tie
and have got a clean shirt on. and j weather fur s me time.
your shoes blacked, and 1 xotice that j lioliue. on Hock i reek, is
your pants aie not raveled out so at i feeding aOO head of entile IIiIm winter.
' the bottoms of t he legs beliiml. Yon
! are not in love, ii.ue you?" Well, 1
should smile," said the boy, at he
looked into a small mirror on the
i counter covered with fly specks; a girl
got mashed on me, and ma says it' is
good for a boy who hasn't got no sister
to be in love with a girl, and so I kind
of tumbled to it myself, and she don't
go nowhere without I go with lifr. I
I take her to the dancing school and eV
j ery where, and she loves me like a
house afire. Say. was you ever in love?
Make's a fellow feel queer, don't it?
Well, sir, the riist time I went ' home
lie is making a good market for the
com raised in mat. vicinity . lie his
put up scale.t ami paoO elt. per limit
el for coi n.
Frank Mooie with hi-r 'nely mar
ried bride have gone to keeping house.
Frank liaviug built r repaired up the
old house on Mr. I. 15. Moore's north
place. '
We heai ol a pirtiy goou joke on
litll !rey; but as we are not very good
telling jokes we wiij not say anythig
about it. .lut ask Mat Wolf he is
belter posted than we ure.
Big sis.
South Bknd, Neii., Dec. 7 Our
' , . ..... : wiu Uku hnlit nf tlirt ImmllM nf i I town had telephone 'liHiectlIIS with
Rti "t.-i TV Tacr toj! place and every efT.nt will be made by ; u ',Ke "Ha or iiki nanuies or a wc- ; . ,
is $ i?5?fei'B A Arehiteei Tho,,soi, ... have his liew . """y. d you can't let go until j Omaha and Fremont yesterday for a
v i:i:ahy i nit .sKuvir::.
ill. iik-. fm i':ist .;i;k'H;i
e.i : i ninl f'iii:!iii' :itv
i..i;i;i: sim ;i oi
t r
i full
f all
.- ' -1 '
B cn (J
:! J a U
:i , I J 2 i- , ,
.J. 0 J j J fl
A A Bh;
mi ii:iiiotf' assort nii'Jit.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs and Mattings,
ili-iilav i:i tiii- Ii
I.- 1!
iiv cit)ilftt' tli.ui i'Vfi
chairs hi position liei'me another enter
The uddeti!iess of the cold snap last
week causi (1 some of lli.i school looms
to close for a half itay on account of
the impossibility to have the rooms
comfortable; such will b- watched for
in future.
the man turns the knob. ' Honest, I
was just as weak as a cat. I thought
she had needles in her belt, and 1 was
goiad to take my arm away, but it
was just like it was glued on. I asked
her if she felt H at way. too, and she
said she used to, but it was nothing
wlrn you got used to it. That mule
bh: dD ;et m m o c e k s. e
In iiuiiiciix- ;(!. i t- tli- Fall an! NVintiT TrsiiL
I m i 1 Sfl rt rB ff
. me mud. But she is older than me.
Anderson Itoot, formerly superir.- j and knows more about it. When I
teiulent of the agricultural farm, one was going to leave her at . the gate fihe
of the best farmers in the state, kissed me, and that was worse than
now residing in the eastern part of putting liiy arms around her. By gosh,
Cass county, favored us with a. call
last Friday. state Journal.
r . v.. H lutes new eievatoi down at 1
the Coot of the depot grounds is an im;
pioveinent of no small note, and in
creases the facilities for lot;al grain
shipment from thi point which is the
btst grain uiaiket in the county.
A turmoil in
"brk Jr. & Co.
1 tieuibli-d uil over just like I had ihe
chills, bull was as warm as toast.
She wouldnt let go for much as a min-
F ute. and I was as tirtd as though I
I had been carrying coal ' upstairs. I
i didn't want to go home at all, but she
I said it would be t e best way!- for me
! to go home, and come again the next
! day : and the next morninir I' went to
a down town saloon i i...
