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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
WW "TV' T JV r' T l re . v.. l-s . i , V i . 'a Si bf . u s- i :.. '' i " t r , . .- P- L' U l. l' ' IV i A, t- I r faw ' p if ' i - tf IrU ( p .-' ' J ( a 'o- . tK 1 jii '.' in tltc ('trot It I'mirl nf Hip nlltl Watm Mr ! tlt rlt I iif NHiiiufcii, At tho wwdmi of Hip Circuit Court of the United Htalwt for the I)lHtiict of KulimnUii, continued mul liflcl at the United Rtute Court room In tho city oj Uneoln, In wild Slnlo on thu 18th day of .Tiinunry 1RI, tlio Honorable Minor 8, Dundy being present nnil presiding in wild court tlio following among other procodlngM were, lind iiiiil done to-wltt .1iumli (1. ItminilH. 1 ' " .;. .,..' in n iMiilntlir, 1 1- ; Ml. Iioulo Moer. and Annie Mo)er,hls wife, lit III., pofonriiinta. In Chancery, Order on Almcnco of OefendiintH. Now on tlm 18th dny of January 181 , ImiIiiu ui tlin .Tiiiumry term A. I. 1B.M, of wild court, It hnviiiK been mado to nppenr to IhoKiillsfnotlon of wild court that thin Ih a Htilt commenced to enforce a iniirtKimu Hell upon real proHirty with In the wilil District, and that William Ajiolos, president and directors of the Insurance company, of North America, of Philadelphia, Ponimylvunlo; Samuel Well, August Well and William M. Una hell, inrtnorn doing business under tho lirm name or wen, jhiskoii v coiimiiny) II. II, Clnlllln A company, a conioriition; 'fiA Henry ltlce, William jionjamin Klunmnii. Duvlil R soman. Jolinnthan Hico mid Kllna Mlchaol, partnorH doltiK business under tho llrm name of luce, Stix it como'iny and Mlna Ij. Vnwn, defondnnts.tioroln aro not Inhabitant or residents of and havo not been found within the wild Patriot and havo not voluntarily appeared In this suit. On mo tlonof 1'ound A-llurr, solicitors for tho hiiKi plalntlir, It Ih considered by tho court and ordered that tho wild defend aiitH above named to bo and they am hereby directed to appear and plead, answer or demur to tho bill of I'oinpliitnt on or before Monday, April '-'nil, 1801? and that In default thereof an order be entered In thin ciiura taking Mm wilil 1)111 nro eonfeaso. It 1b further ordered by tho court that ut leant twenty daya boforo tho mid Monday, April '2nd, 1801, a copy of this order Ih nerved upon mid defendants not InhabltantH of and who have not heen found within tho wild Districts, wherever found If practicable and aim uiion tho peraoivr persona in possession or charge of tho real property described in plaintilT'H said bill of complaint, if any thero be and that thin ordor bo pub llshed for six successive weeks in tho Hatuiiuav Mohnino Coiiiukii. a nows paper published and in gonoral circula tion in wild District of Nebraska. , Hl.MKIt S. DUNDV, January 18, 185)1. Judge. The United States of America, ) District of Nebraska. m' I, Elinor 1). Frank. Clerk of the Cir cuit Court of tho United States for the 'District of Nebraska, ilo hereby certify, that tho Miami and foregoing is u truo copy of ah order ontoreu upon tho jour nal of the procedinga of aaliL Court, in tho cause herein entitled; that I havo compared tho same with the original entry of Mid order, and It la a truo tran script therefrom, and of tho whole thereof,, Witness my, Official Signature, and the Seal of mid Court, at Lincoln, in said District, this Eighteenth day of January A. D. 1801. Elmkk D. Fkank, , Clork. Jan. 27,-flt) Nellie or Vrnlmla or Will. r In the County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraaka. , In re estate of Klaas Ikirchors, de ceased. The State of Nebraska to Mm. Wopko Borchers, Dorothea Borchers, Anna Borchers, Abbo Borchers, Claus Borch ers, John Borchers