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About Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1882)
gflOUTH HERALD. lir.Dl AI'MlV 'llll l!MAV ... iv ionliiIIeraliPiil)lisliiiiCo. 1' STliOI'K, im'mh Manmjrr. "I'y.nviim'iitiis ' " 'f'M'y.nae ' '-' 00 (-'Ivcriltiim !( urt'oldlllit to space, I mo mill 'cation uiftili' known mi application. i'"if re. nl i iit i wun-c, i ionium ii. PD., tin See.rnd matter. If. 1 itiiln"ll. J, II. M ! I I '.ill tor. I'LATTSMOUTH. 1)K( 7, 12. Mr. M'i:TN ilS the Mast'titte of t lie il ami i it'1' l,;l,t' not- !! i r- hii-- vVIlw.iN. it Ti eilin-icll, li:l iiili'd lv (luv, Xniiee, :i PHtlT's Mliei-r-soi- oil ll.e 1 t as k ;i City News M t enly- .ira olil but not yet ugi-ilt nouh ln trutli as its last issue lieaib !IV ,-KA ilv lia iiit i ii-ih- I il .pet lit u.( kili' liiiii-c. it I t it tin lit ia jifi'iiv thai ril v j' nl lor . cur-!. m; temperance (ei:irt ineiit in I hi I e aiiawers lr. Miller ami Lis ri it- i a in lust Siuul iv's Oiu.ilia lleniM, that i:ipcr can pointer over it. I I'llY" .S.Vl.INK MuilTDN liavin USi-il eniittetit money to chase iliiiiuei at- ie.i, slumld "hire a liall" mow ami V lii.s party j'isl liovv mii' li capital liu.-i mailt. :N.n'n 'mi Wyek si m-o liN rc- II In W'a-liiiili.n, tins .-lateil I.iils in nl In- i l.ln lailii'il of 'r;.;a"s tlcilim;' a ilcmoiiaiii- I', 'iialor this winli r. "in: next time we lieiir Ir. Miller to mmim ri'in!il!rau evil iloer i we mav ln'ar it. lor we are i cry ' an I emue of a loni-li rcil f'aini to i o 1 1 ;e into court, e .-hall Miiile. t i.te .1 1 u mil. , .irticl. s of special ineli'. eti (I Iv 1 1 i.l; li t !i' 1 of To-ilay." from fMoiix 'ity .loin ami "Tliank.i- I rum l!ie 1 n'.e r dec. in, appear In- liist pa .' lo which to which the lit i t 1 1 of our reaileis is callfti. N Moii lav, roiiic.- re.iM'iii'.letl i . nearly all iiiiiii'nci of truth -es ircM-nl. 'I he iiiiniial iiii'5mij;i' hi proitlt lit was Mihmilteil as 1 us tin- reports from the lUlli-rcnt is 1 the cli il'.niit .lepart menls. Ai'iivsaire U a carefullv l-rciiareti i:ielit. partially ex plalial orv of f policy, partly reeommemla ions he Id I ii re. ie pre--s coiiiiaiuts I In1 mi ..iajje. eharacleri.e u as ':i,l ronir stale paper, or a re- Vveak one; ami it prohaMy slamls I .comparison with tlm-i' nl' later . fc appoint men 1 . f. kncliler us .' (,f police, i-. an ili-uit lo ll.e ' voile li.vt n-'t forgotten his 77i .' fi: .ft fis s:;il i . whin he -i near taking the life i f Ir. :.iin. IVeple ha e not iorjrot ten i.i'ioii to the ili ami tu n in i' , willed lor moiitas tl isirraceil v ii:, !'tl aliate.l hv the tli.-trlet ; "'ii;i!e have Hot foru tlell that U"Cia! loii f:si .e been evil, eveu mnt as;:s, inaiion. ple.-ul iri.ilty :m.I b.irely escape I lie petiiten- ail 1 vi t he 1 the t li.ef ofli: er law in. I hi- ity. Xu other city 1HTK a is l;amlt"i om t lo Mich; le'.ion l-i-'irars (teseriitin. Tins i.i lee!-, uilli a vast maiorily in ly, the wronir ami ll.o tireiuv eet ot omhatMijr evil wild the .citjfiil of 1 nv i:i ihe liaii'lsot on as (;. tii tl both law ta-ceii'-y. f.iV.owinjr is i he recuril of the on e 'litirmatioii, in liie ciiy :1 '''lies, lav evening: s - i'at Icrhoti, Sel lK-.ibae'.icr, :ia:i. 1'rt'iv ami c Dawson. llert-Ul ami Mnr Th inks to iho latter three, who -eiiT prineioies. a iovc paint s aru ihis. : ;un" thrt last year or very little counting irom the time the bach-Drew Hook was liaishetl ceiipietl iseveiiteen large como biiek sltire rooms ami a splemlkl block nf ' wo aoo.l store rooms I'm's) iiave been ilnishetl and oo 1 or soon will be (as soon as the vootl block is tinishetl'i besides lemlid three story hotel and bus rooms in the City hotel, withstanding this wonderful in in tin? number and grade of bus l.mses the dem.ind is yet greatly si of the supply. Hardly had t been male known that the Mg formeily ocapiel by the li.-e would b? v.itiattvl before O'Donoho? was besieged with it ions for tb.e room, ami we un ad that Mrs. llockwood has a number of applicants for the in her new block now marly Ac. ; speaks well for the commercial a of our city. Kverv i?iod citi the town feels justly proud of ogress, and will do what he can ep it growing in the future as lone during the last two years. judgment nothing so much i n ; the business interests of a town .ds more to convince strangers 1 icaijon. of its healthy fact that the peoplo of idKogethcr as one nr. p V'ion of uiaterial iutt mau er- ty personal jealou- ioe in towns that a sta tate where future Tiii.i:is m:' t( the nuestion. Let ui in in riaitsinouth exercise a f enierprisd and thrift, in keop ih the progress we h ve made t the last two ytari. and st'll ess is in store for us. have men of financial resources operty interests who can by tno spirit of enterprise do much ..Twelve, far the city and the i.ovk no croakers who sit up- ..t".w:,-!s aa l Predict future . -iral-t' Utl nlic;int who may -i. tr? for admission to the (.- .i. 'imTtKise of iuvestiog V-.or openinjr up corainercial. ,Httrin2 or industrial interests n The V S. Surveyor (Jeiii-riil (injee it t rbiltxintiiilli, Nclirm La l'or neaily twelvn uioiilh. II J'CU pie of Cusa county, in pai tirul.i (1. u ml the people of the btate, Inenei heard the harpings cf Ueuioi ruc alleged Kit alinns and unUwIiil iW-mage incut of the Surveyor ;cnciulV nlllcw fur Him district if Xebrankn nml' Iowa, 't he IIkicam purposts, in this a state ment of facts; facts if lecoltl. ami facts procured by democratic politic ians through the use 1. 