1 ist friday caused the arrest of the two i aud u,r p;l cam out lontf; the cat in;
beligerants who ere brought up be- , i askea )im what time his girl
fore Judge I'ottenger, each party j got up, and he laffed and said I had
plead his own case, pouring their woes j gt it ,atl ail(J tlat j i:ad better go
in the ears of the magistrate to Hie j home and l:ot be picked until I got
edification or the bystanders. A fine j ripei Say. how much does it cost to
was imposed and an appeal taken. Ktt married?" '. Well. 1 id.ould say that
Last Thursday Hi river e!osed : Vtr j yu "ad Bot it; bad." Raid the grocery
up from the bridge, nnd three uien maii, es lie act out a basket- of beetsv
from the Iowa side started over to j "Your getting in lovo v ill be a great
this city, when over the channel near I thing for your pa. You won't have
this side cue of the men broke throueh ! ilr!e aI,3' more jokes
. . . . , w ' ... i.:...
' i? fl
in all kinds of
1 T T
I'M l-'I
but luckily the ice held him from
ill',' below his arms and he scrambled
out, the party returning to the Iowa
side and afterward effecting a crossing
j hinder up t tie river.
The case of (iuthmau Bios, vs Slew
I art has been exciting attention for
! diiini. fimu I ho l'llti.r li-iviti.. l.rv...!..
.... ....... ... ...... . ..r ii ...
on him."' Oh, I guess we can find
time to keep pa from being lonesome.
' Have you en him this morning? Yu
' oiiht to have seen him last iiigl'-t
you see, my chum's pa has got a setter'
dug stuffed. Well, my chum end me
! took the dog and put it on our front
i steps, and took some cotton and fas-
short time, the. wires being .stretched
this' far a connection was made and an
instrument sei up in T.W. Fountain's
ottice. Several of our citizens held con
verse with friends in Omaha, hope to
be able sobn to have telephone ' con
nections with Pliittsmouth andj Lin
coln. Yours. Me.
A False Alarm.
One night Miss Klta Hurford saw a
rlame rising up from ttie roof of the
mill. With the characteristic presci
ence of Wonian, she struck for the sa
loon to give the alarm; for she rightly
divined that the whole mill force from
the "old man" down, was there; also
the chairman and the board of trus
tees ; all the chiefs and warrior, and
all the chief priests, scribes, Pharisees
and llypocritis of the town all play
ing pin pool or "old"' sledge." There
was nothing the 'matter but a burning
chimney, yet she cleaned that shanty
out, as shanty was ne'er cleaned out
before; and left it as "empty" as the
cradle" when baby's gone. Pen. and
MOTH EM v.! MO til Ell! MOTH II IS !t
Aie von iiininri.rii tir iiii or ami l ivkrn
of I oiU reht by M Mr l. child sutlui illg Mild
cryiu with the excnicliUing pain of cut-'
ting teeth t . If o. o at once und get a
bbftle'or MBS. WiNSI.OW'S SOOTH
IN SYKUI-.- It TMIT nliexo ilie poor
little MlllV rer imiiiediatf l - (l. ,eii.l upnu
ii; llieie in no ini-tiike about it. There is
not a lnoll)vl- jMi ym lh m hu has ever ued
w hu'w id not teM you io oiii o lliul it
Wld legli!iitf"tlie IkiwcN, und give rest to
the mother, and relief nod health to the
child, operating. ike umKii'. It is per
fectly pule to Ui-e In oil niM, mid pleiis
Snt to llie t:ile, nml Is the prevcnplinn
of one of lli(- oldest und bet-! I.'iiimIi' pliv
Sl'finnn mid mirsen in ttie l'uile.l Stolen.
SiM every vhie. 2.1 cent u tiotile.
A cough, cold or soru throat should bt
ktopped. XegU-et frequently result in
uo ineiimli e lnn; ilUen-ir or" ronsuiiip
tion.. Itrowu's jiiouc lill TriM-hes does
not disorder the toiiinch like coiih hyr
lipH und bal.sniii.s, but net directly on llie
iufliinied palls, iillaying ii litation give re
lief iu iiHtltiMti. broneliitis, coughs ciiturih
aud llie t Ii n in I trouliles wliieli kiiiits untl
pulitjc cpenkern . ure subject lo. Fr
thirty years Biowu'm liroiu liiiil Troche
haCe been rci-oiiiiiu inlcd by pliy siciulis,
and have alwiiys yiven sutisfiu'tion.
