Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, January 27, 1894, Image 8

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y - M- ,1
NhorllT Hale.
Notice UlicrplirKUrn.llmi by W",II,' J"
onlor of m UmiwI to llio c otk ot liin llnlrlel
court of llm Third judicial ilUtrlrt ;t Nilr,.jVa,
within and for Unrnator county, In nn action
whcrt'ln Ihnt'lnrk A l.w.nnrtj l'J'JV"?lic",
imny la plaintiff, nnil MIp Hamilton nt al. rr
iWndantii. I will. at aoVliKiltt.. m..o n I'M'
lUy of February, A. I. MM, at tho ''"';'
tho court liim.o.iu thn ell) of I.I .coin,
mtr county. Nohrnalcij, offer for iin at Piibl c
miction thn fiillowin iIckc rlliod real i-atnto, to-
WTh? iouth imn liun.lml mid Illty, IW foot"
ot"K"lnaitb-dlliliii of u part of tlinaotitli
onlf of th northwul qnattor of tho norlliMtt
juarter of t in Miulhwrat nttattnr of imIImj
lwcntrnc.V.Mown ten III mirth ol rnn all
ait of thn Ath I'. M In county, No-
"Tltwi unilor u.y biMhMAuntUmmt
A. U. !(. McOIjAi, HhcrllT.
To Thuinm f I. Cooper, nvtt-ronlilciii jlofciiiUiit.
You aro hereto not AmI Hint on July 81, MM,
J, I.eV Weill, m Plaintiff, V0"? VV!.C . '.?.
aialnat ytm and other ilefonilnnU In thn 'I '
trlet court of Uncaator county, Nehr kn, tha
object of which li to forechjao ,c yrta In mort-
on tho fol owlmt liina lt anld count y. to.
will The pouth 41 ami H feet of lot mi n be r
1.1 ami 14 of block No. 3. In thn I'lncolrf IlrWhitf
Park company' aoeond auu-dlllon of part of
thoeaithalfof thniouthwet nuartor
tlon number 21, town 10. north of range ,"
of tim 6th Principal Meridian, made by llllaiu
N, Hrnnaon and Fannin llrunaon, dated Hep
tninber 4, IMP, to acciiro tlio payment of a cor.
tain promUaory note of aald Wllllahi N. llruc
on t!) laid Weft., for flgumou w hie h thorn
U now duo tho aum of tXfttVm, wit ; Intercut
from January 1.1MU, at tho rate of j(lercont
,MThatnon,July2. l8W,(leorgo Olcnll aa plain
ttn began an action agalnat you ami other do
foudantiln aald court to foreeloao a cortain
mortgage on the following land in aald county,
to-wit l Tho middle and H foot of Iota num.
tier 13 and 14 aforoaaldi inado by William N.
llrunaou and Kannlo llrumon, dated December
IV, 1WV, toaecuro His naymoutiit a prombiaory
note of aald William N. llrunaon to anld Oleott
for l,aw U), on which thero la now duo tho aunt
offl.OT7.o4, with lutenit from January 1, 1M4,
at tho rate of 1(1 per cent ior annum.
Alao that KbonoaerH. Hoar began an action
In aald court on JulyW, 1MJI, to forooloaq a cer
tain mortgage on tho following land in aald
count, to-wit i Tho north 44 amUi foot of Iota
13 and 14 aforeaaldt made by William N. limn,
on and Faunlo llrunaon, dated robrtiary 1,
MJO, to aeouro the payment of a certain promt-
Siry not of aald William N.i llrunaon to (aid
oarforllJM).(U,on which there li niiw due
the sum of Sl.aau.iM. with Intereat from January
1, 1W4, at tbe rata of tan por cent per annum,
and that all of aald action liavo boon cou
f lalntlffa pray for a decree of foreoloaurn nnd
ale nf Midland to latlafy thn llena dnn there
oo. for the appointment of a receiver, for
daleleMjr Judgment and. general rellof. You
are reajitreai to antwar plaintiff' petition on
or b.fora.thaa., of rjUry, W
Ht Hi li. QajHlBAlDT, Attorney, V
Suae Bloom.
