'jpHfrimQjRWvrgflQIP' tyV 1& IV K it I fc WV, pr tr fc. r !' l v v H a , t) '' 7 r t . ..- i ' UHB A Mind niHii could wo h nullcHl change in tho supremo court since tlio crahltcd old ninn, Maxwell, was Jarred loose from tho bench, much to tho ro Hot of tho tench, mid correspondingly, to tho dlscomMturo of tho Judgo, who hasbecomo mi hojiolessly uddlcled to tho offlco holding habit that ho has, It In reported, leon more or loss hysterical, over alneo ho linil to step down and out to make room for Judge T. 0. C. Harris son. For somo reason not clear to any. laxly but himself, Judgo Mnxwoll waa llrmlylmbuod with tho Idea that ho, Maxwell, waa a person of Immonso Con wjuouco, and ho sat In bin chief Jus. tlco'a chair a hoary doapot. Tho aaao. clatojuatlceawere, In Ida opinion, uioro clerks, and tho oftlcora of tho court and attondanta and audi attorneys and eitl sons aa happened to have business with tho court, wore ao many noliodles to bo trampled on regardlosuly by his mighty, nesa, tho Chief Justice Maxwell la tho Incarnation of egotism, and it la no ao orot that ho lod his associates a vory sorry llfo. Now mattora havs asaumod a mora natural and rational aspect. Judgo Harrison Is a wolcomo addition to tho lcnch and tho chief Justice, Norval, la n very reasonablo gentloman. Tho Max. well reglmo la outiroly over, and ovory body around tho court breathes easier. Business la dono in a business like man. iter. There la no foldorol, and tho rav inga of tho old man are a thing of the put. It la said, and wo havo reason to think with much truth, that Judges Norval and Post ap pear fully ton years younger alnco Max well waa ushered out of office. Caaes will be expedited in the aupretno court now. Newspaper men have sometimes com plained that the Stata Journal is pain fully alow in recognising and placing a proper value on merit, and that paper is noted for Its conservatism both aa re gards editorial and business iwlloy. Hence the important change In tho bus iness department, of which announce ment ia now made, by which F. C. Sea crest become business manager, Is a very decided compliment to that gentle bum. Those who are cognlsaat of Mr. Beacreat'a work on the Journal in the last two or three yearn know that he deserves the recognition which he now receives, and newspaper men in this city are plsamd to observe hla success. The phenomenal development ot the aemi weekljr edition of the Journal la the last two yean haa been due to a very large extent to Mr. Beacrest, who haa given the greater share ot hla attention to this particular field, lie haa been singularly successful and haa accomplished a great, work. Now that he la given new powers and greater responsibility he may, be expected to achieve even greater things, Mr. Beacrest la a young man to under take such responsibility aa the position ot business manager ot a concern of the Journal'! magnitude carries with it, but he is admirably qualified, and he will be success. ' ' A dollar of the kind described below would fill a loag felt want with moat people. It would probably be accepta ble to the New and Call. An exchange saya: "What we want ia a dollar easy to get sad hard to let go; a dollar that will pay four dollars worth ot debts and then come-back by means ot a string at tachmentj a dollar that snuggles easy In the sock ot John Smith, but withers like the manna ot old in a safe ot a rail road president; a dollar that will buy sons our and neat while it buys much whisky ad tabasco; a1 dollar above drawing interest and yet will doable itselt while the owner site'la the shade and spits at a crack In the pavement; will buy shoes for baby while it buys fun a man in places where he can't take hla wits; a dollar that will surely repair the waste ot sloth, appetite and bad judgmeat; a dollar that cornea to the lap ot Indolence like worms to the craw of a fatherless robin; , a dollar that will re move the eeatence pronounced upon Adam ana reduce the order ot men." Lincoln haa a considerable colony ot Russians, and it some George Kennan would penetrate lato the Inner life of these people he might discover a num ber .ot things ot more or leas interest. The Russian peasant doesn't know very muck about Ibsen or Tolstoi, and poetry doesn't till hk seul. Ilia ideas are in tensely practical. He la iu the business ot living for what he can get out ot it, la a mask more eminent degree than the Aaaerioaa, and his practical ideas of money-getting sometimes assume very peculiar, and at tlmesstartling forms. We haven't a particularly clear idea of the inner consciousness ot the Rus sia saaie'peasant as we see him In this country, and we do not know what he