Iliivinr been tested by Aide nnl CunstuDt
ue lor mui i v un entire general ion, Ihey
liuye tittuincd well-iueiiled ruuk Hiiiuug
the few 'staple remedies of the aye. Sold
at i-t rents a nox every wiieie.
Biii'klen's Arnica ale.
The tiest salve In the woild for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
funded. . Price la cents per box. I' or
sale at Koberlj' Pharmacy. ;5ly
Sample. Rooms
You will find the Finest Imported
Fiench Brandy. Champaign, r.nd other
Fine 'Wines, Pure Kentucky WhisKies,
several of the best and most popular
brands of BOTTLE HEKK. Fresh
Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci
gars, '.'(itf.
In portant to Travel ers.
Specia'l in lucements are offered you
by the Builington route-.- It wil! pay
you to rei.d their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
iT r r
PumiturE StorE
and nil Mint- nf i;no.l mitaliy ki t In a
;vl.Vl'i:; VtS
t- : r:'
t'lKHT !.-- I I It M l I It I. m oiii:
Also, a vely fiiniiiii ii. .,..-k nl rum nil liomli.
Our New ami e'eaiuit Ii.'.ii.m- I-at a In
- J t'Hil Uli-4.
Itememlier the pbtee. in I'NIilN
illLOCK. o sixih Street. TWO
Hum s. si mi I It of ("as Comi
ty I'.. ii. I..
W lieiir f ni:i ! I. mi:. I nig 1,1 or .l.v.
C4ti:i I'l.A ITSMDl I II. N H'.
mlVKS.U ITil
HoiiSK sitoi:t m; a wauon i,i I'.viiiiMi.
All Kinds of. rain miDtats Mendel will
NealiiOH mill Dlspnteli.
.Teh rialtsimiiilli Weekly
I lie I. iiir -I. M..'-l an. I Bent
flounty Paper.
N i on r el i 'dili,:
a I i imc to (. in e
I.i'i,' i't . .1
I .t i his wi ek. and
mil w i n' -i read-
J. V. Weckbilch has on hand a large
and well n lecied stock of carpets, and
more coining. He will have the larg
est and finest line ever offered in this
city. .::tf
.r-Money to. loan ; easy tei ins on im- j
proved lands.. Si'M-IVan Si W holey,
5tf at I'nioti Block
.in. i
I I. A I
any 1 1 1 i .-, t i 1 1
ill advance over I
I sMol' l II
in the list nt
e cos ol' one.
if i:i:ai.i
I I'BUslllNfi
John It. Cox 1 1 L ii i J wu i uuu, lia
now n. 11 ril '!. 1'IiVNEH. Cunault
fur prion oil nil hinds ol" tin work. IO l.(lt o. IMIITI (i:itns I MM'.
II M I.I.H A N. UliOl.l l
l lie-
Ill t.
I. r
Horse, Milled OxSIiinmiiu;.
In short,-we'll shoe anything that hur
four 1', .from a Zebra to a (lir.iffe.
Come and see us.
23jrvr shop
Ix-lwecii Main anJ Vine sireelt
(eeoriici In, in in. Mtv lI KAl
I' -
pule .4
I e I fo i i
ll Kit III St
list. iUTOH
O K f 1 1 K
Obtnilli'il, nml nil olher bn
tin' I'. S. I'ntcul olliee nil. nd
modi: i. 'at;: ii;i:s.
In r i tli.e i oppoi 1 1 lb.. I '
fill oliiie. mid ueiiin i lil iin
i ll 1 1 - t i 1 1 1 I li i n liii.o i i'im
w aiii; n ..
I Mi !KI, .r H 'A U IM;
llilvi'i' a- !o p'. fiee o
cliale; nml n.'iHnke Nil ( 1 1 A IM lv
r.Ni.i;s w k omi a in i'.xtknt.
We nler. here, lo the I'okI lniihler,
iheSlipl.of M v Order div., Mini
Ihe oMii ol the lT. S. Patent office.
