F$ -K, uvi .jwv - "'Tf? tfiv v , h 7 f hi fc . ' mum ' ' B there la a probability, contrary to the general opinion on thw iet. that Mr. Bryan may again try to secure the democratic nomination (or congress from this iltMrtoi, aa awu by Tna Ceuninu laat week, there ia aleo a probability that Governor Crounse, of whom it haa all along been aatd that he would not under any clrcumstancea be a candidate for renomlnatlon, may not only allow hie name to be presented to the convention, but may encourage IU presentation. Certain developmenta of a private nature, that hare lately come within Thk Couninn's observation, In dicate, and very etrongly, that Governor Orounee will again be a candidate. The politlciaaa who are counting upon the governor to withdraw himself from the caavaaa may be, and aa It now looks, are pretty certain to be, disappointed. o Candidates for governor, by the way, are sufficiently numerous as to preclude any Bossibility of a short crop. In fact the market may be said to be already overloaded. Just aa a starter, we may mention: Lorenao Grounse, Thomas J. Majors. John Peters, JaekMcOall, ' ' B.K. Valentine, I. M. Raymond, W. J, Broatch, Oeorge P. Resale, Geo. D. MelkleiohR. o The blue skirt tsfoiag to bs wafted to and fro in the prairie breeaes aa it was never wafted before, Tom Majors has set, not only one eye, but two, on the governor's office, aad between now and the state convention he will address kimsett solely to the work of getting there. There Is no truth in the report that Tom and Rosewater have smoked the pipe of peaee. The conflict between these two will be, if anything, more spectacular than aver. Tom yields to his dear neighbor, Ohursk HoweJ the honor of having crept under the Rose water cover. ' o , Three sMntha ago it looked aa though John Vetera waa going to he a very!for. enndidate. Jean haa a strong the salens and members of , the itral eomaUHee; and thereiwas for bettering that aiblg ghtwouWbemadelahJsbehaK. Mar w lata havt, however, hang ire, and just now ta future of the Peters' boom ia JsasMwaat naeertein. It awy suddenly . shoot into preminenee with meteoric WnttWnaty.ar it may gradaally fade away li'iWm the green en the trees lnthe.au. not to be a candidate for reelection. The senator may 1 a delegate from No. braeka to the nest national convention and take an active part In the nomina tion of McKlnley for president, awl thus open the way for his appointment fas secretary of war In President MoKln. ley's cabinet. This Is looking a long way ahead! but then politicians aro used to that. Leaving Manderson out of considers, tlon, there are at least two candidates for the United Btates senate in Douglas county, John L. Webster and John M. Thurston and the two Johns will make things hum. Thr CouniRR is able to state with the utmost posltlveneas that Thurston will be a candidate. Even now his friends are beginning to rally around the "Blaine of the West." R 1 1 II ' Ex-Senator Algernon Sidney Paddock may get into the fray. O '- The list of republican candidates for secretary of state, revised up to the hour of going to press Is aa follows: George J. Woods, Lincoln. 0. 0. Oaldwell, Lincoln. E. R. Biter, Lineoln. D. O. Mosely, Lincoln. J, O. F. McKesson, Lancaster county. J. A. Piper, Alma. A. R. Orusen, Curtis. There are a half a doaen candidatos for the nomination for commissioner of public lands and buildings. Two of them are J. 8. Dew of Teoumaeh, and H. B, Russell, of Behuyler. O ' For attorney-general the following are in line: W. B. Bummers, Beatrice J. L. MoPheely, Mlnden. C.O.McNIeh, Wiener. J. P. A, Black, Bloomlngton. W. B. Hamilton, Lincoln. pJHRMe That ia a tradition among poUUeUne in thia state that there ueedte bean old settler who oould look hank to the time wbeaJsikMeCnll was not a eandidate far governor. It there aver waa such a i 1m Ma-undoubtedly paased away. mw liviua oaa remember the sjajmmw WamMI VnvOK WW aaOV Hat veaYv BarKle He oame pretty near being nominated