Plattsmouth weekly herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1882-1892, November 09, 1882, Image 1
t ft 7 1 0 CONSOLIDATION OF TH2 HEDnASICHEnALD AND PTtc::: 7 - J ENTERPRISE. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRKA, THUKSDAT, NOVEMBER 9, 1882. .Art 1 ESSIONAL CARDS U. 1.NAL1SIH Y, il h. Wl.ick Cn'n. lrng Store. niii ui iranouauie price. Kly W. IM TI CK. n asr t is a? . , taiiioolh. -krnlia. ilii Stru t over Sl-Lhiioii Na- : iwiy lt. II. MCtflK, pf hijiI SL'ltOEON, oltk-e In Flt2- uicu win open day or nlKlit. O -ui ivlm iov. ai. r " AN & hl'IlUKON. S, from 10 a. in., to J p. m. ii fur L'. M. I'l'iiHiou. town Ika. CITY HOTEL. n.l, beautiful three et,y brick structure, on lower Mi.l Mieot. Iiim Jut been flushed and lilted up (r lil0 uccuniiiodallou ot TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. ANto REGULAR HOARDERS, EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A GrOOd Btll ln counrf!i with the -7tf. FRF.nfrw.s: t.... - ----- .j j i m. i kih, TENDERLOIN- Meal Market, LAFE O'NEIL, Prop',-. . Mutton Pork" Veal CHicte.&c, C init:intly on hand. Js of 4AaiK .in season, and ev- rythiiiK kept in a kS 1)1 12.4 T SIIOIM L-osHibe rutos. VEROLD, :ets, LVNNELS.J hsUlNGGOODS1 :o:- fks OF AZL KINDS kturge stotf of )TS Cnd SHOES TglosEd out at COST. to b :o:- Notions, Queensware, and in fact everything you can call tor In tho line of General Merchandise. CASH PAID FOH HIDES AND FFRS. All kinds of country oroduca taker n ex rli.tngn for clou's. KENDALLS SB 5 ifTifSir'i " f ii Opera House Glothiii? Store Buys exclusively iu 'New. York- from naatiiifaeturV.' tlirVt. OUR PATRONSTHE PEOPLE ' OUR STUDY THEIR INTERESTS. ' , OUR MAXIM FAlRjIJALlNGS. -. OUR REWARD -SL ICES I Our uumense trade has warranted us ia se..j--.i -jarge room., hence we nave iue - . ; - LARGEST Xemperance Department STOCKX O F Ready-tJade Clothing FOR eivBoys& Children, For Men, Bos and Children. BOOTS & SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES AND GENTS "FURNISHINGS, In this section. New Goods, ! Correct Styles,-! Closest Prices ! HONEST WORKMANSHIP. Close Prices Make Close Business, AND Active Business Close Prices. By 'close mces,-is meant, prices as near to manufacturing cost as it U missihle to maKc inoni. neure h ' - 1R1CES i9 with us fjjM of signiHeant meatiins. It means that all our goods are marked foi bale at , the meiest trilie above maiml'actur- ing cost, as figure speakujl i Uudtt . tha Auspice' of tU W.C.'T. V. PliitUinouth conijuctko by vita. j. n. wise - To whom nil eoniniuiilcutioun foir tUi dpart Uiut Uould be uddi eased. Drfnk.Jlajs an excluuige. weakens thn avatem " Yes. but think how it strengthens the breath. Women have now the right to vote in municipal elections in Scotland, and their influence is already flt in the movement for the introduction of tetntiei-imife literature into tne com- diw schools, j. A list of has been ii St. Marie-auiv2iljnes in the townrV drunkards the authorities of Haute-Aliace ; and saloon keeDerSSare forbiddwn to sell iatoxicatloir liquorJVto any named on the list. ? K The Law and Order society of Phil adelphia, which charges itself wltu the duty of seeing that, the laws against tho selling of liquor on Sunday are enforced, has started the publica tion of a little sheet calleU the Lw and Order Advocate. It will not surprise those- who are familiar with the saintly charac ter of the very Rev. Charles John El licott, Bishop of Gloucester and Bris tol, whose books of New Testament exegesis are known and valued over the whole civilized world, to learn that he is one of the seven total stainers among the prelates of Church of England. . At a conference of liquor dealers of the North-west recently held in Rock Island, 111., the speakers with rare unanimityacknowledged that prohi bition had made the outlook for the liquor business in the North-west, rather gloomy; and the best of it was that when they cane to canvass the out-look in the South and East they had to admit that that was gloomy too. TUE ASSASSINS CAPTURED, and Im The Mluden Murderers prisoned, Dead "With great pleasure we have read an article in "The Church Guardian of Oct. 10th, entitled "Temperance in its relat ons to the Church" by Rev. Dean Millspaugh. of Omaha. The pa per was read at the joiut convocation of Episcopal ministers held in Lin coln in October. It is timely and in- struclive and will amply repay pi rusal. - Tempa, which the. the mor I Here is tne inaicimeni which uilXJmn writes upon the monr Chicaao.. S 30 churches Vltjrgyuie From Sunday's 8ut Journal. The arrival of the Atchison train at the penitentiary shortly before noon yesterday closed the third act of one of the most terrible trrgedies ever en acted in this section of the western country, With the details of the first act of this ragedy our readers are fa miliar. Four "reckless cowboys, in possession of a drovo of ponies 6tjln in northern Kansas, were traced to Kearney county, Nebraska, where Sheriff Woods, of Hitchcock county, attempted to ar reft two of them while eatiDg supper at the hotel in rtinden. The order to hold up their bimds was almost instantly followed ly a shot from the revolver of Die helmont, the leader of the gang, which eached a fatal spot (n the body of the cne j orave sneriir. i ue cowooys jumpeu totteir feet, killed another man sit- ling at mesuppcr wiriiuw'BiHf:! u- ing a cowardlf-tAht into the UOOy or j the dying sheriff, rushed out, shooting recklessly at everyone in sight. A third man was thus killed and a fourth wouuded. After some difficulty tuev secured a couple of ponies and nea southward. Two of the confederates had left for Hastings before the shoot ing occurred and were there arrested. The murderers passed rapidly south and west through Phelps and Furnas counties and into Kansas. A posse of men. under the Adjutant General of the state, was soon in pursuit, but the outlaws, by stealing fresh horses and making their way through a country in which they werer-persocally familiar succeeded in distancing their pursuers It then seemed that the law was no . er leas to vindicate itself. Itseem- c ed that the RED-HANDED RUFFIANS had reached a section of the country where they could defy puisuifand capture. An outraged people saw thomseivpa nowerless to inflict -the veneeance which the crime deserved But justice was not thus to be baflled. Nemesis chose her own instruments. and following her victims with tire less hate, inflicted the just penalty of broken law. Individual interests ac complished what the organized powers nt two state had found Uiemsehes unable to perform. Passins the northeast corner of Tre io county the fugitives stole two fresh horses from the ranch of Mr. Charles cv..... w ktiv. This act was m. yuioi " oubtlesa necessary, but it sealed their use, can be restored to Us origii- dition by adding the water wui artificially removed from the l is said that neither salt nor ai extineous matter is employed ducir.g desiccation, the egg merely reduced to a consolidate, of yelk and albumen by the rem the water. An excellent featu this process is that an egg that i all tainted, be it ever bj slightly, not be crystallized at all. - The prep ration of eggs in this way is still ver limited; the chief companies engageu' In the business are In Chicago and St. Louis. . ' -1 i 1 i ab-the - Passing Comrueiiti. Eleven sophomores have been sent, home from Lafayette college for bazV Ing freshmen. This is pretty rough on their parents Boston Post. ' . ... ' The Czar has become so courageous unit a a 1 f n fi nf A iii-IniV' 4 ft a Tiaa' months that ow toe to a tailor injrtoUshment . instead of a boiler shop when he wants to get measured for a new suit of clothes. Norristown Herald. In all the boarding houses where there U not much else for dinner, it should not be considered impolUe to send twice for soup. A boy grows fat on enough of what' he wants, but style Win starve a cat. N.Orleans. Pic ayune, Nine out of ten of brahds of stomach bitters sold in Maine hava been found to contain whiskey. Those who haTfl used them would nevsr have suspect ed such a thing if the chemist's had'nt been mean enough to give it away. Philadelphia Kronikle-IIerald Next summer Jay Gould will make a bridal trip around the world. . He will stop off at Laramie and pick up a hot spike at the rolling mill, and then he will put it down and ask . General Nock if the hen that laid those spikes wasn't a little 'feverish. Laramie Boomerang. Some one has discovered that smok iog cigarettes has a most injurious ef fect on the moustache. Young 'ladies who are addicted to the habit may be come alarmed' and discontinue - the practice when informed of this fact, but we doubt it. Norristown Her ald. V. When the small hoy in the vneav West asks his father if he may go t see "Jumbo," the father replies, mx- iojr "Jia9orrnmv see thebiggest 111 13 'R blV A s -A HOlA To i Last yu uwlnir. 1 tie way is long , I am but wnom may i mui io jsmiJ Hlnt'M fHitliful nrrnxfr' A uo tnou aim claim iinwtt. Theu tho wit 8 inul , uo." She cuilnd ber cMldrrn 1 Upon tu elder's head, klsmii Theh, writlnir on htr manll ; Advice.. I must do as you do?- 1 om IS a rrr iroud i and iiicm ars souieimies iwusiral MlWU , Oni oxer, one under tUs hi Yon sr treadlnt tn sate an, Tli at tne prudant choose t Aim ytu tniuk oie reck ins i llsoauI ureter to cUnib. Yonr Dlith is th rlirht nut. - We are not like peas Ui a ixl uoinpetied 10 lie ia a certain 1 or else be tcKUered auroalj Tweie a dull old world iiM-ibif 11 VC all wftlit luHt niM wv Del our Baths will meet no 0 Tliougu they lead aii. vi I like dsuger vl storm sj t i ou liku a reac-f ul tlm.. - 1 I like tne inuisioik and sur I You like Us gentle rhyit, I 1 You like tiutWrnlHi. dewv u Ahd croRiiss. (nued In u, I like the roes hoi k ut the he: And the red carnation's ft? t must live mr life, not you For so it was wrlitieu snw,," we iniiHt ioiiow oiiii own i"vt'ti pat Di 1 wu n 1 uri.l vrlitieu iwt. oinl owb ir'vt'ti pat sbulU iiisct ln ; The Enroptata Klllurj' Tne expenditures of the x )A.uitrIa and Hungary for"tl 18S2 aie.omcially estimiti-edk 000Qotin3. Of this amount) j are foj military' purpoae-'y five sixth'of the national f pended en the army an(V' fe.ns(i8. The army and v of the United StaU f venjy"-