Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, March 03, 1894, Image 3
--. I THB SATURDAY MORJVUVG COURIER NEW LANSING THEATRE K OHt WUK" CQtoWEJtlCAflfc fLOWNl, fftRqH 5m '. The V ' - , ".' iyV t I1 W ' 1 ft fnv, lcpcrtory Premiers wE5i-va- -S- ttfX- Harry Jackson ff Gillingwater Kitty DeLorme and all the Favorites iLIA MARLOWE'S second upiwur- nco in Lincoln wur, it nnytliitif,', more notuhlo tliun nor lust, lie- tho Viola of "Twelfth Niht" and tmice in "Tho Love Clniso'' thero !r lo runiro u iliBsiinilurity 041111 to of tho authors of tho rcHpcctivo and thero isn't very much in coin- lotween Shakospoaro und Shuridtin leu. In tho norformanco at tho Mnj? thcatro Wednesday night thoro liotliinK of tho glamour or Slialuv lo, and thero Ih bo littlp of real uitic interest and such an impartial ibutlon of the dlaloL'uo huioiil' tho in J I lius leading uharautcra of tho play f r I tho BiiccesB of MIrb Marlowo in in- 1 il"K " nu,c'1 B""'no interest in tho (f?Io part of Coimtinwe is a decided 1 1 r,,h' I I A comedy roles such as Viola, lloxa 1 J nnil (ninluiHu: thoro is certainly o uiiiong tlio actressea of our own ntrv that is so delicately eh"uctivo. tho part of lloxaliuil Modjeska gives 1 strong interpretation or a fuuilliur ractor; lint ModjesUa s experience is et by tho vivacity and winsomoneHS LTiico of Miss Marlowe, ami it is ovi- t that whilo tho latter may never bo fit ; heavier lines Bho is destined to tt. I o with paiticnlar brilliance in pure 'fMiody. In many respects Bho is tho j st charming actress on the American K gejshoisan exponent of gentility. J) Jr grace as a woman undoubtedly in- jfenccBour judgmentof her capabilities J I an actress. Sho shows us that a 1 mum may l)o wonderfully attractivo !f.i 4 ttiiltiir tiiindumiwt. Tliorii urn MIIUIUU iiu.i't, foreB of handsomer women on thostago, it thoro are few that are bo attractive. Tho charm of "Tho Lovo Chaso ' is its niplicity. MIbb Marlowo lias not much ' do, but sho does it so well and with inh Intlniteirrai'o.dopictingtho rougish tid yet lovo lorn Canntance with lovely ...illtv. Unit Bho nroiiBOB tlio most in- .,100 in iniraiioil. 11 in iiiiiiuiiii in . .,.. it t.. .11111. 1.. 'naglno anything more thoroughly do- ghtful than tho sceno in which she ikes snort of Wildrakv anil Ills elloris fo assume the airs and graces of town ifo. and mimics his Borious attempts to 500 dualling and gay. Iltoso Eyotings Widow Wren, recalling Mrs. John Drew In a Bimllar part, wub nViiiilnltelv dono. Miss Woodward's t.ydia was a most pleaBlng foil to tho kUshing widow'. II. A. weaver, ar.- no huh 11 Hon who tuKes tlio sumo pans -is ,n old and experienced actor, and his ii- wniiitm Fundlow wub one of tho ItronjreBt fi'iiturcB of tlio performance. .S-M- t; other t - Mr. Coleman had an oxtromely dilllcult part as Wildrake, and ho sustained it admirably. Tho company, on the wholo, wub excellent. "Tho Ensign" wub presented at tho Lansing theatre Thursday evening. Thoro aro many stirring things in this naval drama, and it is ono of the best of tho dolugoof this class of plays that has swept ,o'cr tho country in tlio last two or three years und which hud its inception in tho success of "Shenandoah." Tho play is interpreted by an evenly balanced company, and tho performance was well received. "Tho Ensign'' has been seen in Lincoln before, and it is tolerably familiar. fouling Attraction. Tho Holdon Comedy company, ono of the favorite repeitoiro companies that visit Lincoln, will play a return engage ment of ono week at the Lansing theatre commencing Monday