Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 09, 1882, Image 3

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-. i.,. II.'. 2
t'reton, lo-
4 wife, of Sigour-
ing iu tho city
Uui llil!
loiillilv ...
rrkly ..
t:i7:tur. .
IriVh VV'orl-l 3i
. vk;.ry::::::J:
6 60
8 10
6 HO
lnllic4itlu i.i will
u!at ,! future.
Siiuituy Mauiucliie 3.7ft
... 3.10
be added to
X. KaUhitiiry, lntlt. -
A' Alditio.isd Locals. ci fourth page.
j lingular' meeting of vho K. of II.
lodge at their room ucxt Tursdry
evcn'WK. i
A ccmpleje ttork of lui'lprogruniea
iari.'atioiu niil wedding stationary
nl litis ofhVe; it All late styles mii tie-
llivcrtoii, Neb ha '. u 125,000 llrqtho
other night, wh'rh destroyed a huge
portion of iliu business houses iu that
plseo. ' '
All l ho il. & M, passenger conjue
lorn now idiluc out in new uniforms,
dink uavy bluo with regulutiou ras
und buttons.
Mrs. Cooper hug moved into
fl'j ,.lnnn M Xf -a
Murphy reserving a part of ihu
lor thoir own use.
The November Icrm of the district
court in kiid for Cass comity com
luencc on Tuesday nxt. Judge
I'oimd prodding.
K. Wescott jind Fred Ilermmn
have ehnngc iu their advertisements
this week which uro worth nolciug
ttud profiting thereby.
Tlie ollleial vote of the county as
. Cast at the last election appears elsc-
There; It U worth cutting out und
sa'.ing for future reference.
Lar.easter couuty
a eorn ibief who has
Iioin the Jolds, husking on tns o1
hook; he wl.9 eaught, however, vi
very little Iro(b5o and will be puiflm-
Iihs had a case oil
as boon stealing!
B. Windham went to
evening, called by
pt Hill, of Kalamazoo, Mich.,
who wasju this city a few weeks ago
is aguiu with us
,j Hon. It,
coin last
business in that city
It (I. Hclunidt, formerly with K,
Carrulh, now traveling for a Chicago
Jewelry house, was iu Plattsmouth
Mra. A. YY. McLaughliu went to
Council 11 luff Monday, from which
place she goe to Chicago for a two
week's viiit.
Mrs. Dr. Meade goes to Chicago
this week, where the Dr. ha already
Kouo, ana w litre they will remain
through the winter.
C. W. Bhcriuau, of the Journal, was
in (Jrccuwood Monday, illustrating
how democrats can rejoice with.breth-
reu iu that vicinity
James Den, of Brownville, who has
a number of acquaintances in this
city has entered the service of the C.
B. & Q. at Council Bluffs..
Mrs. Gov. Nance panned through
this city Saturday, euroute homeward
from Illinois, where ehe has been vis
iting at her former home.
J. K. Morrison was in Lincoln Taes-
uay ana yestcraay on business ot a
legal nature requiring attention prior
to.tho coming term of court.
well known and
tins county has
the legislature from
IV M. Ramcy, a
frmer resident of
?cn elected to
as an nnti-mouopohsl.
V. C. Kcagy, of the
& M., and
- Will S. Wle been making
- , . ... l.Jj
C7 - ----
In real estato matters. he v
to'floar from every one ho hni
eouuty or ciiy property fin 8ftJ
I VUl. I
k Cass
to or
Charlie Skiuuer Is daiug some
fine work in the Opera hotiao
days in finishing work on the
wfiy over I ho stage, in the center ot
which is a portrait of Shakespeare.
which is very finely-executed.
Htm has sold a part in lei
nil ferry to Miles Morsil
Lwill be placed e. t.
seuou under 1 1 ,
i LA
f-ocurc its tuinr-
V which is a portrait of Shakespeare,
which is verv finelv. executed. i
-ai travel. . j
hascd for hta
Int wall sho4v
(set of couutJr financially
yvate desk vJ ' '
A. & S division of the B
one of the road's most popular train
men, was in the city Tuesday even
ing. Dave Stephenson, who has many
friends and acquaintances in this city
was elected to the legislature from
Richardson couuty, and The IIekald
rises to congratulate him.
