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About Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1894)
r I . . r 4 IK i ' f ' "1 J w I mmn ex -- m- riiiiMikJhfiiSiMk THE ArXHaATk? MOJ&fcNXIVO COURIER IMMU 'PUBLISHED SATURDAYS T THK bUHIBR PUBLISHING 60. r. Momton Smith, EDITOR 4nM Office ICUNHlrpot. Phono JWi. TIRMt OP SUMORIPTION: na Coohim, nm jrrnr In luhmtcn K W la Month. LMMillnnllia. W The Ctiurlrr run ll Kounil lit CWnco1n Nowb Stand. Wlmior Hotol Now Stand. Caivltal Hotol Nown Stand. lie! Dmlo Cigar Store, 1020 O St. JBd. YounR, l'-W O St. Loiaeon, Flotchor A Co., 1130 O St. looro'i Nown Stand, 118 So. 11th jit. IWiKR OITIco, ll.'M N St. Kltt EMlRn.917 So 11th St VKRY I.UOHK KXAMINKH. i tho publication of tho artlcloB in ek'a Count k.u concerning UanH Iner Urimtira connection wuu r, and tala oulpabillty in unfolding ik and ita oltkera when ho know srn waa rotten to the core, thoro n a ueclueu agitation oi wo fot Mr. Griffith's tltnoaa for tho i holds, and vigorous atopa havo jeen taken to secure his remov- nice. It is altogether probable Couriku'h disclosuros will bo Iby decisive action on tho part of trailer of tho currency, unless nenco which has thus far uphold knd which embraces powerful banks. Ex-United States Sena- idock, Convict 0. W. Moaner, 'and Iter cohorts generally, Is strong i to counteract the atronuoua pro outraged public against what i to be criminal complicity, and nuat be either that, or childish koe. in either event ma removal stive, if the comptroller Intends f examination of national banka state shall be what tho law In- I should be. half of the interesting things Griffith's connection with tho National bank deal have boen ?e leave this, for the present, to ae light on other evidences of ifflth'a unfitness for this most lm- t position; and we believe that a 1 of the article that appears else- lln this Issue of Thr Coukirr will It apparent, beyond all cavil, that iptroller of the currency must, in to himself , tho government, and i of the people of Nobraska, i Mr. Griffith and appoint somo Ihla place who would be a proper r. , Innin In his Washington corres- in Monday's Journal states all probability Mr. Griffith will lined in office. The same dispatch red the intelligence that ex-Sena- ck waa in Washington. It ; require any particular perepic- Ito see that the ex-senator, becom- aed, k once more at work In Iriffith's behalf , and that he Is us- 'former private secretary, Mr. n, to throw cold water on the move- In this state to secure Griffith's Paddock la particularly and ausly Interested in Mr. Griffith. swing Thr Courier's articles last the News makes this vigorous at: time thVCanital National bank i are stirred anew more stench and m comes to the top; but that at prevent persons from keeping in. In fact, before this bus!- i entirely settled the people of Lin- may yet, have a chance to take a m at who compose mis powenui nee that has prevented the admin- Itkm of juatice in this bank affair. may in the near future learn why i that Bank examiner urimin vio- his aworn duty in allowing the lag of depositors to go on under his 1 nose II he ulu not Know it was go- i he should havo been removed for iDotencv: It ho ho did ho should bo sved and punished for his tacit com ity. They may learn, too, why the examiner anoweu tne uanx to the notes of the two Moaners. It and the bogus Western Manu- turtng company largely in excess oi negariimit. 