Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 09, 1882, Image 6

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krald. Mr
u 10 COll'.-CC mom-vs
J. U. Stkodk,
Business Manager.
i. Neb., Aug. 17. '82. tf
tor's Material.
toutli Herald Publishing
ve a larire quantity of
rial for sale, Including
presses, one good power
printing material, suf-
a good printing office,
deairing to purchase
I. Strode, Plattsmouth,
trticulars. tf.
' " tTuoMh
y l4ntlt.
ocals on fourth pace,
the Corrinuc Merry
all tonight.
nun will uroHi'i at
nnli on next Stin-
Oue of the finest entertainment
h or
tin) reason will ho the Merrv Makers
in "Bijou" at ths hull tonight.
A. wolf hunt to take place down on
the t'inl toward Itock Bluffs has been
runio'Wl. hut as yet we have heard of
no sculps being brought la.
1. Young lias had printed a largo
ii ii mix r of hills, announcing his now
fit .
cigar i no oi. ,iacot wincli lie
has rijiitjvplaeed onihe market.
The peopliAof Pacific Junction are
endeavoring t secure a paper at that
point to lake tiVe p'acc of the Gazette
which recently removed to (i lull wood.
Some of tho iiVMnljer of the siorls
liteu's oluh are ngltaliug a t ri up to
Juniata alter gies, at w hich point
that nolilii. bird i-y said to be very
pieiu u in
A large number of', new residences
in this city which were recently com
menced art) being pushed to coiuple
lelion before winter auta it foot down
iHnOiiff us.
Tho HJfc M. are working some large
forces of men t-loaiiiK up ballast and
liuvv construction work on this nd of
the line, prior to the advent of cold
The T. A. M. are arranging for
Urither, c,f theic eluli daiiceb, which
Wore very popular the lat winter,
and to tollow the siieccstul one of
two weeks ago.
'ete Taylor, the 15. & M. road master
isiou has some 1 1 11 y nu n at
m. . i
JtevTrS. J. YVlUiyi roturncl
hia vlult to friends lu liliuoii
Iowa InHt Monday.
B. Windham, of Glepwood, vUiicd
with Mr. and Mr. It, B. Windham,
this city, over Bundoy.
Jlidge Savage and Hon. T. M. Mar-
tuette were among the- promintnt
guests of Plattsmouth Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. MacMurphy returned
from the mountains last Sunday and
report a pleasant and thoroughly en
joyed journey. y
A. IWhou, of Chapmun & Bccsou
was in Des Moinos Monday attendin
a case in tne L ulled States court, now
iu BOHnion in that city.
lion. Sum. M. Chapman went to
Council Bluff Wednesday to attend
tho fuueral of Dr. Gillette, tho father-
in-law of bin brother; lion. John W
Geo. A. Seybolt, of Westown N. Y
has been in this city and other points
in the county the last two weeks at
tending business which brines him
semi-annually to Nebraska.
Klder C. L. Crow ther returned to
the citr lust Mondav. He lias been
holding a fiucce.! nl protracted meet
ing at Cameron, Mo., to winch poiut
ho will shortly move with his family.
John Fitzgerald and It. C. Cindiing
passed last Sunday in this city, and
the H kii a i.D is informed that Mr.
Fitzgerald will build the conteni
nlated addition to his block with tho
early sprisg.
lion. John II. Gear, ex-governor of
Iowa, passed through this city Mon
day enroate east, and iu conversation
with the Herald, had nothing but
words of praise for Nebraska, and her
wonderful crops which he witnessed
on every hand.
i ih'u
n the
two weeks ago.
