Saturday morning courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1893-1894, January 27, 1894, Image 7

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liniuii in wi "''"" '
AY by titty tho
IiroBpcutB for
tho newly or
ganized WohI
i-in Hhho Hull
iiRHooliitlon an
hiiiiio u lirlnht
r iiHpcct. IUv
iKirtH from Oiiiu-
hit, St. Joe, Defl Mdint'H, Hock Ialnnd
Mollnp, Poorln, Qulncy tmd .InekBonvlllo
hitllcato thttt thut there 1h ii lively Inter'
eat in hiiHu Imll and in the nuvv iihsooIii
tlon in thoHo towiiH. A ilctlnito organ
ization hiiR been pIToetetl in each iibho
elation town, and many playcrH have
been engaged.
It 1h expected that the UHHociittion
bano ball season will open about May ii,
tho intention being to play ball four
montliR. There 1h to bo a meeting in
Dcb MoincH Febrnary 'JO, when tho
nchodulo will bo arranged and all other
preliminaries attended to.
Matters in Lincoln have been delayed
somewhat owing to tho absence of Mr.
F. W. Little, who has been in New
York. Applications have been received
front considerably over 100 base ball
players for positions on tho team, and it
is plainly evident that eleven very good
men can bo secured for tho 9800 limit.
Thoro is a slight dltTorcnco of opinion as
to tho meaning of tho limit clauso
adopted by tho association. Davo
Kowo, tho president of tho association,
maintains that under tho rules of tho
association, no club can pay ntoro than
800 for tho players and manager. Some
of tho influential fans of this city bo
liovo that tho club ought to bo allowed
to pay a manager extra, holding that
tho 9800 limit is only tor tho players. It
is tho intontion, as is doubtless well
known, to got a player-manager eomo
'good ball player who isablo to play with
tho club and manage it at the same
time. This kind of men conic some
what high and it is argued that it is
no more titan right for tho club to have
tho privilogo of paying tho ntunagcr a
sulury for managing tho club, outside-of
tho $800 limit. Lincoln has maintained
all along that 9800 is too small. Tom
Ilickoy went to Chicago in favor of a
91000 limit, but ho found himself in a
This difllculty will bo bridged, how
ever, und it is probable that a manager
will bo selected bofnro another week
pusses. Nothing will bo done in tho way
of hiring individual players until a man
ager is found, it being thought prefer
ablo to lot tho manager select his own
team as far us possible. Tho names
signed to somo'of tho applications for
places indicato that things aro not as
they used to bo, as regards base ball
salaries. Mon uro applying for $75 jobs
with ill concealed oagorness who used
to command 9200 and MOO. Tho "1
own tho whole eurth and the
fullness thereof" air that used to bo
tho distinguishing characteristic of tho
ball player's demeanor is nov scarcely
noticeable. Tho boys lmvo come down
on tho perch.
A week ago negotiations wero in pro-
;ross with California parties looking to
ho transfer of ono of tho coast clubs.
i nunnger und all intact, to this city; but
i tow that it seotus probable that tho
Pacific 'coast loaguo will bo ro-orgunizod
the bottom has fallen out of this pro
ject. Eminent Rogors, Jack Roach. Kid
Fear, Billy Trullloy and Charley Hoovor,
uro among thoso who want a plaeo on
tho team.
Pllle Hoard, Charles Abbey und bov
urul other woll known munugors have
submitted propositions.
Just as1 soon as Mr. Littlo roturns,
which will probably bo today, or Mon
day, Bomo definite action will bo taken.
Assessments on tho capital stock of
tho local association huvo boon prompt
ly paid 'und thero is u great deal of In
terest in buso bull among Lincoln peo
plo genorully. With any kind of a do
cont club Lincoln will huvo a prosper
ous season, und thoro is no doubt but
thut thoclub'will bo it'strdngono.'Mr.
Ilickoy has heard from most of tho as
sociation towns amino reports a very
tisfactory'conditiuu of affairs.