To Norral W. Frater, and Mra. Krnier,
hla wife, flrat real namo unknown, uon-real-dent
defendant i
You and each of you are horeby notified that
on January Jad, 18W. tho Clark A Leonard In-
r anu inc national i.uo inaur-
oonnty. Nebraaka. the ohloctor wlilcl
""-". L . 1. . --"
riitchla to
i followlnii
foracioM a certain mortgage on mo roiiowing
-- -.- , . ... ,
land in Mid county, to-wlt I .Lot number two
m in Mock thlrty-ala, () In the city of Lin
coin, made by Norral W. Fraaer, dated Jan. 3,
ISM. to
to aaeura wiMnwat of .promlaaonr
of Mid Nonal av7FTaaa to Mid thn Clark
4k LiaoaarU inTeataeat oompaa for IB.uw, ou
which thai la now due trUll.M, with intereat
from Augtut 1, 1Mb, at tan per cent per annum
HjiUUIbt pray for' decree of forecloaure and
MMofMkUaadtoMtiafy Mid Ilea a afore
aid, tordefMaacy Jadgtnant and general re-
Yoara rMalred-to knawer plataiMTa petl
ttoVoorlaitotJMMhctayorHarch, 14.
he Claff JUoaard lnTetmentCompny,
The National Life Ianrance Company,
of Montpeller. Vermont
It Jan. 27 . By B.T. UK18THARDT, Att'y.
In the Dlitrlct Court of Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraaka. In the matter ot the
application ot Emma Witte, admlnia
tratrixot the estate ot John II. Wltte,
deceased, tor license to sell real estate.
Order to show cause.
This cause came on to be heard upon
the petition of Emma Witte, administra
trix ot the estate ot John H. Witte, de
ceased, for license to sell lot eleven (11)
in block one hundred and fltty-two (152)
in the city of Lincoln, in the said county
for the paymont of debts allowed against
avid estate and the costs of administra-
tkm, there beiiig no personal property
bekMafiaf to said estate.
Am upon consideration of the peti
tion ud tor good cause shown, It is or
tiered that aU-pereona interested in said
estate be and appear before me at the
court house in the city ot Lincoln, in
said county, on the tenth day ot March,
MM, at nine o'clock a, m., or as
soon thereafter aa counsel can be
heard, to show cause why a
liosase should not bo granted to
said administratrix to sell the real estate
sioressid for the payment ot said debts,
costs, and the costs and expenses ot this
application. Ana it is further ordered
that service ot this order be made upon
the parties interested in said estate by
Sublication for four weeks in the Satur
ay Morning Coubikx, a newspaper
ot general circulation and publifhed in
aala county.
Chah, L. Hall,
Judge ot the District Court.
Dated January 30, 1804.
Flrat publication Jan. 27, 19W, it.
TO Mina L. Vinson, Samuel Weil, Au
gust Weil and William Haskell, part
ners doing business under the Arm
name of Well, Haskell and company;
H. B. Clafflin and company, a corpora
tion; Henry Rice, William Stix, Benja
min Ekwman, Jonathan Rice, David
Eisemanand Ellas Michael, partners
doing business under the Arm namo
ot Rice, Btix and company; non-reel-cent
You and each ot you are hereby no
titled that on the 24th day ot January.
189t, Seneca O. Dorr, plaintiff, began
aa action against you and other defend
ants in the District Court of Lan
aoster County, Nebraska; the ob
ject of-, which i Is to foreclose
a nortgsgej upon' the following des
cribed pttmerty; to-wlt: Lot number
tWrten (13) In Wock number forty-two
(43)1 the city ot Lincoln In said county,
sade by Louie Meyer and Anna Meyer,
to secure the payment of a promissory
note ot said Louie Meyer for 14.000, on
which there is now due 14,000 with In
terest at ten per cent per annum from
March 12. 1883.
Plaintiff prays that said mortgage be
sludged a prior lien on said property,
for decree ot foreclosure and sale of
aid property to satisfy Mid lien, and for
, ' ,., You are resulted to answer the plain
, tMTs jstttios) on or before the 5th day of
' -. ' BftnaoA Q. Dobk,
By Pound A Burr, his attorneys.
