Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, December 14, 1882, Image 3

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Oar I tabbing List for 1SH3.
Tim IIkhalu offer the follow Inf
vlutlung rates tr Its patrons for tbe
folio win,' j ir :
TNB llKH..4Hiii Vorth Ani.-r. Krlw $5.TS
" IVifiiu' Mjg7lue .. : 'J
" mr 'uiiiiunt w'kly 4
" Train Krmr S IS
" Miiturdny Night 4.1
Nv lurk'llmr ... ... M
Irlbuuo 1 0
' ' c'alcitito Triliimc .
I line 'i .VI
VWvteru Kui'itl :
Nfw Y..rh Wnl.l M
'lin-liiu.iiil Vnlk.biKll. 3 to
" " im.ilia tlrr II U rriu. 3 as
" Oiimha Krp. uu
" lliirllujlon lllkrt ... 4 1
Inter Ocrjn..
I to
t u
4 IO
ft 00
3 l
" " Aiin-r. Axriculluriat.
' A i lum I.' Mnutlilr ...
' U.irprr'. Monthly ..
" I f.llr'i Montlily ...
NewiLmiier. .
' " " Sunday Matfazlus S 74
Irl.ll Wml J J W
' ,. Vr I.ri!jfer 4.10
Weekly 4 10
lolrrW HUile 00
( IiIi-hi: Weekly New.. J.liS
" Ceulniy M.igiulna 6.3
" Ml. MrlloUl 4.18
Other imblk-Mtton will bo added to
the list in future.
F.xlra Copies
j With eal issue during th present
uionth a Urge number of extra copies
of tbo IIkhai.ii will be i snu oil. Farm
er In th county send for sample
copies, city residents desiring copies
f r inniliii obtiiin tham at the
-buloess u Here of the IIkhald.
M. 1). I'jlk.of LouUrille, i now iu
tbo employ of the IIkkali l'ublisli
a Company, nnl nny buitineits be
uny trim net in its bilulf wi'l be fully
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
Additional Locals on fourth page.
Will Viviau who bus been baring a
run cf tbe lever is slowly mending.
1). IX Johnson and Iiy Ycomans, t
Weeping Water, were io town Tues
day of thU week.
Ami Todd has bought the hardware
store of K. Sue and will probably go
iuto the Ihh'uicss here.
Next week the district court sits to caves on tbe equity docket, and
Inwyeis are busy making preparations
for the 8a ne.
Pick Streight lias tampered with
the aesthetical iu the line of decora
tious ami has tho frout.of his shop
ablaze with big letters.
The Boston Operatic Minstrels are
booked for next Monday evening at
the op.ra house and they will undonbt
ly draw a large audience.
Mr. and Mrs. John McKeever ar
rived in riattsinouth this week, and
the city will heuoetorth be their home.
The IIkiui d is pleased to note their
Tho Episcopal society have well
uudtr way their drama, "She Stoops
To Couiucr;M aul the cast numbers
those who are every way competent
to i euder it.
Elaborate preparations are beiug
mad1? for the opening by Mr. Young
and 8. & C Min er, and much music
and entertainment will be prep t red
for their visitors.
Notwithstanding the intense cold a
goodly number assembled at the Epis
copal sociable at Mr. Latham's Ian
Thursday evening, and very pleajant
Mr. Pel tee has ordered a parlor
grand piano lor the opera bouse snd
also two other: coninjr which
will be pin ed ou exhibition at his
headquarters wih J. P. Young.
Mr. Jobu McKeever and his estim
able wife, who were host aud hostess
at the Perkins House, are in the city
again, and their many frieuds will
be rleased to know, intend to stav.
Sybrant Hall and Mrs. Miller, both
f Louisville, were married by Judge
Johnson on Tuesday. Both of the
Contracting parties are near the seven
ties in age. and the II era CO, as usual
proffers congratulations.
A citizen living up Mh s'.reet has
cal'ed our attention tj the fact that
there is still no sidewalk between
Main and Viue on 5th. A9 the infor
mation is both new and newsy we
lish it.
. V V . . 1 . 1 ' . . f . I.
y J uesuay auu caneti ou iu
... .ii.i .... . i.
IlKRALH. I lie nocior reports wie
comuiitiec out of debt, and ready for
another campaign.