1 uovi rnmciil money ; facts giithi i i ll by Hid ".ilian iloll" of democratic iivulels cheerivl on by ail irre.polihible i.iity, who have laughed at falsi bound ami foil). Kirst among tin' fads of leconl is this: The present sj&ti m of suivi-xs through deputy mil vej ors and font i.iel is a child of ileinoci atie birth, demo cratic parentage ami democratic inur ing. Horn With the Si ed of the cor ' i tiption of unti- Vi Hum days, w ith the clement of insanity cvvry democratic measuie in those days ponscsscd, it was lom: a child of prolit to i: pati in ity. I'lider th in, cratie lulr the m)S-li-m sui veyeI ne ily one ll. in! t)f this state, sirvevi d it umlel ilt iimci alic contractors, and m lien Ihe law bteUid s.tlvguaids of the present, when any man could take, ;md speculate in con tracts, vet in those balmy days, those sui Mo wer day s of democi at ic suctv.-.H and put ity, ib m ici acy w a not given to calling honest nun thieves and in stigating investigations to secure pat ty and government foot the bills. Incidental to t'li.; let ih add that republican ion has in the last twenty yens thrown many safeguards ar iiiud the system ; it rc-ponsible par lies cannot set-are contracts for specu lation urn, none but actual sui vi-yots can be employed as deputies, uinl the further addiiion may be mailt- that at no time when demoeiaey lias had pow er in congress has it attempted to show any ilcsiie to repeal Ihe present system. Hence, the safe conclusion is that the 8y stein is apnrovetl of democ racy ami the reecoliectiou of what it was to them is the gall and worm Wood. Anothtr fai l ot record is the ostem itself. Congress appi opi iates from year to year certain amounts for the survey of the public domain; the Sur veyor (lenerals under instruction from l he commissioner ol tin; general land office, do this work and they do it in this way ; A certain amount is appro priated for woik in a district; the Surveyor (leueral employes a deputy or deputies, under contract, to do the work ami the government stipulates the price; heavy bonds are taken, they are approved by him and by the gener al land office, the deputy peifoims the work, tin 'Surveyor Ct-neral approves it, the general land ollice at Washing ton approves it. ami 2'is ' I" nil the transaction not a dollar of the money is si en by the Surveyor (leueral. IIi receives and pays out not a dollar of the appropriation, and this is his opportunity for btcaling from appro priations. Another fact of iccord still is this: In all the past year during Hie bowl ings of the malpractioners in the dem ocratic camp. t'ie Surveyor (Jeneral's office has been inviting inspection trom government or individual clothed with any lower; while the abortive cry of stealings and mismanagement have been going up freni the back alleys, the front door of the Surveyor l!em r ;.I's ollice has la -en open inviting the proof of Hit; charges. That honest old monk of this liini tecnth century, who was educatid in the I S7t kkidergardcii of Sammy Til uc n, and ho edits the Omaha Herald, was the first to raise tin- howls of stea-ls from the surveyor (! -nr-ial's of fice anil criminal. divvvs. to o. s. Smith. wlnxe integrity and honesty through , all the vears that Nebraska has been ! bis home had never been questioned or doubted, w as made Surveyor Cen tral in lT; ami upon him as the re sponsible bead of the ollice fell the ac cusations. The accusations were not instigated by spasmodic honestv but foi the sole and immaculate purpose which broods in the average democrat ic heart, to create party capital; not that it was a personal attack on Cien'l smi'H. )h no, those who peddled the slanders were very careful ami partic ular to say it was nothing personal, but from pure motives of h mesty and the great horror that exists in the re reforiuative democratic bosom against corruption. Notwithstanding this General Smith and other republicans had the abuse piled upon them, the Surveyor Gener al's ollice was a den of thieves, govern ment was being robbed, riattsaiouth w as "robbers rocs'," a man was honest at night ami a thief in the morning, government was made t "stand and deliver," the air was tilled with cries of "ringe," "divvy's" and "stealings," and strangers to democratic means and methods would take i'lattsmouth to be divided in twain, a den of forty thieves on one hand with headquarters at the Surveyor General's t flice, and a host of democrats or. the other hand with staves in hand f.ghung to keep the breath of life in the United States government. The p.cture was very pathetic and appropriate. With the convening of the legisla ture in extra session Senator Tefft who was catalogued among the thieve3 de manded in the State Senate an inves tigation Htid it was ordered ; every man who had been a victim of the attacks hailed it with satisfaction; witnesses were summoned from this city, and Geo. J.. Miller the "head cen tre" of the attacking party was called to tha front. "The king of IVanee with twenty thousand men, marcheJ up the hill, and then marehel down again." and no metaphor better describes Dr. Mil ler's adver-t at Lincoln. He came, heard the evidence of a hilf dizen witnesses. Geo. Suiith among the num ber, and went home again, and the in vestigation dropped for want of pros ecution, the committee exonerated all parties concerned oy a unanimous vote iind the first act in liie farce ended Let us add the state settled the bill. Meanwhile another luanufacturer of democratic capdirf, Xrom a free trade stand point, ptt-ses in review; a mod ern Iago, posSTising all the qualifica tions of Unit character, with the ex ception that Pago was bright- and brainy. What honest upright and in fluential citizoilS have taken from him, this community is well aware; spewed upon us by an overloaded community, under the sidles of Pantegruelan friends the aVL,-a3 been wholesale, malicious, didboiiesl. dill). Il In' been maile for that ini miitle of cominerc, il"iuiM'i'iil ic pi ;, Mid tm it aiil to the el edit of many demounts nyiiinst ami itiioiii : In it endorsement. This modern lagA silting with his mouth w ide open, "i.k a dog catching Mies," has caught every idle whimper, multiplied it and given il public en dorsement; no matter whose character Hiiffeit il, public citii ns and private citizens must suff.T w ith his contain ing i. in. It is ail c'e.