V SATURDAY AftOJRatXKG COURIER Y Si i) i n "Tho Lincoln pnpem uro making Homo ugly thrcatfl about Mr. John Clrlllltli, our Htuto Imnk examiner, claiming that ho in 'a full-Hedged member of tho Mcmhor gting' Im'lmiumj ho Informed tho public that tho iikhoIh of tho Capital Na tional wcro in gcxid condition wlion thoy woro not bo," Bay tho Omaha A'.wkiW. "Now tho fi.rcchior has known John (Jrilllth bIiicu ho wan a clerk in tliu Omaha National. Ho Ib prolmbly bettor known In Ouiuha than anywhere in tho ntuto, uiiIcrh it bo IiIh homo at Wahoo. Ho married a beautiful Omaha tfirl, (hIiico tlcccuHod), MIhh Molllo King, a nlcco of Lyman Itlcliunlnon, and ho Ib as Htrnight anil conBclontiotma man im over engaged in untangling tho complex pro blems ot a bank. Hut wo really think it boho;cB him to make boiiio tlefoiiHo before tho Lincoln people, whono wrath ngaliiBt tho bank Bwindlo HeeniH to wax rather than wane, demand an invoBtigu tion before tho comptroller. Any perBon who Iuib looked into the methods of tho national bank examiners knows that thoy liuvo entrusted to them by tho trcnBiiry otllcials a considcrablo amount of discretion, which they aro to oxerciso according to their judgment. An ex aminer frequently runs across things in a bank that, if reported, would bring disaster, but, for tho correction of which a reprimand is often quite sufficient. Mr. Griffith undoubtedly went as fur as ho could In tho Lincoln bank and thought by oxerciso of a littlo patience all would bo brought around. Ho was deceived; that wns all. If tho diiectors, under nfficors and clerks in tho bank were nil blind, who were there daily, what could be expected of an examiner who came onco or twico a year to look over cleverly doctorod books?" An admission of tho statements con tained in tho Mosher letter in Monday's Journal would constitute tho strongest possible argument why Hank Examiner Griffith should bo summarily removed from office. The letter writer says that tho bank lost the following amounts: Donuell, Lawson & Simpson, 827,000; Marsh Harvester company, 875,000; Small failure, 850,000; W.T. Scott, 8125,. 000; First National bank, Fairmont, 80,000; lost at York by roaBon of bank failure, 850,000; Mindon loss, 8,000; Albion loss, 80,000; Itiverton Exchange bank, 87,500; Sherman County bank, 820,000; Uowick Hros. & Co., 87,000; F. A. Faulkenburg,8.'l,000; Nebraska Manu facturing company, 87,000; Ilailoy, 82,000; J. It. Van Huskirk, 82,500; C. E. Luork, 88,000; Norton, Crafts & Co., 8:1,000; F. A. Bridgford, 81.500; D. M. Turblin, 82,000; other small losses too numerous to mention, 825,000. Now will any sane man contend that this enormous loss could havo been sus tained by the bank unknown to tho bank oxaminor, unlesB tho oxainlner waB a hopelesB idiot? Tho letter writer says: "Even tho clerks who worked upon tho books wcro ignorant of tho condition of tho bank." Vot some of the employees testified beforn tho grand jury that they know tho books and accounts were be ing tumpored with, and ono of tho em ployees had so littlo faith in tho insti tution that ho worked for that ho would not deposit his money in it, keeping it in u tin lox of his own in the vault instead. Hut Griffith, who is so fondly loved by Mosher and Paddock ot al, and who is ono of tho most incompetent men who over hold public offico, did not know that anything was wrong! Tho further tho Capital National bank matter is probed tho moro apparent is Griffiths shamelesB cupidity or towering ignor unco' Why aro such men kept in offico? Tho following from 7'ornM Topien is of some interest, Lincoln having a "smart" llnancior that can rank with any of thorn: "There is a natural Bontimout of sur prise nnd Borrow in tho heart of ovory sincere person when a man of tho ability and great energy of Erastus Wimnn does an act of hishonesty. Yet at no time should this sentiment bo permittod to develop into a feeling of sympathy. I am convinced