unimm m . MJMWMMb fll ' pr"" k- mst m .) y"? ' p4.ni V ' (rr- - IjV""" ' V 'Vj 15 RS-;?"- y t1 -v "it i &., . v.;1 r-.i ,'-" 1' 'M f ' DMMiffl aFTKR an imprisonment of fourteen years In tho Chateau tl'lf Edmond Dantoa foil n J on tho Island of MontoGrlato a Ikix of diamonds and money that enabled him to return to Franco and liecomo hii oinnlotont Midas. C. W. Mosher found his treas uro Ihix, and ho takes hi Imprisonment after, instead of leforo hla accession to tlnanolal eminence. It tho box found on tho ialand waa an Inexhaustible inliio of wealth, tho tress tiro cheat yclept tho Capital National bank, which Mother opened ao success fully, waa a source of ahnoat unlimited aupply, and thia modern Monte Orialo waa aplendid in hla' plundering an waa the count in hla expenditure. If tho count complacently drew on tho Baron Dangler for a million franca, Moaher with equal sang frold tapped the Weatern Manufacturing company and drew out a note for 120,000, for im mediate dlacount, or with tho utmost complaisance pocketed 150,000 or 7r,000 belonging to the atate. And tho aum total of Moehor'a plunder, 12,000,000, la not ao greatly out of pro portion to tho Immense aum auddenly placed in tho poaaeaaion of tho Count of Monto Oriato. If Dantea becamo in ono day the titled lord of Monte Crleto and the poaaeaaor of fabuloua wealth, Moaher became in leaa.than a year the weatern Napoleon of finance and the poaaeaaor of 93,000,000 of actual caah. For there ia no doubt but thatMoaher'a plundering nearly all occurred within a year of the final collapse of the bank. A great deal haa been written about Mother'a peculations; but there ia, never theless, a very scant appreciation, of the magnitude of thla nian'a stealings. Few realise or believe that Moaher stole 92,000,000, and nearly all is a year'a time. A consideration of the facts herewith presented will make it reasonably ap- parent that hla peculations amounted to "the aum stated. Within the laat two or three weeks notes of the Western Manufacturing company amounting to the tun of 1.190,. 000 were brought into court, and since that time 996,000 more haa turned up, maklag a grand total of 9365,000 of these fraudulent Western Manufacturing company notes amounted for to date.not om of wfclek was ever paid, and every om el which was issued by Moaher for the sols' purpose ot theft,1-These aotes all re to the Capital- Natkmal bis, aad war all discounted through Dm beak or Moaher. The Ofenakal Na tied, of New Vork, got 96900 of them. The first aote was issued hi September, 1999; and up to January 1, 1902, only about 90,000 had been issued. Then 'Mather began his tine work in sanest. From January, 1802, to Jan- uary,19, 19BR, or a few; daya more than a year, Moaher eoiaed the magnifcent sum of 1916,090 In these notes. t Here is how hs got in his work just 00 X0VJ Mil THK THE .,- IbHhI I lllmmnnna. in a j i . . sja- . fit . i ". i 'ivnw . f r tsTIUslslBnaBK iVETalllufsV ' - i . -ai J." IUaW - , Gonie axxel 9bb3 i , . . H. O. TOWNSBND, G. P. & T. Agent. Lt, Louis, Mo. I ? ThsJ 1 "" HHWr ' , ,Weswepthe new world with our "Flyers" and fast mails, and have knocked a big hole through the west and , rwrw hvt MID-WINTBR FAIR RATES, $65.50 round trp. I U t l'" MaTotiJ?latsm 'V v WWaP''' beforn tho bank closed; On January (J ho discounted ono note. for 95,000, on the 12th, ono for 910,000. and on tho 10th, tho last day tho bank was open, ono for 919,000. Among tho paMrs tlmt were found In tho bank woro throe moro notes for 95,000, already signed and ready for dis count, but evidently forgotten in Mr. Moshor's hasto, It is not contended that Bank Ex aminor Griffith did not know about those notes, and about some of tho other crooked transactions, and yet ho said nothing. Something like an HpproxiniHto idea of tho extent of Moaher's atoalings may bo gathered from tho following showing! 