For : in iilar, ml vice, lenii-, ami refer,
enco-. to arlual client-, in your own
!-l :i le or imii nl y, mid rcN
'( '. A. S.NOW ,i i 1 1.
Oppoxjlc I'.-il.liI Olhc. Wnv,i,,j.oii,
!.. :t7i'
Fifteen ( cut Lunch. .
Xext to Clark's grocery I have open
ed a lo cent lunch room ; Coffee. Bread
and butter. Meat, and Potatoes for toe.
Farmers come and see me.
'29 lino .). P. Antil.
Fresh Oysters.
Direct rioni.tlie sea shore, constant
ly on hand, at the Central Restaur
ant. L'2m:'..
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
John Blake keens constantly on hand
a full line of fine Irish and Scotch
Whiskies. " Aiig.l7.18s2 22y I.
Manufacturing and Repairing, good
and i;eat, at Merges'. 5tf
Wheeling tobies at Warrick's. lnio"l
o.l'OO fence posts for salt. Call on.
or address Jlb'tf P. L. Wisk.
We are making a specialty of fine
chairs for the holiday trade.
o7tf " IIakkis & LTNJtrii.
Perfumes, fine soaps, combs, brushes
&c, at Warrick's drug store. lmo34
Mrs. M. A. Buler. Ladies Nurse, of!
long experience. Best of Reference. '
Residence, Picnic Hill. j
PlattsDJouth, Nel. Aug. SI. ,S2 Sm. .
:i-:Sdii,,:Wii;j'A '
. i-,4 V n 1 ' ir-. tr ' . ,:: " J'. , ' V 'i' t .
Hardware, Stoves
and Tinware.
Also Ajitnt f,,r the i I'uinb'd 31 K II C fiA N 7".V UNWT
We trill tsttll this Wire its any mire, in lit? market.
HA Hit wriiN
(JlVK Vri A f'A LL
9 'W
Try Will J. Warrick's poulirv pow--dcr
for cholera, ilroopiii;, Jtc, and be
convinced cf ii merits. ' . S6t4
Just reeeived,"a large' invoice of toy
suites, dressing cases, bedscribs tables'
chairs. eramhulators, sleds, etc.
37if " II a tuns & Ushvn'
i., . . . . .. i inipi n io inc u'E a iiii.'tiiiipin loonru
! them twice arrested for stealing ucoat ; . . ... , ,. ,
i . . , ., .. - , ; just like troth, and we got behind the
and each tune the prosecitlioii . have , , -.,'.
i , .. , , , ...... door and waited for pa lo come home
j failed to make a case. M. A. Ilarti-,, . . Wl..
gun n conducting the case for Guth- . . , , i
. 3 ,r , ! to come up t lie steps I urowit!. unit
uiiiu una Covvn. ana M.jiiisom ihtf , , . , , ,f ,
n i i i : i m i in z si' h i i titiji ai at ricnn i '
(lie W iil.t. Tor -:i!e at. .il
iosale and Retail
15 Y
ion & Nathan,
-MOl'l'lI. XKBRA-KA.
M Tinnefs' Stocl
? r
-. x x u i i i res ffcj n - S s
'' I u
" 1 1 1 I
and Sullivan the second casr. Stew
art is a young man but' little known
in this city but well and favorably
known in Omaha and Nebraska City,
in the latter place having relatives.
As the case now stands Stewart is
commencing two damage suits ;:giirist
Ciuthman Bros., and the end is at pres
ent the beginning.
dog, by Crimu?. and he started down
the sidewalk, and my chum baiked
I just like a dog. and i kiyi'd and growl
j ed like a dog that gets licked and you
j ought to see pa run. He went around
! in the alley and was going to get in.
the basement window, and my cIhhu
j had a ievolver with some blank car
! triges, and he went down in the base-'
: ment and when pa was trying to open
The post oflice is settled and located j the window, my chum began firing
in the new Waterman onera hous i towards Da. Pa hollered that it was
j block, and thu IIkrald challenges any.:
j cily io the state outside of Omaha and
Li?i-oln, where they have government '.
; hu:lJi:s lo show a haiiilsniiiei poi-.t
olliee i hi i in or a more complete ntflc-.
