Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, February 17, 1894, Image 8

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Nollre tit Non.HealMt MetomlBHt.
II. P. Durroll, defendant, will take no.
tlco thnt on the riOth day of January,
1804. Tho National Hunk of Commerce,
ot Pierre, plaintiff heroin, Mod ltd peti
tion In tho district court of ff "";'
county, Nebraska, against said defend
ant, tho object and preyor of which are
to recover Judgment BgBlnst the said II.
l Durroll, for the sum of teht wyen
unci forty hundredtha dollar (187.10 .
with Interest thoreon Ht tho rato of U
t6r cent iter annum from tho 1st day or
DecemlHr, WW, on a .iwminnnry note
dated Novemtwr 11th, 1800. ami duo Do
cember lit. 1WW, fr W7.40, payable to
Mid plaintiff, and which noto wm oxo
outed and delivered towld plaintiff by
the said defondant, and on tho th day
of January, IBM, tho aald plaintiff Hied
In aid causo tho affidavit of Ita attorney
for an attachment agalnat the said II. I'.
Durroll, on tho grounds that the wld do.
fendant la a non-resident of tho wild
county and atato above named. That
there Vnow duo and payable upon aald
note, the sum of 187.40, with interest
thereon at the rato of 12 per cont per
annum, from tho lat day of December,
1800, for whloh aum, with Interest bb
abovo.plalntlff prays for a .decree that
the defendant be required to pay tho
same, and for general relief.
You are required to aiumer aald
petition on or eforo the 12th day
of March, 1801.
Tmk National Bank or Com-mkhok, ok
lly John 11. Cunningham,
Ita Attorney.
Feb. 3, St.
Tii Nanal W
orralW.KraaM.and Mrs. Frtor,
real name aaanowni stout-
(Mat tfefeaeaBtal
oa luun m, IBM, the Clark A lonard
Vm a aaak nW tt
ou are hereby notified that
l tkn I'Utb A Leonard In-
Md the National Llfo Injur-
treat AufWtt I. KM, at ten per cent per annum
PTBitaHri iirar tor' dferiiB of toraeloiura aBl
alaefMldJaBdtoMtUrjr talil lien as atora.
taid, rur (Hficiencir jauawmt aaa ni m-
war vlalnUIT'a ietl
of March. 18M.
araaea IkHmDaBr,
W, Varmont. . .
4t JBB. St f ft Tii. QUHTHARDT, Atty.
Ill tlie Dtetriot Court ot Lanceater coun
.ty.Ntbnete; In theaaatler of the
MUMttoaotEftinaWitte, admlnbi-
' wSrixof the eetate ot John HWUte,
tkoeeed, for Iteaoae to aell real estate.
Otder'to tiow eawae.
TUaeaueebMMMtolM JMerdupon
tlM petMon ot Bmrn WrHf, adlokifra
jis etUMi eetete oTwin , H. Witte, tie
eMed.fof lteMetoeeU let eleven (11)
la bloek om huneVed end Mty-two (152)
In the eity ef Liaooln, In the mid county
tor the payment of deMt allowed u ainet
eJdeeUtenndooete ot ndmlnietra
tioa, there beliljriio peraonal property
belonfing to aeid eetete.
And upon conelderatkm ot the petl or
dered that nil pereooa intereeted in aald
estate be and appear before me at the
eewrt heuse In the oity ot Lincoln, in
, esid cosnty; on the tenth, day of March,
MM, at nine o'clock s, m., or aa
thereafter as eonneel can be
to show.' oaeee way a
l lieenea should net , be. granted to
seJd.BdBlnletratrix to seU the resreatate
sJeceeaW for the payment ot eaW debts,
Uft41mMitoty,. ,1-ot number two
LiBMibm lavMtBwnt company for HAD. on
MvaaaiBiA m Tiaiiai u w raw
use stuuBi.on. wiin inierac
Yoa are nqBlrM to bb
Una u u kalaM. ttl Uk aV
.. . . .
. Tfc NaUaurLMBfaM
t. - - T-.r:
us wniapin
costs, and the costs and expenses or tnta
.. SfBlkoHon. And it is further .ordered
UttttservleeotthU order benade upon
theMrtieo interested in said estats by
sMbfoatlen for tour weeks in the 8stur-
if dsr-jMetmlnt Ooonisn. n newspaper
, et generei circulation and publirhed in
, . , 'aBJleountv.' ''' '
- u- Cm an, L. Hall,
Judge ot the District Court.
