Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, February 24, 1894, Image 7
' VH', jryiWri " t 5 '" ''ll1' '" ''"! tm. rrv --m,, A - ' f A THE SATURDAY MORNING COURIER 1 iTT S. t iin in (Written for Tim Colhikk.) O one who ruo tho slightest atton lion lu inn coii'iiraiion in iiiu twenty-fifth anniversary of tho Ubljshtnent 'fif the University of No- broskR, which wus ho conspicuously sue cetaful, could huvo failed to be Impress ml with the strong ticrKonality and won , derful vigor, Intellectual and physical, of tho chancellor. HIh influence wbb felt in every exercise or foaturo of the varied program, and all day Thursday and Friday Chancellor CauHeld wan tho vibrant axle on which over) thing turned. , 1 Chancellor Cantield has not escaped criticism. No man who obeys Longfcl- lows injunction and Becks to escapo fmm the ranks of dumb, driven cattle, L jj),rD free from the shafts of enmity, or and thojols"bncd darts that are thrown nrornbJuuously by little people. Men altjras want a leader; b(ut when tho leader appears cavil must needs 'come also. I do not mean to infer (hat Chan. cellor Can Hold has provoked any serious l opposition, or that thoro is any consider- I ablo fault lindlug with his dourso. Ho ' is a men of ideas and activity, and since he came to Lincoln lie has proceeded to ' put his ideas into practice, fearlessly PUid not always with tho greatest regard Iftror conventional precedents. Ho has in- Vfused a wonderful energy into every do W partment of tho university, and has seen r a his labor bear fruit. I A progressive, aggressive man, ho has hitched' his wagon to a high star, and it would be very surprising indeed if ho had escaped criticism. Tho, man who goes through life and escapes criticism jfdght much more profitably have re 4inained unborn. Ho is of no uso in tho mworld. Thoro aro two kinds of criticism, honest and dishonest. Ono is tho ingen ious expression of an intelligent, hon est opinion, and the other is really no Wwriticism Hi al). Jt is merely the ,vehi Ale for the trunsmission of spiteful and Ell-temjiored Ideas coming from dwarfed p minds. if Jl "Tho chancellor puts himself forward, 3 a great deal," is a remark , sometimes I heard. Ho does. What of it? Is he to ' secrete himsclMn some obscure cloister of tho univorsity,HfnJlowing the example of too many educators! and exhibit him self before the publiogaze at very infre quent intervals as an oGject! of curios ity? Is ho to shut himself .out of Jhe world, and shut the world out of tho university, and conduct the institution on monastic lines? Is ho to allow him self to be disqualified for his important poeitlou.bfburylng himself in tho cob webs and dust of his sanctum, and grad ually become encrusted with ancient V forms and filled with ohsoletp ideas? Or ho to moasuro up to something liko 1 the idea of tho professorial office which I Professor Howard advanced in his splen did address last Thursday ovoning, and, teing and remaining a man of learning W" ami on educatcr, roach out and come in contact wan xne wonu anu us practical ities, and keep Btep with its various pro gressive movements? People complain sometimes of the lack of practicability in the present sys tem of college and university education, and no doubt justly. One reason for the condition that makes such a com plaint justifiable is tho fact that in so many instances college professors are nothing more nor less than book worms alive to the nicities of differential cal culus, or tho hypotheses of philosophy, or tho fecundity of philology, or tho tninutia) of ancient history, but dead to the living, moving, progressive things of the world of to-day. Their ideas go backward rathor than forward, and im bibing none of the juico that Hows ho freely in the current of active, real life, they dry up and ehrivel away