Ed Young, who in base bull knowl
edge, doesn't huvo to knuckle down to
unybody in town, has gono over tho Hold
carefully, und ho is much pleased with
tho outlook. "Thoro isn't u club in tho
association but wllljplay tho whole sea
son," ho said. "Every teum will bo
amply bucket, und wo can go ahead
with confidonco thut thoro will bo no
Tho fact thut Davti Kowo was elected
president of tho western association does
not cuuso ii liy special enthusiasm in this
city, whoro Davo RoVo mid his noquliur
tactics uro' well und unfavorably known.
Thoro wero somo queer things in con-
ection with, tho Lincoln club two years
r under his mnmigojitunt thut 4vill
ibubly never bo satisfactorily ox-
fined. Why tho Lincoln club Bhould
huvo won every gamo for a long period,
und4hon suddenly slump and lose right
ulong is u 'mutter that is shrouded in
mystory, although throto aro persons
diiythiuk Kowo assisted futo in tho
i4a)iBCB. At any rato Davo Kowo is u
iso ball jockey. Ho is looked upon its
d doitl of a trickstor, and it would
been ti good, thing if somo othor
had been selected as president of
the association. Hut Kowo with his
great and irreproachable record as tt
first class hoodoo can hardly juggle tho
western association into a tint failure.
Tho organization seotus to bo bound to
bo it success. Kowo will probably not
have very much to do with it.
Tho directors of tho Hock Island -Molinc
base ball association have held a
meeting and started to raise 9i!.o00 by
subscription. It is oxiweted that this
amount will be easily secured by Febru
ary 20. Much Interest has been mani
fested in the now western association
and it is stilted Mutt tho Rock Island
- Moline club will huvo ample backing.
Harry Sugo may bo selected as manager.
Lynch, Rook Island's former short stop,
and William Zeis, catcher, will probably
bo signed.
Tito St. Joe club has a live manager,
and'ls already pretty woll organized.
Somo players huvo been signed.
Juliet felt very much dlsopointcd at
not being iblo to got into tho western
association, and it is stated that .Toilet,
Uurlington, Dubuque and (lalesburg
will bo at tho noxt mooting of tho asso
ciation trying to got in, and praying for
a twelve club loaguo.
Ileum or Interest tlntlierrd llurliiR I lie
I'msi Week.
No such lino of canned fruits in tho
city us shown by W. A. Coflln &. Co., 143
South Eleventh streot.
Tho Lincoln Coal company, NM5 O
Btreot, handles all of tho very best
grades of anthracite and bituminous
Why pay exorbitant prices for up
holstering when Rothschild docs llrst
class work at low rates; 120 North 12th
trcet. Hurr block.
For St. Louis tuko tho Missouri
Pacific route. City ticket oftlce 1201 O
Genuine Coul Creek Cunyon und
Rock Springs coul at tho Whitebrcast.
For California tuko tho Missouri
Pacific route, via southern route.
Lincoln Coal company caters to tho
best trado.
Csnoa City and Rock Springs coal
nicely screened at Lincoln Coal com
pany. For Texas points tako tho Missouri
Pacific route. City ticket office 1201 O
Whitebrcast Coul and Lime Co.
When you want prompt sorvlco and
fair treatment und tho selection front
the lurgest stock of groceries in Lincoln
call on W. A. Coffin & Co., successors to
J. Miller, 143 South Eleventh streot.
Tim Ololio-Ileinoci-H Free.
Any render of this paper can get
tho St. Louis Globe-Domocrat freo.
Road tho offer, on another pugo, and
tako advantage of it at once. Tho
Weekly Globo-Domocrnt is now issued in
Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages each
Tuesday und Friduy, sixteen pages every
week, 'milking it practically a Semi
Weekly paper, yot tho price remains only
ono dollar u year. In politics, it is
Mid-Winter Fair, Nan Frniiclnco Cul., Kx-
eiintlon Tieket Now on Siiln
Wltliltountl Trip, Limit
April HO MM.
The Trunk lino botweon Lincoln,
Atchison, St. Joe, Wichita, Hot Springs,
St. Louis, Houston, Galveston, Los
Angles and all points cast west north
and south. Come and go via tho
Missouri Pacific tho popular chair car
route. H. C. Townsend G. P. A. St.