' P. M. Marshall has added a larg nuiii-
' Week bach sells Bremnei's crackers.
fo-4o Wariick's foe w idi palmer and
window curtains. 1 mov4
Kiile by J. S. Duke.
I'jjy, Jlachine and Plum re
ij,and genera! jobbing
ji.-ireit to ilo uil kinds of repairing
mi oliier m:'.oliinery. as ihere
i ijootl l.uUo in my :lu.
reliable Wagon Maker
)II Shop.
l ber of call and lock )hk s and has am
j pie facilitie-i to :t:'i oii;m d.ite the pol
lie in that line fr seme time to coin",
i Tl e office contains mw 104-j boxej",
; nearly rive limelieil of wliich are lock
! boxes and H new general di-livery has
j been put in that facilitates lime there
j fully one half. The new room is large
j light, heated by steam and lighted
j with gas. all of which adds to the
jeoiufoit and convenience of officials
: and patrons.
only him, and not a burglar, -hut after
my chum fired finir shots pa run and
climbed over a fence, and then we'tonk."
tlse-di s a"d I staid with h ch.tnn. ail
r.iiih' a:ni this moruiiis ma - s.M " pa
didn't get home till four o'clock. ":liid "'; SchlegerV -special brands of home
then a iioiiireui.ui i-aiii- with him, and Mnanulaeuireu cigars are lie leauers in
P i tHlKi il Hiiout ma'i a.ogs anu oeuig
- . 1 I I . .!.. I. ill' .1
taken lor a aim ueiiiy Kiiiru, j.
User Will -I. Warrick'.- Condition
pon der it e'xeei all others. .Htil4 '
.fohnS"ii liros., the .hardware men,
will m'nv'e iulo t.he .Kockwowd block
to soini as complelod. iltitf ., .
A Trev!iTie on tin; Horse," regular
price'25 cffuli, niV price 15 cents.
;tlt4 ' "W. J. W ARKICK.
At Schlegel's cigar store may always
be found the very Ix st brands of smok
ting and chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. ' :;otf
Bremner's. crackers at Week bach's
. Bremnei 's crackers nV- W. II. Bakers.
A CommonrScn'ie Reniefly.
S ALi G Y Lf 0 A.
Baby organs, family orgrans of vari
ous styles." ' Priees.-if '22, $50, $60," $72,
Waml upwardsj we can suit you all
iu si vies .-mil ' prices." "Opera house
block. . t . v. . - 86 5 -
Fine spun silk parlor suites 10 per
t;ent less than. Omaha prices.
37 tf '". ' IlAItRIS & UNRUH.
BremnerV crackers
Lewis'. Jxno34,
at Bennett &
Coal oirat WarracP's drug storc.364
Lewis " sells
.- Bennett &
" M. B. Murphy sells Iiremner's crack
ers. . ;linoi$4 i-
Paints oils and varnishes at War
rick's.driig.s,tore. lmo-14
from the
30tf -
the: market and are mad
. " . ... ' ,1 liest nilalitv of tobacco,
irly killed, ! .
was a I ram pa nau - .Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut-
tgain. ami asked me ter 3 Glycerine I ooth lablets. Beauti-
Ly ! Cleanse! Preserve! tf
and she said she
took to drinking
if I had heard anv tiring i.f guns, "and
I said no, and then she put a wet towel
on pa's head.".. 'Ywu ought to be
ashamed." suid the grocery man. How'
does you pa like your being in love
with the uiil 'i Does he seem.- lo , en
courage you in it "O, yes; she was
IIors' Hlankcts.
-I-V; l I I. I. LINE OF
Iip JIoIm's,
tii to our house to borry some tea, and
Boomerang" Recipe. pa pi,tted her on the cheek and hugged
lo give relief t a burn apply the j her, and said she was a dear little
white of an egg. The yolk of the egg , daisy, and wanted her to - sit. on "bis
may le eaten or placed on the shirt I lap, but v. hen I wanted him to give
charge ot tlie wiwi
;no n as a
unit ISngsie
nmlf to
bosom. If the burn should occur on
a lady, she may omit the last instruction.