among their dusty tomes and worn;put apparatus. Conjuro up in your mlrid's eye thov-pro-fessorial type, and you will see a blood less, shriveled, stoop shouldered person with lack lustro eye. This is the type preBenteu on the stage, and it corres ponds with more or loss proprioty to the general idea of what the professor real ly is. That Chancellor Canfiold has bo effec tively steered away fmm the old time traditions is highly commendable. It is by so doimr that he has achieved sue- jess. He has indeed put himself. for ward. He as become since his resi dence in Nebraska, a Nebraskan. Ho haa mingled with men, and ho is a man amongjmeni Yes,, he has put himself forward), if you like to express it that way, but who can say that ho has over had any other idoa than the broadening 'of his own mind, tho enhancement of his JVn usefulness, and coirespondingly.the y, 'elopmont of tho University of No Kr ska, to which he has thoroughly cou secrated himself? Tho chancellor is a scholarly man I think no one will question his Intel- f,'lectus ospabllityj'and tyot-ho' is singu larly successful in avoiding tlie pedagogic characteristics that wo are so accus tomed to seeing. He is more liko bis feljow men than any professor I know. We say of a man that he is in hhvele- ment In this or that occupation or func-1 tion. Chancellor Canfiold Is always in i his clement- and this Is what makes i him a remarkablo man. His versatility and adaptability aro extraordinary. If ho is in Ids element In tho class room, ho is equally in hip element In tho great business office of the university, where ' ho llnds pleasuro in assuming respon sibility anil (wrforming hard manual laborj and I am sum that those who ' have had tho pleasuro of hearing his witty remarks at tho banquet table or his addresses fmm tho public platform will testify that ho is happily at home in I both of these places. In fact I do not . know of any reputable place where ho cannot gq and appear at ease and acquit himself creditably, or of any undertak ing in which he could not successfully engage. Tho rough edges, if any thoro I were, havo lieou knocked off him; tho dust of tho study is not ohserviihlo--contact with the world and his nervous activity keeps him clear fmm this. He is warm blooded and enthusiastic with enough self restraint to keep him on this sido of the border of crankdom. It is not my desire to bo laudatory, but simply to give tho chancellor his duo credit. Ho has his weaknesses. Ho is a man. Ho is tremendously ambi tious. Tremendously is a strong word; but it docs not overstate tho truth. And this ambition leads him to under take moro than ho ought to perform; albeit ho docs not attempt moro than ho carries out. Ho wants things well done, and this desire, quickened by his intense nervous energy urges him to do many things that ho ought to leave to his subordinates. Energy Is wasted on small details that ought to bo reserved for larger and moro imtiortant things. Somebody has said that ho is tho great est executive who makes thoso who uro under his control rcliovo him, satisfactor ily, of tho greatest amount of work. Chan cellor Cantlcld does not carry out this idcu. Not content with planning and directing, ho must also got down among tho workmen and put his own shoulder to the wheol. Thoro can bo no doubt that ho Injures hiniBelf by too clone ap plication to comparatively unimportant details. It isn't an easy matter to distinguish between cuubo and effect here. Whether tho chancellor has bocoino nervous through tho strain to which ho subjects himself, or whether nervous energy is an original characteristic and that it is this very thing that causes him to attempt so much more than ho ought, is not very clear. One of tho chancellor's strong mints is tho quality that enables him to link his arm with that