Ujwm3t,-4L l
veaimea i oompani
aaM company ,of atontpollcr, Vermont, aa plain
tilt, began an action agatnat you andother do-
fiuifint in tlia Illitriet taurt of Laniiitnr
Mol re,
To llio ilufoiidnntfl rxiiulmnl InwHt
inont coui)iiny, n corHirtloii, Kdwiuil
V. AIIIh couipuuy, it c lutrtnorHhlp,
Concorillii Ijonn A Tnmt coiiiiiiiiy, it
uorK)riitloi), J, V, I). Smith, llrnt roul
niiiuo unknown, Lyimin Kvorlnuliuin,
Ann K. Cnnvonw, Littiru A. lH'fdcr
llolor, her huabiind, tlrnt ronl
niium unknown, Iiola It. (IimIiuhii,
(liHlmun, lirr htiRuHntl, llrst rnil
niiiuo unknown, non-roHldont do
fonilnntH: You nnil Piti'h of you uro Imroby not!
Itnl that on Novpinbor 1, 181KI, OhnrleH
1). CotiKilon and Alexander O. Duvis,
partnors, an nlnintlfTH, liPKitn nn ucttnn
Hifainat Nerlah II. Konuall and other
ilefeuduntH In tho Diatriot Court of
Iiiincantnr county, Nobrnaku for thn ap
pointment of rucoivorH on thn heroin
after deacrlliod proiwrty, and other land
in Lancantcr county, Neliruaka, and for
general relief; nnd thnt in aald action on
Derember 12, 181K), the 1'ennnylvania
Flro Iuaurauco company, u Penimyl
vnnia corKratlon, was made a partyi
plalntllT, and Hied itn petition auainHt
you and other defendants, tho object of
which Is to foreclose a certain morlnHKo
on the following land in said county,
to-wlt: covering tho north half (N ) of
section number thirty-ono (.'II) in town
cloven (11), north of ranKo nix (0), east
ot tho uth Principal Moridian; and the
northwest quarter (N W y) of ncction
number thlrty-Bix (.'10) in town eleven
(11) north of range llvo (5), east of tho
(Ith Prlnclpnl Moridian: and lots num
ber ono (1), four (4), and llvo (0) In tho
north half (N JtJ) of tho southeast quar
ter (S E 4) of section number thirty
ono (.'ll( in town cloven (11) north of
range six (0), euHt of tho uth Principal
Meridian; a I l t i ono
two (2), and throe (,'l), in tho town of
Wootllawn, Including tho buildings,
tlxod machinery, and water powor
known as "Woodlawn Mills"; east ot tho
Gth Principal Meridian, containing in
all llvo hundred and forty acres, ac
cording to tho govemmont nurvoy:
made by Nerlah B. Kendall, Floronco I.
Kendall, his wife, and Charles D. Smith,
datod May 1 1880, to socuro tho pay
ment ot a promissory note of said
Nerlah B. Kendall, Floronce I Kendall,
and Charles D. Smith to tho defendant
Lombard Investment company for
twenty thousand dollars (120.000), on
which thore is now duo to said Pennsyl
vania Flro Insurance company us as
signee tho sum of $20,000.00 with in
terest from May 1, 180.1, at tho rato of
ton per cont per annum. Said Plain
tiff tho Pennsylvania Firo Insurance
company prays for docreo ot foreclosure
and salo of said land to satisfy its lions
as aforesaid, for dotlcioncy judgment,
and gonoral rellof, You are requirod to
answer plaintiffs petition on or beforo
the 12th day of February, 1894.
Tim Pjcnnhvlvania Fntr. Inhuuanck
Companv, Plaintiff,
By S. L. Gkibthahdt, Attornoy. 58
No I ce.
To John H. C. Meyer and Anna F.
Meyer his wife, and to William II.
- Morris and to Morris his wife,
first name unknown, defendants.
