t ;.,;,T' ' wr 'tj t' fc i ! II v, " r 1MI& ArtXJMtIX4LY - s, C '(,T 4 - 3- V. tj t .' w U & J 'X x-o f M ' MN1WIMR K)iLIHIO SATURDAYS 1 TM GOURIIW PUBLISHING 60. W. Morton Smith, IMTM OmtslUMNMrwt. arlMMW w"1m TlftM Of auatOWIPTIONl .fan Cwmw, m Ht In ? RK JIWIWl Tats Heath Mae Limiom, Nan., Jaxuahy 13, 18M. The Cearlsr mm He Ferns st Hotel Lincoln New Stand. Windsor Hotel Nsws.Btaad. Capital Hotel New Stand. Red Dude Cigar Store, 1010 O St. 8d.,Youag,l!IOTOBt. Ohm, Fletelwr Co., 1130 O St. Moore's News Stand, 118 So. Uth St. Cotmian 00; 1134 N St. Arable XneifR.Sn So Uth St. MMilNNIMt TMH MANDBIWON ROOM- Headers of the Omaha aud Lincoln (tally papera are familiar with the work Ins of the FRddoek literary bureau dur. lug the twelve month preceding the last eeaalon of the legWature. Mr. Annln turned, the wheel, and he ground out anamaalhg quantity of sick eaingslueh. Senator Paddock, who at ' beat M but rr ordinary, common, every day aort of man; who, when it aomeeto elMUhging apota, ea leave tho most en arfletfe shameleon far behind, waa apo theoaised until unsophisticated reader of Mr. Annta'a Imag inative produetiea. ware led to believe that the aenator wa aa Aleaaader the Great, or a Napoleon, 4 what he l onlyR puny, amall-bore poUolan with atroag demogogle pro- 'aHrttUa. very time Senator Paddock opened a , bottle of champagne Mr. Annln redoub led theaetlvityjof the llterary"bureau,and aa the aenator opened a good many hot tka, Nebraska; was continuously flooded The fallare of the senator to get hint aaM re elected M not discourage Mr. Amain ia the lat. When Paddock laallj dlaainnariil tram the aoene, Mr. Anahi put up a new aign m km bureau. . It la now r Manderaon bureau. JaftttW Maaderaon'e ucoessor will be ililtld at the turning aeaaton of the leg k4atoe, aatawAaam bureau la now jaaaav etlng to aaahatt appear that the deattayelth whoW' United Statea la wrap id up tea little wad held In the at Binator Manitirann'a naad. lateatttrad in nil Wash- He to held upaaa great Bnnnhiag or Other, and hto golag nn4hto eonuafaafe recorded with a Wmtaagaasai that makes' a very large number ef people tired. WheaMaadauna aneeaea Mr. Annia hMatt,aa4whenheopeoe hta mouth la the aeaate mm bureau beoomea almaat hyatarkml ia Ha more or lea maudlin ai ilJaiaiai ' , Maw Mr. Maadarsow is aot going to be ii riiitideadMr.Aaatamayas well look around, tat ra new;pttoneaiat :: ',11i eeaaanr to a tret-rate man on dreaa paaada aa4 ha to aa exalte aaBusmwaWtakeeaiag tha pwhtta, but tt la altogethtr probable that asaae other lapuhHaaa will be an hooted to make the ooateat for hto seat aaat lagtoiatare,1 are a wamher of prominent re- would. malM a bewer aderaoa, aad aow that ' ,: p aae aeaj haa baea Urowa away oa Alien '' Hto hafirtoat that Meaiirenna 'aa. .,,iv ' ? aaaaar He a maa who eaa aad will aatto. aneaafaaBy;iepwmw.,iej."t ' ' la tto miafttkae M you waat amuae- leerv the work of the Annln ta the Jurnr$ Waahlagtoa auoao raoMSAba wUi ha resetted at thai afataa tart tai Wadlag aad taaaaae Wak la pamphlet farm. At taat meet Ooveaor iMeKinley atfllpsrsttsdla refusing to set en Mi. Aaata'aMat.aad withdraw hta caadl dmey tar the repabltaaa nomination for the presidmey ta 1KW., Ova Waahlagtoa oorreepondent pre aeatata a atriklag manner the unpopu tarity of Prsaktaat Otavataad'a Hawaiian peltay. Olevetasdta ad noraittag ; tar the rapaailaaa party. CUrTBHLAMP BCOKIOMIIfiaS, . Wa read la tka aewapapers of aa af-tetaotm-Ua'aaby the wife of the ! ataaMsat of tlta UaKW (Mates, at which 5aj?aai taatas.wsee ataatat.aad at whtah ao lefrasawiata, not afaa'taa. warsastW-.a K '' . Aad, at watt ha aottaed la Taa Cova laaWaaaeaftaa tattsr.th ladtaa of ta iabtae ataata, hate, by agreement, aaaamadad .taia peaattae at aarviaf re- aMBhsaaata at raceatioas, tmina to Ms Wham