NUeiid this week, lay-
Jv sick
y af-ieor-
ffT wo are
-yTs and siilier-
some of the most
Stationery ever
ft to iiits'city, and in addition,
of ball cards and programs.
to and in variety such as to
. i- .1H.1..I- i l.A ii in.i j
a nc v ap-
extensiou U
Mauy of the ladies exhibited a la
mentable ircbhucss in their solicita
tions to voters, and ' we hetml one
lady nsR. voter to let tier see bis
ii'ket. Had a man asked the same
question be woulrnu doubt have rc-
eived a tnirp !tnswer cousiguiui'
it in to a warmer'climate, but voters
who would havoregarded their quas-
lions as insults . from men, laughed
them oll'as jokes from the fairer sex.
They will leanf belter the tactics of
politics in tho iweet by aud by. Daily
How many men were thero at the
polls whs d.'dn't only akk to sec tick-
ts, but toAk them from men aud
fixed them up,, for them. How
many men wcro voted like o many
ittle, who had no idea of their own
ud w l;o couldn't even read tho tick-
they voted. Kvery such instance
an insult to the rignt of franchise,
ut u oue is cousigucd, tp a warmer
cliwatc, and the nasscd unon
uew bridge a jokuoi the ttritr sex. Amou"'
the '-fresh" scenes on the part of the
men, the women wero permitted to
look upon, was a drunken man lifted
up to the w indow to vote against the
mflrage, and another who had to
have an interpre'.er to tell him how
to vote. A lady standing by, re
marked that when women were al
lowed to vote, thy woulk not need
ajLiutcrprctcr, and men standing by
who believe tiR ballots -1 Ailuonted
women citizens are equal to the bal
lots of ignorant men, said amen to
rricitd -grM ttj
As per armgetuent the Annual hunt
of the l'lattsmoulh a6rtdDaen'8 club
was held on the 1st aJnd 2nd of the
month, followed on Uie night of the
3rd by the banquet, at the l'erkln's
houss given by the defeated club. The
parties engaged in the hunt were Mr,
Agnew and Mr. At wood, who hunted
at Ashland; Smith, Jones, llaker Na
gk who hunted at Wabonsie, Chap
man, Livingston, Lewis, Hyers, bush
nell, Mathews, hite and Itichey
who liunteu at iercival, la., and
Wiley Mlack and Wise who hunted in
this county. ; The remainder of the
two teams failed to respond at the
game count, and were supposed not to
have hunted. The members partici
. t 1 .1... . .
piiiiHK iu viiBuuui, arriveu nome on
FrUay morning aud during the fore-
uoon the couut was had, resulting as
follows: The team headed by Wiley
Ulack being easy victors, and the
team ueaueu iy ijushnell being most
decidedly left; the following is tl
record by team:
Black'.Hli Husli-
DfMciIptlon otOame. fi l! i S
J:, t. jr. y
Milliard duck 3 at, 117. 60
Uusky duck 6 6 as a 10 duck 2 1 -i U 10
Wood duck 2 0 0' 'i 4
rintail duck 2 2 4 1 3
Ten) aud other duck 2 122 122 44 44
Clipper luil I J (i 18
Kni 1 s u 23 23
Tellow Legs 1 U 0 1 1
Cliii'keue..... 10 022
Quail 1 m i u 0
ltawks 4 jo 7 .13
M'tuiirel 23 6 ' h 0
I'iiuuit 1 4 4: t u
Total number of l'oluta 32S I'M
1 over in
ater and
his build-
and has a fine
for his natrons.
listof the Hurald
i 1 . . r
r.i xi, ivffn. iiii uuriica
v";ll ii $ectiie their readins will
;ml an opportunity to select whatever
they may w ish and get it with the
Herald at greatly reduced prices.
