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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
Utemuty !;' -fi'Ti1'-' - . f i "fi"i N lltiTffl Ml ",'" ,'IIV IIICB l: St 1 St. "fl ' :? V't. a- '- 'I -"t ';, A: rf P . , ' V 4"-. ' UP ft rk - f' On- ! ?' Iti Hip i'lri'iilt Court r llif UhIIimI Willi' Tor tlic lttrM f NrlttnxUii, At tin hcphIoii of tho Circuit Uourl of tho United Htuti'H for tho District of Nuliriwlui, continued and held at tho United State Court room In tho city of Lincoln, In wild Stnlo on tho 18th tiny of Jiinnuiv 1MU, tlio Honornlilo Klmor 8, Dundy 'being present nml presiding in Hitld court tho following among other ptoccdlngH woro liml ami done; to-witi Joseph Oi Hounds, ) J'lalntllT, i- v vs. louio Meyer, and A nnlo fpyor,liln wife, et al.t Defendants, In Chancery Ordor on Abnoneo of Defendants. Now on tho 18th day of .lanuury 18IH, being at thoilnmmry torm A. D. 181M, or nald court, It having boon mado to iippcnr to thosatlsfaotlonof wild court that thlrt Ih a suit commenced to enforce a mortgage Hen uikii real property with in tho paid District, and that William AjteluH, president and directors of tho liiHuranuo company, of North AmorlcH, or Philadelphia, IVnnBylvnnlo; Samuel Weil, August Well and William M. Han Itoll, partners doing business under tho Mini name of Weil, Haskell k company; II, II. Clatllin .v. company, a corporation; Henry HIee, William Htlx, llonjnmln Klsoman, David Kisomnn, Johnathan Itico and Ellas Michael, partnera doing' business under tho tirm namo of IUco, Htlx & compnny and Mlna L. Vinson, defendants, horoln aro not Inhabitants or residents of and have not been found within tho paid District and luivo not voluntarily appeared in thin unit. On mo. Hon of round ifcllurr, solicitors for tho Hiii.t plaintlir, 1'..)Ih considered by tho court and ordered that tho aald defend' mits above named to bo and they aro hereby directed to appear and plead, aiiHwer or demur to the plaintiff's bill of complaint on or before Monday, April '.'ml, 1801 j and that in default thereof an order bo entered in thia cause taking tho aaid bill pro confcBdo. It is further ordered by tho court that at least twenty days beioro the ram Monday, April '2nd, 1804, a copy of this order bo served upon Raid defendants not iuhabitantH of and who have not been found within the nald Districts, Wherever found it practicable and also upon tho person or persona in possession or charge of tho real property described in plaintiffs said bill or complaint, if any thero bo and that this ordor bo pub Untied for six successive weeks in tho SatukdaY Moknino Couiukh. a news paper published and In general circula tion in Raid District of Nebraska. Ki.mku S. Dundy, January 18, 18!1. Judge.. Tho United States of America, District of Nebraska. 1. Elmer D.Frank. Clerk of tho Clr cult Court of tho United States for tho District of Nebraska, do hcirbji certify, that tho above and foregoing is a true copy of an order ontoreu upon tho jour nal of tho proccdinga of Mid Court, in the catiBO therein entitled; that I. have compared tho aanio with the original entry of Mid order, and it ia a truo tran script therefrom, and of tho whole thereof. Witness my Official Signature, and the Seal of Raid Court, at Lincoln, in said District, thia Eighteenth day of January A. D. 1801, Ei.mkk D. Frank, , Clork. Jan,'27.