EKS2S iaSMWRl m ViHs MOIfclVJLlVO VvjiiE- &f ' ;5iK 1 4, ',rVJ&S i- V .jTiT- . J K- I Si ' J ir.-f f'rt ".' Jf. n i J, Jjju iAsaaf hsshim j ioif)o 'y.U.t rf.nj- t-Av - ?M it i &4m) i -j iHC ."- -r A 'v' . $)? -wv sw M ' UPTODAT! .! l!il , IN FACT A LITTIdE IN ADVANCE OF THE TIMES. m JTHE COURIER, commencing Saturday, March 11, will be isined as a twenty page paper enclosed in a handsome and specially designed cover. .Everything new, every article and item will be original and sdicy. THE COURIER will be enlarged and improved in every department. Subscription price, $2.00 per year. Next week's issue of THE COURIER Will be an edition of 5,000 copies. Application for space should be made at once. I TWENTY PAGES. THE COURIER ORIGINAL, 'SPARKLING. WMMMMMMMSMBMMMM x .. ;i"r . ,sjt k- M-. ' V, V I t ft . 'rV vt 8 J . it A ' ' KS flt,' tr- . :..&' .-!,, 0.1 ... ?y In thft Jiutlre Court of LnctrrL'nnnty, lioforo L. A, MoOanPlcM, Juitleo of tlin nce. biibmi fi. I'onnu anu Lionel i 0. Hurr, inrtncn I'ound Htetbm B. l'onnd ao U. Burr & Burr, VI. Plaint Iff.. 1- NOTICK. WlUlam J. P. Layrton. . Uarcnuant. ,1 William J, V. LawUm wlU Uko mil ice that un tba ntli day of. Kobruary, 1MM, L. , Me- (,'andlM.a Justice of tlio tieaco In and for Laa oaatar eounty. Nebraska. Issued au ortlar of at tachment for the mm of flW, laan aetloa paadlni beforo him, wherein Hteultea B. round ana lionet an plalntil fanitant. an ooaMMux of monvya. m hand of L. C.Dunn, drat name unknown, of .touelO. Burr, ttartneraas found liurr lalatiff; and WlUlam J. 1. Lawton U de at, and that proiterty of the defendant Hi&c oi monvya, cooua ana crettlta in the of Ii. I!. Dunn, nrit nama unknown, of LaneMter county, hare boon attaehed awl gar- ur miu siutft .was continued to the Uth day of nUbeedu Maid eat 1 , POUND 4 BURR, rkJatMTt ny yBai.aa u. bum, weir, aiioi auae ' lmU, 1MM, at o'clock a. m. nia. March HU , .. t. OlltTHAROT, ATT'Y AT LAW, X)i Notice U hereby aljea. that by virtue of an nSxaaan iu. z .rrr? onmnm ihu. AU w Win and for Lancaster oounty.ln an action wnvivtN aler ,0, ui U, rrallck. et al. aro II. at '1 relek n. .. ay of April, A. D. UN,' at the east door, of i, ana nau-defeadaBts, on the 3rd the court house, in the cltv of Llneoln. In. caster count, Nebraska, off or for sale at public yiiw ao luutnt uisj Will described real vstate, to- Lot number Ito (S.) In block number soren , locateit uimhi the south halt of quarter of section twenty-fire n.l In Hillsdale, loca the south east' auart HMfaBRf VW?!?!?w .' ! j mis nun Mr. m, hi uancasier county neoras- (hyen under ray hand this Wtli day of Kobru ary A. D. 1M. u u.. ' FRKD A. MILLER. March 5t HhorllT. -- I?. i t;r - rt ; ji ii v. K'ri. )' -' f if.' v, -. rji . . i'-u V rk" . r i" v -.. t f, Koart Notice. , ..j. County Clork'aOfllce. Road So. 1221. ., . Lincoln, Neb., Feb. Shtli, 1NH. To all whom It .may concomi The coinmU sioner appointed to view a road commencing; at southeast comer section 2, township (t, ranee , In Lancaster, county, running thence went to southwest corner of section , Townships, ranne 8. and termlnatlna: at southwest corner of sec tion 3. township 8, raiuio 8. has reported In fa vor of the location thereof, and all objections thereto, or claims lor damage; must bo (lied to the county clerk's oMee on or beforo noon of the 3rd day of May, A. D. 14, or such road will it J be Ipeatecf without reference thereto. ny m. b. nsiiU), March 3,tf Deputy. D. WOODS. County Clerk. m PrwpasAb fjar rrlutlBg. Bkk will be received by the itate board ot printing at the office of the sec retary H state on or beforo 2 o'clock E. m, March 22, 1804, for priutinij and inding in paper fifteen hundred (1.500) copies of vol. 1, aeries 2, of the publica tions of the Nebraska state historical society, la accordance with the follow larfspecilcatlons: '' The Yoliime shall be printed and bound in four separate parts, aa a quarterly, each part containing either 64 or 80 pages, at ifceostioB of the society. Theuualitv d weight of paper, the quality of the or page, type and. mar- wotk, sue or page, ty MMaMN U the same as In volume III m taai aoeaaty a "Transactions and R. ... "v. ' '. 