9,155,000 fraudulent Western Mann, factvrlng company's notes. 9210,000 stato funds. 942,000 county f unds. 921,000 city funds. 9107,000 individual notes belonging to tho bank and atolen by Moshor. ' 9.100,000, tho capital of tho bank hII gone. 9350,000, Individual deposits subject to check all gone. 9158,000, demand certirlcatee of do-poslt-all gone. (Doth of these items Hro taken from the laat statement of the bankand both are Incorrect. It is boliovod that theso two Horns amounted to at least 9000,000. ADDITIONAL NOTKH DIKOOUNTKD. 920,000, Cadis National bank, Cadiz, O. 95,000, Harrison National bank, Harri son, O. 910,000, Dixon National bank, Dixon, III. 910,000, Peoples National bank, Rhode Island. 91.1,000, Younker Bros, Des Moines, Ia 910,000, Lang Bros., Des Moines. 95,000, First National bank, Poultney, Vt. 917,500, Jones National bank, Seward, Neb. Then there waa 925,000 belonging to Dr. and Mrs. King; 912,500, Thomas Bailey, Seward. Neb.; 95,000, Isaac Holt, Seward; 97,000, bank of Utica, Nob.; 912,000, Bank of Staplehurat, Neb., 97,000, Lincoln Savings bank; 910,000, Unkm Savings baok;920,000, Hargreaves Bros.; 990,000 note which Moaher got R. H. Townley to endorse. These are a few of the major opera tions of Monte Crlsto Mosher. Sevoral hundred thousand dollars were atolen that are not included in the above fig ures. To do all this Moaher was compelled to do some bookkeeping, the like of whJeh was never seen before, involving faks entries, erasures, etc., and yet Bank Ixamlasr GrHBth hold his peace. ... Feellu over tho Mosher matter haa to some, extent, died out, but there are spasmodic manifestations of Indignation, sad lately there has-been considerable talk coaosrning Urlrntirs part in the wholesale robbery. It is a matter of general surprise that the government has not made an investigation of Grif fith's conduct. There are people in this city who think he is lust as culpable as Mosher, He was., and is paid to protect the interests of the public, and instead, he protected Mosher. and allowed inno cent people to be defrauded. And he is permitted to retain his position, and is now saamlalng Nebraska banks. Jt ' v.i k . IS THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE SOUTH. tia. . PHIL. DANIELS, O, P..& T. Agt, iaoi o St., Lincoln, Nob. (t 4.'' i ' ' ' ' With tl&avia molicl train oompossd of Pullman ncalaos, ooloatsst alsiraB dUnasraa car th naat all say in the morniPig "Body J.T.MAiTIN, ' O, T, A. In Hit) C'lrcttilt Court of the Itnltml Ntntm for I tin District of NetirssMH, At tho session of tho Circuit Court of tho United States for tho District of Nebraska, continued and held at tho United States Court room in thn city of Llncoluyln said Stato on tho 18th day of January 1HOI, tho Honorablo Elmer S, Dundy Itolng present and presiding in said court the following among other procodingM were had and done; to-wit: Joseph G. Rounds, Plaintiff, 172 Q In Chancery. Ordoron AIsonco of Defendants. vs. Loult) Moyor, and Annie Moyor,hls wife, ot ul Defendants. Now on thn 18th day of January 180-1, bolng at tho January term A, D. 1801, of said court, It having been mado to appear to tho satisfaction of said court that this is h suit commenced to onforce a mortgage lion upon roal property with in tho said District, and that William Abvlcs, president and diroctors of tho Insuranco company, of North America, of Philadelphia, Ponnsylvanio; Samuel Weil, August Woil and William M. Has kell, partners doing business under tho tlrm namo of Woil, Hnskoll A company; II, B. Clafllin A company, a corporation; Henry Rico, William Stlx, Benjamin