thinks; but, It out. ward r and ' 'visible signs are . to be accepted aa a true representation, It would seem that he regards his wife or daughter In much the same manner tkat we (those of u who have them) re. gard oar horses. He certainly has the greatest soaMenee la their strength, for hedMsa'tkealtatstoput say kind rl a asiidsa osi taetr shoulders. And when U osssa to matrimony he exemplifies his practical Ideas In a manner that mtiat uptenr most striking to the American suitor. Women, like horses, have it value, and ho valuea thorn by ths amount ot work they can do unci If you want hla duugh tor you havo got to buy hor JuHt aa you would his horse, at leant In somo In stances. In onocaso that has recently come undor our observation a young man asked a Russian laborer for his daughter's hand and waa told he could havo hor for 1100- that was tho amount sho would earn tho coming aiinuiior picking boots at Grand Island. Tho young mini objocted to buying a Wife, and there waa a secret marriage. After tho ceremony tho father said ho would take fiO for hor. Ho didn't take any, for tho young man commanded tho situ atlon. It is said to bo a fact that it la a common practice among tho Russian Inhabitants of this city to dispose of their daughters In this manner. Whoro tho awaln is of tho namo nationality ho has to moot tho father's terms. Wo obsorvo that tho Call haa taken down Its standing editorial card address, od to Prcsidont Cleveland. In a fow daya a brand now one addressed to Mr. Gladstone will appear. Tho Call will tako this method of informing Mr. Glad- atone that his Ideas ulout government and homo rtilo, otc, are soggy. Tho Cull Is a great paper. Prof. Hicks is ono of tho fow mon who are nblo to hold n political office without becoming a politician in tho common accoption ot tho .term. It cannot bo said that ho Icavoa politics to bocomo a missionary, bocauso ho waa not in poli tics. If he exhibits tho samo efficiency in hla missionary labors and wo boliovo ho will that ho has shown aa chairman of tho board of public worka, ho will bo a moat valuable nddition to tho mis sionary corps. If Mayor Wolr would only follow Hicks' example and depart for foreign landa to engago in similar work it would bo a good thing not necessarily tor the heathen, but for the city of Lincoln. The editor of tho "Que Way of Put ting It" department of tho State Jour' ml, had the tomority to attack that taost formidable aggregation ot color and monstrosity, tho Lansing drop cur tain, laat Sunday, and the curtain came out second beat. It waa a very clevor piece ot work tho criticism, not the curtain. Tuesday of this week waa the tint an niversary of the collapse of the Capital National bank, the worst calamity that ever visited Lincoln. If the Capital National had not closed its doors when It did, and under such circumstances, the wave ot hard times that rolled over the country would have had vory little effect in thia city. Whatevor of business embarrassment there haa boon may bo attributed almost wholly to the bank wrecker, Mosher. And yet, with the closing of the bank and tho prevailing business stagnation, it is wonderful how little' damage waa done in the past year. It haa boena trying period; but Lincoln haa como out of it with Hying colors. If Garneau had only saved tho money that he blew in on Lillian Russell in Chicago during the world'a fair, he could have maae her a very handsome present when she married the other fellow. It ia understood that, for a considerable period, it waa a nip and tuck race be tween Sandow, tie strong man' and our own Garneau. The contest coat tho people ot Nebraaka a good deal, to-wit: the ruination of the atate exhibit, Half Kstoa U Tessa. January 0,Foburary 13, March 13, April 10,4 May 8, MM,the B k M will sell excur slon tickets from Nebraaka and Kansas stations to points in Texas at one fare for tho round trip. For tickets and full information regarding limits, stop-overs, etc, call at B. & M. depot or city office, corner O and Tenth streets.' G. W. Bonnkix, C. P. k T. A. For tine family groceries and moats Hotaling k Son stand at tho head ot the list; their prices cannot be beat for the aame class ot goods. Telephono 010, store 1495 O street. Superior Train service to Pittsburgh. The Baltimore k Ohio railroad offers the public the most convenient train service between Chicago and Pittsburgh. The route is via Akron, Ravenna, War ren and Youngstown, 0. Two solid trains are run every day, both carrying day coaches and new vestibuled sleeping cars through without change. The Pittsburgh express leaves Chicago at 3:00 p. m., and arrives at Pittsburgh the next morning at 