Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, February 24, 1894, Image 2
2 MyftM.ilw)M,,,.WWill.J, "" V ' ia,iiill'lHjj,a. -'"",""" "'l'Tj''"'"'"T':"l"' ' "' "' ", li iiiln'iiiXniwiMKminnr .-' w c .. f w Kttto SATURDAY MORNING COURIER -N . HUH f AHaa laterpr M ttr of yniillifal ajfmgff harnineain TjBm rg" mi rom. e4y-f what Uil)i m astir called "dae KwtrWtrMioht") of femininity In lit aweet tearferntaa, whlmaical hamer, way wars' fancy and leyal fallh-Jnlla Marlowa bow standi, in Mm eatlmatlea of Mihttt critical authority in tale ceunlry, without a rival. It hae beea a aleaaHre ta nole thle artiate'a rapid, yet natnral growth from the leader asd of premlea to tha fragrant levee at aefformaaee, in a lanre range of ratraeter. In view of Mate Marlowa'a ar aeareaee here nait weak, H aWie not team Mt ef atata la eemaatt aad eeeaat thee. ralM ay tha devlee otMaMaeketeeVlfom the tail al aaeh nlay wit MaamnMyt HI"; tratlaM of Ike wemea eaemmre, ee fee to deri M ence tha miffi trails and mea' Mai eete)oameat of eaeeaaracter. Jallet. .My aaly love aaniai Aram my aaa) katel laa aariy eeen ys ikitDii an jr ,' kuti loo tela. r-i vtaAialMa Mrlk of V i 1. ... . wt meet lave a loathes C' eaemy. .. 1 ifo trats, Mr Man S tafM, 1 h rant and laarafara V1 1 Ikon mayal Ikhik 1 my 'iiw " i feet trnet bm, tea- tteaeaa, I'M are" A J If Ikeaa Ikal have mat enantM la ko Sti1 Imaeteaa-I Ikal Ikan r u ara I IU 'ttata trnaOaWa ' - -.. ..' .i -- -i which laa Umea Malar Mik iHfl WWerVm ewaWew , Vwam OeaM wtaea ,Cann nkjkl, I 0010 taa WmW II avnmMM mm aay aa m , ' ItnrlMMMT teatrae efceM emeeth thy aama UteC2 KE ff'KitSS irraswra a & & rrai hmnw wmm. sayneaiiiaaawif. i tip aaa eihaSs. to ka la taee eeee mm too eov M wa mar. e aaew awaalr.aarajawar kkartt i la, aala.kaa arlar.... iiaaayakaaH akaatk. JaMaL ' ' Tkki nwal mhj ar Jataad mn,ky aa aak'akw.a makar'a MMV. Xw IM1 aMMVkHaWnM.MIWal 1 'mawdkaWlaa'n matt I aar Wiaa'aaMarllMf JMaatiamkaa(awaa A. MM AvMI mhi Mat Samday 'kaak.- I ttaaVwaV Mafa4 MMM MWWM, MB fSBkBte,'aV MBfktt'1 ''aatf avH aaT LJ .aWffMajj "W aaaia rar'aami.'aay la Mm .laar.Ai'.t'U. ka' kaawaiarLaayCiUwora 'taar-,ar;-Uiaatk -w. 4&&MUjtik 'Jffl v j"M 'Uia1 7 "A Mm? PrliaATTaUrV im f i H ' amtamaMfa l BBBBWwaaMal MM i aamk nfer feam tkat mMa.BBi aWlM ......Taa kamt Hiaaa UVtTJSffP MM) aW Mar flMWr ta V3 arr aTar faVuSouVSr' KKaAaaaaiaaaaaa JaV awar aaawati wa 'kMHMmMwmM I t: J itkC ' Mm kf mtaa, . ij-' t nf ,TaMMMV p.' . A?mk KSiv '. c aakaawaBv , .aaaaaa rT " JaraVvKCV el. . r ijni&ii v fv - l(mM'razM S'; - lf.'ai u. m-. t . : " a. . 8. ' ''" 5am" ". . mm iBti Fa?kiPaaajP anjpPaamai aaaWaTaJaaakaaaaa vaTaiiBa i f aaMaTaaml AkM k. ' fkAaa aalatM ail l atafr 4 J. f 2 ' HnMat A MMkl'MaW MaM flHaV MwImWIMT R- MMJaTaaVawaVnjH t MM aTMWMaatM ,MW,MaMaT W lAaaal aaaiaa awaaWaMam aalasm 9 imLA aakakal aVaaaataaa aUaaar it ' 'M9VWPIiwMnAjMMMWMlMMM2.Mmv lb ''' TliamJMll taflaaaat Iff trnftia aaaaaatal Matt, a aV i , aram aam aaraaaaarJf aTaaaaaaaaml 1 AamHaY mMaa -. . j . 