t-f (M ''WwWa m ) pi H yw.yyqt i THE AIJIfcIAY MORJVUVG COURIER I 1 a if i. i Ml ?Yr 5?. ii . " '.A . fc& fl- r t' ,-Y 1' b : .T p'lp r;w mi r t ft 11 r r t b t . 1 . ' t f 1 i i 1MB HLOVE A pretty lvo Btory coiiioh from tlio Austrian court. Princess ElUnlioth of Ihtvarla hits refused to nlmro the Aus trlim tlinino by rejecting her second cousin, Archduke KnrI Ludwlg. TIio emperor fnvored tho mutch, but tlio princess Insists upon marrying tlio ninn of her cliolco, Otto Beofrled, 11 ImnilHoniu young German lieutenant. Tlio court, ship began inoro tlinn u your ago In Munich, when tlio princess wan 10 ycarB old. Tho officer rode punt her wlndowa twice n day. Then ho obtained 11 room with wlndowB fnolng Prince Loltpold's pnlnco. In winter, nt the court balls, tho llouteniint duncod oftonor tlmn liny other ninn with the princes, mid In tho spring lawn tonnU brought them more together. Suddenly tho officer was trunsf erred to 11 regiment In Alsace, but in tho sum mer, when Prlnceiw Elisabeth vIbUoiI Emperor Fraiu Josef, her Krnndfnthor nt IbcIiI, bIio Ib BUpiKwed to have lined hor tltiio bo well that the tJmporor prom. lpd to mnko Otto a prince, give him lundod property ami allow tho couplo to marry It their lovo wbb proof against time. Tho princess Is pretty, perfectly natural and very Bwoet tompered. She was 20 yours oftl January 8. A Now York paper Iibb ro- colvod from a Ilorlln corres pondent extracts from a diary of tlio princess, which wbb privately printed in Munich on Docomber 28, Her mom. oranda refer ring to her lovo Btory date back In tho year 1888, when sho was scarcely 14 years old. In the light ot tho published pages of tho diary tho lovo affair botweon Elizabeth and hor baron waa ono ot "first sight." Hero follow the most interesting ex. tracts: "MujtciiKN. January 8, 1888. "Wo woro very happy today; voryl I could not sloop last night, and lay awako thinking if, in tho morning, I would not bo quite a different person. It is rather comical to reflect that yestorday I wbb but 1.1, a tnoro child, while today I am a lady, 14 years old, and becoming oldor everyday. It all came about so sud denly. "What pleased mo most waa tho letter which his majesty, my dear grandpapa tent mo from Vienna. Ho la such a .dear old man. Slater Augusta is right when she says, 'Tho Hapeburgors aro all perfect gallants.' 'You are now a little lady,' my grand, father wrote. 80 1 am. I -put on my first long drew today. Yes, a dress with a long train to It. I never guessed that such a thing could make one so happy. Augusta was very jealous of me. Sho will hav to wait for such good luck for an entire year, "I am now to entor tho dancing school, where I will meet real gentle men, though they aro only pages and ca dets. The grand mistress ot ceremony tells me that I must treat them In a haughty manner,' 'full of superiority,' she atyled tt. This morning when they came to congratulate me I tried to fol low her advice. Only once did I lose my composure, when young Soefricd made his bow to me, Ah, such eyes as he possesses! If I had had my will I would have fallen upon his neck. They say that can never be. Well, I must con tent myself with embracing my dear grandfather in my dreams. Ah, I wish he were here." February 14, 1888. "I have been dancing last night with real gentlemen, though none ot them had a mustache. They were all young men, ordered to come to the castle by ute master of the pages. 