7KK. The vestibule limited leaves Chicago at 7:30 p. ro., and arrives at Pittsburgh the next morning at 11;10. The vestibule limited also carries a Pullman sleeper to Cleveland via Akron, arriving at Cleveland at 8:0 a. m. All B. k O. traina depart from the Grand Central passenger station, corner 5th avenue and Harrison street, Chi cago, the fiaest and most commodious station in America. Ill (Wrltti'ii for llm CounihR.) Wahiiinoton, D.O., Jan. 21, 181V1. Tho practical effect of tho iidtulnlstru tlon's Hawaiian lxilloy tion the Ameri can people always, lovers of fair piny, can bent bo shown by two pictures ob served and commented upon by tho xl itlcliius, Ono, that of a seemingly soli tary indivjdttal, of somewhat distingu ished appearance, neon frequently at I tho capltol and whom ovoryltody nconin to know. Ho always receives u more or less friendly greeting, but is ununlly left severely to himself by his old nssoclatos In congress, even of his own ixdltlcnl persuasion now in tho majority In taith houses. If ho is ovortaken in tho corri dors, or If found in tho neuato restau rant alone, ho is nlwnys pointed nut an a connplououn porsonago; oven tho ubi quitous Washington guide haa caught tho infection and informs his country friends that "thorn goes Paramount Blount.' Tho other picture Is that of Ex-Min-istor Stevens, who although well along In years, seems to bo in groat domnnd ovorywhoro, Tho newspapers are mix ions to interview him; ho has by invita tion dolivored lectures upon Hawaii in Boston, at tho Acadomy of Music In Philadelphia, and other places, and in now to 1)0 tho guest at tho ro-union of tho republican clubs of Michigan In tho near future. Ho, with Senator Allison, another invited guest, will go from this city with tho Michigan delegation to Detroit in a Bpeclal car. At tho Yalo Hawaiian dinner tho other day given by tho Hawaiian atudonts in colobration of tho ovonts ot lust January, Dean Way land ot the Yalo law school Bald: "I understand that Mr. Cleveland used to scratch hla head this way.' Tho dean went through tho motion of scratching his hoad by placing hla fingers in his hair and moving thorn up and down. Continuing ho said, "Now I understand that Mr. Cleveland scratches his head this way," lifting his hand an far above hla head as possible, tho dean clawed tho air and then his hair for a moment, and sat down amidst a burst of applauso. Several of the young Hawaiians shouted "Clevoland has aawollod hoad." Tho Yalo law faculty has always been sup posed to bo composed entirely of Clevo land men. The tariff seems to havo tho right of way over everything elso at present. Protests against tho Wilson bill are be ing poured in from every part of tho country at tho rato of 100 per day. 'No body aeema able to guess what tho out come will be; a tariff reform measure will undoubtedly pass both houses, but the opinion is held ia many quarters that tho present bill will havo to bo "re formed" before it can become a law. Tho story is told of tho discussion by a rural debating society ot the question as to where is tho best placo to havo a boil, and tho conclusion after a heated argument, "On tho othor follow" This to a certain extent seems to bo tho un derlying theory ot the present bill the mojorjty of its exponents coming from the south and west. Witness somo of provisions: The orange growers, rioe farmers and peanut raisers are accorded practically undiminished protection, while coal and wood are put on the free list. Canada imposes a duty of 40 cents per barrel on our apples; 00 cents a ton on our coal; 20 per cent duty on our lumber and shingles, while wo propose to admit these articles free. She requires a duty of 18 percent on our sole leather, while wo aak her to pay only 5 per cent. Mr. Carlisle's bond proposition waa received with instant favor, the offerings the flrstay aggregating iao0,000,000just four times the amount to be issued. Some of the offers wore at 120 and 122. The proposed bond issue haa not had much effect upon tho stock markets; in deed with a surplus bank reserve In New York of 1102,754,400 last weok something must be wrong, not in tho financial, but tho business world, when Dun reports.thirty-seven business con cerns as being resumed during the week, while twenty-one stopped at reduced force. The concorns starting up did so at a reduction of 1.1 to 15 per cent in wages. The salon ot wool were 3,189,500 pounds against 0,08200 pounds a year ago. The domestic price of wool-waa so low that it was exported tho first time slace 1857. As a result of the hard times tho so cial functions of the official families in Washington are attended with much less