1 Kmaawam Hll Bj BL. aTaajawy rwwwa.avjw mip"wmway TT E Vt iit , ajJtrtynPmnT aayaa. aaTy 49 C aawayaaj' M"f "Haai aT M r.-..J,-.4MB P9 aMMfaaattWaMVVHattlMMMlMMt m-- '-W -k - . MMlal"M aMT'MMaW MMltaMMatl MMk." MMp P J MMOFTafilfaffmaMJff.Ji aaSaWamttn ft1 ' '. IHiMMMMaal aWPtfftli ft -MljaMaaMM MT ' Ja1ayajkaffPPlaaUaaoMMM yW MMi M MPf , T ( J a f MMMJ" "wMwaMrayWT MPay lMg avVIMIv K i jfy y zmjPm "& aalMra MMI aYaVV lb. S,f'-', 5 . '"fJrtamaiaT" , Pi'r.'..-v, ," ' JalJkii aaaM aaaat;. .Uatta i -Tr(.-' - ,..' : Jjt.. V v. atiaaT 'TkaMa la dial W.. 'f(f'1 .llwP -"r"aalafa my mtaar- W, " ' J 'LffV' W'k), ky wMk, If , ,jfl r J . fawf.akr, af- ' ' lil ' T" r kwM...X aaia,, oaa R l ' ' 'JfJU w' woaaa yaay, ajanaaala Bti. '. dj ,, T.lTTtTJkx Amaattad iamnalaaad' R ' 0,ri 'iaf . I V AIV Malalaa. aad lrt: (. ,v iff IV Olo akagawaalmmaa-UlaM v W'jl,''U V y..,.l:'M -?'' J1' ,i, '' ilXTi' aamaf,aa,.....4aaB t 'T1'; "ll ii , l yaar kwtaaa. kat K. ! 'J'.' VJO aaa...t..VaatlBaf H i'''i.lJ.'-' ..' 'S i"' tJaalMWt'Mlia, Mm. ' ---:w9--,,mt?n?. " aaaiaar. B& Jj . yT .M - iy aMflPloaaaaaaaaf f Ak wWII. IIIMIMIIAIli I Mtmm IIU, llftt. ..,, i Ikan Ikon ri-hontt. pnra and trna ,.Y ' ka mora tantlt.. Wkartvrr tkou doat J band : Ikyaan3arlnt atap, ao loa aa m kaarl , kaMa.aa my nujaa ikroka. in lenf.Iwillfo wMalkaa. ""inaay akall ka my way-Mr ,y2l "ifc M M(B,M " i WfmJWmttft aWVTtaaMaaaaVBjff A Mint w I and IT I da aal ky Iky kaad. Ikan art aa ' MrTaatoftty maUra....laaa aman'a Wfe li a tadlaaa aaai I'ra Mrad myaatf, aad far twa , nighta leaalkar kara naada Ika around my ' bad My daar Lard ..Haw, I tklak oa ihM. and my knacar'agaaai knt araa kafara I waa at aeint la atak tar raad ....Batt 4raw Hiy awordi aad U mlna aaamy km Taar. Ika award Ilka ma,, ka'll aaaraa- ijr took oa't.....i am in, kat yaar Mine of mo , eaa bo aamia mil momi Kit m nann o Nnttn, .I'll fob low, air. int lrat...M.Mril kMa mymaatar from Ika dlaa. aa daap aa tkaaa aoar nlekaiaa can alf .........Tkat kaMUaa man I tkongkt had my ioTa.....TTBy am yoa'inrowyour wHa4 My from yaaf O aantla krolk. ara ...Narar aay fcaraalUr kit I am Ika iruMi aaaairr ...Ya , eailad ma kroihar, when I waa but yanrawtari I yon krothara, wkan you wara ao Indaarf. BmMm. H...m.I kad ralkar kaar my 4ag kark at a craw tkaa a maa awaar ka lavaa ma It la my eaaala'a duty to makaanrt'ayaad aay, "Patkar, aa it alaaaa you." nt yat, tor all eaaala, lot 0 kirn h aama ka akaaa. fallow, or alaamakaanatk. ar curt'iy aad aay, "Fatker, aa It alaaaa nn" . A d a m ' a oat ara my kratkran, and I hU it a tin in mate la atr.kladrad I kava a aoo4 aya, nncia, aad mm aaa a akarok ky daylight 1 waa kara U.aatak all mlrtk aad ao mattar, .MrmotMrerladi kat tkaa tkara waa a Htf flwavVWIt HV asBalVa aaMM av Waam D0aBM Afeataat my mm l am aaat u at yaa aama to dlaaar oaakkUka traaT Btaad I cob- anadMkMkaadaaara