Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 30, 1882, Image 1
i vim ib in t it i l it j in . in in ii.iii ii i in i n in 1 1 i nv in ij ii i -. 1 1 . in u in i n i i i i ii i in in in in in in t - ' -- ... v. I 1 LUlMbULIDATipN OF THE NEBRASKA HERALD AND PLATTSMOUTH ENTERPRISE. ' f . . V T-. K) PLU ANA'UM, V PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER :?0; 1882; " ' ' VOLUME XVIII. Fy i I ' L Cir.ECTnv I r. ... . T1 ' " i ' ' " 1 " 11 ' i 1 " , 1 r . 1 - r,......j CITY HOTEL. qtKrmmrr a'zs. r rm?' niTemueranceDeDarimwiiL. Ztt"sw.!r ;..... ;..;f,;r,1H.!M;..;,,,.l:,;,s,,,,'..v "x ? vJI J ulJ II Si 101 II Jo V. J I lv J n' ' ' " "Try-' '...-. '. . . . i . ! - N fl TKI) 11 V MllN. .1. N. tls( ' .i.i., Xeb.Clty ''',, " v " ""prnwntat e. Vct Point .i .rvcruor. Lincoln V. .to . KK.S till. Sunt t'lilill,, I ii.lri.i.i I.... I.wid Coioiiila.lonnr. .nil, cni y tienc ral. IlllIIMS I hill. I i!m i,l li,lli,i.lliirv ti ...... . - -i-.... . -. . . . Ii. 1 . Ill I II I Vl -O N l'ie In. 'I' . S...t. lii.tinini fur 4 J I.. "itf .:i-rtoH, Kkiuii'iI. k. i. i "iii.iin. '.S.V l I.iiiculii. Juiiri t District 'H-!. .Tii.1-.-. Mnci.lii. ' ': WAI'IMN I'loNi-euliiiK-Att'y. Nfli. City. .. V. SHiiU aI.TI-.I;. irk Dlntrl. t Court, I'lulHniiMii h. t'Zf 7Jiree'im, .'i-KI'll V. Wl: Kr. ( 'IJ. Mayor. Wil.l.lAM !!.! IMIIMi, I rcusiinr. .1 l. siMl'i.iriiv i l.ik. v 1 i.i.i. 1 1 i ( h tkmiki:. roii.i- jiiiite. !.. II K . 1 i V N . t 1 1 v Attorm-y. i.i ;;;;'. i- u . .,. hi. r- I 1m.iw IMt. .4. K Al.l.SHt It V. ID ZEiJ 1ST TIST. Wee over Mull Ii. I'.liiok A i'o'n. Ini( Store. Klrl ihuii U uiUtry ut re.u-onahle rU'i;i. VJly 1 W. CM'TrKK. DEKT IS T . Plntmnioutli. rliruk. oilli-eon Main Slicct over Kolotnoii Ni- 3!y lian'H Stor. IHt. II. MKAIIK, N1SK'HN Mii'l Sl'UCroN. oni' III Fltz crrHiu I'.iii. k, wincli mil! oprn day or iil(?lil it. It. I.I Vl..- t. M. I'llVHIl'IAN & NJ ItllKON. OfFK'U HOI KS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. nuiseun ior u. . I'eiiHlou. IU. E. K. ltKVI.IM. I AMI SI'IfM KOV !.!!- ..r.. i.... .j .. -..v. ... mj i iiiiil. IVUl'K Iltlllt4, fSO uiur-Ka. inf . '. II Kit iivriwi rof tri'rn . Will I i,,.f f f!r,. !..,, i. : I'M II !l Al.l VM'u l!o:inJ of Health. L.V I I..V KX. I-'. l ui.l .;. M. S :ui) ba.:l.iT. Win. HorolU. ill war.l .li-rry 'l.irliii in. .1. s t';ii torjon. "V:irJ-a'.v i I'rew.'.M It. S!i ,liy. War.l-i . fc. I law mi. ii. F. I. I.iliuhoff. Hl'lIOOI.' I'.OAllK. H:SM! It. S'lllllHE, .1. W. HAKNKS. V. V. I.KO.N l;li. Win. W IN ! KICS'J KKN. ki. ii;i:i .'.!:!.. ksaac wii.K.s, J'.'tmatttrJSO. W. MARSHALL. County Hinder. .V. U. N'KU iCI.I,. I'oiinly Trejmittfr. .1 H . JK.NMMiS, I oiiikv lerk. V- '.';y.!:ltl y- l"""iy Judge. ri:iH AI.ION.Siiii'i f nb. Instruction. I V I i;KI hi, li. County Surveyor. I . I . tA.SS. Coroner. i l'"DNTV MISSION KltH. InAAI1 WII.ICm. I'laUtinoulli ricchiel. JAM KS Clt.WV Fulfil. South lU iol Freilnct. IflCHAUUSilX. Ml. rieaHiuit I'leciuot. I ;:rli.;M li:;vlns bti.itiiexw with the County ci. ;nilrFi.,:.: n. in find thin in esnoii the Klist Mond ty and Tuesday of each month. M.YIITII & KTItOIIK. Aiiui sfclSATUtv, Will practice lii all . A. Il iUTIU.lS, . TTl l V l r . . , , ..... ... ... Slll'U.r.! At It 7VM.1II IfllC Will llfl.. tire iu the Stale and Federal I 'ouris. lienhlence " ' UA TTrtJIOUTII, NKII. JAM. M. )l VTIIt:ws ATTOKNKV AT LAW. oii i e iniTiaKcr Alooil store, noutli aide oi .Kim uimri u nut anil liiii slreel.i. :iltf WIM, j. U INK. COLL ECTIO.VX ,V?'A'(7.-i L Tl . ATTOUNKY AT LAW. Keal Fstale. Fire In iirKncj-aniii.oiiecilou Aeiicjv O'Uoi I nlon i. ii. mKi:i, it co. LAW OFFICK lteal lCtile. Fire'aiiil Lit Id urance AKentH. I'lattKiiiouth, NebraDka. Col virance leetor, tax -payer.. 1 lave a complete Abftract of titlen. Uuy and tell real estate, m.i. tii(. l&yi plai:, &?. i:oai:i OK TRAIlK. A. V Mi l. ITi; II I.I N', l'l evident. Fit AN' K CVUItLiriH. J. V. WECKBAC1I.I K -rif!.ilent!i. .1. It SI KM k. Scrictary. FKKI. CdlflUClt. Treasurer. 'eaular ii:;'etinj: of the Hoard at tile Court Ho-.ise.the first Tuesday eveiiliijtor eaeh moiitli. JAJIK.S K. HUltKlMOS, ' Notary Public.' Al ltiKNfcYAT LAW. WIHprarticeluCass and adJolnliiK Counties ; (flvesspeeia; attention iu i.iiiiixiinii.1 ui i I sir ii in tit u on 1.. ntsriiim niuck, i iaiininotitli, iel)raska. I't;jis-Mnu!i !i:irc3i Oircctory. PKliSDYTI'ltrAN'. Main Sireet.Rev.J.T. Baird luistor. Marntntr services, 11 a. m., evt lintr, 8 u. in.. Sun lay Sohoul at S a. m TUo. pjlluck, xiipcriiilcii lout. , METII IDLSV El't.SCOP L. Sixth Street. Eev m. I. v ilniin, i:ast:r. Murnlnn norvice. 11 a m. evening, n i. u' Sunday School at -M p. m W.inliin.i;liiii dm tli. Superintendent 2 El't COl'AL.St. L,uke's)-Cornerof Vine and 3d trootis Rev. II. ii. L'jriietw, rector. Morn ing tferviuu at 11, eveuini; 7:30 Sunday Sohool at t m , Waller White, rfupt. SA TUOLIO. Oak gtrcet, between Sth and 6th, Kev. I. Lynch, pastor. Morning lervice at 8:30 and 10:30, cvonum, T.iH). Sunday achool, p m. CHRISTIAN. Corner Sth and aim itreeu. Kev.. C. L. CrowMier, pastor, luoruinic verviees II A. M., evening servi esl'. M. ouuday school at a m.. J. 11. Strode. Supt. AltltlVAt. A.l UKIMItT VI, VVHMUV I'll HAlIiH. I I f OK PKfAUTS. ) n.mi a. in. I J.tH) p. in. ) a. in. I 6.5,-i p. in. 4.2. p. Ill 9.l0 a. in j 8..'.' a. in. 4.2. J. ni. S.ixia. in l .ooVi- ni 1KHKY KASri.KM, v.- Ksi', NUUI1KUN'. :l i n ku.v. OMAHA WKKI'IJCU WATER, Al'TUKWUXK. 17. IS-t. 4 B,ttl OIIIIEBKi. f exceeding - - c.-e.liurj ti0 - - - - 'J3 cents nt-v Order may Include anr one cent In tlttv dollars, but t ....... .. r- ......t ....:. .. I tin t.tiu (i ai ni f mil ill f'lti t, iu n LClll. KATK8 KOlt POSTAISK. ltJrtliMter S cents ncr ounce ( I'uotisiior s rates) 2 ets per lb. (Transient Jeniauers and Ai!.-.c"nieHnJer this clasi 1 cent ner j-ai'll - I'uucesy till clA$ (iiieicuaiiuiM i rein jter ounce. J. W. Marshall. I M "Tm.Xo 6T tAW.anrl SOLICITORS' IN rV CHANCERY. Office in Fitor.1.1'. li'ractiecg In the UnitodState. Circuit an 1 District iourm .in m me oupreme Court of the state giv special attention. f 1K. H. 31 1 I.I.Kit, P 11 VSIL'IA N"- AND 8UKUKON. ( hti be f.)iind by calling at Ills ofllue, Soiitli side oil iimiu nireet. noiweeu.eiixtli and .V-venlh. Will conllue linnself more e.speeiully to town ..lllVfT. 4;lly I'LATfSMwUTtr.' KkURASKA. i u..V-- I ItOIIKUT II. 'I3IIA3f. : ' XotaryJCublic. ATTOUNKY AT UW. -. ' ' "t v over Carrutu's Jewelry .Stole."' -.' I'la-jtsinoutlt. - - ... '; Nebraska. Wl. A. HARTICAN. JL. A W -Y E ' -!Htv. :' FiTZKitALi)'s Clock, Plattsmouth Km Prompt and careful attention to a general tSfl.I.IVAS. E. H. WOOLEY SULLIVAfl & WOOLEY. Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. OFFICEVIn the tTni.m Rii.- f . iecond stork, .outs. Promot uLilnL;., .! mar25 all bui:nes.4. i WATER. TJtA;.vy i'Uxtomkics. AM - - it K( j i" i .. n iu a 1 1 1 i: us. EVERY THING HEW AND CLEAN A l-rmfl Rip in i-iiiiiectiiui uiilitli. 27 tr. House. Kit Kl :(s, I'lojir. TENDERLOIN Meat Market LAFH H'NJSTL, J'rop'r. Beef HiiltOa Perk Yea! Ciiickeus. &c ii -1 ;i : 1 1 1 v on hand. Also, ail RIIIMS OI l.lli. UI in. ;,.,! eryMiiiiK kepi iu a s i!csr-c i,4s .ui; s' mjim At lotst ,o-silit. r.itfs North Sutfi JlaiuXt., l.t. t.h u.ul nth 521y I'LATTSMOI T!!. N FP.J dealer in. . DRY GOODS,i ' - :.' . : ... 'Ti -' V- " CLOTHS, . BLANKET TLANNLLS, : FURXISIIIXG G00D3 :o:- QllQCERIKS OF ALL KINDS I.arjje stock of BOOTS , and SHOES to be CLOSED OUT AT COST. :o: Notions, Qiieensware. and in fact everything you can call for in the line of General Merchandise. ". CASH PAID FOR IIIDliS AND Fl ffS ah kiikis ot country Dioiluep- tr.kce ti ex change for goods. KENDALUS) Spayimp. r-zm - ft II I n Kb ft ' . W Tun Most ScccKsSFIt. Kkaikdv ever dis covered as it is certain In its i-flcet and doe. ii!,, u . XP''"UU l"r ii "man llesh. tt&AU rnuuc rtiLljl IV . have Hiaeni i?a all rsaelcH, nml tSse largest sisortaMesat fw; Eseafl0 zt close iiispocisi. Iffesivy (Cliincliilla SJIsie3-9 1!T eai vy Cliincliil S in.T3Jl iH rc 1 1 e Iffeavy .IFaney Mack lack- coats, t$59M7, S9 flS. Ulstereftes - in .. Cassiaaeres, Climcffiilla, Worstetl and all tac newest designs of CJlotla. To whom all couiuiuiiicatio:i.s for this di-o iil incut sluiuid In- ailitie.sscd. WE OFFER A BARGAIN IN- OVERCOATS OVERCOATS . 9 OVERCOATS at $2;00 at $2.00 at $2.00 nai ;il e our tctili: i uni t' jH-iiplf III '...........I. i.i. . , 1.111111.- ATM W (If .til iT uiy Kii-iMiuii! lr iiiB latter I '1 liinL f 2 a 3 : is time w awukent cl in' t !., '.-t.i tb-ii wjnttT is ciiiniiitj o:t. jinu tli s .imins km' lit-inj lixe.l uji waiin, fomrtutalile, ;u.i. i.itiijt iive; wlio fur? tin- old lo- pi r ;ii.u hits tlrank fnnibcll into ikiv i ii v iitul tli grt'dfttioii '( Not si, ihcyp iMiiifii; le places are fur our t oys ami ni: men wln tiave no )iu. to bpcn.i men t-venintin tut it lirrl. cliainlit'i- of st-runt! r!uss IiuhmHii'- r.nuiio oi Iimnt's win-re fa:lit-i is ti! h-.ii:iiiK ut i ne cvrniijej ainl must lift, be (list in Lot, .ma isiotlier id 1 wajs I usy. Must we ait for a en s:tt ioiiiil It-ftuirr to t-oir.i' i.icse ns ii ;i spiisni of activity of n ill our tt u.i't-rai.ce l.uilles mm tuetlit-r with the niemlns ol ti e famous Um jierance t.riiiiizat ions, see what re sult.i Citn If obtained by home tlTuit. 8'iaie nf our h-.jys thut we ihougtit wt ie saved havn fallen: They, wat t looking aft r anil encoui.iti ments to try ajjain. We did not expect that ail would btand Grui, antl they will not until they havp tried it long enough to realize the beneiit of aobt-r living. We would like to aak ouco more if soniepne will not resurrect, our read ing room ; and endeavor to make it a success; and give our young men some pi tee to sjieml their eveijinys ftv.fiy from the fumes of lhiuor and where oaths and blasp!iemy -try h it soiin.litijc i:i their ear.s. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS at $2.00 $2.00 " Keep on Driakin. If you wioli to n aiH-ays thii.stj, ait an appetite lor drink; the of.en- er j on di Ink, the oftentr vou will to. 5 "". " . i . B. & M. R. K,.Time Table. Taking E feet July, 1831. FOlt OMAHA FltOM PLATTSMOUTH. Leaves 3 :45 a. m. Arrives 6 :00 a. m. 4 :2J p. m. " 5 :45 p. ni. t. 111. 7 .to . 111. K. C. AND ST. J OK. 6 ::w a. in. " 9 :S0 a. in. ti : 10 p. in, " 9 ::.t p. in. iu;a:ia for plattsmoctii. l.'-aves s :0 in. la. Alines 1 :i. :i. m . " 7 ;-K) p. in. " " -i : tit p. m. s :i p. ni. " : :'Z ti. in. K. . and sr. .I.IK. S;2'a in. " H ;l i. 7 :4 p. i. " K : V) p. m. tOll THE WEST. I.eavee I'laltsmoiitu ;iW a. ni. Arrives Lin coin. II -.too. us. : lla.'tins 4 :30 p. m. ; MoCook 10 rtX p. n. ! Denver 8 :J0 a. in. Leave. 6 :55 p. in : arrives Lincoln 9 :3H p. in. FKKtf.HT leaves at 9 --Ti a. m. ; Arrives Lincoln 4 :lftpm leaves at 8 :to p. iu. ; Arrives at Lincoln a :ui p. in. : lla-!ins . :m a. in. Leaves at J an) p. in. ; Arrives at Lincoln C :30 n. m. ; Hastings t : a. m. : .McCuok 4 .-50 a. in ; le;iver 1 :io p. m. ' FROM THE WEST. Leaves Denver at 6 :0S p. m. : Arrives at Mc Cook 4 :.Va. in. ; Hastings m :-o a. iu. : l.uuoln 2 p. ni. : Piat ismouth o :KI p. in. Leaves Lincoln 7 a, in ; arrives riattBinouth 9 o a. in. . F:tKiHT -Leaves Lincoln at 11 :4 a. in ; Ar. ives 5 :30pm Leaves llaliiiKs 7 : o. i.i. ; An ives Lincoln 9 :.4i p. in. ; rial ts:i, out t 2 :'0 a. m. 1.I1-IIX l,.ivr t: -l.t :i ni - A rrivpt Mr'.lr Jriia.w. ; ILlsIiuus 9 :.i p. iu. ; Lincoln u ;4S a. ni. ; l'latlsmoiilh il :S0a. m. GOIXO EAST. Passenger trains leave Plattsirtoutb at 7 00 a. ui.. a eo a. m.. 5 to in. and arrive at Pacilic Junction at 7 20 a. i.i.. ! 'M a. in. and 5 30 p. m. K. l AMlsr. JOE. Leave at 9 ;-l a. m. and 8 :5j p. m. : Arrive at Pacilic Junction at :J0a. ui. and rtS p. m. FKOM THE EAST. Pasengr trains leave Pacific Junction at 8 15 a. m.,6 :2u p. ni., 10 a. in. and arrive at Platts moutb at 8 40 a. m.. 6 -to p. in. and to 30 a. ni. K. c. AMI sT. JOE. io;. a i 6 :io a. m. and 5 :40 . IlH II. -lii. - Fie lulu g Si, iFaceT" Dry Goods and General jlerchundise Groceries ami Crockery. iieaittsly Davis, , Lumber, Lath, Doors, Blinds and Win tlows, ttiiucnsion timbers iu till size's. . ft. A. (iibsoii, Atioruey-at-Law, Ileal Estate Collec tions anil Money to Loan. Dr. W. D. ibbuii, Physician and Surgeon. Calls prompt ly ntteD:eii. Yeomaiia & Woatlurd, Livery, Sale and Feed Stable, rigs of evjry description, at nil times. Heed f2iros., Dealers in General Merchandise, Mer chant Tailoring, JJoots and Shoes. Mo. Pacilic Hotel, P. L. TnoitPE, Propr., central location LSoanleis laki n Ly t'.ic day or week. SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of 'PLATTSMOUTH aluable outlets for residerce poses. '.- Sage's addition lies south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Prop'rv -AT- SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE. Iiattsmouil, Ntb. INSTRUCTION GIVEN IN R. S. BAILEY'S ComlimatioB System, ne In p short time will un- i-id cuts o perfection ladies find children's I SACQUES and' PATTEKXS. Model given with instructions. IMRS. PAULINE KESSLER. ' st, one door east of Gordcr',upstairs GIRLS nu, Xeb.. Oct. 12. 182. 3om8. To learn DBESS MAKIXtf. TSMOUTH MILLS. I PLATTSMOUTH. XEB. - . ' Proprietor. r Meal & Feed , hd for sale at lowest cash tirtivs ukiti for Wheat and -HU&il COL. T. FOSTER YounK"ti ii. Ohio, M.-iy loth, 1S0. U. J. Kendall & Co., tJents : I hurt a very val uable . ambletoiiiaii i-olt v. hii h I prized" very highly, lie had a large bone ppuvin in one joint and a small one on the ntiier. wiiieh made .him very lame; 1 had him uiutr the charge of two veterinary surgeons who failed to cure him. 1 was one day reading the advertisement i Kendall's Spavin Cure iu the Chicago F.X nress. I ilt-teaiuined at once to try it, and our druggist here sent tor it. tliey ordered three bottles, i took them all and thought I would give it a thorough trial, I usedtit accoiNlingtodi and the fourth day t he colt ceased to Le lame, and the lumps had disappeared. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lumps mid as tmoothas any horse in the stale. He is entirely cured. The cure was o remarkable that I h;t- two ol my neighbors have the remaining two bottles who are now using it. Very Respectfully, . . L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure OX HUMAN FLESH. Patten's Mills, N. Y., Feb. 21. ls78. H. J. Kendall & Co.. Gents : The particu lar case on which 1 used your Kendall's Spavin Cure was a malignant ankle sprain of sixteen months standing. I had tried many things, but in vain. Your Spavin Cure put I lie foot to the ground again, and for Ihe tirt time since hurt, in a natural position. For a family liidaient it exceiis auyiuiug we ever useu. . Your truly, - REV. M. 1. BELL, Pastor of 31. E. Church, Pelteii&Mill. X. Y Send address for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. Xo remedy has ever met witn sucu unnuanhed success, to our know ledge, for beast as well as man. Price SI, per bottle, or six bottles for S5. All PritL'iiists have it or can get it for yon. or it will lie sent to any address on receipt of price bv the proprietors. Dll. 15. J. KENDALL & CO. Enosbuig rails. t. 3-ly SOLI) ISV ALL C1RIGGISTS in endless varieties . - AT THE .1 ouse uiotnin UNDER WATERMAN'S NEW OPERA iiOUSH Opera H IT'S S g More, BANKS. MISCELLANEOUS. Jonx FitzokralD, President. A. W. McLawchlix, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL Is the Old Favorite ocl PHirJCIPATi XjI3T3Z3 Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and SL Joseph, CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston! And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST. THE LINE COMPRISES Knrlr llttl miki. Soiid Snwuft Slwl Track. AH connection, an? ma lo ia r.NICN lt-.fx.rlS. It has a Niitionsl n-tnlturion us b nc Till CHEAT TnilOl'iilt 'AIi LINE, anil Is univcrsiiay conceded to oe THB F1NK-T Kyl'IPPED K-u.road in me WorW for nil c:asss or irxvet. Try it. and tou will and LrTe'i:i3 a luxury instead of a discomfort. Through 1'ick"ts vln this CcU-bmteU Line for sale at all tifflws in tne vv.-si. All Information .hoiit Pste of V -re, Sltwplne Car AiirmmiKlMtluliA. 1 nil Tiumh .Vo.. vtiU be cb-r- lulij given by applyuis o POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. 3d Vice Frn I 1 Vnnwr. Chicago, ilii. lit - I lc r AfU. Dr. Black's Rheumatic Cum is an internal remedy and is rjnour.ced by hundreds who have usei it to contain more true medical virtne tu:i anj o'her kind thrown upon the m rKl in tne shape of oils and linim 'n:s. It is I- i ettl. TJ'-i-t .? A,-, Tvarrauteii. oiumi. v i t priors, sow a:'1 HfliTinnrT 1m n Dt Marshall, ccpin- aiet . .1 r.wi uiixiiu m Uim OF PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Oilers the very btst facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government and Local Securities Hough t and Sold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on tune Ceitifl ' cates. Drafts drawn-, available in any part of -tire United Stoles and all the principal towns of . Europe. . Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants, State aud County Bond. DIRECTORS 1 John Fitzgeiald John K. Clartf. I'-co. E. Dovey, A. W. McLaughlin A. E. Touialin, K. C. Cushing, . K. wiiite, - Banks Cass County Cotner Main and Sixth Streets. PLATTS MOTJTH, ISTttB , Jl)"i; ACK. President, I J. M. PAT1ERSOX, Cashier. ( Transacts a General Mlw Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paidjor County and City Warrants, COLT.KCTIO.Yg SAUE and promptly remitted for. DIBKCCT0B8 : oounciacK, .1. si. ratterson. C. H.Farmele, it. i.uthmaun. J. Morrissey, A. B. Smith. Fred Gorder. ?Hy WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President,, U. A. GIBSON, Vice-rresident. R-5. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Baciing Business Transacted. JE POSITS Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi- -.-SfSTea. Prnwii available in any part -at the Vnti. States and all the principal eides of Europe. AgettUfor the aelebrated if jou wish to pi t ver't Itiur friejpla from rising in tiie work!, ki.. (,n drinking, itnd that will in tiie einl d.- f-at all their elf n i.i. If you w.uld eiVji'tu illv counter-. " ... .... . i . i . . 1 , Jii .nu-IIIUS iu UU V JI, kl-t-p OH diinkino, ,it.d on will i,o' b- dis ip p u;i'fd. ... ii J i- J' to tt i :l thi; a-niieitv oh of th vvii.ij-'. in i;i r;t-- to iMisi yui to i tn irti;;,-i-, i-ie ti h.i I t. (M;i -i -,y, K;;. p j o'uttrinSitig, an i .-,,; vftli n .V Vk ly tl nun olt. If' joitait ii-jterti:iii.-i: to he i.-uvr, ki't'ti on drtr.kiiifjr, ninl 01 wiii tnjsl likt-U tiiuniDh. 1 i y utt at ii delt-riuijie.t to t:n jmor,, kf-ep oil drinking, and yon will he nij,' t;'; il and to your iit-ait's .it- tent. il vimj va'1.-;1i to starve your I'niily, keep on drinkiiig, and then von 'will consume th means of their support. If jou would hv impi.'st-tl upon itv I knaves, keep up your visits to the sa- Jikjii, lor ir. will make their task easy, j If you w ish to be loblied, keep on j drinking, and the thief will do it with ! greater Asifety, CONTRACTOR FOR BRICKWORK. j kV.;, t'Z I time he uioie Elupid than an ass. DAVID O'BRIEN I If,,u arc resolved to kill joutself keep on drinking, and you wiil hit ujt- w ill ...... t .... r i? v ; . . in l ..... "v"' ""l.rij1ciiuS, on a sr,. ot seli-iestriii:lioii . .If. yu would expose both your fol ly and j oin secrets, keep on unriki'iig ; they wiil run out as the iiqur runs i - If you think you sire strong keep on drinking, and you will soon mid yourself subdued by no powerful an enemy. If you would get rid of your money without knowing how, keep on drink ing, and you will do it effectually. If you are hated by your family and friends, kepp on drinking, ai.d you will soon be more disagrteable. If you vo!-!d be a pest to society, keep on di inking, -and society w ill avoid you is an infection. If you would smash wind:..-.-, on ak the peace, get your bon.- l.roki :. tum ble muh-r h.irses and it ts, ami l.t- put in the 1. . ,:), ke-p on drinking, and it will b a.ranjr.i if you .'o:i't feuen-eed. If you u i ii :ili jonr prospects in life 10 h2 :! . 1.1. -.1, J;:..., ,,tl d'll kit!-? tin y wiil aoou be d ,i :-; eii.niah. . If y-.'i w-.ul I.-destroy y ,u! bo!y, 35 J ki ep i.-ii iliinking,'fi..;-drunkeiie'sa is the ?a ;ji:otiii-r of Jiiease. 4 JIJOU wis i fj I tlil .he stun'- k i.:i driiiki:; y i dei! fr.j.M ::; i'tj. &c, &c. Chimneys and Citrns a Specialty. For orders call at lioue riii" Washington Ave. Between 7ih and Kighth St's, Or address I. O. Box 540, - I'lattsmouth, Ne, iHIllti BATES & KCEIiyKE, CONTRACTORS f BUILDERS. Shop on 7th St., between Main aud Pearl. , All kinds of Building and Repairing ' Done ' 5tf The Grand Central ISotel AT SOUTH BEND, NEB., House newly fitted up. Everything . new ami neat.' Meals and Lodging :it Keasoi:a Me rates. Ca!! aud try us. ft M PI 5 S a -- " u s c 5 5-s 5 i Washington letter iu our IN'ular Correspondent. U 'asuinc.tok. 1). i Nov. lSlh, 1SS2 l ins is tlu season ol the year that 'ii!hin;tin begins to attract the attention of the prenri, tlio politt t ian, lite stu-ioty belle, ami tlio loh liyisl. Vim dislike the juxtainiHi tiou' of these names? In' behalf of which do tti protirttV There ati- ot Iicih w 'lut kei-j) an eyo on the National capital, and lend their ears :. :V .. . .1'.. -v- i." in ii' iwiysir ni ii inn. i r:u ny yetir, tis Nation urows '-iu thews and buU tne American capital in creases tn mlltieiice ami become inure and more the head and heart, the mind and soul, nut only of the United States, but of nil the pet pie in this hemisphere. If you tnink 1 have taken iu too much ter ritory, expect, ii licet, and wait. The anaxtion of Canada and Mexico may not lie imminent. Wc arc not quite ready to extend a policcinans baton entwined with an ilive branch over the little South American anarchies, hut there i a broader policy for th . I'nited States than JLho petty oil! ,:e jzraiiliiiio; politics iu which we have li-.iti cnac for years. The time lias come for us to assume the be- iiirin supiemecy in this licmisplicre winch the other branch ot the En glish family have assumed on the the other hall' of tlio "lobe. If De Lcsacps wisiies to cut the isthmus of Daricn lor us, as he cut the isthmus of Suez for England, vry yood. lie may tunnel the Andes on the same terms if he can alloid it. But Ameri can influence and commerce must be lirut on both the Pacific and Atlan tic littoral ol the New World. The familiar senator, belle, jour nalist, and philosphcr will find some changes in the re-visited Wash in ir- t"ii. The dome of the capitol lias I n painted a ihmiin'.- w hite, l'en- syHiiuta avenue has been improved ty an excellent side-walk of artilical stone, rim Washington monument, though only two thirds of its projec ted altitude, has reached arcallvim posing height. The White House glints like a glazier iu white enamel of zinc and linseed oil. The mud ike semi-circle (hat led from Prn- syhiinia avenue to the front of the ICcseciiuve Maurlon has been sup planted by the smoothest and solid cst of asphalt pavements. The in terior of the .Mansion has been re furnished, repainted, rebuilt, aud, to an extent, rcmodled. The new pension oflkc is in process of build ing, and will be no small addition to the many architectural monuments oi tne capital. Air. Ulaines great hous is so nearly ready for occupa tion li at it is probable he wll!;.old a New i car-reception m it. Ouit a number of new and elegant piivate residences have been built during the summer, and the Capital city will no doubt present a belter appearance mis winter titr'.n ti. has ever neiore i resented. - The season w il, ,c opened at least two weeks earner than usual on ac count of the GarlSi-id monument fair, which has liTOu u to nroi'ortions far beyond those ot igii-ally projected Its center will be in the Rotunda of the capitol, but iu annexes will be in the hall of Statuary, the Agrictu- ral department and Willard's hall. Many visitors will b attracted by the fair, which wiil be mandated iu a few days before the opening of the congressional sepsiou. Iloiels and boarding notices h ive made every preparation for a very busy reason. The season v. ii! ti.- biief, but it is expected that it will be brilliant and interesting from both a political and social stand point. The prosperity of the coun try, and growing popularity of Wash ington as a fashionable wiiit'-ring place, will attract wealthy and fash ionable people from all parts of the country, and the somewhat taiexocct ed 'results of the fall elections wiil doubtless be felt and lefk'cted in leg islative and executive. affairs. until Home think tl, liul I . i on irne, il(ii,l Win-re ui-liher Is yet a weak ail Siime think tin Hut I do i I hn Iree out on it Dial nve must II L 1 llilllgll II III it y tout is vi i il Kuarleil Koine wish hi lf( Ainl mi i The Iree If Where sun Milium h II Is yi t ii fiilr r- IC II. llASI m o fleointf frcoT S as. ii -.- so ni; see p :n ty ! e -'-'iii- C x s o o P3 - a OS x 5 f 'TH ,1 w c c r . 53 s 5 s. That San Spot. The 'great magaetij storm of hut week is being charged to a solar dis turbance occasioned by a "cun ipil." A spct certainly 'is visible on the face of the sun. Any one can see it for himself by looking through a piece of smoked glass or a fragment of a dark bottle, and as its smallest possible di ameter is several times as great, as ihat of tin earth it proUibly is large enough to modify the sun's action to a marked degree. As to what ths 6pot consists of astronomers are' not. agreed. but there art numeroua theories from which to choose. One authority claims that the alleged soot u a ctvei n, or crater, of unknown depth, but cer tainly 40,000 miles aciodd, and walis of molten organic matter iu a high state of ebuliitioa. Another thinks it is a fragment separated fiorn the latest comet and irhbadded ltdtdf in the buu like a paving tone into a dirt heap. There are some adherents to the t!i- t-ry lh:.t the fccn lii:3 suddenly ret a Awuklng nt Last. After. watching fur ten yearn Iho operation of postal telegraphy in (treat Krituin, btisim-.s men hero havti lilt Ally come to thg conclusion that what has been so Micccssful in every respect Ihoro should bonpecdily introduced here. Publication of new commercial communications, private correspondence, nro all heavily weighted by the cuorinotu charge of private corporation owning and con troling the .telegraph a) stem of (his country.. Our neighbors ncroMs the water, ever since (ho Government took charge of t ho wins, have been I A ni l,.,.i i,, !.,.. ,ni belter and more cheaply erved than tarlft on toel. they l.av -Pl.t.,.. yuce. in ureal jtuiaiu unload at all haardt. which would remain for geiicralion BlolIn. Th price, wM, ' iK'l'" "nvii-u are now t. Mf,n. l.i. .!... enjoying that necessity ot modern life, n.-irrv ti. - ,ir. i In lSCl the uumbetAif oIllccM wa2 Lo.. ------- , iu v - nun iiiunt ot Lull via in l8U0ltroH0toS,33l, aud the huh- ,, r.lA r .r,..Rs. scngers have merged six lold. And caniu,t IBrn ollt gU,(,, rai 3 all hough the rale, have beet, greatly even 8 17 a ton at a promt reduced, not only do ihe returns meet the Enelish i,, 1 currant expenses and provide the it for 25 and Bell It heret means of etc,,s,ou o, lines, but there tt,no,.nt pliui transport,,, is an annual suvplus of fully 10,.HH,- ,)0r ton dutv wltl,,, t i.i 000 to pay the niterct on the houiU d.rctlo.i of the tariff will i issued to purchase the telegraph linen 000.000 capital Urested l of the private corporations originally W),rk here at their rnercv I ..w umg men., in which purcimf the tariff ol $20 pur toi "vl .oycniment wiu shanicfully chealcd. BeHsemer steel Hi ,.,il .....e.y ,uu , nous oi .Mr. Jay Would to about as cheaply as it is - ..--ahr.aicu i rchs Iliruugl. "bought in the cheapen Iho Western Union h-is oi.o.w.ii n,,. L. ...... . . " mo grenicomjoii anil c kI'fiK 111 tin k Alt li.. i i I ' "uu rauJreiy in- tho free traders. W tm.l u.l erent for a long time to the danger to8H0 per ton in gold, huTi of leaviii'' to anv indl vl.lunl ,...i. Ir , ;. 1 , ,. - " javerpooi. 1 1 win oo a im lOCllilll , ,,.,..... ! . ,i ..I . - u..u i.h o'riouiion. liege after Jrlving the cap. u"- opnou vested in steel works in tl, I 1.1 ntbon .1., .. i . . il a I ,v. "M u' "uniHciiy oi u.o loi- outof Ihobusiiiess, to retu .-n...fa .o.i.uons oy tne noaril ol old avstcm of buvlmr 1.. Il,, " rj --- ' J ...... ,. f nidi rvvt. 1 mi.