ones, lour years age,-probably nearer vttuaa ffaW WIN WwWm OMaM mjpWN i f "' ' '0 ' , The mention of R. X. Vateutiae, of Waal Point, M-oongreasauMi and earner- :t i.i e if. 1t itetaraeot the UaHed Mates sea- ngtA eja aa amaeaeBaaWlA mmtmtmmmmm nfMa nuaABaKu ii ntSf an n psamwie eeaosojaai iot auvnranr, haametwMhagooddealoffaTor. Like I. hf, Raymond at this dty, ha looks like . agoTemeisaadhe ia univeraaUypopn- hw. RewoaM auto gavetanr worth waning around two Moaha to aee. Val, aa ho m sailed, semes from Btate Treat, arer Barttey'a part ef the state, wataa foot weald doubtless eperats against hie oeadtdncy. f ' 0 ii Mr. Raymond hna not taken the pub Uoiatohla oeaaasaoe aa to hie latea- UMafte AaMTO Ma AOWOVOtV 90aMtaRvfw)D0 ant of mo eonainaey, and as aanjr ft side to anaanaaa himsslf later on. No one wiU dispute the fet that Mr. Ray maad'would'aMke airotstoas govern sW ' i W. J. Btoatoh and Mayor Bemia and a eeore ef other people in Omaha aro took ing toward the governorship. The pro phot who usoakeya with Douglas oounty is Uo likely to ooste to grief. What that oounty will or wlU not do ia past fading out Whatever idea Mayer Bemia may have of semiring the nomi nation rests ..entirely on the ahUity of Rosewater to oontrol the Douglas dele. . gettoa ItisaotprooaMethat he wUl hoabla to do thk antagonised as ha 4 . wtHbebrJohaL. Wsftster et al; ' .even If Bemia should reaoh mm ,. ,. v ooavahtaan with Daagtes at his book ' -V' id taaeaue. weald not bo onooesstuL r .,Vaas is nHogithsr too mnoh of aa nati- nViRoMwatir toeaag abound la the land to BMbe it healthy for the eandidate who v,mmxmmwimmmm mi paep m ym ui j J namw mmmmmmnj as ammmjajnae Mr. Bummers, the present deputy, is excellently qualified for the place, and is regarded aa a very promising candidate. Don't waete time, money and health, trying every new medicine you may eee advertkwd in the papers. It the cause of your trouble ia la the blood, liver, stomach or kidneys, take Ayer'a Barsafo arllla at once, and be sure of a cure. Take no other. Hotallng Bon are selling Wash- bron k Crosby Superlative for 11.95 par nack; aleo 9Bo California can fruits tor lie. Honey Dew can goods at. 35c, These are wonderful reductiona ia prices bat the times demand it of us. Store 1415 0 street Tel. 610. mm iuhes' amis. For quite along time fashions have undergone the alow change, practically remaining in n stationary state with alight modmeatlooe. This,seasoa, how ever, a decided change is shown in skirts, in the way of draperies. The old time draped effects are more or less re. vlved with the addition of many pretty and artistic touches, in accordance with modern taete, or with adaptations from historical sources. The underskirt, however, will retain its present flaring effect. To mnny people, the announce ment of thia ooming style ia viewed with eome apprehension, no it Implies much practical knowledge for the making up of the now skirts. The best way, how ever to And the needed information and all the leading modele of the coming season, ia to subteribe to one or two Fashion Journals. The McDowell Mag aainee, which always maintain n high degree of onoollonoo ia thio respect, will perfectly fill the wants of everyone on thiaaubject. We notion aleo that, for the farther aooommodatlon of their cus tomers, these contain, in the form of ooupona, nt an esoeedingly moderate priee, designs of new skirts and other moat novel stylee. The pattema and nanormodela issued by the house of MsDowell A Co., axe widely known and Justly praised for their accuracy, and their arUstie, aa well aa prastiosl excel. leooe. "La Mode de Park" and "Park Album of Fashion," ooat only I&50 n year or 3 cente each per oopy. Those who desire to take a trip to Tex as cell on J. J. Butler or H. C. Young, 1901 0 street, Lincoln, Nebraska, aa they are at the head of a large excursion which will leave Lincoln February 13th. For further partkulara call on Phil Dan iek, city ticket agent or J. J. Buttler, H. O. Young. HOOSK h wife with n low, soft voice nnd n protty foot." said a veteran man of the world tho other day. "Thoy are the only things which won't chango.and when you are old you can close your eyes and listen to your rlfo's chatter, or glance down at her little font resting on the fender and Imagine you aro still young. Now, a protty figure sometimes grows spare and gaunt, or tho contour Is covered up by a burden of adipose. Tho sunny hair grows gray. Even tho oyes chango when surrounded by wrinkles. The little hand grows yellow Hnd hrlvolloJ. But tho neatly booted foot may look Just as it did long ago, and the pretty volco bo harmonious an over." A bit of peppermint losonge Just bo fore going on Is Lillian Blauvelt's pre ventive against dry palate or any other aaltvatory trouble. Every one knows that her mellow notes always seem to ripple from a well-oiled throat. Sho gave the remedy to Campannrl, who ex- tola it highly. It may come in oxcollent for many a norvoun dry-throated young singer. Bo much latitude ia allowed in the in terpretation of tho present fashions that even an exaggerated plcturoequonoes will be quito pormisslblo in summer fabrics, tho Inexpensive materials and lovely coloring giving scope to tho most original conceptions. One way of mak ing a striped ekirt Is to have tho front seamed ao that It will form sharp Van. dykes, thk being repeated upon the biaa back widths. The evolution of the sleeve for the last two years haa been quite an interesting study. Commenc ing with n few gathers at' tho top it has become more and more elaborate, until now it would seem that It haa reached the acme of prominence It is now the keynote of the gown, and on its cut, tit and style depend tho success of tho costume. Happily tho high ehouldor effects which made some women look so ridiculous, have given place to a lower arrangement which, although quite as wide and bouffant, is infinitely more graceful, the width coming Just below the shoulder instead of above it. Nearly all the new cloth dreeeee thnt one sees just now havo some sort of basque over the hips. A favorite pattern k the short "ripple" M ,1 .:"" E I affsn a " ai llxF II N,rK MiftHMme ' ImmV .-A-Jag ." ' II "Ml mVammUVKL CtMBBmWamm nil Mr, L, M. JTamtoit, Of AagMta, Ms., sayit "I do not resMmhst whea I beata to teas Rood's gamparlllei H was several years aao, and I have f eaad It dees am a great dosTo foodla ny desUalag yearn. I am II Yar I awauM sad 9s dart old. and ray health to per. Hotly aeon. IhaTotioacbesorpaUMaSeataM. Hood's Sarsaparllla aWl--SffoUU.-ft! TsmffiVa Tr wu nwdo well juliod ts 14 fu. l. i. MAMuar, Eterafloa weals et atrtet.li atrMt,Aaiti sx: ST. 'THO LOUIS GLOBE DEJT10CRRT EIGHT NGES EMU IVtM MD Ml SIXTEEN M6ES EVERY WEEK. M GREAT SEMIHTEEKLY PAPER! ONLY 11.00 HY 1 Any reader of thin paper can get It free by securing a club of three subscribes nnd forwarding tholr names, on thib blank, with thkek dollar, TO QLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. Remit by bank draft, postolHco or oxpross money order or registered letter. Samplo copies will bo sent froo on application. Sept. so, issi. Hoo' Pills aut4,to, ttnm meieleamiaHiilnrtU. AlwtrtrtltoMo. The first of American Newnpttpers CHARLES A, DANA, Editor. The American Conatitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. Theie flrtt, laat, and all the time, for ever THE SUNDAY SUN IS THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. ORDER BIvANK. TO GLOBB PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO.: Herewith find 03.00. and tho names of three Hubflcrlboraon htank (ltnnnl from im .... n .... v t -. . .. . . r : I j. ii; oatuudav xunKNiNn JouRiKR, puuusnou at ijtncoin, MeurasKa, the TUESDAY AND l-'RIDAY aLORE-DEMOORAT for ono yei each or tho RUbncriborB named. Name of Sender.. , PostolHco , State Prlco 5c. a copy By mall Dally, by mail Daily and Sunday, by mail, Tho Weekly, ..... 12 a year 90 a year 18 a year 91 a year Attdrma THK, HUN, New York. Dl Ploaso send year to mo and to Names of Subscribers. Poatoffico. State. 1 , 2 .1 : ; RECTOR'S PHARMACY Also n full lino of flounce that ia cut in circular ahape,with no seam at the aide, and opening front and back. Thia may be made entirely asperate from the waist to ewhich it is joined by n belt. Short flat tabs of cloth are also popular on the tailor-made gowns, which are aa elaborate thia season aa those from the dressmaker, having quite lost their character for severity and simplicity. -JofoiDAY Perfumes From the Laboratories of RBCKSEGKER, COLGATE, SE6LY, WRIGHT, LUNDBORG and others. FINE PRINTING AND ENGRAVING. Tho Courier Publishing compauy is prepared to do all kinds of printing, tino work, especially, at moderate prices; also engraving, wedding in vitations, calling cards, etc., . Call and see samples. Saturday Morning Courier, 1134 N street. THE NEW YORK FOR 1894 i The roputution that the Wookly Herald has onjoyod for many years of being tho bcBt homo nowspapor in tho land will bo materially added to during the year of 1894. No pains or expense will be spared to make itin every department the most reliable, interesting and instructive of all wookly nowspapor publications. It will bo improved in many ways. A number of new features and departments will bo added. The latest de volotment in all fields of contemporaneous human interest will bo ably discussed from week to week by accomplished writers. M 8f ; There is anostJslaty.taat ia tan stent SSbf nnapnTht, aawsPSWg aaaaaJ t-Sa"BggS" ,w ngawiniBanaavW aiaaT SaW wbisaeasstae noli- ssaaaavnBr aaaa Has . ft lav sK Black moire promises to bo in high favor thia spring, and comes in many new nnd rich designs. A black moire skirt made perfectly plain is ono of the most useful thinge imaginable, and an old jacket with aleevee and bretelles of moire antique may be made to look very smart indeed. Very narrow white gui pure or black jet or u combination of the two are the trimmings en regie. There is no claim made for Ayer's arsaparilla which cannot be endorsed by scores of testimonials. This fact plainly proven that the blood is the source of moat disorders and that Ayer'a Sarssparilla is the best of blood-purifiers. Try it this month. A Utile lta4Ter. It cannot be called a little fraud, aa it ia of two great value and ia not to blame for being misused. Vick's new branching aster when cut resembles the chrysanthemum so closely thnt only experts can tell the difference, nnd aa it cornea into flower six weeks before the "mums," nnd at a time when flowers are scarce, it is a great tempta tion to the florist to sell these asters for mums." The branching aster can be easily grown out doors, and the seeds coat only 25 cents per packet, so that every person who haa a foot of ground can enjoy n groat treat for almost noth ing. If you want honest goods send 10 cts. to James Vick's Sons, Rochester, N. Y for Floral Guide, it costs nothing, as the 10 ess. may be deducted from first order. KraranvM W COPYRIGHTS. CAJ I aBTAIR A rATBMTV W1IW W NWM DWMOT. uo etrtctir eoasseatifi. AHiM imiiiica eoBeetmua raieeu i waufaHnnH. Altai ImI mmA MUnlMfl hnAk mmm PMMtU ukm eeertel hoHeeui that ere browt M eoet ! Hfr;yv.r3 Ss9ES r. mi gi eit! THE NEWS OF THE WORbD in a conciso but comDloto form. Everv imuortant or intereatlnir evont, either at homo or abroad, will bo duly described in the columns of the Weekly Herald. In politics the Herald is absolutely independent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all sides without fear. Farmera and stock raisers cannot afford to be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year. It will contain a regular department each week devoted exclusively to subjects of timely interest to them, and giving many valuable sug gestions and now ideas. . The women and ohlldren of the land will find in the Weekly Herald a welcomo visitor. The household and children's pages will be both instructive and enter taining. Thoy will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short stories by the beet writers in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will be one of the most attractive features In the Weekly Herald during 1804. In fact, tho Weekly Herald will be a magazine of the highest order, combined with a complete newspaper. , NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Oralsr fl.OO a Year. BJ3ND FOR AJHF:r,E COPY, Aclcl THE WEEKLY HERAbD, Herald Square, New York. OHKAF KATMS. AM ml Time tott, ytmtMk, MeaetMi a4 IA rettevTsaa, Parties going to the above points can save nearly twelve hours la tlssa by taking .the great Rook Island route. Fast Texan express leaving Lineoln at IdO a. m. reaches Ft. Worth 1:13 a. as. sad Houston at 7:30 p.m. the following day. Only oaa night out. A aaeaaber ef the La porta syndicate will eeow any the party leaving over the Rock Intend oa Tuesday the 0th last. Far ntss ate. nail at elty ticket ofloa 105 OstAet, cor aerlkveata. .. O. A RoTanarono, O.T.sP.A, MU-WlaUr Fair, 8m VrMoleco Cat., Kx- eareleN Ticket Mew oa tele WiUriteaa Trip, Limit April aa . The Trunk line between Lincoln, Atchison, St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs, St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Loe Angles nnd nil points eaat weat north nnd south. Come and go via the Missouri Pacific the popular chair car route. H. O. Townsend O. P. A. St. Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels O. P, k T. A. Telephone No. 690, City office 1901 0 street, Lincoln Neb, 'Voaa.a Papers caxicl Adteeiccajsiftiesn in. tla.ii cn.d nave money tlxesse tncarcl tiniea. Thiakiadef weather aaaaaa an all aUrtaaeattaUagatriptellariaa via has MiaasariPasiae route. City Ueaet ISM O street, LUeoU, Nebraska. A BAKOAIM. I desire to find a purchaser for 1,761 acrssot rich table land, three milea from the poet office in La Porte, Texaa. Half rata f arn for. the round trip. Tuesday, the llta of February. For further infenua- tiea lae,abe at the La Forte office, 143 K. Rlevoata street. Joan M. Tsathb. W OS r O 3 CJ CO x H r Yearly nlrrrlee rub. Prloe. ... ... .. ' , ' 0lJS?n' 91JO0 tOsmoponian magasine ana no courier ww 4.00 Harper's Magazine and the Courier 6.00 a.0 Harper's Weekly and the Courier 6.00 4.00 Harper's Batar and the Courier 6.00 4.00 The Century Magazine and the Courier 6.00 3.00 Scribner's Magazine and the Courier 5.00 5.00 "Puch" and the Courier , 7.00 5.00 "Life" and the Courier 7.00 4.00 Frank Leslie's and the Courier 6.00 1.75 Youth's Companion (new) and the Courier 3.75 1.00 Now York Weekly World and the Courier 3.00 3.00 Scientific American and the Courier 5.00 5.00 Scientific American Supplement and the Courier, 7.00 7.00 Scientific American and supplement and Courier 0.00 1.00 Ladies' Home Journal and the Courier 3.00 5,00 Judge and the Courier 7.00 3.00 Lipplncott'a and the Courier, 5.00 5.00 Forum and the Courier 7.00 i50 Demorest's and the Courier 4.60 3.00 Outing and the Courier 5.00 3.00 St. Nicholas and the Courier 5.00 4,00 New York Dramatic Mirror and the Courier. . . . 6.00 4.00 New York Clipper and the Courier 6.00 4.00 Sporting Life and the Courier 0.00 4.00 Texas Sittings and the Courier 6.00 4.00 Truth and the Courier 0.00 30 La Mode-de-Parls and the Courier ' 5.50 1.50 La Mode, New York, and the Courier 3.60 &50 Album-de-Mode, N. Y nnd the Courier 5.60 1.50 McClure's Msgasine and the Courier 3.50 Oar Priee tor Both. 2J50 4.25 4.60 4.50 4.75 3.76 5.35 5.50 4.60 2.60 2.10 3.76 525 7.00 2.25 5.35 325 525 3.75 &50 3.75 4.25 4.50 4.60 4.00 425 4.08 3A0 426 326 THE COURIER will be clubbed with any reputable publication in the world, the two publicationa coating only n alight advance over the price of one, nnd In many cases exactly ue subscripiu by post-erace money oraer, regisisrea leuer or urm, on nrice of one. Remittances mny be mads It you want any paper not in the above list write for our terms. ADDRMai THR OOURIBR, Krisaenoin, rattsremanacaae 4 1 h X' 1 n ii-" '1.. ..o