.Mr. Warrick has jut rejeeicved his
new prescription scales, which fer ac
curacy ana nnisii, are 01 me very
1 best make in the country. They
j weigh to the ouo-huudredth part ot a
rrain The bearings arc J all jeweled,
... -it..-
laiiu tliav are accurate hi if miihih-si
llracliqu. R
Our Three Groves correspondent
Ulls attention to the fjict that there
i needs for rep;tir on the -telegraph
:td running jr
f !f ti:ii-lioQ
fcuieu lauies
fthe suffrage
during the
iven by Hiss
in the hall last Sattir-
A l'lattsmoulh audi
tor listeueu 10 au auier,
'restiug speech.
le (Jo,.rinne Merry Makers
tor Fitzgerald's Hall the
the 8th and 9ih. They
.their plays, The Maocett,
lcrella aud other popu
The troupe come ex-
11 recommended bv.the
,-ilrfanrrsh- good
... . 1
leir riatisiponint
A System of3(orov JRu.sJn.esg,
E. L. lHCBU is an agent aud tool
for tho Missouri Pacific railroad.
When the road was built lie got tho
farmers to give the .ngTitwot"""iraj'
through Weeping VVVier precinct free,
aud then in the 'uige of Weopiug
Water. HecilaiM others cot a large
nonev paid them as damages
;e M. 1. road. T.hcu to pay this
lamagc to Ueed aud a few other lot
wuers in Weeping Water, lieed at-
mptod to have bonds ta the amount
1:12,000 voted ou tlie precinct bv
d of men employed the cou-
tieu tvaiu of the M. P. road, and
esideuts and illegal voters. le-
ie railroad came to Weeping
, Heed sold from about eight to
lots a year, at about $30 each on
an average; since the road came he
wow sells an average of about 130
at an average price of $150 each.
It will be scon that Itced could pay
the t2,C0O and have a large surplus
left, aud yet it must bo remembered
the farmers have not received, one
cent for the damage tlicy sustained.
"Anti-monopoly men, look to your
scuator. The railroads are making
desperate efforts to capture the state
senate and block all anti-monopoly
The above is oue of the democratic
campaign circulars; will men now as
the election is over, re-read it, aud
ask thomsolvcs it they believe one
word of it ?
Jtollowing the count the banquet
was held at the Perkin's House that
evuijng, the invitations being limited
to one gentleman and lady to each of
the members of the two teams. The
proprietors ,of the Perkin's House
spared no pains in preparing the game
supper, and the parlors were thrown
open to tho club members, their wives
ladies and the guests. At 10:30 the
supper was served and the large din
ing room was jus largo enough to seat
the feasters and no more. "The menu
consisting of oysters in auy style, and
thb full array of came, ducks, roasted
and stuifed, game pie, quail on toast.
snipe on toast, all served in the most
creditable shape. The tables were
tastefully decorated, .the salads and
relishes were epicurean enough for
all, aud the fruit dessert, consisting of
oranges, pears, and California grapes.
wastluly appreciated The number
seated at the "banquet was some sixty-
wo, of which the following is nearly
a correct list:
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones and Miss
Olive Jones, E. W. Black, Miss Win
tersteen, Mr. P. E. Ituffuer and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Eikenbary, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. S. Smith. Mr and Mrs . A W
McLaughlin, Mr and Mrs W J Agnew,
Dr Hall, Miss Wiles. Mr and Mrs W
II Haker, P P Gass, J B Strode, Mr and
Mrs F Carruth, Mr aud Mrs S II At
wood, Ir and Mrs J It Cox, Mr and
Mrs W S Wise. Air and Mrs J P Young
Dr and Mrs Scliildkuecht, Mr and Miss
Lizzie Schildknecht, Mr and Mrs S M
Chapman, Capt and Mrs II E Palmer,
Mr and Mrs Henry EikenbarMi.ud
-up i, i uennettXtnd Mrs J S
"""""-ushnell, S S Hall and
Miss Wrordn4Mr Eli Lewis and wife,
Mr and Mw . Forbes, Mr and Mrs F
E White. Mr 4lul Mrs p s white. Mr
and Mrs Wm vfeville, Mr and Mrs M
A Hartigan. j)hu w Jennings and
Herman Smith
During the ev5ninB 30me tall hunt
ing stories were 0id every one
present appeared u enjoy the occasion
in which task, the feinted team were
not behind their opponents, me :-..nt
the banquet, game supper and the
Perkins house in the care aud atten
tion given to both banquet and guests,
all were an entire success, and the de
feated team are not feeling bad at all,
for they are all sportsmen.
