(U l.L... J. !V TlU lilSOAY 61 i dior, vcjki conu'i liie oir von unity 10 i ailllKUALD wrote better fc--v "5 II BUOpOKtHl, AVIUMI aOUielUUI couirufittlug on rteuback and antl leralft PubnisliiiiE Co IhuiitH'a Manager v.. .u - 4 aw n3toiipHc, time tint application.. onice, rnuttmouth iter. J SOy. 10. 1883. f wr mutation. .ity withjtistom. ttie au. Mice or viijch ia itmLIv thiii io.,j, J, citPHter OK NOVEi J 1 1 i 1 li 4i w sglvinff. luri furdtltude ure r the peace botween this Hons of the internal dis- ?To"TKtTJilS; m ditleient BetiridiiM berty, of Justio and government; Sot tlie people to-our freo in- fTl tlicir cheerful obedience UW8-; for the constantly rength of the republic, ling ua privileges to our fwho come with ua: for una of internal conitnunl- icp d fa:ilitiesof inter- j lutituita ; iui uiegcii Voaltli' of the year; for of all our industries return or the mechanic's "frket for the abuml husbandman; for national faith and nd generous pro intellectual and yr youth; tor the fmscience of re eling religion, and linen, we bhould k'onimonii that the led - be ' observed try as a day of mi nd prayer, and loin their daily la Lordance with their Prship, draw near .nighty God, ofTer for the manifold has vouchsafed to hat His blessii.i'i m.iy iifcomniciid ed be made a of kindness tiiu and needy. wunin tho land lad in this season ivinff. )f I have hereunto 'd the seal of the e Uxed. of "Washington, this Lober, in the year of our isand eight hundred and lu! of the independence ra Mates the one hundred l. CHESTER A. AUTIim, I'resident. UckS. Frelixgiiuysen. Secretary of Stale. in tv j j i '''l va,iRjoi1ty of the p'iple In mi ng Jvr a month ngo, in c ricijral community (for readhijt ant' fn alliance of the greei 1 .. ..,7.,.. ... ' I . i... i anorospomy of the world dej tment. 'flie local now, l ly . at large, u;ithere'ivt pomg themselves uifou th pmgren uonopoliaU in tho cmiiily we tated nothing Kha:: suipi i.su us: not even if the uii t'libuckers bmhIIow tho antl in yV7 Ihe wry Iturr mounts during th long busy of II year, ought cot to sat) Trft Is another Held in the liith.it pursued jjives many Sit (faction and posts men in i of h literary wo J L whidi " tt Jiatifacllr. of kCowing j urn link in 'man's stonh fsi i 8f7 r re yg In jot Y lis le 27th of last June the peoplo i, by over CO.000 majority, do- lange the organic law of the rchibit the manufacture toxieaiing drinks. A uV- i n J'n ty J uUgeiTHlter "in the iX'-Aat., the effect that the amend- link of k iwledjjo to b dr:iwn uon at any the for 'usa'aiul comarUon . with Jaer events.- : Through tho suuainer mnths eiiery touineiit i valmble mid li;rd work -wakes a rywui i iu.-n. inmiy department vY i'0 ,r" vlmUlaaro tke itjitmni in tbe dull I ne of tho rr. tidthe one who itn- pioves them bv posting himself, by reading and keepiag apace with men with events and the. woi Id's history aJ it is written d.iy by'lay, gains 4hat -Jkio which inukca liio successful in I 'uBinc.H4 unit in n f . - llayft few uood ' 'Ooks for winter rtfiiuing; add a papei r two. nr u i.i-ifi.yin or t'O .o the Expense account ai.J it will Vvpay you a hundred. f"lL -The A imyican people are wonderful. Drocress:' ve, and pres- perous only un they keep the standard of intelligence ever on tho increase; and no man is 8 J poor that in these days of cheap publications he cannot afford papers and inaganines or boeks su-aicient tf make his evenings some thing besides an xistence beside a fire and the evanings woik something be side trans-crijig coal ftom the scuttle to the flat ies. The long summer to everyone lias been full of business; tho winter and its stormy days and evening amy be full of industry also, for. ' "Hi vlio !.a a heart jmJ knepa it ; a mluil that liiiiiti3ia. AikI iiip:ii'H It. lias biihliieen." These d.i-8 are filled with election surprises aul among them is one some what personal to us, the election of Lemtfcl II.' Weller, a relic of green back ism in the 4th Iowa district, over Updigraff the regular republican uom Iijujl Tho old 4th district in Iowa was for years ago the banner republican d tict in the Ui ited staton,. tkcliug 'SM tepiblicaTi' congressman by the largest majority given any republican candidate in the country ; in that dis trict in the past it has been hard work to secure a democrat to stand up, run for congress and receive his punish ment, and yet in this year of iugrati tude.they have elected the great "Calam ity" who has maJa the air of northern Iowa blue with greei.backiam. N Mk. J. M. IIiggiks, of Tipton, was ii: the city Monday after the returns; t.o word had bf.en handed down to his precinct that lnt had been elected to Wm legislature and he had been re ceR"7ing a great many congratulations; a'Greenwood ho heard au ugly rumor at verified the old adage of "many a s-fp 'twixt the cup and the lip," andJUd mo down to the county eaat to find only teo true. lr. Ilisgins called tOTtCtTba atfJ doesn't feel bad at all. "j nt very proud over the large vote ie r ifeceived. This is just and right; any uitot Iu- jmocrat who wouldn't We proud of Jass county's vote on the 7th would ,.v.. .ii.., umuu apartvvrtrti. .fn,,n,ll .,nrr.trr,.? le constitution, on the ground 1 IIkick is what Mr. PattlisoD, the J tftwi.iiiiii'it 111' 1U iuu en their .i,.Illn(.r..:,r.veriinr-fh.Jt in Pennsvl- 1 ! na,S take" " vania, said siuce the electiou. in an iu- uuiuin? 