You and each of you will tako notice
that on the 12th day ot January 1804,
Alexander Loderer and Moses Strauss,
partners doing business under the firm
name and stylo ot Ledoror & Strauss,
plaintiffs, tiled tholr petition in tho
District Court ot Lancaster County, Ne
braska, against you, said defendants, tho
object and prayer ot which is to foreclose
a certain mortgage oxecutod by tho de
fendants John II. O. Meyer and Anna F.
Meyer, nis who, to saiu plaintiffs, Leder
er & Strauss, upon tho following des
cribed premises situated in Lancaster
County, Nebraaka. To wit: lot twenty,
one (21) In block ono (1) in Knob Hill
addition to Lincoln, Nebraska, accord
ing to the recorded plat thereof, to se
cure the paymont of a certain promis
sory note datod the 20th day of August
1890, for the sum of kVloO. ulven liv nnl.1
John II, 0. Meyer and Anna F.Moyer to
saia ieuerer a Btraues anu duo and pay.
able on the 26th day of August 1893;
that there Is now due upon said note
and mortgage the sum of 1350, with in
terest thereon from the 26th day of Feb
ruary 1893, at the rate ot ten per cent
per annum for which sunt Jwith Interest as
sorssald, the plaintiffs pray for a decree
that tho defendants John H. C. Meyer
and Anna F. Meyor be required to pay
the same and that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due;
and that the defendants William II.
Morris and Morris, his wife, may
be adjudged and decreed to have no
right, title or interest in or to said prem
ises and that thoy may be excluded from
any interest therein.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 2Gtb day of Febru
ary 1804.
Alkxakdkk Lkhkkkr,
and Mohrh Strauhs,
By Pocnp & BuKtt, their Attorneys.
In county court, within and for Lan
caster county, Nebraska, January term,
1894, in tho mattor of the estate of En
gelko J, Smidt, docoasod.
To the Creditor of Haiti ltUte.
You aro hereby notified, that I will
sit at tho county court room in Lincoln,
in said county, on the 1st day of June,
1894, and again on tho 1st day of Sep
tember, 1891, to examine all claims
against said estate, with a view to their
adjustment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claims
against said estate is six months from
the 28th day of February, A. D.
1894, and the time limited for payment
of debts is one year from said 28th day
ot February 1894.
Notice of this proceeding is ordered
published four consecutive weeks In the
Baturdav Mornino Courier, a weekly
newspaper published in this state.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
county court, this 16th dap of January
1894. i. w. Lansing,
County Judge.
j heal.
4t Jan. 20.
Nfaerir Male.
Notice is hereby given, that by virtue
ot an order ot sale issued by the clerk of
the district court ot the third judicial
district ot Nebraska, within and for
Lancaster county, in an action wherein I
tho Lincoln lmu nnd Building Awuiclii
Hon la plalntllT, and Harriet P. Dobson,
ot al am defendants; I will at 2 o'clock
p. in.; on thn 20th day of Konuiry, A.
I). 1891, at the cmhI door of tho court
Iioiiho, in the city of Lincoln. Lancaster
county Nebraska, offer for Halo at public
auction thn following dtwrllMMl real
estato to-wlt: Lot eight (81 In block
Hoven (7 in C. C. Hurra hiiImIIvIhIoii of
lots nine 9, ten 1 10). Ilftron 15), sixteen
110)' eighteen 118), twenty-three 12.1) and
twenty-six (20) in the north west quarter
of wotlon thirty six .'H1J, township ten
110), range six (l east of tho nlxth j. in.
Lancaster county, Nebraska.
Given under my hand this 18th dav of
January A. I). 1891..
fit Jan 2 Sheriff.
