, t Tfr'""'1 "' ft "it mm,0mlft i s . ' Hi PERU HE nutnhor of pooplo in Boolety In Lincoln who observe Lent in miuiII, very hiuhII; but there ure h few wiio do no for fiiahlonnblo rcRRonn only, , to rent und recuorHte. There in noth ing connected with tho clr.irch thiit in no generally nbusM nn Lent. In fact Lent, llko charity, covers u multitudes of ninn ,1 am surprised that tho iHtont eastern fad han not made its appearanco , in Lincoln, and I wonder who will ho tho lint to Introduce it -tho wearing of chnmoloonB or nalaniadorn an ornaments to a droew. They, are attached to tho cloth by gold chainn. In nomo eantern cities tho nocioty for tho prevention of Cruelty to animals bus taken tho cham eleon question in hand, and tho women havo been compelled to remove the slimy things Until this Reason there has l)oon a mnro or less pronounced disposi tion on tho part of tho "university peo ple," as they arc called, to Hock together, and thoy havo mingled but slightly with more common people. This winter, howovor, thoro has been a chango in tho attitudo of tho members of tho univer sity circle, that is, tho faculty and at taches. Thoy havo joined "outsldo" dancing and card clubs, and in tho words I of n young woman who rocontly com mented on this subject, thoy aro "getting ' very gay.'" Society is distinctly tho gainer by tho admission of thoso people ' Another rather romarkable symp tom of Bocioty this winter istheun ( bending of tho people who havo hereto fore attondod dances occasionally, but i who never danced. Tho dancing craze i has reached out in all directions. It '' sounds a little surprising, but it is true, that tho most numerous and enthu siastic class of dancers this season has been, not tho young and giddy sot, but tho Bcdato papas and mammas and in nome cases, I boliovc, tho grandmammas and grandpapas. Pooplo havo danced this season who never danced before, and what is known as the "older sot' bus had a very gay time of it. Tho young people do not at tempt anything but tho waltz and schot tischo and rolka and landers, with an occasional Nowport or rye; but tho sen iors aro learning all tho new dances. Thoro never was hlf as much dancing in Lincoln lis there has been this winter The manner in which overy news paper in the city promptly and emphati cally paid its respects to "Toby Rex" for his coarse remarks concerning Miss Jeanetto Wilson' appearance at the Irish musicalo must have been gratify ing to that young lady. Even tho , Journal had its say Tho pooplo who enjoy going to weddings will have some occupation this spring. There will bo at least two or three in which so ciety will bo interested. For instanco there's but Whist Iuib no end of enthusiastic dovotecs. Tho young womou who play whist aro divided into two olasscBs thoso who liko to play with Mr. W. F. Kelloy, and thoso who do not. Tho latter say that he plays -so beauti fully that ho makes thorn nervous Quito a flutter was rocontly caused in socioty in Now York by tho sudden ap pearance of Edward Parker Deacon in , tho world of fashion. Mr. Deacon at tended tho Patriarch's ball and promen aded with Mrs. Paran Stevens, but did not danco. J. Coleman Drayton iu also evincing a disposition to roenter society The ceremonies and festivities at the state university thb week had a most enlivening effect, in