-n tmw, the I'nited states grand jury have failed to find Hiiy stertlings in the Survey or Geneial's ollice or lo bring might against the of ficial acts ami character of General Suiith. And the I'nited states grand juiy In ings us to the li.i il i ffort made by that prince of i el i mers. Jury Sa line Morton, to ere. ii. d. inoemtie cap Kill. This example of il e second birth, this ant i uioiiopoli.-i in conjunction with the successful legislative investi gator took the matter of stealings from government into the I'nited States grand jury. It seemed a glorious op poitunity. a golden i pji.'i i uni y tocie ate democratic capital, that would count in the coiiflng si ssion of the legislature. 'Ihe ii.quny into the Surveyor General's office, its vvoikings and its management was loi.g pro-ir.u-tid and complete. The liiaml jury heald all the evidence, what had been done, anil what h.ul been heaid tell of; they lotiitl ins", there had been no money stolen, that everything Lad been done under the law, that the sur vey s for the last y ear had been made, Mr. Fail field was the contractor, that government approve.! the con tract and the eon li act pi ice, and the work w:is well done ami approved by government, an 1 Mr. Frirti- hi rtceived his pay; that he made profu on his emit l act th-it he dispostd of those profits, ami that both in the securing of the, profits on his year's work, and his disposal of the same, v. as neither criminal, unlawful or stealing. Fur ther they found nothing against Sur veyor It nc ral Suiith ; no money s'.olwii, no mismanagement of his office, no crookedness, and they sj decided by dismissing the chaiges, lu vo;ing aye, 5 nay, 1 blank; and the government paid the bill. ; We have waited long and patiently for this grand final; this end of the fraud hunt of the democratic party afU r democratic capital. Jury Salim Mor;oii can ponder over the glory lie had won; and the viscious attacks that have been made upon Gen Smith ami his management will rest. The I". S. giud jury by its findings has given the lie to those who have slandered Grn. Smith in his official capacity. Democracy has at government expense used its last efforts to create capital for Mr. Moiton ami its pai'ly. and gov ernment, expense has been paid by government. The truth prevails, and Gel. end Smith who has borne the brunt of the attacks and falsehoods is vindicated by that same truth. IM'mimj Ihe lale term of the dis trict court, much hard work was done by the -ourt and the bur. Several night sessions were held ti;.d early morning' sessions call.: -d. The attor neys anil clients were ready and eager to dispose of I heir cases- Judge. Pound for once, hail no grounds of com plaint ngniust the bar for not being reatly. He was compelled bi dismiss the jurv ami adjourn before the busi ness on the la .v side of the docket wa eiic-hnlf disposed of. ami finds him self compelled to conn back and hold an adjourned term of one week be fore Ihe holiday?. The bu-ine.-s in ihe :li.-lr:ct court of this county has increased so much that Judge Pound says lie will have lo give us two weeks more lime during' Ihe next year. The question i. would it be better to mill the l. o weeks lo 'In two te rms held as heretofore, or give us an extra term of two week. The IIimiai.I), alter eoioulting with several mem bers of ihe bar and county officials advocates the hitler plan as '.he better nee. Concerning the Illinois Ilailroad Law. Hon. U. X. Robinson, a member of the Illinois board of railroad commis sioners, is viitinr in Lincoln, and iu an interesting interview with him yesterday the Journal gleaned much information as te the working of the commissioner in that state. The Illinois law confers more ex-le-Hsivc power upon the commission than thatofauy other 6tatc, n power in Mr. Robinson's opinion rather too far-reaching for absolute safely, but so Jar, owing to ihe good sense aiiel eliserctiou of the boaid, this power has beeii modestly exercised to the sal if faction of the coplc, without in justice to the corj oration. The Illin ois law fixes maximum rates, forbids discrimination as to iudividuais ami localities, and gives the arrangement of schedules to the discretion of the commission, makis the boarel the me dium between the people .ml the railroads, ami Ihe result has been the entire disappearance lroni the politics of Illinois of the iiuti-inonop," "gran ger," or alliance disturbances. Illin ois, liie Ijwa nml Wisconsin, first tried the expediency ot undertaking to regulate by self-enforcing statutes, and the results eminently unsatisfac tory, as they have ben wherever tried ! Today everv individual, board of I ratio or business committee that has a grievance of any kind, whether it be as to the classes, sehednie or an overcharge on a carload of corn, get. a remedy without the cost of a dollar in litigation. T4ie case is laid belore the board, is examined, by it carefully ami if found to be substantiated 1V the fujts, a formal iio'iJie-aliou is sent lo Ihe