and Dlna Borchors, and to any others Interested In said O ' f, matters. ' j ou are heroby notllled that an in strument purporting to le the last will .ami testament of Klaas Borchers de 'ceased. is qo tile in saitl .court, and also i. '' a peiiiKW praying ror me prooaie oc saiu , , ( iiiMrument; ami for the appointment of t, MivuTf troiiii na uxouuiur lurivui. iu on tbe auth tlay or February, 19, at iu o'clock a. in., said petition and the proof of the execution of said instrument will lie heard, and that it you do not then appear ami contest, said court may pro bale ami record the same, and grant administration of the estate to said .Henry Velth as executor. ' This notice shall be published for ( r i V three weeks successively In the Satur- r,r v thiy Morning Courier prior to sakl hear Jffi. ( . Ing ' 1 u Witness my hand and official seal this "' i , of January, 1894. v I. W. LANSINO, Feb.10 !lt. County Judgo. ? In tho C'lreuU Court of the United HUtea for the'ilUtrlrt or NeUrn.k. At the session of the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraaka, continued and held at tho Unlteil States Court room in. the city of Lincoln, in said state, on tho 18th day of January; 1801. u tho Honorable Elinor S. Dundy being present and nresidinir in said court, the following among other proceedings were iiuli aim none; to-wii: Tho State Savings Bank of Dea Moines, Iowa, Plaintiff. , vs. 103 Q Mary Ann Morrisey, l'raim Morrisey.her husbaud.etal. Defendants. Now on this 18th day of January 1801, i being at the January term A. D. 1801, of the said court. It having been made to appear to the satisfaction of the said court, that this Is a suit commenced to .enforce a mortgage lien upon real prop erty within tae sakl district and that gwaue) Well, August Well, and William Haskell, nartneaa doing business un der .the Arm name of Weil, Haskell ';. company, II. B. Clattlin k company, a corporation; Henry Rice, William Stix, Benlamln Elseman, David Etoentan, Johnathan Rice ana Ellas Michael, partners doing business under i , t tk-J lirm name of Rice, Stix & company and Mlna L. Vinson, defendants herein 1 are not inhabitants of and havo not " been found within the sakl District and A bare aet voluntarily appeared in said '- suit. On motion of round JbJUurr.solicit ,i t of for the said plaintiff it is conskl oy we oour ana oraerea tuai ine defeodanta above named be and are Mrew utreotea to appear ana Hi mmmt "linii w ! m April MftTaml that in default Uuweot or eojnMWM on- or .uerore wonaay. an order be entered In UiIh ciuiw) tiiklnn the said bill pro confesso. It Is farther ordered by the court that at least twenty diiyH before the said Alnmlny, April '.!, linn, a copy m nor, order be served iioii the wild defond antH wherover found If practical and a1soiKm the person or persons In jioh- session or ennrgo oi mo mi piuinii described In plaintiff's bill of complaint If any there bo and that this order bo published for six consecutive weekn In tho Hatuhday Mohnimi Codkikii, h nowspaper published and In general circulation in said District of Nebraska. Ki.mkk8. Duniiy, January 18, 1801. . Judgo. Tho United States of America, District of Nobraska. ss. J, r.iuior it. rrnnK. uiorn oi m ju cult Court of tho United States for tho . i- m I. .. II.. l District of Nebraska, ilolierefiu ceritfil, that tho alaivo and foregoing Ih ii truo copy of an order entered uion thir Jour nal of thq proceodlngH of said Court, in the cause therein oniltled; that I havo compared mo sumo wuu mu ui nnlpv ut nulil nnlnr. mill 11 Is ii trim trim Hcrlnt thorefrom, and of the whole thereof. Witness my Ofllcial Signnture. and il.n Until nf until fVilirl III Titlll'nlll. Ill said District, this Klghteonth day of January, a. u. joih, hkai, Jan. 1!7.