Gisoman, David Giseman', Johnathan Rico and Ellas Michael, partners doing business under tho firm namo of Rico, Stlx it company and Mlna L. Vinson, dofondants, neroin nro not Inhabitants or residents of and havo not boon found within tho said District and havo not voluntarily appeared in this suit. On mo tion of Pound & Burr, solicitors for tho sala plaintiff, it Is considered by tho court nnd ordered that tho said defend ants above named to bo and thoy are hereby directed to appear and plead, answer or demur to tho plaintiff's bill of complaint on or boforo Monday, April 2nd, 180i; and that in default thereof an order bo ontorod in thia cause taking tho aaid bill pro confosso. It is further ordorod by the court that at least twenty days boforo tho said Monday, April 2nd, 1801, a copy of thia order bo served upon said dofondants not inhabitants of nnd who havo not boon found within the aaid Districts, whorever found if practicable and also unon tho Dorson or persons in possession or charge ot the real property described in plaintiff's said bill of complaint, if any thoro bo and that this order bo pub lished for six successive weeks in tho Saturday Moknino Courikh, a nows papor published and in gonoral circula tion in said District of Nebraska. Ei.Mr.a S. Dundy. January 18, 1801. Judge. The United Statea of America, ) Dlatrlct of Nebraeka. J ""' I, Elmer D. Frank, Clork of tho Cir cuit Court ot the United States for the District of Nebraska, do hereby certify, that the above and foregoing la a true copy ot an order entered upon the jour nal ot tho procedinga of said Court, in the cause therein entitled; that I have compared the same with the original entry ot said order, and it is a true tran script therefrom, and, of tho whole thereof, Witness my Official Signature, and the Seal of said Court, at Lincoln, in said District, this Eighteenth day ot January A. D. 1801. hral JanTa7.-6t Elmrk D. Frank, Clerk. Notice or Probata of Will. In the County Court of Lancaster County, Nobraska. In re estato ot Klaas Borchers, de ceased. The Stato ot Nebraeka to Mrs. Wopke Borchers, Dorothea Borchers, Anna Borchors, Abbo Borcbors, Claua Borch, ers, John Borchers and Dina Borchers, and to any others interested in said matters. You are hereby notified that an in strument purporting to bo tho lost will and testament ot Klaas Borchers de ceased, is on file in said court, and also a petition prayingTor tho probate of sa Instrument, and for the appointment Henry Velth as executor thereof.' That on the 20th day of February, 1804, at 10 o'clock a. m., said petition and the proof or tne execution of said instrument will be heard, and that lt you do not then appear and contest, said court may pro bate and record the same, and grant administration of the estate to said Henry Velth aa executor. Thia notice shall be published for three weeks successively In the Satur day Morning Courier prior to said hear ing. , Witness my hand and official seal this JMH day of January, 1891. SEAL, I I. W. LANSING, Feb.lOat. County Judge Nutlre Petition fur Letter. Notice petition for letter in rectato of Wil liam D. Martin, deceased, In County Court, Lancaster county, Nebraska. . The State ot Nobraska to Hadle J. HU1, tho liolrand next of kin of tlie said William I). Martin, decease,! i Take notice That upon filing a written peti tion siffned by Badlo .). Hill, tiravinv tliU f'ourt to arrant Lotton of Administration of said estate to William W. Hill. It U ordered that said matter bo set for hoarlnc on the Mb day of March, A. U.1W4, before said County Court, in the Court houao In Lincoln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, at tho hour ot 10 o'clock a, m.,at which time any person interested may appear and contest the same 1 and nntlMt nf tlili nm. ceedlns Is ordered published one week in the Saturday Morning Courier, a weekly news pa per published In this sUte. i in testimony wnereor, t nave noreunto set my hand and caused to bn affixed thn anal nf lm County Court of said county at Lincoln this ism uay ot r roruary. a. u, ijsm. --") i. w. UAnnimi, W. T. KEMKY, I rrORNBV.AT-LAW, HUKK HLOCK. Notice. Math M. Mastun. Jnnnla !!.. ln,.1l. BchUlinger and - ScMlllaaer, hor bjasbaad, flrst name unknown, IsaWla C, rftck and K. J. Flock, defendanU, will take notice that on the 18th day of January, lm, LUiooln Loan aud Bnlldlwc sssoclattoii, plain lUThereln, Sled hb petlUon In the district court of Lancaster eountr. Nebraska, mnl said .defendsuU, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a oertaU moricaceeie- ohu fm Hnsm uy mo usiesiuaaw to IBS plaUtnfubon lot eight () black two (2) Madi son square auautou to liincotu, to secure tbe Kyatent of certain promissory notes dated lyU. MM. for the ram of SUO and doe and payable la three yetrs from date thereof) that there la now doe noon aaid nartnm tha aum of HOD 'and tuterest, for which sum and interest due, plaintiff prays for a decree that defend astoraoulredtopay.thesame or, that aaid mmIhi be sold to satisfy the amount found "Tow era reaulrad la umN tkU netltlan im r belsre Ike 1Mb day of Maeh JSfi. A Unnul lit vLuiaW Wriisrl8W FROM OUR ILLINOIS BRAN6H STORE. (We have Discontinued Business in Illinois.) $25,000 STO A JOIIV THIS CROWDS AND COME. 1121-1123' N STREET. Hherlrrs Hnle. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an Ordor of Salo Issued by tho Clork of tho District Court ot tho Third Ju dicial District of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster County, in nn notion wherein Anglo-American Mortsaeo and Trust company is plaintiff, and Henry tlfinninnil. nt nl ilnfonilnntn T will lit') o'clock p. in., on tho 27th (lay of Febru ary A. I). 18iVt, at tho east door of tho court house, in tho city of Lincoln, Lan caster County, Nebraska, offer for salo at public auction tho following described real ostato; to-wlt: Tho east half of tho southwest quarter and tho west half of tho southeast quar ter of section seven (7) in township sovon (7) north of rango six (G) east of tho sixth P. M. in Lancaster county, Nebraska. Given under my hand this 21th day of January A. D., 1801. Sam MaGiAY, Jan. 27. IH.1 Sheriff. III the Circuit Court of thn United Ntatr for the District nf Nrbntnka. At tho session ot tho Circuit Court of tho United Stutos for tho District of Nobraska, continued and held at tho Unitod States Court room in tho city ot Lincoln, in nuld stute, on tho 18th day of January; 1891. tho Honorable Elmer S. Dundy being present and presiding in said court, the following among other proceedings woro had and done: to-wit: The State Savings Bank of Des Moines, Iowa, Plaintiff. vs. 103 Q Marv Ann Morrisoy. Frank Ann luorriBoy, MorriseyaW husband,et al. " Defendants. Now on this 18th day ot January 18!tt, being at tho January term A. D. 1891, of tho said court, it having boon made to appear to tho satisfaction of the said court, that thiB is a suit commenced to enforce a mortgage lien upon real prop erty within tne said district and that Samuel Weil. August Weil, and William Haskell, partneaa doing buainess un der the Arm name of-AVell, Haskell At company, H. B. Olaffiin & company, a corporation; Henry Rice, William Stlx, Benjamin Eiseman, David Eisoman, Johnathan Rice and Elias Mjchael, partners doing business under the Arm namo of Rico, Stix St company and Mina L. Vinson, dofondants herein arc not inhabitants of and have not boon found within the said District and have not voluntarily appeared