ft. ft. Mayas waa prsaktaat aad Mai Lway Mayas preakkd at tha Whit aa the amamaawakTai wap apirs, of the al- aaJUgfJam. , .,'t J iwtaa waaaot aarvaa itwasja at to dignation rolled through the democratla newepaper oAceat and Lucy llayeti wm attacked with genuine bltterneea. Hut we do not remember that Mr. Hayea ever gave a "tea" at which the tea waa cold water. Wine may not have flowed freely at the Hayea private re eepttonet but there waa never nn entire aheetiee of refreehment. ' The petty economy of the prreent ad- mlntoiratlon haa never been equaled. The ladiea of the cabinet circle omit refreahmenta becauae of the hard time! Mr. Cleveland and hi party have bank rupted the countryi but warrant for the pay of government official are atlll good for par, and with their huaband'a $8,000 aalariea it I not exactly clear Why the ladle of the cabinet ahouldfeel called upon to practice aueh rldlculoua economy. Mr. Cleveland a admlnbitration la pic ayuntth. Perhapa we ahall aoon hear of the wife ef our 160,000 preaident giving an old clothe party, and of the ladiea of the eablnet circle taking in washing owing to the hurd time. Whkn the populist state .convention meet the Honorable A. H. Weir, of this city, will be in it for the nominatlori for governor juat about a long a Mitchell wa In it at Jacksonville. Tmr country newspapers published in Nebraska are notable for their general excellence. In many cases they are par ticularly able. The men who make thtmi gathered In Lincoln in annual conven tion thta week, and tho cdltora left a moat favorable impression. They are not all poets like Boss Hammond, or handsome men like F. G. Simmorids, but they are nearly all distinguished. They left an intellectual aroma behind them that atlll pervades the city, and wuTdoubtlea remain until the rosea bloom. , The celebrated remark of the gov ernor of North Carolina t the governor of South Carolina waa doubtleaa appre ciated by the Carolinians; but we think the remark which the governor of Mm aourl thta week made to the governor of Nebraska, ta in particularly good taste, and Indicates that he Is a man of dis tlngutahed discernment. Governor Stone says: "The university of your great atate haa attained a high reputa tion, far exceeding that usually ac quired by institutions of this character la o abort a period. It ta a source of profound gratification to, me that the people of these great western etateeare taking aueh deep interest in educational affaira.'' The progreaa made during the laatdeaade lathe highest educational development of. these atatea haa been eiceetltiigly gratifying." . ' A. J. GcsriN.eotttributee an article to the JawritaJ on the financial question. It la mainly about "serfdom." " paupera," "Pope Henry Clews." "hell." "distilled dishonesty," etc., and ta quite in keep- lag with the erasy utterance of the populist fanatic who are howling hys terically tor more money. , We would advise the Jvks or Call toprrcure Mr. Guatia'a aervkea a an editorial writer. Mtamlad ta evidently unbalanced. But hta writing ta gingery enough to be en tertaining. There are a great many thing that Oariaaa, the peerless Oorinne, can not WhaTeo'taafieient epsee to enum erate them all; bat aa aa evidence of good faith, wa will say that She eaa't aiag, She eaa't daaoe, She eaa't aet Cooattatly .when aha ta made the haad-aeater of a ao-oaltad theatrical prodaeUoa, aad ia invariably given 'the eeater of the atage and ta expected to do all the alnglag, dancing and acting for the satire aompaay, the elect is quite likely to be disappointing. Oorlnne's ainglng ooald hardly be ca li ed a aoal laapiring barat of melody. It ta aot la that otaaa at all Intact it ta a class sll by Itaalt aad it tan't flnt or aeooad or third etas either. Corinne' dancing ta a kind of contor tion that may be good exercise tor the "peerless" actress, but ta decidedly annoying to the audienoe. She haaea't even a apeaaing acquaintance who graee. Corinne e acting can be beat described by two words which we would aot hesitate to "use if we wererunulng a pro faae newspaper "dm bad;" but aa we are not ooaducting that kind of a paper; wa will aeateat ouraslvm by aaylag that her aettaf ta strlklagly devoid of any redeemable feature. It la not only lack ing la good poiata, but ta aggressively bad. Corinns has graeef ully tapering limb whose line appear to ajaad advantage wheaeneaeed la pale blue er white ailk ttaht.aad her ahaaa aa her mamma'a great ability la adverttalng may be said ta be bar fortune. Thar war aome pretty faaea aad many ahaaaly forma ia "HeadrlekHud aoa"whloh was Reseated at tho Laa atog theatre Moaday and Tuesday, aad la the third act there was a apleadidly eaaeated drill waTh haadaome oostu aad brUUaat afasta, Thee was aama stavar eomsdy week, Bat the ahow aaawhotatawofallythla. v I Willi. f John T. Kelly presented "MeFee of Dublin" at the Iansing theatre WaAes day night. This farce, whlcffwhas been seen In Lincoln Iwfore, ta oae of the best of its class. O'Neill's "Moftte Cristo" on Thurada'y and "Tuxedo" given last night, have both been seen several times in Lincoln, and call for no special comment at thla timo. The; Corse Payton Company, one of tho most popular of the repertoire com panies) that cornea to Lincoln, haa play ed to good business at the Funko all thta week. Today there will be a big matinee, "Rose Cottage" will be the bill. Tonight the play will bo "Police Alarm." (taming Altmollon. Al. Field's Minstrels como to tho Lan sing theatre Wodnosday, January ill. The company known aa tho Al. G. Field Columbian Minstrels I tho realisation of several years of practical experience and atudy, The entertainment the pre sent year ta built unon entirely now linea and yet retains a genuine flavor of real negro minstrelsy, combining planta tion melody with the unotuoua humor of the dusky deniaena of our own Bunny South. 'Ticket Office Coi. m We sweep the new world with our "Flyers" and fast mails, and have knocked a big hole through' the west arid riow HaveMID-WTNTBR FAIR RATES, $65.50 round trip. IMxas oiarimvtam all say in the morning "Body rested, mind at peace." E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Agt. IF YOU AUt GOING UP IN A BALLOON DON'T CALL ON UB. OUR LINE DON1' GO THAT WAY, THO' ITS A "WAY UP" LINE. 1 You are Golnff Anywhere Klaae t IT IS TO YOUR, INTEREST AS WELL AS OURS TO CALL For WE represent the SIOIT UNE W. ?l.aHIFMAN, 11330 St. DEPOT COR. AND 8TH 8 V0 NOVi VMOH 1W a AAA A 4 aLarmmBPaBSir1mv Cotne and amee H. O. TOWN8END, G. P. fc T. Agent, Lt. Louis, Mo? lt.lmf . Baadaaka. wi Waail W Wl if&Z9&'.!Z& uia 1lallaiaaiaka1IABSnr SAWSr also 3mts ' zzir&mwttzs, aBaaaBWaaMmasw kHf .".M. . K v aWsTSWE5Bi """TBSBai SSStrsaaow' Everything pertaining to the perform aned is presented upon a scale of mag nificence heretofore unthought of, The acts, songs ami dances are. arranged In dramatic, operatic or pantomlc form, aa they may require, and are produced with every attention and detail. Eli Perkins will lecture in the Lansing theatre tonight. Mr. Perkin ta one of the most noled lecturer and humorist of tho country and he hai many admir ers. In addition to the lecture he will relate many funny incidents. The ad vance aalo Indicate that the lecturer will be greeted by a good audience. Harlow Brothers Minstrels come to tho Lansing theatre Tuesday evening, January lw. Fred Markham and Bob Morrisey will be heard In amusing songs. The song "After tho Play" la a feature of tho ahow. Master Percy Williams, tho Imy soprano, la a strong card. SchoHeld and Scott appear In specialties, and the entire performance, from begin ning to end Is brim full of life and humor. The vocal feature aro aaid to be exceptionally strong. Canon City coal Coal and Lime Co, at the Whttebreaat trT 11th and O Streets. YltST Witti talx stolid tralna ootnpoaed of Pullman lclcioe, ooloniat aaleaefsearsa Xlxo ainoxa are time flrnoast o&t. J. T. MASTIN. C. T. A. ON US. To BLACK HILLS TOWNS. To ST. PAUL; MINNEAPOLIS, DELUTH. To CHICAGO, EAST, SOUTHEAST. City Tlckiti Agt ft. B. T. MOORE, Ticket A at. .. .;!, IS THE ONLY DIRECT B0UTET0 THE S01JTH. vta. PHIL. DANIELS, O. P. A T. Agt, 1901 0 St., Lincoln, Neb, TORI KOX TkiawaaSMtaK nsrarc MUm-hUy VmHtiSEl aOian oTiiuitt. mi riauci Mrawa INWM wBH. wrnasaH rg fa !UKCmtkSSMi 1 a lamUmWM aVaaWMs lmTWalWf iSfSSSBBimi uan.tisaini. On the open piano the cat BBaaaam "aLfe, ki fffSb nfA5 the mar. sings, for her system is padded with violin strings. Cats are tough, and they'll stand a whole' lot of bad usage. Boys with any life' in them give clothing dard Usage. We make boy s clothing up tough; sew 'em double with silk thread, and guarantee them to stand rough treatment. They're in style top. Children's department second floor. wnm H FMtorlM, 1.1 KeUll Stored. THi NEW YORK for i nrr t WIH BE WITHOUT QUESTION AMERICA'S Leading fplt Paper. The reputation that the Weekly Herald has enjoyod for many years of being tho best homo newspaper in the land will be materially added to during the year of 1894. NopainBor expense will bo 'spared to make It in every department tho most reliable, interesting and instructive of all weokly newspaper publications. it will be improved in many ways. A number of new features and departments will bo addod. Tho latest da veloptnent in all fields of contemporaneous human interest will bo ubly discussed from week to week by accomplished writers THE NEWS OB THE WORfoD will be given in a concise but complete form. Every important or interesting event, either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns of tho Weekly Herald. In politics the Herald is absolutely independent and sound. It tells the rights and wrongs of all aides without fear. - , Farmers and stock raisers cannot afford to be without the Weekly Horald during the coming-year. It will contain a regular department each week devoted exclusively to subjects of timely interest to them, and giving many valuable sug gestions and new ideas. The women and children of tho land """ jure uuuisuiiiu nuuvuuutvuD pBguo nil. uouum mmiubuic nuu CUU1P 1 taining. They will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. 1 A Drilliant array of novela and short stories by the best writers in America I and England naa been secured, so mat Action will be one of tho most attractive features in the Weekly Herald during 1804. In fact, tho Weekly Herald will be a magazine of the highest order, combined with a complete newspaper. NOW IS THE TIME Only $1,00 a Year. be;nd for eiA:RtiPXi$ copy. Address THE WEEKLY HERAbD, THERE IS BUT ONE ROAD, 'I; ' ., THE . '.' Don't take our word,' But try it. City Offloa, Ttfr csract O aatm. 1 J. FRANCIS, m'I Psm. Agt-, Mnrnha. OKO, W. HONNKIX, City Pmm. Agt., Llnreln. ran the scale as stie gaily kept time witlf the wag of her tail. The sound brought the mis tress with haste to the room, and the cat left the keys on the end of a broom. On the railroad they, tied her tight down to the track, but the train cut the rope and the kitty came back. Now out on housetop she plays as she nik i n 1015-19 0 STREET. i will And in the Weekly Herald a welcome J TO SUBSCRIBE. Herald Square, New York. i m 1 - ?, - . it , :t. ... .. ,- m jtoJ'h&. , ''Kv-m, . 1 c , ,-.., ." .'.' ' ' ,-. ' ." I mmm& tim&wi.tJtll!-:',,, 1 ' ' '., . , . ffr pvj'iKwi.fg.Tyyi.Tiri..H iEmTB'Lil ''. '. ' T-. -.' -,. ie .mxtLfii i. .''.. ... ." ' '