Dee January 20,1894.
r iJVetrihtUselooJan.aT.le.-lt.
VsMlawIi. Vinson,
tuuuel WeU. Au-
UHsuHsskell, part-
ersdeisbttsiaess under the firm
nMMofWell.Usekell and
at. 0. Vienna nna eoupeny, m curpuni
tkw; Henry Rice, Willkm Stlx, Benjs-
min jaesemsn, jonainan tuce, uavia
Usemanand SUss Michael, partners
dotag business under the firm nsme
' of Mee. Stix and company; non-reel-eent
, You and each ot you are hereby no
tUted that on the 24th day ot January
HM.ieaesaG. Dorr, plaintiff, began
aa action against you and other defend
ants in the District Court ot Lan
aester County, Nebraska; the ob
ject ot which ie to foreclose
a mortgage upon the following dee
crlbed property; to-wit: Lot number
. thirteen (13) in block number forty -two
t (at)ia the dry ot Lincoln in said county,
saaos by Louie Meyer and r Anna Meyer,
te secure the payment of a promissory
, aeis of aald Louie Meyer for 94.000, on
' whkh there is nowTdusHOOO with in
terest at ten per cent per annum from
Plaintiff prays that sakl mortgage be
aijuagid a prior lien on sakl property,
'ferdeereeet foreclosure and sale of
said ntuaeity to satisfy said lien, and for
Ysei an reauired to answer the t4sln-
, tefsnsiiiiBaon er before the 8th day ot
JkwaoA Q. Donn,
By Pound Burr, his attorneys.
that by virtue
br the oierk of
the third iasseiai
KsWaska. within and for
eotiaty, k aa aetloa wherein
la Loan and BuUdiaaT Assoola-
, --- ad '- W. nalsana.
latal aaa 'JsfeBalaualau I eriU ! 2 a'aLaefc
tea im Saur of'retmiary.'A.
, at ties east door taa eofsrt
bawss. eefseTM a smmhimsimm.
At . aBeetsrv asav,''
', NaeaseUhseessrai-ea.
ref mm ssete of sals MMsd
dsshisi of
iiuutlon tho following ileBcrllmd ronl
entnto to-wit: Ixt I'lKht 181 In block
aovun 171 in C. C. Ilurr tl nHb-dlvlalon of
lotB nine 101. ten (10), llfleon ID), alxteeii
(1(1)' elKhfeon (18), twenty three l'i.'l and
twenty bIx liXl In tho north went quarter
nf section thlrty-aix l.'HIJ, townaliip ten
10, range bIx l enal of the Hlxth p. in.
LancBHtor county, Nobrnskii. ,
(liven under my hand UiIh 18th day of
January A. I). 1804,,
fit Jan 20 ShorllT,
In I In- ClriMilt Court of Hie I'lilli'il NIhIik
tor llm tllolrlt't of N-lirnhii.
At tho eeBBion ot tho Circuit Court or
tho United State for the Dlntrlct of
Nebraska, continued and held at tho
United Btatea Court room in the city of
Lincoln, In Hald Htate, on the
18th day of January; 1801.
the Honorablo KlmerS. Dundy being
iireeont and preBidiug in said court, tho
following among other proceedings were
had and done; to-wit:
Tho State Savings Hank of
Des Moines, Iowa,
Mary Ann Morrlsoy, Krank
Mornsoy,her hUHband,otiil.
Now on this 18th day of January 1801,
bolng at tho January term A. D, 1801,
of tho said court, it having boon tnado
to appear to tho satisfaction of tho said
court, that this is a suit commenced to
onforco a mortgage lion uihjii real prop
orty within tho said district anil that
SamuorWoll, August Well, and William
Haskell, partneas doing business un
der tho firm namo of Weil, Haskell
A company, II. H. Clalllln fc
company, a corortttlonj Henry Ulco,
William Stlx, Benjamin Klsoman, David
Bisoman, Johnathan Rico and Ellas
Michael, partners doing business undor
tho firm namo of Rice, Stlx & company
andMinuL. Vinson, defendants heroin
are not inhabitants ot and have not
ttoon found within tho said District and
have not voluntarily appeared in said
suit. On motion of Found AJUurr.Bollult
ors for tho said plaintiff It is consid
ered by the court and ordered that tho
said defendants above named bo and
they are hereby dlroctod to appear and
Elead, answor or demur to tho plaintiff's
III of complaint on or before Monday,
April 2, 1804, and that in dofault thereof
an order bo entered in this cause taking
tho said bill pro confesso.