A. L. 1 otizal In , vice-president of
the C B. & Q. system, and well
known to many Plattsmouth citizens
lias resigned his position and will take
a six mouths trip to Europe.
lion. S. L. Cannon, of Liberty, was
in the city yesterday, mid ho is not
feeling soro at all over the results.
lie has p'oveu that Liberty precinct
ws9 with him notwithstanding the
stories to the contrary, and he will be
ou deck to help rout democracy iu
the future.
Tho ladies of the M. E. Church held
a grand oyster supper and festival in
tho corner room of the Opera house
bloc k ou Tuesday evening which was
ycry largely attended throughout the
eutiVe evening, and oysters and re
freshments were served in abundance.
The ladies were there ii force to en
tertain their friends, aud nutil a late
hour their patrons kept coming, all
of wlijeh tended to thtF complete suc
cess of the festival both socially and
J. M.
cted a
; Miss
as par-v.aud
fir lios-
a re
ud tke
pre aud
(her to
to prcs-
in this
for the
fcped to
iduct it.
Rs of the
to return to
ome, the ac
have never
y, i resident
an assistant
ot the score
Mr. Edgerly,
e for srovcr
ffers freo t rans-
;es if the young
Id return and vote the dom
ocratic ticket Stale Journal.
and is I
Mr. lli
o'clock Satu
little fire
about 20
-i . it
ot the jrimnge
iu the of
U,if to
fght leaving but
dove, he thinks
after, ho was
aiouscd by tho si coming Into bis
room; ho hurriejiJll!16 ofilco to find
it iu flumes along tli3 floor and up
the wall to the flue. The alarm was
sounded, but twa9 too late, as the
fire by that time was over one side of
the building. I nit cud ot tryiug to
put it out, the lime was used in taking
thogoods out of reach of the consuming
lenient. Mr. Hall probably Raved
300 worth of furniture. Mr. Hhodes
who occupied the Tomau property
saved everything except his winter's
supply of eoal and potatoes. The ho
tel was insured for 1,000, $1,000 of it
bciiitf ou the furniture.
The wind was blowing quite hard
from tho north-west, which was for
tunate for the town; had it been in an
opposito direction, but liltli would
have been left of the busy burg. A
defective flue was supposed to be the
cause of the lire.
nd pro-
thc Gcr-
party to
jught ref-
Catholic Fvir and Festival.
Tho Catholic society of this
hold a grand fair at Fitzgerald's
tonight and tomorrow night.
proceeds are to aid them in opetuug
their school hero, the building having
been completed for sonic time. Vocal
and instrumental music and dancing
will enliven the occasion, and a gen
erallinvitution is exteuded to all to
be!prcseut and enjoy the festivities
The fair and festival is in the hand of
competent commutes who arc using
due and diligent effortsj that all may
be a success.
The ironing of the road bed from
Nemaha City south to Falls City
meaus that the B. Jk M. are sccurluga
parallel route with the Missouri Pa
cific, between Atchison and Omaha,
and to complete it the link between
I'lattsiqouth and Nebraska City must
be built.
We undcrttaud that Peter Mumm
will occupy his building as aoou as
Murphy removes to the Opera House
b!ock, wdiichwill leave Mr. LenhofFs
building tor rent. A good building,
in a good location.
Ouo ofithe.solid improvements out
in the county has been made ou
road iutoi Weeping Water from
east, nudjllie town there has shortened
the road fiver the bluft leadiug out
toward the north.
Passengers on evening trains
through this city see us iu all our
metropolitan appearance since the
street lamps have been put in place,
aud our appearance by night so
greatly improved.
Six additional carpenters have been
put ou the finishing work at the op
era house this week, and the work
will be crowded with all possible
speed to have everything in readiness
for the opening nights.
Look over our clubbing list pub
lished elsewhere and select some good
paper or magazine to take with the
Herald ihe coining year, securing
both at reduced prices.
For a rapid job of work, the con
struction of the Rock wood block is a
good sample', and it will be in conse
quence, oMiarJy rem'-or occupancy
by Decemoerlst7
TheonimiLsioners have been in
scssionlhe last week continuiug their
settlement with tho treasurer and
transacting the usual monthly busi
ness coming before them.
tih a majority
18 vote, and great wan tl
thereat. Woman' vutl'm
hibiliou wafc'too much fo
mau wing of the republic
carry so they temporarily
ugc m me open arms or jyemocracy,
but they are too intcirig jt a class of
citizens to stay with theli long.