- al .1 at . ,u i -im: iimi mo icuuc i I iijt. I i i m . ; Britain. .. .,n .1. . I,llte ',:"'. "uw la cau of that eouulry, are such as coinmend cuUitig-of rates in the 11 tne ailoplioii o a similar syslciu to Shops, is a fluflicient leplj me lieciiic OI me Lllileil Ntiiles Ami l ,.r r ...... i , . .. - ----ix.ii,,ivii'aiii;uil miui 9 I ii- ii in i mer I . ,, , , , , , . , ui looueit oy a comoii Jtvavivvti, unit the result til Iho re- l. ii..'' .--r.i .out i.l,,i .. : v- ,1.-th.!. won i, wuc.oii m ii matii.ying response ...., ,..,.i(r to tho work of this Hounl ,.7..i i. u,,,t ,'l,lir- - 'w...... ci.a I . . . , organizations in educiitinir tho neonle -Nobody but a lunatic or a to refcist encroachment upon their lieves that the removal of nolilieul uiiil ,-n,i, n. ,..;,.! :..i.i ... , ... ... , ...... .,,.,l,v.,,.iii1 i r- n. llllll I 111! UI Ml, I liiumti It .t ik. i 1,11 Mirnnd II...I .1 : : .. .' " x" h"'" 1. 11 ll. suptmVrueh e and" .V ' , I '' " of prices for a few month. will restrain corporative power Hiid Bto"k 011 "!u"1 ' the Ameri. I'lm-c a 11111,1 to us exui-hous uiion he nro out ot ie wnv. w 1 ... 1- 1 ..... . l"-"l'"" nrleo nf n.ila (, it.. ...... this" country. But it will hi Ihe teller ha -hwaL-and read of ges't thing for English'caml mo, ior, ior yearn, out very lew hiive-t$ulu possimy occur. Tl. ..... ...... ui inn originaiiou ol that laootturiii ger, no more pa ceic.;raieu stream bo noted In politic, tne lens coin7it-rf7tH:L. Professor Sc heie de Vcre give the them has to meet with origin of 1 hi: iu his book called I their wares from tl.Lj 1 .Tll'.'l-:en 11 K.I1I II, i, l...,ri:,,l. .. .1 I .1 . 1 t j.ii-nnii 01 nil? 111011: i;ouiiiLeiy uoes lii New V01ld.'' Before the day of hleum skilled laborer iu his powerV all navigation of tho Ohio river was over, he can keep his wapj carried on by llat boats and keel next point abave staivatioL. noais, it was necessary to row trado ami trausjiortatiou: Unvoiced, That thu Ol HID te C'T.Hih in fli-onl (he keel boats up stream. The lubor was painful and exhutuling. There were slaves all along the Kentucky hide oi u. n nver 111 th jse davs. Wlien a u ;io hud been n.-factory or "sassy" it was Mit- custom to punish him by hir ing hit,, out to row keel boats up the river, fins minishuient w 11 U iMlllfill rowing up." J (iIO n became i popular Jave term for a scolding or puiustwiiL-iit ol any son, nil over the cjuutry. lunch as the term (o -blow up is applied nowadays. Prolessor no V ere utiotes thi seutence from ineew lork Jiendd of May 7th, iv.jt. "vveliopc the jiresident gave his secretary a good rowiu-'-un for his imbiciliiy." "Salt River" was ami is a little tributary of the Ohio in Kentucky. It was so crooked and dangerous that rowing a keel boat in. its waters was about the hardest la bor a man could undertake. Ilenci to row a man up Salt riyer was as se vere a punishment as as could be im posed upon him. The cxprcs.iou bo came proverbial. One day upon the floor of congress a member from Ken tucky made use of the phrase in a happy illusion. The expression was crystalized in the popular speech of the country. From that day to this the person or party that has been badlv beaten in an election, is ' ent up Salt riyer." Every Monday. i . j - , vi 1 1.11. iur cun ii. ouuui i.i rttri t uirti. new aad enormous sate ut? usi in tus- ,'A-iftli uitii . 1 1 li.ey stand ot. dangerous crounds, they I iness and that this sturdy infant plan- j ?' " ''' tIfc"'tuJous 5 repudiate the idea with sconir .r,d say Ut is passing solemnly and steadily ' t' elwjuent tribute to truth, thoy can stop driukinc when ,1, ross the suns disk, just as the new or purity, or justice, his hearere sit cold The Receiyed Their Money's Worth. The Lincoln Journal ia the Topics says, "These Topic listened hist ni-'lit to Bob Ingersoll, listened carefully and patient!-, but heard nothing worth the scramble for front seats. Whether from too elevated preconception of the bpi ak ers oratorical ability or from lack of pow er to appreciate it, we do not know, but we were disappointed. The audience, too, was a curious one. When the speaker told a funny story, or uttered a poiated ji or emitted a witty sneer, it hnrruhed ati'i Minuted and imr.himlc.l ut ..n.,i 1 1 ; o -- icasoii mat there is no a vein cape to the skilled aitesar. gration and employment inl capacity in the United State. wages. As a matter of fact. age wages paid to iron and era 111 Great Britain to-day is nan 10 one-ioiirtli mat pal country, the largest dilii-icm.1 in tnose oranones 11. at ji-ipt: highest skill. The cost of j r H steel depends almost entirely 11; cost of the labor that transfer.