that tho people of today are not sufficiently impressed nnd dis gusted by tho irregular and criminal conduct of men in high places. Wo despise tho common thief that steals bread as heartily as over wo did, but tho capitalistic robber- tho important re probate that stoals by tho wholesale is vory ofton regarded with a tenderness almost amounting to a regret that ho should havo been found out. The trouble is we havo got into a most wretched and dangerous habit of deify ing tho "smart" man. Tho foremost rule in almost every business circle is "Get there." Littlo emphasis is put on tho necessity and beautyof beingstrictly and perfectly honest. And if, in striv ing to be brilliantly successful, a gifted man is caught stealing, jou will tlud decent people on all sides excusing him on tho ground that his temptations wero great and that ho overstepped but slightly tho universal customs of modern business." "Those of us that over stop to think must bo continually shocked and do pressed by tho madness for money that possesses nearly every man and woman wo meet. Where is It going to lead this world to? Surely there Is no intemper ance, no immorality In tho human raco so degrading and dangerous as this frenzy to win and have gold, More and more is It warping tho truer nature of mankind; more and more is it drawing us away from tho rational and peaceful mode of life which cements friendships and family ties. I have more respect to day for the worthless, shiftless ne'er-do-well that desplseB money who cares only to keep himself in whisky, cigars and occasional food, and casts tho few dollars he gains out of his hand as fast as ho gets them- than I havo for tho feverish, overwrought and raging money getter, that will ride over his best friends, and avail himself of every means oven disreputable ones, to add to his tlnauclal K)BBCBsions. Tho worship of money is tho deadliest passion on earth todaj. It is not condemned in any place as it should bo. Tho pulpit is almost dumb in the matter, and as for fathers and mothers, the most of them begin over tho cradle to convince their children that tho tlrst and foremost of all blessings is nionoy, Got it, they say, and they say it in a way that nivalis, lit erally, steal it if you cannot acquire it decently." "And so you Hud men being arrested all over tho country men that aro bold, powerful, victorious llnancicrs. Thoy uro not common thieves exactly. Thoy aro a product of tho times. The sound nnd wholesotno doctrine of shnplo hon esty wus never tuught to thoni. Thoy wcro assured from their earliest infancy that it was a disgrace to bo poor. They found on going to work that money was vory hard to got honestly, and very easy to got dishonestly. They got it. At last, however, they were discovered and tho law took them in hand. And right there is the one fortunate thing in this wholo modern business. Tho law comes to tho rescue ot heaven every little while and stamps dishonesty as dishonorable. Wo might never llml it out any other way. For goodncsBsako lot us bo grate ful and not sorry that the malefactois are hauled up and pilloried. If we can not learn from our parentsnndour social associates that honest impecuuiousness is picferablo to dishonest iitlluonee, I hope tho law may prove it to us em phatically and often. Wo should pray that some iutlueni'o shall bo exerted to draw tho business world back into legiti mate grooves, where the "smart" man is not gloritied, and forgery and blackmail take rank beneath purity and fair deal ing." Tho best way to avoid scalp diseases, hair fulling out, and i remature baldness is to use the best preventive known for that purpose Hall's Hair Uerewer. For Texas jKiints take tho Missouri Pacific route. City ticket offico 1201 O street. See that your tickets read via tho Missouri Paciilu route to the Mid-Win tor fair at San Francisco, Cul. City ticket office 1201 O street, Liucoln.Neb. Cuno.i City and Hock