Our clothing men have, quit selling
linen dusters and are now 'doing i
heavy business iu woolen aud over
coats, and of course ar correspond'
ingly happy.
Tho burning of tho Hall bouse Sat
urdav niirlit vm a serious loss to tho
towu a well as to Mr. Hall, he had
earned the reputation ot keeping one
of tho best hotel in the state. Mr.
II. savs ho will build immediate!- il
possible aud pat up a larger building;
we wish him success.
Walter Cut forth ugain distinguishes
hiuselt as a fire fighter, like the fabled
salamander, the hottest blaze has no
terror for him, indeed Mr. Cutforth
is deserving of irrcat credit lor his
tireless efforts to save proiierty from
dist ruction.
D. D. Martiudale is kept busy writ
inr out insurance policies siuce the
Mr. Weaver of this place moves to
Plattsmouth iu a few days; it is said
hoaudGus Wachter wm engage in
the restaurant business there.
The city dads aro still wrestling
with the special tax conundrum with
no flattering prospects of wn earlv so
The duties of councilman were too
laborious for Jtcob Hassemeir so he
resigned, CapL Howell takiug his
Extensive cribs arc being erected
n tho M. P. switch by Atchison par
tics. Geo. W. Mayfield is now a resident
of Louisville, as George is a soit of
niigaatory bird, we don't know
whether .he will remain until this
item is printed or net.
We are glad to know that Mr.
Strode, one of Plattsmouth's ablest
attorneys was successful in bis candi
dacy for tho district attorneyship; we
shall expect a.good report for him at
the end of his. term.
In tho' garnishee case of Lavcrty
vb Timblen, a change of venue was
taken t Weeping water from Cleg
horn court. "By J."
Commissioner's Proceedings.
Monday, Oct. 30lh.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
all members present.
When the following was done to
wil: Meetings f previous meetings in
October read and approved.
J. W. Shannon burying puuporf 3 00
The following bills were allowed:
20 00
11 20
14 00
10 00
19 50
9 50
15 00
10 50
Among the money making ways in
this eouutv there is nothing that is
using more capital than the stock
feeding business, and ouo of the
heavy investors in this line, Mr.
Parmelo, is out iu the western part
of ihe state this week purchasing for
winter feeding.
Lee, Blewet & Baldwin, a Fremont
firm of 6tock raisers, are doing some
business in the sheep line, feeding
some 80,000 this winter at Fremont,
beside keeping over 10,000 on their
ranch out in tho viciuity of North
Messrs. Nagle. Jeunings and Strode
started forth yesterday for Lako Wa
bonsev for a day or two in shooting
ducks! Thev took pleutv of over-
coats'totuj' with, a team, Peter going
along to drive. .
Our thriving Cass county town of
flreenwood needs a cood large cora-
nadious hotel, and any eood hotel
nn who Is seeking such a location
cduld not fiud a better point,.
The Catholic fair and festival in the
hall ;ouight -and tomorrow night
promises to DO largely attended, and
the 6ooiety have made due arrange
ments for a good time.
The case of tne mau injured during
the building of the Odd Fellows block
in Weeping Water last summer, will
be up lor trial during tho coming
session ot the court. .
B, W. Briggs. of South Bend, offers
tor sale his splendid tarm situated
three miles from that village. It is
one of the best home places in the
Aniong tho prominent cases to
come beforo this sessiou of the dis
trict court will be the Polin murder
case, an 1 the sentiment, of the com
munity is not such as to endorse de
lay. V
') The children's missionary society,
of the Presbyterian ekruroh, r aro to
Weet at Mra. Marslan Saturday,
P M.t thisweek. ' j
The K. of P. lodsre reOnt,r organ
ised hi this oiiv f S-ir prosperous
But very little grain is coming into
the market here at present, and farm
ers all oyer tho county aru doubly
busy securing their corn crop before
snow flies.
Cards have been 6cut out all
through this sectiou of the state for
the arrest, dead or alive, of the lied
Oak murderer, who. lm mado his
Another restaurant is rumored for
this city, and still the supply seems
good at present. However, . Platts
mouth is a great towu for restaurants.