in said suit. On motion of Pound A'Burr.Bolicit ors for the said plaintiff it is consid ered by the court and ordered that the said defendants above named be and they are.hereby directed to appearand Elead, answer or demur to tho plaintiff's ill of complaint on or boforo Monday, April 2, 1801, and that in default thereof an order be entered in this cause taking the said bill pro confesso. It is further ordered by the court that at least twenty daya before the said Monday, April 2, 1894, a copy of this order be served upon the said defend ants wherever found if .practical and also upon the person or persons in pos session or charge of tho 'real property described in plaintiff's bill of complaint if any there bo and that this order bo fiubltshed for six consecutive weeks in ho Saturday Mounino Courier, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said Dlatrlct of Nebraska. Elmer S. Dundy, January 18, 1891. Judge. Tho Unitod Statea of f America, ) District of Nebraeka. SB. I, Elmer D. Frank, Clerk of the Cir cuit Court of the United States for tho District of Nobraska, do hereby certify, that the abovo and foregoing Is a true copy of an order entered upon the jour nal of tho proceedings of said Court, in the cause therein entitled; that I have compared the same with tho original entry of said order, and it is a true tran script therefrom, and of tho wholo thereof. Witness my Official Signaturo, and tho Seal of said Court, ut Lincoln, in said District, this Eighteenth day of January, A. D. 1891. !HKAL I Ei.mkh D. Frank, Clerk. Jan. 27. Ot NEWS NOTES. Item of Interest Gathered During the Past Week. No such line of canned fruits in the city aa shown by W. A, Coffin 4 Co., 143 South Eleventh street. The Lincoln Coal company, 1045 O street, handles all ot the very beet grades of anthracite and bituminous coal. Why pay exorbitant prices for up holstering when Rothschild does first- class work at low rates; 120 North 12th treet. Burr block. For Texas points take the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street, ' Whitebreast Coal and Lime Co. Now ia the time to take a trip to Flor id via the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket oitee 1961 O street, Lincoln, Neb. J. A. D . - I4TH AND M 8TREET8, - This is a very flno cBtnblcBhmont probably hotter than anything of the kind in tho world. Capacity, LftOO baths daily. Artesian mineral water is used. )j Sepnrnto accommodations nro provided for Iothrsoxc8. Txxg Great Plunge Ratli. Holds about a quarter of a million gallons of Sea Groon Salt Water. And is nearly 100 feet long, 20 feet wido and 2Hf to 0 feet deep. Its clear as a crystal, too. There are some spring boards, trapezo and automatic needle bath in. this de partment. ' - 1lx3 Bed Rooms Aro for transients who do not care to leavo tho building after a'liath. Pationts taking treatment uso thorn also. '" Rli.etxrKmcm.tiam. And many other diseases can bo CUREDJn tho Hot Salt Department. I'll Tcxrltlti Until! Now wo'ro coming down to business. Marble walls, Mosaic floors, rich Rugs, Curpotfl and Draperies. Great ilro places, easy chairs and divans. All sortB of baths aro given. Thoro 1b also n BARBER SHOP. Lndicr'Hair Dressing Department, BcDt Black. LITHOGRAPHING ENGRAVING. BINDING -. ' NOW fS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR INVITATION TO. Receptions Parties Etc. NOVKLTimm IN. Ball Programs rienus Etc. .- THE COURIER McINTOSH SST. t Tslsphone 335 . ?'' ,' 1 Rf DORSEY. i. LINCOLN, NEBflKA nnd oven a Manicure, Chiropodist -lift 4 ' :. ryA f- , - ' t '1 fa T , y! AlUS? 4 '"rr- u i'H i ) t,;.'i- r U -4 t J ' HBJRtv dS ' 1 " ftr i. r ' ' ' '' r' '. t . M ,--.- L. r.'1 " ' W 1134 N SWt . ii " c 1 14 1 ' r 3 V 1 A i v' .m " 1s (1 o