Our city public schools are doing
splendidly?. TLo reports show a
verv full attendance in all the de
partments. The High school now
has a fuller attendance than ever be
fore since its organization. Very few
complaints are heard lroni any source.
The new teachers, those who have not
taught in our city schools before this
term, have all proven to be excellent
teachers. The old ones arc striving
hard to surpass their former success.
Prof. Dm in mom! is highly pleased
with the hearty coopepattou qf teach
ers aud parents which he is receiving.
-rr :
Mr. J. N. Wise is now engaged as
book-keeper in Morrisy's elevator a
position he is eminently qualified to fill
and one requiring much experience in
that line.
The Board of Trade failing to meet
on Tuesday evening, might hold a spe- session and start the w beets for
city, improvements the coming year.
Charlie Murphy had about 75 of his
young friends up celebrating his
birth day partysit evening ad until
ted tbpm home
i . 1 -v
mouth: i .X ..Yv '
lleylng ey ought tl the rlht
of infffi ;e, attendcdV U all day
TuesdaJ nd worked ft , amend
ment winch if passed, uid make
them hizous and votertfaud give
them ihe rights of which to aw cx
ceptfuau'ii law has depnred 'hem.
There were some earnest womet, iu
Plattsuiouth Tuesday, aud tho llla
were honored by their prtscuco. Hv.
er for years, has there becu tho qUet
at polliug places, the absence of pfe.
fauity aud drunkenness that Wat no
ticeable all through the day iu I'latti
mouth ; and for tho exaltation of thU
. -
Tho Corrtune Merry Makers had a
small audience last tveulug but the
audience had the finest cutertainmcut
of the leason and tho company proved
themselves the very best operatic
troupe that ever entertaiaed a Platts
uiouth audieuce. The company ap
peared last evening iu the operatic
burlesque of "Tiro Magic Slipper,"
and the cast was complete. The
company have all, without exception,
splendid voices and the duets, songs
and choruses which add to much to
the opera itself, were, tplendidly ren
dered and all received a warm encore
from the audience, iu fact none cf
the troupe appeared iu any specialty
without being recalled by the enthu
bullot box iu this ciiy from the mob siasm of tho audience. Little Cor
that generally surrounds it, to therinue deserves more than special
quiet ana oniony voting riaccs, we
have no oue to thank butihe women
The Herald does not believe that
auy home suflered in this city suf
fered in this city because women
were at tho polls, or tho women of
tho city are any the more masculine
or any the less women, and good
wives, sisters and daughters for the
steps they have taken, and wo fail to
believe that any man wtio it honest
with himself, aud who possesses the
self respect that every man ought to
have, we fail to believe that he can
conjure auy evil to women or homes
on account ot the action of the
ladies Tuesday. At the four diil'er
em polling places in the city, a dele
galiou of ladies remained all through
mo tiay auu convenient at hand to
each polling place, hot coffee aud
lunch was provided for the workers
and voters who wished; an iucom
piete list of tho ladies eutrazod iu the
work is as follows:
Ladies who went to the polls:
Mrs J P Young, Mrs A Schlegel and
Airs John Black.
Mrs fi P Itock wood, Mrs L I) Ben
uett, Mrs Brantuer aud Mrs McMak-
Mrs 1j Al Hayes, Mrs A W Crites,
JUrs Si li Murphy, Mrs ii W Ilyors,
Mrs S P Wilson and Mrs Hansen.
Mrs Hichard .Newell, Mrs Morgan
Waybright, Mrs It K ltoberts and
Miss Lou Shannon.
