' fWM v;s .rw"' mmm HWIIIW!WHWifctlitWMt.HJllt.MIH mAMMM -.',- k 1JHJE& ftHA'jrUBtOAr IVtOI:VIIVa OOIIRIJER i 1E IE Hlnco Mr. Urynn and otliorR huvo ad vocated an Incoiiio tux, all kinds of taxes liavo been suggested, and attention Iuir (j been directed to tlio peculiar forniH of I taxation that have flourished In ,t ho past. , Years ago it waH deemed warrantable to tax Rait, candles, leather, brick, soap, starch, paper and in 1(152 ovon bread and meat, rotor1 tho Oreat, of Russia, lev ied a tax on beards, with the laudable object of making 1)1b subjects wash their faces and shave. Urnss tokens aro still to bo bought in that country bearing tlio wordn, "lleardo pignaiu tiagola," which means "tho beard tax him been paid." Mr. F. G. C. Lundy in "Tho Fiscal Phil utcllHt," given particulars of tho llritish hut tax of 1781, requiring hatters to tako out licenses and imposing an ad valorem stamp duty on every hut sold. In those days revenues otllcials meeting a man rt Wh no unlicensed hat used to Inquire, iS in tho words of tho comic song, "Whores did you got that hat?'' In esld times, too, tho Scotch sacrumontal certificates used to bear a six-penny stamp; u tax on religious almanacs, glass, stone bottles and advertisements were among tho ' lineal duties of tho past. There was also a tax on tho "light of heaven," in tho shapo of Iniisost on win dows, until fur in this present century. This odious and insanitary burden caused architects and builders to erect WL houses with as fow windows as poBsiblo, jm", and to escape tho tax tho wiiulows of muny houses woro blocked up. Some of these dark und dismal ubodes aro still in oxistenco in Englund. Tho Russian government, u fow yours ngo, decided to tux korosono oil and mutches virtually a tnx on light. In Bomo parts of China a tax is impos ed on all women entering tho bonds of matrimony. Travelers to thoses parts aro obliged to tako a wifo, and when liioy louvo tno luetics nines iresn nusuanus to tho benefit of tho revenues. Thoso who follow tho udvico of the late Ail ah Isaacs Menkin, and "marry young and often," aro an acquisition to such a stuto. A In Sorviu vanity is tuxod in tho shapo of WL ladies' bustles. In Melbourno Christ jP mus cards ars taxed ono-ilf th per cent. Wr Ghristmus, Now Year, Eastor and birth f day curds would doubtless produce an upprociablo rovonuo in Englund. It has been stated that in Woitnar tho author ities loviod u duty on musical parties. Tho regulations woro not given, but, doubtless, solos, duets, trios und quur tots woro subject to proportionuto rutcs. Violins, cornots und tho iluto Bhould in cur special charges. Quito lately un annual tux of 10 francs has boon imposed on piunos in Franco. Music has paid tribute to tuxation in othor ways. A musical troupe recently crossing tho frontier of Suxony curried with them u crown of laurels uwurded thorn at u triumphul performance. Tho custom houso otllcors taxed the luurcls as spice. Massonot, tho composer, it is rolutod, f wus uIbo charged duty on u crown of M laurels on tho Gorman frontier. In Iub cuso tho wreath of fume wus deemed to m bo woven of "modcinul pluntB." In Wr' Montreal orgun-grindorB pay a license of w I $20, and aro only allowed to play at stilted times. In Vienna they aro also licensed und reguluted us to hours. In Franco a certificates, of character, u. dis tinctive badgo and limitation of hours is insisted upon. Nolicenso for street mil f slciaiiB have beon issued for nine years in Germany. In St. Petersburg no outdoor musical performers uro permitted, but in roiuuii I v .t,c ltu'y there is a very practical regit lu ' tion excluding thoso under 18 yours of J ugo from tho privileges of u license, In "'v Now York wunderiug minstrels contrib ute to tho revenue 91 each, and aro pro hibited from olaying within a certain distance of specified buildings or dwell ings, und outside l'xed hours, liurrol ,. music in tho open is not ullowod to exist in sunny Spain, but "guily tho trouba dour twangs his guitar," for which, how ever, a liconso 1b required. Tho state tlnancos in Itusalu uro re cruited by a, graduated incomo tax, coin mencinir at one nor cont on incomes be- htweon 1,000 and 2,000 rubles (a rublo , equals .'Is. 2d.), and increasing at the rato of ones-tenth por cont on every addition al 1,000 or fraction of 1,000 rubles. A. etuiy oi a quarter uopocK (.uisniii one tenth of u penny) is also imposed on tho eggs of ull kinds of poultry, which tux on food realizes soverul million of rubles. Cycles aro subject to u tax of 8s, in Franco and of u similar, amount in lira bunt. ."Thoy do these things better in Franco"-or worse. Advertisements in the form of posters or placards are required to beur a tux stump in Fruuce,which is distinctly u tux on trade and publicity. In Ituly. where tho people complain that M , tho tuxes uro exorbitant, tho voluntary BtOat tuxes nuld bv tho isuorer c lassos in tho i . ' v....... . K' lorni ot lotiory iiuiouihb in a your 10 ovor Jtlil.OOO.OOO. At Latera, this Itul- iuns recently broko out In open revolt against tho municipality which hud in creased t ho hearth tax, and took the civic buildings by assault, wounding tho Synelic, but thoy do not agitato ugainst ill ho lottery tax. '"In olel Aludrld" liiBt your thero was torriblo und fatal rioting It among tho tnon und womon who huwk vegetables, fruit and othor articles in tho streets and murkotB, owing to tho Imposition of u tux on Spanish hawkers. In 188!) M. Dunnjrwskl, tho Austrian minister esf finances, who was descrlbi'd an "tho nimblest solltic!iiu In the world for inventing now taxes," decided to tax tho totallwiteurs of betting agencies. Totallmitours uro establishments on all German and Austrian race course's. This system Is to divide nil this monoy Invest ed on the losing horses among thoso who backed tho winner, after do hiding 8 por cent commission for this agency. Thero is no cheating or welshing (Kssslblo in the plan. A 10 per cent duty on win nings was decreed. In Franco tho parlmu tiial,a similar system of butting, is taxed 7 per cent, fi por cent of which isdovotod to tho relief of tho Kxsr. Bookmakers are also taxed. Thero is also a munici pal tax of 10 per cent deducted from tho receipts of theatrical und public enter tainments, which is also assigned for tho benefit of tho unfortunate. This rovo nuo is, principally distributed in tho shape esf grants to public charities and hospitals, thus making pleasure come to tho resctio of jtovorty and this relief esf pain. In Sweden commercial travellers visiting that country liavo to pay 100 kroner (about iX lis.) for every month, or part thereof, they may remain for tho privilege of transacting their business. W O'CLOCK 1EI WOL At an afternoon tea recently, u bright young girl begged leave tes inspect tho dregs esf her hostess' teacup and straighway evolved from their peculiar shapo, size and situation such an amus ing horoscopo of tho owner's futurb ca reer as called forth tho laughing plaud its of her hearers, writes Alico P. Raker in tho February Ludk Homo Jour nal. A quaint superstition is that of be lieving that destiny lies hidden in tho innocont-looking dregs of a teacup, and an idea suggested Itself which was Bpcodily materialized for a tea-party which wo woro about to givo. On heavy white wuter color paper I llrst drew a prottily and oddly shaped teacup and on tho reverse sldu a second one. On heavy linen note paper I drew a goodly number of leaves of the sumo shapo. Tho two heavy covers I painted bluo and white, lidding little touches of gold hero and thero, whero most ofTective. An irregularly-shaped white space was loft in tho centre of tho top cover, in which was printed with pen and gold ink, "Five O'clock Tea." Tho inner sido of tho cup was simulated at tho top, tho edges being outlined with gold. Within this rim was printed "Cup of Fortune" On tho first of tho note paper loaves was painted u design of a hand holding a tiny invorted teacup with the lines: Leaves of tcu Slmw for mo My ilcxtlny I extending carelessly downono sido in gold letters. Holes woro then punched in both covers and loaves at tho top of tho bundle and flno gold cord run through and fastened securely. A length of tho cord, to which a small, white program pencil was attached, de pended from this. Tho fair young possesor was to ask tho friends gatherod about her tea-table to read her fortune in tho depths of hor own cup and then