1H7,'I thorn has been u gri'itt change, autl who will say that our ability to overooino difficulties such us now confront tin in not much greater than It was then? Recuperative power Is closely allied to those very things in which there Iiuh been such a marked advance. In recent years, and It must follow, naturally, that It will not take this country, with its commercial fervor, and Hh millions of now stagnant capital, as long to recover nml regain Its normal condition an waa tho caso twenty years ago. American activity and restless enterprise havo never had such n guiigu before, and the contest will arotmo the mettle of the American pcoplo as it has never yet been nrousod. Piles of Idle money will add it powerful stimulus to tliln move ment, and prosperity will, it would seem, bo icgitlnod, not by n sudden bound, but by rapid strides. All of the elomnnts of prosperity nro at hand; tho implements for its acquisition are perfected as they have novor boon bofore, and two or threo yoars Is n longer poriod than is neces sary for tho return of good tlmee so It sooms to us. OANIHDATKH KOI I TIIK tllTV COUNCIL, Thoro continues to bo much talk of a so-called citizens movement, and wo onco mnro tirgo UKn tho republican party, for its own protection and for tho good of tho city, to inako a spociul otTort this spring and nomlnato, for tho city council, men who are known to bo spe cially fitted' for this imiortunt position. It looks very much at tho present tlmo as though the nominees would bo of tho samo stripe as horotoforo, mon who have pulls as politicians, but who havo not much standing as business men; mon who think several times of their own in terests ovory time they think onco of tho wolfaro of tho city. The ofllco of councilman is by far .ho most Important In tho city, and too much caro cannot bo taken In tho selection of candidates. As a rulo tho mon who want this oilico are not tho mon who Bhould bo nomi nated and eloctod. Lincoln wants more economy in tho administration of city affairs, lower taxoa and more efficient Borvlco. The republican party can proposo and elect men who will bo all that council- mon ought to be. ' Thk meat tagger at Nebraska City and tho postmaster at Lincoln wero ap pointed at about tho samo tlmo, and it la asserted that the administration un derstood that both of these appointees wero republicans. Developments havo shown conclusively that tho moat taggor la all right; but it is Bald that Mr. Clove land is aomowhat disappointed to And on investigation that Mr. Hurloy is not what might bo callod a thoroughbred republican. Ho used to bo; but ho has wavered in recent years. However, it is not thought that Mr. Harley will bo re moved because of his appuront leaning toward democracy. Tho president has been assured beyond all poradvorituro of a doubt that Mr. Harley is us good a re publican as anybody, excepting that ho is a little democratic in his vIowb on tho tariff question. But his republicanism is as good as Gresham's and Wa no Mc- Veagh'a and scores of other republicans favored by this administration, anl ho will doubtless attain high favor in Mr. Cleveland's eyes. Verily, it is a good thing to be a Boft shell republican under a Cleveland administration. It la.a little too early yet to pass judg ment on the effect of Mayor Weir s mor al crusade. It will take several weeks to determine whether his effort to puri fy the city will bo successful to the ox tent anticipated by the most hopeful of tho mayor's friends and advisors. What ever may bo the outcomo tho mayor cun not contend that ho has been hindered in his course by tho nowspuiors. Tho latter havo rendered him ovory posslblo assistance, and havo made his work much easier than it otherwise would havo Ihmmi. In December, January and February thoro was just ono business failuro in Lincoln, and that was comparatively in significant, and tho business will, no doubt, bo adjusted in such a manner that tho proprietor can shortly resumo operations on his own account. Lincoln, from the first stages of tho depression, has done exceedingly well, and it is keeping up the record. LONG WILL WK HAW TO