'Ordered,' that doesn't sound nicely. I can't imagine that anybody likes to do a thing when he k ordered1 to do so. I would be too proud. "They are all talking about me and young Seetried. They are making tun ot us ot me, at least. It Ib annoying, especially when I may truthfully say but rather, I will not say it. I really would like to know why Augusta thinks that Otto but I shouldn't call him by his first namo. It makes me angry that I give way so often., Thoy must Btop their chaffing. "I know what I will do. I will tell papa." "Fobruary 15, 1888. "I thought better of it. No, I will not complain on Otto'a account. Poor young fellow, ho would becomo the vie tlm of my intrigues. They would sond him away to another cadot school, whoro he would never have an opportunity to appear at court, and that would be too bad. lie is indeed the only one ot the young men with whom I like to talk. It is much better that I suffer -by my sis ter's chaff than he. No, I wont' think ot complaining to papa." "March 10, 1868. "I wonder what his majesty, my dear grandfather at Vienna, would say if he knew there was somebody in the world whom I love as much as himself. If anybody could tell me such a thing could happen a year ago I would have laughed at the very thought. But no body shall know it, not even guess It, and I will not tell Augusta, either, be fore whom I have no secrets whatever." "March 30, 1888. "Ah, this W infamous, this valentine, fittwiag me sitttag in an open barrel, whMiisbeUfl earriedup the moun- talus. It Is n mniiilllo 011 Otto's second naiiie-llutleiilioliii (translation, Hairel homo). I luito cried u good deal over this cruel Joko, iir they call It. Ah, why niu 1 11 princess? I am forbidden eten to look at a num. "Hut, really, If they knew how much I lovo him, they would not bo so cruel.'' "Mu.f iuii, Fobruary 111, IBM. "It is now live years that I have not pcoii Otto, but did .1 forgot him? No, no, And ho has becomo 11 man mean while. It struck mo iih very comical when I had to give orders that ho be formally Introduced to me. Yes I am it royal highness, and I niUHt 'order' peo ple nliout. It Is my duty as noil iir my prerogative. And while all this cere mony was being enacted 1 trembled In wnnlly. I felt as if 1 wiib going to cry, "A wondrous feeling overcame jno when I saw him appear beforo mo- him whom I thought lost, (lod Ih good to 1110." "March 10. "How it frlghtenod moswhon wo met, without announcement whatover! Ho looked at me long and with much emotion. And when I read in his true oyeH that which I had expected to find tlioro I felt ho happy. And an I mulled ujkjii him his face assumed an earnest look. Ho seemed to be manlier then, inoro perfect, almost iih If ( had offended him. "Offended? "Who told him to rail In Jove with u princess? Ah, I wish I wero entirely suro that ho wbb in lovo with met "Tho fact thatlio Ib living oppoHltothu palaco and that his windows look into those ot my boudoir Ih nlmost too good to believe. It reminds ono ot tho stories in tho children's picture books, Hut In tho books It would bo written that tho loor lloutonant, who dared to live oppo sito a princess and dared to correspond with hor by way of his eyes across tho street, must dio. Fin do sioclo lovo af fairs aro much nicer. "If I had ever remembered how ho had squoozod my hand, how ho looked at mo, ho asked. IIo had worn the rib bon which he stole from my breast du ring tho danco on hia heart ever since. Hut then wo woro children. "What a conversation to entor into for a princess! Should a royal highness act in such manner? I daro only ask nno human being that question, my dear grandpapa majesty." "(After the court