Springs con nicely screened at Lincoln Coal com I""iJ'- BURLINGTON ROUTE Chi'iip KxcnritloliH to tin- Soiilli. On the following dates January 10, February 1.'), March 20 and April 24, tho B. & M. will Boll round trip tickote at ono faro to points in southern Mis souri, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full information regarding routes, stop overs, limits, etc., call at B. it. M. depot or city offico, cornorC and Tenth streets. G. W. Uonnei.l. C. P. & T. A. What Wo Uelli'i--Iiivi'Ml(;itliii lelreil Wo boltovo tho general equipment of tho ontho North Western lino system, 7,961 miles, is unequalled in this coun try; that it has tho best road bed und best syBtom of safoty appliances west of Chicago us good as any east of Chica-go;- that It is, us tho trains run, the short lino to Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.; to St. Paul and north west and to Black Hills towns, That it curried the great est number of pooplo to tho world'B fair, and without an accident to anyone. Porhups you begin to think wo uro stuck on tho North Western lino? Wo uro nnd want you to know it, und say you would bo too, if you used it. Try it. Correct information as to routes, rates, etc., supplied vlucrfullji. W. M. Smi'MAN, A. S. Fmi.niNo, Gon'l Agt. City Tkt. Agt. llll'l O Street. Mlil-Wlnter I'u I r ItitlcH Art Douii. The Burlington route is now selling round trip tickets to Sun Francisco at 8X; one wuy 820. Think of it! Four thousands miles for less than 840. For full information call at B. & M. depot or city office, corner 10th and O streets. G, W. Bonm:i.i., C. P. AT. A. ADULTERATED WINE Ib injurious, but nothing gives strength, and tones up tho stomach like a pure old port wine. ' Royal Ruby Port," so called for its royal tasto and ruby color, Is on account of its purity, ago and strength, particularly adapted for invalids, conval escents and tho aged. Sold only in bottles (never in bulk) while cheap wlno is sold by tho gallon and gives a larger profit to tho seller but less to tho user. This wino is absolutely pure, and has the ago without which no wine is fit to use. Bo suro you get "Royal Ruby": quart bottles $1, pints 00 cu. Bold by J. II. HAWF-rlSY, llth and O Kts. ill IB I Written for 'I'm: Cmnitm.l EfWEMlTATlONS todevlato from the fjf truth riso before us constantly.' jf And there are many times, as, everyone knows, when a lie doesn't seem to hurt anybody and when it mulics ' everything a gre it deal easier than If the truth wero told. But most people , tell the truth when they can without too much trouble, and theie aie 11 fowl who do so at some cost to Miemselve. j A certain person of my acquaintance, however, has made a study of the habit of prevarication. He has cultivated whatever natural Inclination he hud toward exaggeration or prevarication, and tho result Is that ho is, apparently, quite incapable of telling tho truth about anything. I would hardly call it lying, for lying seems to imply malicious iiess, and 1 do not belieo he has a malicious idea in his head. Probably it is his desire to bo what some people cull "smart" that prtinptBhiui to jockey with tho truth. Ho Is one of those peculiar beings whoso idiosyncrasies cannot be readily accounted for. You cannot got angry with him easily, for he is always pleasant and ho has u habit of smiling when he talks to you. Ho seems en tirely innocent. Yet you know he is sccrotly enjoying himself at your ox ponso. Ask him how ho is, and If hois well ho, will answer that he is sick. If he Is not well he will suy that he was never better in liis life. Ask him to do a certain thing for you, and he will promise faith fully, leaving you under tho impression that ho is very much in earnest, and he straightway dismisses the subject from his mind. Ho goes In society; ask him if he is going to this or that function, and if ho does intend to go he will answer ou solemnly that he will not be there, and vice