. J...Le,7 : . .- v
ItiU resumed .b.usine-ss. again, will buy
aiid-sell all kinds of Furniture. Also
buys Iron, Metals and Rags... I advance
motley 4i. all kinds of goods.
.a ; Jacob Lisvr.-
:i Piattsmoulh, Neb, Oct. 14. 1SS2 tf.
Xii Diore i:ti':iui tf isui. f.iEtit er
ImmeiialB Belief Warranlea.-: ,,
.-..Piraanent Care Guarantees.
'i-r tf tirs f.stahlisliffl ottfl never hnttrn tn fail
n a.fiiwlt en', arute. r chronic. Utter to. oil
7ioifiief pliiisleian unit tlruuyli't for Ihr
Uif!iU jtSalicylira. '. ..... -
thk only nissor.vKK ok th t; roisov-
T1KXTS. . HALICV I.II .1 it known as x couiiiiiiii-si-ni-e
remedy. Ijraiir it rtrikv tllienly :it tlio
caune'ol" lilit-iiniiii iin. 'Jour and .Wuiulnia,
wliile so many so-calli U pe-iflft nnit "iivMjaeil
panaceas on ly treal lia-.tMy the etlKda.
Ithaslieen -nceleil ly cniiiient sfipntist
that outai,it applications, sueli as rubuiin;
with oilH.'niniiiiPiil liniint-iits. and Hootliini;
lotions will not eradicate tliese tie;L'-p wliiuli
are the result of llie jioisoninK of the Mooil
with I'ric Ai iil.
NAI.IC.VI.lll i:rki vrlili. marvflOiiH ef-f.-ct
on this ai'iil ami so remove the ilii-nrili r.
It is now exclusively used ti" alt celebrated
physicians of America and Jiurtie. Highest
Medlc.-vl Academy of I'aris f'eporls I'.l'per cent
enren in three days.
that HALICVLII'l is a certain euro for
Thennosj iBieilsv paiin-are Miltdiipd-aliinwt i-
...liive itn trial. '-Relief Kiiarniited oi money
Tiiousiinds of ti'.-t imoi.iaK sent on applica
tion. " l a Box. i; Boe- for.".. ,
.Sent freeby mail on re.-eint of inniicj.
;A81i. Y.Ot It Pltl'ljlUST I'Olt IT.
But do not be licludeil info lakuii; imitation
or Kiibsiitirtes. or soinethui' iffoiinneiiiled as
jnsi as pood !" Insist on i he genuine ith ttie
name of VASHRl'll K I O., on eai-li box.
.which is guaranteed elieiuieally pure iiHilerour
iKiiature. an indisdensible icquljite to insure:
miceen in the treatment. Take no other, or I
send-to u.f . I
Wasliburne It Co.. Proprietor. . .
27 liioudway, eer. lleade St., NEW VOhK.
T T r - J L- II K.
r-T'rtT - .-
blAHl r-f
"AV'.. fii ft.
ffM. .
and Sale Stable.
. SINHLK AND DOl'lil.K ( Al.Mf IAi;i.
TliM'PT.KHS WIT.T. !'! 'I) ('I)M I' t.K I I' (il'Th'ITS IIV f M I 1 (I XT TUP!
Tlie Finest Pressed Brick
: 5 V A.V'r 5T E5 K
35 i
She r wool
Collars, Whifi-s &
E.jr t sitreisht A JiHr.
J. G.
always on hand, nt
j To remove starcli or roughness from
rl il-irons. hold the iron ou a large
i e . . n . .. i
B..uUOtuuc .-v.n, ,Uouieui3 urSU,;iiliti Qut cents f()r ice creAtn tor
then wip off carefully with a rag. To ; other ,. for her in sM the
, make this effective the mimldtona i ., h .narkin, w she
me 50 cents to buy her some ieeeretiin.
he said that was all nonsense.'- H j
...;.l Ml .,f mmtt w .n.. i. T..f inn. r-"b'
cream when she w.13 a girl was what
iujured her health for life.' I asked
ma about it. and she said -p ever
Ioii't fbrsret that a '3Iasou & Ilaiu
Tin 6ran Is a holiday 'present that
yi ill stay'by your dear friend Toujjer
tTian almost anything .else you . caa
give and jrive Ler better satisfaction
3ft- James 1'ettce. Agent.