fact thoy fur nished about all there was of social activity. The junior prcmenado at tho capitol last ovoning was tho most bril liant affair of its kind in university an nals It liUBbeen said that Mr. T. H. Benton and family woro going to resido in Chicago. Mr. Bonton states that Buch is not tho case Ho will bo away with Mrs. Bonton for some months but their absence will only bo tempor ary. OVNIO. Tlitt Unit entity Celebration. The University of Nebraska celebrat ed its twenty-fifth anniversary this wtek, tho exorcises commencing Wednesday evoning and closing last night. In hon or of the event tho city was guily decor ated with bunting and streamers, and tho univorelty colors, scarlet and cream, wero to be soon on every hand. Tho town was full of visitors, and tho cele bration was a most pronounced success in overy particular. OIIAUTKU DAY KXEUUIHKH. Thursday morning at tho Lansing theatre addressee woro delivered by Governor Crounso, Mayor Weir and others, and there was an interesting program consisting of music and re miniscences by members of the legisla ture of twenty-five years ago, and citi zens. TICK HKOKI'TION THUliSDAY. From 2 to o'clock Thursday after noon tho university buildings woro thronged with visitors, there being a general reception to tho regents, gradu ates, old students, students of tho pres ent year, guests of the university, and citizens. The following received in different departments of tho univer sity r Mrs. Cunilold, Mrs, Morrill, 'Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. LeeB.Mrs, Fosslor, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, Mrs. House, Miss Conklin, Miss Josephine Tremain, Mrs. Bdgron, Mrs. Caldwell, Mrs. Fling, Mrs. Hodgman, Mrs. Davis, Miss Mary TMl Tremain, Miss Johnson. MIbh Jones, Miiw Hopor, Miss Florence Smith, Mlm Tuttle, Mm. Manning, Misn Parker, Minn Uatlmur, Mrn Adams, Mrs. Bates, Minn Blair, Mm. Bowen, Miss Wilder, Miss Pound, Mrn. Reese, Mm. Wilson, Mm. Webster, Mm. Bobbins, Mm. Broady, Mrs. Watson and other ladles of tho law faculty, Ex-Chancellor Benton, Ex-Chancellor Fairileld, MIbh Ellon Smith, Professor Hitchcock. Ex.-Regent (lore, and ex-members of tho faculty and ox-regents; assisted by Mrs. Dales, Mm. Field, Mrs. Core and Mm. Stowart, Mm. Denscy, Mm. Ingomoll, Mm. Durlxnir, Mm. Bruner. Mrs. Allen, Mm. Brauco, Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Richards, Mm. Card, Mm. Fetors. Mm. Hampaon, Mm. Nich olson, Mrs. Lloyd, Miss Bonton, Mlns Booso. Tho members of the Y, W. C. A. received in union hall from .'I o'clock to fi. ' Governor Crounso and staff and tho stuto officers held a rccoption in Grant Memorial hall from 3 o'clock to 4:.T0. Wednesday evening an Interesting entertainment was given in tho chapel by tho literary societies (o an audience that crowded the hall. Thoro wan music by tho university cadot band, and songs by tho Friday Night Glee club with scenes as follows: "Tho Typical Student," "Disciples of Hercules," "Tho Welkin Wrung," "Tho Welkin Ring ing," "Our Doar Professors," "Going Through tho Mill," MIbj Maude Ham mond gavo n piano boIo. IMtOKKHSOIt IIOWAKD'h ADDKKHH. Thursday ovoning at tho Lanslnir tho. atro, Profossor Goorgo E. Howard, of Leland Standford univorelty, formerly of tho University of Nebraska, delivered an address on "Tho West and tho Amer ican Public University." A musical program was also rendered and degrees wero conforrod. Miss Joy Webster and members of tho Delta Gamma fraternity gavo a rccop tion Thursday evening at her residence, 1315 N Btreet. HTUHKNTH IMIOOIIAM. As a part of tho general program tho students presented scones from tho Greek playB "Antlgono" and "Eloktra," and tho Latin students gavo a version of "Captivi," at tho Lansing theatre yes terday morning. Miss Grace Morgan, Miss Maud Hammond, Mr. Alan Fling and Mr. James A. Canfiold appeared in 'Antigono,-" and Miss Gortrudo LawB and Miss Maude Hammond imperson ated Elektva and Chvyimteini in "Elok tra." In "Captivi" tho following ap peared: Mr. 0. J. Elmore, Mr. C. F. Tucker, Mr. J. W. Dixon, Mr. N. C. Abbott, Mr. A., J. Weaver, Mr. W. W. WoodB, Mr. J. P. Beardsley, Mr. R A. Jones. Tho presentations woro under tho direction of Mrs. C. B. Manning, Dr. James T. Lees and Professor G. E. Bar ber. Professor Mcnzo'ndorf trained tho choruB and MIbb Ray E. Manloy rondor od valuable assistance in tho preparation of tho plajB. At tho Lansing theatre Friday morn ing in addition to the plays tho students rendered tho following program: Muilc, "Scnrlot nml Croam," Unlvoriitr , (Jloo Club Latin S-.lutntory Mancnret L. Hall. '88 Oration. "A Quarter of Centurr." .. V'wifif : ;;!. W.Qualntnnco, WJ Mimic, "Uoilu llocca," UnlTonlty Mandolin :.. Club urauon,"Man or mem ,..r, t. Tucker, 91 Music. "Tho Huntinn Chorus." rituhln Iliuull Do Kovon,, University (lloo Club uration, "individuality,"....!, li.llatllold, ' Miulc. I'Hnln. Hulnl" Funirst. University (Jloo Club There was an exhibition drill in tho armory at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At 5 o'clock Friday afternoon the Alumni held a reunion in tho chapol and at 0 o'clock Professor Fosaler de livered the annual alumni address. The Alinuul llanquet. Nearly four hundred pooplo wero present at tho Almuni banquet hold in Armory hall last night. It was a most distinguished gathering and ono of tho most notablo in tho history of the state. JUNIOK PROMENADE. The hall of tho house of representa tives whs beautifully decorated last ovoning, tho predominating colors being Bcarlot and cream, and tho hall was filled with a largo and brilliant assombly, tho occasion being the Junior Promenade, which was tho closing event.of the week in university circles. -There wbb a largo number of prominent people present, in cluding stuto ofllccrs. Music was fur nished by tho stuto orchestra, and tho dancng was continued into tho morn ing hours. It wus ono of tho most charming and delightful dunces that has boon given in Lincoln. Members of tho senior and junior clasBscB of tho high r school, and their friends were received by tho members of tho class of 'OB iji union hall last night from 8 to 11. Afternoon llrceitioii, Mrs. Frank Hull gavo a largo rccep tlon Thursday afternoon in tho parlors of tho Grand hotel, in honor of Mrs Kath orino B. Wadsworth of Council Bluffs, Iowa, MIbb Marguorito Arnold, Miss Minnie Gaylord und MIbb Murio Hoover, tho musicians who participated in tho musicalo at tho Contra! Church of Christ Wednesday evening. The Tuxodo mandolin club rendered a number of excellent selections during tho afternoon. Vulval I ut Tarty, Miss Gortrudo Smith, of Soutli,, Lin coln, gavo a charming valentine party Wednesday ovoning. There wero cob webs to unwind, severed portions of hearts to be matched, etc. Partners for tho evening wero secured by the last i3A1MJLIA.V IVtOlJCIJVO COURIER Coughs and Colds are signs of weakness. Don't watt until you are weaker and nearer Consumption. Begin at once with Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with hypophosphites of lime and soda. It strengthens the Lungs, cures Coughs and Colds, and builds up the system. Physicians the world over, endorse it. Wattlnc Diteatet of Children art ipttdlly eurad by SCOTT'S EMULSION. It stop watte and makat ehlldran fat and healthy. Prepared by Soott A lownt, N. V. Druggists sell It. named process, After lefreshmoutH wero served there wero two minute dis cussions on a number of interesting sub jects. Thoso present weio: Misses Clara Bryant, Imogen Clinton, Mary Oun ninghnm, Grnco Thompson, Eva Mead owb, Laura McGrccr, Louie McGreer, Gortrudo Ablott; Messrs Will Cook, Clara King, John Love, John McGrow, Stephen Corey, T. J. Cunningham, Smith, Hlgntn (Jill Hop. Alpha Epsllon chaptor of Sigma Chi fraternity gavo another delightful hop In their hall, 1132 N Btreot, last Friday ovoning. The rooms wore beautifully decorated in blue und gold, tho frater nity colors, and scarlet and croam, tho collego eclom. Thoro wbb a profusion of Binilax and carnations. Thoso pres ent woro: MIbbcb Burks, Rissor, Sowoll, Seacrcst, Winger, Moore, Griffith, Garten, Whiting, Janet Undorwood, Mary Undorwood, Nellio Lau, FiBke, Shaw, Harloy, Roberts, Cochrane, Gay lord, Kelloy, Burnham; Messrs. Dixon, Pnl If, Packard, AndrowB, Mallalicu, Rissor, Hebard, Frank, Young, Shannon, Langworthy, Bert Wheeler, Low, Kelloy, Saxton, Cullen, Duff, Bulla, Harloy, DoBravo, Lewis, Lioutenaut Pershing, Professor Owen and Professor White. The party was chaperoned by Mr. and Mm. M. E. Wheeler and Professor and Mrs. Richards. Itoiiml TiiIiIp. Tho Round Table club met Monday ovoning at tho residence of Mr. (Ionry E. Lewis. Tho subject under discussion wbb municipal government. Thoso pres eht wero: Mr. E. E. Brown, Mr. Albert Watkinn. Mr. C. G. Dawes, Mr. W. B. Morrison, Dr. F. D. Crim, Dr. Hill, Pro fessor Strong, Mr. W. Morton Smith, Rov. E. H. Chapin and Mr. H. M. Bush noil. Ti-iirliem Kntertnlncil, Mrs. Calla Phillips ontortained a few friends Saturday ovoning in honor of tho teachers and training clasn of tho city kindergarten schools. TIioho present wero: MIbh Mary II. Barker, Miss Ben Bio Whitmoro, MIbb Mary Hamilton, Miss Elizabeth Shuto, Miss Gortrudo Mosloy, MIbb Nellio Lavorty, MIbb Vinlo Beach, Miss May Phllpott, Miss Lizzie Smith, Miss Bordort, Miss Eckhardt, Miss Whitman, Miss Newberry, MIbh Ida McNuir und Mrs. Beccham. Pleasant lllrtlulay Tarty, Mrs. Do Mott Smith ontortained a small party of happy children Saturday afternoon at tho Lindoll hotel, in honor of tho sixth birthday of her littlo son Watson. Tho room was prettily deco rated in pink and a tempting luncheon was Berved. Thoso present woro: Louiso Hoover, Vera Nobbs, Helen Liiwb, Cleo Moore, Prudence Gibson, Paul Yutes, Thomas Ewing, Alox Gibson, Clyde Nobbs, Ned Sono and CarliBlo Smith. Olympic WliUt Club. The Olympic Whist club was ontor tained in a delightful mnnncr Thursday ovoning of last wook by Miss Grace L. Ashton at her homo, 740 J street. Tho guests wero: Miss Josephine Lottridgo, Miss Sadio Graham, Miss Helen Hoover, MIbb Ada Hcaton, Miss Ethel Hooper, Miss Fannio Rector, Miss Maud Shaw, MIsh Emma Sherwood, Mr. Harry Evans, Mr. Homer Honeywell, Mr. Park Garroutte, Mr. Harry Harloy, Mr. Arthur Walsh, Mr, Harry Goupe, Mr. Frank Kitchen, Mr. Goorgo Johnston, Mr. Arda Chapman and Mr. Wilson Winger, Kletrliur-WIUon. Mr. Clarence C. Flotchor and Miss Floronco J. Wilson woro united in mar riage Monday at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Chapman, 1127 Huff ntroot, Dr. O. A. Williams performing tho ceremony. Mr. Flotchor Ib well known in this city. Ho hits rocontly beon apjKiintcd to a responsible position in tho agricultural collego at Pullman, Wash., where Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher will make their home. Tho bride is a sister of Mm. Chapman and tho daughter of Mr. and Mm. J. J, Wilson, of Chicago, who formerly resided in Lincoln. Hunt Time WliUt Club. MIbb Hullio Hooper entertained tho Hard Times Whist club Saturday ovon ing. Thoso present wore; MIbh Anno Funko, Miss Mao Burr, Miss Bertio Clark, Miss Nellio White, Miss Fay Marshall, Miss Jeanetto Wilson, MIbb Janet Underwood, Misn Rachel Brock, Mr, Low Marshall, Mr. W. F. Meyer, Mr. F. W. Houtz, Mr. 0. Y. Smith, Mr. Frank S. Burr, Mr. R. M. Joyco, Mr, John T. Dorgan, Professor Owen, Mr. Charlos L, Burr. A delightful conceit wus given at thn Central Church of Christ, Wednesday evening for thn benefit of tho Y. M. C, A. Mrs. Katherino B, Wndmvorth, of Council BIiiITh, formerly of this city, Miss Gnlorcl, Dr. Eddy, Professor Hag enaw, Miss Arnold, Miss Marie Hoover and Mr. J. H. Sims contributed to the program. Selections wero also given by tho Tuxedo Mandolin club. MisH Daisy Robinson, of Chicago, sis ter of Mrs. John B. Wright, of this city, died Tuesday evening at San Antonio, Texan. Mrn. Wright hudjicon with her nister for some weeks and was present at her doath. Misn Robinson wan well known iu this city, having visited here frequently, and aim wiih universally ad mired. Thoro- wan a merry sleighing party Tuesday evening composed of the fol lowing: Mr. Frank S. Burr, Mr. Low Marshall, Mr. dairies L. Burr, Mr. Mattnon Baldwin, Minn Ruche) Brock, MittB Anno Funko, Misn Mao Burr, MIbb Nellie White, MIsh Olive Latta, Mm. L. C. Burr. Professor L. A. Sherman cloned 1i1b serioB of lectures on "Cymbolino" ut tho university chapol Monday ovoning. Next Monday ho will begin the discus sion of "A Winter's Tale." Theno loc hires are open to tho public. Mr. T. E. Wing, who has boon at Speurflsli, S. D., engaged in railroad work, camo homo to attend tho exercises at the stuto university this wook. Mr. Wing contemplates remaining in the city. Mr. W. E. Hardy, Prof. Fosfllor Gates Pros, of Iowa Collego and Presldont Harper of the University of Chicago addrosBcd tho high school students at Y. M. C. A. hall'Thumduy aftornooi. MIbb Almeua Parker of this city, and : Mr. G. E. McDonald, of Geneva, will bo married February 27, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yates ontortained a fow friondn very pleasantly Wednesday ovoning, tho occasion being an informal j danco. A pound party for tho benefit, of tho' jKior was given at tho residence of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Manchester hint ovoning. Messrs F. W. Brown, K. K. Hnydon, l L. P. Young, F. E. Hill and H. C. Holt , left Wednesday for Houston, Texan. Tho Pythian sisterhood gavo an on joyablo masquerade ball at CiiBtlo hall Wednesday night. MIbb Ollvo Latta, Misn Bortio Burr I und Mine Maine Cnrson returned from Alliance Tuesday. MIbb Lulu White, of Pluttnmouth and MisB Phillip! of Omaha, are tho guests of Mrs. Yaten. ( Prof. George E. Howard or California renewed old ucuiilntunccH in thin city thin wcok. There will bo a general Chuutuuquu reunion at tho Y. M. C. A. hall Tuesday evening. Mrn. Samuol Shears and daughter, Minn Leila, mndo a brief visit to Denver last weok. Tho Coinun club guo a masquorudo party Thursday night in tho Halter hall. Tho Empire club gavo a very enjoy able party Saturday evening at tho Lan !ng. Mn. Cora K. Pitcher will bo "at homo" Friday ovoning, February 2.'!. Mib. E, E. Brown and Mm. C. Thomp son left Monday for Chicago. MesnrB W. H. am) Robert Dorgan left Tuesday for Texas. Mr Ed. A. Church returned Monday from Chicago. Minn Fay Marshall wan an Omaha vis itor Tuesday. COKRRCT 'XX15 I Men's CEcites ! nntl t I Goods. 'W. R. Dennis Co ' I 1 37 O STREET. IIIIJ III ! m Wo sweep the new world with our "Flyers" and fast mails, and have knocked a big hole through the wesrand now have Ml'D-WINTEK FAIR RATES, $65.50 round trip. IMxe lonrlwt!" all say in the morning "Body rested, mind at peace." E.B. HLOSHON, Gen, Agl, O-- Ticket Office Co J. THERE IS BUT ONE ROAD, THE ItllMal'WHllll CItr Ofdoe, Tenth unci O Mt. .1, FHANCIN, ileii'l 1'am. gt., Omaha. UKO. W. 1IONNKLI., t.Vy I'ann. Aft., Lincoln. iV IF YOU ARE GOING 'li-ON US. OUR LINE WAY UP" LINE. It Yowl tare Going; Anywhere E&late IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST AS WELL AS OURS TO -CALL For WE Bent tho SHORT I IMF To ST PAUL' MINNEAPOLIS, DELI UllUlll UJIL To CHICAGO, EAST, SOUTH-EAST. roprei W. M. HIIM'MAN, (lunnral AK"t. 1133 DEPOT COR. 8 AND 8TH 00 N0V1 VIHQVI Ittfft THE ' w ?; Come and ssee II. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. &. T. Ap-nt, Lt. Louis, Mo. VnBfIrwati Wltlt tliolt Molicl txcliaai uomiHiHod of ?. llmar ! tltioo, ooloitlatt Mloopur' 'Mao dliiorM nro tlao fliioast O St. ' J. T. MASTIN. O.T. A. EJST YltST Ilth and O Streets. . 7, Don't take our. word, But trv it. ' H , UP IN A BALLOON DONT CALL DON'T GO THAT WAY, THO' ITS A ON US. To BLACK HILLS TOWNS. LUTII. 0 St. A. N. riKLDlNCi, City Tlrket At 8T8.' K.T. mookk, Ticket Ai. IS THE ONLY DIRECT HOUTE TO THE SOUTH. uss. PHIL. DANIELS, C. P. A T. Ajrt, l'JOl O St., Lincoln, Neh. MANHOOD RESTORED! WifXX&fJPSSSi ytmruiiU'i il Id i uru it. I nrrvuut dlenM.niicli Weak Meiuorr. Imu of Vnl 'uwiir, lli'uiluclio.W ukutulnvra, l.utt ilanlnxxt, Nliibtljr KmiMluni, NtrTOU m.i,iiUiIniliiuintl('.i'f rtmrrlntitfiicriitiTeOniiiiit ut ellber Mictuw lirovuroprlliin. youthful crruca, eirMUuuio(iilobacro,uilumortUa ulnnl.wlilrlilpirtiHntlrnilr.('iMnuiuionor Inmnlir. Cob carried I vt iHirkci. ttt i'rtiii.(urltA. lr mail : priui. Willi a as onlcr w Ivcit w clttrneiiarunlrolorurenrrcruHU Ike aaaeer. Bold bra ilruKKKU. A.k forluttUii iioinln'r. Write Kir frvoMoillcal HoukMntwalr IlililuluwrnpiHir. AiJJrt).M:UV;ila:Kl'0.,MaouloT.ujple,CMICAUl utilii. bjr 11. W. IIUOW.N aud W.W. ItKilUAISDKU DruiiKlW. ; hi i U i mi ' ''I "'-j umamt jiyt -y MMKawMMilM4.4MIV .