There arc a great uiauy subscribes
to tbo I1kbali who are in arrears
and we should be pleasud to have as
many settle up before the commence
ment ot the new year as can We do
not want to unduly press our claims
but our expense go right ou and we
must collect sufficiently to meet them.
Citizens, one and all, should attend
tho High Sc'.iool cntcrlainmeut at
tbe Opt ra bou.e next week, The pu
pils have made niot diligent prepara
tions, aud th;To need be no doubt
but that the entertainment will be
) first-class. Hewitt's baud will fur
nish the music both evenings.
At a meeting at the Presbyteriau
church.Monday eveuing.orticers for the
Suuday school were elected as follows:
Supt , J. X. Wise; asi. Supt., Win.
Hayes; Secretary, D. A. Campbell;
at. Secretary, Bobt. Vas. It was
voted to have a'.s'.uias tree ou
Saturday evening the 23J, and com
mittees to arraue for it were appoint
e .
One day last wc-k Rev. Wilson,
pistor of the M. K. church of ibis city,
Tisitel Jo'.n R PoKu who is eouflm d
In ihe couity ja 1. here, in d.-r sen
tence ot death. He saa be foi nd
Polio n t averse to talking about re
ligious matters a id not a luau whose
vmpathie are hard to reach. He
left nligious tracts ai;d a io.y of the
testament with bun for which 'Poliu
very kindly il.auked him aud asked
him to ca'l and see him again.
The O. A. R. post at JPlattamouth
held a wideawake meeting last Tuti
k day night The officers of the post for
the ensum? vear were elected as fol-
r'ost Commander.
sr. vice Commander.
Uway. jr. Tiee uommander.
imas, Quartermaster.
l a. Post Chapl:iin.
man. Officer of lbs day.
kh officer of tbe Guard.
tber of tbe post iff re
present at the next reg-
IliCk SchttTrTaUrUlaiaset.
r.K, 2Ut. 1802.
Opening Chorus, Coming llelidavs.
Tableau- Winter. .
Recitation - Prayer for Potatoes
Kate llartigsu. ''
Exercise Soug Wh I). i'i Psrebts
Visit the Schools.
Recitstiou -The Baggage Fiend
Fred Warreu.
tialogu--Tlie May Festival.
Recitation - Entertaining Her Big
Sister's B'-aii J.uiet Livingston.
liulogue Littlo Veouvius.
Reritatiou, Susan Matthews.
Exercise Soug Held uu the Right
Heeitatiou, Weudell Foster.
Tableau When the Cal Is away
the Mice M ill Play.
Recitation, Captain tiarue.
Exerrise Song Kaley Di.l, Kate
Recitation, John Douclsn.
Dialogue A Noblemaj in Disguise.
Exercise Soug Chicago Street
Recitation The Little Gentleman
(ileuu Carruth.
Tableau Tom Thumb's Marriage.
Recita'iou The Enchanted Shirt.
Dialogue Schoolmaster Abroad.
Recitation The Doll's Wedding
Lulu White.
Exercise Song The Skeleton.
Recitatiou, Rose livers.
Recitation Little oister'a Story
Maggie Da vies.
Closing Chorus Good Night.
S. B. Time required for performance
two hours exactly.
(Jreeliug Glee, 7lh aud 8th Grades.
Address of Welcome, Master Her
bert Marslaud.
Instrumental Quartette. ,
Dialogue; From Pumpkin Ridge
II. S. Grades.
Recitation Give Me Those GooJ
Old Days Again Misg Agatha Tuck
er. Song-Whither Little Maiden Miss
Annie Murphy.
Recitatiou He is Old John Harti
gau. Tableau Sunday Night aud Mon
day Morning.
Solo aud Chorus (Guitar) Miss
Katie Stadelmann.
Dialogue Hash 7lh and 8th
Quartette Come where the Lillies
Bloom Misses Annie Livingston,
Laura Ovcrlaader, and Messrs. Pettee
and Gallagher.
Recitation Tbe Station Agent's
Story Miss Emma Hoffman.
Instrumental Quartette Qui Vive
Galop, two organs, two pianos.
Dialogue Boarding House Acconi
pltsluneuts 7th and 8th Grades.
Instrumental Duett," from L'Afri
caiuc. Misses Livingston aud Jean.
Fan Brigade, High School Grades.
Valedictory, Miss Henrietta Schul
hof. Closing Chorus, 11. S. Grades.