versa. It is usual!) about small things that he exhibits this propensity with particular zeal. He l.a persisted in his coiuse so long that peo pie havo stopped taking him seiinusly. Nobody ever puts any dependence on him. There's 11 jounggiil who has gradually evolved hei self into a coquette . She was, in her youth, a demuio little maiden with an inclination to study and a decided liking for tho domestic hearth stone. An untowuid circumstance caused her to leave school at an early age, and with nothing in particular to occupy her mind and surrounded by a number of gay companions, with parental indulgence, sho drifted into frivolous wajs, and becoming frivolous she soon developed into u coquette. Society makes a good many people frivolous, and frivolity seems to havo a direct bearing on the ulTcctious, making them Highly. Tho young lady is in many respects charming. Her coquetry is not danger ous. It is not followed fur enough to be very serious. Something always occurs to distract her attention, and the victim, if he woro really in danger, readily escapes. She hits two ideas, to have amusement und a man, und us sho seldom is ublo to bo amused unless there is a man in tho immediate vicinity, sho may be said to havo in reality but one idea, to havo a man. She doesn't cure so much for the man for tho man's individual sake- sho hasn't any serious intentions. It doesn't mutter very much who the ,111111 is just so ho is presentable und good form. Most any body will do. A man, not the nun is what sho is looking for. And sho has the valuable faculty of interest ing herself thoroughly In tho man before her for tho time being. Ho is made to think that ho is making u distinct im pression, nnd, uaturnlly.his susceptibility increases, and the lady is correspond ingly delighted. Sometimes one man is not enough. Sho must huvo two or three or half a dozen. Girls havo absolutely no inter est for her. Sho probably never tried to inspire love in any inuu and it is quite unlikely that any man ever regarded her with 11 feeling of love. Her ideas do not extend to that. She wants men to joke with hor and supply merriment rather than sigh for her und muke lose to her. Properly speaking she is not a real coquette. Sho has, however, so many of tho coquette's littlo tricks of attracting masculine attention than I can hardly think of nn other term by which to describe her. After uwhilo she will weary of tho inasculino procession before her, and sho will pluck one of tho pi.ssers by for keeps simply because sho wants to set tie down. Sho will make a miml 11 ti i 11 teresting wife und tho man who was plucked will probably discover that tho club is 11 nice, pleasant place. Tin. ! (7V In' Continual,) For all doruiiKeniont of tho throat and luiiKB, Aer's Cherry Pectoral is the speedtest and most reliable leinedy Even in the advanced stages of con -sumption, this wonderful preparation uf i fordB jjreut relief, checks counhiiiK, and induces sleep. All Indies prefer tho Lee hfomu, I Mra. Anna Sutherland Kalamazoo, Mich., ImJ swelllngi In tlio neok, 01 sii..- l'rora hor 10th x. Goitre year, cainim 40 Years RreatstifTcrhiB. Wlioiishoc.iiiglitcoMcouldnot walk two block without fainting. Btio took Hood's Sarsaparilla And I) now frco from It nil. Hho has urged many others to take. Hood's Barsnpnrllliv nnd they havo also been cured. It will do you good. HOOD'O PlLLQ Curo all Liver till, Jaundice, tick IiomUcIis, bllloiuneti, lour itomach, naaiM. KfCTaHRN Lkkkk wM TnintTk maCAVtAI d, I HAUL MARKsV W COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OIITAIN A PATENT? For Prompt answer and an honoit opinion, wrlto to MlINN A: :o.,wnohnvo bad nearly fifty rears' experience In tbe patent bunlnru. Comniunlca. tlona iirlctlr confidential. A Handbook of in formation concerning I'nlenta and bow to ob tain them pent free. Alto cataloguoof tnocban. leal ami clentlno bpoka rent free. l'atcnta taken, through Jlunn A Co. reoelTfl aiu'cml notice In tho Hcjntiilno American, and tlmi arn brought widely before tbq public with, out coat to tbe Inrentor, Tbla iDlonrtld piper, iBiucd weekly, elesant ly llluat rated, baa by far tho lariteat circulation of any nolontltlo work In tho world. . SU a year, bampie contra tent free. Uulldlna KdUloo. monthly. 