10 tlio lprview win, a nGwsnnucr reoorter: acc. as passed by the sen- 4.ii.., i i ;.. r,.. -vv.. ISVl- ifclVllV l IIU till ll i.-'iio tit Illth (.eneral Assemblv ia..i,.! v (tixms prohibitory i,f ti.a 1 -'.,...,, . , . , . i , . J iy en, ine man avuo raises nis nana tacturnifflof liquor, not - agaill8t thc imiustrie8 of the state bv ,.'te, Put also 'to be advocation free trade had better hang ieneiwribitea it and its ,:n. i.., i.: i i , and all purposes, even sac- : int) llie BOn,, niediciaal.etc; but, as it Thc Pi,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .Journal n.l.tor '-' HOIISO Of the XVIIIth gen-Ul.mil.l niiH1.0frnvnnir m. 1,U Bh. Jihly.it was in terms merely gcl.lption jist hnmediatelv. He is as a beverage. ) evidentlv uniufoimcd as to democrat- .vXis,, Uvlt ie:i;c doctrines, as he will eiucover bv n l . vousiuunon pro-.-.. (:llo. T1IPlln i.u; tor tlio manner of its amend- f,J I.ave ifiy, it was 11 Vj if liquor J I resjjerts, b?: W'lits of tho C I.ave been disregarded. The inalaii not contain the proper en and the same act has not passed h Houses of the Legislature." i.a uou the many qaestions coming tre the next session of the leer- ftiifre wi'i bt- lul of railroad lezis- ioJ, and ( shall expect miirhtv Jyrora our i. morratic delegation bait line 'S ha w n plpntril lvrmsa X-tnot opolists. This (xled hv.u circulars de- d as a monopolist ; man and a banker; ho was elected over yoly votes, is also a v.: 1 1 1 sib wv-vtuvh m tvi chan Mr. Reed V V 1 V 1 1 The Herald ihat is expect- Sipletely, I t where 1-T V It has ever been thus in political iff-ycars. Thc dominant political rarty looses, and the opposition gains." It was so in 1874, when the republi cans lost congress and many of their states. These occasional reverses are chastening in their eflects, and servo to infuse the republicans w ith fresh vigor for thc future. Those who judging from oil year rcbufls, believe that the people o the United States are ready to intrust the power ot the government in democratic hands, jump at conclusions. C. Ii. Nonpa reil. The Herald will wait with due patience to see if the next legislature whicli may contain a preponderance of dezdcrats and their allies, will do any better for the state, do any more hard wqhk, and accomplish any wiser legis- conscientious 'JaJuon than that carried through by Their course 7"e 'as' legislature. Cass county with er solid republiban delegation two years ago was a power; we shall see what we shall see the coming season. f Ir Mr. Gere is defeated for regent of the University it w ill be much re gretted. A mau of good judgment and scholarly attainments, Mr. Gere, during bis short term on the board, ha done much toward bringing or- . t-'-.i. 0ut of chaos and :.laciug the Uni- Utitv.a;.v whpre it will eniov both the fifonage and confidence ot the peo- ovpIc of the state. His successor can do 'B no better, he may not do as well. A daxgerocs counterfeit has been extensively circulated. It is of the jJjtiT,.dAaJr- Treasury note, series ot li Y ebsters head,. ine pa- countcrfeit is thicker than e genuine note, and Web- se is badly shaped. Our read- to well to examine tcn-dol-backs carefully. tler will be declared Gov- iMassachusctts iu a proclama- ng with the sentence, uGod Commonwealth of Massa- A little extra emphasis ut on these words th's should be printed and s. Globe-Democrat. II 'lent exchange, the vat9 to monoKjlists, and they in turn beiwal lowed by the democracy, and all be turuvd over t the monopolists, and credit! to Dr. Millar and J. Sterling Morton and their supporters in Cass, Tho otUtMal ruturtw-shmv that the annual Illustration of the story of Jo- milaud tbu whale, that we witness irom 3-rto year, has been presented this year with a slight shining of the scener5T"btitwrrti tin same effect Enough of the vole of tho third party issunlclentlj: in ie, yet to warrant tho assertion that the heels are still protruding Xrom the cadaverous open ing in the face ofthe democratic whale That piuty is now waiting a little, be fore com nlelinsi llie j.ib. If it were certain it could get along without them, it would belch them forth, for after election day their love for anti monopoly. grt-enbackM, or any tliidg but itoui boiiiMii, waiits ni. iilly. On the other hand, the