WAIT TMK XKTUHN Or GOOD TIMM? r. Dawes gave Thk Courier readers Interesting- and instructive discus- i of financial panics last week. Argu- ;from the experience of the paat, eh is generally a good way to argue, leame to the conclusion that it will be I years before the country will see turn of what might be called "good ,tt faunu tnm that Ur. rllWM oka one important point. Since I this country has made a very ma- I advance. In every department of oial and industrial activity there m been an unparalleled development. kvwttion has quickened progress and rriae waa never ao aeute as now. Latter the paaio'of 1173, it took a num- r of yean to bring a return of proa- i It neosssarily follow that i Maprovemeat following the depres of 1KB which, in a steamiM, still will be equally alow? There in power of the United State l exhibited atthe,eoseo( tbeoivU a the' world c never saw a like f reoovery. Waee IMS and compliment on 1 lit sermon he preached Sunday evening. llrst of Mareli ditTereth from an other llrst of March in glory. Hank Kxaminkic Ouii'iitii Ih technically known iih a cuckoo. w hat is Why pay exorbitant pricca for up holstering when HoMiHchlld does llrst cIiihr work at low ratea; I'JO North 12th treet. llurr block. For Pacific street. TexiiH (Hiints take tho Missouri i route. City ticket otllce 11201 O WhitebrnaHt Coal and Lime Co. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and (lock Springs coal at the Whitebrcaat. For California take the Missouri Pucllle route, via southern route. Canon City and llock Springs con nicely screened at Lincoln Coal com puny. Now is tho time to take a trip to Flor ida via the Missouri l'aclllu route. City ticket olllce 1'2()1 O streot, Lincoln, Neb. All ladies prefer tho Lee broom. Hotallng &, Son are selling Wash bron .V Crosby Superlative for gLUTt per sack; also 2Tc California can fruits for 15c. Honey Dow can goods at ITkj, These are wonderful reductions in prices but tho times demand it of us. Store 1425 O stroet. Tel. 010. licit NuiMir iiikI llent MiiKiixhie, For ono year's subscription to tho New you can got the Cosmopolitan magazine a year free. Tho best news paper in Lincoln and tho best tnagazlno published for tho prico of tho New for ono year. Tourists rates to Florida via tho Mis souri Pnolllc route on salo now. City ticket oilico 1201 O streot, Lincoln.Noh. Canon City coal Coal and Lime Co. at tho WhUohrcast For St. Louis tako tho Missouri Pacillc route City ttckot office 1201 O street. Tim llt-nt I.HUiidry Townsond itPlamandon proprietors, 2208 O streot, tolephono ("70. WliHt We Itellevo ItiventliriUlnit Dritlreil Wo bollovo tho gonorul equipment of tho ontiro North Western lino system, 7,001 miles, is unequalled in this coun try; that it has tho best road bed and best system of safety appliances west of Chicago as good as uny east of Chica go; that It is, us tho trains run, tho short lino to Chicago, Milwaukee etc.; to St. Paul and north wost and to Dlack Hills towns, That it carried tho great est number of people to tho world's fulr, and without an accident to anyone Perhaps you begin to think wo uro stuck on tho North Western lino? Wo uro and want you to know it, and Bay you would bo too, if you UBod it. Try it. Correct information as to routes, rates, oto., supplied cheeritllii. W. M. Sltll'MAN, A. S. FlUUH.NO, Gon'l Agt. City Tkt. Agt. lift) O Sheet. At a time when couponism has boen ramoant among the newspapers of this city Thk Courier has adhered closely to legitimate' newspaper methods, and we believe we can make as favorablo a ahowlng of progress during this period as any of our coupon ridden contem poraries. Thk career of Erastus Wiman reminds us that the man who writes most glibly of the "Chances of Success'.' isn't always the man who is best qualified to