Louis, Mo. Phil Daniels C. P. & T. A.
Tolophono No. GOD. City ofilco 1201 O
street, Lincoln Nob.
Seo thut your ticketa read via the
Missouri Pacific route to tho Mid-Winter
fuir at San Francisco, Cal. City
ticket ofilco 1201 O street, Lincoln.Nob.
Hull's Huir Ronowcr renders tho liair
lustrous und silken: gives it tin ovon
color und enubles womon to put it up
in a great variety of styles.
I'eriitHiifiitly llcnellteil.
Miss Agnes Dowers, of Duvid City,
Nob., writes us follows: "Lust spring I
begun to tako Hood's Sarsaparilla for
impure blood. I had taken many-blood
purifiers but none did mo so much per
manent good as Hood's. .J folt so much
bettor uftor taking ono bottlo thut 1
took throo ntoro. It has done so much
for mo thut I do not hesitate in on do is
ing its merits.''
J. J. Imhoir is working up a largo ex
cursion to Florida via tho Missouri Pa
cific route. City ticket - office 1201 O
stroot, Lincoln, Nob.
- - .. -- I
(ll-HiltR Highest Award In Dr. I'llees
Creum Unking I'mwler.
CiuuAiio, Jan. 24. On the analysis
and recommendation of Dr, Wiley, chief
United States government chemist ut
Washington, and greatest living authori
ty on food products, tho world's fuir jury
toduy gave tho highest uward to Dr.
Prico'B Cream Baking Powder for
strength, purity and oxcollouco. This
conclusively sottlea tho quostiou of su
periority. Dr. Wiloy rejected tho alum
powders, stating to tho world's fair jury
that he considered thorn unwholesome.
This kind of weather makes us all
think about taking u trip to Fioridu via
tho Missouri Pacific route. City ticket
olfico 1201 O street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
TourlstB rates to Florida via the Mis
sour I Pacific route on sale now, City
ticket olllco 1201 O street, Lincoln.Nob.
All sorts of variations of tho mutton
log sleove still maintain. Every dress
milker improvises her own most novel
successes, Tito tight sleeve titling tlto
nllwitt ,111.1 milt Alinr.i tl-llli till i.tlitl-llllllln
IJI.fWt. , .... ...l' .V'.I .. ....' ...w.. .
putT dropping from tho shoulder, Is al
most invariably formed of two materials
the upttnr part Bilk, brocade or velvet.
Many modistes drape tho drooping
chatelaine puff. Just a few of tho
quaint 1810 sleeves aro shown tucked In
snugly about tho arm at tho top and
llarlng out oxcessivoly toward tho el
bow. All manner ot empire sleeves with
a single or a double pit IT at tho top Is
very advantageous for remodeling hand
some dresses. An effective sleeve for a
dressy toilet drapes in a puff at tho top,
and falls thence in a deep frill of lace
caught up on tho Inside of tho arm.
Tho Mario Antoinette model has lace
frills falling from tho elbow, and the
Venetian sleeve has a slushed puff ut
tho to) showing glimpesof tho contrast
ing color. The offcot is obtained by lin
ing tho puff itself with satin, and drap
ing it on a close sleeve beneath.
Tito latest novelty in neck gear is u
long scurf of black ribbon about two fin
gers wide, finished on each end with a
deep rullto of cream white lace. This
scarf is put around tho neck from tho
front toward tho back, crossed there,
and brought back in front to tie again
in a big bow with onds thut emtio to tho
bottom of tho waist, and it is intended
to bo worn around tho throat under tho
coat. When tho coat is unfastened tho
effect is very jaunty.
Tho Venetian gondola is among re
cent designs selected for it laco pin. A
row of small diamonds on a bar of gold
is arranged to represent the water. An
oblong pourl gives tho shape of it bout.
A puvillion surmounted with a dome
having laco curtains in blue and white
enamel is elaborately studded with ru
bies, olivines and diamonds.