-(U D. FlIANK, Clerk. 8. L. OBI8TMARDT, ATT'Y AT LAW. Dunn Otoc HIirrlfT Nnl. Nnllrn ti linrnliv'uUnn. Hint hv vlrltin (if (111 urijor of nli) IrniuoiVliy llii clork of Urn district rotirt of tlm Tlilril Juilloinlillatrlctor Notiriukn, within mill for lnncnitur county. In nil notion whorolu lliHiruo uicoll u inniiiiui. nun linn lor (. Krnliek ut nl. nro iliifciulaiiln, I will, ut 'J o'clock it. in., on tho .Inl itny of Alirll, A. I). IMtl.nt tlm vnst iloor of tho court homo, in tho city of Lincoln, CAitor count, Nolirntkn, otTortor tnln nt imbllo miction tho following ilvtcribcil rim I ttntu, to- I.11L tinnilMir fln (ti. In lilock lil.mhnr botoii f7, j ill jhllaiUlo. locntoil iiimiu tho aoiith hull of tlm loutli Mil quArtor or nootlort iwonti-nro im.l townalilji ton I ld.l north rnnsjonlx Ml.lontt of tho nlxtli P, M. in Lnncnitor county Nolirni- (llon utulrr my linml thli USth day of Fobru nry A. I). 1MU. KHKD A. MILI.KK. . Mnrch:irt rilu-rllT. ' llOMil (otlre. County Olork'ii Olllco. Itoiul No. 12.'!. Lincoln, Neb., Foil. SStli, 1MI. To all whom It mny concuriit Tho commit, loncr siipolntoil to tIow a road commonclim nt fouthoaet cornor loctlon '.', townnhlp t, riuiKO tl, In Lnncaitor county, runnliiK tlionco west to nouthwcut cornor of loctlon II, townshlpit, rmiiro O.mul termlnitliiR at Kouttiwont cornur of hoc tionil. towmlilps, rmiRod, lim riMiorteil In fa vor of tho location thoroof, mid all objortion thoroto, or cllni for damage, mint bo ttlod in tho county clork'i olllco ou or boforo noon of tlioSnl day of May, A. 1. 1MM. or such road will ho locatwf without rvforonco thoroto. Ily II. E. YVKLLS, J 1), WOODS. .. . . Deputy. County Clork. Maroh 9, U Score Cards High Five Whist . , mmm Bonus Pencils Tassels Punches 1134 N Sxrkkt. Here's the Idea OI taw NM-ptH-ttit Bow The mat watch uvcr. Saves the watch froat tkitv aad Calls caaBot be pulled off tkt one 1 coou aetkiag extra. Tkt kow kai a rrroort OBachmd. A collar run down laildt the Rindaat (attm) and It Into tho grooves, flrmly lockfna; the bow to tht pendant, 00 that It cannot b pulled or twleted off. C7 Caa only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. U. BOM MUM WUH IMW are now fitted wkh this peat bow (ring), They look sad WOW like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guoraateed for twenty Sold only through wstcb keystone1 PHILADELPHIA. $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE IN0U8TRMHI8. II you waat work that is leaaiit sod di prettakle, seodue yonroddreie ImnierMstelir. Weteachmea ea to asa weauB bow to ears from M.oe per day pr year without tuiiug ha previous iporkaoe, aud lursltft the eaiploi meat at which they to saake that amount. Motbli mz dUBcult to leara or that reuuiret inucb time. Tho work w easy. keaMhy, aud honorable, and oan be done dur. ! daTtlBM or rnliiiri. rlclit In vourown local. Ity, whererrr you lire. Tho rrault of few wark ofloM anaali a week's warns. We Imt taught thousaade of both icxet aud all ages, aud many have laid foundations that will surely brtef them riches. Some of the smut-tost men In this country owe their success In Hfe to tho start girt n them white in our employ years ago. You, reader, mar do as well: try It, You SV ,wiiinmtM.r uv r wnii IJ It. sum eaanot full. No esplial necessary. We it you out wnn hwmhi insi m new, stHMi. ana mum. r. sMta. book Mmiai of adTlee Is free to aU. uloiU. Hslnvnnr. iet oy wihim isr 11 lo-aar not tonwrn XMaysareeostly. a O. AU.IN OO. . AUGUSTA v MAIN!. IfflBI Watch Case Co., The Iideppeit 3V13J"V YOHKt A religious and literary News paper and review. Unilunonitnatlnnal, unlilaneil anil