Among the mauy acceptable gilts
for holidays, uoue are more beneficial
and lasting than a good book. There
is au s tc'ation a'jout holiday pres
ents that make such as are useful and
used quietly at home, the more pleas
aut to the receiver. A boJt fills just
such a requirement; not . every book
of course, not a gaudy work gotten
up and sold more ou account of the
brilliancy of the cover; but a good
sound book bought tor the good that
is iu it. Such may include many of
tbe fictions, tor from them are drawn
some of the best lsssons in lite. One
caunot read Edwin Arnold, or a story
bv Geo. McDonald, .Miss Phelps or
numbers of other authors of like
character, without retaining good.
.The priuceyJhotu ancient Syra
cuse founded the first public library,
wrote above the door the inscription,
"For the Healing of the People."
How well he wro.e needs no interpre
tation, aud the truism their is the tru
ism today; how much solace is given,
how one is builded and strengthened
by a Ood book, those who read,
know full well; aud so we repeat that
a good book is appropriate above any
thing else as a remembrance; aud we
speak-for oaly books; not trash, or
the evil that passes for books, but in
themselves are wholly worthless.
Forefather's Day.
The Ladie's of the Aid Society of
Mt. Pleasant, Cass county Nebraska,
will give au entertainment at the M.
E. parsonage aud church on Dec. 20th.
cousUiiug of a New England supper
at the parsonage, aud at the church
old time siugiug. Recitations and
tableaux from scenes in the courtship
of Miles Staudish. Supper aud cos
tume, after "ye olden times," Ad
mission, 10 cts. supper 25 eta. Every
body come.
Tbe sociable given by the ladies of
the Christian church "Will be held
Thursday evening at Mrs. W. L.
Hobbs' en Muin street to which all
are cordially invited.
residence of the bride's father, on
December 3d, by Rev. R. Cocley.of
Mt Pleasant. Mr. Jose; h Thomas,
and Miss Mary F. McMullcu; alio
Cass county.
All citizens are requested to send
to the coining examinations in
tbe city schools, all pupils who iu
tend entering sclmol next term, so
that they may be thoroughly graded
without the trouble ot a separate ex
amination. W. W. Dkummoxd,
The Herald suggests that the
Board of Trade take it in hand to give
Mr. 'W aterman, as soon as the opera
house is completed entire, a benefit,
such aa the house is deserving, and
one that shall be financially a success
for tbe proprietors. . -
Attention Is called to W. S. Wise's
real estnte advertisement. Mr. Wise
has builded up a most successful bus
neas in that line and bis prosperity
the Herald is glad te note.
There is to be a big wolf bunt out at
Ed. Todd's next Monday; lovers of
the sport will take notice mud govern
themselves accordingly.
Tbe M. E- Church, we understand,
will entertain their Sunday school
with a Christmas tree in the ne Hall
In tLe Rock wooi block.
from ont In (be
county send tb
Herald a goodly
number of nei
which can be d
y letters this week
j appreciated.
Cedar Creek Letter.
Ckdah Chiek, Dec. l'itb, 1882.
Editors IUbai.d: a the Journ
al's reoorter from this place has gone
to mjro congeuial climes, we deem it
a good tiujo to give a few Items aa
we have no opposition.
Cedar Crock is doing a very good
buftness Iu comparison to other sta
tions of like rze. Whito & Sayles,
tor the month of November, bought
corn to the a nonut of over $1,700;
and Connor & Traster rport for the
snmo mouth, ovr $1,750 worth. Busi
ness in all liuns is flourishing iu the
same proportion.
UeO. Walradt, who rcceutiy re
turned from a visit lo New York,
says he would not leave Nebraska to
live oa the best quarter section ia
New York evsu if it was given to hicu.
Cass county huuld bo proud of such
citia ens us he.
Mrs. Geo. Sayles returned l.tst week to Wiscousiu. She te
ports a uice Jomuey.
Today, we bear, Mrs. James Buial
ley, Willi her father aud young sou,
leavs for a larec mouths visit to New
Jersey. Jim's frieuds are wondering
how he will conteut himself in the
Ou Suuday, two young men giving
their names a Hathaway aud Whit
uey, eamo here deadbroke. Their
home is iu York county about two
hundred miles west ot here, aud they
succeeded iu selling two mutets,
which they purchased at Plattsmouth
on Saturday ; aud with the proceeds
started homeward. From their ap
pearauce, tho way of the vagraut is
not a pleasant one.