discuss that subject, and that, generally speak ing, the man who gives tho most advlco la the most in need of that which ho gives away. BURLINGTON ROUTE Cheap Kxvnriloim to tlm Houtli. On tho following dates January 10, February IH, March 20 und April 21, tho D. & M. will sell round trip tickets at ono faro to points in southern Mis souri, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full information regarding routes, stop overs, limits, etc., cull ut H. t. M. dopot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. G. W. Bonnkm., O. P. & T. A. Ilnrvmt Kxcurnlon. Via tho Missouri Pucitlc On the second Tuesday in December 180.1 Januury, Fobuury, March, April und May 1891 tho Missouri Pucitlc routo will sell round trip tickets to all stations in Texas with tinal limit to return in 30 duys from dato of sale. Stop over uro allowed in Arkansas, Texim and Okla homa, Now Moxico and Indian Terri tory. Como und tako a trip to tho south. Phil Damklh, C. P. &, T. A. 1201 O street. Ilulf I tales li Txm. January 0,Foburury K), March l.'i, April 10,.t May 8, 1891,tho 1$ & M will sell excur sion tickets from Nobrusku und Kansas stations to points in Texas ut ono furo for tho round trip. For tickets und full information regurding limits, stop-overs, etc., cull ut I). & M. depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. G. W. Bonhkll. C. P. & T. A. Thk insurance companies of the coun try, and what our contemporary calls the "Insurance trust," will be visibly asitated when it la learned that the Newiot this city baa declared itself againat the insurance business. Wk ooMtratulate the Rev, Beall. That gambler's kick waa the greatest possible 965 will parchuBO a first-clues ticket, round trip viu tho Missouri Pacific routo to tho Mid-Winter fair at San Francisco, Cal., tickets good until July 10, 1801, Can tako tho southern routo going und return by tho northern route. For fur ther particulars call on city tickot agent 201 O street, Lincoln Nebraska. V- I. M. RAYMOND, I'rulJcnt. I). K. THOMPSON, Vice President. K II. IIUKNIIAM, Untliltr. i). a. wiNti, Asltnt Gathlcr. O. I'. lUNKIi. 24 AnlManl CaOiler. LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAU, $250,000. SUIU'tsUS, $15,000. IHrrrtiir I, M. Hiiyinond, K. K. llrowii, H. II. Iltiriiliniii, I). K. IIhiiiiiihoii. I'. (I. Uiiwi'M:. ii, Morrill, ,. j. tinwyir, i.mvm i Mltln, O. M. l.nmlMirtiHiii I). (I iitirnimni. (I, l', Knucoii I .ti win (Iri'uory, K. W, lllf, . w, THE Fms. National iw. O AND TENTH BTBKKTB. Capital, $400,000 . Surplus, $100,000. orrici:itti B. 8. IIarwood, I'ri'Hlilnnt, ClIAH. A. Hanna, Vlcu I'rmlilnnt. F. M.Cook, I'lmlilrr. O. H. I.ii't'iNt or r, .WlMmit Cualilor. 11. 8. Khekman, Arai.tillit (,'Hlilur. JOHN II. WHIGIIT, Present. I". II. Jolitucm, Vice PretiJenl. J. II. McCI-AY, Cnsliltr. JNO. A. AMItS, Al. Gashltr. THE. COLUMBIA II1L BANK LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. J. II. Wrlsht, Thou. Cochrane, T. K. Hnmliira, V. Ii. Dnyton, F, K. JoIiiiboii, (1. Itnllnback. OIREOTOR8: (Iim). Lowrry, J. i:. Hill, II. P. I.m., J. H. McClay, W. W. Hiiekiipy, AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED B BLAIN Ily ill llHiiilltiiii, hU 1 Horary oxocutor, with tho C'j-oporntlmi of Ills family, mid fur Mr. Illalno'a cotnploto works. "Twenty Yours of Condons." ami his Intor iKMik. "Political DIs ciihtIoiih." Ono iriHMctiis fur tin-Mo threo In'st sollinu Uioks In tlioumrkntp. A. IC. P. Jordan, ofMiiino. took D'J oiilirt hum llrot III) mils; iikoiiIs Mis. Ilallanl.or Ohio, iiMik l" ofili'iH, III Seal KiimhIii, In oi o din ; iirollt iao.31. P.. N. Ilii-c or MiisvnrliiiHi'tls, took L7 orilcis In two dajKi profit $I7.'4.T. .1. Part riilito. of Mnlno, took 4.1 onlors from :KI calls: prollt 7.,J.3.. i:... Piilnii-r, or North