aa ataakT If tkaa daWkm. aafkiadaaaa akaU hteita Ikaa aVak . NakalmdT MT.t'.' ariWiW.wam.i ninii.i.,.....w a ktttaAaa aaakm.r mo tkal w-jd rit. MaaaaaaaaV.MaffVM)M9f WW i friaada aWrfsMm MMrafata I wtu diaa Lii.rar wktok af aw Mk antar larafwaMT laareaaawai aad farliy Oaariaa Bara . Wlakadt ltBtTkya, wo ajTarayfftrM- --A -.1 fBBJAkaJftWkav aim. mt9Wm mm WBMWWWWWWM Wwmr tBt Aya, madam, wtokad, aaaaa aaral atU, awaa laa kiadlwark af maa par- kaa avar af aw takara aarfaaMaaa, kalla aa1 alk.arwiaa....MMYaa HI Wf anjanr 9m OTaway MaMaMai MMi' aMMMl JkaAi -j-wlv! AgWdk aaJA4daal yaaa kaf tkmkaa aarm. Way, taaa, aaaaUyaa aaafaHaalTaM) WtMjMl MMaMf , wlaamaHlymya,laaak Mmiawtaaaai aad aallaaaat Mmaaaldaad fJOVJWNHBt WV MtWWmMM aaMakaad avaadv. M aaamak ktiakaMaTaaatlar aaaiatrat ka inalilinHif BaalaBdiaw.maa'aBdTtki ak kk majiat aa a aataaat aaaw tanaa aaiawa fraaw nart na moio -..Tkaa Ik tova aad kumkla mm, a wl a, aa aanraat, lata. I alak dowa la hwii,m Mrraai. uat kamra tky laat. int Coaataaea. X TOW, 1 aid aa Kara yaar wklppar-la kad :a WkataSffaralk akowklmaatfak tWat aaaaaaaaa MW M) Jf faf aaWHfWaj MBfinM)T aaaaa ) taa oaaagkaklawa. WMn aHaOwaMI BV aarar Ha'amat taf tewaM. OaaaVkrat-I'd M)T wMaVl IBM bar, if I eaatd MNTM at BBai ajadaaalayaki tawa.jlt.awat am 'Ma aaly fkrMw i trtakalK 'a la kmT tm town, tanw kw ..nMjii do all I aaa la a'H marry. KawUl kara mar otaaa ,Taa aaaayi mo maat ma m l-I'll alataa klm waraa aad WB,BaTaB IBBB BBV IM BM1iUfllaB a draaa tkatdaat kaloa to tkaaf rwm tmm wwiihik.,.i-am h ko wavtd wkat aaado you danoo Uat Yoall aarar, aa far towa.......I11 kracaamaa...;.., .ka'a no maa ta ktaaaalf. ar laag ago. I warraat, ka aw.......Ai yon aaoa 'UdrakaT..' ...Taa ara aot M ta not kw matt aaaaaa aftho wli. awra anaarlaaea. kkaagkt. jada aakoal kay.....Po you atoaaTo krtdmmaldT .Aad 'tU for ma ( oaaii aa aooma woadar. tkouakt i-kat I'm aot Marrr. akri Ika Hout tkokattorl I'll Lwo. dto. aloaot I do abomlnata aUklaaal.....To eema aad tall Tou...kow damkadoStf at loaat ka mlaat aava aakad my .Brat WkaAT. Art mntUtai. aaawkar WHdrakaT....i -Ka mara ar taat....- - J Viaia. ,J Wtag aa avartara of war, aa laaaMaa K&&,SD1 , V- 7JL.- iQim r r i L5& MatSSl Sad3 yaaj at!aaa JMM jMI(VMM ta aava yaar Mm. MiU . w aM. mTf aa Vnmvfil kaajpajLi w I w I gi Tar aaaaaaajM Mm a,kaamfcV' af'.aaaaV aatiKaTaVMi at kaki. aa jmm VMMJIMki MpMa1 KM IVI MNflPi .MM lnlWBT BaVaMM Bbb VPaaaaa aaaVaVVJal' aaaaaalalttVaaaafi fraaaTdaW aaaaaaaaT aii. ' v BBB JBBBooo tt)MMjB flMlltMaUl BBklBK BBP ayHHfJH Ah jMB' M)Maaa BaiyJl aBJBBBal wakal,.!.: .... IMaakMI akrUt JT.K71 BTaaAa aa VaVa adt4A mmsi aaaaTaaTl ataasaaaailaaw aTi Mm aMva la aay ISiTN aaa4 my weeee tta.'Nv aaa aa fan aT Tj. W aaaaa a aaaMar iKr'C-fc mi I aai'a aaa-s , Mrtts&'i tlamaa I aew ik&ZjLdffAK . taawaUwlUttova iTrQvt r tjl may '& Wrf?i&L ffiPatUBeaaaajAlMlj I ( Tfp m4m mmA1 mmimi I T 1' I V -I 1 laa all laa aaaga. My L fill ; m