corporation complained of to the effect that it inusl refund the over charge, amend the cheditlcs, or dis-e-mitiutie ihe discrimination or other violation, of Ihe lw and the rule of the commission, or fciiit for the peual iv will be forthwith brought. In I lid three-years that the commission has been in existence, only in three in suuees have Hie corporations failed lo conic to time and make the resti tution demanded or I lie i-haues rc tpiired, without litigation. The three suits brought hove becu decided in favor of the board, and it i tdo opin ion of Mr. Robinson that the cost of litigation in the future under ihe commission law will be very small. Dae of these test ruses the Journal has alreadv uoiiced. It was as to rates between Peoria and a poir-out side the state, where dicriiiii between local 'miaiues men IW!1 bli-hed. The railroad company denied the righ of the board of the state or Illinois to inlrrfer-3 iu tho mat. or of IVcIrIiIs that 'crossed Iho Hate line. The board elaimed that a tho rates were made at Peoria ami the charges paid there, it had authority under the law to regulate ami tijualize them. Tho circuit court decided the case ogainiit tho .board,, but tho su preme cmrt of the tdato rovcisol the decision and tent the case back for a new trial. It will probably go to the Uuiteel States supreme court eventu ally, and if the decision of the state supreme court is sustained, a question is settled that will greatly simplify the relations between the state aud tho railroads, and state commissions will havo jurisdiction over the entire subject of railroad transportation. Slate Journal. With the adjournment eif our dis trict court last Saturday Hon. John C. Watson, of Nebraska city, ended his labors in this county as District At torney, For four yeais Mr. Watson has filled this position with distin guished ability and in Cass county he has made a host of ardent friends. Always vigilant in looking afterthe in terests of the county, by cutting off unnecessary expenses, yet never allow ing a criminal' to go unpunished where it was possible to secure a conviction, always displaying a fairness and can dor in Ids official capacity that won the approval of the bar, the court and tho public; ever courteous and kind in bis treatment of every one with whom he had any business to transact, he has won, and merits, the fullest endorse ment from the people of Cass county, as a gentleman, a lawyer anil an offic ial. List or Letters. List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post ollice at Plattsinoulh, Cass County, Neb., Die. 7. 1N82. -Adair II T Hates I. Clark A C Kggert John Frnd N Harris J D Johnson J J Lukenin uton McMullin Alex At wood Jra A Canon Al Call Joseph Edwards J as Fox J F Humphry T G Jenkins liarton Lambsou Mrs K Mathew A II McCoy Miss KmmaMcLean Claik Potter Lodiska Pearl D Rohmer Minnie Riggs J K Robinson C F Savors & Wilis Seohi Miss Addie W'estland F G Will Susan Roth Frank Rush Peter Randall II W. Ray W II Steward L Ii Tul lock J as W illiams Frank Young Annio Persons calling for the above will please say "Advertised." J. W. Marshall. P. M The paity given by Miss Lena Lev ings on Tuesday evening is very pleas antly reforted. There b.-ing present some twenty-five couple of the young people who passed a very enjoyable evening. A number of young gentl -men presented Miss Lena with an ele gant pair of pearl and gold opera glasses as a birthday Souvenir and si e was also the lecipient of several other remembrances from friends. Try Will J. Warrick's poultry pow der for cholera, drooping, &c, aul be convinced of its merits. 3tit4 THE MODEL NEWSPAPER. I lie Inter Ocean for tss.J. 'I ii pis (all the news w it hunt liiuuli;iiiK in tf-fei.i-ive- seiis.ii iniialiin : lu lie eoinagc uiis all liKjO'i-ssive hi tin- ailvneaty iI ell-ei-latililied I 1 1 1 1 i j U-s . uiihoi.l lieiiit; iiiirrmv-iniiitlt'il or iiutaic : to t-att'i' lo l lie tai-les ni ail elass.-s til intelligent reaiU-is. williotii paiiaerini; lo the. I.l'i jaiiii'es tit any ; lo inesei.i in nniM nilrac nv folio the ureatt-st variety el mailer, with eiit e-uiluihui; or lovit'i'iiig the xtanilaril of any tlt-ailiiit'iit ; lo i;ruw in interest ami cxe-el-teiice w it h eaeli .Micfeetliug yi-ar til it exii-t-eiiee, is to tie the model iii-Siaier. I coin the first it lias been ll.e aim of the jublMieis of TllK Im kk Ki'KA.N to have Ihe paper reat-h thii IokIi sl.iiitlanl, nml in eat-li vt tile leu yeais of its exii-tenee u notable step Iiimut'ii has lipt-n taken, as every change has met Willi eiifoui;ieiiiK re-poiir-e foim Hie pub lic in Hie shape el iia-ieaea patronage, it is fair to asmiu.e that the e!ior. ot the suhhsh ers hae been Kppiet-iatett. Tiik iM'Kii ( i. K.t n will remain liiit-oinpio-mlMimly K. ' -an, will inainiaiu ii.s oicsei.t alliliute I iiroti-fting Amei ii-.-iu hnliisineR ; uiil retain Ihe ilepi'iiun.nin of The Cuiiiiy Mi. in ia i iiiienl t-aeyelopeilia of eurioux. ii.-!"l.--l n.,'. ami valuable iiuoi iiiatioii. '.AIIeil out l.y iii'iuiries of subsi-Mber) ; Tlie VVtiiiian'-i Kingiloni (f-.evoted lo the progressive luove laei.ln in h.eli Aiiiiieu me interested) ; The 1- hi in and Home (etivei in lopa-s of special In teiesl to liuniein, their niveo. untl their c-hil-ilivni ; The eleiliiary (ei.iitaininj; imsivers to ijiiestioiis as lu the treatment of horsee, cattle liie.l other aiimiala by one of the best veteriu ai v xui'geiiiiii in tha Wiist) ; and Complications (litninj; in puzles, oiiiyiuas, coiiiuiilruuis, eic-i ; allot wlilt'll are peiunar lo til..