Dnkotii, took Moritoii in :i (hi) s; iirollt fllil.'JA. Kxclu sli 1'inllMx uirti. If oiiihloiiiiiki)liitKa iiionc.v. rili' niiini'dlati I) for turms to THE HENRY Bill PUB. GO.. NORWIGH.CONN. -. rz IE IND NERVOUS DISEASES Are Just as Curable as Other Diseases. Trcatod oxcluslroly by lilt. I.KOMIAHIIT, Lincoln, Neb. ornci uir o sr. .. HOUBt a TO t DAILY Unilor now mnniiKcmont MERCHANTS' HOTEL. OMAHA, NEBR. lAXTON, IHII.KTT & DAVKM'tUtT, lroirlitors. Special attention to state trade, guoet nnd commorclal travelers. Farnam street electric cars puss the door to and from nil parts of tho city. FOR GHOIGE GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, WEDDING AND FUNDRAL DESIGNS, A SPUCJIAI.TY. Special attention givon to tho grow ing of now anil choice roHCH. CurnationR and all kinils of greonlioiiRo jiluntH. iC0iH F i0RMi CONHEHVATOHY, PHONE Ui GOR. G AND I7TH STS. THE) SXXKT. The first of American Newspapers CHARLES A, DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, for ever I THE SUNDAY SUN IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Prico 5c. a copy Uy mail Daily, by mull, .... Daily and Sunday, hy mail, Tho Weekly 12 a year W a your $8 a year 81 u year Music In 1MX. On the open piano the cat ran the scale as she gaily kept time with the wag of her tail. The sound brought the mis tress with haste to the room, and the cat left the leys on the ends of a broom. On the railroad they tied her tight down to the track, but the train cut the rope and the kitty came back. Now out on the housetop she plays as she sings, for her system is padded with violin strings. Cats are tough, and they'll stand a whole lot of bad usage. Boys with any life in them give clothing dard usage. Wc make boy s clothing up tough; sew 'em double with silk thread, and guarantee them to stand rough treatment. They're In style too. Children's department second floor. mm m i a Factories, 1 ltt-tiill NIoriH. 1015-19 0 STREET. The Best How Pbesept. 026 0 SKI. PREWin. 11RA1R Will furnish you 12 Cubinot Photographs. at 83 nor ilozon. All work finished promptly and urtisticaliy. 1028 O STREET W- - REJ-IT sga'hm yhfos4 - flUI - - F1" iTB P PBFi-V-Vr-PHHH-;-r. r Q I m L J rrr: J I J ITTn7Vtr7r"t 1 H it 1 1 1 M iltsf J MIMhUi mfW- - -" M'fifiWmmEk-m 4cfe, r Cif 'a& ,aS -22. LITHOGRAPHING ENGRAVING. BINDING D OUSE. Address Till: NUN, New York. I4TH AND M STREETS, LIN,CULW,"NEBRKA Th,Bin"tho world10 CBtnb,CBhll,ont l'robnbly bettor than anything of tho kind Capacity, 1,1500 baths daily. Artesian mineral water is used. Sopuruto accommodations uro provided for both'soxes. 11 Great Ilvingei Batlx Holds about a quarter of a million gullons of Seu Green Suit Watnr And ih nearly lRo feet long, 20 feet wide and 2to 0 feot deon Its clour us a crystal, too, ' ' 'riinro tt ft ar- nnnitit Ikniiniln 4 ..... .....1 a . t..v..l.uliUiiD1iiiiii MHiMin, iuiiuiu hiui uiiiomutic neodlo buth in this de 1?le Bed Rooms Are for trunsionts who do not euro to lonvo tho building after a buth. Patients taking treatmont uso thorn also. And many other diseases can bo CURED in tho Hot Sult'Dopurtmont Xlxe '.Ti-rlcisl. Baths! Now wo'ro coming down to business. Murblo walls, Mosuic ilotirs, rich Rugs, Carpets nnd DruporieB. Great tiro pluces, ousy chairs und divuns. ' All sortB of buths uro given. Thoro is ulso a IiARHER SHOP Re "Bluck.'088 B Dol",rtn,ont'(l ve a Municuro, Chiro,M,dist and Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. DPRICE'S QsMSGi Tht only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. CJNd in Millions of Homes 40 Year the Standard mmBEm. mum ioet us make your bet ter Heads, Catalogue Illus trations and Advertising De signs. Prices low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. AND IOCKVOOD, N. W. Cor. Uth und P Streota, Lincoln, Neb,