splendor, than formerly. They are fewer in number, and the lalies of the cabinet by agreement omit refreshments at the afternoon receptions. Therefore a reception without refreshments is quite the thing now. Some comment has been provoked at the failure to Invite the charge d'affairs ot the Hawaiian legation to tho diploma tion dinner at the white house last week, in the absence ot Mr. Tours toa. Every other legation waa repre. sented. The members of the diplomatic corps have taken umbrage at the treatment accorded tbero by Mr, Cleveland at the dinner. It appears that the annual state dinner Is alxiut tho only occasion on which thoy can chat Informally with tho president of the United States, but on this occasion after tho dinner, tho ladies retired to tho cunt room while tho gentlemon remained in tho ntnto dining, room. Cigars were brought In, and Mr. Cleveland at onco entered Uku an ear. nest conversation with Senator Morgan, chairman of tho nenate committee on foreign nffalrs and for an hour and a half left his guests to entertain thorn selves. Secretary of State Groshani wan similarly absorbed with Senator Sher man, It is stld that Mr. Cleveland An ally noticed some uneasiness whoroutton ho BiiggcBtod that they join tho ladies in tho eimt room. Nixon. HECTOR'S PHARMACY Also a full lino of Holiday Perfumes Prom the Laboratories of RBCKSBGKBR, COLGATE, SBKLY, WRIGHT, LUNDBORG and others. THE ATLANTIC FOR 1894. Wilt cuntntn, among other attractions, PHILIP AND HIS WIFE, A SERIAL STORY BY MARGARET DELAND. Till; U undoubtedly tho most Iniiiortnnt work of tho author of "John Wsnl, rronciior," In- .oi.iuH uiiiu jii mo lending prooiems in modern social life, studied vory thoroughly, nml treated with ndmirnblo skill nnd grace. SHOUT STORIES, Hr Miss .Towctt, Mm. Cstliorwood, Joel Olinnillor Harris, Mrs. Wltfgln and othors. HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY Will bp Tory efTectlroly roprosontoil by import from C'apt. Mahan, I'rofcssor McMnstor, the historian, Hon. J. 0. llnncroft I)htI, Profes sor Mondenhall and others. LITERARY HISTORY AND CRITICISM Will bo rnjdo attrsctWo by lottors of Cols rlutre and Thoroati, nnd by paporson engag tng thomos from Hlr Edward Btraehoy, lrro?. Kittredgo of Harrnrd, Professor Tyrrell of Dublin, and othor very competent writers. NATURE. Delightful skotclica on tho seasons and tho nipoctn of naturo In Florida, Utah and Can ada aro tiromlsod by Miss Thomas, Hrndford Torroy, Frank Hollos nndOllvoThornn Miller. EDUCATIONAL TOPICS Will bo trontod with caro and thought duo to Hiolr Importance. This Is regardodas ono of tho most useful jiart of tho work of the Atlnutlc. Artlclos aro assured from Professor oiinior. iioraco .. Dcuuuor ana ot tiers who aro nblo to speak with authority. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. Spoclal attention will bo glron to drnmatio criticism ami to tho dorolopmont of tho theatro In Amorlca, with reminiscences of famous actors and nctressos, TERM8: $4.00 a your In adranco, postago froo 135 coots a number. With now llfo-slio portrait of Wlilttlor, Lowoll, Hawthorno, Postal notes and money aro at tho risk of tho render, and thoroforo remittances should bo mado by money order, draft or registered letter. Houghton, Mifflin & Company, 4 Park St., Boston, Mass. THE SUN. The first of American Newspapers CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Conttitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last, and all the time, for ever I THE SUNDAY SUN IB THE GREATEST SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN THE WORLD. Prico 5c. a copy By mail, -Daily, by mall, .... Daily and Sunday, by mail, Tho Weokly, 12 a year W a year 98 a year 91 a year Address THE HUM, New York. HUMPHREYS' For Piles External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding ; Fistula In Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate-the cure certain. For Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant the healing wonderful and unequaled. WITCH HAZEL OIL For Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Fistulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Chafing or Scald Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Trice, 50 Cents. Trial site, a Cento. SoM by DriufUu, or i.nl fMt-l4 on rtcilpl of prlco. Hi-arasm bid. to., 1 1 1 1 1 1 wusw 11., iiw tsax. THE PILE OINTMENT fOR 894. Special Inducement to Subscribe NOW to TOWN TOPIGS. s.OO will nay for the ontiro year 1804. and you will recoi lion tholssuoi Ito JfKEB from date of subscrip tion tho issuos of Town Topics for the remainder of this year. Including tho special ChrUtmna number (double number, prico 25 cents), con taining A Marvelous Tale by Ambrose Bierce, Entitled 'Tr Dcaxnnecl Tainz $&?? tho retrular club prlco of Town Topics snd Tales from Town Topics for one year, will set you not only Town Topics as abore to the end of 18M, but the four Tolumes ot tales for that year and the holiday number of tales, out December 1, tbbxyear, with tho OREAT FKIZK HTOKY, Antliony Kent A Thoroughly Cosmopolitan Novel, PRICE SO CENT8. V Critics agree that this Is the strongest and most Intensoly intorostlng of this remarkable erioa of PrUe Stories. Remit in chock, money order, postal note, to TOWN TOPIGls, at West SSd Ht., N, Y, N. n.