Ladies who took charge of the re-
icbhineuts iu the 1st. 3d. aud 4th
wards combined:
Mrs John Duke, Mrs C 11 Parmele,
Mrs P 1' Gass, Mrs K Allis, Mrs F
Carruth. Mrs Farnham, Mrs Peterson,
Mrs Ilolloway, Mrs Wm ilcrold, Mrs
Ladies who took charge of refresh
ments in the 2d ward:
Mrs Ed Itutfner, Mrs J W Johusou,
Mrs W S Wise, Mrs D A Campbell,
Mrs F Johnsou, Mrs C P Smith, Mrs
John Waterman, Mrs P L Wise, Miss
Ada Buttery, Miss Amanda Porter,
Miss Ella Kennedy, Mrs Edward Da
vis, Mrs Laura Petersor, Jiss Hattio
Pronger aud Mrs D Myers.
And still there is no sidewalk on
Fifth street between Main aud Vine,
over which there is as much travel
as any point in tkt city except in the
business portion ef Maiu street.
Durins times when it is muddy a
sloppy this portion of the street
almost impassable t5 foot travelorf.
The Herald offico and a large
number of others are compelled to
pass through this street several times
each day, or go a whole block to
avoid it. The city council have
treated with contempt the wishes of
a large number of taxpayers and citi
zens, and the IIkkald will not fail to
keep the fact before them until these
people set that to which they are
ustly entitled.
a ... ... ...
vention, ana tne ladies or tne com-
I Vny are all stars iu their musical c
cuiplishmcuts. Touight tke com
Py have ou the boards, for the eve-
niur'a entertainment, "Bijou," and
it iAnuccessary to add, for any of
thosvho were present last evening,
that ieryone who attends will b
entertained iu a way far out of the
cemtiKu list. Tho company deserve
a crowd huse and should have it,
for the etizens of this city seldom arc
favored ith visits from companies
possessing the merits ot tho Corrinuo
Marry Makers.
Go to Warrick's
Bennett &, Lewis
crackers. itno34
for school book
tells Bremner's
Wheeling tobiea at Warrick's. lnio34
Bnmnier's crackers at Weckbach's.
M. B, Murphy sells Bremner's crack
ers. lmo34
Paints oils and varnishes at War
rick's drug store. ltno34
. . ,
Weckbtch sells Bremner's crackers.
If you want Pure Maplo Syrup, not
cheap glucose stuff, if you want gen
uine Buckwheat Flour, go to Bennett
& Lewis' for it. .. 3412
The Dowling troupe eiiroute to
Omaha yesterday morning, on the early
train, when near Ashland a burly
member of the troupe, claiming to be
a sheriff from Lancaster county, an.
nounced in a confidential way to a few
of the passengers that a murder had
been committed in Lincoln just be
fore the train started , but requested
bis hearers to say nothing about it, as
as he thought the man was on the train
Arriving 'at Oreapolis, and while the
trains were switching, a man left the
cars and started acoss thetields, follow
ed by a number of men; after a lively
chase the supposed murderer was cap
tured and brought on board the car
amid great confusion. Not satisQed
with this, however, a scuille was soon
engaged in between tha supposed mur
derer and sheriff, in which a revolver
was displayed and taken from the sup
posed murderer.
During the scuffle one old man
climbed over seatsjin a great hurry and
a general stampede was engaged in by
the passengers. The play was a good
one and well worth the price of
admission. State Journal.
The democrats held a ratification
meeting at the corner of Main and 4th
Streets last night, and explained how
the Bear was killed, and who killed it.
It is the first laugh they have had in
many days, and it appears very tooth
some to them.
The heating apparatus and boiler are
being put in plage for the heating of
the Opeia House, anh the gaa lamp
posts outside the Opera House have al
so been placed in position this present
wee"k; busy work will see the building
complete for the opening.