el b father's lilYt'jfflll ' TfaffllTflf' " ' l M aSBaTVaMaViBv WJkBpft eMBaaal awaa aww aMawHw " baanaf.jBaew yal Mvtflf la aa alam. ,7.,,ili ...:;.laaa aHaaaa mat. la a maa taaa m-mq Ulat al earn wawaaaaamareat- W amBam) amaaam aaa? aataj. ajmm,, Ti.nT.iJ. I'.'J HlfUMI. I HPHHIH Hntallnd. .. a hiidw raorv wirta tkan I am mtatraaa ol .......Wraltaatkttlr, bacauaal aa) mora tkan common tall, that I did aaltmoallpolatalkaa manT .I could find In my heart to dlagraaa maa'a aynaral and ory I Ilka a woman!.. Ataa tha day I what akall I do with my donbUt and koaaf ...Aa old rallglana ancla of mlna d taatkt mo to apoak. tiora la maraly a mad naaa, and, I tall you, daaarraa wall a dark kouaa aad a wklo aa ' madman do, ,.I pray you do aot fall la lovt with nir. for I am faiaar thaa vawa mada In win I had rathar kara a fool to makama marry than aiparlanca to maka ma aad..,.... Coma, woo ma, woo ma, for aow I am la a holiday humor and Ilka anoagk to oonaaat Man hava dlad from lima ta tlma, and wormi kara ratan tkam, kat aoi far lor Man ara April wkan tkar woo, Dacoaiborwkan thay wed ...Lock Ika daora naoa a womaa'a wit, and It will out at tka eaaaaaaat Oaaa, cot, cor. my pratty littla oaa. tkat thou dtdot know how many ratkoma daapl am lalara I pray you commoad my eouatarMtlag m..I charga yon. O womaa, for tka Ioto you ocar io mou, to iiao ao aim or taw i play aa . for tko piaaaoa yeui bbo i eaarga i lore you kaar to womaa, Ik plaaaeayeut aad i efearta ran. o lore you kaar to woman, tkat kat woaayauaad tha woman tka play may alaaaa. Imoffaa, Era I could (tra him tnat partlaR klaa which I kad aat ka twaan two ckarmlaa worda, oomaa my father. Deviated! Mow ahould I ka ra vaaiadf .Jtwayl I do coadama mine ear tkat kara ao loBg attended tkaa Thon wronirita gaa tlemaa, who la aa far from tky report aa tkoa from keaor, aad aolleltat a lady that dledalaa tkaa and y tta aarU aHke ' v l ma maaaeai narmeai. js; tkal arar katk bat attpped kit body, la deem la my reapeet tkaa all tha kalra akova thaa, wara tkay all mada'aaafemaa....M.Xk, for a koraa wMk wlaaa ..Ha la at Millard Havaa ........How far ta It to tklaaama bleated Mil- fardf ....How many ecore af mltee may wo wall ride twin hour aad hoarf Falaaja M . . m Tlir flll!)eutcrM Vrer. Any render of HiIh paper can get the St. IjoiiIh Qlobol)etnocrnt free. Read tho offer, on unother page, and take advantage of it at once. The Weekly GloleDeinocrnt in now itwiiod in Semi-Weekly noctlona, eight pages each Tuoaday and Friday, sixteen pages every week, making it practically a Semi Weekly paper, yet the price remains only one dollar a year. In itolitics, it is Hair Kate to Tnm. January O.Feburary 13, March 13, April 10,A May 8, lBM.the BAM will sell excur sion tickets from Nebraska and Kansas stations to points in Texas at one fare for the round trip. For tickaU and full information regarding limits, nop-overs, etc., call at B. k M. depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streots. G. W. Bonnkll, O. P. &. T. A. For all Texah points via the Missouri Pacfie route February 1.1th. City ticket office 1201 O at root, Lincoln, Neb. Hntaling & Son are selling Wash bron it Crosby Superlative for 11.25 per sack; also 95c California can fruits for 15c. Honey Dew can goods at 25c, These are wonderful reductions in prices but the times demand it of tis. Storo 1495 O street. Tel. 010. CHKAl RATKM. And faat Time to ft. Worth, Houeton anil La INirt, Tr. Parties going to the above points can save nearly twelve hours in time by taking the great Rock Island route. Fast Texas express leaving Lincoln at 1:20 k. m. reachea Ft, Worth 8:12 a. m. and Houston at 7-0 p. m. the following day. Only one night out, A member of the La porte syndicate . will accom pany toe party leaving over the Rock Island on Tuesday the 0th inat. For rates etc. call at city ticket office 1045 O street, corner Elsventh. , 0. A, Rutherford, 0. T. k P. A. This kind of weather makes us all think about taking a trip to Florida vis the Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Those who desire to take a trip to Tex-' on J. J. Butler or II. C. Young, 1201 .0 street, Lincoln, Nebraska, as they are at the head of a largo excursion which wUi leave Lincoln February 13th, For further particulars call on Phil Dan iels, city ticket agent or J. J. Buttleir, II. O. Young. MIU-WlMtar Fair, Haa rraaolaoo Cat KB' curalaa Ticket. Now aa 8al WltfcKeaaal Trip, I4m'lt April S '. The Trunk line between Lincoln, Atchieoa; Bt. Joe, WichiU.Hot Springs, St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Los Anglea and all points east west north and south. Come and go via the Missouri Pacific the popular chair car route. H. 0, Towsaead G. P. A. Bt. Louie, Mo. Phil DaaielaO. P. aVT.A. Telephone No. 000. CMy eaaWIJeVO afreet, Lincoln Neb. A RAKOA1M. ' I desire to Had a purchaser for 1,761 acres of rich table land, three nilea from the post oftlee la La Porte, Texas. Halt rata fare for the round trip. Twasa'ay, the lath of February. For furthef iaferaaa- US jejiMM.Tauirwf t TO dm nlb . w t jm AOmmm. FREE! FK:EE! h 1ST. LODIS GLOBE DEmOCRflT mmmWXm. "3 V9tM Mr Wto,, S m MSMWt . kaaaUaaV.-d ,aBBBl aWBattaVIaaflT WUIU nilaTMle Boa el Mayor Tillbrook at MoKeeiport, Pa., had a Scrofula buncb under aa ear which Mm pbyalcan lanced and then 11 fceeme a running aore, find waa followed ky ryilpelae. Mn. Tillbrook tare him Hood's Sarsaparllla tka tore healed up, ha became perfectly well aad U now a lively, robuat boy. Other pareata whose children Buffer treat Impure blood aaould profit by thla example. HOOD'S PlLLS cure kUMtwl Coutlyetloa By aeeteriac perietal tie acUoa af iheaUmtatery aaaaL The JlrH of American Newspapers 0HARLE8 A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and alt the time, for ever THE SUNDAY SUN 3 I IS THE QUEATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Price 