heels may abstract the rest of the body of anti-monopoly greenback, from the digestive orgxns of democracy, and keep house for themselves be that as it may, the credit for flit- feat has been given to democracy ; and Dr. Miller lias patted his disciples on the head and said. "well done" and intimated that each of them are (ioliaths iu their way, while it will remain for Mr. Iorton, that graduato from tho C. 13. & Q anti-monopoly school, to come around and see them when the balloting is in progress iu the legislature for United States senator. The 1'lat (smooth Journal savs Mr. Ilarligan's name for District Attorney was by mislake omitted from the dem ocratic tickets iu Lancaster coouty. Wc have been informed that Mr. Ilar- tigan's name was printed on the reg ular democratic tickets but not on the anti-monopolist ticket. The anli- monopolista held no judicial conven tion, and were at liberty to vote for which ever of the nominees on the othertickets thev saw lit. Mr. Strode's majority iu Lancaster county was 2.- 777; iu Nemaha, 305 and iu Cass 221. ' Mr. Ilarligan's majority in Otoe, we do not know exactly, but it is about 400. leaving Mr. Strode's major ity about 2,500 iu the district. Thc official vote published else where in this paper. .lun'S that Mr. Strode received a larger majority thuu any inau oil tho republcau ticket iu Cass comity. Considering the fact that both candidates tire rrsidcuts of Cass county, the Journal loan ought to allow us to draw a little comfort from these tacts. The United Status )uwsdifrauchi- ing polygamists and prohibiting tliejji from holding political oflice of any kind is bavin j;, it appears, au effect among tho Mormons which-jvas not expected. It Is &id to involve not only a theoretical but a praeileal ex clusion of the polygamous Mormons from politics. Those who are not dis franchised are disposed to exclude those who arc from all participation iu political management. This khuts out most of the bright and shining lights of the church, who arc retaliat ing by prohibiting auy but polyga mists irom holding positions of a re ligious character. Thoso ftlieady holding them, who happen to have but one wife, must marry one or more besides, or step down and out. Let the light go on. Nothing but good can come from a piit in the material Mormouism is composed of. If Mor mouism is destroyed it is more likely to be from its internal rottenness than from outside foes. Globe Democrat v . aational bouse n of i.n:uLi.it. .iueir to sivo the democrats 193, the republicans 124. and the independents 3, making total of 825. Many of tb districts bar chos en their congressmen by majorities so mall that the results in some of them may be changed on the ofllclal count but as thsse small majorities are in variably democratic gains In what were believed to hi republican dis tricts, it is probably safe to say that the errors iu the present calculation will not be found benelcial to the re publicans. The tabulated returns are Demo- Bpub- cralic. lieua. Alabama Arkaima Cullforuta Colorado Connecticut leluware Florida Ueoriila Indiana Illinois low Kaiisaa Kantuvky lAHiUiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts.. .. MtculKaii Minnesota Mlaalatt)pl Missouri Nebraska Nevada New llainpahlre.. Newr Jersey New York North Carolina... Ohio Oregon I'eiuisvlvanla Rhode Inland South Carolina.... Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wlscansiu. Indepeud cut. . s . s '. s . 1 . 2 . 10 . 8 V . s ii 5 , i 3 14 S Kl 8 14 is "i 6 10 i 3 0 Total 1US 5 10 J 4 13 1 7 1 15 2 1 1 1 2 5 1 - 4 134 Congressional Contest In the Third VALENTINE. MUNOKlt. Antelope 32 Cheyenne 163 Hobn 374 Colfax 140 liullalo 442 Cuming 90 Hurt 93 Dodge 881 Dakota 98 Madison 126 Dawson 235 Pierce 116 G reeley 63 ii at t e 700 Hall 62 Stanton 53 Holt 369 Keith 2 Howard .. ... 104 Knox 427 2,271 Lincoln 106 Merrick 216 Nance 103 Sherman 150 Vallev... 192 Way lie 104 Washington 2 3,472 Cedar, Dixon, Custer, aud Wheeler not heard from. Mr. C. K. Yost and Fred Nye, have purchased the stock of tho Omaha Re publican, and became its sole owners and proprietors. A press dispatch is authority for the fact that it will be Blaine republican. Under tbeii own individual control, with Mr. Xye as editor, it will become a power thot it could never hope for under its former management, and republican of the best quality. Ax exchangs asks, "Is it political small-pox that has broken out over the land or only a mild' type of vario loid?" It looks ir ore like a case of old fashioned itch which has bceu de veloped by much scratching, however plenty of brimstone will cure it, and democracy will supply that commod 11 y. The first real case on record of money raising the dead, was brought to notice here iu Cass county on the 7?h, when democracy was vitalized to such an exieut, as to