A queer if not meritorious design for
n brooch is an elephants head and face,
tho latter composed of a largo pink
pearl. The spreading ears are tinted
enamel to match tlto head. Tho tusks
are dono in white enamel mounted with
gold. A crown studded with diamonds
and olivines add a fantastic beauty to
tho whole.
A pretty lace pin now in great de
mand is fashioned after it grasshopper.
Tho body is formed ot green enumel and
gold. For tho oyes thero uro two miniito
rubies. The pieco is studded elaborate
ly with diamonds.
Scrow cur-rings, set with either an
emerald or ruby, and surrounded with
small diamonds, aro again widely in
vogue. More elaborutoly designs uro
chosen, however than hitherto. Tho
circular pattern is being extensively
Tho popular sword hair ornament is
just now mounted with a combination
ot colored diamonds, embracing lemon
brown, green and yellow stones.
A bunch of hyacinths in white enam
el, each flower having a diamond center,
is u now laco pin.
A pretty necklace is set with pearls ot
uniform sizo und has between each link
a diamond set in chltacd gold.
A link button which is quite in vogue
is itiiido from equal parts of silver and
gold with a diamond center.
A miniature butterfly in tinted enum
el, tho wings embellished with precious
stones, is it Into arrival us it tio pin.
The Winter of Your Dlaeniitent
may bo made glorious if you spend it in
California. And a round trip ticket to
San Francisco via tho Uurlington Route
will best bring about tho transformation.
It costs 905.50 only, and may bo pur
chased at tho H. & M. depot or city of
fice, corner O and Tenth streotB, where
full information regarding routes, etc.,
may also bo obtained.
(Jko. W. Honnki.i.,C. P. & T. A.
If you aro sick or debilitated, do not
bo discouraged. Compound Oxygon has
wrought many wonderful cures and has
given strength to many. Wo know this
to be true from our own experience of
twonty-fivo yours, and wo aro ready to
furnish abundant proof.
It is worth your while to examine tho
evidence whk'h you can do by writing
to us. We will send you, freo of chnrgo,
our book of two hundred pages with
numerous testimonials and records of
surprising cures of asthma, liconchitis,
consumption, catarrh, rheumatism, ner
vous prostration, neuralgia and other
forms of disease and dohility.
' Homo treatment is sont out by ex
press, to Im used ut homo. Office treat
ment is administered hero. Tho effect
of, both treatments is tho same. Con
sultation freo,
Our success has given rise to many
imitations. Avoid disnptiointuiont and
losBof money, as thoro is but ono gonuino
Compound Oxygon, by sending to
1520 Arclt St., Philadelphia, Pa., San
Francisco, Cul., Toronto Ciinada.
Tlie llt-t Ijinnilry
Townsend &PIntnnudnn proprietors, 2208
O street, tolophono 571).
Mr, Joieph Ilemmertch
An old soldier, came out of the War irsatly
enfeebled by Typhoid tfer, and utter being
In various hospitals the itootors discharged hies
Incurnhlo with rnMMtla. II has
been In poor health since, until he began to take
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Immediately Ids cough grow looser, night
awcats ceased, and he regained good general
health. He cordially recommend Itood'i Bar
aaparllla, especially to comrades In the G A.
HOOD'S PlLLS cure lblltConillrUm by
iMtorlng psrlstaltlo action et the allmtntary carnal
"til lilnco tit thn hoiulof all iiurloillcnla iub
llahml In tho KtmlUh IniiRtiniio u no humor din
putod nnywhoro." Albany Artiua.
IN 1894.
'4000 I'lium or thc'llent I.ltcriiturc.
lOOO Illimtrnlloini by llm (Irrntrnt Artlnti
or the World.