night, presenting a number of strong plays. The opening attraction will bo Oliver Doud Hymn's great success entitled "The Inside Track." Popular prices will prevail during this engagement. On Monday evening ladies will be admitted free when accompanied by an escort on a .'10-cent ticket. If the euro of tho hair were made a part of a lady's education, wo should not see so many gray heads, and tho use of Hall's Jlalr Uenewer would be uiinecesj sary. Newest Btylo cloaks and waists just ro coived at Horpolsheimer &. Co.'s A fancy lino dried fruits at popular prices. Millor & (Siliord. Mlil-WlntiT I'll I r Itutfx All' Kiihii. Tlio Burlington route is now soiling round trip tickots to San Francisco at 8.V; ono way 20. Think of it! Four thousands miles for less than ?I0. ' For full information call at it. & M. depot or city oHlce, comer 10th and O Btreets. C3. W. Uo.n.nki.i., O.P.&T.A. Cheap Itittos to Cull To in 1 11 Via tlio Union Pacitic Uy., "Sunshino, Fruit and Flowers," San Francisco Lob Angeles and intermediate points. First class ono wuy 820; round trip good for 00 days J.Ti.50. Full information cheer fully given ut city ticket otllce, 101 1 O st. E. H. Swihson, J. T. Mahtin, Cion. Agent. C.T.A. Try our Mta. coireo Miller .v (limjrd. This kind of weutlier makes us all think about taking a, trip to Florida via tho Missouri Pacitlu route. City ticket olllce 1201 O streot, Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho llnest lino of pickles. Miller .feOilTord.ll'Jl O. Sco them. HObDBN'S i 60MEDY CO. OPKNING WITH OLIVKU DOUD .' -4., . - f- ." , Prices, 1 LADIES Monday Night when Accompanied by a Paid 30 Cent Ticket. A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. A Page From Her History. Tlio Important experience of others aro liitoieHtiiiK. Tlio followlnp In no exception: "I lutd boon troubled with heart (Hhoumo 'a yours, much of Unit time very KurloiiHly, I'or live yours 1 wnstroated by one iihyHlcliuieon tlinioiisly. 1 was lu busliiCHM, but olillk'od to retire 011 aocniint of my heulth. A lihy slclnn told my friends thutl could not live a month. Myfootnml limbs wore badly hwoI lon, and I was indeed in asorlous condition when 11 Kentlemiin directed my uttcntloii to Dr. Miles' Now liunrtOure, mid mild thut Ills Nlstur. nlm hnd boon nflllcted with heart iIIh. ciiho, had boon cured by tho remedy, and was attain a Htronj;, healthy woman. 1 purchiiM'd ahottluuf the Heart (Jure, and In less than an hour after taking tho llrnt do-io 1 could fool a decided Improvement In the circulation of my blood. When I hud taken tbreci doses 1 oould move my ankles, dometliliifr I had not done, for mnnths.aiid my lltnlH had been swol len mi Ioiik that they Keonied almost putrltlcd. Ilcfnro 1 hud taken ono bottlo of thu Now Heart. Cure tho swelling hud all ennu down, and I was mi much bettor that I did my .own woiJc On my recommendation six others uru lukliiK tills valuublo remedy." Mrs. MorKan, 50'JW. Harrison St., OhiciiKo. III. Dr. Miles' Now Heart Cure, a discovery of an eminent specialist in heart disease, Is sold by all druKRlsts on 11 positive Riiaranteu.or sent by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.,KIUhurt, Indou n'colptof price, II per bottlo, six iMittles for 16. oxprovs prepnld. It is positively free from allvoplutes or duuKorous drugs. TjSBSa pM0LUU JUUKPWL ei JIT1M SCIBWCF OF llieALTH IAN- IlLUSTtvXTED- MAGAZINE- OF- HiLine KOWIiElt&WEIiLSCO., i. Dust -list Htiont, Now York.V Mt0ot.Ct HCQ IIYRON'S .METROPOLITAN SUCCRSS "THE taTC, mOK." 10, 20, FIEE- BUYTHEX, WHlSI HOST WOODWORK DURABLt, EASJfc"! .stflWr.