-Hare you read AMIDE RIVES' latest and beat ootoI, TANIS, THB SANG-DIGGER? JUST OUT. J2mo, elotb, gilt, II JO postpaid. i. C. mm MOW MI STILL I PR06RS8! READ! OUR BARGAINS READ! CiOSfc OUT ODDS AND ENDS OF THE GREAT BANKRUPT STOGK. LADIES' COLLARS. Choice of an Immense lino at lc Each. Cholco of entire lot of Fancy RIB DONS, 7c a yard. Worth 25c. Brand "Fruit ot tho Loom" MUSLIN, 8c a yard. 10 yards to ono customor. . KID GLOVES. Slightly damaged, Slightly soiled, . SOc Pulrl Ladles' Suedo Mosquetnire Gloves, 75c Pair. Ladies' and Children's Woolen tons at 12K, 10, 25 and 15c. Mit- SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. 12Kc Euch. Hnndkorchlofs Embroidered, 15c, 20c and 26c. SILKS! SILKS! To Close Out. Brocaded Silks, fancy weaves' run ning from 5 to 20 yards In a piece, all go at tho unheard ot price, :c Yard. Big drive Never before offered at such prices in tho history of tho dry goods trndo. An immense lino of Fino Satin. Our prlco, 40c Yard. Silksto advertiso ns lino novelties, extra qualities, best goods. Worth up to 91.25 yard, at 30c Yard. H. R. KRUG & CO. llOO O the; SI. EIGHT PAGES EACH WDtf MID II LOUIS GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY PflPFF Any reader of. thia papor can get it freo by securing a club of three subscribes and forwarding their names, on this blank, with thbke dollahs, ' TO GLOBE PRINTING CO., 8T. LOUI8, MO. Remit by bank draft, postotHco or express money order or registered lotter. Samplo copies will be sent freo on application. ORDER B1VANK. TO GLOBE PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO.: Herewith Hnd 13.00, and tho names of three subscribers on blank clipped from iu rrftes&S&TO" Pub'khod at Lincoln, Nebraska. P ease sond tho TUESDAY AND FRIDAY GLOBE-DEMOORAT for ono year to mo and to each of tho subscribers named. Name of Sender Postofflce Names of Subscribers. D Oil I4TH AND M8TREET8, LINCOLN, NEBR KA This Is a very fine estableshmont probably better than anything of the kind in tho world. Capacity, 1.500 baths daily. Artesian mineral water ia used. t Separate accommodations aro provided for both sexes. Txxg Great Plunize Holds about a quarter of a million gallons of Sea Green Suit Watnr And is near ly 100 feot Jong, 20 feet wido a crystal, too. Its clear as a crystal, too, There are some spring boards, trapeze partmont. Tli3 Bed Rooms Are for transients who do not caro to leave tho building after a bath Patients taking treatment uso thorn also. ' Rlieuniatistn And many other diseases can be CURED in the Hot Salt Denartmnt 1lxe 1Hslcisli. Batlisjt Now we're coming down to business. Marblo walls, Mosaic Hoars, rich Rugs, Carpets and Draperies. Great tire places, easy chairs and divans. All sorts of baths are givon. There is also a BARBER SHOP L8dBc ?Bir wrM",ng DP'traent, and sven a Manlcurs, Chiropodist a Special in Ladies' full regular made Cashmere Hobo, 25, 35 and 50c. Extra good value. Full bleached Irish Linen Table Dam ask, extra wide. t Special prlco 48c Yard. Regular price 02o yard. H03IERY-UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Black Ribbed Vests, 25c. LadicB' Whlto Merino Vests, 37c. Children's Union Suits, tU15. Ladles' and Children s Wool Hoso 25c. Ladies' Black Cotton Hoso, 7c pair. Turkey red Tablo Damask, extra heavy. Spoclal price, 21c Yard. Rod and Whlto all wool Flannol, 17c Yard. Good for Underwear. NOTIONS TALK. Saxony Yarns at 5c Zephvrs, Bear Brand 2$c Best Dress Braids 2c Penholdors lc Best Needles 3c Stockinet Shields 5c Curling Irons 2c Fancy Braids worth up to 41.25, for 6, 10 and 25c Silk Thread, in 'colors only 4c Best Linen Thread 5c spool Big Lino of Pocketbooks 15o each Choice Robertson's stock of Fino Buttons, crochet, pearl and motal 5c dozen Coat and Vest Buttons lc dozen Ladies. Ruches lceach STREET. GLOBE DENIM T FRIDW, SIXTEIN PAGES EVERT KEEK. II flNIY.fl (1(1 A "OKI VHVV II state. Postofflco. State. Batli and 1 to 9 feet deep, and automatic needle bath in this d. Illi. 1 ' Si r ',V a V 1 "74 1 M w n i tf '"' '. uUuf&, ffiXl ,,)!;;'.. 1