-r(lt Notice or Probata at Will. In tho County Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. In ro estate of Klaas Borchors, de ceased. The Stato of Nebraska to Mrs. Wopko llorchors, .Dorothea Borohers, Anna Uorchers, Abbo ltorchers, Claua Borch ors, John Borchera and Dlna Borchers, ana to any others interested in aakl matters. . - Von aro horoby notified that an In strument purporting to be the last will and testament of Klaas Borchera de ceased, is 91) Hie in said court, and also a petition preying for the probate of said instrument; and for the appointment of Henry Veith as executor thereof. That on the aoth day of .February, 1B0J, at 10 o'clock a. m., said petition and the proof of the execution of said instrument will be heard, and that if you do not then appear and contest, said court may pro- 1 bate and record the same, and grant administration of the estate to said .Henry Veith as executor. This notice shall be published for three weeks successively in the Satur day Morning Courier prior to said hear ing. 1 Witness' my hand and official seal this ISHh, day of January, 1804. hrai. I. W. LANSING, Feb.10 at. County Judge. In th Vlrvull Court or the United NUte for tlio'llUlrlvt of Ncbnuka. At tho session of tho Circuit Court of tno united mates for the District of Nobraska, continued and held at- tho Unitod States Court room in the city of Lincoln, in said state, on tho 18th day of January; 1804. tho Honorablo Elmer S. Dundy being present and presiding in said court, the following among other proceedings were had and done; to wit: Tho State Savings Bank oft Dos Moines, Iowa, PJaintitf. , vs. "Mary Ann Morrisoy, Frank Morrisoy.her husband,ot id. Defendants. H 10.1 Q Now. on this 18th day of Januarj-1804, being at the January term A, D. 1804, having been made to appear to tho satisfaction of the said , court, that this ia a suit commenced to eflforce a mortgage lien upon real prop erty within the said district and that Samuel Weil, August Well, and William Haskell, partneas doing business un der the firm name of Well, Haskell r4v company, II. B. Clalrlln k company, a corjioratlon: Henry Rice. William Stlx, Benjamin Eiseman, David Hisemas, Johnathan Rice and Ellas Michael, partners doing business under tha firm name of Rice, Stix & company andMlriaL. Vinson, defendants herein areTniot' inhabitants of and have uot been found .within the said District and have aot voluntarily apiwared in said suJt.OBoUolof IoundJfcnurr,sollclt. ors tor the said piaintiff if k consid er ad by ibsoourt; and ordered that the asiJ delapaaoU . above, named be and ty, directed t appearand or demar Ip the plalnUrs bit on' orr befars Mondav. an order bo entered In this cntiso taking tho said bill pro confeaso. It Ih farther ordered by the court that at leiiHt twenty days before tho said Monday, April 'A J8ll, a copy of this order bo served Utou tho said defend ants wherever found if practical and also tiHn tho person or persons In ixm session or charge of tho real property described in plaintiff's bill of complaint If any thero bo and that this order bo published for six consecutive weeks in the Satuiuiay Mohnino Coukikk, a newspaper published and in general circulation In said District of Nebraska. S. Dundy, January 18, 1801. Judge. Tho United States of America, District of Nebraska. SB. I, Elmer D. Frank. Clerk of tho Cir cuit Court of tho United States for tho District of Nebraska, tlo herebu cerUfu, that tho above and foregoing Is a truo cony of an ordor entered upon tho jour- nal or ttiq proceedings or said court, 1 . A-!- in tho causo therein entitled; that I have compared tho same with tho original entry of said order, and It in a truo tran script thorofrom, and of tho whole thereof. Witness my Ofllcial Signature, and tho Seal of said Court, at Lincoln, in said District, thin Eighteenth day or January, A, D. 1801. j HKAIi ( Jan. 1!7.-(U El.MF.II D. FlIANK, Clerk. 