To Mlna L. Vinson, Samuel Weil, An
gust Well, and William L. Hnskoll,
partners doing business under tho linn
namo ot Weil, Haskell and company;
II. B, Clafllln and company, a corpora
tion: Henry Bice, William Stix, Ben
jamin ElHoiuan, Jonathan Rice, David
Eisemnn and Ellas Mihael, partnors
doing business under tho firm namo of
Rice, Stix and Company, nnn resi
dent defendants:
You, and each of you will tako notice
that on tho 19th day of Janunrv 1894,
Thn Citizens' Nntinnal bank, of Dos
Moines. Iowa, plaintiff, tiled its petition
in tho District Court of Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraska, against you and Loulo
Moj or nnd others, defendants, tho ob
ject and prayer of which tiro to forecloso
a mortgage oxecuted by said Loulo Mey
er to tho plaintiff utmii thn undivided
one-half of lots .1, 1, 5, 0. 7, 8 and 9, in
block 1 ot Englesido addition to tho city
of Lincoln in said county, to Hccuro a
certain unto of date August 25. 1893, for
tho sum of (M,500, Uxn which unto and
mortgirge thero is now flue the mini of
93,575, and interest from said date.
Plaintiff pras for a decree that said
promises bo sold to satisfy said amount,
that said defendants bo barred of all
right, interest or claim in or against
said property and for general relief,
You aro requirod tc answer said pe
tition on or beforo tho 26th day of Fob
ruary 1894.
Tiir. Citize.nh' National Bank,
i t By Pound & Burr,
its attorneys.
4t- Jan. 20.
Nherlrr Hair.
Notlco is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of salo of attached, property
in an action in tho county court of Lan
caster county, NebwhoreIn Harry Askin
is plaintiff, and John Hy. Gnrr 1b defen
dant, I will at 2 o'clock p. in., on tho 5th
day of February 1894, aHho store room
of tho Lincoln Electric Supply com
pany, in tho building situated on the
north-oiiBt corner of Thirteenth and O
streets in tho city of Lincoln, Lancaster
county, Nebraska, offer for salo at pub
lic venduo tho following goods and chat
ties to-wit: Sixty 00 batteries, thirty
Ave 35 bells and gongs, thirty-eight .'18
push buttons, four 14 burglar alarms,
ono (1) letter press, two 2 spring buz
sen, ono 1 ptir ,of scales, fifteen 15
speaking tube whistles, throo 3 dynamo
frames, three 3 arc light frames, four
4 telephone attachments, throo hun
drod and ton 310 Incandescent lights,
one II spool Hno wire, ono II piece of
Applegato matting, two 2 fans, ono 1
light holder, throo 13) pieces speaking
tube, twenty-six 26 window springs,
threo 3 show cases, ono 1 battery in
box, four 41 tables, ono 1 desk, two (21
chairs, ono 1 stool, books, stovo and
offlco fixtures, wires, castings, oxtras and
goods, jtc, etc.
Datod at Lincoln this Uth day of Jan
uary, 1894
.'It Jan.
(Firat Publication January 3).)
Sealed proposals will bo received by
the stato board ot printing nt the offlco
of the secretary ot state, at any tlmo be
fore Thursday, February 1, 1894. at 2
o'clcck p. m., for printing and binding
in cloth 5,000 copies each of tho reports
ot the state board of horticulture for the
year 1894 and tho state board of agricul
ture for the year 1893, of .100 pages each
moro or lees. Also for printing and
binding in cloth 500 copies of the report
of the state board ot transportation for
tho yoar 1893, of 100 pages more or loss
Size ot page, weight and quality ot pa
per, style and quality ot binding, style
of lettering on cover, and in all respects
the work to be tho same as the horticul
tural report of 189.'), the agricultural re
port of 1891, and tho report ot tho stato
board of transportation for tho year
Samples ot tho work may bo seen at
tho office of tho secretary ot stato.
Work to be completed within sixty
(GO) days from tho awarding of the con
tract. The right to reject any and all bids
is reserved.
Each proposal must bo accompanied
by a bond in tho sum of 9500.00,
JOHN O. ALLEN, Secretary.
Datod January 12, 1894.
To A, A. Hatch, first real name , un-
know, Hatch, hla wife, "ftt
real name unknown, non-roaident
You. and ench of
you, Ure
horeby notified thvt
on No
vemuer S7, ikxi, uelia li.
plaintiff, began an action
against you
and other defendants in
the District 1
vxmn oi uancasier county, tuuraw;i,ino
object of which is to foreclose & certain
mortgage on the follow'ng aud in said
county, to-wit: Lot number two (2) In
block four (4) in Gibbons addition to
Lincoln, made by Erastus M. -Wheelor
and Maria N. Whcolor, dated March 4,
1889, to socuro the payment of a promis
sory note ot said Erastus M. Wheeler to
said Delia B. Motcalt, for 9450 on which
thoro is now duo 9540, with interest
from January 1, 1892, at 10 per cont per
annum pursuant to coupons.