'pm?fr be s In the oflee of the aaa ' !, ,(-,,, tafaWfofsUU. The tvpe 'shall bennall yjj;i .-J . , : .aaaav and Mm Quality of Mners for coven -Vv ,'v" .K; : Pit'n . Patal i..i " sauw, latl the aueeeHa parts j . a . . in . , u. . r i . . . . or aof saore inan no oaya. '" Each prop()ettl must bo uccompnniml by a bond in the sum of 9500. Right is reserved to reject any und ull bids. JOHN C. ALLEN, Dated March 1, 181M, Sccrotnry. Murch 10 2t MS will parchaao u Hrst-dunu ticket, round trip via the Mleeouri Pucitlc route to the Mid-Winter fitlr nt Sun Francisco, Cal., tickets good until July 15, 18M. Can take the southern route Koinn und return by the northern route. For fur-1 ther particulars call on city ticket agent 1901 O street, Lincoln Nebraska. A TK1I TO CAMFOKNIA. The Great Rock Island Routo is now running a . tourist car, leaving Albert Lea .every Monday ufternoon on the Minneapolis tc, St. Louis railway, and via Albert Lea, Llvormore, Ft. Dodgo, Angus, Dea Moines, Omaha, Lincoln, Phllllpsburgh and Pueblo, runs over tho Scenic and Ogden routes to San Fran cisco and Loa Angeles. REMEMBER. Thia is a Phillips.Rock Island tourist car, and is accompanied by a tourist conductor through to the coast, and rutiB on the fastest trains, and a second cluss ticket takes you in this cur. Tho rate for berth reservation is low, being only 94 through to tho Pacific points, and proportionately lese for points en route, and there is no better way to take in the, great mid-winter fair. To those who cannot go Tuesdays tho great Rock Island route runs another tourist car, leaving Mianvapoliu every Thursday morning, via Albert Lea, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids and Colum bus Junction to Kansas City, and on to Pueblo over the Scenic route and South ern Pacific runs to San Francisco and Los Angeles. For full particulars, address JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. T. A., 0. R. I. k P. Ry., Chicago. Mld-Wlnter Valr, Han Vnnclsoo Cal., Kx- cimlon, Tleketa New on Hale WlthKound Trip, Limit April 30 '04. The Trunk line between Lincoln, Atchison, St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs, St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Tjob Angles and all points east west north and Knitb. .Come and go via tho Missouri Pacific the popular chair car routo. H. 0. Townsend G, P. A. St. Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels C, P. A, T. A. Telephone N6.'B00. City office 1201 O street, Lincoln Neb. ' The Meet Laundry Townsend Ptaaundoe proprietors, 2208 O street, telephone 519. .Now is the time te take a trip to Flor id via the Missouri FaclHc route. City tieket olce 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb, BHSSMrr?'BHQar'T?ct9 " aBsMarrSBBSHtSSaBHuw Jfrs. Ann Sutherland oo, Mich., bad iweUlop In the neck, at Goitre er? cVuiing 40 Years mattufferlng. Whenihecaughtcoldcouldnot walk two blocks without falntlnf. She took Hood's Sarsaparilla And Is. now free from It all. She has urged aaaay others to take Ilood's Sarsaparilla and titer have also been cured. It will do you good. HOOD'S PILLS Cnre all Uver I1U, jsundlce, sick headache, biliousness, sour stomach, nausea. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA G. E. SPAHR, M. D. (ea limits vo eiet ese er tm l sushi osairuuv asauevta, 1116 Q TWCT. LINCOLW. NK EYE.tH-oEAR I A VETERAN'S VERDICT. The War is Over. A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal 1st Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contrlliutrd her thousands of brave oldlorH to tliu war, und no ntntn Immii-m a bet ter record In that nisM'ct than It (Iocs. In llteruturo It Ih rapidly acquiring an envlablo nluco. In war and literature Solomon Vvwoll, well known as n writer aa "8ol," linn won un honorable position. Dur ing the Into war ho wiih a member of Co. M, 2d. N. Y. Unvalry and of the 13th Indiana In fantry Volunteer. UogardliiK an important clrcumstunco ho wrltcx as followst "Hevernl of us old veterans hore are UKlng rr. MIIoh" Itcstorntlvn Norvlno, Heart Cure und Nervo and Livur l'llls, all ot them Riving splendid Katlsfactlon. In fact, wo havonovcr lined remtMlloH that comparo with them. Of the 1MIU wu muHt8ay thoy are tho best com bination of tho qualities required In a prep aration of their nature woliuve over known. We havo none but words of pralso for them. They nro tho outgrowth of a new principle In medicine, nnd tone up tho system wonder fully, wo wiy to nil, try these remedies." -rommon vewen, Ainriou, inu uoc. o, jwb. These renicilles uru Mild by ull druggist on ii imhiiivo Riiaraniee, or t.eni. direct. Jir. Allies Aleuii'iil uo., KlKimrt, mil by the on re. eel it of price, fl pur bbttlo, six bottles IS, ex press prepaid. Thoy positively contain neither opiates nor dungorous drugs, 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, hoys, and girls to work for us few hours dally, right In and around tlicirown homes. Tlio builneas Is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays betterthsnanyotber offered agents. You Imve n clear Held and no competition. Kxperlenco and special ability un. necessary, No rspllul required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to ram ten times ordinary wsges. Women do aa well as men, aud boys and girls niuko good pay. Auy onn, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain and slm. pie directions. Karnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money, Kverythlng Is new and In groat demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full Information. No harm done If you conclude nut to go on with the business. QlORCK SliNtON JfcCO., ox PORTLAND, MAIM. Weak Lungs may be inherited ; not Consumption. Thin, narrow chested children are the ones to look out for. Everybody with a tendency toward Weak Lungs should take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It builds up the system. Cures Coughs, Colds and Wasting Diseases. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Hereditary Weakness and all Blood Diseases are cured by SCOTT'S EMUL SION.) It is a food rich In nourishment. Prepared by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Druggists sell It pOUND IT AT bAST. JUST THE BOOK N ; I HAVE BEEN BOOKING FOR. And several thousand others. I would advise all who would save time to go te . W. BRO,WNS, 120 80UTH I ITH 8T Concise. Modern, Practical. Inexpensive. THE YOUTH'S CYCLOPAEDIA Now ready In two Inrjjo octiivo volumes. Prepared ly a conro of anchors and educational writera exprcsaly for Use of pupiln and BttirfuntH In pub lii: und private hcIiooIb, Boininnties and academies. CostitiK but a smnll fraction ( Jio price of the large cyclojui'diuB, it is ten timee more vnlnablu for the ptiriMiae. I) oca lino It Uta. Teachers ai-e enthusiastic In itu pniise, aayinir it meets i need which I wis been long aud deeply felt.. For iiguiitM It Is a Imuniirn. No competition j no other book likeltj a io8itlvo nnd urgent demand for ;t. Wo have n system of canvussinK the schools which Insurei quick work and bltr results, First agent look lt orders in It) lays, another, lias taken ottlers for 2.'l sets in 7 weeks, nnd eajH ' 1 have Pohl Wiks for len years and this is the best seller I ever struck." MF WANT IRFNTQ w,, wl" Kivesll their I! nnd want tnmakeblKinnney, "a. If "ill I flUtniU Wetive extra terms and exclusive territory. TeacherH and HtiulentH who want protltaltle vacation work should write us. Fon full Inforinstinn and terms, nddresH XJst77IATB VUBLXsHaWO CO., Lakeside Building, Chicago, 111. "c. '.- .5&V, v , kv $. KW.a'w.a "