elect three men to thc legislature, something that had not occurred before iu twelve years. Tiiele is nothing modern about the democratic roosters that shine in their columns, and they look like fowls 20 years old ; while as to sick birds, they havn't auy in the state; this genera tion never before having toictuie a republican defeat. The official returns elect Ami It. Todd county commissioner by two ma jority: if Ami asks, Am-I? be can answer I am, by two majority which on bis side is as good as a thousand - .A more desperate effort to defeat a candidate for Congress was never made than was that made to defeat Con gressman Valentine. Every- republi can stronghold iu the district was as sailed by his opponents, and lies, the blackest and uukindest were fold con cerning him. The Omaha Bee, with its column after column of abuse, was sent to almost every f armor in the dis trict who could read it, and democrat ic and self-styled "untUnionopoly" ora tors did their best iu working upon the prejudices of the people. Our Senator. Van Wyck an 1 the sophis tical J. S'-erling Morton, lod the van of attack and helped to sow discord in re publican ranks. Circulars in the Ger man, Bohemian aud Scandinavian lan guages flooded the district in which Mr. Valentino wus published as a dis graced soldier, a corrupt machine pol itician and a thief. In districts popu lated by the foreign element, voters were told that he was a woman suffra gist and prohibitionist and temper ance people that he was a whislty-guz- zler and saloon bummer. Every trick and artifice known to disappointed and unprincipled politicians, was resorted to, toeltoct his defe.it, and had it been any other man in the Did district than E. K. Valentine, their efforts would have proved successful. But the man they had to deal with was too much for them, llis frank ana manly na ture had madu him friends as true as steel who fought for him with all their might. His enemies were followed up and their games circumvented; the true inwardness of the opposition was in many instances exposed to the light of day aud luauy realized that a lot of political shysters were laboring to deceive them, Not only this, but wherever Mr. Valentine went in the district he inspired confidence. He talked in a friendly and neighborly manner to his constituents about his work in congress. AVithout boasting. he showed what he had accomplished while in congress, and what he should try to do if returned. Xo man in whom there was a grain of fairness, could listen to Mr, Valentine's vindi cation of himself and record fiom the the charges whieJt baiTbeeu made, and not be convinced that ho was tho vic tim of slander. His election fyy. "a re spectable, majority, considering the fiijlit which was mado against him, is a victory of which he well felt proud ami over which the rooubliaati party not only of this district, but of the en tire state may well rejoice. A good ci' izen, and an able man has been re elected to a responsible position and a horde of assassins and villitlers have received a much merited rebuke. "West Point Republican. i. IB4. TOll CONOHIC!. rlKST IIT. Archibald .'. Weaver J. 1. Kedlc K. S. Uiibert roa uovibkom. Jaiuss W. Dawes J. Hierllnj Mortou A. i". iltytrtou rUl UEUTKNANT OOVKUMOK. A. W. AKee J. K. Warunr T.U. lUymUilt k roa SKCKETATV OK STATE. ' - K. 1. BoKo , O. J. Howlby... TIum, Kir tly ran AUDITOR ruLlc ACC'TS. John Walllcln Charles Leach.. .. ,...v.. John Itatic KOK STATK TllKASUKKK. I.orun Clark .... li. Sturdevnut rOK ATTORN ICY OKMKUAL I'aae Powers, Jr ... J. C Crawford John Ikirtui , FOR COM M1SHIOM Kit OB rUBUO LANDS, - A. . Kendall Henry lirelxj , C. it lladlcv VOH SI'eRRI NTK.VDICNT 1HJHL1C INSTRUCT1C W. W. W. Jones Charles A. tt price J. J.Jnia KOR DISTRICT ATTOUMKY. Jesse B. Strode M. A. Hartlan. , rOU. RKOKNT VMI VKUS1TT. C. II. Oere J. M. Burks VOH STATIC 8KNATOH E. L. Reed James M. Patterson J.V. (Jilmore rOB V.EfBRSltNTATI VK. E. M. Wootey James Hall M. L. Canuon II. C. Wolpli Wm. Neville i. S. Upton J. M. HiKKinH li. a. Draper A. A. IhiriUn Daniel Fimter T. f. MctUirty U. 11. H'wmU FOB COUNTIT COMMISSION Kit. A. B.Todd .Fred I). l.ehnho!T , John Tut. For proposed amend men t Against " " Republican In Koman letters Democrats marked with ami Anti-monopolists In Jtnlle. r-. r T rT 1 ' r ii r J r 1 3 ' J J (J? f I ? ; ? ? '7T A ' " - ax f-.'o 4 16 m so ui u ?a lor iui n ii- 4 11 10 ' l! SI i 6 i! a 4 y 13 '6'.' . tJ 7 ci m ai: 7i n n ei n iy; nu U: fto 61 Ml .M S.. Ki 1 6."- t- 107 lo; 117 l.tf 27 li ttl IS 21 VI -6 I S 3 0 js Ij Bfl 6f. TO W Of. 6i a57 7'.' 75 74 l K4 Ijti ia . 57 4-J M 43 M 64 K tS 87 0J "3 10f. 13 ill lax S4 II It, 17 20 XI 20 6 1 3 3 6 V 27 14 T4 6'. 