Plaintiff pravs for decree of foreclos
ure and sale of said land to satisfy said
loins as aforesaid, for deficiency judg
ment and general relief.
You are required to answer plaintiff's
petition on or beforo the 26th day ot
February, 1894.
Delia B, Mktoalk, Plaintiff,
By S. L. Geisthardt. Attorney.
4t Jan.20.
iRCirivi: our
(We have Discontinued Business in Illinois.)
$25,000 STOCK
1121-1123 N STREET.
DANIEL F. OSQOOD, attorniv.
I.ra;iil Nut !'-.
In tho District Court of Lancaster coun
ty, Nebraska.
Albert W. Janson,
Anna McCoy John McCoy
and F. J. llush,,
Anna McCoy and John McCoy, do
fondants, will tako notlco that on tho
12th day of January, 1894, Albert W.
Janson, plaintiff, heroin filed liia peti
tion in tho District Court of Lancaster
county, Nebraska, ngninBt said defend
ants; tho object and prayer of which is
to foreclose a certain mortgago oxecutod
by tho defendants, Anna McCoy and
John McCoy to F. J. Bush, upon lots
ono and two and tho north 25 feet of lot
threo in block threo in Crystal Springs
addition to tho city ot Lincoln, Lancas
ter county, Nebraska; to secure tho
laymont of ono promissory noto datod
February 12th, 1892, for tho sum of
W50 with 8 por cont interest per nnnum,
payablo nnnually, duo and paynblo on
tho 12th day of February, 1897, which
noto contains tho following condition:
which noto and mortgage provided that
should any of tho interest of said noto
not bo paid when duo, nnd upon a fail
tiro to pay any of said interest within
30 days after duo tho holder may elect
to consider tho wholo noto duo and bo
collected at onco, no interest has boon
pnid on said note although long past
duo; said noto nnd mortgago was for a
valuable consideration assigned to plain
tiff beforo any ot snid interest became
duo and payablo by the terms of said
noto, and the plaintiff, tho holder of
said noto has elected to declare tho
wholo amount duo and thoro is now
duo upon said noto and mortgago tho
sum of 9509 for which sum with interest
from this dato plaintiff prays for a do
creo that defendants bo requirod to pay
tho samo or that said premises may bo
sold to satisfy amount due. You nro
required to answer said potltion on or
beforo tho 5th day of March, 1894.
Alhert W Janhkn,
By Dun'l F. Osgood, his attorney,
Jan. 27-4t
In tlio Circuit Court or the Unltml States
for the IMntrlrt of NcliraitVH,
At tho scssicn ot the Circuit Court of
tho United States for the District of
Nebraska, continued und held at tho
United States Court room in tho city of
Lincoln, in said Stato on tho 18th day of
January 1894, tho Honorable Elmer S,
Dundy being present and presiding in
said court tho following among other
procedings wero had and done; to-wit:
Joseph G. Rounds,
Plaintiff, I 172 Q
vs. I
Loulo Mover, and V In Chancery.
Annie Moyor.his Order on Absence
wifo, et al., I of Defendants.
Defendants. J
Now on tho 18th day of January 1894,
being at tho January term A. D. 1894,
of Bald court, it having been made to
appear to tho satisfaction of Bald court
that this is a suit commenced to enforce
a morteaco lien unon real nroDortv with.