- Mrs. Martha C. Albee, of Omaha,
was burned to death by the over
turning of a coal oil lamp which ex
ploded and scattered the oil over her
clothing; before the
extinguished, s,he was sohorribly
burned that she died in less than 24
hjzs t dan tin r sea- j
The present prospects for prices
lor produce of all kind i were never
'er. and farmers wlio are able, and
iu to hold their crops.
Uncr mnrli hotter
Weather Report.
Atean iematur 56.6: lowest tem
perature, on the 39th 34; highest tem
perature on thb 6th; total -.rainfall 3
inches; number of days ou which rain
1611,7; northeio lights on the 5th, 'al
so lightning at ti.e same time; which
i never have notio,j before, and
bright meteors on the sth.
Total rainfall for Oct. ioi inch
es; rainy days, 13.
Hon. T. M. Marquette and E. L.
lteed closed the campaign on behalf
of the republicans in this city en Mon
day evening, and Judge Savage, R. B,
Livingston and M. A. Hartigan on be
half of the democrats. Both meet
ings were largely attended and much
enthusiasm prevailed.
The i ampaigu Is over and tho ago
ny ended. The Herald has given
very much of its space .to campaign
topics which will now be permitted
to furnish the doirgs "of the county
which news we wish from all quar
ters aud iu abundance.
The W. C. T. U. will hold a meeting
in the Presbyterian church en the af
ternoon of November 15th, at 3 o'clock
Mrs. Cooley, of Mt. Pleasant will pre
side. Evelyu Wise entertains a number
of her schoolmates and friends tbis
evening; the occasion being the cele
bration of her 16th birthday.
Business has been quite dull the
last few days, which indicates there
are rushing days in the cornfields
about now, and that the crop will be
gathered before winter.
residence ot the bride.s parents by
Dev. George B. Murray; Mr. John
Dickinson, to Miss Elvira McGee,
both of Rock Bluffs precinct.
Cock ci i Blctfs, November 7. ;
Erastus Judd Gillette, D. D., the ven
erable father of Mrs. J. W. Chapman,
of this city, died this afternoon aged
82. At the time f his death he was
president of the Iowa medical college,
at Ktokuk, and w-wi widely known
as a man of high literary attainments
aud oratory of treat power. His:
remains will be itaken to Fob da
Lac. '
The above from the associate press
reports chronicles the death ot one oi
Iowa's well kuov n and prominent
citizens, nou. S, Chapman aud
wife of this city lefft on the naming
train Wdnesdaf ittend the 1
V ..Mii--rtxjf A Bluffs
Go to Warrick's for wall paper aud
window curtains. lmo34
Ladies, remember that when you
want to bako yeur cakes for Thanks
giving that Bennett & Lewis can
furnish you Orleans Molasses "Black
Strap" Preserved Lemon Peal, Cit
ron, Currants, Raisins, &c. 34t2
Perfumes, fine soaps, combs, brushes
Ac, at Warrick's drug store. lmo34
The finest Oysters and Celery iu
the market kept'ronstautly on ha 'id
by Bennett & Lewis. 34t2
Griggs' Glycerine Salve.
The best on earth can truely be said
f Griggs Glycerine Salve, which is a
sure cure for cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns, wounds, aud all other sores.
Will positively cure piles, tetter and
nil skin eruptions. Satisfaction guar
anteed or money refunded. Only 25c.
for sale by Smith & Black Bros. 29-1 ly
Oplnm In Cigars ana the Danger it
Leads to.
Having ascertained that a number
of cigar dealers in Plattsmouth are
selling opiated cigars, in order to con
vince myself of the truthfulness of
the same, and to warn the public
against the evil results that come from
such cigars, I had a disinterested party
send to 1'rot. Aughey, on the 2&)th of
May for analysis, three samples of the
supposed opiated cigars made in New
York, together with four different
brand.- of my own make. Prof. Augh
ey 's report on the analysis shows that
opium exists in the brands of New
York cigars sent; and the letter and
report is in my possession and can be
seen by any who will call at my store
at any time. tf J. Pepperbero.