of the passing stu dent, und to make the latter fool that he, Canfleld, has an interest in him und his work. What tho chancellor may accomplish, what ho may do for the university, aro subjects that do not properly come with in the province of this sketch. . Wo havo only to do with his personality. But endowed as he is with strong intellectual powor, and groat vigor; possessing in reasonable moasuro tho power of con centration Beldom the concomitant of an ambition such as his, keeping himself in touch with tho latest and most progres sive ideas of his time, and with tho rare gift of adaptability, it would seem that the chancellor of tho University of Ne braska has something more than an ordinary future boforo him, and that tho institution over which he presides, is destined to mako rapid and effective strides toward the goal, which the chan cellor and the people of Nebraska huvo marked out for it. Tryn. To c Continued.) Every mar. having a beard should keep it an oven and natural color, and if it is not bo already, use Buckingham's Dye and appear tidy. THE SICK HEALED, WEAK MADE 8TRONQ. If you aro sick or dobilitatod, do not bo discouraged. Compound Oxygen has wrought many wonderful cures and has given strength to many. Wo know this to bo true from our own experience of twonty-flvo years, und we are ready to furnish abundant proof. It is worth your while to examine tho evidence, which jou can do by writing to us. Wo will send you, froo of charge, our book of two hundred pages with numerous testimonials und records of surprising cures of asthma, boonchitis, consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, ner vous prostration, neuralgia and other forms otdisouso and debility. Homo troatmont is sent out by ex press, to bo used at homo. Office treat ment is adtrtinlsterod hero. Tho effect of both treatments Ib tho same. Con sultation froo. Our success haa given rise to many imitations. Avoid disappointment and loss of money, as thoro is but ono gonuino Compound Oxygen, by Bending to DRS. BTARKEY & PALEN, 1520 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., Sun Francisco, Ca)., Toronto, Canada. 905 will parchaso u first-class ticket, round trip via the Missouri Pacific route to the Mid-Winter f'alratSun.Fj-anclsco, Cal., tickota good until July 15, 'l8!M. Can take tho southern routo going and return by tho northern routo. For fur ther particulars call on city ticket agent 1201 O strest, Lincoln Nebraska. FRIEND Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Rtghltr, ot the bcnrflolal result he has received frmn a regular me of Ayer'a Villi. Iloxnjit "I was feeling sick and tlrctl and my itnmnrli deemed all out of order. I tried iiiunlior ot remedies, but none seemed to ghn me relict until I was Induced to trytho old relia ble Ajrer'a I'llls. I have taken only one box, but I fool like a now man. I think they are the most plcmnnt anil easy to take nl anything I over mod, being no finely Aiignr coated that even a child will take tlir-m. I urge upon alt who are In need ot n laxatlw to try Ajrer'e Mils. Thoy will do good," for alt diseases of the Stomach, Liver, ad llowele, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J.O. Aycr k Co., Lowell, Mum, stvery Dose Effeotlvr XSBUYTHE3v liGHT Running nnlS MOST W0C0W0RK, DURASLC, EJr ns?r:v OTACNtfllSj UANAK, V I V THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. and TIN eanta to 98 Union a N. Y.i for our prlta same, " Blind Luok," and win m New How dowlng Maohlna. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. OftANOt. MASS. m ftioon FOR SAlt BY u' A. F. LE18S, PIANOS AND ORGANS, 1414 O Stroot, Lincoln. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA $3,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you wiiiil work that It pleaunt und profitable, leud ui your mldrr immediately. Wc teach nun and women how to earn from 8.00 per Uuvto 3,000 per yrur without IiuvIiik had previoui experience, und lurnUh the eniploj ment at which they can muke that uiuouut. Nothing difficult to learn or that rruulrr much time 'I lie work ll emy, healthy, anil honorable, nud can be done dur lug dav time or r eningi, right in ) our ou n local Ity, wherever) mi lite. Tim reatilt ofn few hours' work often eqtmla a wrrek'a wiijrei. We have taught llioiuaiiiln of both lexea turn nil aget, and many hne laid foundation! that will urely bring tin in rlchei J-nine of the (marten men In thU country owr'tlie Ir uiccest In life to thaatart ghrn them while In our employ teirf ago. You, raider, may do m well; try It. You cannot fall. 'Nornpltnlnrcratnrv. Wc fit you out with lometldngthiit li now, ofld.amlaure. A book brimful of advk la f ren to all Help your aelf by writing for It to-day not tomorrow. Uelayi are cottly. C. C. ALLEN & CO., ox 420, AUGUSTA, MAINE. CAPITAL Steam Dyeintj AND CLEANING WORK8. No. 11U N.'rweKth a. C. E. SPAHR, M. D. - paaeriei limitio Toaiaiaaia or tm tl Earns NOSeQAR - P.OTIOI LIMIT dUim easiruuv adjubtio. 1216 O 8THKKT. LINCOLN. NK. A run CPU BROS this ruowinTts. Wu grow nml nlwuja linvn ROSES CARNATIONS, CHRYSANTHiiMUNS, VIOInKTS A nil nil kimta of Decorating mid j Floworinn I'lnntn. TEN nitBKNHOUSKH an F1VK AORKS . . . Wholly (Itivotcil to Flowcrn nml PIiuiIh. CITY 8TORE I 134 O 8TREET. CITY ORIIN MOUBI I0TH AND O tT. TILL 104 Main green Iiiiiiko I mlln wont Union college. OMAHA'S LEADINQ HOTEL I HA IIK1IIY, I'mprltitor. Electrlo (nr direct from Union depot inm tlio diHir. ISt li mid llimioy ata., Oiniilm, Neb. HUMPHREYS' Br. Hnmphrcya' Speclflrt areaclentlfloalbraad oarefuUr prepared Kemedlea, uied for years in prirate practice and for orer thirty jttn hr Mm people with entire aucceaa. Every afngle SpaeJSe a apeclal cure for tbe dlaeaaw named. They cure without drUHlnf.ptiralngorrednetat the lyitem and are In fact and deed the Woterelaa Kemealee of the nrU. no. ri'BKt. raien. l-Verere, Coneatlma, InflamniaUoBi.. ,v0 1 Wtrm, Worm Kerer, Worm Colic u( S Teetktasi Colic, Crylnf, Wakefulaeai .90 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adulta M T-eaiks, Colda, Bronchltla gs 8-Nearaltla. Toothache, Faceache. ,SS -Ueadachea, Hick Headache, Vtrtlfo.. M 19-Dyapepala. lllllouaneaf,Conttlruitlon. .M 11-HBBarreard or l'alnfal Perlode... M 1K-Whllee, Too riofuae 1-erlodi iff 13-0raap, Laryacllle, HoarneeM.... .lit 14-Halt Uaeani, Kryalelaa,Eruptlonf., .9$ 10-Hheamntlam, llheumallo Tains .US 1-Matarla, Chills, Kerer and Ague .3 18-Catarrh, Influents, Cold In the Head. .US US-WboopInc Voaili .'i 'ir-Kldney IHaraeea 98 'JH-NcrToua lleblllly l.SS 3S-Urlnary Wrakaeea. Wetting lied.. .98 IIUMPIIKKYH' WITCH IIA7.KI. Oil, "The Ille Olntment."-Trlal feMte.SBC'U. Sols fcr Dnfl.l.,.r ! i-pal4 tm raeatpt ef CTtfHBJIIl'aifcfft,llllltWIWaaaiC,IlWISS. 8 P E CTM C 8 . HUMPHREYS' I-or I'ilcs - External or Internal, Illlml or nieeillii) ; rUtnta in Ann : Itching or Illeeillnu of the Kccttim. The i-cllef h Immediate -the ctuc certain. For llurna, Scalds anil Ulceration and Contraction fi om Hums. The relief is instant -the healing wonderful and unequaled. WITCH HAZEL OIL For IMN, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistula, Old S(iris llclilni; Frtintlona, Chafine or Scald It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked llrc-iMs and Sore Nipple. ll is invaluable. P io so Cents. Trial site, as Cents. ti..I y llriuaUla.vr r,,l wMt-tl4 on irrtlft nf prlca. ui sNiiirT' afP.ifl., 1 1 1 a 1 1 s wim. si., stw t n. THE PILE OINTMENT Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the cue. Can only be JK had on cases containing this trade mark. jjf MADE BY Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. tlir oldevt, largest, and most complete Watch Cac factory in the world 1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cues, aad cost about one half less. Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Non-pull-out bow. The manufacturers Wl asnd you a wateb case opener free. t Score Cards High Five Whist DUPLICATE WHIST BOH Pencils Tassels Punches 1H ll.M N Strri?!'. Found it at iast. JU8T THE BOOK I HAVB BEEN kOOKING FOR. And several thousand others. I would advise all vho would save time to f tt II. W. BROWNE, 1 20 SOUTH I ITH T manhood rcv:r"x lit-r,nl tlntlnaanil ln. Kuraiile'lii LITHOGRAPHING ENGRAVING. BINDING WrlIlWnWaUsi!3r WESTERN HORmflL GOLLEGE, 1?lae iviisrooivK:, , HI OLD POOL '(FORMERLY OF DekapArtsroeaantea DBPARTMBNT8 leantlfal.bealtlir location, ao-aere caapaa. staetrie streetcar line runs direetir wltliaiit ahena-a. SZLVliaTO In hulldlnra. anlandld aaaiasaenta. aUDeridr accommodate faooltr, etperieaced management, cotnprehenaWa clrrleulurn, tkorough work, hick Caristlaa uuluencea and low eipenses for student. We have 23 courara. Our music, line art, pen art, delsarte, elocutionary, courses aad kinder- Carten aad anwIM trainlnsr schools (for both children and student teachers), are not equalled la is west. STREET CAR TRANSFBRS iu aart of the eltjr for all who attend the aa last net classes aa you ansire. vv rue, or can ana see us trtaj term opens April 11, 1893, and continues 10 weeks. aad eaatfaas 8 weeks. You can enter at any time, howerer. Address, WUTERI NORUL COLLEGE. LINCOLN. NEB. D A I4TH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEBBKA Thin 1b a very lino cHtuhlrrihnutnt probably Imttor than anything of tho kind in tho world. Capacity, 1,500 ImtliB daily. ArtcHlan tninoral water is uwd. Separate accommodations aro provided for loth boxih. Vx& Grrent Plunge Btvtlx Holds ubout a quarter of a million kuIIoiib of Sea Green Bait Water. And if nearly 150 foot lonr, 120 foot wide and tl'i to I) feet deep. Its clear aa u crystal, too. There aro some spring lioards, trapozi) and automatic need I o hath in this de partment. Ilie 13 cl RooniH Aro for transients who do not cam to leave, the building after a bath, l'uticnta taking treatment uso them also. Rlieumati Htn And many other diseases can ho CL7HKI) in tho Hot Salt Department. The UHuflciMla 13ntlxI Now wo'ro coming down to businesH. Marble walls, Mosaiu iloors, rich Kuks, CarpetH and Prapoiles. ' (Ireat tiro plaees, easy chalrH and divans. All sorts of baths aro given. There is also a 1SAKHKK SHOP. Lndlep' Hair Dressim; Department, and even a Munleure, JliiniKxllnt anil lltot lilaok. T. 1 restored! .v:,;;,:,":;;; of Y bet us make your bet ter Heads, Catalogue Illus trations and Advertising De signs. Prices low. Good Ideas. Always on Top. LrOOKWOOD, N. V. Cor. Hth nml ! Htraots, lilneoln, Nub. slohool for tfra 2sdassBsi pjEBiiVSK:, 11 B NEW L SHENANDOAH. IOWA.) to eaaspai aa. atroaa iyorereiernon,rnaiiirMlrrrs, eiceaalTnUMMirinlinceii.oiliiuiorstlin I ulnla.whlehlfsdtolnnrmlty.rinumitlonor InanniiT, .(.'anbe earrleiiln MTet picket. itwrhns.atorsjA. t.y mall DrxiMln. Willi a is qnier we Una written taaraatra la ear arrefNael Ike aaanrr. Hold tir all E iirunlslB. Aak for IL , lakn Ji'MMher. Vtfllefi'f free .Meillral Hook sent sealni I n plain wrapper. AiidreBBNBHVMaKKHlli..Maaonla1mple,CHItuuo. Llnroln, by II. W. BIIOWN and W. M. IthilLAHNUKIt HriiaslaiB. miwrrii tiiTMui.iiToirrMniin -n niLiinr mmw pmntttit DEM ENR ELEGTROT PI DPI saoral aad AND COURSES. Western Normal. You can enter at any Summer term open June 30, 16M Catalogue and circulars free. WM. M. CROAN, PrtMident, or W. J. KINSLEY, See') and Treat. H U Orlonj flday f(l II. H(., wirly ro ; c iiitd sv Crl)io ' tjlltl HOVk i rjlt'lWI.lH 'vjflPHll), nu tin. ' lIlllT. .jidiilnr ; Iflllll ln Ilil l 0 mi I - . rm l "fitircnin n