The new Eockwood building Is to
be lighted throughout with gas, and
tho plumbers are busy now laying the
pipes to keep ahead of the carpenters.
Nothing has been heard of late of
the railroad fiom Avoca west to'Liu-
coln, but it need not be- a surprise if,
with the spring, it is built.
This weather makes demands for
hard coal heating stoves, and every
stove dealer iu the city is having a
good trade i- that lhie.
Mrs. Reed's millinery rooms over
M. B. Murphy St Cb,s. store, are in
receipt of now goods for the inspec
tion of the ladies.
A dance in Liedcrkrunz Hall last
evening drew a large attendance, and
the participants all enjoyed themselves.
Azro Smith, whose name is as fa
miliar to the people of Cass and Lan
caster counties as household words,
and who has acquired a reputatiou as
a vegetable gardner, is in tho city.
Mr. Smith now resides in Deadwood,
and is raising big vegetables for tho
people of that part of Dakota. Just
now he is hitting two birds with one
stone, i. e., visiting old friends and
shipping a carloat or two 01 Nebraska
apples to his new home. State Jour
nal. .
Land Explorers.
Mr. Randall, at the bead of a large
party of land explorers from Indiana
Illinois and Ohio, arrived in the city
yesterday. The land seekers are not
here for pleasnre, but to look at the
land, pnrchase farms and settle down.
They are all men of means and come
prepared to buyi Many of them vis
ited Nebraska daring the surrjmer and
were so well pleased with te state
that they have pulled up tLn? home
stakes and are ready .to settletowu in
fertile Nebraska. Mr. ltandait informs
ua that this is the last excursion party
... - T - . I.
mat wm arrive in lmcoiru'uaa vftr
State Journal.
J. D. DufI medical treatment "
T. Miller board and care "
II Boeck coffin and shroud "
!A Clark m'd'se for Grimm
J W Jennings canvassing spec
ial election and distributing
poll books
M McEIwain putting glass in
jail 1 25
State Journal Co. blanks and
boo'ks 125 45
C G Hcrold clothing for pau
O. F. Johnson registering 4th
ward 1881
Mrs Peter Gruber work and
material tor culvert
D D Johnson bringing sick
man from "Weeping Water
to Plattsmouth 7 00
S H Bseson boarding sa,mr 10 00
PMcCannover work ou culvert 11 2."
umana Republican poll books. '1 50
Lacy & Smith balance on grad
ing 83 47
Lacy & Smith extra work haul-
iusj auu ountung culvert 4J 7o
J E Morrison legal Bervices
state v Polin 10 00
Johu Scott extra work on cul
vert 19 00
A M Fairfield covering culvert. 14 65
G W Fairfield surveying S3 00
P McCann grading for Chicago
avenue culvert. ... 55 29
P P Gass and .others, expense
inquest F J Metteer 77 35
John Scott ballancc on Chicago
avenue culvert 997 85
A M Fairfield part pay grading
Portei road 200 00
Isaac Wiles services as com'r. . 21 00
J Crawford ". " . . 26 00
S Richardson " " . . 39 40
Consideration of Louisviilo road
was on motion laid over to January
session 1883 and Clerk ordered to no
tify all persons claiming damages, of
said continuance.
Consideration "f roads between
sections 1 and 2, town 11, .range 12
was laid over same as above.
Order allowed David Line
overseer dist 10 for use of
district $ 60 00
uruer alloAved J Oldnam on
dist 37 for tax paid 6 00
Order allowed Geo Walradtoa
dist 4 for use cf dist 15 00
Order allowed John King overseer
road dist 21 on II A Waterman & Son
Louisville for 520 feet of lumber.
Also order allowed same on J R
Cox for 20 pounds spikes.
When board adjourned to meet
November 8th 1882.
Attest: J. W. Jenxixgs. Co. Clerk.