In the saul District, and that William
Abeles, president and directors of the
Insurance company, of North America,
of Philadelphia, Ponnsylvanio; Samuel
Weil, August Woil and William M. Has
kell, partners doing business under tho
Arm namo ot Weil, Haskell & company;
II. B. Clafflin & company, a corporation;
Honry Rico, William Stix, Benjamin
Eisoman, David Eisoman, Johnathan
Rice and Ellas Michael, partners doing
business under tho firm name of Rico,
Stix & company and Mina L. Vinson,
defendants, neroln aro not inhabitants
or residents ot and havo not been found
within tho said District und havo not
voluntarily appeared in this suit. On mo
tion of Pound & Burr, solicitors for tho
said plaintiff, it is considered by tho
court and ordered that the said defend
ants abovo named to bo and they are
horeby directed to appear and nload,
answer or demur to tho plaintiff's bill of
complaint on or beforo Monday, April
2nd, 1894; and thnt in default thereof an
order bo entered in this coubo taking
tho said bill pro confesso.
It is further ordered by the court that
at least twenty days before tho said
Monday. Aurll 2nd. 1894. a conv of this
order be served upon said defendants
not Inhabitants of and who havo not
been found within tho said Districts,
wherever found if practicable and also
upon tho person or persons in possession
or chargo of tho real property described
in plaintiffs said bill of complaint, it
anv thero be and that this order bo pub
lished for six successive weeks in the
Saturday Mornino Cockier, a news
paper published and in gonoral circula
tion in said District ot Nebraska.
Elmrk S. Dundy,
January 18, 1894. Judge.
Tho United States ot America, )
District of Nebraska.
I, Elmer D. Frank, Clerk of tho Cir
cuit Court of tho United States for the
District of Nebraska, do hereby certify,
that tho abovo and foregoing is a truo
ny of an order entered upon tno jour
nal of the procedings or. said uourt, in
the cause therein entitled: that 1 havo
compared the same' with the original
entry of said order, and it is a truo Iran
script thorefrotn, and ot the whole
J. A.
This is a vory flno cstablcshmont probably bettor than anything of tho kind
in tho world.
Capacity, 1,500 baths dally.
Artesian mineral water is used.
Separate accommodations aro provided for both sexes.
11. Great Pluno;e Batl
Holds about a quarter of a million gallons of Sea Green Salt Wntor.
And lb nearly 150 foot long, 20 feot wldo and 2 to 9 feet deep.
Its clear as u crystal, too.
Thoro are somo spring boards, trapeze and automatic needle bath in this de.
The Bed Rooms
Aro for transients who do not caro to leavo tho building after a bath.
Patients taking treatment use them also.
And many other diseases can bo CURED in tho Hot Salt Department.
The Twflcish Bertha!
Now we're coming down to business.
Mnrblo walls, Mosaic Moors, rich Rugs, Carpets and Draperies.
Great flro places, cosy chairs and divans.
All sorts of bathB aro given. Thoro 1b also a BARBER SHOP.
Ludiop Hair Dressing Department, and oven u Manicure, Chiropodist nnd
Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. '
The oily Pure Cream ofTartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
'scd in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Witness mV Offlnlfll Ricmntnrn nn'l
tho Seal of said Court, at Lincoln, in
Said District, thin Rlnlitnnntli .law nf
January A. D. 1894.
T niorll-
Jan. 27. Ot
Sheriff Hale.
Nntlnn In hnrnliv nlvnn thnt l.v .,,.
of an Order of Salo issued by the Clerk
ui mo uiBinci uourr, or tno intra Ju
dicial District of Nebraska, within and
for Lancaster County, in an action
whnrnin Antrln.Amnrl.nn Tiinrtnai.a m.1
Trust company is plaintiff, and Hocry
Gosmond, ot al defendants; I will, at 2
o'clock-p. m., on the 27th day of Febru
ary A. D. 1894, at the east door of the
court house, in tho city of Lincoln, Lan
caster County, Nebraska, offer for sale
at public auction the following described
real estate; to-wit:
The east half of the Bouthwcst quarter
anu me west nan or ine southeast quar
ter of section seven (7) in township
seven (7) north of range six (G) east of
tho sixth P. M. in Lancaster county,
Given under my hand this 21th day of
January A. D., 1891.
Sam MoClav,
Jan. 27.-51. Sheriff.
In the Circuit Court of the United Htate
for the DUtrlct or NehrnnkH.