Beth II, Maitun, Jonnlo Maitnn, Amalia
ScliUllnjtor and 8chllllnor, hor
kiiibauu, Drat namo unknown, Isabella O,
Flock and K.. J. .Flock, detentlanU, will tako
notloe that on the 18th day of January, 1MM,
Llneoln Loan and Untldlna aiaoelatton, plain
tiff hanln, Sled hli iwtltlon In tho diitrlot
eourt of Laneaatar eountr. Nebraika, against
said dateadants, tho object and prnycr of
whloh in to forecloso a certain mortango oxo
eatcd and asauiuad by tho dofenilant to tho
plaintiff upon lot IU (W block two (2) Madl
son square addition to Lincoln, to socuro tho
Kyawat ot certain promissory notes dated
lylfLMSaforthetumof SKI) and dno and
nayaWIe in three years from dato therooft that
there la now in upon aald mortcafe tho sum
of SttO ana in teres t, for which sum and Interost
dae, pla latiff prays for a decree that defend
aata be required to pay the aamo or that aald
pre as less lie sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer this iietltlon on
or before tho 12th day ot March, IBM.
Wm, K. Kki.Lkt,
. Attornoy for l'lalntlff,
Dated Janaary3B. 18M. T
c tHK 9 At J
Native of Probata of Will.
In the County Court of Lancaster
County, Nebraska.
In re estato of Klaas Uorchors, do-
The State ot Nebraska to Mrs. Wopko
Borchers, Dorothea Borchers, Anna
Borchers, Abbo Borchers. Claus Borch
ers. John Borchers and Dlna Borchers,
ana to any others interested in said
You are hereby notified that an in
strument purporting to bo the last will
sad (testament ot Klaas BorchorH de
ceased, is en file in said court, and also
a petition praying for tho probate ot said
instrument, and for the appointment of
Henry Veith as executor thereof. That
on the 28th day ot February, 1804, at 10
o'clock a. at., esid petition and the psoot
ot the execution ot said instrument will
be heard, end thst if you do not then
appear and contest, said court may pro
bate and record the same, arid grant
administration ot the estate to paid
Henry Veith' as executor.
This notiee shall be published for
three weeks successively in the Satur-
dsy Morning Courier prior to aald hear
ing. Witness my hand and official seal this
20th dsy of January, 1804.
! SKA 1. 1
Feb.10 at. County Judgo.
County Clerk's OfHce.
Road No. 1,222. -Lincoln, Neb.,
30th, 1804.
To all whom it may concern: Tho
commissioner appointed to view u road
commencing at toe N, E. corner of sec
tion one (1), town ten (10), range nix (0),
n Lancaster county, running thence
west on section lino to and terminating
at tho right of way ot the Burlington x
Missouri River Railroad (in Nebraska),
be located, has reported in favor, of tho
location thereof, and all objcctionB thorn J
- lot...- .'.i . i... i. m.ii
in the county clerk's office on or before
noon ot the 10th dsy of April, A, D,,
1HH, or such road will Ims located with
out reference thereto.
' J. D. Woods, County Clerk.
By II. E. Wxixr. Deputy.
Feb. . 4t.
Hherlrs Hale.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
of an Order ot Bale issued by the Clerk
ot the District Court ot the Third Ju
diciai District ot Nebrasks. within and
for Lancaster County, in an action
wherein Anglo-American Mortgago and
Trust company is plaintiff, and Ilecry
Oosmond, et al defendants: I will, at 2
o'clock p. no., on the 27th day of Febru
ary A. D. 1804, at the east door ot the
eourt bouse, in the city ot Lincoln, Lan
caster County. Nebraska, offer for sale
at public auction the following described
reel estate; to-wit:
The east half ot the southwest quarter
sad the west half ot the southeast quar
ter ot section seven (7) in township
ssTsa (7) north ot range six (0) east of
thssixthP. M. in Xsneaster county,
Nebraska. "
Given under my hand this 24th day ot
January a. v., iwh:
Bam MoOlay,
, Sheriff.