- paper; will five as iniieh pace ns hitherto lo i-eiial and Miort lolie. oiiinal and velei-t d sketches ami poeiii". and Willi iuerea-sed facilities lor neW rt-KUtlieriny in I he liape of special wires lo New York and V a.shinton, and exjier leliccd coircspoudeiits well placetl at home and abroad will mure than maintain its hig:li slautiaru lor i-ulerpiii-e and aciairacy lu all ue parliiielits ol news I HE IMr.B Ut'KAN.ulw:is ctosoiy i.lfi.till.'d wiihtlie iulerests ol tlie West, lias led in ihe work of development of belli the Norttiwett and Southwest, and it U t'oiitinie in make proiiiiaeiit the- tliaraeteri-tie fcatiiivii of tin progress of tlie newer coaiiauiiiiies toward Matt-hood. No paper ia the country hr.s (ii veil mi uiUL'h intention to iiinini:ratiou liioi i-iut-iils. railway and e-aual enteipunes, race ami eco nomic problem.", and other topics relating to tlie piuspcrity of tin older Stales and the de velopment of tlie newer see-tunis as The IKTEII OCHA.V. lieranse it is constantly enlarging the field of ne;aper iliscu iiou. uud grappling uu hesiiaUiiiily Aitli all hew )uestions that ntuiip helore the peojile. it 1ih increiise-d rapidly in cireiiiHlioli tfluong ail classes of t!4iltsiiien anil laiincrs. liee-aue of it- euterprii-e in leasipu pceial telt'Uiapil wires lo tlie great news cell lem. it ha grown in favor with all w ho likt; coinpli'ieness and accuracy in ilispaU-lien. tie-caii!-e of it- le' tiepuhlicaiiishi aiid its close sMiipathy with the best eleineuU of thu Kepuhlicau party, it has grwn steadily in favor with liarty men. I?ecause of the High character and wide range of im literary and h:us become a greater favorite in the home than any other distinct ively political paper in the country. 1 he aim has been to make it the best paper for city, suburban, or country, readers ; the best paper for tlie business man and his fami Jv : the best paper for the strong partisan as well a- the crucial reader : and as the circula tion of the several etiiiioiis has increased more rapidly the p.ut year tl;an in any pre vious year, and us it is now larger than that eif any oilier paper west of New York Citv. tin) publisher', feeling that tliev have fair measure of popular approval, will continue In tlie course marked out. making such improve ments a will keep Thk Ivikk oc kan ut the he-a-i ot the list of American journals us the model newspaper. Tlie circulation is best shown by the amount t.f postage paid on 1 lie papers sent to actual subscribers. Judged bv this standard. The Inter l cean is far ahead of all or its Chicago contemporaries, as is show n by th table be low. 1 les table gives t lie amount of iwista.e paid '-'P e-jie-ulalioo by each newspaper named tall of Chicago) U'T U'P Jise-al year ending Jtiue auih iw2: I he liner Dceau t.t.tG 20 The News -.75I-.I u The Times 6.."S4 lu The lnbeue :..04l 54 Tlie Her.ud l.W US This statement needs no comment. It speaks lor i;eif. Tlie subscription price of The Inter Ocean is as 1'ojlous : Weekly editiup, jiospnre paid .. s 1 15 pr year Seini-VVe-ekly e.i.lion.p"uit;;j; Jiajd 2 ."Ji or year Haily edition. fMistage paid Ia uu pr year Sample copies of tue liner e--ea'i will le sent on application. elld money in IU-giteied letter. Money Or der, Hank lraft. or ny express, at our rik. and be sure and write the name and address of each subscrilH-r plaiulv. Addres INr. IMhK UIJr.A, Chicago, 111. LEGAL NOTICES. Notice. State of rlra.-l;a. Cass County, . s. Wltcrcaa on thi d:iy. n-emher Ith. ltsc. lieo. Ji:iii. ti,e f.i'i'ip,1- of Jessie Itain, made and liled in my otlte h( rirrt stteiiiept duty at tcsttid lliiit he desired to reUii'it'iblj aI rjj;lif to the custody of and poer and cii;trir over Jesie H.iin, hu uiiimr child, and iU ciaiiu aud iule-rtit in ami to her Femeca and wages. aDd n:o eauiu W illiaui Piitgoir, nd made tii'd gied lu my ollhv. a statement iiiuier oath, duly at tested, that lie de'iied to aelupt aid Jei.e Hiii.i. as his own child. I have therefore appointed Frldny. Dec.2:tli. 1S, at one o'clock, p. in., at my ultai in l'latta -mouth. 1-iAhe time and plae-e where a hearing illfcia ail uiatter. at which time and ni v .4 ititerpftled lllav aotHar. Ur V i vtf 'i. i)vov MX County Judge. f - V.IX Couutv Jiidire. i - Attachment Notice. I'eter Merce. v John K. Ilarum, luthedls tn Liurl of t'ns roiiuly, Nebm.ikn. r N-jtM to noii-resl.lenl defelldulil , John I'. Hal lies, iioii-rt-Nldent ilefei-daut. trill take Holler that em the 1st iluv ot J)eci nber A. 1. IMS'.'. 1'eter Menses, platntlrt herein, tiled hi -etlllou III the district court of l'u county. Ns- ritik, m:alut Bll John K. liai -. rfelelidaul tlie object and prayer of which are lo recover tlie Hum of MO ; ou mi account lor good old mid deiTrnl Ii-the sld John K. . ItMrurs bv Ihe said pia.i I. ft, l'eter Mcnce. Ml nit re-queat, and that ou sale day of December Ihkj, an or der of attachment was Issued by the clerk of said court against vaM - defendant, and that lroM'rty roulsimn ut real sOitU-. wannttiiUird uuder and by virtue of said order to-wit : lat one (1) two ('-) and three (3) lu blK-k four (4) lu Townsend addition to the e-ily of l'Iatt inoiilh ; and that said Joliu K. llatues U noti fied that he la re.iiued to appear and nuawer said petition on or before the 11 day of Janu ary. IssJ, or said petition will be takeu as true, and iald property will b sold te ausfy said claim. I'ktku Mkki.ks. llv J . K. Morilson, his Atl'y, riotlsinoiith. Neb., Dec Till, lsv.J-JsU. Administrator's Sale." Ily virtue and In pursuance of an order of the district court ol the uinl JutticUl district, w Ith tn and for Oloe county, Mate et Nebraska, dat ed the 61 11 day of Hocemkver, A. !., Issg. I w ill