transfer it with data und signature , to the leaves of the littlo volume. Now is tho timo to take a trip to Flor ida via tho Missouri Pacific route. City ticket ofllco 1261 O street, Lincoln.Nob. In tho grout Ilccnuu-Suyors light, Ileonuu stood six feet two inches, and weighed 100 pounds. Sayors five foot, eight and one half inches and weighed only 1G4 pounds. Corbott stands six foot, one and a half inches and weighs 100 pounds. Mitchell 'stands flvo foot, nine a half inches und weighs 175 pounds. But despite the grout difference in weight Heenan found it impossible to win hia battlo from Sayors and only suc ceeded in getting a drnw. John Morrisoy stood only flvo foot eleven to Hoonan's nix foot two, and wan much his inferior in weight, but Morri son beat Heenun lifter 11 terrific battlo, lasting only twenty-ones minutes. Tom Allen weighed only 175 pounds and stood only flvo feet nino and a half inches, to McCooIo'b 200 pounds and six foot, ones inch and yet A lion beat him easily. Statk oi' Oh U'i Citv or Tolkiso, LiiM.13 OIlSUNTY J 8S' Frank. J. Chew makes oath that ho is tho senior partner of tho firm of F. J. Cheney &. Co doing business in tho City of Toledo, County and state aforo- said, and thjU said firm will pay tho sum or 0;Vi HUNDRED DOLLARS for each Mid every caso of catarrh that cutinot bo cured thy the use esf Hull's Catarrh ('uro. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in my presence, thiB (1th day esf De'cember, A. D. 1880. A. W. GLEASON, Notary 1'uhlii: Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally und acts directly on this blood and mucous surfaces of this Hystem. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO!, Toledo, O, tarSold by DruggifltH. 75c. W Ul OMK things thrlvo on abuse'. Texas is ones of them. T h a t states has boon for years a butt of ridicules and abuse; but It somehow main tains its closes connection with progress, a 11 d co nt I nues fo boom. The following is an interesting addition to the Texas roasts: Tho dovll In hell wes'res tesld was chain ed, and 11 thousand yours ho there re mained; ho neither complained, nor elid he groan, but determined to start a hell of his own, where ho would torment the souls of men without being chained hi a prison pen, So ho asked the Lord if ho had 011 hand anything left when ho mailo tho land. This Ijord said "Yos, I had plenty on hand, but I left it down on this Rio Grande. The fact Is, olel isesy, tho stuff is poor; I don't think you can uses it in hell any more." Hut the devil went down to lesok nt tho truck, and ho said if it caiuu as a gift ho was stuck; for after after examining it cans fully and well, ho concluded the place was tens dry for a hell. So in order to got it otr Ills hand, the Lord promised tho devil to water tho land; for ho had some water, or rather some dregs, a reg ular cathartic and studied like bad eggs. Henco tho trade was closed, tho deed was given, and tho Lord wont back to his homo in heaven. And the dovll then said "I've ull that is needed to make a good hell," and henco ho suc ceeded. Ho began to put thorns on all tho trees anil mixed up tho sand with millions of fleas. Ho scattered tarantu las along all tho roads, put thorns on tho cactus and horns on the toads. lie lengthened tho horns 011 the Texas steers, and put an addition to the rab bit's cars. Ho put a little dovll in tho broncho stood, and poisoned tho feet esf the centipede. Tho rattlesnake bites you, tho scorpion stings, tho mosquito elelights you with his buzzing wings Tho sand burn prevail and bo do this ants, and those who sit down need half soles on their pants. The dovll thou said that throughout the laud ho'd manage to keep up this devil's own brand, and ull would bo "mavericks" un less thoy bore murks of scratches and bites and thorns by tho score Tho heat in tho summer is 11 hundred und ton, too hot for tho devil, und too hot for men. Tho wild hour roams through tho black chapparel, '"Tis a hell of 11 place ho has for a holl." I. Tho now Western Association which was organized on tho ruins of tho old I. I league at Chicago lust week ought to bo 11 winner. At its head is an excel lent stair of otllcors well qualified tes fill tho positions