11.60 a year. Slnulo eoploi. 'ill centa. Kvery nuiuber contains beau tiful platoa, in colon, and pliotonratiua of now houtoa, with plana, enabling bulldore to tbow tbo latcn dealini nnd aecure onotrncta. Address MUNN Ic CO.. MEW YOIIK, 3 til lllloADWAT. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though orcnslonnlly opl ilemlo, Is always more or 1cm prevalent The bcHt remedy for thin complaint Is Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. "Last SprliiR, I was taken down ullh La Grippe. At times I was completely pros. (rated, nnd so illtllcnU was my lireallilnn that my lircast seemed us If coiidiieil In an Iron en (,'(). I proem ed a bottle of Ayi'r. Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I Ih'imii taking It than relief followed. 1 could not be llovo that tho effect would bu ho rapid and thu curo so complete. It Is truly a wonderful med icine" W. II. Williams, Crook City, S. I) AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Promptto act, sure to cure WJWSTtiR'S INTERNA TION Ah r.onniy avti-. DICTIONARY A Grand Mutator, .Sunriwnrnrtlni "ViutUrtilfica." Ten ears apent In rolxltii;, lmi ed ItorM'inplojeil.aiid mule than .10i,ooo fxpfinlcd. livvryboily xhoiiid nun this Dictionary. It an- Huemill ipiCHllollH I'oneeraliii; the bis tor), tipcllliiir, pro nunciation, und incanlnir of word. A Library in Itself. 1 1 ni nit es tho often desired Information (om-emliiK eminent iwrxons; lactH lonceriiinir tho coiintricrt, cltlc, (nuns mid natural tea tnrcHof UiokIoIhi; partlcalaiA loncerniiiR noted fictitious peron mid places: trans lation of foi dpi ijiiotation, Mortis, and pnnerbs; etc., etc., elc Tis Work in In valuable in tho household, and to tho teacher, ccliolar, pro fessional man, and t-clf-viliicator Sold tii All lltmkicUcrs. O. tt- C. Merrinm Co. J'ltlillnlicru, Sprtna)lrlil,.fas. WEBSTER'S ilOTERKAITONALl tTl not liiiyrlienpiioto- lininmu ri'i'nmiui a ancient DlCTIONARr, 53"-'nd for free prolactin. f-umuiiH. !, - nULlkYftCA Iwfess -mlKMtB W9v,QtS TTuwtvj, I II ' buii;-Jraa1 aw .- arni"'-.' v iftlilNaiiiiiiiHy ' A VETERAN'S VERDICT, Tho War Is Over. A Wolbknown SoU dler, Correspondent nnd Journal 1st Makes n Disclosure Indiana contributed her llioiisiinilsnf liravo xoldlnrs to the war, und no state hour n liet jerteeorcl In that lespeet than II dms. In lltcinlnio It Is inpldly neipilrlim an enviable jilnee. In unr and lllernliiio Solomon Vewell, well known as u writer as ''Sol," has won an honorable position, Hur lint tho late war lie hiihii inemlierof Co, M, 2d. N. V. Cuvaliy anil oMIio 1,11 li Indlanii In fiinlry volunteer. Itcminllim mi Itnpoilntit circumstance he writes us follows! "Sou'ial of us old M'tcruiis hero nro usltin llr Miles' IteslonilUo Nervine. Heart Cum and Nerve und I, her fills, all of them nlvln splendid satlsfaelloii. In fact, we lime inner iis(mI temedles that eiiiiipain with llioin. Of the fills we must say they ate Iho hestcom liliiatloii of theipialllles leipllred In a prep aration of Iholi-iialtue woliavetiver kiiiiwu, We liiiMHiiiiin hill woidsof praise for them. Tlieyuio thu otititrimtli of a new principle In medicine, nnd tonu up the systoin wonder fully, We say to all, try theso romedlea." Solomon Vewell, Marlon, toil., Hoc. 8, 1891 These remedies aro sold hy nil ilriiKKlntH on a positive gunrnnU'u, or aent direct by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Klkhnrt. Ind on ro eolpt of price, l perbnttlo, nIx bottles B,i)X press prepaid, They positively contain neither opiates nor daiiKcroiiN drug. "f-fShy pIKtn"LVVj,vu. w juuniHL AND Scibmcf of Health tAN- JLLUSTIvNTEIh MAGAZINE- OF- HiMMffl ISftuW H(NotaicL Hcao FOWIiMIt WKhliSCO., '25 l.iiHt 'Ul Shirt, N- Voik, BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA oGBUYTHESK, llGUT HUNHIHG ruiCST'.J 'LCM-mVhr MOST IL-T.r,.rvr , tflVST IBW 0L,"B.L-C. . iU3r . iiJjlt tttVKicm J . ..ora :.:h..4, f HSS9SfjUSIh.UMust. AtlftUI.'tj; a, THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Send TEN conta to 91 Union 8q.