offer lor sale at fublwi auction on the th day ut January. A l. InsJ. at 2 o'clock p. in. of said day ; at the front door of the building where the last term the distiict court was livid of said e'isti let, lu the city ol t'htllaluo.ltll county, Nebraska, the following described real eslnle. U-wil : 'Ihe north-east quarter of I lie umtli-east tpiarter of secliou N umber elbt. and t lid Hoi t II one-half, of the noilh-wtsi quarier. of the north-west quarter, ol the noi ili-ea.l quarter of section N timber nine, ill towu.ilnp uiiuiber eleven, lu range number eleven, east of tlie sixth principal meridian, lying unit being lu the county of I 'ass In Ihe state of Nebraska. Terms of mile : I'aoh at the Hum of Hale, or (al the discietlon of the administrator) one tlilrd of the purcnase iiiuuey of the said real estate to be paid at the tune of sale ; ouo-thir.l lo ne paid in one year ; one-thinl to be paitl iu two year, from date of sale ; to be secured by a mortgage on tlie property at ten per cent' in terest truiii date of sale mud paid, interest pay able annually. Dated, Nebraska Citv, Nebraska, this Sill day of December, A. D. IsSi. C. W. Skv mock. Administrator and Executor of the estate of John VV. Seymour, deceased. ,bi: Attachment Notice. John 8. Puke plaintiff, vs Joliu V.. Jlainc de fendant, lu tliu District court of Cuss county. Notice to non-resident defendant. John K. llaiiies. lion' resiilvnt defendant, will take uo tice that ou the 2h day ol November, lss'J, John S. Duke plaiulitT lieruin. tiled his petition in t lie di-iti'ict eouij ofj as couiilv, Nebraska. aK-ilust said deiendaiii ; the object und prayer ol which are to recover the sum of $-ti,tor ootls and meiclutudise sold and delivered to the de livered to tlie defendant, by the plaiiit'.tl, at his lequest ; ami said defendant is fiiriher uolifleit that the clerk uf said emit in said cause- issued an order of attachment against said defendant and that real estate to-wit ; lads one. two ami I luce iu block lour, iu Tow nsend's nd.lliloii to the city tif riHtisinuuth, were attached uutler said order, and the said .loliu 10. il.n n s. u 110 litled that he is re. pin id to appear and aus swer said peliiiuu. ou or before Hit,- 1st day o January, lss:i ; orsald petition will be taken its. in-e. and said pioperiy will be sold In satufy said claiip. .TilIlN S.' 1)1 KK, l: his att'y J. Morrison. I'latlsiuotith, Neb. Dec. 7th. ISo2-3stl Dissolution Notice. Noli.'c Is heieby t'iveii, that the pariuer-hi p ht'lt'tofiire exisliiii; lx;twecn Hen. N. Siullti aiiel J. II. Mrode, under Ihe linn mime and style of tsuiith Mtrodc, attorneys at law, w i.lbe dis solved ou the 1st day of January. Iskii. All parties having claims against the said lliiu will present the same befoie said first day of Jan uary, and all parties iudt-bled to the same- ill call aud make- set tit inent. I tJKO. P. SMIT1U - i .1. II. M'KDDE. riat.siiiou:'.!. Neb. Uu: 7th. I?sa-:u. Proposals for Grain. ltKAln.H'AltTFUS DeI'AIITJIKNT ()F TllK 1T.ATI K, Chief ejiiaitcrinasti'i 's Oflice. I'luaha. Neliraska. Noveintier, ai. 'sj. Seated proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual couiiiti'iiis. will be lece-ived ut this oflice nuiil li o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, De-cein-ber2iilh, iss-j. at which time anil place they will be opened :n presence of bidders, for f uriiishiiiK and elelivery in quantities as required, up to .luac :i 'th. isxa, ai Omaha depot. Nebraska, or ar stations on tin- L'uton Pm-ilie liallroau. east of K'-ai uey Jtiuclion, of 1 ,M),tHH) pouiuls COKN ali i 2.i;tm,0iH) pounds OATS. I'rtiposai. for quantities less than the whole will be received. Delivery of the urani will, if iviiii:cd. comm. nee January I, lss.i. l'refer-ein-e w ill be civcn to articles of tioiiicsiic pro diicti.m, c ii:ditions of piice and quantity, be iita e.p.lal. anil such piefelencu will be given to ai'li-h's of Anieiic.'in protliietioii produced on the Pacific coast to tlie- extent of tlie consump tion required by the public service there, 'ihe j;oveiiiineiit reserves ihe eifjht to reject any or all proposals, l'.itls should state ihe rate per liie) poun.ts, (not per bw-liell and the envelopes -. in I .ti i: i lit; them sUliuld be endorsed "iSiils tor (irain." and addnsseil to the undersigned. P.idtleis are requested tosiilimit proposals for the delivery of the Corn iu new re-sewed miuiiy sacks of lis) pounds each ami for the delivery of the Oats ia new lvscwed burlap sacks of li'o pounds each. Hills will be- received for corn grown iu tin- yeais issi.and lss", bidders should lie particular iu stiHini the year in which the corn proposed lo be furuis;.ed was Brown. Copies of this advertisement anil of the cir cular of instructions to bidders can be obtaint el on application to .''is onico. and one copy eacli of said nd crtiscuieiit ami cnv..;..r should be ;vttacht'd to i r accompany each proposal ,'iliU form a part thereof. John V. Ki'liKV, ('apt and A. I Jin. In cliaiire. e tlb'f (Jilartei iiia.ster'.s Oltli-e. Notice for Bids Notice is hereby cien. that bids will be re ceived at the ollice of Ihe County Clerk, up to noon 1 the 1st day of January. 18v, for the following books, blanks and staiie-ncry, requir ed for tin-use of the County OliU-ers during the y?itr Ikk.s. j, -. ,. ttiits must be made on erteh cla-.'S seperately. and spei-ify charaeler and quality of work. Hi X IKS. s oitlri-i Two Died ft ri ri'. s euii is plain." Due . .. . One Jlt i l'ai" Krceiii, S fjntrr plain. Olio " " " .iiilltd Hue Oeiieral Index. Dcri'.s. tin. tin. I 'in llil. Morl-'aaes. ft .pure Criminal Docket, ii'oiii.u Jul hi: Couit .lournal. for )istr;. t Cmnt. KI.ANKS. A1 I )ilic;at lUiuds. :K) Ceitiiicates of Kieclion. i'.u Uoati 1'ctitioiis. Ji.ii.Overseers Settlement Kiniiks. st,t'JhT:i ISeeeipts and ' '" titiplieale. am Coi rt Calaiuleis. (.Iiki cacti ti-riii i Kmo Supo-nas. lnoo Summons. VDO Ol ilers of Atlachiueiil-i. STATIONERY. 