tojwhich they are assigned. President Rowo knows tho game in all its phases, having been a player, man ugor ami magnate. What he does not know about tho national sport and the methods necessary to conduct it success fully iB not wortlv, knowing. Vice-President Ilickoy in a prominent business man of Lincoln, anil while ho has not 11 national reputation, his business iiuiili ties aro highly spoken of by this press of his city. Ah for W. W. Kent, treasurer of tho now organization, ho needs no in troduction to thoso identified with or who takes an interest in tho game throughout tho great west. Sporting Nows. e bull it 11 This Lincoln correspondent of tho Sportina News says: "Tho university boys have some ele gant material hi school, und can have sonio Hrst-class ball if thoy aro properly trained. Thin is tho timo for them to rustles. They can get tho best t ruining this year by practicing with tlio leaguo team. 1 liavo no doubt but that this lat ter will bo glad to have them round us a sort of 11 second nino, as thero will not bo many "subs" hired thiB year to warm tho bench. I hope to sou university boys swing into line and mako a record umong tho college clubs hereabout." Tho Chicago Inter Ocean, that great roptiblicun nowspupor, has not sobered by the recent era of financial depression but has gono right along adding to its foundation stones a largo and substan tia! circulation with 11 stride thut un der tho circumstances is truly wonder ful. At one time additions to tho sub scription list woro coining tit tho rato ot 800 to 1,100 por day for this daily issue, and us high as 1,500 per day for tho Weekly Inter-Ocean. Tho result of this is to place it easily at tho head ot the list of great Chicago newspapers. It is certainly a good, clean, family newspaper of the highest order. All who uro troubled with conBtina tion will find a safe, suro and speedy ro litsf In A)r'H Pills! Unllkomost other cathartics, thesis pills strengthen tho ntoniuch, liver and IiowoIh und restore tho orgiins to normal and regular action. Score Cards High Five Whist Pencils Tassels Punches C0VlRUt OFrACfc II'M X Stiikkt. BEST OFFER EVER MADE $5,000 Cash Given Away rtv tub CINCINNATI Weekly Eipiier. Every club of Ten Yearly Sub scribers will get 0110 share of 85,000. Every club of Fivo Yearly Sub scribers will get one half a ebaro of 15,000. Tlio number of shares is fixed by tho number of clubs of ten that will bo reccivcel by us from Nov, 1, 1893, to March 31, 1894. On nn offer of 81,500 Inst spring, running three months, ending Juno 30, 18IKJ, for clubs of five, each club agent received 8-1.53 in cash besides his com minions. That oiler was 8500 u mouth for three months. " We now offer 81,000 a month for five months, or a 'total of $5,000 for five months, besides the regular commissions, and will Guarantee 40 percent Gross Profit A full club of five or ten must come at one time in order to share in this oiler. Agents may send as many clubs as they can raise within time specified and can have papers sent to any nelelrtw. Tho WEEKLY ENQUIRER is tho Largest, Best, Clean, Moral, Ele vating Dollar Newspaper for a family favorite now printed in tho United States. Sample copies' free. ENQUIRER COMPANY, CINCINNATI, O. XSBUYTHEfev. IlGHT fyJNNIHG MOST DORA1LC, Jtr MAJIAC, w THE BEST IS THETEST. nd TIN oanta to 18 Union Sq., N. V., forour prltcgama, "Blind Luck," and win a New Horn wln Maohln. The New HomeSewing Machine Co. ORANQB. MAM. . loov'rOR SALE BY iu. A. V. LKISS, PIANOS AND 0KUANS, 1111 O.Street, Lincoln. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA 1 1J7 gSM UtnanuMDv iBBna IHaW VIHLII. llr . 