8. L. OBI8THARDT, ATVY AT LAW. Dunn Sloom. HitirinrHui. Notlco U lioroby'ulroii. tlmt tiy virtue nf nil ordor of nnlo ImiiiiI liy tho clork of tun illatrlct court of tlio Tiilritjii'llolnlillitrlct of Nobr.mkn, wllliln mid fur Lmicmtor county. In nil nrtlou whcrtiln (loorwo Olcott In plalntllT, nml linn lor . (. Krnllrk ot al. nro cliifmiilimtn, 1 will, nt 'i o'clock 11, 111.. 011 tlio Unl itny of Airll, A. U. IfsOl, nt tlio enst door of 1110 conn iuo city 01 ttincoin, inn cnitcr count, Nelirntkn, olf or for no nt imbllo miction tho ioIIowIiir dvncrlbod runt iatnto, to wn! Lot numlwr flvo (S.) In block number otoii 7,1 lu lllllidalo. locstod nixm tlio oonlli hull of ilia noil th onit ounrtnr of Moctlor. tnrontv.llirn isi. 1 townMiiii too I I0J north rongo hIx of tlio atxtli P, M. In Lnnenttor county onit irm KB (llren unilvr mv Imml this 2.Htli ilnv of Pnlirn. nry A. 1). IMH. .. . KRKD A.M1LL.KH. , March a &t HtierllT. Itond Entire, County Clerk' Olllcn. Itond No. 1221. , Lincoln, Neb., Fob. 2Sth, ML To all whom it mny concern 1 Tlio commit loner appointed to viow a road commencing nt mrathcait comer kectlon 2, townahlp B, rnngo , In Lancaster county, nmnlnn thunco wct to outliweiit corner of loot Ion U.towmlitpii, rnmro 6. and termlnatliis at nouthwoat corner of ieo I Ion a. towmliipH, rnnsoS, Ims reported In fn vpr of tho location thereof, nml nil objection thereto, or claim for damage, mutt bo filed In tha county clerk's olllcn on or boforo noon of theSnl day of May, A. I). lhW, or such rond wilt bo locatof without roferonco theroto. Ily II. E. WKLLH, J 1), WOODS. u l . IPty. County Clork. March 3, It Score Cards High Five Whist ., i DUU WHIST BOUDS Pencils Tassels Puichtt , 1134 N Street. Here's the Idea Of tbs NM-sjuDiit Bow The great watch tarn. Saves the watch frern thievts sad falls caaoot be palled off the ana costi mathiag extra. Tks sew has a greet atacheaS. A cellar rwaa down iasld ,th Ktndaat (sum) and la Isto tha croovts, Armly locking th hew to tha pendant, that It cannot b pullsd or twlsttd off. C Caa only be had wkh cases tamped wkh this trade mark. V j. ttoM MMW vaicm uuaw are now fitted wkh this great bow (ring). They look sad .freer life solid ; gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and t guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only tbntaoh watch dealers Reaserober the naae "h $3,000.00 A YfcAK F6 THE IWW8TKI0U8. Ifvos wast work that Usleaisat and preitaMe. tmm yaar aoarew ibwhitit. ' sad WMBtn how to ears from .( We leach saea 1 ser aay to war vaaur without hatluc bad srsvlous aipstlsass, and lundta the esBployment at which they ssa awka that amount, nothlnjr dUacalt to tears or that requires much time. Tho work la easy, besUay, and honorable, and esa be done dur- lag dayttme or evening, right in your own local. nayttme or evening, right in your own local. wherever you live. The; roealt ef few a work one ajnala week's was ea. T Wa hava tausht thousand of both exe and all age, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them rlohe. Some of the smartest men Is this country owe their success ia Hfe to the start gives them while ia our employ years ago. You, reader, may do as well: try-it. you Manet mil. NaeapMalnreessary. We it you out wkh sosaethlag that is sw, aoUd. and saw. A mi M ssviea if tree to as. ft w your. far it so-aey sot w-mecre w. DMfUM B sbjayb O. ALLIN COh ;. BSBBBBBBBsUsSsaWai M-WBl tltlW W TWbsIWAW W LsBBBBst' fpwAWhMliM wsBasiawWWjtJiswf'Js , j fWMmm ' h 'tXVVWut, j' y ty Tie Independent :visw YOHK. A religious and literary News paper and review. Uiulonoinlnntlonitl, tinlilnncd anil hiiiiurtlnl. A paimr for c)cr(rymon, Hcholnra, toachurR,l)URlnvHH tnon and fuiullk'H. It (IIhcuhbch ovory topic of the day