ball), Juno.lKK). "Long livo damo itlquottol I am much pleasod with hor. How astonished the master ot ceremony looked when I ordorod him to 'order Lloutonant Otto von Seetried to dance with me.' And then I ordorod Otto again, and again did I order him to attend me. And all around ua I felt that thoy wero oyoing us and talking about us. Somo of them probably remembered that her royal highness, Princess Elizabeth, tlvo years ago was desperately in lovo with a Jlttlo page, Otto von Soofried. But wo woro talking and laughing, and as wo waltzed through tho room I myself, and I bo lievo, ho, too, forgot momentarily tho difference in our rank and station. I ordered him again to attond mo, but I did not order hint to lovo mo. Thero was no necessity for that. "If I was tho poorest woman in Ba varia I could not bo more unhappy than now, when I am confronted with unlim ited happiness, when I fool thy lovo, Otto. Oh, Otto, why am 1 not allowed to love thee? "I cannot sleep, for I seo no way to save us. Why is it a crimo for a rovul princess to lovo a poor nobleman? Why should we not be allowed to marry? "My dear grandfather, I ask theo for advice. Thou hast seen many sorrows In late years, and thy -heart is good. I will throw mysolf at thy feet, and lam sure thou wilt help mo." As already announced by cable, tho princess cut the Gordian knot by run ning away and marrying her lover. Tho emperor, Franz JoBof, accepted tho Ine vitable, and haa given the young lovers tho necessary whorowithal to livo on. 903 will parchaso a first-class ticket, round trip via tho Missouri Pacific routo to tho Mid-Winter fair at San FruneiBco, Cal tickets good until July 15, 1801. Can take the southern routo going and return by tho northorn routo. For fur ther particulars call on city ticket ugent 1201 O street, Lincoln, Nobraska. WhMt We Ilelleve Investigation Desired. Wo believe tho genoral equipment ot thoentiro North Western lino system. 7,001 miles, is unoquulled in this coun try; that it has the best road bed and best system of safety appliances west ot Chicagoas good as any east of Chica go; that it is, as tho trains run, the short lino to Chicago, Milwaukee, etc.; to St. Paul and north west and to Black Hills towns, That it carried tho great est number ot people to the world's fair, and without an accident to anyone Perhaps you begin to think wo aro stuck on tho North Western line? We are and want you to know it, and say you would bo too, If you used it. Try it. Correct information as to routes, rates, ete., supplied cheerfully. W. M. Smi'MAN, A, S. Fikldino, Oen'l Xgt. City Tkt. Agt. liai Q Street. It is probably not tho coldest weath er you ever knew in your lifo; but .that is how you foel just now, because past sufferings are soon forgotten, and bo cause your blood needs tho enriching invigorating influence of Ayer's Sarsa parilla the Superior Medicine. I 1 Thn complete iimel In the February number of l.ippinrott'n in "The lMuturn of Las CruccH." by Christian Held. Tlio scene Ih laid in Mexico, and chiefly In the undent house of a uoblo family, where an American house undorgoeH a ciirloiiH exjerlence. Gilbert Parker'H Horial ntory, "Tho Trespasser," reaches ItR sixth chapter. "Dr. PeiinlngtoirH Country Practice,' by Hutlor Mutiroe, is a lively and amusing Htory. "Dick," by (leoige Clrantham Haiti, tellH of mi office boy whoso unobtrusive virtucH wrought a reform among edilorH and re Itorters. "A Hoiihu that Jack Hullt,'' by PI1II0 Andinwt Tucker, Ih a quaint sketch with it moral. Champion Missel) .contributes a careful