It Is farther ordered by tho court that
at least twenty days boforo tho said
montiay, April , iran, a copy ot una'
order be served iiimiii the said defend-
unto wherever found if practical and
also ujion the person or persons in hh-
soHHion or ciiarge or tlie real property
described in plalntilT'H bill of complaint
if iinv there be and that this order be
published for six consecutive weeks in 1
the SAtiiiiimv Moh.nimi Couiiikh, a
newspaper published and in general
circulation In said District of Nebraska. S. Duniiv,
January 18, 1801. Judge.
Tho United Slates ot (America,
District of Nebraska.
I, Kliiwr'D. Frank. Clerk of tho Clr.
cult Court of the Unltod States for the
District of Nebraska, do hereby certify,
that tho iiIkivo and foregoing is a true
copy of an order entered upon tho Jour
nal ot the proceedings ot said Court, jn
tho cause therein entitled: that I hnvo
compared the same with tho original
entry of said order, and it is a truo tran
script therefrom, and of the whole
Witness my Official Signature, and
tho Seal of said Court, at Lincoln, in
said District, this Kighteenth day of
January, A.D. 1801.
JiuT.27.- (UJ
Et.MK't I).
I.?Kt Notice.
In tho District, Court of Lancaster conn
ty, Nebraska.
Albert W. Janson.
Anna McCoy John McCoy
and F. J. Hush,,
Anna McCoy and John McCoy, de
fendants, will tako Notice that on tho
12th day of January, 1804, Albert W.
Janson, plaintiff, herein tiled his peti
tion in the District Court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, against said defend
ants; the object and prayer of which is
to forecloso a certain mortgago oxocutcd
by tho defendants, Anna McCoy and
John McCoy to F. J. Bush, upon lots
one and two and tho north 25 foot of lot
three in block threo In Crystal Springs
addition to tho city ot Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska; to secure tho
Imymont of one promissory noto dated
IVbruary 12th, 1802, for tho sum ot
9JG0 with 8 per cont interest per annum,'
payablo annually, duo and payable on
the,12th day ot Fobruary. 1807, which
noto contains tho following condition:
which noto and mortgago provided that
should any ot the interest ot said noto
not bo paid when duo, and upon a fail'
uro to pay any of said interest within
DO days after duo tho holder may oloct
to consider tho wholo noto duo and bo
collected at once", no Interest has boon
Said on said noto although long past
ue; said noto and mortgago was for a
valuable consideration assigned to plain
tiff before any of said intereat became
duo and payable by tho terms ot said
note, and tho plaintiff, tho holder ot
said note has elected to declare the
wholo amount duo and there 1b now
duo upon said noto ' and mortgago tho
aum of 1500 for which sum .with interest
from this dato plaintiff prays for a de
cree that defendants bo required to pay
tho samo or that said premlocs mny bo
sold to satisfy amount due. You are
required to answor said petition on or
before tho Cth day of March, 1804.
Amr.iiT W Janhkn,
By Dan'l F. Osgood. hiB attornoy,
Jan. 27-4t
In the Circuit Court of the United Mates
tor the District of Nebraska,
At tho session of tho Circuit Court of
the United States tor tho District ot
Nebraska, continued and held at tthe
United States Court room in tho city of
Lincoln, in said State on tho 18th day of
January 1804, thov Honorablo Elmer S,
Dundy being present and presiding in
Bald court tho following among othor
procedings were had anil dono; to-wit:
Joseph G. Rounds,
vb. ,
Louie Mover, and V
172 Q
In Chancory.
Annlo Moyer.his Order on Absence
wifo, et al., ot Defendants.
Defendants. J
Now on the 18th day ot January 1804,
being at tho January term A, D. 1804,
of said court, it ihaying been mado to
appear to the satisfaction of said court
that thla is a suit commenced to enforce
a mortgage lien upon real property with
in the sakl District, and that William
Abelcs, president and directors ot tho
Insurance company, of North America,
ot Philadelphia, Ponnsylvanio: Samuel
Well, Auguflt Well and William M. Has
koll, partners doing busihosa under tho
firm namo ot Weil, Haskell & company;
II, B. Claffiin Accompany, a corporation;
Henry Rice, William Stlx, Benjamin
Eiseman, David Eisoman, Johnathan
Rice and Ellas Michael, partners doing
business under, the firm namo of Rico,
Stix & company and Minn L Vinson,
defendants, heroin are not inhabitants
or residents of and havo not boon found
within tho said District and havo not
;,"", Pnf.n,
tion or round
voluntarily appeared in this suit. On mo-
& llurr. solicitors for tho
saiaolaintiff, it is considered by tho
court and ordered that tho said defend
ants above named to bo and they are
horeby directed to appear and plead,
answer or demur to tho plaintiff's bill ot
complaint on or Iteforo Monday, April
2nd, 1804; and, that in default thereof an
order bo entered in th,is cause taking
the said bill pro confesso.
It. is further' ordered by tho court that
at least twenty days before tho said
Monday, April 2nd, 1804, a copy ot this
order be served upon said defendants
not inhabitants ot and who have not
been found within tho said Districts,
wherever found if practicable and also
upon tho person or persons in possession
or charge ot tho real property uescrlbecl
la plaintiff's eaid bill of complaint, if
any there be; and that this order bo pub
lished for six successive weeks in tho
Saturday Coukiku, a news
paper published and in general circula
tion in said District ot Nebraska.
'' Euikk S. Dundy,
January 18, 1804. Judge.
Tho United Btatea ot America, ) ,
Distriet of Nebraska. M
I, Elmer f. Frank. Clerk of the Cir
cuit Court of the United Btatea for the
District ot Nebraska, 'da hereby certify,
that' the above and foregoing is a true
cony ot awarder entered upon the jor
nsl ot the pioeedinge ot said .Court, in
i .
(We have Discontinued Business in Illinois.)
$25,000 ST'OC
1121-1123 N STREET.
tho causo therein entitled; thnt I havo
compared tho samo with tho original
entry of said order, and it is a truo tran
script therefrom, and of tho wholo
Witness my Official Signature, nnd
tho Seal ot said Court, at Lincoln, in
said District, this Eighteenth day of
January A. D. 1801.
Fil.MKlt D.
Jan. 27. - (It)
Satuiiday "Eight Bolls," at, the, Lans
ing, theatre. '
Monday Frederick Paulding and Maida
Cragon in "A Duol of IlcarbV'.at tho
Lansing theatre.
Tukhday Frederick Paulding and
Maida Cragon in a doublo bill, "Tho
Countess Dowager" and "Tho Sot
ting of tho Sun," nt tho Lansing
Wkdnkhday "Old Kentucky," at tho
Lansing theatre.
ThukhDayVOUI Kentucky," at the
Lansing theatre.
Saturday "HIb Nibs nnd His Nobs,"
at tho Lansing theatre.
Hanlon'a "Fantasmn" made its annual
appearanco at tho Lansing this weok
Monday and Tuesday. There, were
Bomo new things; but it was substant
ially tho samo old spcctaclo, with its
glittering sconory, brilliant transforma
tions, fantastic costumes, interesting
tricks and specialties. The Hanlons
are masters of their business, and their
entertainments are always tho best of
their class. A great many people go to
seo "Fantasma" year after year, and
thoy always onjoy tho play, If it can bo
called through theatrical llcenso, a play.
It appeals to a class ot Its own. "Fan
tasma" is a wholesome entertainment,
spirited and bright.
"Eight Bells,' a scenic and musical
comedy, with a ship in it,'whi;h makes
it nautical, was produced at the Lansing
this week, this being tho third timo- it
has been presented in Lincoln. Most
theatre goers are familiar with this skit,
which, by tho way, has had a singularly
successful career. It is mado tho vehi
cle for tho introduction of music and
fun, and the specialties are good. There
is a great deal of "go" in "Eight Bolls;"
ho r s no lagging of action. Somo
changes are observable in this season's
production, and in a few instances thoy
are an improvement. In tho vernacu
lar "Eight Bells" ib a "good show." It
Ib well put on, and somo clover pooplo
are concerned in it.
"Eight Bells" will be repented at tho
Ijanslng to-night.
Manager Church of tho Lansing thea
tre, is still considering - tho proposition
to go to Chicago to tako the manage
ment ot tho Schiller theatre.
Coinlnir Attractions.
Frederick Paulding, who is. starring
jointly with Miss Maida Craigen in "A
Duol of Hearts," is widely known in this
section ot tho country as tho "Omaha
boy." Mr. Paulding's family namo is
Dodge. He is tho son of Colonel Richard
Irving Dodge, a renowned Indian tight
er, formorly commander ot tho Twenty
third United States Infantry, and for
many years stationod at tho prominent
military posts ot Kansas, Nebraska,
Dakota and Wyoming. Mr. Paulding
passed several years of his boyhood at
Fort Loavcnworth and Fort Omaha, and
his soubriquet of tho "Omaha boy" was
given him by his friends there, ho hav
ing mado his first appearanco on tho
Btago as an amateur in Omaha in 187Q.
Ho came into prominence somo years
ago, when ho starred in "Hamlet" and
tho "Fool's Revenge." Ho acted as lead
ing support with Margaret Mathor for
six consecutive seasons, playing Romeo
and other Shakespearian characters with
unqualified success. Ho played Captain
Jack Absolute in tho famous Jefferson
and Florenco production of "Tho Rivals"
and last season he achieved considerable
distinction as leading support with tho
tragedian, T. W. Keone. Ho will bo
especially recalled for his magnificent
production ot tho groat scenic melo
drama of "Tho Struggle for Life." Mr.
Paulding and Miss Craigen will appear
at the Lansing theatre, in "A Duel of
Hearts" Mondsy evening.
J. A.
Mr. Paulding and Miss Cragon will
appear in a grand doublo bill Tuesday
evoning, "Tho Dowagor Countess" and
"Tho Sotting ot tho Sun."
t t t
"In Old Kentucky" comes tothoLanB-
Ing theatre Wednesday Fobruary 21?
with tho prestige of a genuine Now York
success and endorsed and commondod
on all sides as a play of unusual strength
. ' and gorgeous scenic display. It is, in
fact, tho ono striking success of tho sea
son in Now York, where its series of
truthful pictures of southern life caught
tho fancy of Gotham's play-goers. It ie
a melo dramatic spectacle of irront anion.
' dor. Tho four leading scenic artists of
, Now York Young, Mnraton; Emons and
Vocgtlln wore engaged for Bovoral
months preparing tho scenery. A great
feature is mado of tho raco, and it will
bo a real raco so far as it is possiblo to
havo one on tho stage tho horses mak
ing a wild dash across tho stage and
under tho wire in full view of tho audi
ence. A view of tho famous Lexington
race track is shown, with tho grand
stand filled with enthusiastic spectators,
tho book-makers crying tho odds und in
citingpcoplo to invest, tho band stun
occupied by tho Pickaninny brass band
of young darkies just entering their
teens, tho judges occupying thoir elabor
ate box, and tho multitude of hangers-on
always to bo found at a raco track. Tho
paddock will also be shown with tho
horses, jockeys, touts and othor attend
ants, tho weighing-in, tho mount, and
other bits of business common to such
places. Another scono is a grand and
awe-inspiring view ot tho Kentucky
Mountains, showing a tremendous chasm
spanned by a small foot-bridge and built
toahoightof ft) foot. Tho bridgo falls
into tho gorgo and the heroine makes a
flying swing across tho chasm on tho ond
ot a rope, suves her lover from impend
ing death by picking up a dynamite
bomb, which is about to explodo, and
hurls it into the abyss where it explodes
with terrific force, shattering the walls
of tho precipice and causing tho whole
mass to fall. Tho play deals with Ken
tucky life and character. With the
auxiliaries nearly 109 pooplo will bo em
ployed in tho production. In tho com
pany are Laura Burt, Edward Holland,
Frnzer Coulter, Charles T. Parsloo,
Charles II. Ilradshnw, Edward Whito,
Marian Abbott, Charlotte Winnett nnd
"HIb Nibs and His Nobs" is tho title
of tho burlesque absurdity which N. E.
Nibbo's gigantic burlesque company will
present at tho Lansing theatre Satur
day, Fobruary 24., Thirty pretty young
women are conspicuous upon thoir roster,
and tho specialties are new and kept up
to tho hour. Tho costumes are sakl to
bo paragons ot art, and tho scenic acces
sions an artistic triumph. Nibbo claims
to havo tho "Barnuui of them nil" as far
as burlesque organizations go, and from
tho favorablo prcsaoncomiumsoxhlbited
there seems to be somo reason for tho
On tho stage, whore action is tho
primary demand in tho climax of tho
play, death must bo mado' dramatic.
Perhaps one ot tho best, known deaths
on tho stage is that Camlllo in Aloxandor
Dumas' play. Camlllo Is supposed to
die of consumption nnd tho death comes
from hemorrhage ot tho lungs. Tho
action ot the body following homorrhago
of tho lungs has nothing dramatic about
it. It tho blood vessel which breaks is
very large there may bo a soml-convul-slon
resulting from tho shock. Othor
wlso tho death comes from the loss of
blood that pours from the mouth or
from strangulation that is, tho lungs r
fill with blood so that tho sufferer can
not breathe.
But such a death as this would not
satisfy tho demands of the stage, or what
are beliovod by many persons to bo those
demands, and we therefore seo Camlllo
in strong convulsions. There are many
deaths on tho stugo in plays, when the
causo of death Ib supposed to be heart
dlsoaso, As a matter of fact, thoro are
a number of diseases ot tho heart, in a
majority of which tho person dies be
cause tho heart simply stops beating.
When this happens a real death Ib like
nothing so much aa a faint or syncope;
tho Bufforor merely collapses and the ond
has come.
Alxiut such deaths, howovor, thero'ls
nothing dramatic, and actors and
actresses, therefore, gonerally choose to
personate that form ,of heart disease
known to physicians as angina iwctoriB.
In this dlsoaso there is the most intense
pain conceivable, and those sufferinu
from it not only manifest tho Intolossbl
character of tho pain by walking up amP
down, by moaning or crying, by throw
ing tho arms nltotit and sometimes by
beating tho chest with tho clenched fist;
but thoy often havo convulsions in which
all parts or limbs ot tho body are
Violently distorted. This disease gives J
any porson amplo opportunity fo- action.
In many plays tho characters are sup
posed to tako iMlson, and tho popular
boliof as to the effects of poison isj
mistaken as It well can be. Colici
lows swallowing nrsonic. It IsordinaT
beliovod that tho offect of iaudanumN
oi opium in any rorni is to put a person
to Bleep. Not only is this untrue of
many pooplo, but invariably tho first
effects of tho drug are to enliven and i
excito the person taking it.
When, then, you boo tho horoino in
tho dungeon bwbIIow tlfte contente of
tho bottle of laudanum nnd at once sWc
Into a profound slunibor, you are wajMi
Ing somothlng.that never yet took place.
Tho secondary effect of opium on prob
ably 80 por cont of human beings is to
put them to sloop, and as this effect
much more lasting than the first ei
mom, it nas possession of tho pop
mind. Tho convulsions which so
follow tho taking of poison on the st
may bo produced by a common poiaor
Btrychnino. Properly speaking, atrcl
nine docs not produce convulsions ti
wnicn mere is a great, and rapid move
ment of tho limbs. The muscles of the
back and tho great flexor muscles ot the
legs and thighB are contracted into' a!
sort of prolonged rigidity, so that the
sufferer is bent backward iiko a bow,
and often is supported by his head and I
heels, tho lody being arched between.
Mile. Croisette, in Paris, when playing '
in La Sphinx, created a great sensation,
nnu mauo a great namo for herself, jshe
went to Dr. Charcot, the eminont phyif-
clan of Paris, and learning from him the
effectB of poisons, chose strychnine wai
had the name inserted in the play
studied carefully all that books
tell hor, and then procured several' i
and gavo thorn tho poison, watching
Spasm which followed. She nro
l . . . . .. . ..vr
Bucn u perreci simulation or, the rer
following the swallowing1 rff otrycl1
that not only tho daily proas pr
her, but one of tho medical journa..
voted quite a long urticle to this pA
the play and advised medical studj
xo go mo meairo- tor the purpose
studying the symptoms of poisoning b
strychnine. For ono Croisette thst yoj
will find on the stage, howovor, you nil
easily see 100 victims of poison who sin
ply cause physicians to smile.
Itfiiis of Interest Gathered During- the)
Fast Week.
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wny pay exorbitant prices for up-l
holstering whon Rothschild does first-
class work a.t low rates; 12C" North 12tl
treot. ilurr block.
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Whitebreast Coal nnd Llmo Co.
Possibly you intend to mar
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