6 Dozen Wooden fell HoIiIck. ailross iiillnti's i'eus :ti:i. 5 " Falcon " ( Ksterbrooks.) t Dozen Hollies of ?,fueilage. (Quarts Ked Ink. 1 tiross Kubber liantls. inch, b Dozen l.rad Pencils. Kaber's assorted sizes ' .'toon Letter Heads. ;'noo Knvclops, (Nos. o. t and to. as de-sired.) Wit res my hand and official seal, this 1st dav of December, is,;. I. W. JEXXIXtjS. 1 utility Clerk. Vdi: 7th. l-:.-'i.U. Chattel Mortgage Sale. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of a Chattel inert jiane tinted on the 5th day of June iss.'. and duly liled iu the ollice of the comity clerk of Cass joiinly. Xehi&skaon tlie 01 li ilav of .tur.e 1SS2. and t xet iited by Win. ami John Twohey to K. A. Oliver; to secure the payment of tht sum of .1 K)and piMUi w hich there is now dpelhe sum of SHT.mi. Default having been mailejii payment of said mini, tliereleie I will sell lie prnbi-l'ly tliert-iu de sciibctl. viz i t:i "Koelts'' barber chairs. mirroi's. I pier glass, 1 lookini; ulass, l clock. :t picture", 1 1 w ood-bi'lti.m ehairs, 1 waslistand. I oil stove, 1 stove, I centre table. 7 laaips. I cup case. 4 towel ineks, 4 sulttuans, Je- per fume bottles. 1 baiber.s combination biaekels, and a t4....;;::ty of towels, at public auction at tlie front tioor of the court house in the e-ity of l'latt-nioutli. Casscouutv. Neliraska. on ti e Ooth day of December. A. D. lZ, a' 10 o'clock, a. m. Dated, D, cenine-r oiu. E. A. Olivier. W. S. Wise, att'y for Morruagee. .Mortgagee. Probate Notice, .' ; Iu the matter of the estate of David Kle?er, dotea-eit. li tin' e-ouiity L'ptirt of Ciiss coun ty, Nubr.w-ka. I'pou reatlim and filii.B the duly veriiled pe titiinii t Daniel Klcpser, pravim; that ailinui istratiou of theestat- ol David Kle-pscr, de ceased, be eninted to Daniel Klepser. , Ordered tnat notice of the uejutlency of said cause he published in the I'latu-iiioutlillKe.Al.u a weekly newspaier, printed and pubinlieJ. ana iu eneial circulation iu saitl eouiity, for three e-oiiseotnive Weeks, anil that tue Ueari-i; of said cause be set for the 11th day of Decem ber a. J). 1SS2 at one o'clock r. M.. al the of flieeof the County Judge, at I'laf umuutli. at which time ami place, all persons interested may aiiear u.uA show cause, il any they have, why H'iil",ierHtion of said estate-shou'd not be KraViteA tu'lite uid D.iuiel Klopser, accord lua lo tlie prayer of said petition. J. V. JOHNSON, Co. Jnd?!. I'lattsmouth. Nov. il. 8 36ti. Legal Notice. In the liitiict Court of Nelir;eka. iu Hie -d .ludicml Ii-trict iu and for C;is Cour.ty, Syl-vesie-r C. Farso atid Ch:txle ;. Furuo. co-partner-', iloini? lniMue-et under UK- tuineof S.I.'. Farifo a ii,n, piaiulills, V- Sliiry Iluftray, ele--frlKhlllt. , ' .. ' Mary Hattsrv, defendant, will lake notice, that ou the 1 Ith dav of Noventlter. A l.. 12, S. C. Farsn & Son. plainnfls her In. filed their tie, tlon iu the diMrict Court of Cats county. Ni-l resta. aaiat iaid defendant, the object ai.d praver of hie-h i to recover Jtidumeut auaiusi said defejidant, f-r the sum of .isi. wuli interest thereon. froDi the JSth d:iy lit lau'utrv. A. l. iihid a certain Jiulcmcnl reinitred by tlie i Hit net Court, of the Territory of lkota,"iri aud lor tlie eouiity of Lawrence, in aid leiritorv, in favor of pUiiili.l-t ana ajiaiu-tsaid defendant: tuat there is now due upon said judsiueut the mm of with interest thereo:: from the Pith day of .lanuary A. ). ar tu per ceut. itr which sum. wua interest, plaint.fl- pray tor JudgineDt and also that au Atlaelimeiit Has heeu issued ill aid e-;tnse a .1 1 1! -1 the property nl Mil defendant in Ciiss poUMty, State of 2velrasks. I'.y ,i. f. V-vk fT4. heir Attorney. f"l.ttnH..ali. Nov. Ii. ic2. in. Notice to Teachers. I will b? at my office In Ptattuniouth the Br-t Friday and Saiurdav. aud at Elm wood the s-coud and fourth Friday and Saturday, and at VVcrpiutf Water Ihe third Saturday f each moulli to attend to any school ou.sines that may Ih preseiUeo Usi CV III s ALTOS.'. -iuperiuteudeut. BRJFISHBIiATT ok DES MOINKSg OMAHA i u is xtii iu os aUioUxt or jus Immense Practice in WILL MAKI". MIS Saturday, Feb. 24, 1 883, " A X II "w W 1 1 j I r 1 1 K 31 A I X OXK DAY, AT Wll EKE HE CAN HE CONsril EI) ON I'll E Ear & Bfb, Tlroat & Lus, Catarrli, Kiflneys Blad er and Female Diseases as Well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Has discoveretl the greatest cure in t he worlil for weakness of tlie back aud limbs. Invol untary iiischaiiM's, Impoteucy. jieiieral debllilv, nervousness, hnsmir. confusion of Ideas, palpi tation of tlie heart, timidity, u. iiil.iln-. dimness ol siuhl or giddiness, diseases of tin- head, throat, nose or skin, atleclious of tlie liver, hint's, nlomach or bowels these terrible disorders, ansiuv irom solitary Oabits ot yulirli -aud sccii-t pracl ices nunc fatal to the victim than the souus of Syrei.s to, the maitnes ot I, hliglititii: lie ir most tadieiit hopes or aiilicipatious, renderiut; marriaye impossible. ' Those that ale iftillei let; front t hit e il praeiice, which destrov their menial and phv-.ical system, causing ' ; : - - NERVOUS DEBILITY. T lie symptoms i.f wi.ich ar.