5o. n copy By mall 82 a year Daily, by mail SO a year Daily and Sunday, by mail, 98 u year Tho Weekly SI a year Atldrrmi TIIK NUN, New York. RECTOR'S PHARMACY AIao a full line of J-JobiDAY Perfumes From .the Laboratories of RBCKSB6KBR, COLGATE, SBBLY, WRIGHT, LUNDBORG and others. FINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. The Courier Publishing company is prepared to do all kinds of printing, tine work, especially, at moderate prices; also engravintr, wedding in , vitations', calling cards, etc., Call and see eampleB. Saturday Mornino Courikr, . 1134 N street. mCAVtAlO.ltmMARKlaW W COPYRIGHTS. ream? L-wVktiUIJS & teal taW lemma hooka aaat tnio. i8&M2gte&8& BeanlarYeBrly "" BaolarPrlea OarPrlae. Hob. Price. of Both. For Both. fl.50 Cosmopolitan Magazine and the Courier $30 $Z60 yak 4.00 Harper s Magazine and the Courier 0.00 J 4iXS (j 4.00 Harper's Weekly and the Courier 0.00 4.50 ' J 4.00 Harper's Bazar and the Courier 6.00 4J50 111 4.00 The Contury Muguzine and the Courier 0.00 4;76 V.. . 3.00 Scrlbner'B Magazine and the Courier 5.00 3.75 ZTZ "-00 "Puck" and the Courier 7.00 5.25 fr . L 5.00 "Life" and the Courier 7.00 6.50 ""' l ' 4.00 Frank Leslie's and the Courier , fl.OO 4.50 "" (J 1.75 Youth's Companion (new) and the Courier 3.75 i50 nJ a- 1.00 Now York Weekly World and the Courier 3.00 2.10 O- tj ,3.00 Scientific American and the Courier 5.00 3.76 "7 5.00 Scientific American Supplement and the Courier, ,7.00 5425 7.00 Scientific American and supplement and Courier 0.00 7.00 f A 1.00 Ladies' Home Journal and the Courier 3.00 2.25 I J v 500 Judge and the Courier 7.00 5.26 . ta U-J .3.00 Lip'pincott's and the Courier 5.00 325 - , 5.00 Forum and the Courier' , 7.00 525 a-J , .150 DemoroBt's and the Courier 4.60 2.75- Q 3.00 Outing and the Courier , 5.00 'A60 1 . Ji 3.00 St. Nicholas and the Courier 5.00 3.76. UL4 f,J 4.00 New York Dramatic Mirror and the Courier,... 0.00 425 b-tm f 4.00 New York Clipper and the Courier..., v. 6.00 4.50 ' ." V . . 4.00 Sporting Life and tho Courier 6.00 , 4.50 i: '4.00 Texas Slf tings and the Courier ,... 6.00 4.00 f ' . 4.00 Truth and the Courier.., 6.00 , 425 rfT) . .-., 3.50 La Mode-de-Parls and the Courier 5.50 4.00 . 'L 1J50 La Mode, Jew York, and the Courier. 3.60 2J .'-..,',' ' 3J50 Album-de-Mode, N, Y., and the Courier.., 5JGO 425 1JX McClure's Magazine and the1 Courier 3.50 225 ' i . COURIER will be clubbed .,.. - tee over I over tne price ot one, ana by post aaloe money i ?i , ."',, f-r 7"- .!" Vb'r't ' i ii iaWii''"ft,if'i"'iial, .liV.UXa 1 ' A,, ... y ,.u !! i M Ml m 1HEM MID FRIDAY. SIXTEEN N6ES EVERT ItEK. H GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER! ONLY Sl.00 A Any render of thin paper enn get it free by nocuring a club nt three Hiibacriben nnti forwarding their nHnicn, on this hlank, with thbrr dollakh, TO GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Ilemit by bank