The Famous Congh Remedy, Marsh's
Golden Balsam, has done Wonders
"Your Golden Balsam is a truly val
uable medicine. It has done wonders
for me. I had a severe spell of pneu
monia and was confined to my room
for several months. When I got able
to be out of doors, my lungs -vere very
weak, with general prostration of my
system, and a very sora throat and
hard cough. You gave me a bottle of
your Balsam on trial, which very
much relieved my throat and cough,
and after taking two two bottles I was
able to attend to my buisness I can
cheerfully recommend it to all suffer
ing with hard cough, or weak lungs.
Simeon Fawcett, Kansas City, Mo.
Marsh's Golden Balsam is for sale
by Smith & Black Bros, druggists.
Large bottles 50 cents and 61.00.
A Gentle Voice.
Our enterprising druggists, Smith &
Black Bios., has secured the agency
for the sale of Dr. Biglow's Positive
Cure, which has no superior for coughs,
colds, consumption, whooping coughs,
and all throat and lung disease. To
prove to yeu it has no equal." call at
Smith & Black Bros., drug store and
get a bottle free. Oct.l2eowly.
J. Levy
lias resumed business again, will buy
and sell all kinds of Furniture. Also
buys Iron, Metals and Rags. I advance
money on all kinds of goods.
Jacob T j y y
Plattsmouth. Neb. Oct. 14. 1S82 tf.
Dolmans! Dolmans I
A full and complete line in all the
latest styles. The ladies will find our
stock complete and we are selling at
the lowest margins at J. V, Wech
bach's. 32 tf
The Plattsmouth Weekly
Tha Largest, Oldest and Best
County Paper.
See our clubbiug list nest week, and
arrange to secure your winter's read
ing at
and any publication in the list at
For Iime
Shiloh's PorouN
tlon cure ia sold
It cures consumpt
you need for Constipation, Loss of
Appetite, Dizziness and all symptoms
of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents
per bottle, -
Bronchitis immediately relieved by
Shiloh's Cure. For sale by
34eowly Smith & Black Bros.
To the Citizens of PUttsiuouth and
Cass County.
I have recontly purchased the stock
of Drugs, Books etc., of Mr. O. F.
Johnson, and will endeavor- to make
my stock as complete as possible. You
are eoidially invited to call in and see
my stock of books, which I am selling
at greatly reduced prices.
Respectfully Yours,
Will J. Warrick.
Formerly of Washington, Pa. 2124
Joseph Ford.
wishes to announce to the public that
he has taken possession of the barber
shop under Carruth's, where he may
hereafter be found; also' that he has
procured a No. 1 man to take charge
of his lower Main St. shop opposite
the court house. All wishing work in
the tonsorial line, call at either shop.
For Sale..
Forty acres of land for sale one-half
mile from l'lattsmoulh. Inquire of
4t33 Wheeler A Bennett
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court House. Plattsmouth. Neb. StOm
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house in
the state. 23tf
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
Look over our line of repellents and
cloakings before buying. E. G. Dovey
& Sons. 30t4
See our flannels, hosiery, and under
wear before buying. A full and coin-
pleta line at E. G. Dovey & Sons'. :!0t4
A splendid line of cloaks and dol
mans at E. G. Dovry & Sons' 30t4
so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it.
pepsiaand Liver Complaint? Shiloh's
V italizer is guaranteed to cure you.
erable by that terrible coufh. Shiloh's
Cure is the remedy for you.
CATARRH CURED, health ai:d
sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Ca
tarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal
Injector free. For sale by
W. II. Baker sells Bremner's crack
eis. lmo34
Everybody Knows It.
Everybody knows . what red clover!
is. It has been used many years by
the good old German women and phys
cians for the blood, and is known as
the best blood purifier when properly
prepared. Combined with other medi
cinal herbs and roots, it torms Dr.