-v. V IU MAKAtt, OTACHIOiS. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. and TEN cento to ?n Union 8q., N. YM for our prize unmc, " Cllnd Luck' and win a Now Homo Sowing Machine. The Now Homo Sowing Machine Co, ORANGE, MASS. - Siou.TOR PIUcBY iu.vP A. F. LR1SS, PIANOS AND ORGANS, 1111 O Streot, Lincoln. 7 BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA CAPITAL Stool OyeiMLQ; AND CLEANING WORK8. No, iiu Jv.'rwcMtfti mt. h j 7i t LM Z1 wmJnttr mix icm At ita irfc fwl M UVMiAM r IM& ' H'YtiXiVxnwwmm - .-- ''rmi, ?jJlfryMm A ' ' , NEW PLAY EVERY NIGHT- and 30 Cs BEST OFFER EVER MADE $5,000 Cash Given Away 33 V THS CINCINNATI Weekly Enauirer. Every club of Ten Yearly Sub scribers will get one sharo of Sf,000. Every club of Five Yearly Subscriber-)! will get one half a share of 85,000. The number of shares is fixed by the number of clubs of ten that will bo received by ua from Nov. 1, 1893, to March 31, 1894. On an offer of 81,500 lust spring, running thrco mouths, ending Juno 30, 181.'!, for clubs of five, each club agent received 84.53 in cash betides his commitwions. That oflcr wus 8500 n mouth for three months. Wo now oiler 81,000 a mouth for five months, or n total of $5,000 for five months, besides the regular commit-mont?, and will Guarantee 40 per cent Gross Profit. A full cluli of five or ten must conic at one time in order to bhure in this oiler. Agents may send as iniiny clubs as they can rai.o within time tccifieil ami can have papers cent to any addict. The WEEKLY ENQUIUEH i, Host, Clean, Monil, Ele vating Dollar Newspaper for a family favorite now printed in the L'nitetJ Stutes. .Sample copies free. ENQUIRER COMPANY, CINCINNATI, O. LADIBS' AND CHILDREN'S flATRCUTTINGr o o o SHAMPOOING A SPECIALTY, AT SAM WESTERFTELD'S. 11UKR KLOCH. : "J '. 1 , A if '; BOURBONS PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery, y Pronounced a pure and whole-' some tonic-stimulant by tne medical fraternity everywhere. Gives life, strength and happi- . ness to the weak, sick, aged and infirm. If you cannot procure it of your drURgUt or llqnor dealrin. upon receipt of $160 wo will oxprca prepaid to nny address a full quart a&mplo bottlo of Old Elk Ilye or Rourbon. STQLL. VANUATU i CO.. DISTILLERS. Lexington, Ky. I-'or Halo by J. II. 1IAHW3Y, 11th undOStH. 5 DOLLARS per DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, cmm, )jo)iiinl (,-lrlito TforU form a fewlwur dally, right iilainlurouud tlii'lrown liomrt. Hi U ixiy,pli-utaiit, ttrlctly lioii'irablc, niul pays txttirttnii anyotlirr ullVri'd ugent. You lime :i ri'.a lUld ami no CMinK'tltloii. r.irliiicn und iM'cial ability un. mct'Mary. No capital rt'iulri'd, Woiilp )ou with t'trrytbliiK tliat )o ncnl, treat )ou well. ami lii'lpjou to ram ten tlme onllnary ua;e(. Women do aa well n men, and bot and glrli luaLu Rood pay. Anyone, mi) lure, rnn tlo tlio work. All nuccecd wlio follow our plain mid l'n. pie illrectlom. I'.irnent work will surely lirlng )mi a great deal of money KteotliliiR it new and In great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, nnd recelte full Information. No harm done If ) on conclude not to go on with the tnnlnom. George Stinson&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. MiJu In all (t)lca anil tUct. Llfliteit, I I itroncctt, calet working, iafct, Iniplot, I Inio.t accunte, ino.t iomiict, and mottl modern l'or a1o by all dealer lo anu. I CataloEiict niatlrd free by Tho Marlin Firo Arms Co., Ni:r H.vvkn, Cosh., U.S. A. J- UIBSSLLLLBUJ i H !-l " ' I .' (,'. rontfejl :1 I. r -