Mr. Craiir, the new station agent,
arrived here the 8th inst. troiu Cana
da. He proves to bo quite a genial
Mr. Jacob Snyder, the treasurer of
school district No. SI, was in Platts
mouth last Saturday on business con
nected with his offico. The financial
condition ef the district is very good
it having over two hundred dollars
on iuterest. During the present term
ot school nearly.40 scholars have beeu
Henry Kiug, the champion story,
teller, hrs lelt towu sinco the weather
is warmer, and Cedar Creek is almost
like a funeral. "Hank" is missed.
Mr. Henry Iuhelder is "wrestling
with the ague about every dsv. He
baa tho under holds at last report.
; Mobr Axox.
List or Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Neb., Dec. 14, 1882.
Allen J C
Brooks P S
Becxer Vfm
Boyer W M
Bishop Wm
Balliuger John 2
Bachler J H
Barr Fred
Carroll Beruard 1
Coda Anton
Campbell D II 8
Clapp J
Cole W A
Cross M B
Codling M I
Flemiuing R G
Flemming Com
Eagan James
Gilmore Nellie
Gibson Libbie
Howe John
Harriugton John
Houck Jas
Hugerford C S
Jansen Peter
Lane D L
Larson Albert
Mathews W II
May I, D
Norton E J
Pierce E O
Pearl B
Prints C A
Palmer A C
Miller Asbury
Reynolds W T 4
Redman W H
Rollins R
Rosenblatt S
Ricaey A J
Sproull Mary
Seward L B
Sjoberg J
Sexton Hattie -Smith
Ward J M
Webb James
Wilson J II
West Geo M
Johnson Julia
Lampion R II
Kirkpatricd L 2
Persons calling for the above
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. P. M.
John McKeever aud Charlie Herr
mann haveleasedliie upstairs room
in Rasgorshek's building, and propose
opening a now billiard parlor there.
They have already ordered four new
tables, and they purpose Javiug one
of the best kept halls in the state.
There never has been a lime iu tbe
history of Plattsmouth when such a
large and magnificent diapjay of holi
day goods has been made as may be
seen in her business bouses.
Another star has fallen from tbe fir
manent. The Advocate, published in
this city, the official organ of all the
hosts of greenbackars in the state has
been suspended.
Gen. Geo. S.' Smith went to Kansas
City on Wednesday night, on legal
business. Ha was accompanied by
Mrs. Smith.
D.lH. Wheeler slipped and fell on
the platform at the depot a few days
since and received quite serious inju
Dogs upon which no collars are
found and a "tax tag" attached are be
ing killed by tbe score by the city po
lice. -A Celebrated Case" is billed for
this evening at the opera house this
city by the Chicago Theatre Cempany.
Hon. Sam M. Chapman has been
quite sick this week but is at the pres
ent wiiting is getting better again.
A notieable increase in trade the
past week presages lively times until
after the holidays.
J. S. Tewksbery, of Weeping Water,
has sold his interest in the mill at that
Young men thinking of attending
school this winter should send for a
circular of the Wymaa Commercial
College of Omaha. The studies are
practical and the institution a good
one. ' S9t4
PlalUaonth City Markets.
raovisions. ravrr, raao c. (sktail)
K ported by U. B. Marphy Co.
Chopped Feed
Rjra Flour
tiraham Floor
Cheese (part klm)....
rbMM (full eroaot)...
Rug-mr Cured liaina
Dried Beef
. SXM j44.00 per ewt.
S2.00 "
.so e -
$1J6 "
.... ss( etsper
ts -
is -
18 - V-.,
1.73 & per doc.
4 so. -
.. .so e. "
40 Met. per bo. - .
TSeta -
.. ,T5 h Sl O -
.n 4 si os
S2 0S "
ess per be
....... . Ue per ct
JK4t per caa
Choice Potatoes.
Sweet ... -
Cm! Pears
Orapeo.... ........
wrt CMtr .
Oysters, select.......
; Common ...