( II. Y far our prlio Riimo, " C n il Lucl.," nno) n n New Homo Sewing Mnclilne. 1 ho New UomoSowins Machino Co. ORftNOK, MASS. ILL Se.0t5MJ?-lM'e. im- 'niomFOR SALE BY e.vU A. l- LR1SS, PIANOS AND 0INSAXS, 1111 O Stnut, Lincoln. I CAPITAL AND CLEANING WORKS. No. Hit N.Twoll'IU Nt. m (ttEL; -ys I J rtclJ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WMwaaaHMiMtiastatfMtfjMtMHsii iaT-BTHiilWntiBtH M -J I I J ttl fc altM 'ni it )fr'-rM' BEST OFFER EVER MADE $5,000 Cash Given Away hy Tin CINCINNATI Weekly Enquirer. Every club of Ten Yenrly Sub pcriborn will got ono nharu of 85,000. JUvcry club of Flvo Yearly Sub Bcriberri will got ono half a nliaro of lfi.000. Tim number of uliarcH Ih fixed by tho number of clnlm of ten that will bo received by us from Nov, 1, 1893, to March 31, 1894. On an ollbr of 81, COO IiihI npring, running tlireo montliH, ending .hum 30, 18i).'I, for chilis of five, each club agent received 8l.fi!J in ciwli bexitleH Iiih coiiuninriioim. That oiler wiih 8500 a month for three uiontliM. Wo now oiler 81,000 a month for five months, or a total of $5,000 for five months, beflidcH tho regulur conimisaiotiB, and will Guarantee 40 per cent. Gross Profit. A full club of five or ten numt como nt ono timo in order to shore in this offer. Agcntfl may send nu many clubs o thoy can raise within timo Bjiecilled and enn have pnjicrH cent to any uddrcHs. Tho WEEKLY ENQUIUEll is tho Largest, Uent, Clean, .Moral, Klu vatlug Dollar NowsMi)cr for it family favorite now printed in tho United Stilton. Samplo copies free. ENQUIRER COMPANY, CINCINNATI, O. BODRBOirfir PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery. Pronounced a pure and whole some tonic-stimulant by the medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If you cannot procuro It of your draiwiat or liquor dealers, upon receipt of Jl.M) wo wl!l express prepaid to any address a full quart ample bottlo of Old Kile llyo or llourbon. STOLU VANNATTA I CO., DISTILLERS, Lexington, Ky. For hiiId I ' j. ii. nvir.yi3'v, 1 1 th and OHtH. 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. Wo want many men, womeu, tnyi, mid glrUto work form a few hour dully, rllit ImiidnrouDd tliclrnwii lioinei. Tliu bu.lncn in a)-,iuiaiit, trlctly honorable, nnd pit)s lultcrtlmu anyotlicr ollcroil iiKviiti. Yon lmu n rlenr tkld nd no coiiiH'tltluu, i;xerlt'iicit and rtJu1 ability un. nect'sunry. N'n rnpltnl reiiilrid. Wo equip you with everything Hint )ou need, treat ou well, nml In lp on to . aru ten time, ordinary murc. Women do as well in men, nml hoji ami girl, muke good pny. Any nut', mi) here, cim do tho work, All tiicceed who follow our plain and dm. plu illrectlout. I'.irmut work will turdy bring )ni a great deal of money. Kut) thing In new nnd In grent ih'umnd. Write, for our pamphlet circular, ami rccelie full Infornmtlon. No hurra done If j on conclude nut to go on with the lnulne. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. U4J0 In nil t)les and ilrei. Llfliteit, tronsrett, cailc.t orklo;, sfct, ttniplrtt, mo.t accunle, nio.t comjuct, and moit molrm Tor 3l by all dealer la aruu. Catalogue nulled frco by Tho llarlin Firo Arms Co., New Havkn, Conn., IT. P. A. FINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. Tlio Courwr I'iiIiIIhIiui); I'oinimn) Ih prt'iiari'd to do nil kimlrt of printing, lino work, PHptH'inll.v, ut inoilointn jiriwHj iiIho I'liginvinK, wedding in vitiitioim, t'tilllng oiiiiIh, otu., Call nnd rscn tninpUH. Sui iti Moiim.no Couitnnt, U.'ll N'Htri'ot. jjjylgg: