Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, February 03, 1894, Image 3

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tMf i-cv'wwiltiH i.iwWWlW
Tiir noTifl flURumnuo fifty-two dividends.
ni o u unnmriuno
HE notrtl sport
liitf author! ty
'Macon'1 thus
r oo a 1 1 fl 1 h oi
L'liiitiiiilnns 1 n
tho flstlu nrnmi,
.Tames, uIIiih l
ViihUpo" Hulll-'
.,.., tt... I
tun, nun .u
llrflt uliHtitfitoti
of America. Ho
wuh horn in the. I
County Cork. Ireland, but left Mb conn
try for his country's kooiI in his youth
having boon transported to Van Die
inuirB land for several crimeH of petty
character. Ho escaped and landed in
California when it wuh a Spanish tos
session. Ho wont to Kngland whom ho
whb taken up hy Join Ward, Hb then
champion, and pitted against Haniiner
Lano. thon regarded iih thu best ten
Btono man in England. ' Lano hroko hie
arm in the content and Sullivan defeat
od him. Ho wore the American colon)
around IiIb waist in thin tight and thenco
derived his Bouhriquot. Yankee Sulli
van was not long in this country hoforo
ho defeated a clover English boxer
uamod Vencr Hammond. Ho then do
fcatod Professor Hilly Hell, Tom Sccor,
and Boh Caunt. who whb a hrothor of
Bon Cuunt, who was champion of Eng
land. Sullivun'fi claim to the American
championship was resented by tho na
tivistic olemont, und ovoutually ho was
pitted against Tom ilyor. Thoy fought
for tho championship of America, Feb
ruary 7, 184!). Tho stakes wero 85,000 a
sido, 810.000 in all, which up to that time
was tho largest stako over fought for.
11 cr stood six foot, one and a half
inches tall and weighed 175 pounds.
Sullivan's height woh llvo foot, ton and a
half inches, and ho, hoing overtrained,
only weighed 145 pounds. Ilyor won
tho tight without much trouble..
John MorriBoy whb tho no.xt aspirant
for tho championship. Ho had been al
most beaten to pieces by Yunkeo Sulli
van, but got tho decision on account of
Sullivan not heeding tho call of "timo"
whilo engaged in a tight in his corner.
Meanwhilo Dominick Bradley and Sam
Rankin had fought for tho titlo. It was
a battle, too, between tho Orango and
Ribbon factions of Irishmen in Philadel
phia. Rankin belonged to tho former.
Ho was brought from Londonderry to
whip Bradley, but ho failed to do it, and
Bradley was called "tho chumpion of
America" for a couple of yeurs.
John Morrison und John Q. Hoonan
fought for tho American championship
in'1858. Morrisoy won but soon after
resigned tho titlo und Heen an became
tho chumpion by default. Ho bout Tom
Sayors for tho International champion
ship of tho world in 18G0, but was de
frauded of his victory und tho battle was
declared a draw, Afterward Hccciun
fought Tom King in England. Ho was
drugged und again robbed of a victory
which ho hud practically won, as ho hud
King out ut nno timo hud time been
called promptly. It wuh not done, and
Heonan was whipped.
Joo Coburn whb tho next American
chumpion, winning tho titlo from Miko
McCool. Ho hold it a fow years, und
thon McCool and Tom Allen fought for
it, McCool won by tho aid of his gang
do und Coburn woro to have fought for
tho titlo, but Coburn wns ill und himself
urrosted, und tho match fell through.
McCool next fought Aaron Jones for
tho titlo, nour Hamilton, Ohio, und do
fcutcd Jones most signally.
Johnny Dwyer.of Brooklyn, whs tho
noxt chumpion. Ho won tho titlo in a
Hcht with Jimmy Elliott, which took
.pluco in Canada.
Thon Tom Alien und Joo Gobs fought
for tho honor over in Kentucky. A lion
could have won but he was overawed by
tho trang, und to save himself from its
vengeance ho Btruck Gosb three foul
blows. Joo Gobs wns then tho Ameri
can chumpion.
Puddy Ryan, a stalwart Trojan, de
feated Gobb near Pittsburg, und ho be
came tho Amoricun champion und hold
tho titlo until beuton in 1882 by John L.
Sullivan. TV.o hitter despite his mnny
glovo lights, nly defended his titlo for
mally three tunes. Ho fought u draw
with Charley Mitchell in Franco, and
boat Jako Kilrain in Mississippi. "Ho
lost tho titlo to Jim Corbott, in Now Or
leans a year ago lust September.
To grow old gracefully, ono must live
tomporutoly, calmly, methodically' be
interested in all that is going on in tho
' world; bo cheerful, happy und content
ed, und ubovo nil; keep tho blood pure
und vigorous by tho ubo Ayor's Sarsap
an ilia, Bo Biiro you got Ayer's.
You enn novcr toll what u slight cold
may load to; it Ib beBt thorefore, to givo
yourself tho benefit of tho doubt, and
euro it as soon us possible with Ayor's
Chon y Pectorul. A days delay; some
times an hour's delay, may result in Her
ions consequences. ,
1 I'iikiiiiioiiIu ProtentUe.
and No. 7, euro Coughs and Colds, und
prevent Pneumonia and Consumption
Price 25o each. For salo by all drug
For all Texas "points via tho Missouri
Pttdtio routo Fobruury 13th. City ticket
ofllco 1201 O street, Lincoln, Neb.
As general thing investors are ploaRod
to receivo only two dividends a j oar, and
if thoy are paid with regularity nro fully
sntislird. When ono. how over, cun re
ceive llfty-two dividendB in a year upon
an Investment of only three dollars, tho
mutter doRorves very sotlous attention.
The I title penitent of Now York for
forty-tlvo years has held tho HrBt jkwI
tiou among tho great religious and liter
ary weeklies of tho land. It presents
features for the coming year far in ad
vance of any heretofore otTeied. It has
tho leading contributors of the world, It
prints tho best jMiotry, it has twenty
ono departments edited by specialists,
devoted to lino arts, science, Insurance.
Una nee. bibical research. Sunday
school, missions, health, etc. Tho I uric
pendent Ib paitlculurly titled for intelli
gent people, whether professional men,
business men. farmers, und
families. It costs li
deal. A subscribe
dividends a year
Tho subscription price of tho I title-
penitent is only three dollars a your or
at that rate for any part of a year, and
a suiuplo copy will bo sent to any person
free by addressing Tho Independent,
Now York City.
1 II 1
nor proiCRHionui men,
mors, und f their
ittlo und given great
ier receives li( y-two
If you aro sick or debilitated, do not
bo discouraged. Compound Oxygon has
wrought many wonderful cures and has
given strength to many. Wo know this
to bo truo from our own oxporionce of
twenty-tlvo years, und wo aro ready to
furnish abundant proof.
It is worth your whilo to examine tho
evidence, which you can do by writing
to us. Wo w ill send you, freo or chargo,
our book of two hundred pages with
numerous testimonials und records of
surprising cures of asthma, boonchitis,
consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, ner
vous prostration, neuralgia und other
forms of disease und debility.
Homo treatment is sent out by ex
press, to bo used nt homo. Otlico treat
ment is administered hoio. Tho ciTcct
of both trcutments is tho samo. Con
sultation free.
Our success hits given rise to ninny
imitations. Avoid disappointment und
loss of money, us there is but ono gonuino
Compound Oxygen, by sending to
1529 Arch St., Philudelphin, Pu., Sun
Francisco, Cul., Toronto, Canada.
People with hair that is continually
fulling out, or those that aro bald, cun
stop tho fulling, und get a good growth
of hair by using Hall's Hair Renowor.
Tim Winter ut Yoiirjllxcontmit
may bo made glorious if you spend it in
California. And u round trip ticket to
Sun Fruncisco via tho Burlington Routo
will best bring about tho transformation.
It costs $65.50 only, und may bo pur
chased at tho B. it M. depot or city of
flee, corner O and Tenth streets, whoro
full information regarding routes, etc.,
may also bo obtained.
G.o. W. Boknkll.C P. Ac T. A.
Mill-Winter Vnlr, Mtu Vranclst'ti Cul., Kx-
t'lirnlon Ticket Now mi Niilo
Wltlillounil Trip, Limit
April 311 '1)4.
The Trunk lino between Lincoln,
Atchison, St. Joo, Wichita, Hot Springs,
St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Los
Angles und all points east west north
and south. Come and go viu tho
Missouri Pacific tho popular chair car
routo. II. 0. TownBend G. P. A. St.
Louis, Mo. Phil Dnnielfl C. P. & T. A.
Telephone No. 509. City ofllco 1201 O
streot, Lincoln Nob.
Harvest Kxcumloii.
Viu tho Missouri Pucitic On tho
second Tuesday in December 18911
January, Fobuury, March, Ap-il' und
May 1894 tho Misrouri Pacitlc route
will soil round trip ticV.ots to all stations
in Toxiib with fluid limit to return in 00
days fiom date of sale. Stop over aro
allowed in Arkansas, Toxiib and Okla
homa, Now Mexico und Indian Terri
tory. Como and tako a trip to the
south. Pun. Daniki-h, C. P. & T. A.
1201 O street.
Wlutt Vn llelleo lim-xtltfiuliin IM-aIm-iI.
Wo boliovo tho gonerul cijuipmont of
tho entire North Westorn lino system,
7,901 miles, is unequalled in this coun
try; that it has. the best loud bed and
best Bystoiu of safety appliances west of
Chicago as good us any east of Chica
go; that it is, uh the trains run, tho
short line to Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.;
to St. Paul and north west and to Black
Hills townB, That it carried the great
est number of people to tho world's fair,
und without an accident to anyone.
Perhaps you begin to think we are stuck
on tho North Western lino? We mo
and want ou to know it, and say ou
would bo too, if j on used it. Try it.
Correct information as to routes, lutes,
etc., supplied elteerfnlli,
W. M. SltU'MAN, A. S. FlKl.DINCI,
Gen'l Agt. City Tkt. Agt.
UM O Street.
$05 will parchaso a tlrst class ticket,
round tiip via tho Missouri Pacitlc louto
to tho MldWintor fuirut San Francisco,
Cul., tickets good until July 15, 1891.
Can tako tho southern mute going and
return by tho northern louto. For fur
thor particulars call on city ticket agent
1201 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
(I'nrtnf the nmtcrlnl In tlio foltirwIiiK sketch
In token from nu nrtlrln written li) tlio editor of
Tiik Cuiikikk nntl imliHftlinl In tho Triunact
Ion nnii lli'imrta of tho NebrnnUn Statu Ills
torlcnl HtnlMir, voluino l, I'lltt.)
jjNENTtho period hi which tho
Il transition from territorial to
state government occurred the
most important and intoiestlug epoch
in tho short life of Nebraska there is a
speeial dearth of authentic records, and
for tho incidents and experiences us well
as tho history of this timo ono has to re
ly largely upon tho personal ('collection
of those who wero residents of Nebraska
prior to tho adoption of tho constitution
of 18(10. Tho dates are easily enough
arrived at, but theio is little other
accurate data on record. Tho early his
tory of the Supremo Court did not es
cape tho general neglect, and if this
brief sketch does not abound in dotails
it is partly duo to tho remissness of tho
early Nehraskuns who wero somewhat
belter skelter in their methods,
t t t
In tho original constitution approved
February 9, 1800, it was provided that
tho Supremo Court of tho state should
consist of a chief justice und two asso
ciate justices, each to leceivo a salary of
$2,000 per annum, The judges, it was
also provided, should hold tho district
courts of tho state. Tho state was thon
divided Into three judicial districts. Tho
first district comprised tho counties of
Richardson, Nemaha, Otoe, Johnson,
Pawneo, Gage, JotTorsou, Saline, Fill
moro and Nuckolls; tho second compris
ed tho counties of Cass, Sarpy, Doug
las, Saunders, Lancaster, Seward and
Butler; and tho third included tho
counties of Washington, Dodge, Platte,
Cuming, Burt, Dakota, Dixon. Cedar,
L'Euu-Qui-Court, Keurnoy, Lincoln,
Hull und Buffalo. Each judge had one
of these districts assigned to him by en
actment of tho legislature, und when the
Supremo court was not In ses
sion at tho capitol, most
ot the time of tho judges was
spent in muking tho rounds of their ie
spectivo circuits. As tho district courts
wero hold alternately in tho different
counties tho judges woro kept very busy,
although in tho early dajs the dockets
woro not overcrowded with cases. During
this poriod thoro woro only two railroads
in tho state. Most of tho towns along the
Missouri river woro accessible by rail,
but tho inland towns wero only reached
by long und drenry stage rides over tho
spursley settled prairies and many an in
teresting story is told of those journejs.
While tho lot of thcBo circuit riders wns
not un easy one, their life was relieved
by frequent amusing experiences. Luw,
us it whb known und practiced in Ne
braska the first five years of tho organ
ization of tho state, was not remarkably
profound, and Bomo queer BconeB wero
enacted in tho improvised -court rooms
of tho pioneer days.
t t
Tho judges then, us now, served six
years. Tho Supremo Court, until tho
now cupitol was built, hold its sessions
in dingy und uncomfortable quarters in
tho old clap-trap stato house Work in
tho court of last resort did not accumu
late very rapidly, us the rocoras show
that only twenty cases woro filed for
trial in tho year 1858. It whs several
years before tho number exceeded fifty.
Boyond tho clerk of tho court no assist
ants wero allowed, and tho judges seem
to have had no difficulty in keeping up
with tho work. Indeed, it is probublo
thut tho lubor in connection with tho
district courts whb much more arduous
than that of the higher tribunal.
t t t
Oliver P. Mason, George B. Lako and
Loronzo Crounso compiised tho first
Supremo bench. Miiboii was tho first
chief justice, although ho was not
elected to that ofllco- in those days tho
chief justice whs not chosen in rotation
us now, but whs elected us such. Wil
liam A. Little, a democrat, was nomi
nated and elected chief justice. Ho died
how over, beforo he could take tho ofllco,
and Governor Butler appointed Mason.
Lako and Crounso woro elected in 1807.
Duvid Gantt and Siiinuel Maxwell went
on tho bench in 187,'l. Lako was ie
elected. Ainasu Cobb whb elected in
1878. Muxwoll remained on tho bench
until tho beginning of tho piesent ear.
M. B. ReeBO whb elected in 1881 and
served ono torm. Gantt died in 1888,
whilo on tho bonch; Miiboii in 1892. Tho
others mo still alive. Lake is practicing
law in Omaha, and Crounso, after Inn
ing been clerk of the Supremo Court,
congressman, United States revenue
collector, and assistant secretin y of tho
treasury, has finally lodged in tho exec
utive ofllco. Cobb is enguged in tho
practice of law in this city, and Reeso is
dcun of tho law school at tho University
of Nebraska.
t t t
Tho convention of 1875 made vetj im
portant changes in tho constitution,
some of which have since boon de
plored. Instead of being elected uni
formly for u term of six joins it was
piovided that tho, judges should bo
classified by lot so that one should hold
his ofllco for two yenis, one for four
yeaisand ono for sixjeais. Tho judge
having tho shortest toim to hoivo, not
holding his ofllco by appointment or eleu
tlon to till a vacancy, wusniado chief jus.
tlt't'. This arrangement, however, as
provided In' tho constitution, applied on
ly to the judgert elected at tho first elec
tion after Its adoption. Thereafter ono
judge has been elected every two jours.
Piovislou was also made for tho divis
ion of the stato Into six judicial districts
and for tho election of judges of tho
same, thus relieving tho Supremo Court
judges of double duty. (The number of
districts has since been considerably In
creased,) The salary, $2,000, was raised
to $2,500, and irovlslon wan made for
the appointment of u reporter who
should also act asclerk of tho coiut and
state libtarlan. At the last session of
tho legislature the way was opened for
the appointment of three Supremo Court
coiiiiuissloneiB. who now aid materially
In expediting tho business ot the court,
Tho coin I us now constituted consists of
Chief JustleoT. L.'Noivnl, whoso term
expires two jours fiom now; A. M. Post
and T.O.C. Hai risou, the hitter having
just taken his seat. The commissioners
aro Robot t Ryan, John M. Ragiin and
Frank Irvine.
t t t
Four jeats ago the court was only
about 2W) cases behind, now the num
ber Is about 1,400. Tho three judges
and three commissioners aro working
very hard, and it Ib said that thoy aro
gaining slightly. Something llkolHX)
cases aro under advisement. Under a
recent ruling, until the cases now under
advisement aro disposed of, submissions
will bo received only in causes in which
rehearings have been allowed,' criminal
cases, those relating to tho rovenuo,
cases under tho bunking act, und cases
where tho stato is a party, and has a
direct luteiest. No cuso will bo taken
up out of its order except upon u satis
factory showing thut Important public
interests domain! it.
II. C. Young and J. J. Buttler are get
ting up u largo crowd for Texas Febru
ary Uttli via tho Missouri Pucitic route,
Call and see them before making your
arrangements elsewhere. 1201 O streot,
Lincoln, Neb.
Tlu (lloltc-Uitiiiuitm I'l-eo.
Any render of this paper can get
thu St. Louis Globe-Democrat froo.
Head tho offer, on another page, und
take advantage of it ut once. Tho
Weekly Globe-Domocrut is now issued in
Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages ouch
Tuesday and Friday, sixteen pages every
week, making it practically a Semi
Weekly paper, jet the price remains only
ono dollar a year. In itolltlcs, it Ib
llitir Itnti'n lii To xm i).
January O.Feburary 111, March 13, April
10,&Muy 8,1894,tho B &M will Bolloxcur.
sion tickets from Nebraska und Kiuisuh
stations to points in Texas at ono faro
for tho round trip. For tickets und full
information regarding limits, stop-overs,
etc., cull at B. & iM. depot or city ofllco,
cornor O and Tenth streets.
G. W. Bon.nkll. C. P. & T. A.
Wo grew nail nhvnji lmvo
And all kinds of Decorating and
Flowering PJants.
and FIVE ACRES . . .
Wholly devoted to Flowers and Plants.
Main Krcou liousol nillo went Union college.
liis Murray.
I It A II1C1IIY, Proprietor.
Eloctric curs direct from Union ilepot liana
tlio door. Iltli mill lliirnoy tn., Onuilin, Net).
Dr. lluBiplirrti'bprcldra are scientifically and
carefully prrixire.1 lleuiedlea, used (or yean In
private practfeo and for ocr thirty ycara by the
peoplo with fiitlro ucci-m. Every iingle Specific
ipeclal euro for tho illneoM named.
They cure without dnittgliw, liurylng or reduchu
the lyitem anil aro In fact and deed tho Noverrlt a
Itemedlra of the World.
No. ri raw,
1 Feverit Congestions, Inflammation!., ,'4&
'J Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Collo
3-Teethlniii Colic.' Crying, Wakefulness ,'ii
4-Dlarrhea, of Children or Adults 43
T-Vaagas, colds, llronchllls ja
B-Ncaralgla, Toothache, t'aeeache. as
0-lleadttchrs, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .S
18-Hyspepsln, UIIIousucm, Coustlpatiou. ,'ja
ll-HappreMHi'd or 1'aliiful Periods,.. ,'JS
rj-Wbflea. Too 1'iofiuo Periods tffl
13-roap, Laryngitis, llooneneu 4S
14-Halt kaeuni, hrjfli-olnvKruplloin,. ,J
10 Raeamatlsm, llheunutlo Pains VIS
lat-BIalarU. Chills, Pcer and Ague .VIS
IB-Catarrh, Intluenta, Cold In the Head. .VIS
3e-Vhaoplns; Cough .VIS
Vir-Kldney lllsenses .VIS
VIS-NerVoua Debility l.
SB-Urinary Wrnkiirsx, Wetting IWsl .VIS
The IMIo Uliitwrnt."-TtUI Hlie. 30 I'll.
BoM kjr DrusiUta, ur p.l-i I4 oo r1rt of prtos.
Da. llgMrassTt' Mtuvil. (Ill (.,) MiiiSD rsis.
S p e cTm c s .
,'.' w
v e,
4 Calling Cards
1 mi n wmmaammmmmmmmmmmmimmwp
J ',!'
r i Jf-
Ball Programs
McINTOSH 55522"
If "A
Telephone 335
1134 N Street