religion, thoolofricnl, K). Itlcal, lltorary, noulal, artlfltlo and Holontlllc. Itfl contributed artlcloH aro liy tho most ominont writorn if tlio LiikIIhIi laiiKiniKO. It uinploya HpcclallHtu and dlBtliiKtilHh od wrltcraof ItHtwunty-oiio dopartinoutfl, an follows: LlTKUATUUK, StJIKNOK, MlJHlO, Fl.NK AltTH, SaNITAUV, MlHHIOjNH, IIKI.MIIOUH INTKl.t.lOKNOi:, Illlll-KMI, KkhKAIIOH, Hoiinoi, and, PKKHONAI.H, C()I.I.K(IKH, EmroniAi,, Nkwh or tiik wkkic, Sunhav Boiiool, Mt.MHTKRIAI. HkOIHTKII, FlNANOIAI., I.NHUUANOK, Ol.l) ANI Youno, Pkuiilkh, 1,1AIM AMU GaKDKN, l'UZI.KDOM. A papor particularly fitted for lawyora, doutorn, ulurRyiiiun, inon and womon who read and think ror thuuiBolvon. A papor especially valuable for those intoruHted in lino artn. hcIoiico, music. A papor kIvIhk valuable Information upon ilnanco, Insurance, commorco. A papor for Sunday school workers, tlioBo who liuvo a farm, garden or houmt plants. A papor for tho family, old and young. Its yearly subscription is 8.1.00, or at that ruto for any part of a year. Clubs of flvo, 82.00 ouch. HPKCIMKN OOt'IKS KHKK. THE INDEPENDENT. 1 O. ilox 'nil. 130 lnlton Nt., Nnw York. mWMMMWI1 wmsTiws INTERNA TIONAL &87?XL. DICTIONARY A Gran Rttucttltr, SurcfMofoIhe 'I'nnbridieil." Ten years siicut In rwvlsliiK, lot) ed itor employed .and moro than 9300,000 uxiended. Everybody should onn' this Dictionary. It an nwcrit all questions concornlnK the his tory, elllng, pro nunciation, and nieanlnc- nr vnnli. A Library in Itself, it also gives the often desired information concerning eminent person j fuct concerning the countries, citlo. town, and natural fea ture 1 of tho Kh'lio; imrilciilani concerning noted tlctltloii iiursoiiH and places: trans lation nf forclpi nuotatlona, words, and proverbs s etc., etc., etc. Thin Work ia Invaluable in the liooHeholil, and to tho teacher, scholar, pro feloiml man, nml wlf-oclurutor. ,. Soitl by All llooUtUcn. . C- C. Merrlam Co. ittMitnrn, fpringflelil,.faiu. INTQQUnONALl yl)o not bu; irrheapiliot(- graphlo nUUonn. rjn iim ui Micirni DCTIWi 8Dd for f rco prospectus. Yenr's MuWrlptloii to Any One of the Following I'aper 'iOlfS HOME JOURNAL. CHICAGO WtEKLY INTER OCEAN. m YORK WEEKLY WORLD. CUM WEEKLY TIMES. To any ono Bending us 92.00 for u ycur's Buliscription toTiiKCouniKit in advance, wo will give Hreo a yoar's subscrip tion to any ono of tho above papers, any ono of which tho regular subscription prlco is 91.00 to $1.50, Remember you got ono froo with a yoar's subscription to tho Courior. W.W) worth of good reading for 92.00. SENO IH YOUR SUCRIPIIOHS HOW! As this offer will only hold good for a short tlmo, Address COURIER PUB! CO., SSSSallJ ptVssaj FINE , ft", 'r tV "'". 'A .'k'.'; , :ikr"- "i y &:' : V - .1 o,-. ' , 'it tr 't r NOW -v K WEDDING INVITATIONS TO. 1 j. . n it JKrv 1 j ic ;w& S ' ' h 1- . i- ' :'; ' '' '; NOVELTIES IN '6 1. LlFjfcFv . V '& if M... &' - it. i TeUphonc 335 PRINTINQ AND- ENGRAVING THE VERY- t LATEST STYLES -x- -AND- INVITflTIOHS Calling Cards rS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR Receptions 'Wk: Parties s, ''.( Etc. V. Ball Programs rienus Etc. THE COURIER Mcintosh ess 1134 IICTCOZLV, Nebr. . ; ..1 1. "V. , ft dsamij j ft VM ".!" m -: ' 'Jr & V'l :-M& rs M "m yfl wi' '1 - . 11 :.-: ,vV ri'-V- C "rf.1, l A.S : yy !-.. T -T1 t'O'.'' M Ml''V- "if.,'1! ' '" ., v'W"?.- '. . -i" . t '1 V .-. .' O.-'-W ;V -viflSI ,V .. . ltd. i. 'r . W ' i. . .-4 .t . '. 1 "&. -' K : -& ' 1, ' ' .. m r , M ,r'.-. A I '.8 H N Srcc-t r." April MPsV and that lb; default Uwreof Office 1131 N Bt., Lincoln, Neb, .&' i t,' V II r rfT ' - 3 . ft S' ."V'l -h IK liiWm.HtH' ilinyiniifinn -r- Hi iiilWHiiU AtraVtTA, MAIN!.