- ill till! .:Lrfl, to Mil ;.n,'i the furnaces and rolling mills. ( matter of supply of ores and th" cessibility, this couutry ha tage over any other und The differ 1 nee of $25 and -0 J per ton in the cost of English atd American steel that the tariff, ujidei takes to cover is merely ference in the cost of Eniilish ami American muscle. Mate and t! lias th ider thi SOOTH HILL GEOGERY. W. It. CARTER, Von ran ulwr.v. find a fu!l sniildy of fl'.nice Groceries and always the bet BUTTER AND EGGS and C0UNTRV PRODUCE, To the farmers of Cas county. I i-hail Titlt you EVERY WEEK, and pay the hluhest prices going for your frf UTTER, EGQS AND PRODUCE. W. Ii. CARTE U. latttmoutU. Kb 1 pie::se. I hey pass on a few months and become habitual drunkards, utter slaves to their appetite for rum. Then, when you appeal to them to stop, they say they cannot, and clamor for pro- luoiuon. .Nov, which class shall we belieye ? L)oes the self-reliant, stron?, stimulated moderate drinker best un derstand the situation, or is the evi dence of the experienced inebriate the more trustworthy in the matter? Who re the most competent judges of the relative benefits of slavery and free dom, the ex-masters or the ex-slaves? All drunkards. in thuir sober ruomeuts favor the entile extermination of in toxicants. All women of refinement and intelligence Vndorae prohibition. : The Anv j WouM you brs willki -o tru3t the supervL-ion and direction oWheir life your personal actions, your wnat you snaii 00 uu aj eirsvor a few hours at a time, to a stupid and to act i;i all respects accordin his directl .ns'r When yon -at. your brain .with alcohol you , that thinaiy making a stuii; yourself. born democratic party cast its gigan-I and .silent; and when an unusual nonli- tic .shadow across the United states a Uia stirted sorjlc tfJ sUrt fhe apj,:;.0i It j was short-lived and scattering. The crow-ii went to near c;n"istianity de- Vote of the First Districl- We have at last got the official vote of the counties in the First Congres sional district.Many of them are quite different from that first reported: iTKA VCA Cam liage Johnson l.unca'ter . .. I'awnee..- Nemaha Kichard.oa 127 . a. .. .2.j0 . i't. . 3i 471 ril REDK'K lougIafis Otae u7 Sarjiy Id7 Total.. 1175 HaundeiS -CU ! Tfctf.l .'.J! 1 Uedtck'a total-. 1 1 7S Weaver niajority.lJt! i Palls City Journal. nounce-i, and the worth ot the money was ffiven them. lit-neral Thayer. fJen. John M. Thayer, one of the old Tvheelhors-s of the republican party, (n its early day itt N'ebraska, ra8 in town thi3 week shaking hands vr'h tx his old friends and making new acquaint nee. 1 he General U close! t Con j netted with thearly historz of this stau, and has always niderable in terest in its mond, political and inan Redick's BriBlant Canta. -lal success. He h.ts once relresented I ii. in 1 l.b T r . . . ... W - . UJ ... ... . i-eiiuM-, una. ie vrooabiy tw pf-r ,f rfny man in the Vate for that position again. liar vardVrjurnal The Omaha Herald says hat Red ick and Reuick's friends have . reason to be proud of his campaign for con gress in the First district. They must be very proud of his campaign if it was conducted the same way ehie- i3 in Falls Cjjty. Here, .were connneu o,iy:nff feaver and setting up record, iiurely. An Ira perfect Faith. The announcement by Ve December will be full and that the year with lots of snov iusr rTc The Siinllowei to be Cultivat Yc are told that the Chinese ship the sunflower, not. like oui. ser a-stheles, because it Is so f precious as an art object, but .- because they hoi 1 it to be the useful vegetable in exlstance. would, indeed, npnear to be b f purposes to which the sunflow not be turned with advantaze C kind. Jsnipnf.ifir'.-ill v rlAnlf wlti. ,t supply us alike with our moruin and our evening cigar. It is e susceptible of conversion into a? of soap, surpassingly emollient, to a rich aud lustrous silk dress oil it may be consumed no less in the ealid, bowl than' jnihe lamp. Cattle will fattfn soon sunflower cake than on linseed The little busy bee improves eacl ing hour more profitably in conn with this than with any other ot flower. In fact, so niimcrnni a oxcelencies and so beneficial its v that the sunflower may tie with propiiety designated the friei man. People in this country hardly go Ihe length of worship! for its versatile utility, after th h-siial maaner; but we uiideij from the London Daily Telegrapr its cultivation upon British about to bo undertaken upon a Qi;dir. , :evetal acres of gtcund will be' down with sunflowers in the Tl Valley next year. ..Esthetic j; will doubtless flock to those in. plantations, eager to steep their iu the yellow beauty of counties flowers, but caring little for characteristics and capacities i vegetable which endc. jf "heathen Chinee." 'f,he nVore's among the Londoners will view of sunflowers with justifiable placency, on the ground that th, scarcely have too much of a p: nisning me, wncrtHithal fo siaoijiiifj, washing and dress in -cues, iigitiug their room.hibric their lettuces, and imiartinir f,-' obesity to their 4 a orter. The stock marktisam t has b II l