TJiMuty, Neb., Nov. l
Audeisou Brio r
Ballinger John
Brodem S
CavtttfffugU Dan
Craig Mary M
Croighton T B
Edmunds John
EJ1 Frank
Eggert Johu
Hurst Lydia
Hill L. M.
llaruer Willie
Hihar Johu
Johnson M C
Jones Annie
Isucr Tho
Kiukado Robert
Knott J
Ivirkby Clara "
Keller Lcyi
Kiuscr Mr E A
Persons calling for the
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Maksiiall. 1
McKevltt Tim
Mctieu F
Morso M E
Morrow M. W
McCully Dan
Ncwconib Chas
Noyes Viola
Noycs Sarah S 2
Peterson Mario
Pears'J 9
Boh Mr
Roberts Jas
Saw tell O M
Smith Frank A
Swutek Anton
Short Nellie
Taylor E C
Tracy Jas
Woodring D U
. iJizziness
w Sklu f
tive cure.
cough when Shi
iuimeiiate relief,
and $1.
Plattsiiioiitu City Market.
Ui'i'urted by M. H. Murphy & Co.
Klonr fcxio 4.00 perewt.
Meal J KI "
lirau !H) c '
('hopped Feed fl.25
llyo Flour 33.50
Cratiam flour S3.00
lliitier 3x& cts per lb
i lu-ese (part mini) m
IS "
17 "
IS '
.. SJ.75 2.50 perdoz.
ftt jo c.
110 c.
45450 ct. per bu.
75cts "
75 ct "
75 f Sl.00 "
.. .. .75 ftj. $1.00 "
00 "
3 50 per bu
04c per tb
15c per gal
63(& per can
45 "
Cheese (lull cream)
sugar Cured Hams
llrlril llecf
Choice Potatoes
Sweet " ... ,
Applns (winter)
Cal Peara
Sweet Cider
Oysters, select
common ..
About three miles south of town
on the Hesser road, a yellow Irish
setter; had on a collar, and on the col
lar the words "Cricket Purdy," anv
one returning the same to Wm. Purdy,
this city will be rewarded.
Joseph Ford,
Tho barber, keeps two rooms run
niugfortl.c accommodation of his
customers. Good workmen and
prompt attention to busiucss at all
times. 35-1 1.
Bennett & Lewis sells Bremner's
crackers. lmo34
Wheeling tobies at Warrick's. lmo34
Bremner's crackers at
Murphy sells Bremner's crack-lmo34
Paints oils and varnishes at War
rick's drug store. lmolU
Weckbuch sells Bremner's crackers.
Go to AVarrick's for wall paper aud
window curtains. lmo34
Ladies, remember that when you
want to bake your cakes lor Ilianks-
giving iliat ueuuett .v; Lewis can
furnish you Orleans Molasses "Black
Strap'' Preserved Lemon Peal, Cit
ron, Currants, Uaisins, &c. SiVi
Perfumes, fine soaps, combs, brushes
&c, at AVarrick's drug store. lmo34
The finest Ovstcrs and Celery in
tho market kept constantly ou hand
bv Beunctt & Lewis. 84t2
' ' u.oco, owning,
and ail other sores.
Grljfgs' Glycerine Salve.
The best on earth can truely be said
f Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a
sure cure tor cuts,
burns, wounds,
Will positively cure piles, tetter aud
all skin eruption--. Satlsfactior guar.
anteed or money refund Only 25c
ror saie oy mu'l Zt Black Bros. 29-lly
Attention Farmers.
The well known firm of Speer &
Ilulburt of St. Louis have established
a grain agency at Louisville. Neb. on
the M. P. R. It. where the highest mar
ket price will be paid for grain.
Walter Cutfortii,
Who also keeps a good supply of the
celebrated Itich Hill coal for sale. 35t3
-a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphth
eria and Canker Mouth. For sale by
A splendid line of cloaks and dol
mans at E. (. Dovey S bona' aot i
To the fit reus of Plattsiuonth aud
Ciuss County.
I have recently purchased the stock
of Drugs. Books etc., of Mr. O. F.
Johnson, and will endeavor to make
mv stock as complete as possible. You
are co-dially invited to call in and see
my stock of books, which I am selling
at greatly reduced prices.
Respectfully Yours,
Will J. Wakkick.
Formerly of Washington, Pa. 2124
Go to Warrick's for school hooks
Joseph Ford.
wishes to announce to the public that
he has taken possession of the barber
shop under Carruth's, where he may
hereafter be found; also' that he has
procured a No. 1 man to take charge
of hia lower Main St. shop opposite
the court house. All wishing work in
the tonsorial line, call at either shop
Seek No Further.
It is said an old philosopher sought
an honest man with a lighted lantern,
and humanity has since been seeking
an honest medicine by the light of
knowledge. It has at length found it
in Dr. Jones' Bed Clover Tonic, which
cures all diseases of the blood, removes
pimples, and acts promptly upon the
liver and urinary organs. Only 6'' cts.
a bottle, to be had at Smith & Black
Bros., druggists. Oet.20e4wly.
For Sale.
Forty acres of land for sale one-half
mile from Plattsmouth. Inquire of
4U!3 Wheeler & Bennett.
Crites and Ramsey, attorneys and
Notary Public, second door east of
Court. House, Plattsmouth, Neb, 5tCm
There is no use talking, the Central
Restaurant is the boss eating house in
the state. 23tf
iBAyjEEiAYarjiiiirsr im
iherc yow casa fiml jis aliae a Stocir
Dovciry, of all kinds,
Toilets and a variety for
ever brought
tBie iai
for eas
to be 'soldo Ci
I will guaraiatee to Biicel
iiave sot
A. 8a! is I ury. Dentist.
Look over our line of repellents and
cloakings before buying. E. G. Dovey
& Sons. ;50t4
"W. II. Baker sells Bremner's crack
ers, linool
" HACKMET ACK," a l.i.stinff and
fi-Mgrant perfume. Price 3.1 and 50
ly relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and
plaint you have a printed guanantee
o.i every bottle of Slnloh s Vitalier.
It never fails to cure.
each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Reme
dy. Price 50 cents. For sale by
33eowly Smith & Blacl Bros.
Sing, Oh Sing, that Song Again,
How can you when you couch at
every breath ? Why, get a trial bottle
of Dr. Rigelow's Positive Cure, and
you will be answered. It cures colds.
coughs, consumption, whooping cough.
. i . . . . . .
uuu an uiseases or ine tuners, ana it
will cost you nothing to test it if you
call at Smith & Black Bro.'s drug
store. Oct.''0e4wlv.
Bremner's crackers
phy's. lmo3 t
at' B. Mur-
n N 111 i ii n FW
LMnu rnuiV)
a - Q- m s ,
ml UhwiM) il 11
has just received siathers and pilesj
is new quarters in the fiRJE ISfAzi i hi i 11 r.
Dolmans ! Dolmans !
A full and complete line in all the
latest styles. The ladies will find our
stock complete and we are selling at
the lowest margins at J. V, "Weck
bach's. 82tf
The Famous Cough Remedy, Marsh's
Golden Balsam, has done Wonders
"Your Golden Balsam is a truly val
uable medicine. It has done wonders
for me. I had a severe spell of pneu
monia and was confined to my room
for several months. When I got able
to be out of doors, my lung3 were very
weak, with general prostration of my
system, and a very sore throat and
hard cough. You gave me a bottle of
your Balsam on trial, which very
much relieved my throat and cough,
and after taking two two bottles I was
able to attend to my buisness I can
cheerfully recommend it to all suffer
ing with hard cough, or weak lungs.
Simeon Fawcett, Kansas City, Mo.
iLARsn's Golden Balsam is for sale
by Smith & Black Bros, druggists.
Large bottles 50 cents and SI. 00.
If you want Pure
cheap glucose stuff.
nine Uuckwneat tri
A Lewis' for it.
y "i wa
r v
rup, net
All persons having claims against
the Cass County Agricultural Society,
which have been presented and
audited, or persons claiming prem
iums for the year 1882, will please
call on Walter L. Thomas, assistant
secretary, and receive orders or pre
sent bills at once.
35-St. D. II. Wheeler, Pres.
A. G. Hatt & Co.
Are new settled in their new quar
ters next to Pepperberg's cigar fac
tory, where they are dispensing the
best f meats, game and poultry as of
VOrfi. T1irv rnnnrt hUSinCSS ETOOU in
the new stand.
Opium la Cigars ana the Daager it
Leads to.
Having ascertained that a number
of cigar dealers in Plattsmouth are
selling opiated cigars, in order to con
vince myself of the truthfulness of
the same, and to warn the public
against the evil results that come from
such cigars, I had a disinterested party
send to Pro,f . Aughey, on the 29th of
May for analysis, three samples ofthe
supposed otiated cigars made in 2s ew
York, together with four different
brands otsay own make. Prof. Augh
ey'i repoft oa the analysis shows that
opium exists in the brands of lew
York cieairaRflnt; and the letter and
f report is in my possession and can be
een by an who will call at mr storo
faaytime. tf J. mim
The Plattsmouth Weekly
For Sule.