liiimrliil. A puiMir for clorirymon, noholarn, traclittrn, IiurIiu'rm inun and fnniillefl. It iIIhcubhoh nvcry topic of the (lay- rcllKloiin, thooloKical, jmiI Itical, literary, nodal, nrtintiu and Hulnntlllc. Itn contributed artlclcx aro by thu nuwt oiuinont wrltcra of tho ImikIIhIi IniiKiiaKU. It omplojH npcclallHtH and diHtliiKiilBh cd writuraof Hh tuunty-ono (lojmrtniontfl, an followa: LiTKiiAium:, SoiK.NOK, Muhiu, ' Fl.VK AllTH, H ANITA It V, MlHHKI.NH, Ithi.ioioUH Intf.m.kii:n(ii:, II1111.10AI, Hlmkaiioii, Sonnoi, AND Coi.l.KdF, PKIIHONAI.H, C()M,K(lf.H, KlllTOIIIAI,, NhMH OH TIIK WKKK, HlJNIlAV 8(JII()()I., MlNlHTKIMAt, llEOlHTKII, klmanoiai., i.nhuuanok, Old ani Youno,, Faiim ANI ClAltnKN, l'UZZI.KDOM. A papor particularly tlttcd for lawyers, doctorH, clciKyiiii'ii, nion and womun who road and think for thotiiBolvoH. A papur uBpooIally valuable for tliOHo InturoHtud In lino nrta, nciunco, iiuihIc. A papur Kivinjr valuable Inforiuation upon llnanco, ItiHtiranco, conituorco. A papor for Sunday bcIiooI workora, thoHo who havo a farm, pardon or Iioiiko pliiuta. A papur for tho family, old and youiifr. Itn yearly mibHcription la fc'l.OO, or at that rato for any part of a year. Cltilm of five, e'ZOO each. HI'KJIMK.N OOI'IKS I'llKK. THE INDEPENDENT. P, O. Ilox L?.-7. 190 Fiillon Nt., Nt-w York. 'ta-nM.' INTERNA TIONAL DICTIONARY Siircfuaftifthe " Unabridged." Ten car spent In rv lalng. too eil lt"irnriiiilonl,aiul iiioro tlmn 3W,ooo uxcnilel. Everybody should on this lilvtlnnary. It an HUCMUll iiiestlans conromliiK; the his toir,siflllng, pro niiuclallou, and incanlnir of words. A. Library in Itself, it also gives the often desired information concerning eminent persons) fiictx luuccrnlng the countrlc. cities, towns, mill natural fea turcsof tnoi;lillw; inrtlvuUni concerning noted fictitious iicn-oiw nnil places 1 trans lation of fnrclL-ii nuotiitlons. words, and nraicrbMi eto., uto., etc. Thin Work is In valuable in the household, nnil to tlm tcut-licr, scholar, pro lexstoual nmn, mid Mjlf-eilurator. -. Sold by All lliKtKntUcr. C. Jb C. Merrlam Co. rummer. 8prinqfltM,Miiiu. inttonotnalJ CJTI)o not buyrlirnpiholo srsphla reprlnu u( nnclcnt Dm7TW; tuiuonm IV Hend fort rec prospectus. A Yeur's Hutscrlitlo-i to Any n of the Following Taper LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER N NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To any ono Bending ua $2.00 for a yuar'a BubBcriptlon toTiir.CouRiKB in advance, wo will givo froo a year's subecrlp tion to any 0110 of tho above papers, any ono of which tho regular subscription price la 91.00 to $1.00. Remember ou get ono free with a year's subscription ;o tho Courier, 9.I.0O worth of good reading for 92.00. SEND IN YOUR SUB8CRIPTI0KS HOW! As thin offer will only hold good for a short time, Address COURIER PUB. CO., Offico li:M N 1st., ' Lincoln, Neb. Mtg3-gSa-M I WEBSTER'S ' fiMirtt? Xm. 1 SBaaaaasfcESIS ' 1 lSwafr PI N E .,-r , i A , tl -T j i - si' -$ ft if f 'i -. .' i t s ' Cm NOW IS ? -v ' INVITATIONS t . ' ' V , titl 1 $ J.. f?A 4 i NOVELTM8 m 4wtf A (3 y. rs, v THE . a Talaphona - , - WEDDW PRINTING AND- ENGRAVING THE VERY LATEST STYLES -AND- INV1TRTI0NS i Calling Cards THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR TOav . Receptions Parties Etc:. 7 rvSjP5'1 ' 4 s'' 'V IN. Ball Programs flenus EtCi COURIER MclNTOSH sssr 335 LvIVCOIviVa Nebr. V.- , ft ? -.'j S , "' "i v 'A. t-fc. vj m ..' 1 wt I. ?HVV If!' I t ' 'tf- ft !' ; Si fflffiF '-'W' ,,. -sC J , 1 I'.' ..J 1 Vii . .r 1 ', 'V i -a ' 1134 N Strca-t tf ' fiV U i !j. 1 y - I c. &&&&&' ..' Uii. . . M-... ,J Seni ITrJ, sn, " - u DM Mlllw Git ord, 1131 O. atttw pMlormanM. .M WJ- 1'-. iik .- -iv