70 65 M 64 250 71 7U 74 fi' 8 13 1i S2 t; i in ii u M m c m u 7.1 Ioa wt 11:1 i.v 6 II 10 la 21 II W li 1 3 3 4 IS IN 14 74 66 70 K6 3 64 257 72 74 74 CI 65 I2ii 120 82 U 4tf fo 43 66 64 Kl CU M 3 73 lofi 103 1 13 15K 6 !l 16 1 20 21 2ii li 1 3 3 4 IK 11 85 6 K) S3 67 04 261 71 72 71 CI 8.'. lLV, 120 S2 II W W W II t5 IU.. 6.1 til (V 70 10,-! lr. 141 172 7:i M 70 86 Gi C4 267 72 74 74 01 M 128 120 fi 57 4-.I 5o 4S 66 64 till 62 INI ;i 73 103 103 111 If 6 11 hi lb 20 21 20 6 1 3 3 4 y s u 58 . 65 70 64 CI 250 TJ T4 74 fil M 12! 120 62 67 4u On 43 65 64 83 03 Rs C3 73 lor, U 113 V 21 11 10 lu 211 21 2.0 ti 1 3 3 4 a 27 14 73 65 70 66 CI C4 267 72 74 74 01 nr, tin IJ11 pg 641 4! 5(1 43 66 64 1-3 62 8 C3 73 lOI 103 11.1 116 0 11 lli 18 22 20 20 li 1 4 3 4 i 28 14 72 64 70 65 06 Cl 2T5 78 71 74 ' 8!i 121 120 i 66 4W 60 42 65 63 81 68 8W Cii 73 K8 101 111 160 48 66 70 7U Rl U 267 7 75 71 61 65 12.1 120 0 4fl 60 48 5S 5 frl tii b8 03 73 lof K'3 113 15 63 82 CO 83 73 54 2.4:: -fil 4! 58 6t 72 118 74 5-1 76 62 63 4k 60 : 5 UI lull K 75 114 114 111! I77 3 J 12 II 8 10 16 12 4 10 3 7 7 21 17 ."I 47 81 81 0.1 61 aih 7 42 70 6s 7., y, m co 73 "51 6'J 81 61 04 i!ofl 72 Oil o 67 SO 1M lo" T" 68 fc..M 82 6u 6 IMS 71 7t 7.'i 5:' 81 M6 irj ft) 67 61 u 74 70 02 23 71 6s 72 61 811 125 111 70 57 4u 4l 47 M till !" 02 II! C;i 74 144 ldti 12ii 00 63 61 52 411 67 65 77 02 1)1 1)2 74 111.: UI 120 lfll 87 W) so 4i! 00 61 82 02 8V Itt 74 1 0.1 101 113 Jft; f 48 SO M J M 101 03 U0 73 H'i 107 12!! l.l 8 14 1H Is lit 15 !f 7 I 4 3 4 ;t 2 11 7 11 If. IT 23 20 17 7 1 4 3 4 !l 28 14 2 11 1G 19 17 20 lit 6 1 3 3 4 7 27 1ft 6 11 10 18 17 20 31 0 1 4 3 4 7 IU 14 71 4f 70 82 66 57 252 66 62 , 55 8j 121 100 70 "61 4ii 47 4j 04 61 85 01 1116 08 "V lm uo lit! ItJ 7 22 l:i 1J IJ 21 m 1(1 7 3 4 10 15 J"J 66 20 3 3t 441 84 38 ,'0 411 18 8 1:1 6.". 51 70 61 70 67 JO 50 85 130 53 10 74 Vi HI 15 172 1,13 PlstMimottili Ciiy 611 3 5! Ml 3 6!l WO 5 3 r,1 t7 3 611 t) 31 67 84 60' 70 42 111 6 6!l 6tl lost W3 02 115 . : 8! e e : a. c c. TS 11 It8 17S 82 133 U'J llUxt i 6.2 au; 7k 140 0i I7(vi 81 13- 141 lii:i V 8 3 230 78 140 Un 1732 81 132 140 loof. a ni 76 13!l 110 1750 ft 13.1, lie intio 6 3 208 7h 13 110 1761 HI 131 140 HioO 3 201 78 1 110 171" I1 1 0 143 1840 7 Wit 1 1(1 1761 81 !33 14o 1607 l 7 3 iuu 78 1 40 lw 1730 81 150 1617 8 7 3 217 78 140 118 1718 81 133 140 11.(1.1 V 7 3 204 7"l 11,1 112 1771 7 123 13l i;63 77 1:k 100 1C.I7 8! 133 140 1014 0 10-. 81 142! 1J 10.1 163 :8'.I8 '0 12 l'.' 181) 6: 129 07 15SII 71 i.tl 103 ll'.7U OA U'a til ItilH 01 4(l il7 llll'.l 117 1 40 1 68 1756 78 133 1411 UK 12 81 131 1311 l(ii' 117 133 14U 1751 l.l tt 4 206 10 II 2 205 11 8 3 l;r 1C 7 2 lw 68 121 03 1607 8.1 131 1411 1005 10 21 ! 2l8 05 V-3 87 !I73 85 lj(t lltj 118:'; V21 127 150 143 128 131 113 113 83 409 Now about those Jjicts. If the jmr' tica to whom wc owe bets wi I "just aree to takn thc stakes, aytl not go iuto details; not stop to ask us about ho btute of our iiituJ, aud talk about how it was done, ive don't cKrc We don't "wish lo - have this thing ex plained nl all. . Just plain Taut s arc good enough tor us, without any har rowing details. In the meantime we arc going to work to earn some more money to bet on the uext election. Judge i'olger aud others, come over aud 6cc us when you have time, aud wc will talk the matter over. Mr. JJutler wo wish we had your longevity. With a robust coiibtilutioii, wo iiud that most auy iiiiiu c:iu wcnrotit cruel lute and &vt I Iuto at ii.t. Wo do not loci so angry as we do gricvod and surprised. Wo ure pained to see the American people thus betray ourcou- fideuce, and throw a large wardrobe into the lunula of t))p relentless foe Lai imie Uumerang. The Plattsmouth Herald comes to us this week enlarged to a nine column paper. Glad to see these evidences of prosperity on the part of our cotem porary. Fremont Tribune. Thb comet having waited until af ter election and created all the dis turbance possible is now fast fading from sight when we shall breathe easier again. Iowa has elected Pusey, Murphy and Frederick, democrats, and Calam ity' Weller, greenback, t congress from that state and yet nothing shall surpnsa ua. The Plattsmouth -Herald increases in favor and statute. It is now a maa column and still going.--Pawnee En terprise. . - ' . Republicans should devote the ;oth to prayer principallyywid leava nksgiving to deraZ bts. II names W. T. 118.31 II Snowed Under. We do not Llama the democracy for this. We are a little surprised, however, and grieved. It will inter fere with our wardrobe this winter. With an overcoat on Wyoming, a plug hat on Iowa, and a pair of pantaloons on Pennsylvania aud boots on gener al results, it looks now as though wc would go through the winter wrap ped iu a bed quilt and profound med itation. Thc cause of lliU great democratic freshet in Xew Yoric yesterday - but why go into details, we all have an idea why it was so. The number of yotes would seem to indicate that there was a tendency towards democ racy throughout tho state. .Now iu Pennsylvania, ii you will look over the returns carefully , but why should we take up your val uable time offering an explanation of a political matter of the Wo resume our arduous duties with r. feeling of extremo ennui, and with that sense of surprise and astonish ment that a man does who has had a large brick block fall ou him when he XVas not expecting it. Although we feel a little lonely today having met but few republicans on the.stteel, who were obliged to come out anij do their shopping we still hope for the future. The (fraud old republican iarty But tliat.s what we said la-t weekt It sounds hollow now and meaning less, somehow, because our voice is a little hoarse, and we are snowed un der so deep that it is difficult for us to enunciate. The Next Legislature. SKNATE -KKrUBLICANS. Fust di8tit;i, Seliucnheit, gj Fisher; 10; Dumb, 11; Norrts, 12; Kinkaid, 16; Browu E. E., Walker, 18; Howell, 21; Filley, 25; Brown Ezra, 25; Harrison, 37; Harris, g8; Satiers, 29; Boingarduer 30; LoIau,ttt; Jiflt Jg, DEMOCRATS ELECT. Fourth district, Rogers, 5; Patterson 6; Brown C II; Caufield, 7; Mcshaue, 8- Conklju, ?; Saug, 13 Brown Capt. 17; Uunphy, 20;BaikCf, 28 ;Case, Jl. ASTI-MONOl'8 ELECT. Third district, Buller, 14; Reynolds, 15; Detk19; Dye, 22; Rich, 26; Con ner 6. IIOISE- KEl'UBLICANS. First district, Stephenson, Grin stend. 2; Fablinger, 4; Humphrey, 5; Walker, C; Grout, 7; Hall, Wolph, 8, (a rep,) 9;Grav, Cbristophcrson, Col peir.ef, Sussenb !ch, 10; Kuouy, Hatch 14; Miller, 17; Palmer, 19; ( i rep.) 20; (a rep.) 22; Thompson, 20: Roberts, Jensen, 27; Joues, 28; Bcardslcy, 29; Collins, llotncr, Joliuson, 30; Fields, Sessions, Whedoii, Worl, Wisseuberg, Wescott, 81; Brown, Swearinger, 82; (2 reps) "J5; Castle, .Morrison, 88; Cook 49; llauney, 41; Chapi' el'lctoii, Howard, 43; (2 reps) 49; (a rep) 40; (a rep) 52; Dawson, 53; Charson, 54; Lee. 55; Babcock, 56; a rep) 57 Abel, 59; Bicrbower- 55. DEJtOCKATS ELECT. First district. La they, 2; Graver, 3; Freburu, 6; Iloebcl, Payne, 7; Neville, Draper, 9; Turtle, Carnaby, Croney nicver, Clark, 11; Harrington, Thomas 12; Iltiinrich, Laird, 3j "(a deiu) 16" Ilollmaii, 18; (a dem) 20; Gordon, 23; (2 de ins) 24; Clark, 25; (a deni) 36; Werhau, Cook, 40; Ashby, 47; Tower, 48; Haven, 68; (a dein) 29. ANTI-MONO PS ELKCT. Thirty-thiru, Berkeley, Whitger, 43; Ramoy. Sadilok, Palmer, 35; Turner, 37; Young, Town, Ratcbll,45; Killiau, Powers, 46; Dodd, 47; Armllaire, 49; Stead well, 51; (au ami.) 15. JTo , YOUNG, CLOAKS, HUNTING .1, Iiavc arrived, mid Iiovk thoiii under the regular can give par (iesnpeciail induce; when wanting ainything ij anove line. vWe invite all and see our iinmen.se stock purchasing elsewhere. Also a Full Line of 'KM iisses and Children scioalTs HJItei'cttcs anwl IHIaycloeks' in cndlcssj varieties, nels, Shootah cloths. Dress tlni Camels-hail d res pat ter All caslime: cloth. J Waterman OpJsra House, CEWrffBAJL STfflBE BOOM. All hands are arranng goods,- and his advertisemer vill anpqar f LEGAL NOTICES. T Bkcause thc IIekai.d aud Kuter priso were consolidated certain par ties attempted to make political cai tal out of it by crying "riu-j", not withstanding that it continue) i ita- eell warring factious. If two mer chants or two manufacturers consoli date business, no such howl would be raised and. when the howlers learn that the Herald is a business institu tion and was comprised as it is at pieseut lor business purposes and to become a p&ljd and substantial bus luess itietitmion for this pity i4 Cass county and not like some an existence to help e':ect men to oflice aud subsist on political scraps aud parings, wfreu, wc say, men who ouht to know bet ter, sharpen their perceptive facul ties enough to comprehend, this 'act iu all its height and breadth, aud full ness, titcy JJwill '. advance to a high- er plane man tney eier m" of attaining before, Tiie IIeraii is a business newspaper, and U owners believe it is so proving itself. A man from Burlington, Iowa, ar rived in the city yesterday dead broke. He was ow bis way to River ton, Neb, and eluluied that he had bc(:i robbetl between Plattsmouth and Grueuwood W:4-pwActbook contain. ng his rail road ticket aud $85 in greenbacks. He was drunk, aud was talking for a pass to his destination. State Jour ual. L, jJiigsjpssjsjga - Apkomihent deiuooralio politic ian in this county in writing a letter of rejoicing to Dr. Miller, announces the defeat ofthe Surveyor General's ring. The members of that very vis siouary rjsg whoever and wherever they may be should vryi thejr shrouds around them and call in the jextou. Tae Jocbnal, In if chastity, says we wcr born a liar; wo arc thankful that our case is a question 'f birth and not one of education, for it lightens responsibility. Legsd Notice. In the Dixtrict Cjin t o( Nebraska. In ttie 2d Juilifial DiKtrlet in and for Cass County. Syl vester C. Fargo and Charles U. Fargo, co-pai t uers. doing business under the name of b. C. Fargo & Sun, plaiiitifts, vs. Mary Ilattray, 1-tt-iKlaut. Mary Kattary, defendant, wil! take notice, that on the lltn day of November, a i., l2, S. C. Farco Si Sou, plaimitls herein, tiled their petition in tin iiktrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, against said defendaut, the object and prayer ot v hich is to recover judgment ngalust "said defendant, for the sum of $208,-16. with interest thereou, from the icih day of January, a. i. 1882, upon a certain judmeut rendered by the District , Court, of the Territory of Dakota, in and for the county of Lawrence, in said Territory, in favor of plaintiffs and ngaint-tsaid defendant; tnat there is now due upon said judgment the sum of 3'.!G8,4i, with interest thereo:: from the lath-day of January A. ii. 1882, at ten per cent, for whu-u sum, with interest, plain! ill? pray for judgment and also that a i Attachment has been i.-sued iu said cau-e agaiiiHt the property of d defendant in Cass i o.in ty. State of Nebraska. S. C. FAHtiO & SON. Plaintiffs, 15y 8. 1. Vanatta, tlieir Attorney. Plattsmoutli. Nov. 1C. ISM. 35t4. Legal Notice. Legal Notice. Notice s lieFt-by giyen, that tiie proposition for the issiiaiuid of Internal lutpiovement Bonds, to the amount of Three "IhouHand Dol lars iu South liend Precinct. Cas County, Ne braska, having received the uecesiary two thirds vote, at tlie .special election, lield in said precinct. ou the day of June, lsui Notice is hereby given, that the said proposi tion Having carried, and so ueciareu uy llie hoard of County Commissioners, ltonds will be lesued in accordance with the terms of said proposition. LY OKOER OF CO. COMMISSIONERS. , , In witness whereof 1 have hereunto jsEAL set my hand and olliciai seal, this Hth t-- "ay oj Joveinuer. ispz. ' J. V. JENNINGS. Novenibor 16, 15S2 35t3. County Clerk. John Osborne, plaintiff, vs. The Scottish American Mortgaee Company kimited, aud - Underwood, and Clark partners, lirst names unknown, defendants. The above named defendants will take no tice, that on the 1.1th day of October, 16X2. the above uamed plaintiff hied his petition in the district court of Cas county, Nebraska, against Jrou, the object aud prayer which are 1st : To lave a curtain luoi tgaye, bearing date of Nov ember 22d. Itisi, held by you against plaiiuiff, ou llie south half of the north-west quarter of section ten, township ten, range ten. in Cass county. Nebraska, annulled, cancelled and sat islled of record. 2d. To have you enjoined from negotiating or transferring the promisory notes t-ecured by said mortgage, and at the Ilnal hearing of said cause to have said notes ordered delivered up and cancelled. 3d. To recoverdainagns in the sum of SIOO.00. sustained by reason ot the non-cancellation of said mortgage. You are required to nnswer on or before No vember 271 h, Uul. JOHN OSIiOUN. By Sui.i.l van W'ooi.KY.Iiis Attorney". Plattsmouth, Neb., Oct. 2uth 1SS2. 311. Legal Notico. Notice. Swan Johnson, n ju-resident defendant, will take uotice that on tiie 21st day October. 182, James Crawford, a Justice of the Peace.in and for South Bend itrev'xet. Cass county. Nebras ka, issued au order attachment, for the sum of 34.3iuan actiou pending Itetore mm, w Here in Kochon &. Co.. are plaiutilfn and Swan John sou is defundaut. that properly belonging to you. to-wit : Funds in the hauds ot one N. W. Kanett. has been attached, aud said cause on; limed tq Deceiabc-r 2d, lss2, at two oclock iu tho u(teri(oou. ' ItOCllAN CO., By K. O. MoFablasd, their Attorney. October 21 st, IfjJ 3413. Notice to Teachers. I will be at my office in Plattsmouth the first Friday aud Saturday, aud at Klmwuod the second and fourth Friday and Saturday, and at Weeping Water the third Saturday of each month to attend to any school business that may ue presented 1132 cvkls alton, Superintendent Probate Notice. In the matter of the estate of Janies S. Poin- nutt, defiiascil- 0 flic ppunty court of Cass Coon reading and fllii;g the duly verified ie ttliou of SaraU Louisa iJurforJ, praying that auuunistratons of the estate of James S. Dem mitt, deceased, be granted to James Magee. Otdered tliml notice ot the pendctcy of said cau.e be published in the Plaltsmituthllerald.a weemy newspaper, printed, publisUed and In general circulation in said county, for three vuniuiive weeKs, aim inai Lite Hearing ui atu cause bo set for tlie 24rh day of November A. D.. ititj, Jkt 1 "ii'clpck V. 11. at tlie olfH.-e of the County Judge, ju PlaitsmoutU.' t viiili time ana place, all ptrsous tuteresled may unpear and etw.ur n-iii.. ,r .. i...u l. .... wt,i. ..Ii.iit- istratlou ot said estate should not be granted, 10 me said James Magee, according to ine prayer of said petition, - J. W. JOHNSON. Countv Judge. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Nov. 2. 1SK2 3313. Tax 4je Mige. to the oou reslUuut Ti unkii j j it aimer lots 1 to 9. iw block 3. south. 1 east, lots 3 to 12. In block 4. south, 1 west, lots 1, 3, 4. 5. 6, T, 8, S and 12, in block 6, south, I west of the Public Square, in the town of liock Bluffs. Ca couu ty, Nebraska. Von are hereby notified that on the 21st day of February, 1881, the above described real es tate, was by the Treason r of Cass county, Ne braska, sold at private sale, for the delinquent taxes 41 the yetr 1ST8, amounting to 3,34. to me undersigns', raid property was taxed ni assessed a belougirir to unknown or non-resident utwiiers:" That tue Ihne cf ridvuiution of said pifemises froi.ufaid sale. w-IU exblre onjiitt. 21st dvf Febriiary.' A. ti. 13. ami that on less t lenipiion be umde (ront suth sale on r oefni a tumijuriiMj preittis ill.' '"d by the Treasurer ot suid couu tt'- 1 1 tne unuersigneo. r wm. . its, oer aa. isws. 3313, . t . . ...... . . niunu. ra ru. T..r tu.i premises ol. fiv el,,..t m.i.e ' I lLf't eomplexlun and web""" iuy order 01 county C r iit George Couners will take notice, that on the tiili day of October, lsS2, J. W, Johnson county Judge of Cass county. Neb, Nsued an order of attachment for the sum of S-ii.W, in au ui-tion pending before bjm, wheiejn Clarence K. Wes- coii, is piautvut anu vetiii;t: untiets ts ut-ienu-ant. that property consisting of money, in tlie hands of the Hu rllngton antl Missouri Itiver Kailroad, in eorasKa, lias ueen ariai-neu un der said order. Said cause was couliiined to tlie 23d day of November, ls2. at 3 o clock, A. M. CI.AllKNCE E WESCOTT. By Sullivan & Woolbv, his Attorneys. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Oct. 20th. 162. 31t4. Notice to Take Depositions. The State of Nebraska, Cass county, s, s. Lottie A. Allen, plaintiff ys Charles A. Allen, defendant. In the district court of the 2 judicial district of Nebraska, in and lor tass county. The above named deft. Charles A. Allen, will take notice that 011 the 7th day of Novem ber 1SH2, between the hours of ten a. in. and six E. 111. of said day, at the oflice of Daniel W. rown iu Carthage, Jasper county, iu the state of Missouri, the plaintiff above named will take the deposition of Benjamin F. Thooias and sundry witnesses in this action, to be used as evidence 011 the trial of the above entitled cause. With authoiity to adjourn from day to day untilall such depositions snail nave been taken xatjk a. au.hu. By If. C. Brown her Attorney. Plaintiff. Plattsmouth Oot. 13. Ite2-3l m . Notice to Take Depositions. stale fif Nebraska. Cass Countv. ss. Lottie A. Allan, plaintiff, v Charles H. Allen, defend ant, in tne uimrici court 01 me 2u duutctai District of Nebraska, lu and for Cass county. The above named Charles II. Allen, defend ant, will take uotice that ou the Ilth day of November. A. D. 1S2. between the hours of 10 o'clock a. in. and C o'clock p. 111.. 01 said d?y at the offlceof January & Smith, in Nevada, county of Vernon and state 01 -Missouri, ine plaintiff above named will taice the deposition of Charles H. Maltby and sundry witnesses in this autiu: to he 'i-sejl as evident on the trial of the above entitled eauee. With authority to adjourn front day to day until all such depo sitions shall have been taken. LOTTIE A. ALLEN, Plaintiff. By H. ('. Bko w", her attorney. October 19. 1W2. 31U L W ,r'' III ONFJ THAN THI Notice to take Depositions. The Stnte of Ncbraeka. Cass county. Lottie A. AllfcU", p!alutiir. vs. Chases II. Allen, defend ant, lu lim distru-i iaui t olllie.l Ju.lii,ial Distrl-1 of Nebraska, 111 aul forCaa county. NOTICE.TO TAKE DEPOSITIONS. The above Charles II. Allen, defendant will take notice, that on the 15th day of November A. D 12. between the hours of ten o'cl.iek A, M. and six o'clock P. M., of said day. at tlie of fice of Charles Patton. of Mount Vernon, iu the county of Jefferson, and State of Illinois. The Dlaiutill.above named, will take the depo sition of Se;.ien W. Wes'hrook and sundry wiiiUssi-sui lliik"w.Tt.ir. f.tlia nr;t! it evidence on the trial of the above entitled cause. With .ititlioritv toadiouru from day to day. until all such deposition have been taken. . . - 1- . o . . t I l- V" T'l . . I .. . c m By H. C. Brown, her Attorney. October l. 1SS2. 3'.t4. Reward. A reward of Fifty Dollars is hereby offered for 'i capture and conviction of one James V-ftll!im- U .l-.a r.m .tnulinrr and rurrvinir Aurav fenlais e'hiM f thr. aeof lour vears. said c 'Id a taken n-pm Weeping; Water Nc'j. un l4iiierBiu joe?, tiaid juih Y 1 un every arucif u per cl ; -I WHAT VvH E9 A R IS PT, A TTS BENNii a n 11 n d . I MM' : r We carrj I 1 -T-'