and IntcicHting 'Study of Pawnbrokers." Alice Well Ington Rollins wrlteH on "Tho Sclonco and tho Art of Dramatic KxpreHslon." Hjalmar Hjorth Bo)ihoii tells iih about "Norwegian HoHpitality," and ChnrlcH HobitiHon about "FreakH." In "Talks with the Trade,' the question, "Have Young Writers a Chance?" Ih dlseUHHed, The poetry of the number Ih by Martha T, Tyler, Mary McNeil Scott, Mary H. Dodge, Lillian Corbett HarneH and Frank DempHtor Sherman. Southern readorH of Jiluc uml Uivy for January (Philadelphia) will find Hpe cial interest 111 a contribution from Mrs. M. E. Hcnry-Hulllu, of Alabama, entit led "How Fred and Hob and Mazlo Kan tho Hlockado." The scene Is laid in a southern seaport, presumably Mo bile, and tho time is tho closing year of tho Civil War. Tho story Ih well (old and has tho additional merit of being a tale of real lifo. Tho methods of an actress Ih always interesting, und thoy aro particularly so when an actress of such renown iih Adolaldo Bistort consents to tell them as she does In tho February Ladies' Home Journal. Tho "Abordeon WaltzcH," by Mrs. Francis J. Moore, to which was awarded tho first prlzo in "Tho Jour Hal's Musical Series," of lastjear for the best waltzes, aro given in tho full piano score and aro usniolodious as thoy are "dancoablo." A most interesting article on "My Tabooed Playmate Ado Una Putti," is contributed by her one time child-playmate, Kuthorine B. Foot. Tho concluding paper of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's series of "How Fauntloroy Kcally Occurred" will bo road with mingled ploasuro nnd regret. Tho quaint "Pomona" continues her Eu- r6poan travels and writes in her churac-1 toristic manner with Frank Stockton's assistance. William Dean Howells con tinues his litorury biography undor tho titloJof "My Literary Pussioi.s. TIiIb Valentino month is celebrated by a des cription of "A Dainty Valontino Dinner" by Mrs, Burton Kingsland, and tho "So cial Sido of Lifo" Ib represented by sug gestions for feasts and modest homo en tertainments. Pnlmor Cox gives 11 page or nis inimitiiDio "urownies, ' as thoy shoot tho Luchino Rapids and other wiso enjoy themselves in Canada. Sketches, with portraits aro given ot tho daughter ot Sir Garnet Wolsoloy, Gen oral Grant's eldest grund daughter, tho daughter ot "Mrs. Aloxandor'' nnd Dr. TalmagoVoldoBt doughtor. Mis. Mai Ion's pages, "Black CostumcBot To day' and "Tho Artot Dressing fur Busi ness," aro charmingly illustrated. The name of Oliver Wendell Homes in the list of contributors to tho February Atlantic Monthly is a reminder ot tho Autocrat's unbroken connection with tho magazine. Francis Purkman is'tho sub ject ot this latest poem by Dr. Holmes Two inoro significant names in Amoriean letters could hurdly bo brought together. A valuable portion ot tho sumo number is dovoted to II. O. Morwin's article on Tammany Hull. Mrs. Olive Thome Miller provides a study of naturo, "In u PaBturo by tho Great Suit Lake." Two papers ot Amoriean biography- not the result of research, but ot tho intiniuto Bort thut is related at tit Ht hand aro Senator Dawes' "Recollections of Stan ton undor Lincoln," and J. O. Bancroft Davis' reminiscences and estimato ot Hamilton Fish. In fiction Mrs. Doland's "Phillip und His Wife' proceeds with in crousod Interest; Gruco McGowun Cook contributes it very fresh study of char- actor, "ForFalstatr Ho is Dead;"aud tho Rev. Wulter Mitchell begins an amuse ing two-part story of clerical life. "Tho Educational Law of Reading and Writ ing," by H. E. Scuddor, curries out tho