- a d i:!! distressed .... s nu social iiiuii's. iii.Kes nappy mai i laes onpn-ssiuu ni plrlrs,vll i.Meiotuni;s, con ai Bewuilies-!, unnatural ilisrhares, pain 111 the e:mity ol compaiiv ami have preference lo be tirinjr, seiniual wetikuiss. Inst manhood, while coin iisioii oi inoiiiit . watery ami weaK eyes. c -pepsni, consi ipat ion, paleness, pain and w eak -ncss iu I he Ii in lis. etc,, sUoiild consult me inimedili-l v and be restored lo perfect heal I h. YOUNG MEN Who have become vict inis ol solitary vice, that dreadful and ties! i m l l e Habit which aninialU swi eps to an iiiitiaiely i;r:tve I hoiiands of yoiin.: Willi mlht ol heru lte enlianee listeniiii; s. aalois lo fcstacy the livn.jf Ivre, nitvcalt witn enulldeuce, : ' MARRIAGE. -iairieu persons or yoiinu men coiiiempiaiuit; oi pi'oei rail ve power. I in potency or any ol Her ilis.ii.iliiical ion speedily relieved. Hi- w ho places hiiiisell under the care of Dr. Kishblatt may religiously conlidc in Inn or as a rciii leiiian. and coiiuiieiii ij- re iv upun ins skin as a pnysic tan. : ORGANAL WEAKNESS rinmediatcly cnictf and full Mor restored. Thl1 distressing alieelion. which renders life a bur den and impossible, js t.he penalty paved by the victim for improper indulgent-. Voini!? men uie aid to commit excesses from not beiny aware of tin- dreadful s that may ensue. Now who that understands this subject will deny tiial proi-n-at ion is lost sooner by those lallini; Inio improper habits I ban by Hie prudent . Ilesules bciiii; tleorived of Iho pleas' lues of heallhy olfspi injis. the most seiiotis auu (b 1 1 i:i-l ivc svmptoins of both mind and body arise. The system Declines derail'i'il. the physical and mental powers weaken. Lost proerea tive powers, net vous nritatbility, tlyspepsia. palpitation oi Hit- heart, indiijesl ion. constitu tional ilebilitv. wasting of tin- frame, i-iiu;li i-ousinnpt ion anil ilealh. A CURE WARRANTED. l'elaous ruined in Jieailh by unlearned pretenders w li.i keeps them trifling ui Mith after moulli taking poisonous and iiijuiious cnmpoitnds. should apply iiiiiucd lately. DR. FISH BE ATT, graduated at one Of 'lie most eminent eollenes in the t niied states, has clteeted some of the most astonish ng eiiri si that were ever known. Many t nuibleil with riniilnj; iu Ihe ears and he-ad when asleep, ureal nervousness, bein alarmed al ccilain sounds, Willi li-fijucnt blusiiii.ics, attended sometime wuli tleiai'.Kemeiit of tlie nun. I. were cured immediately TAKE PARTICUAR NOTICE. 1 " Pr F. dddr.'s-sc nl! tlioef w ho have injured themselves by improper indulgence anil solitary hahiis which ruin both miad and bodv, uiililtiii-; them for business, stndv, society or marriage. Thesi; are some of the sad. incioncuoly elicels prodlccd by the earlv liabits of youtli iz We.ness of the back nad limbs, pains iu the head and iiiinness of Mijjlit, loss of muscular' pow ers, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous in ilal-llity, tic raiiKcnic lit ol iligcslive fuiielions, ilebilitv, consumption, etc. PRIVATE OFFICE, CLAPP'S BLOCK, 5TH & WALNUT Sts Entrnmec on Fifth Street, Do Moines, Iowa. CON'sll'f.TATION' lTtKK. Charges moderat" and within the of all who need Scientific Medical treat int-nt. Those wlni reside al a distance ami cannot call will recieve prompt atten tion through tho mail by tiiinplyseiidint; t heir symptoms with postage. Address t-ork liox Cs, lies Moines, Iowa. Send postal for copy of the Medical Adviser. I : . ZT" - ; If It iwt if jimmm mmmmtmM &M&m&tiMm - T H E Holidays are Coming And tlie largest ami most eom plete stoek of goods in the city, eonsistinsr of Ciftinu Ware, Asaf graph ASSiheus, WotSen ntid 'I'lsa Toys, Uhism aiitl Wax oils, the ; largest ..line 'ever seen in Platts iiioiitiiT --In fact every thing that yon want for the a n in at priees to defy "i i 2? Opera House, !Block. ) : -' Tin: MEDIOAI.DISI'KNSAIS, Plattsmouth, Nebraska, NEXT VISIT ON" THE 2j eifltW "itC mind, w lil.-h unlit t hem lor pel n i.iiil; I heir bus iii.possit.i... oisi resst-s uie acllou ol liie li.-a.'t oice, icars. uieaiiis. restless iiikiiis, iiiiness ir- bai-K and hips, short breal hnq;. iiielaiu-htily. lire aloa - . leeliiii; as I lied In the iiioiiiiiil- as w lieu re bom- dcpoMi in the in inc. ncrvoiisiu SH,titiubliin iiii-ii ol exalted lali-ut and briiliaiil iutelleel w ith t lie t aiiud. rs ol t lieir eloqaeuee or aken in;li riai-e beware ol paysical weakuevs. Iiss ii Air competitioli, at iff M CLOAKS, BIST i T I Kin J A ; Ii IT. lolvtovs and Btussian tJirctrfars, have arrival, and Iiaviiiir houIiT them mitlcr fh( regular prirr, we ean ive parties sjxm ial inl iktiik iiIs when waaliiio aiayt hia' iu tin; above line. Ve invile at 1 1 lo eaill and see our immense slock v ci'orv, i ,i Also a Full Line of iisses and Oiiikiren'scloaks in end less varieties. Dress flan nels, Hhoedah elolhs, Caishnieres, Camels-hair cloth, IKiiihrohlereo! dress pat terns. All shades of colored cashmere embroideries. ankets and Comforts .A. f'UJj Mid HI? High Prices We come nth No Compromise. An veil on every purcliase. Our new Our I.iivv I'riees are HOY'S CIIO( I, SUITS for 5, We enjoy the hearty cooperation of the people. Men's ISnsiness Snhs for lO, NKW (iOuDS AT I.K-sS I'ltICK THA N' OI.H STOCK. OnrFiiie yo oui:nir. no lossks, no iik;h pricks ONE CASH PRICE. Our low pricf-s are the envy of all crnpetitoi. e i PLATTS3I0UTH, - BENNETT ; A f.iniplete i-t. M:k i f Staple and Fancv G0Ci FEDITS COHFECTIORY, CISAF,f.AND TOBA W euri-y the l.ig-,t t..-k of Fine Teas AiiuxTsvt'i: "mmSm T 1MI' 0 J Jbd 1! MB I M &JI Repudiated. to the .Rescue. 2. to prices liaili-il with ureal n:tt isfaeliun hav itii; a tel! i iir elleet . CIotMii Price Olothier, - - NEBRASKA. & LEWIS, GKfiS !i (VN-Nir-ii4 " a si i Ties M II 0