11HE proarnm of tho now volunin of thn Con
. tury Mnuatlno, boalunliiK with tho Movent
ior number, l ono of rnro Interest to otrory
render or literature Tho ulilof sorial fen turn ii
Tho moat dramatic story over wrltton by
America's iirnntcst humorist. Llko several of
mum jwnuis BiuucB. ii. iinn itir in acciiu fi
steamboat town on tho Mlssltaltipl rlror forty
sours neo. "I'lidd'ulicaii Wilson." a hard
licaded country lawtor, tliu lioro of tho story,
furnishes much of Ilia fun that ono naturally
nxpocts to Und in n work by tho author of "Tho
lliniUlllll Al.rii..l O li.i Im I .
another Unlit In thn inurdor trial which forms
niu uiriiiiiiK ciiinnz oi inn mory. i no plot in
troduces a novel and initonioua employment of
ein-liiu ill urn ili'ircuuil til VU1I1U, lllltl iiiu cimr
actors aro well drawn and their (ivory action ii
intcroatliiR. Tho century will contain
Sliit3Moiri.toe WTo-w.
I'rlcoW.OOa car. Dnulora rocolvo subxerip
tlons, or remittance may ho nmdo to tho pint
lisliors by chock, draft, money-order, or by cash
in registered lottor. Address
Tlie Civtv.i?y Co.
a ISrtast li Mt. IV. Y.
Writo for a "Mlnlntiiro Century" froo.
Dr. Humphreys' Hprrlfln are scientifically aad
oanrully prewired Hemedlcs, used for Tears In
private practice and for over thirty yean by the
people with entire lun-iiu. Every single Spcdflo
special euro for the disease named.
They euro without dniKKtnif, ruiyliiKorredudn
the system and are In fact aud deed the Hot erelaa
Bemedlrs of the Wurla. '
no. cussi. rains.
1 Ferera, Congestions, Inflammations., .VIS
ilWornm, Worm Fever, Worm Colla VIS
I Teetfclnii Colic, Crying, Wakefulness ,JS
4-Dlnrrbea, of Children or Adults J8
7-Cougba. Colds, nrunchltls J3
B-Nearalgla, Toothache, Kacrache. tIS
Ileadnchra, Kick Headache, Vertigo.. .38
lft Dyiiprpaln, DtllousneKS, Constipation, ,98
11 Hspprraaed or I'nlnfNl 1'rrloda... .98
19-Vkltr, Too l'lofune Periods as
IS Croup, liaryniltl. lloaneuem 98
14-Halt Uhenm, Kr)Uel.Eniiitlous.. ,98
18 Rheumallmn, Itheumatlo l'alns .98
18-BfaUrlB, Chills, Fever and Ague .98
IB-Catarrh, Influents, Cold In the Head. .98
9 Whooping Cough .'45
9T-Kldney Iilaraaee .98
98-Nervoaa llcbllltr 1
SS-Urlnnry Weaknraa, Wetting Bed.. .98
"The Pile Olnlment."-Trlal 8ie, 3iCte.
ttti br Drujjl.n, or o.l-nlit cm rtcstrt ef jrlss.
Da. Ilnrassvs' Miiuil (l4 xim,) hiilid rsaa.
csvitaiTs1 lo.coinaiiswuasa ., uw tcm.
S P E CTFl C 8 .
'rilBJ KLOHI8T8.
Wu row ami always huvo
Ami all kltulH of Dccorntinj,' ami
Flowering Plants.
and FIVE ACRES . . .
Wholly clovottnl to FloworB and Plants.
Main Krccu housol mile west Union college.
IK.V IIK1IIV, I'roprletor.
Eloctric curs direct from Union deMt pass
tho iliHir. Uth and Harney sts Omaha, Nub.
Tho Conrior Publishing
cDiiiimuy in )nimril to tin all
Uiiulnof jirinting, tint) work,
PHnccially, at inoiiiTiito jirici'Hj
also ongraving, wwlding in
vitntioiiH, culling ciiiiIh, otc,
Call and hco munplt'r),
ft.TlIltl)AV MOUNINO CoUltlKlt,
ll.'il NHtrcut.
L JZA9mMW'tmv
imsmi im r"--" "--'- -wi wvrfu,rs.
11 ! ' ,
; ;v v
v, . i
' 1 Calling Cards
. I
. "
"J " , S'
Ball Programs
Telephone 335
1134 N Stra.-t
Lijvcot, Nbbr.