. jlue of
vs. warns &c,
:?.itlj done en
ih aal Flftb
:n Manager.
Granite Monuments, Headstones. Tablets, Mantles, ?&c
First Premiums Awarded Work at Four State Fairs. Shop oext to Sur-
i ha tnolr lir to a. rircus once, hilt lit!
applied. Should the iron still stick to ! got free tickets for carrying fwat to
the goods when in use. spit on v. , p,epbUlU ghe MT, pa was tighter
Woolen goods may be nicely washed j lhan l,ie bark to a trfe" 1 tel1 yoii iU
if you put half an ox gall into twoj8ui"fft l, different with me. If
gallons of tepid water. It might be there is anything that my gill wants,
well to out the iroods into th watr le is goin? to have it. if I have to sell
.alo. Tfthrt niiitn u ma's copper boiler to get the" money. 1
uai is ine use oi naving wraiu ..
tou board it up and don't enjoy it?
enough, put in another ox-gall. Should !
this fail to do the work, put in the en
tire ox, reserving the tail for soup.
The ox-gall is comparatively useless
for soup and should not be preserved
as an article of diet.
veyor General's Office.
A. R. FORBES. Foreman.
DAVID MILLEIt. Traveling Salesman.
Go to Warrick's for school, books
j .
L'edroom and parlor sets at i educed
rnte nt Henry Boeck's. 3it4
XJoliuans !. Dulniaa.! .
A full und complete 1hi in ail the
latent styiesi. iht ladie will 6nd our
lock cotmplete and we .arc selling at
the lo.wesU jnargins .at- J. V, Wect-
bach's. 1 .. .-. saif
, . - For Sale. -
rVEight quarter sections of choice
''farming lands in Cass county on reas
onable terms inquire of or write to
I'lattsmouth, Neb
This family will be run oo different
plans; hereafter, you .bet.' ' Say." how
much ara those yellow VcKKle'n pocket
combs in the show case? . I've a good
notion to buy them for her. -How
would one of tbem ? round mirrors,
with a zine cover, do for a presetjt to
a girl? There's nothing that ii too
good for l er." .;'. !' "
' hew M dsle Store. : ' '
i Pi4n'o, v organs, ud musical merr
ejtanuie ai ujicrn nyu-e uiock. ooio
: : I - - - - " -
's a t .. i. . . .. -
-F or. Vy acres, cf aud one, balf .mil
ftom. Plat Lmoutlu same sold
irwhpJe it in kiQp suiu purchasers.
llquirVf ( Viieexjb & JiESNETT.
' , "z?. .
Fah'ii.ioV.reuiuear town; also team
tor sale. I Jpqujre of J. B trode. 36i3
.-t !:'' j ' i
- Crltes and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door -east of
Conrt Hetise. I'lattsmouth, Neb. 5t6m
t rN nn eri Ea v
IIU (!!! I! HI! I
t ii ii . ii- fiii
U UJ ; : L U
Xj O -EG .
i. ;. W j
v 4
Orders vvahixva for any quantify
and filled in a satisfactory. ijiaiuicr.
Those confcin plat ing- f build
should examine our worl, the
quality of our lirieks and prices.
Yard, in rear of iSonncr Kfahle,
Plattsmoutli, iVel)raska.
Cass County S
f on Works
JOHN AV A YM AN, Proprietor.
l3ljxt i sirioiatli . jNTeb.
' , .v a xi'F. i (yriiHEJis of'.
Ouf facUilk-a fur heavy, work in C ilunin nl Outings for
nr,t tnr i.ui-icii in the tetate.
MACHINE REI'AHiiNG of ail Uimlc. Our ilacliine Shop
for allllnjsis of work in iron. .
Ptronizc Nebraska manuractfrnrg. v e luj Jicatc all eastern
fr-iL'ht nr.d time.
Prtif liuildinir in anv part oi itt e r-iau; miouki write lor our U riu
Mnrch 11th, 182"'
I-rV o
V 'SaJ
1 1 1 1 Mate nioiiKi write lor our u riu i je;jl
f' I - ' - PL.VTTS Ol'Tff, NIJ