1 offer for sale my farm consisting
of acres, well improved.situated
3 miles south of South Bend, Xeb. ; al
so a quarter section of uuimproved
land in the same vicinity. Apply on
premises or address
B. W. Briggs, South Bend,
34t4 Cass Co., Xeb.
Bremner's crackers at Bennett
Lewis'. lmo34
See our flannels, hosiery, and under
wear before buying. A full and com
plete line at E. G. Doyey & Sons'. 30t4
Taken Up.
Taken up on the Cth day of Novem
ber A. D., 18S2, one white and black
spotted boar pig. about three months
old. No ear marks or other marks.
The owner may call, prove property,
pay charges and take it away.
Eight Mile Grove, Cass county, Xeb.,
Nov. 0, 1882. J. II. Kiser.
Bremner's crackers at W. II. Bakers.
Fifteen Cent Lunch.
Next to Clark's grocery I have open
ed u 15 cent lunch room ; Coffee. Bread
and butter, Meat, and Potatoes for 15c.
1 armers come and see me.
29 lmo J. P. Antil.
vwjltct& s, sire lurire, commomo'l'
- - - J VI L A. JL J 111 .v ? ; J '
the best fitting CLOTHING in the land; anil V
lower than anybody.
A Jc nil JLine of U
Every tiling in Ive MMtvns9 ICnil JTa1
pieiiiil lane of!" new iscvelticM in
Neckwearr Scotch Cans. v
Fur Caps, Stetson Hats.
Your patronage is earnestly solici
1'tliMS Strictly Cash. PLATTSMOUTH, M
Oysters aud Celery
every uay at J. l). Simpsons; none
but Booth s special brands of choicest
oysters, handled : dealers supplied. 3atf
Fresh Oysters.
Direct from the sea shore, constant
ly on hand, at the Central Itestaur-
ant. 22m3.
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
foxed shoes at
for ladys
for ladys Newport ties at
The Largest, Oldest and Best
County Paper.
See our clubbing list this week, and
arrange to secure your winter's read
ing at ,
and any publication in the list at a
small advance over the cost of one.
ff5 cents
75 cents
S 4.50 for fir3t-clas3 hand made boots
at Merges.
Merges sell boots and shoes cheaper
man any man in the state.
I have the beet shoe makers in the
Beparing done excelent and cheap at
Merges. 23 tf
Go to the Parlor Restaurant for the
best meals in town, for 25 cts. Meals
at all hours. Day board at $4 00 per
week. Arctic Soda "Water always on
draught. 22tf M. M. Curran.
J. V. "Weckbach has on hand a large
and well selected stock of carpets, and
more coming. He will have the larg
est and finest line ever offered in this
city. 23 tf
Mrs. M. A. Buler, Ladies Nurse, of
long experience. Best of Reference.
Residence, Picnic Hill.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Aug. 81. ,82 3m.
At Schlegel's cigar store may always
be found the very best brands of smok
ing and chewing tobaccos in the mar
ket. SOtf
John R. Cox the bard war man, bas
aow a flrmt-class TINNER. Conaolt
for price, on all THflf of tin work.
23tfl . ' '
, Schlegel's special brands of home
manufactured cigars are the leaders in
the market and are made from the
best quality of tobacco.
- Save your teeth by using Dr. Clut
ter's Glycerine Tooth Tablets. Beauti
fy 1 Cleanse 1 Preserve! tf
Has resumed business again, will buy
and sell all kinds jof Furniture. ' Also
Filled! wltii isew gols fomt arriviii
I 1 I M I Ma
& Natofcg;
tlie mo$t iiiagBMlicc
a V '
rlni m949 ever Olf
of jplattmoufli and Das County. We pre
to Iiave our 'stocfr complete tiiat no
place in tlie ciity can aiipiicaie v
variety ot and the prices
,ale to you.
buys Iron. Metals
money on all kind
Plattsmouth, '
1 Rags. 'I advance
f gooas.
Jacob .Levy.
Oct. 14, 1882 tf.
lent further particular
that tlie place bove
5j We shall qy
all otlierstit