Atlantic's purposo of giving its readors from timo to timo papera of especial in forest to touchers in schools and col. leges. On February 1!), 1801, tho old reliable Missouri Pacific Routo will give ovory one who desires to tuko a look ut tho south an opportunity by selling them round trip tickets ut half rates to all points in Toxus. Southwestern Missouri and other southern points. Improve this opportunity and go with tho crowd. City ticket ofilco 1201 O street. Lincoln, Nebraska. Those who ileairf to tuko a trip to Tex as cull on J. J. Butlor or II. O. Young, 1201 O stroot, Lincoln, Nebraska, us thoy aro at tho houtl of u largo excureion which will louvo Lincoln February 13th. For further iurticulure call on Phil Dun iels, city ticket agent or' J. J, lluttlcr, II. C. Young. ! INFLUENZA, Or La Ortppe, t liouyli nernKlonnHy opt iti'tnle, Is always more er loss prevalent, The IkwI remedy for tliU romplaliit Ih Ayer's Cherry l'eetoral. " t.mt HprliiR, I wni IuKcii ilnwu with I,a Grippe. At tlinei t mm eompleti'ly pro trntr-il, nnd no ilimoult was my lirc-tllilng Hint my lirenit ncrini'il 111 If rniiflni'il In nn Iron ciikc. t procured n Imtllo of Ayi-r Cherry Perioral, anil no sooner liml I licciui tAklng It limn relief follow ed. I roulil not lie llcvo Mint llicoffert would bo nn rnplif nnd tlio rnro .10 complete. It h truly n w omlerful med icine." W. II. Williams, Crook City, H. n AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Promptto act, sureto euro CAPITAL Steam iOsreiaag: AND CLEANINQ WORKS. iwo. 110 iwr-w-otfti sm. Neely's History of nn PARLIAMENT RELIGIONS RELIGIOUS'CONGRESSES At Tin: Columiiian KXI'O.SITION. Illustrated with full-page Engravings. Complete in one volume ot about 1,000 pages. Reliable and authentic. Compiled from original manuscripts mid stenoKruplilC rupOrtti. lletiiK mirrntlvu of tlio Krandont nclilovemont und tlm must Important event lu modern rclixioii history. A I'lmrluullni; Story. A Hook of UiiUcrMit Intraent. A companion of tlio scholar; ot tho Kreateit viiluo for reference. Tho liook contains blosraplilc.l sketches of Dr. John JIuury Harrows und President (). C. Honney: orlidn of tho Parliament of ltellulons; iiroceodlnui of tho Parliament; upeechea do Ivorod nnd papers read nt tho various sessions; tho beliefs of tho various denominations; opin ions of eminent divines jlnlluenco of the Parlia ment upon tlio religious thouahtof tho world A Koncrul review of tho IU'IIkIous CoiiKrcsses. Comploto in 0110 lurgo volume of about 1,000 pages. Illustrated. . NoH'KCctariun and Impartial. VriffV Pinn Hmrllati Plnll. flnlil Hl.ln liml HiwU S'Vnn Fllll Hlinnn T.llr,irv Style, 91.00. Sent iiostpnid to nny nil- inunn uu iuluiih ui Jiuuu. Agent's Coinpleto Outfit, rostlmlil 5 Or. F. T. NEELY, Publisher, CHIOAOO. K-rnaHRM ssm. M V COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OltTAlN A PATENT t For s Srompt, answer and on unnost opinion, wrlto to 1 II N N it CO., who Intro hud nearly fifty rears' ezperlenco lu tho patont business. Communica tions strictly eontlclentttxl. A llnnilhaokor In formation concerning Patent and bow to otv. tain them sent tree. Also a cataloguo Ot mecaan Ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken, through Munn ft Co. rcoelra special notloe In the Hrlentlllo American, aod thus are brought widely beforo the public with, out cost to tho Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the lamest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a rear. Samiilo copies sent free. Uulldlng Hdltlou. monthly, tiJM a year. Blnglo