Befteel L
The examlnatli A city echoeUi
for the purpose oil I lb PPU
will take niace next we commenc
ing on Monday. '
Every pupil belonging should be pres
ent. Those who are absent from the
examination will not be promoted un
less a just excuse frem the parents,
such as the ruperintendent will ae
eeDt. is presented. Any who are ab
sent, and afterward bring excuses, will
be examined beore being promoted
Every patiuu of the city schools should
feel a deep interest in this matter, and
send their children to school promptly
aLd regularly, especially during the
examination. Every precaution will
be takeu to obtain a fuir and its par
tial result from tbe examinations.
Teachers will change rooms, ana us
teacher will hu allowed to answer
question during the prtie of the
The M. E. ihurcli will give a con
cert at Rockwoad hall on Saturday
night before Christmas A good en
tertainment aud a happy time is pre
dicted fT all who attend
At Cost.
A special line of laces, embroider
ies and an assortment of fancy goods
will be sold at cost uutil after holidays.
Zephyrs reduced to ten cts. an ouuee.
We must reduc stock for new spring
stock. Come and examine our at ck
before purchasing. It will pay yeu to
do so. Miu. Johksok & Swkkmet,
3t39 Milliners.
Christinas ! Christ mas I
Bennett & Lewis will have an Im
mense stock of confectionary of all
kinds for the holiday trade; come and
see us and get prices. 3012
Pure sweet cider for mince pies at
Bennett &, Lewis'. 3t3
At A. G. Halt fc Cos yeu can at all
times get ihe best of beef, spare-ribs,
tenderloin and all the choicest meats
this market affords aud at bottom pri
ces. Remember their location is now
on the north side of Main street. It
Go to Bennet
mas candies.
& Lewis' for Christ
89U Who's the Best Physician.
The one that does most to relieve
suttering humanity of me thousand
and oue ills that befall them, ia cer
tainlv tho best of all physicians. Elec
tric Bitters are daily doing this, cur
ing where all other remedies failed.
As a spring touic and blood purifier
they have no equal. Tbe positively
cure liver and kidney complaints. In
the strongest sense of tbe term, they
aro the best aud cheapest physician
known. Daily Times. Sold by Rob
ert's Pharmacy at 50 cents. 39eow-ly
Headquarters for bellday
goods at Wm.. B. Stiryock's,
Louisville. 2t39
Fine wax and china dolls
Erven's. 3t3
at L. C.
Mince meat, pure maple syrup. New
York buckwheat, apple butter, honey,
raisins, currants, citron, lemon peel,
shelled almonds and everything nice
at Bennett & Lewis.' xt89
Ne Medicine Can be Compared te
Marsh's Golden Balsam for the
Throat and ' Lungs.
"I.sst month I took a severe cold.
I cocghed terribl; and could not aleep
at night. had a druggist prepare me
some cough syrup, but it did me no
good. 1 then tried Marsh's Goldem
Balsam and was cured at once. It is
a delightful remedy." Henry L. Cool
Sedalia, Mo.
I have used many cough remedies in
my family, but none that could poesl
blv compare with Marsh's Golden
Balsam. F. E. Anderson. St. Joseph
Marsh's Golden Balsam is for
sale bv Smith & Black Bros.' drug
gists. Large bottles, 30 cents and 81.
Trial sixe, 10 cents.
A Seaarkable Escape.
Mrs. Geo. C- Clarke, jot Port Dal
heusie, Ontario, states that she had
been Dufined to her room for a loug
time with that dreadful disease, eon
sumption. The doctors said she could
not escape an early grave, but fortu
nately she began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, and
in a short lime she was completely
cured. Doubting ones,, please write
Mrs. Clarke and be convinced. Trial
bottles free at Robert's Pharmacy.
Large size $1. 39-cow ly
Settlement Notice
All parties knowning themselve in
debted to rae are notified to call and
make settlement by tbe first of Janu
ary as all outstanding accounts must
be settled at that time.
It will pay you to read Wise's col
umn in this paper, you may find just
what rou want. S9tf
For holiday ffoods call on
Win. II. Shryock, Louisville.
A fine stock of s:lverware
Erven's. 39t2
at L &
See Warrick's column,
the cheapest place.
Warrick's is
Toys and holiday goods, the best and
cheapest in tbe city it L, C Er
ven's. 39ts
Don't fail to call and examine our
elegant stock of organs, ene hundred
styles to select from. Low prices for
cash or easv pavmcnts. Opera house
block. James Pettee. Gen'l Agt. 36 1 5
Save money by buying goods at L. C
Erven's. 38 tx
Seek Ne Farther.