draft, poHtotllco or oxproan tnnnoy order or reentered lotter.'' Sntnple copien will be Bent free on application. ' ORDBR BLANK. TO GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO.: Herewith find $3.00, and tho names of throe subscribers on blank clipped from Tiir Satukimy MoHNtNnCouKiKit, published at Lincoln, Nebraska. Please send the TUESDAY AND FRIDAY GLOBE-DEMOORAT for one year to mo and to each of tho subscribers namod. Name of Sender, a aaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaa Postoflice . . . . Names of Subscrlbera. 1.. THI NW ViN :Fore Tho reputation that tho Weekly Herald has enjoyed for many years of being ".ijp.81 HSmo noW8PPor the land will be materially added to during tho year of 1894. No pahiB or expense will bo spared to make it in ovory department the most reliable, interesting and instructive of all weekly newspaper publications. It will be improved in many ways. A number of new features and departments will bo added. The latest de. yoloi-mont in all fields of contemporaneous human Interest will be ably discussed from week to week by accomplished writers. THE NEWS OF will bo bo given in a concise but complete event i, oiiuoi ui uuiiiu ut minju, will DO Weekly Herald. In politics tho Herald is absolutely independent and sound, and wrongs of all sides without fear. V-.....-- -..1 -A I-. 1 A X-uruicru uuu bumjk ruiBura cannot anoru during tne coming year. It will contain a exclusively to subjects of timely interest gestions anu new uieae., t ' Tho women and children of the land w,ill find in the Weekly1 Herald a welcomo visitor. Tho household and children's pages will be both instructive and enter taining. They will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short Btories by tho best writors in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will bo one of the most attractive features in tho Weekly Herald during 1804. In fact, tho Weekly Herald will bo a magazine of tho highest order, combined with a complete nowspupor. .NOW IS THE TIMB Only el.OO a Year fiSlrcrk FOR AJVIEt,I3j COPY. Aclclr?Mae THE WEEKLY HERAfcD, Herald Square, New York. MOISY! Your Ta.fem lMfctvataasina9a in tlmia carad save money these tmcatrd tlntmess. . with any reputable publication in tne worm, tne two publications costing only a . . a , in many caaca facwy iuo ouirnvripnun order, registered letter or draft, it you want any paper not in ADOHBI THE OOURIRR, Llnooln, JNTatrei " . , leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeee i OlAvO aaaaeaaaaaaaaa Postofficc. State. YORK THE WORfoD form. Every important or interesting UUiy described in the columns of the It tells the rights t A . io uo witnout tne WeeKly Weekly Horald regular dopy.rtmont each week dovoted to them, and giving many valuable sug TO SUBSCRIBE. wi . . . pnea n unv. nenuttancee way po maaa tne above list write ror our. terns, 1804 i.' Q j' mi r fr t "I -m 1 v'm . tl ..i .-I f'r J. X