Jones' Red Clover Tonic.which is u.ood
for all blood disorders, torpid liver,
costiveness and sick headach. Sure
cure for pimples. Ask Smith & Black
Bros., druggists, ior it. Only fifty cts.
a bottle. OcU2e4wly.
seen it. (tT iw
the IBoss Mi ,llilICt
both for IookHLllci work
and we are not 3rffl.ni4i out
it along? siile of 4111V of them.
-0-e f
phy's. lmo34
crackers at M. B. Mm-
For Sale.
I offer for sale my farm consistintr
of 165 acres, well improved.situated
3 miles south of South Bend. Neb.; al
so a quarter section or unimproved
land in the same vicinity. Apply on
premises or address
B. W. BRIGG8, South Bend.
34t4 . Cass Co., Neb.
Bremner's crackers
Lewis'. lmo34
at Bennett &
Taken Up.
Taken up on the 6th day of Novem
ber A. D., 1882, one white and black
spotted boar pig, about three months
old. No ear marks- or other marks.
The owner may call, prove property.
pay charges and take it away.
Eight Mile Grove, Cass county. Neb
Nov. 6, 1882. J. II. Kisek.
Bremner's crackers at W. H. Bakers
We arc the IKoss Mtveis ais well
dPm new location is EMSIEW
WEEOSADIrI' block oi
Come and
Blanket and Robes.
Streijrht & Co have iugt opcnci
out a complete lino of Blankets and
Robes for the fall trade. They have
also just received a new invoice oi
whins of all styles and Quality and
they have a usual a complete line of
single and double harness, collars &c.,
in fact everything in their line iu
complete stock. Can aud see them.
Fifteen Cent Lunch.
Next to Clark's grocery I have open
ed a 15 cent lunch room ; Coffee, ureau
and butter. Meat, and Potatoes for I5c,
Farmers come and see me.
20 lmo J. P. Antil.
Oysters and Celery
every day at J. D. Simpsons; none
but Booth's special brands of choicest
oysters, handled ; dealers supplied. 31itf
Fresh Oysters.
Direct from the sea shore, constant
ly cm hand, at the Central Restaur
ant. 22m;.
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
foxed shoes at
75 cents for ladys
75 cents for ladys Newport ties at
g 4.50 fur first-class hand made boots
at Merges.
Merges sell boots and shoes cheaper
than any man in the state.
I havw-the bast shoe makers in the
land. T
Reparing done excelent and cheap at
Merges. 23tf
Go to the Parlor Restaurant for the
best meals in town, for 25 cts. Meals
at all hours. Day board at 34.60 per
week. Arctic Soda Water always on
draught. 22tf M. M. CCRRAN.
J. V. Weckbach has ou hand a large
and well selected stock of carpets, aud
more coming. He will have the larg
est and finest line ever offered in this
city. 23tf
Mrs. M. A. Buler. Ladies Nurse, of
long experience. Best of Reference.
Residence. Picnic Hill.
Plattsaouth, Neb. .Aug. 31. ,83 3m.
At ScMegel'a cigar store may always
be foutd the very bestftirands of smok
ing ani chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. 1 30tf
JokJt R- Cox tk kariwar bu, Km
nav firat-olaaa Till NER. Consult
tor pHees .a .11 kisdafef tl. work.
Sehlegei's special brand ot ' home
manufactured cigars are the leaders in
tin market and are made from the
best quality of tobacco. 30tf
We shall continue to make
tMt nrices of :invb!v a
' M. e
merit your patronage
hy stjnare
dealing and fair treatment
Strictly Casli.
IFilled with new goods just arr&
JHJy fai
choice seles
9 I
Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy I Cleanse: Preserve I . it
of IPIattsmoiit
to liave our k
place in tj
Us W
i a
1 1. ii
small advance over the cost of one.
NnUtj JJJj
II o
- . j Taken Jb
J I wliite spots.
Publishing rf