copies, M3 cant. Kvery number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tbt latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN co, New Vouk, SSl Uuoadwat. llado la all styles and sizes. Lightest, stroncost. easiest worklner, safest, simplest, I most accurate, most compact, and most I modem. For rslo oy all dealers la arms. Catalogues mailed free h- Tho Marlm Firo Arms Co., New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident U the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the case. Can only be JK had on cases containing this trade mark. jjj MAIlK IIV Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world -1500 employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, sad cost about one half less. Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Non-pull-out bow. The manufacturer will sea Bj-wstcst est opener & Htsa9d2&UAH Tnr. CouitiMi can furnish plensant 'and profitable outside employment to one or two onng men or women. j W. A. Coffin k Co., grocers, 14.'1 South I Eleventh street. JOHN tl WHIOIIT. lrslJenl. I . li. Jnhnvm. Vice President, J. II. McCUAY, Cashier. J.NO. A, AMhS, Ami, (iastiltr. THE. LINCOLN, NEHRASKA. direotorb: J. II. Wrlnl.t. Ihos. Cochrane, T. :, Hnudnrs, . li. Dajton, , K. I:. Johnson, O. Itnllrtmck. (leo. I.owrey, J. K. Hill, II. V. I.nn. .(..II. McClay, W. W, Hackney, THE FiPST IflTIOHUL BflMK O AND TENTH 8T11EKTB. Capital, $400,000 Surplus, $100,000. orricr.itftt E. 8. HAltwoon, President. Cimr. A. Hasna, Vico President. F. M. Cook, Cnshtor. C. H. I.iri'iM-oTT, Asslstnnt Cashier. II. H. Kreoian, Asilitant Cnshior. I. At. HAVMOND, PreslJent. I), li. THOMPSON. Vice President. K. II. UURNIIAM, Gashler. D. O. WING. Assistant Gashlcr. o. r. ruNKB. 24 Assistant Cashier. y: LINCOLN, NEB. CAPITAL, $250,000. SURPbUS, $15,000. Dlrcelora I. M. Ita)niond, K. E. Brown, 8. II. Ilunihnin, I). E. Thompson, C. (1. Dawes. (3. II. Morrill, A, .1. Snwjor, Lewis flreaory, F. W. I.lttlo, (I. M. Lnmbortson D. (I. Winn, S. W. Durnham. (I. 1, Knucon. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HAIRCUTTING o o o SHAMPOOING A 8PECIALTY, AT SAM WESTERFIELD'S. BURR BLOCK. WfYRT.TVQ Howtoeconomtxetlme ; TV JXXJU Oand money sou to sea VAlt? tho world's fair tobett ; X' .n.xj.iK auvantago, is a at uet-' tlon that may b ;punled you. Avoid mistakes by Betting . noslrd In advance. Perhmia the IIInatratMl ay. ; folder just issued by Santa Fe Route la! .what you need. It contains views of world's. ; fair bulldlugi, accurate map of Chicago. .und other lnforma- ', aqsaajfis: SANTA fe; ''ISuXbm.C, ROUTE, i ; nnd aik for f r-M copy, a teas ta)a AGENTS WANTED ON SALARY OR COMMISSION FOR THE ONLY AUTHORIZED l!y dull Ilumllt his literary executor, with tho co-operation of his family, nnd for Mr. Illalno's comploto works. "Twenty Ycari of Congress." nnd his later book, "political Dis cussions," Ono prospectus for theso threo best Holllncr Inioks in tho innrkets. A. K. 1'. Jordan, of Maino, took 112 orders from tirst 110 culls; ntrents prolltflUil.no. Mrs. llallard.of Ohio, iook IS orders, 111 Seal Hussln, in tiro ilny ; protlt iKtl.ttJI. K. N.ltlco. of Massachusetts, took 27 orours 111 two uujs; prout wi.vn. j. fart rldo,if Maine, t(Mik 4.'l orders from nil calls: iirolit $7A.n. K. A. Palmor, of North Dakotu, took M ordors in U days ; iirolit fllH.iiB. Kxclu slvn Territory Kivon. If jou wish to mnko Inrtro money, write Immediately for terms to IHE HENRY Bill PUB. GO., NORWICH. CONN. C, E. SPAHR, M. t. EYEnd NOSE EAR ClLAMCt OARCrULLV MUt)TCO, 1216 O STREET. LINCOLN. NEB. mmimimmammmM0 X Yeiir'n Niilisertptlou to y One of tlio FollonltiK I'up.'rs LADIES' HOIE JOURNAL. CHICAGO WEEKLY INTER OCEAN. NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD, CHICAGO WEEKLY TIMES. To uny 0110 sending iib 82.00 for n yoarV HiiliHcrijitlon to T1iKC0u1tiF.it in udvunce, wo will givo froo a yoiir's Babscrip tion to uny 0110 of tho ubovo papers, any ono of which tho regular subscription price- is M.00 to $1.50. Romenibor you got ono freo with u year's subBcription to the Courlor. 13.50 worth of good reudlngforW.OO. SEND IH YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS NOW! As thifl ofTor will only hold good for a short time, Address COURIER PUR. CO., COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK AM BLANE Office llltl N St., Lincoln, Neb, HI' MM .KOH 1NI4, The Best Literature. The Newest Knowledge. Fully Illustrated. 15 OHNTS A COPV. H.G0 A YKAlt. 8unu of tho features are t ' TIIK KDOE OF THE FUTURE. Tlio marvels of science nnd nclilotromont, presented in n popular viny, FAMOUS PEOPLE. Their llfe-storles told by word nnil pictures, tho materials Iwitut 111 nil cases obtained from sources Intlmntoly connected with tho subjects. TRUE NARRATIVES OF ADVENTURE, DARING AND HARDIHOOD. Lounnnl liuntino In North Amorlen. Lion huntltut in Aluorln, Tisror liutittnir In India, l.lcphnnt liutitliiK In Afrlcn. Adventures in tho Upper llimnlnyns, OREAT 11USINESS INSTITUTIONS. Tho lonm'st railroad lu the world. Tho Hudson Hay rnmuaii. Tho Hank of Kn land. Tlio liuslness of tho urontost mer cliuut ($100,0UU,000 it year). HUMAN DOCUMENTS. Portraits of famous people from childhood to tho present day. SHORT STORIES NOTAHLE SERIALS ,,r,"B,H,8lWrl,or8 by IIOIII-.UT LtJUIB STKVKNHON anil WILLIAM IJKAN IIOWKI.I.M. Aiiioiik tho contributors for tliocoinln j ear aro: l'ltOFKSSOIl DltUMMOMI, KLIZA11KTH HTUAUT 1'IIKI.I'S, AtlOHIIKAUON l'Altlt.Mt, 1IUCT HAttTK, ItUDVAltl) XII'LINCI, OOTAVK TIIANKT, ANDHKW LANO, W. I). 1IOWKLI.S, OILIIKUT TAKKKIt, F. It. STOCKTON, JOKL, OIIANDLKlt IIAKKIH, CONAN DOYLK, f It. L. BTEVKN80.N, UIIAKLKS A. DANA, AI(OIIIUALl) FOKIIE.S, .nnd ninny others. IB CENT8 A COPY. SI.50 A YEAR. Ilcmlt by draft, inonoy orilor or registered lottcr. S. S. UI, LIMITED, 743 ft 746 BROADWAY, N. Y. OITY. LARGEST, CHEAPEST, BRIGHTEST AND BEST. Send for Freo Sample Copy of L. Tlio lending livestock nonspnpor and mar ket roportor of tho west. A paper for STOCK RAISERS, FARMERS, Hun stock breeders, Krnin dealers. Vory latest and correct market reports by telegraph from nil tho principal stockrmarkots. Address OAILY. 4.00 Pf R VBAR. I TMt OROVCRS JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLV, 1 " UNION HTOCK TAUU8, weekly, si.so " South Omaha, Nob. FOR GHOIGE GUT FLORAL DECORATIONS, WEDDING AND FUNDRAL' DESIGNS, . Special attention given to tho grow ing of now und choico roeB. CnriuttiotiB ' and all kinds of greenhouse plants. coJW4I5rx''A.'roIvf PHONE 344. COR. G AND I7TH STS. : Are Just as Curable as Other Disease. Treated exclusively by 1111. I.KONHAltDT, I.liirolu, Srh. orriot 14 j ; o sr, HOURS S TO S DAILY. Under now iiianaKement MERCHANTS' HOTEL, IIUI.KTT & llAVKNI'OItT, lni, Spoclul nttontlou to state trudo, miost and comiiiorcinl travelers. Fnrnam Htroot eloctrlo curs pass tho door to nnd from nil purls of tho city, wood engraving: ?: lrQlVR5A v..vtci IVVNS Mdrttv?-! LftlfSSffi&flWSSs i. 1 " If I liia"riSw 1V ostffrrm pis A .-' . t f'jAK Vf 41 .' tfii!"lasjL;ii ."..t " mm ir?r :,T;iV,mmMMwmmmmiiMKi')GZ K ' flSjaasBjiiWji.iu.i,wJrrc '"' ; " ,