At the session of tho Circuit Court of
the United States for tho District of
Nebraska, continued and hold at tho
United States Court room in tho city ot
Lincoln, in said state, on the
18th duy of January; 1894.
the Honorablo Elmer S, Dundy boing
present und presiding in said court, the
following among other proceedings wero
had and done: to-wit:
Tho State Savings Bank of
Des Moines, Iowa,
103 Q
Mary Ann Morrlsoy, Frank
Mornsey,her al.
Now on this 18th day ot January 1891,
boing at tho January term A( D. 1S&4,
of tho said court, it having lwon marlo
to appear to the satisfaction ot tho sold
court, that this is a suit commenced to
enforce a mortgago Hen upon real prop
erty within tne said district and that
Samuel Well, August Weil, and William
Haskell, partnoas doing business un
der the firm name of Weil, Haskell
& company, H. B. Clafflin k
company, a corporation: Henry Rice,
William Stix, Benjamin Eisoman, David
Eisoman, Johnathan Rice . and Ellas
Mlchaol, partners doing business under
the firm name ot Rice, Stix & company
and Mina L. Vinson, defendants herein
are not inhabitants ot and havo not
been found within tho said District and
havo not voluntarily appeared in said
suit. On motion ot Pound A'Uurr.solicit
ors for the said plaintiff it is consid
ered by tho court and orderod that tho
said defendants above named bo and
they are horeby directed to appear and
plead, answor or domur to the plaintiff's
bill of complaint on or beforo Monday.
April 2, 1894, and that in default thereof
an order bo entorod in this cause taking
the said bill pro confesso.
It is further ordered by tho court that
atloast twenty days beforo tho said
Monday, April 2, 1894, a copy of this
order bo served upon tho said defend
ants wherever found if practical nnd
also upon the person or porsons in pos
session or charge of tho real property
described in plaintiff's bill of complaint
if any thero bo and that this order bo
published for six consocutivo weoka in
the Satuiumy Morning Courier, tt
newspaper published and Ih annnrdt
circulation in said District nf vaai,
Elmer S. Dundy. '
January 18( 1894. Judge.
The United States of 'America, )
District of Nebraska. . j Ba
I, Elmer D. Frank, Clerk of the Cir
cult Court of the United States for tho
lllifit nP VAhana,1 . 1. . .-
-....u..,ou, uunereou certify,
that the above and foregoing is a truo
r' ii iT """ upon ine jour
of the proceedings of said Court, in
. w .....,.,, uuiuw, mm i nave
pnmtifirnfl thn anw.A M.ui. it.- . , .
...,... Wd milt uiu original
entry of said order, and it is a true tran-
R!rmr. rhurafrnm Ami At.- i .
.,.. ...... v.. ...., ,, ul lI10 wnoie
Witness my Official Signature and
i iKi 4i 4 4Lr"ui: ." incoin, in
said District, this Eighteenth day of
January, A. D. 1894.
j heal ( Ei.mer D. Frank,
tTt 4, ' Clerk.
Jan. 27. Ot
Statement of tho condition of Lincoln
Coal company at tho close of business.
January 1.1th, 1894: '
Merchandise, plant
and fixtures 98,005 09
Bills recelvablo 1,474 90
Accounts 8,412 60
Cash on hand 1,749 07
Bills payable. 94,760 00
for Coal. 4,104 00
Cupital stock and
ProM"' 10,838 80
Ttnl 910,702.80.919,702.80
I, B. G. Dawes, president of the abovo-
namnH fnmnanv 'An -.- IL.i n
-. ....t.....j, uu -near Mini tno
above statement 1b correct to tho best of
in Knowledge anu boiler.
n n B. G. Dawes. '
B. G. Daweh, ) p., .
W. R. Daweh, Dhrectors.
4, Su,b,?.c.ribod unu aworn'to boforo me
this 10th day of January, 1894,
G. L. Meishner, Notury Public.
Notice of Indebteilneaa,
Statement ot indebtedness of tho Lin-
coin v urnmiro company, January 15,
1 hereby certify thnt thn tntnl lr.,l..i.t
edness ot the Lincoln Furniture com
panyon thlB dato, January 15, 1894, is
Lincoln Furniture Co,,
D. Smith, Prest,
" lliMKii