It is said an old philosopher sought
an honest man with a lighted lantern,
and humanity has sinee been seeking
an honest medicine by the light of
knowledge. It has at length found it
in Dr. Jones' Red Clover Tonic, which
cures all diseases of the blood, removes
pimples, and acts promptly upon tbe
liver and urinary organs. Only 50 cts.
a bottle, to be had at Smith A Black
Bros., druggists. Oct.20e4wly.
New goods arriving daily
Erven's. 89t2
at L. C
Attention Consumers.
Staple and fancy groceries, glass and
qoeensware. lamps, flour and feed, and
everything fresh and clean kept in a
first-class grocery store. Fresh
Otsters always In stock in their sea
son. 88t2 M.B. Mcrpht A Co.
Select your presents early at
Erven's. 39t3
L. C.
Taesdsy Events, Dee. 19th, 1881.
J. P. Toung will display in his store
in the new opera block from T until 11
p. ul. Tneeday evening. Dec 19th. tbe
largest line of books, albums, ladies'
shopping satchels and pocket books,
musical instruments, glass and china
ware, autograph albums, Christmas
and new year cards, dolls of all kinds,
fine coo feet ion ry, etc.. ever seen in the
city. Also a free concert, both vocal
and instrumental will be given. Every
body invited, n special invitation is
extended to the ladies. Every lady
visiting tbe store will receive a pres
ent on leaving the stere. Respectfully
Tours, J. P.TotTHO.
1,000 Coras ef Weel
for sale by W. S. Wise. 33-M
Come to the. fronl
Staple and Fancy Groceries
We always buy the beat good in the market, and guarantee evmthing we
select. We are sole agents in this town for the sale of
Nothing finer in the market. Piatt's "Tiger" brend of Baltimore Oysters,
always on hand. Come aud see us. We vill make you glad.
Frequently bein; ask.-l how I can sell STANDARD HOOKS SO
CHEAP, I would say, that by buying the lied . I.i.n
Store Stock very dieaj, and having subsequent
ly added a large stoek, at eorreixml
ingly Low 1'rtcea, I am en
abled to sell at about
the iiruial price, until January
advance my prices.
Como Now and .
When out looking for Holiday
see what I have for Presents.
One and all are invited to
want to buy or not.
I will sell Vases. Toilet sets,
Cups and Saucers. &c.9clieaper
than you can
A large stock
dried natural Flowers, and col
ored Grasses, which I am selling
very Cheap,
Maving added a large stock
of Combs, J&ruslies, IFiiie Soaps
and IPerfumery, JL am prepar
ed to please all.
Mark Twain's Scrap HSooks,
all sizes and prices
Beautiful Christmas Books for
the children
Mand Mirrors at prices that
beat them all.
Large Family
ably low prices.
JL. S. Myers and H&obt. Vass.
invite their friends to call and
Examine our Moliday Uoods.
UT C3-
Sing, Oh Sing, that Song Again.
How can you when you cough at
every breath ? Why, get a trial bottle
of Dr. Rigelow's Posi.ive Cure, and
you will be answered. It cures colds,
coughs, cousumption, whooping :ougli,
ard all diseases of the luues, nnd it
will cost you nothing to test it if you
call at Smith &, Black Bro.'s drug
store. Oct.20e4wJy.
Attention !
Again Santa Claus bai left a large
supply of Christmas goods at the
Union Bakery in tbe Perkins block.
Tbsy will be disposed of at prices to
suit the times. Everyone who calls
there will be convinced that that is
the cheapest and best place in this city
to buy presents for Christmas gifts.
Go and examine the enormous stock
there on exhibition and for sale. .9t3
Settle Up.
John Ii. Cox desires to gel his books
and accounts all straightened up be
fore the 1st ot the Sew Year, lie re
spectfully and earnestly requests all
parties knowing themselves to be in
debted to him, to call at histstore and
settle all accounts. 38-t3
Go to Henry Boeck's for willow and
camp chairs in a great yarity oi
styles. Sbt4
Burbon. Ind says: "Both myself and
wife owe our lives to SAILOH'r5 CON
ARE TOU MADE misserable by
Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness,
Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shi-
loh's Vitalizer ia a positive cure.
WHY WILi, YOU cough wh?n Shi-
lob's Cure will give immediate relief.
Price 10 cts, 50 cts. and SI.
-a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth
eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by
A fine stock of bureaus, rocking
chairs etc, for holiday presents at II.
Boeck's. S3U
For Kale.
Two fine, well improved farm. One
containing 180 acres situated one mile
soeth of Cedar Creek station on tbe
B.CU.S.&, 340 acres under plow.
Another containing 210 acres 5, mile
east of same station, running water
timber. 10 aeres under plow. Both
are excellent stock farms. Enquire ef
Alex os Mat Scblegkl,
38tf ' Plattsmouth, Neb.
Go te Henry Boeck's for a good, sen
sible aim substantial holiday gift for
youririends. ... ..S8t4
Brenner's crackers
pby's. lmo84
at M. B. Mor-
with a complete fork of
1st. when I will be compelled to
Secure Bargains.
(ioods, dont fail to cotne and
look at our
goods, whether tbev
buy tliem any
of straw baskets,
Bibles at remark
at all JPJHMCES.
C3- H JH H?9
Griggs' Glycerine Sal re.
The best on earth can truely be said
; ef Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a
! sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds,
' burns, wounds, and all other sores.
! Will positively cure piles, tetter and
au sum eruption-. Satisfaction auar-
anteed or money refunded. Only 23c.
for sale by Smith & liUck Bros. 29-1 ly
Mrs. M. A. Buler, ladies nurse of
long experience. Best of references.
Residence in north part of the city on
Picnic hill.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Dec. 7, '82 3m38
Try those -Tip Top" 3 for 10 cent
Tobies at Warrick's, the7 beat anv 5
ct. segar in the city. lm38
73 cents for ladys foxed shoes at
"Scents for ladys Newpoil ties at
S 4.50 fur tir.n-class hand made boots
at Merges.
Merges sell boots aud shoes cheaper
than any man in the state.
I have the best shoe makers in the
Keyaring done excelent and cheap at
Merges. 23tf
Oysters and Celery
every day at J. D. Simpson's; none
but Booth's special brands of choicest
oysters, handled ; dealers supplied. 32tf
Go to the Parlor Restaurant for the
best meals in town, for 25 cts. Meals
at all hours. Day board at 84.00 per
week. Arctic Soda Water always on
draught. 22tf M. M. Ccrban.
" H ACKMETACK" a lasting and
fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50
ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
plaint you have a printed guarrantee
on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer.
It never fails to cure.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. For sale by
35eowly Smith Jc Blacl Bros.
Henry Boeck offers special induce
ments to reduce his stock of furniture
previous to invoicing the first of the
year. 38 14
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house io
the state. 23tf
A. Salisbury. Dentist.
See Warrick's column. Warrick'i is
the cheapest place. SVi9
W. H. Baker sells Bremner's crack
ers. lno34
See Warrick's column
tbe cheapest plsce.
Warrick'a is
wmm mm
IHE 0 ULn HIED j 'rST C3r
as can be found in the West.
JEW1EIL1RY, of every
IFrciich Clocks, Toilet Wets, Albums, Cups an
Saucers. IPon't fail t call and see the tunl
as other business houses are slowly break in;
me up, my stock has CIOT UBIK ttaNLBP
January 1st, you can g;et a bargain.
Frank. Carrntli.
TP list tfc rNfflfVfe
-as- mmy ALWKKJ KHsl t-y T v wv
Ar smisrdiftBkifefntioii. vnu d
square deal.
ILatesi Novelties isi Neckwear, jias
received. BBig Stock of fTiideirwear.
Ulemeniber the
mm wmm
Filled with
rtn7 tat sfBbk
choice selected
of Plattsmouth
to have our stock so complete tnat no othei
place in the county can duplicate our
variety oi &oods, and the prices
TTkv TS-thlr
jLM CyAft VV vCBi
' 1883 v
& M
5? WBstlt.fflBt1 BSTVafr.
Full stock of
location next
new goods just
msrsi2sf- sibB)0TIlltlsTsflBs( 0 f I X 4fc
and Cass County. We propose
we make to you.
e hnll present . furfn -r particulars, We hall iuote )
'show that the place above all other to visit, is
0 0 IED E
rtTIie fiBiest
everything ii
to Wcckbach9&
arriving iia
ever openedJ
f Ik
II 0