& i vuuiygifcfr,, lt, ,"ijk,. w f l - r.T ( vr f s - s p tc I 4 ' jiq55e x,.-,imi.jimii irx i"l iMiliiwwiMsmi.mnaMiiww NEW LANSING . THEATRE Wedresday and. Tlurs, "SSUTO.N-IO. SMVlRDM, FW. 14. , v TP3H13 gATURDAY JMlOraVlIVQ QQURIBH KLHb I p .. 1 1 HI 3 i .? , .', rv-- ' -"sr Pj,L P p .' M E- f V - W- -v I'iO j,v u .,: " ,; rV i 't-Q ?'N The Young Romantic Actress Miss Madia Craigen, Supported Frederick Paulding. Monday Night, for the first time in this city an original romantic play in throo acts by Mrs. Joan Davonport Lander and Mr. Frod eriok Paulding, entitled t I Duel of Heart's ,JTuciday njfifllt, errand, double bill Tlie Countess Dowager, h; rFtae Setting of the Sun. Seats on tale Friday, February 16. NO Cortland is In the northern -part of Gage county, one mile couth of the Lancaster oouaty line. It waa laid out in 1884 by J. H. Millard, ol Omaha, who owned the land; lota eoW very rapidly when irtt pet on the market, and in to rnonthe Irom the tret aale ol lota the town had 800 Inhabitants, and waa ineoraorated ae a village. It I nleely located on a high prominence, and baa aaheMUfula rarroandlng country m there lain Xebraaka. The farm are wM knptovad, and valuable ohoioa larme near here eell for. W peraore. Th farmer are well to1 do, and many of them have money on depoeit la the bank. Thte tea very deelrable location far any one necking a good Improved farm where th;erop.nevr fail. Certlaad now has a popalatlon of a littlaleea than 1,000. Buaineea is well represented in nearly every linn. The bnetneaa honeea an mostly of wood, and Cortland has never had a fire so far. THB MMOOL 1NTBRKST9 are well eared for. The high school bnilding Isit.wood structure two stories high, with four rooms. The school is divided into four departments, employ ing four teachers. There are 276 schol ars enrolled. Professor S. L. 8tryker is the principal. This is his first year hare. Miss L. Conklll has charge of the grammar room. J. O. Braky has the intermediate and Miss Ada Cased is in charge of the primary department. The wages paid range from S5 to 85 per month. The schools are all well at tended, and 'good work Is being done therein. oMUMmaw. The German M. ., Baptist, Congrcga UenalasvdOatlscHes are quite strong, , and have good hence ol worship; all have rafilar paatars, except the Catholics whose ohurch is .supplied from Lincoln aooiKTiaw. Cortland lodge No. 184, 1. 0. 0. F., is very strong. It has a fine Urge hall, built la 1 W0 at a cost of ,000, which is a credit to the town, and of which the ledge may wall he proud. The Masons have a lodge here but no ball. The A. O. U. Whaw a lodge which holds its in I. O, O. F. hell, also Kebsose . ir. ' aa otnmA ovm ' ItiefaUlywcU iWs nPeTi f enejs nnnsnee ' iJneaenwMt nJM M acseon to tnw ntue .. :r. i-Cfti 'awn, 1 'i .(" aaid'leM mum i by fir. and ADVANCE, a tine hall (or the meetings. It was built when the town was first laid out, In 1884, at a cost of about M.000. Cortland has the U. P. Ry., which offers good shipping facilities. Two elevators, one lumber and coal yard, one factory, where the corn har vester is manufactured, five general stores, two drug stores, two grocery stores, two hardware stores, two imple ment houses, two harness shops, one boot and shoe factory, one tannery, two liveties, two hotels, one flour and feed store, two confectioneries and restaur ants, one publishing house, where the Cortland Herald is published, one meat market, one bank, two furniture stores, four shops, western Union and Postal telegraphs, Nebraska telephone office. The postofflce Is in the center of the town and is well fitted up with 880 boxes. K'. K. VKNTON is one of the original settlers in Cort land, and is a leader In building up the town. He is a very liberal man in any enterprise that is beneficial to the town. He owns considerable town property and has a fine farm adjoining Cortland on which he has as fine a race track for training trotting horses as there is in Nebraska. It was on this track that Bonnie B., the pacing stallion, with a record of 2:16 was trained. Heisowned here. Mr. Denton came here from Michigan. He was formerly a merchant in New York state, and is a successful business man. He is doing his full share towards building Cortland. THK UC.OHK. DRY UOODH AND OROU KKIKH. K.'A.GrotJan proprietor, opened busi ness here in 1886. He came from Dal ton, Mo. He carries a full line of dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, hats, caps, gloves, gent's furnishing goods, trunks, valises and a complete stock of choice groceries. This house is doing the leading business' in this city. Mr. Grotjanisa gentleman wdi posted in his bnslness, and has great push and energy. He is making a success of busi ness. He owns his business houce and a tine home in this city ; likes the coun try and is here to stay, He has filled the omce ol councilman and was post master here two years j Is now the man ager of the Nebraska Telephone com pany at this point, and runs it in con nection with his business, and was born in Chariton county, Missouri, in 1863, and jived there until he was thirty years oM, when he moved .to Nebraska. He waa married in 1876 to Miss Louisa Hickman, daughter of Kev. C. H. Hiek saan, of Nebraska, for whom the town otHMasmnUaaeaed; They have three, baft Mi, tvogifai. Mr. GrotUa made aisettriptayaawaews k lsfO.aad The Barnum Nibbe's Big Burlesque Co, , Presenting "HIS NIBS and HIS NOBS" Tffv A Ietinue of Fernale Lovejiness. H Burlesque that is irvfin&by bright Everything New and Original, A Performance up to the Times New Scenery and Effects. ft REGULAR was so highly pleased with this country that on his return to Missouri he sold his possesslonH there and moved to Ne braska, determined to make this his home, and liaa always been highly pleased with his choice. I.. A.'HIMMONS Is the genial postmaster who, of course, is in line with the present administra tion. He was appointed July last. He Lwas also postmaster here during Cleve land's former term aB president. Mr. Simmons knows how to run a postofflce, as everything in and about his office shows, He also has an Insurance office and Postal telegraph office in connection with the postofflce. He is chairman of the board of town trustees, and is dis trict deputy grand master for this dis trict of the I. 6, O. F. Mr. Simmons is a voung man of business push, and is a leader in all matters' which build up the town and community. He came to this state in 1862 from Iowa. ' At that time there were but fouriamilies in Lancaster county. He is thoroughly n western man, and has the western push and energy. He came to Cortland in 1883, before the town was laid out. He owns considerable real estate here. In 1886 he was president of the Postmaster's National assoclutlon for Nebraska, and was editor of the Cortland Sentinel from 1885 to 1887, published here. He was married in 1870 to Miss Maggie Porter, who wus a great granddaughter of Amos Porter, one of the original 48 landers in 1788, Marietta, O. rAKMBKH' KXCHAMOK, Meehan & Oberian proprietors, opened business here in 1884. They carry a full lino of groceries, boots and shoes, gloves and mittens, gent's furnishing goods, queensware and glassware. They are gentlemen of pluck and business enterprise, and are doing their share of the business of Cortland. They are well liked by the farmers and expect to stay in business here. DKITUH. Dr. E. E. Aukes proprietor, opened business hers In 1884. He carries in stock a full line of drugs, patent medi cines, paints, oils, wall paper and drug gist's sundries, He Ib doing the leading business in this line. Dr.. Aukes is a practicing physician and surgeon. He is a graduate of Gottingen university, Germany. Ho came to this country in 1877, and is here to stay. CUNrKOTIONKHV AND KK8TAUKANT, M. E. Bishop proprietor, opened busi ness In the fall of 1803; carries a full line of confectionery, nuts and fruit, tobacco and cigars, canned goods and light groceries. Also furnishes meals at all hour at reasonable prices. He is doing a fair business. Mr. Bishop is a young man of enterprise, and is always mean at jua bos w smcmw ownness. of 'em ail vn IK '. PRICES. He is a native of Ohio. He came to Nebraska in 1888, and is here to stay. GOMMKHCIAL, HOTKL. M. A. Crosby proprietor, owns this house. He bought jt in December, 1802, and has been in charge sinco that date. It Ib the leading hotel In the town. He has a good patronage, keeps a good house, takes pains "to provide u good table and cares well for his guests. The building is frame, two alory, Iish ac commodations for twenty-five guests. Regular rates with Bample room in cluded, $2 per day. IMPLKHKNTH. Thomas Fayhorn proprietor opened buslnoss here in 1888. He carries a full line of farm machinery, binding twine, implements, wagons, buggies and re pairs for all the leading harvesters, sickles and mowing machines. ,Mr. Fayhorn came to this state from Canada in 1870, and homesteaded here. He is one of the old stand byes .here. He is dolnu a good business in his line. He is the patentee of the Cortland corn harvester, which is a, success, and is manufactuaed here. It is just in its infancy regards development; but no doubt it will be used very extensively in the near future. All ladies prefer the Lee broom. 1 t What We Ilellcve Invetllgntlon DenlreU We believe tho general equipment of the entire iorth Western lino system, 7,061 miles,' Ib unequalled in this coun try; that it hus the best road bed and best system of safoty appliances west of Chicago as good as any oust of Chica go; that it is, as tho trains run, the short lino to Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.; to St. Paiil und north west and to Black Hills towns, That it carried tho great est number of peoplo to tho world's fair, and without an accident to anyone. Perhaps you begin to think we are stuck on the North Western lino? We are and want you to know it, and say you would be too, if you used it. Try it. Correct information as to routes, rates, ete., supplied cheerfully. W, M. Siiipman, A. 8. Fieluino, Gen'l Agt. City Tkt. Agt. 1133 O Street. BURLINGTON ROUTE Cheap KxenraloMB to the South. On the following dates January 10, February 13, March 20 and April 24, the B. & M, will sell round trip tickets at one fare to points in southern Mis souri, Arkansas, Tennessee. For full information regarding routes, stop over, limit, etc., call at B. Jr.. M, depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets. G: W. Boiunux, OP.tT. A. All ladle prefer the Lee broom. , First time in Lincoln of the greatest- of the season and original production IN OLD KENTUCKY, A Qre&flfecing Dram. Tha (Ivani Paninrf Qmiia liiv vlvui lIlivlllQ UvUllU marvelou8-j ly perfect view of the LEXINGTON RACE TRACK with her genuine Kentucky race. The Pickaninny IES, gathered and organized by the management, I especially for this great production. . And Other Startling Features. Harvest Excursion. Via tho Minsouri Pacific On tho second Tuesday In December 1803 January, Fobuary, March, Ap'il and May 1894 the Missouri PUciric route will sell round trip tickets to ull stations in Texas with rlnal limit to return in 30 days from date of salo. Stop over are allowed in Arkansas, Texua and Okla homa, Now Mexico and Indian Terri tory. Como und take a trip to the south. Phil Danikuj, O. P. & T. A. 1201 O street. All ladies prefer the Leo broom. To the land of rod apples via tho Missouri Pacific route February 13 at one fare for the round trip, good thirty dayB. Call on P. Daniels, C. P. & T. A., 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. To Hot Springs, Ark., and return 122.25 via tho Missouri Pacific route February 13. Call on P. Danlols, O. P. & T. A.. 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb. Now is tho time to take a trip to Flor ida via tho Missouri Pacific routo. City ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln, Nob. Lincoln Coal best trade. company caters to the The ltet Laundry Townsend APlamandon proprietors, 2208 O street, telephone 570. $100 HKWAHI) (loo. Tho reader of this paper will bo pleasod to loam that thero' is ut least one dreaded disoaso that scionce has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Ib catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is the only positivo curo known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Curo is taken Internally, ucting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of tho disease, and giving tho pat ient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing its work. Tho proprietors have bo much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to euro- Bond for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. tlTSold by all Druggist 75c. J. J. Imhaff Ib working up a largo ex cursion to Florida via the Missouri Pa clflc routo. City ticket offico 1201 O street, Lincoln", Neb. For tine family groceries' und meats Hotaling k Bon stand at tho head of the Hat; their price cannot be beat for the aame class of goods. Telephone 010, tore 145 0 street, An Instantaneous Metropolitan . Success. Now York Herald) Septomber 11, 1893. '' 150 Nights, in New Yor i Showing a horses in a most realistic Band Composed of LITTLE DARK- W. A. Coffin & Co., Krocors, 143 South Elovonth street. When you want prompt servico and fair treatment and tho selection from tho largest stock of groceries in Lincoln call on W. A. Coffin &. Co., successors J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh street. See that your tickets read via tli Missouri Pacific route to tho MidWi tor fair ut San Francisco, Cnl. Clt. ticket office 1201 O street, lncoln.Nob Tourists rates to Florida via the Mi sourl Pacific routo on salo now. Cili ticket office 1201 O street, Lincoln.Nobf Canon City coal at the Whitebreasi Coal and Lime Co. For St. Loufs take tho Missouri Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O Btreet. Genuine Coal Creek Canyon and Rock Springs coal at tho WhitebreaM. til Pacific routo, via Boutbern route. Chdod City and Rock Springs coal nicely Bcrooned at Lincoln Coal com pany. On Fobruury 13, 1894, tho old reliable Missouri Pacific Routo will give every ono who desires to take a look at tho south an opportunity by Belling them round trip tlckots .at halt rates to all points in Texas. Southwestern Missouri and other southern points. Improvo this opportunity and go with the crowd. City ticket offico 1201 O street, Lincoln,, Nebraska. "' All ladies prefer The Lee Broom. OURBOM PURE RYE Shipped pure and unadulter ated direct from the distillery Pronounced a pure and whr. some' tonic-stimulant by medical fraternity every whet Gives life, strength and happi ness to the weak, sick, aged, and inhrm. If you oVBBOt croouro It of your d liquor dMlcn. upon rsoalpt o LM w1 Hpreia prepaid 10 any oareaa ruu smbbIs bottU of Old SfkRyser Seethe STlUVMHttnUGO..MSl LwlBCtoa, Mj. For sale by J. H. HARIRY, Uth and O St. For California take the Misaourjk-J