1 II ZTmlL lr rf IIHI v. --J.J.. -.; y H UIBUri1! " HHMI IL The Best n b 0 SB1 Will furnlHli you l'J Cabinet PhotesKniphH at (M nor deraoii.' AH work HiiIhIumI promptly and iirtlRtirnlly. I02G O STREET W. J. J?11WIT1 Found it at bAst. 4 JUST THE BOOK , I HAVE BEEN bOOKING FOR. , And several thousand others. I would advise nil who would save time to g t II. W. liRCVWJN'asl, 123 SOUTH I ITH 8T WESTER) HORmflL COLLEGE, WNCOIN, NEBRASKA. ON OLD SCHOOL 11 0 HEW MTI8I (FORMERLY OP SHENANDOAH, IOWA.) Its Daspartmenta. BraMfal, health? location, SO-ncra campoa, aUctrie itretar Una nana directly to eaaa Wi without chaoio. tSMfKO In hulhlinga, aplnmlld aqnlpmenta, auporlor accommodation, atroai faoultr. eiperlonceil itinmiKomoiit, comprohonal? clrrlcnlum, thorough work, hlca Moral aa Cbrlatlan influence and low nxpeuaea for itudmt. DBPARTMBNTS AND COURSES. We hare 23 courin. Our mimic, One art, pen art, dotiarto, elocutionary, couraea aad klndar tartan aad model trnlnlnir aclinoli (for both children and atudent teacheri), ara not aqaalU4 ia ' mMt' STREET CAR TRANSFERS ' is any part of the city for all who attend tha Weitnrn Normal. You can enter at any Haw aad fuel lott nch claiira aa you denirn. Write, or call and ie ui. Hpriac term opens April II, 16KJ, and continues 10 wnnkt. Summer term open June 10, 18M and continue 8 woek. Vou cau eutor at any time, howorer. Catalogue and circular fraa. Addrea. ItiTERN NORMAL COLLEGE. LINCOLN. NEB. Prof. HARRIS1 Soluble- Medicated ABSOLUTELY PASTILLE I I a tod Mifc art 4 i'liei 4 tiaiaii nimw SrKfct TRIAL. A 8U11E OUHI3 FOR WEAK MEN Our offer still holels cooel to nil men who bnvc uot linel a free trial pnckiifje of oifr remedy, niul who are needing n sure cure for physical weak ness, or who lack vitnl energy and sejtual strength. , Wo extend Hits Invitation to ull to test our remedy free of expense save for a postal enrd or letter stamp which is required when sending to us for n blank on which to make a statement of case, so that treatment can be prepared to suit, 'and a stamp for letter returning blank to us after it is filled. When the statement of case is received we prepare and send eight days treatment with full directions and prepay the postage thereon, thus making the trial absolutely free. "f.g'lA We have supplied these fTrco trial- of PROF. HARRIS' KIP SOLUBLE MEDICATED PASTILLES continuously lPKJUlr for more than ten years and trust entirely to their efficacy JL RCKASE. for our business. We know there are thousands who could be benefitted by this treat ment and WE INVITE THEM ALL to send us their address by postal or letter for our blank and ci'culnr. REMEMBER that a circular describing Prof. Harris' Fnstille treat ment and n sample pneknge of the remedy sufficient to last eight .days are sent absolutely free to persons who have uot had samples. The cost for continuing the treatment is only $3.00 for one month ; 5.00 for two months; $7.00 for three months ; and J2.00 for each month thereafter. We charge no more. We take no less, as the treatment is well worth the price, and is furnished to all nt n uniform price. Address in confidence, by postal or letter: 9 S,JIS:5giThe "ARRIS REMEDY CO., Jta cai'ITai. Ks.ooo.ooj OO Bookman Stroot, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. I D 1 4TH AND M STREETS, TIiIh is a vory thus csluliloshnifiit -probably hotter than anything of this kind in tho world. Capacity, l,r00 baths daily. Artesian iiiimsral water is used. Separate iiecniiumsdatioiiH aro provided for both Boxes. I? Great l?lvnj XStvtl Holds about a eiuartesr of a million gallons esf Sea Green Salt Water. And is nearly loO feist long, 'JO feet wides and !2H to 9 feist deep. ItH clear as a crystal, toes. Thero aro wiuies spring boards, trnpeszes and autoiuatiu needle, bath in this de partment. Tlo 133Cl KooniN Aro fesr transients who do not cares to leuvo this building after a bath, l'ntiisiits taking treatment ukis them also. litlOltlVl rati Mill And many tithor diseases can be CUUKO in this Hot Salt Dispartiutsnt. Xesw wis'ro coining down to business. Marble walls, Mosaic Hours, rich Rugs, CurpotH and Draperies, (rent tiro places, easy chairs and divans. All sortH of baths am given. Thero is also a llAllltKH SHOP. Liidiin'' Hair Pressing Department, and isvcn ti Manicure, Chiropodist una! lli.M ltlaek. i Present II. MMi Tlie Mohool for tlae Adi 8S ITatmotaora WM. M. OROAN, Prttident, or V. J. KINSLEY, See'jf and Treat. TESTED I vox. 1 5 YEARS A RADICAL OURI for NERVOUS DEBILITY Orgulc Wukmst, MPHYSIOAZ. DECAY, In Yours; and MlddlaAsad Man, LINCOLN, NEBR KA . a 0. IH ton, 'tlio r.' J. "JIM r!w in 0, F1 :n 4HWXatTtirfcm -&!) m Cir - a:sa?aMs!itMmE.'" "tlMvWSU -.jj v a-oft, .- ' jirftjiiT "nnrriiiMiiiiiiwitrMrniiiii rwt"niwy&tiiiitifflai'uaaixu'm I""""'""''' m